Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1949, p. 12

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;:j, .• vat* uo* . - __ - • •::& I**' Pw the nrejUee ^ ? Qilvinlnd steel coil hods mtkt 1 fafe *nd Inexpensive containers for fireplace fuel. Their simple line* :V>^Bend with any background. It ^elon are preferred, these containers may be painted to match decorative scheme. Si.:*** "f Hf Origin ef Jass music of Afro-Amartcan or .gin, was first introduced in Amer ican dance halls In 1880 in the torrr of "ragtime." Philippine Elections In the Philippines suffrage Is «B» Joyed by citizens who can read and write, but rural Illiteracy Is t»jgh. defranchiiing the most depressed and restlesa sections of the population. For the first time elections were held in IMS after ten years of preparation*. Rom who? I sit... fy Joe Marsh Jdmrrtmmtmt There'll Always Be a "Gawker" v "Harry the Henuit," as heV called, came into town last week nd, as asoal, caused quite a stir. Be looks like a cross between Santa Class and Daniel Boone. We had a friendly glass of beer together and I asks him, "Don't jyou ever get annoyed at the way some people laugh and stare as you * go by?" "Shucks no," Harry says. "Only while they're laughin' at me, I'm feelin' a mite sorry for them. Imagine--folks so ungrowni up they can't see I'm really just the same as they are underneath.* From where I sit, Harry's a lot more "civilised* than the people who make fun of him. He's contented, lives the way he believes is right without harrting anyone-rand what's more, he's tolerant of others whose tastes in living are different from his. Maybe we all don't look the sane, or act the same, or oat or drink the same, but in a free country, why sJbouM we? ^ ' . r Copyright, 1949, United States Brewers Foundotum Call a veterinarian Immediately If yoa think your cow has mill fever after she calves. there's a good chance that you can save her. Dr. M. E. Mansfield, University of Illinois veterinarian, s a y» prompt veterinary attention Is mighty important, because untreated cows generally die. Most cows do respond quickly to treatment however. And they're generally on their feet a few minutes later. While waiting for a veterinarian, prop the cow off her side with bales of'hay or something else to guard against bloating. But don't give her any muM msdlotas It may cause pneumonia. Exercise, balanced rations and at least s six-week dry period will help to prevent mOk fever. Incomplete milking for two or three days after freshening also may help. Dr. Mansfield says a typical sign of milk fever in cows is drawing the head around to one side. Also, if a cow has milk fever, she'll have a hard time standing. She may even become paralysed In the hind Quarters and go down. If you find these tell-tale signs of milk fever, give your veterinarian a hurry-up can. It may mean the difference between a live and dead cow. Milk fever usually causes; trqifcle In high-producing cows, and most cases occur between the twelfth hour, and the third day after calving. ' • ' ' WJ * £ - . «-**5 MT*3HW Parade •fW .'VV* F!*». ' ' "W s* :':;S t-t.S, (By Yardstick) . » „ * *1 . «A- I . -* C. 1. it ( I T "'v ' - V- : .v.. .V. •. ' .• . N~ r ' la a Big Egg The dinosaur's egg is as large astandard footbalL ************** ^***^**************4^*** LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Bring your wrecked or damaged cars to McHenry Counly's largest and best equipped auto rebuilders and painters. Also complete wheel alignment service. o AUTO BODY CO. : 8. C. (Sy) Thorson, Prop. 505 W. Elm Street Phone 444, 6 McHenry, Illinois ^ f> ****************** Loaf Time No Seo A HOUSE agent had a farm on his books which -was supposed to be haunted, and to prove rumor wrong he decided to engage a man to stay there tor sat night The following day he was up early and went round to see how the man had fared. But the man was not to be found. On the lawn he discovered the remains of a window, aash and shutters completely Wrecked, but of the watchman there was no sign. Four days later the house agent came across him tramping along a country lane three miles away. "Hallo, George!" he cried. "Where have you been all this time?" ' \L The man wiped the perspiration from his brow. "Boss," he replied "I've been coming back." Greetings, Folks: A bundle from heaven addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ettfen, arrived at the Woodstock hospital laft Thursday. Mrs. Etten, who just happened to be there at the time, accepted the gift and was more thfin pleased with the contents. It's a girl, weight 7 pounds and 3 ounces. We are happy to report that both, mother and daughter are doing nicely. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Etten and may they be bleased with many more such happy events in their future. 3S (by Marie Schaettgen) './• or a Art Olsen tells us that his1, Shirley's cakes come out of the oven, lighter and fluffier than ever since she • started using his new concrete mixer to • mix the ingredients. GETTING EVEN t I A school teacher w^s stopped by the police for driving through a red light and was immediately brought before the judge. "Sooo," said the judge, "you're a school teacher. That's fine. Madame, your presence here fulfills a longst; nding desire. ' For years I've hoi ed to have a school teacher standing there. "Now," he thundered, "sit down at the table and write, 1 went through a red litfit' 500 tiqies." Mrs. Mary Martin's weekend guest was Mrs. Rose ftoftus of Chicago. Fran* Freisinger will mako his lawn mowing chore a pleasure this summer. He has just purchased one of those new fangled rocket powered contraptions that take the work out of mowing. We an see where Franz will be a ry popular guy with his neighbors on weekends. Irv Budlong, Bob Kantorski, i Win. Padgett, Chuck Ingersol and | Frank Rourke on the McCullom | Lake Shamrocks Bowling Team have piled up a heap of lumber | in their last two evenings ot > bowling. The scores for April 2, Sham- ; rocks 2549 pins and the Chicago Tigers 2350; April 9, Shamrocks, 2438; Johnson Motors, 2190.1 Easter Is the Festival commemorating theH Beenrreotkm -el CHRIST. Easter is a symphony of Angels rejoicing in the Resurrection-- a symphony of Angels proclaiming the revival of life in all the Universe. Easter is a symphony of color, with green' as the dominant note. . That first Easter restored 'hope at a time when all human hope had turned to despair, a time when God appeared to have forgotten His children. When the sufferings of Jesus seemed in vain; when the Great Cause seemed lost Christ arese. What glorious rejoicing there was! What return of hope and revival of faith! Right had triumphed --goodness had woe* Cburist had arises! God had again given a sign of his Supremacy. ' " In the twenty centuries since the Resurrection' of Christ humanity has lost its Way many times but has always stumbled back to the right road. Stumbled back through the Dark Ages, through Religious wars, through wars of hatred and greed, back to the road that winds ever upward and onward toward a better life, toward a life of everlasting peace and contentment. v - Nature helps us to believe in this eternal striving for immortality. Nature helps us to believe in the Resurrection of all things. Does not the t ree in your garden ret urn'to life with the coming of the warm sunshine and the blessed rains of Spring? Does not the little bird in that tree build a nest and prepare to create a new life*? Does not all of nature participate in this wonderful, miraculous Resurrection year after year? Does anyone doubt that this ha3 always been so and will continue to be so forever, in a world without end? Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Glosson entertained Wm. Hamil last Saturday. Oaeh! Ben--Gladys is a wonder. She actually talks with her eyes. Jim--Yes, and i suppose that when she feels like using strong language she Just gives a cursory The-sale of articles made by our handicapped veterans, sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion of McHenry which was held at Dickow's Market on Green street last Satur-, day, was a big success, according to Mrs. Henrietta Vycital, who was in charge of the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Chicago were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nersted. EM Stacknick spent his one week spring vacation preparing j his new home for early occupancy, i It seems a simple pattern--this pattern set by God. A birth, life with its struggles, life wih its joys and griefs and then the welcome oblivion of deep sleep, then--the Resurrection! This pattern gived meaning to life. It makes our efforts worthwhile. It lightens our burdens.. It' gives us hope. It gives us faith. Without this belief in God and in eternal life we may as well be stones lying in earth on a lonely-shore while the .waters of life wash over 19 forever. Easter is the time to renew our faith. Easter is tl\e time when our hope is reborn. . Miss Mary Lang's guests this summer will enjoy the ^pleasures of a game room which is being, added to/"Kir home M Fountain Lane. the 'Warren Barber's home on Orchard Drive to her new home on the McCullom Lake road. E as te r GREETINGS WITH Flowers have become traditional for ». Easter--their beauty lends natural radiance to a joyous occasion. An. other t r a d i t i o n is the b e a u t i f u l creamy white Easter lily which you can get at our florist shop. Their fresh delicate beauty is one of the prettiest, most e x p r e s s i v e g i f t s you could choose--order today. £$ <: • : PLANTS Rose Bushes, Aselias, Hyacinths, Tulifs, Hydrangias, Jonquils, Lilies and Cinerarias. Please order orchids and oltor cor< sfgfs early. * CUT FLOWERS r Paisies, Jonquils, Tulips, Snapdragons, Carnations, Roses, Gardeniae %dittd ' _r- ' . - -- - - - -- ' *' t* ~ McHenry Floral Co. Located on 111. Rt. 31, one mile south of McHenry* PHONE McHENRY 404 Improvements on the groundR at McDonald's Field are going Along at a rapid pace. When this work is completed, the McCullom Lake Shamrocks will have an athletic field *iqual to the best in McHenry county. • Mrs. Olga Scheubert moved from George Klddelsen proved to be a good Samaritan to two of our wo •"'ring goil3 la3t Friday, when they rode the bus a mile past their stop. After about twenty unsuccessful attempts to hitch a ride from passing motorists, the gals were about to make camp for the night by the roadside,. when George came along and 4M hi|„^o<4 AQSd f o r t h e . d a y . 1 - T w ' ' - Oar Cengrathlatfeftf " Donnie Vycital on his fifth birthday anniversary, April 20. Alfred Aregger on his thirtyfifth birthday, April 14. ADIOS. He Frtead ef Boys ^ At mm Urn* eelskins were «•** as white. • Merit Twain, ftomi caived more money tar a ing sctapbook of blank pagji vented th§n «« Mf "wl? HOW MODERN MIRACLE OF DESIGN Jimmy, who had been flinching trees, came in for the second time with his trousers torn. "Go upstairs and mend them yourself," ordered his harassed mother. Some time later she went to see how he was getting on. The trousers were there, but no Jimmy. Pussled, she came downstairs, noticing as she returned that the cellar door, usually shut, was open. She went to the door end called down loudly and angrily: "Are you running around down there without your trousers on?" The reply came sternly in a man's deep voice: "No,.. madam,, I'm reading the gas meter." LONGER on the inside ~SHORTER outside! WIDER on the inside ..NARROWER outside! HIGHER on the inside -LOWER outsider WTBO SATS all cars are alike? Just look at the new Dodce, the W car that dares to be different! Different in the sleek lines that flow from true functional styling. Different iniide mmiemtl . ANY TIME'LL DO ' An rid man had made friends en the golf eonree wMi a young fellow wfceee enthnslasm far the game equalled his own. Together aejr played several most eejey- •Me fames, hat at last It grew Ise dark te eeattime, and they left the etah together. As they weal eat tfco old chap taraed to Ma neqr friend: Tve never had a halter game/' he "Her have II** erled the y« "Can yoa meet mo row?" asked the elder. The youg man aid not hesitate. "Certainly," he said. "I was te have beea married, bat I can pat that elf." Alaskan Seal Skins Some 50,000 seal skins, valued at more than a million dollars are secured in Alaska annually. There are now nearly two million seals In Alaskan waters Aactien in Reverse' A Dutch auction is one in which the auctioneer offers the goods at gradually decreasing prices,' the first bidder to accept, being the purchaser. This is a reverse pro- 4r^aM||NWdinary ettetfeMfc Inside, this new Dodge is Inner three ways--longer, wi Udter! But outside it is actually shorter, narrower, lower. No bulky lines to halk you when parking or garaging your new Dodgfc Here is a miracle of design that puts your comfort first. Widt _ doors that make it easy to get in and oat... iaade qH head room, leg room, elbow room yoa ooold ask far. Topping all, is the lashing performance of the famous Dodge "Get-Avay" Engine ... the velvety smoothness of Dodge AO-Fluid Drive. Before yoa decide on any car, eee how mach asert Dodpg fives for your money today! flMDtllS are bolted on . . . 1UOOAGE COMPARTMENT . . . OFT-AWAY BTOINC . .. high., easy on your pocketbook to big as all outdoors. Spring* compression engineered tor repair, or even replace, if balanced lid raises and more power j, . . faster lisntsii or damaged. lowers at fingertip touch. pickup ... greater economy. THa OMUMtNSI* COROniT «*rol FUND WUVI pkn GYWO-MAT1& ' f mb YOUFtOM sim run A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEAKL STREET MoHENBY, ILLINOIS PHOHS 1M •.••• i::

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