.... •*>.,.- v- . » • _ , - •» v:>» » . . •(• • - :' '• 1bBOTS0fr *l|l JB 74 McHEHBY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 31,1M8 ^ .*** ^ •** \ - 4 5* Mo. 46 [Almost One-Third {Of 4f/ 1/.S. Women ' Drawing Pay Checks *'> 4 WASHUfOION, D. C. -- Almost -- ftlrt <* all woman of working •P Wirawtag a paj envelope according to the woman's bureau af tht labor department A bi«w haadbotk on Facta an Waaaan Workers also disclosed that th* placa of om fifth at tin corn* iVi married women appears to t» oatsiOe tha hen*. "h sharp contrast la (tea popu- 'Wf sanrlsiooed picture of tha [Iwanica' family, oonsistin« of Mar. mother, and children. ,*«»* the i*ct that In IMS ever MfcOll families had V wMt^b fix Tt-pafe compendium TWICK TOLD TALKS af latsasat Taken rUeaef Um aT Yaaia Asa TWEHTT-FITE TEABS AGO HMD 1M0. woman constituted •a than » par cent at all woricrs in tha labor force, according fta the report, baaed on census fig* l»an X per cent of worked tor pay. But In IHI. latest year reported, women 'la the labor tore* numbered IS.- mm. constituted 2T.ty^tr cent at aB workers. and M.i fcer cent of •I women of wetldng a| 'drawing a pay envelope. Tha bureau aald It waa eertlng to promote a more realistic conceit of the American family pat- • ton. Analysing tha economic reapoasibilitiea of women workera. the "bureau eatimated that 84 of every 1M working woman do ao to support themselves and othera. A aection of the handbook on women's earnings showed that the IMS median of all women working full-time was $1,871, and that only about one woman in ten made as much aa $2,500 annually. T State labor laws for women were analyzed, as was legislation affecting household employes. The political and civil status of wom^n aa of Jan. 1, 1948, with all principal legal sex distinctions is noted. The book concludes with a selected bibliography on American women a list of national women's Organixationa. All of the right-of-way for Jthe new state road, with the exception of the Borden property, has now been secured within the corporate Umlta of the city of Mc- Henry. Some of the men-folks of Ostend, turned out Saturday and shoveled snow to make the road passable and there is lots more that needs moving to make the road any ways passable. Just a little surprise was sprung In local politics on Monday morning of this week, whea a petition, bearing the names of Charles W. Qoodell and Peter M. Justen as candidates for the city alderman of the first ward, was Sled with the city clerk. The excavation for the basement of a new home to be erected by J. W. Bonslett near the foot of Court street la completed and work has started on the walls. housed and will aoon be plaoed Into commission. Batter advanced to SO cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Miss Elisabeth Thelen of Elgin ban rented the Spaulding store room on the West Side, where she will open up a first-class millinery FORTY TEAKS AGO i FIFTY YEABS A60 Wallace Colby has moved from Mreet since Monday. Just what the trouble ls. Is a matter that Is bard to solve. McHenry county Is one at the leading dairy counties in Illinois and it has as many up-to-date and equipped creameries as can be found anywhere in the state. WLTI YEABS AGO Captain French has put another day last. He found it dead In tha stable. Laying Bona . Laying hens will eat from two to fen pounds at felt per Mrd par year. , Pelaaettta Pstnsettia was discovered by Or Joel R. Poinsette, S. minister to Mexico, in 1828. This week saw the departure of two McHenry families, namely, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ott, Mr. and, Mrs. A. Burds and the tatter's,! father, Mr. Force, for Judith Gap, Mont., where they have taken up homesteads. Dr. F. C. Ross, who is now lo- ! cated hi North Crystal Lake, kas^ decided to return to McHenry and again practice dentistry here. j The new gas producer at the: electric light plant has been the Hubbard house to the house ®ew "teamboat on the river, mak owned by Mrs. John McOmber, on Park avenue. W. N. Wyckoff, of Elgin, was ta town this week. Interviewing the people with regard to the starting of a steam laundry in this place. He met with the best of encouragement. McHenry ships more hay than any other place of Ita siae in the state. A force of men have been at work on the water mains on Om tog three that he will ran this season between here and the lakes. E. M. Howe Is at Genoa Junction this week, helping Frank Torrence In getting his bantam** business started. Earl Mead, who has been iif Lesley's drug store thtopast year, r*nt to Chicago test week to take cnarge of a large drug store on the south side. Thos. Burke, had the misfortune to lose one of his horses on Sun- Rallroads operating to Colorado reach higher altitudes than to spy other state, the hlghsst for any standard gauge railroad being on the Colorado A Southern railway at dimes. where tha elevation la 11,- >18 feet above sea leveL Gars el DM you -knew that salt wffi ralfa the boiling point at water? The next time you are cooking in a double boiler, add some table .salt to the water-container section of the boiler. This lessens the time necessaty to cook the food in the inner container. snagged, slip the snag at the surttfco; never pull toe thread. Protect; towels from Sharp pointa or aurfscea such as splintery clothespins and rough towel racks to give long, or Ufa. Alaskan Railroad Manafar Says Lady taction Craw Bast WASHINGTON. -- Col. J. P. Johnson, general manager of the Alaska Railroad, has reported that "a lady section gang" on his line "has the best-kept section along the railroad." He explained to the senate interior committee that eight Indian women comprised the section gang at Cantwell, about halfway between Anchorage and Fairbanks. "That section Is the best-kept section along the railroad." he said. "It is rugged country." Btaadhaaads Rapartatf Faaiaf Eitiaafiaa as Bread Daallnas LONDON.--Reports from Great Sritain that only SO adult bloodhounds are registered with the English Kennel club bring the shadow of extinction close to a famous tracker of criminal* that traces ita line .from the time of the Norman invasion. -------Today's bloodhound is believed to be descended from the Talbot ' ~"~]»und brought across the English channel by the Normans in the 11th century, the National Geographic Society explains, and adds that the reputation as a ferocious manhunter is undeserved. The sad-eyed, long-eared and »" wriafcle-faccd dog actually is deefle and affectionate. Unless specially trained, bloodhounds seldom attack their quarry, merely baying loudly at whomever they corner. Sone^ breeders, say the name came from tha term id." or aristocratic. Othera that it grew out of the old method of teaching the to follow the trail of a dear; then that at a man \ with deer's blood ameared on bia *0%. and finally the "dry toot" af man Mad Saa Sarpaat Finally j Idea tiffed as Bapkant SaaI MONTEREY, CALIF. - Bobo the ! •aa aerpent. which frightened many ! Monterey be, fishermen by aurU facing beside email boata, has j out to be an elephant aeal Identification waa made by attaches of Hopkins marine station.-! after the "serpent," ITU feet long. J was washed up so the beach near j Fart Ord. Tht cause of death war j ant apparent. Scientists said elephant seals. J a small trunk, have up to eight indies long and frequently coated with bar Once they were faisly com In northern California water fadaa Oaaa Usad by Hittar ia Xyratan Garage SYRACUSE, N. Y. -- A blac. bullet-proof convertible sedan use bp Adolf Hitler in his heyday, wa located in a garage here wher it was left by two American promt tors at exhibitions to raise fund fcOr French war orphans. There w* a $800 storage bill. Police tracked down tha car « toe request of s law firm retaine jhy an Englishman said to havi the car to the promoters car waa originally aeized bj •a at Berchteagaden, Germany Bead the Want Ad» Whoa to frea Baj>M» Unlike cotton clothes which If* allowed to dry completely and are ton redampened, rayona Iron best whea they are allowed to drf only until partially damp for Ironing. Don't try to iron rayona when they are too damp, for you will only waste time, and may stretch or distort toe fabric. / tOTICE TO C09TBACT0BB FOB WORK TO BB CONSTRUCTED BY TIB •cKEHBY COUHTY •ousnra AUTMOBITY Public notice 4s hereby gives flK | the McHenry County Housing An- i thority will receive sealed bide tor i the construction of four dwelling houses until 8:00 o'clock p. a. CRT j April 8. 1949, and than pubttdy open same at the Court lioaaa. Woodstock, 111. Invitation for bide, plana aatf 5 specifications may be secured with- ^ out deposit on application Carroll Jr., Executive 110% Benton street. I Illinois, Phone 84. McHenry County Homing Authority Wm. Carroll Jr« - Executive Directs** (Pub. Mar. 17-24-31) Complete line of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo- Henry. Mf f NYE DRUG STORE 3-DAY SALE MARCH 31 - APRIL 1 - 2 129 North Riverside Drive, McHenry PHONE 26 r c i ' n / Ic j c i i c i j D r u c j S t o r e SUPER VALUE DAYS PEPSODENT Tooth Paste SOT* 29cl Walgifn MILK off MAGNESIA 14-as. botttes, 2?49* 79c vofaa Extra smooth--- extra palatble. Otefaon TharapoanUc VITAMIN CAPSULES Contains therapeutic doses of ate Important vitamins of sufficient potency to treat ailmenta doe to vita* 1*1 In deflcienctea. SSJ9 Vafaof Save $1.40 OLAPSEN Brand (S-kt-aH) VITAMIN C TABLETS mt 100-- 33c SIM CARTER'S PILLS 29*-- Ua4at Electric v Bread Toast^ > Sapar v«ln 69 r Grove's COLD TABLETS prka, aaty «Toast tuna autoz when doors are towered.. SAVE 37« LEAD PENCILS 2?5« Uqsid BrilHastiae SUPPOSITORIES OLYCtBIH, INFANT OK ADULT... T1NCT. IODINE 1-OZ. BOTTLE IPANA TOOTHPASTE UUtttE SIZE ABSORBINE Jr. sua size --- OLIVE TABLETS FRESH RUBBER GOODS MaMed to One Placa! NOT WATB . lOTIlE 2^uart siae. Mi# WwtJ -81" 7 to Sat* af This Law PHeal INFANT SYRINGE 2ft.es. 0€kt slta 4iv STATIONERY NEEDS STATIONERY LETTERS RANNMSNORBiVN STATIONOIV- 30 steals, 9Qi O 3f mslapsww dC far lO* RICHHARC RAIL HNNT fW-PiMtfc with pocket cUp^ Sk WALMHN ASPIRIN TABLETS M, a# iaa W Tola cut bay finer, purer aqpfarin at any pnoe! SAVE PEROXIDE or avaaooiw. aoa. bottu CUTICURA OOtTMKNT, SO* SOK HOUSEHOLD N E C E S S I T I E S AND SPRING CLEANING NEEDS Cm la Wtdrni Cle-- ti lirfPraaiftafs.afa» . 21a CHOCOUTE EX-LAX ftosl Mfaa Mthal est BABY WEEPS Burst BABY PANTS Small, medium or Urge sises. A real Warai My1! Paad wHh a 'llaefcwraff JOOS^WARMER CRIB SNEETINQ COTTON TIPPED Applk afart, fcas 190 FormuUi PKchM* Cm Qaarf alsa - Olafsea OLSIH PERCONORPNUH ZINC OXIDE Olshaaaf, I<aa. she Hn Si»9* lS^Lfpriced low! a great favorite. and HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES 1 - , KOKOITC PLASTIC CLOTHES UNE iLS&'Z--l* Flodble steel core; SSO^ooad teat. m m m RUBBER SPONGE 4A| ^BB^y OUST PAN Na»»y aisfal PARADENZOL OSQOt Crystalsi Vd^a. she -- il-i KX*™AVL2Tto' KtEP LOOKING WELL GROOMED hf IM fc* FOKMULA SS CSEAM SHAMTOO SAVE 59c! It's lanoliaed. 23* Stylee for mb and woaeaa itifslnf coasl^ rat-tall, pocket. GLASS WAX aaaaaaaea Big Vatawx CLOTHES BBUSN ?«<•'»'»-------5* Par pocket or pan* . • . • - . > 1h!.' ' - ,:kh / --y :: %y'f