Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1949, p. 2

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i i l i n i t i i i i i i i t m PPS^pfpfr " >/•: **•'*>.•••' ..'•' V1','"' ^ l- >'. Thnndiy, April T, 1M> ler Lake I M I I I I I I I H I H H i m t K ^ (by Vaneaae fiell») . Demonstrations of a new, •ro resuscftator and pulmotor demonstrated at the Lakeview tea on Saturday evening. Since Am one the community now owns I* about tSh ye^rs old and hand* operated, those who saw the demonstration were Impressed with its efficiency and a citisens group decided to raise the money for its purchase. The new machine, demonstrations on which will be given to classes in the near future, can be used to revive three drowning "persons at once, and it is geared la such a manner that it will "breathe" automatically for either an infant or a grownup, with a minimum amount of instruction to the operator. If you are approached for a Community Interior FO* THE WOMAN WHCf DRAPERY SUPPLIE! LINING INNERLINING CRINOLINE WEIGHTS PINHOOKS HEADING HOOKS fRINGES TRIMMINGS 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 490 donation towards the purchaae of the machine, remember thai* If it saves Just one life. it ajBB be paid for. ~ Gloria Blfir«n Fnaal Honored by Shower A group of friends, young and old, gathered at the Rolaine Grill on Thursday of last week to participate in a stork shower for Mrs. Gloria Biggers Freund. Gloria, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bigegrs, was one of the most popular members of the teen-age set prior to her marriage, and, until recently was employed in the office at Montgomery- Ward's, Woodstock. A large crowd was present at the shower and many useful and beautiful gifts were brought for the baby-to-be. The most outstanding present a group gift of several friends, was a beautiful baby boggy. Surprise Shower ; • ° For Jay Hansen ;\ i Every two weeks, yifat of our | Wonder Lake mothers have a club luncheon. On Wednesday, | March 31, Marion Ruzicka was hostess to the group which included Nina Granger, Jay Han- , sen, Mary Rose Swearinpen, • Virginia James and Harriet Wilson. This particular luncheon was also a shower for the expected arrival at the home of Marius and Jay Hansen. Baby Ricky Ruzirka's rattles helped decorate the house for the occasion. Strung on crepe paper streamers, they graced the archways of the^- house. A candle > shaped like a nursing bottle served as a centerpiece, with pink and blue streamers fanning out from the bottom of the candle. Flanking the candle were two sets of small plastic dolls in small rockers suggesting twins -- or quads? Napkins pinned in the familiar three-cornered style served as place-cards. The shower was a surprise for Mrs. Hansen. •lags la Houee. Charles Corey, Elmer Marphy. Sigurd Jacobeon, Justus Kaltaer Phil Hastings and Paul Strtack, of McCullom Lake have been in regular attendance learning all the newest techniques In policing. Salt - For Iajanetfcm . - ... Dismissed By Jadge I . , for Waat ef Eqalty Li . ~ A suit filed in equity in the circuit court at Woodstock on Tuesday of last week by P. L. Cormier, Horace Wagner, and Anton Grill seeking .an injunction against the directors of School District 36 holding an election of seven directors on April 9 was dismissed on Monday of this week for want of equity. Dismissal was asked by the attorney for the plaintiffs slice they felt much public disapproval of their action. The' election will proceed on Saturday, and seven directors will be elected to the board of Harrison school. Residents are urged to get to this election and help choose the new school board. CIIIII S t o A little more time spent la choosing the shoes $ou wear will return big dividends in comfort and health, in ability to work wan and to enjoy life. Brlefles Mrs.. Lillian Forsberg and Mrs. Dorothy McEachren traveled to Fox Rive^ jQrove last Thursday evening to hear State Senator Ray Paddock speak ofk current legislation in Springfield -- Roy Meiswinkel returned to Wonder Lake Monday evening after spending a four months' visit with his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sullivan, in Boston^ Mass. His wife, Lillian, and daughter, Linda, are extending their visit for a few more weeks until Roy har their home in readiness. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker have moved from the Roy Meiswinkel home in the Indiap Ridge Subdivision of Wonder Lake to the converted Thayer Schoolhouse north of Woodstock. mi Spring Is Here! Plata's Is Open! Spring is really here! And not because folks are seeing robins either. It is because on April 1 Fiala's ice cream parlor officially qpened and that is a sure-fire sign of spring. It is even getting so that pre-teenage romances are officially announced on this particular date because the. little boys and girls pair off for treats on this opening day. The ice cream parlor has been ject streamlined and enlarged and folks will be pleasantly surprised to see how much room there now is and how many will be accommodated. i"< \ - - Teen Age 4-R Clab Will Meet Tuesday Calling all teenagers. On Tuesday evening, April 11, the organization meeting of the Busy Bumble Bees 4-H Club will be held at the Sells residence in Indian Ridge at 7:30 p. m. Former members are to please take note and new girls who are either past thirteen years of age or are in high school. 4-H'ers are under the age of 20 and over 10. However, the 10 to 13 group are members of the Handy-Helpers club which meets with leader, Mrs. Betty Selsdorf. -- -- Sha^» of the Slftowboat Days! New hoti% colors by PRIM to add old-fashioned charm to your spring costumes. You'lllove the sheer flattery of these bcattjjfpl tang-wearing mjrloaa. BASTS Fox Lake McHENRY Round T^ira 45 Gusfe--30 Denier Nylons 98c Join our "Baker's Dozen" Glob Buy Twelve Pairs--Get One Pair Free gnage $1.35 pr. 51 guage $1.65 prJ Nurses Give ! Farewell Party - - For Mrs. Dornbnsh j Five of the nurses of the Wood- 1 stock hospital staff gathered at i the home of Mrs. Helen Harmon in Woodstock, Tuesday evening I for a farewell party on Mrs. Lydia iDornbush, who has resigned from I her duties on the maternity floor {to take up a position as office i nurse for Dr. J. F. Harris of Riehi mond. The guest of honor, who is a resident of Wonder Lake, was presented with a carnation corsage and a group gift from the second ffoor nursing staff. The evening was spent conversing and playiafc, *MMa» A t***r luncheon was served by the boetat the close of the eveniag. The good wishes of the nurses who were unable to attend war* conveyed to Mrs. Dornbnsh. Local Men Attend FBI Felice School Among the policemen * course In all phases of police work from specially trained FBI agents are several of our local men. The school is being conducted twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, afternoons and eve- HI-HO! OPENING APRIL lStt OPENING Are you itching to swing1 a golf club? ...Stop practicing on parlor rug and come out to our driving range opening FRIDAY, APRIL 16* A remodeled and trickier PEE-WEE course will greet those who enjoy a milder form of relaxation. Aft a gesture of appreciation for your past patronage we are one *** all to participate in our 2LH?0L every TxnMTOAY and THURSDAY commener! f u G0FF0, Pro and manager of Chapel Hill Country Club will be in charge of instructions. He will be more than pleased to personally help you eliminate those bugs which have bothered your game in the past. Remember, this costs you nothing HasBftti will continue through the summer as long as the response warrants. Start the season properly and get the "jump" on your foursome partners, with a few hslpful tips from a professional.. ^ HI-HO GOLF RANGE Route 120, 2 Miles east of McHenry * ft SOCK PEE-WEE GOLF & w. Gospel Center News. * The attendance in our fltinflay Bible School last Sunday was a pleasant surprise to us all. Having closed the contest after six weeks of intensive efforts, we feared a slump. But the opposite happened. The chapel was crowded to its capacity. It was a record attendance for this year. The S. .S Banquet will come off this Friday. April 8, in the Muzzey Hall at Ringwood, at 6 o'clock. Services at the Center in the Easter week will be as follows: Thursday evening, April ,14 the 8 o'clock, mediatation on the sub- Christ in Gethsemane." Good Friday evening at 8 o'clock, i brief message on the topic: 'The Christ of The Cross," followed by Communion Service. The pastor will also speak on that day at the meeting sponsored by the Woodstock Ministerial Association, held in the first MethodiBt church, on the sixth word, of Christ from the Cross: "It is Finished." On Easter Sunday, the Sunday School will present a special program at 10 a. m. and at the Worship Service at 11 a. m., the pastor will bring an Easter Message. Special Music. Palm Sunday Services at the Center will be at 10 a. m., Sunday Bible School; Morning Worship Service at 11 a. m. and Evening Gospel Service at 7:45 p. m. The pastor and Rev. Lin Loshbough at all services. A friendly welcome to all. *r~ v-- Motion eff Earth . A third natural motion of the earth occurs in addition to the two motions, which were unknown before Copernicus' announcement that (1) It rotates on an axis, daily, (2) It moves around the sun along an oval orbit, yearly. 11M third natural motion of the globe is careening (rolling, reeling), which is a normal recurrent motion at Intervals of around <,000 la S.000 years. Atomic _ granted, through the office ef naval research, a ltod to thr^nfeerMtf ef Dataware flar ninth* it research by Or. Mary A. BuseeB aa a prelect wttk- iilistiU slpdfl In aaaaar ssatiol The project invalves a eamparleen U the effects •f ««yi. aeutreas and mustard at earn sasitlkigs. Our export at petroleum products to Europe la ISM constituted about t per cent of our total production «f petroleum. The real drain on our pertoleum resources at the present Is our own high level of consumption, which exceeds our 1938 consumption by 70 per cent, accordfc »g to the National Planning association. Certain special items, however. such as lubricating oil--on which there is no great pressure in this country -- may continue to be axported from the United States. Unele Sam Says Far t<>o man? of your dream. •£7®* "ablt of vanishing into thin air. But that doesn't have to happen to you. You can hold onto your dreams and have them come true at just the right time to enjoy them mort. The answer is--Invest in U. S. Savings Bonds. They are • rare, safe investment, for your money grow* and in ten yean you get back $4 for every $3 you put down now. There are two automatic ways of getting onto safe financial ground and that is through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or if self, employed, the Bond-a-Month Plan ^ who* jroa bank. ** OM. lYssseii Ospsrtmsal American tourists returning from vacations la Peru coma home with their baggage bulging with presents, Peruvian International Airways reports. Reasons: Peruvian silver, textiles and pottsty put* cha sable at a third of what they would cost here, phi* a new dutyfree exemption of HOO for TJ. S. citizens. Lfpetfck Maine Lipstick stains on fa for prompt action. At best, such stains are difficult--sometime• impossible-- to remove without injuring the fabric. If the material is valuable, first loosen the stain by working glycerine or vaseline into the fabric. Then launder it in the usual way. Don't app^y >oap of other alkaliep before you loosen the stain. They *rp apt to set It Early Law Lav schools existed arty aa 100 A.D. Broil If SWIng about one-third of Hi newsprint requirements from Its awn production. 11M mills are turning out about SO tons dally and around dO tons of sulfite pulp. They started production In April, 1941. These mills at Monte Alegre In flie state of Parana are expected to produce up to ISO tons daily as use of available facilities Is Increased. Present needs tf are above >00 Vins Linoela aa Inventor Lincoln >was a congressman from Illinois when he received a patent for "a device for buoying vessels over shoals." The invention embodied a set of bellows attached to the hull of the ship below the water line. In shallow water, the bellows would fill with air to buoy up the vessel and float it clear. A wooden model of the invention whittled by Lincoln himself accompanied his patent application. Caver flashlights or electric lanterns with red cloth or red cellophane when gathering worms at night from garden or for Worms don't become alarmed In this light but will rapidly, pull themselves Into holes If you SUBS -• white light on them. Story ef Oleomargarine Hbpoleon III, who offered e prtae In 1870 for the best butter substitute that could be produced in France, was in large part respon sible for the first extensive menu iacture of the product Originally made from beef fat margarine now is derived principally from the fats and oils of plants. The buttery flavor is obtained from ni!H which is treated with lactic acid bacteria -- the same bacteria which gives butter its distinctive taste. Margarine today is custom-built to keep up with nutritional progress and available supplies. Back In 1790 the grapefruit eras:-.., first mentioned as "forbidden fruit", and not until 1814 was the name "grapefruit" used. For another S0f^ years it was grown as a curiosity. ' - • Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store, Mo* - Henry. g-tf pj • Try Our ; • Irniu ? ..If""-' v. - .. '• At YEARS STOR-A-WAY VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Or THI UNITID STATES WE JOIN with all patriotic dvfzont in congratulating the members of America's great overseas vet* trans fraternity. y;- U " i RIVERSIDE HOTEL FOX HOLE TAVERN NEVTMOPERN WAYM TO STORE AND PtOTKT VOUt STORMS ANB SCREEBS • Qot your windows and screens up all damp floors. Redosa eaauol glass breakage. Tidy up storage areas In yaw batsas# • ar garage. STOR-A-WAY brackets mount directly an feists wMh raeHaf naMs ar screws. Simply slip sash lata heldlag heefcs el >0° angle wlHi pulHad side aut and let swing gsnHy lata vertical posWoa. lasts a HfaMais. la me 12 months a year. Made 19 * heavy gauge, aaa cairedlag aluminum. 10 window set (2 brackets) $2.50 ^21 window set (4 brackats)..... $4.95 . ' Distributed By KOEHR SUPPLY COMPANY McHENKY, ILLINOIS "See Your Local Dealer" No others compete compare! Compare Features! tfo oUui Kne oi ttucka in Ha price tmngt hm alf theae- temiurmt 4^Speed 8ynchro-Meah Transmission a Splined Rear Axle Hob Connection a Foot-Operated PirHng. Brake a Steering Qearshitea TbeCabThat-Breattiea^a^a-llontinf HypoidRtar Axis a w-fflVt-ffhfTt t inhp Compare Quality! There's an extra measure of massive strength and durability in Chevrolet trucks. They're built to rough going in every feature of body, cab, engine and chassis. ~ • ^ Compare Performance! There's more power with economy in the Thrift-Master and Load- Master Valve-In-Head engines -- Chevrolet's twin "Htrnqpfons for low-cost operation, low-cost upkeep. at ffea lowest list -- PRICES in thm wntin truck flofaf CHEVROLET THERE* A CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR EVERY JOB... with capacities fron 4,000 lbs. to 16,1100 lbs. G. V. W. I MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS M USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKE I CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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