Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1949, p. 2

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liilMMIHMM opv^r-rsjr*;%^ j'/i% 4 ;'*fr . " *' - __ (by Vunh Bells) * *• organisation meeting (or the lHt was held by the me®- of |^e Baay Bumble Bees 4-H Tvcidty night at the of Sharon Sells, who was president. Barbara Sellek chosen for vice-president; fltfridlin Cormier (or secretary; Pfrfff Selsdorf (or reporter; and Jean Bay for recreation chair- Present at th% meeting, besides thOM mentioned were: loan DorntoaSh, Elaine Olsen and Helen Tronsen. Bach of the girls in the club will carry two projects this year. Some will make dressing tables •ad others will participate in outdoor-meal preparation along with fashioning some kind of garment for their wardrobes. The next meeting of the "club will be held at the Sells home on April 28." Handy Helpers The Handy Helpers 4-H (Jlob met at the. home of Sandra Sells on Tuesday afternoon with their leader, Mrs. James Selsdorf, in charge. Present at the meeting were: Orva Tronsen, Shirley Sarnec, Helen Armstrong, Jean Selsdorf, Martha Bold and Betty Jo Wright. The next meeting of the Handy Helpers will also be on April 2S and will start at- 5 p. m. Geraldine , Cormier, assistant leader of the Handy Helpers, was also present, at the Tuesday meeting. Annnal Meeting The aiinual meeting of the Learne of Women Voters will be held this evening, TOursjay, April 14, at the home of Mrs. T-inian Lorsberg in Wonder Center. Election of officers will lake place at that time and a budget will be presented. Members should all be present. l.ezloa Auxiliary"- - ; Invited to Attend^ 3 Toar I* St. Chart®! On Monday, April 25, at 11 a. m., the District Child Welfare chairman of the American Legion I Auxiliary, Minnie Lester of Down- I ers Grove, is sponsoring a tour , through the training school for boys at St. Charles. Members of all auxiliary units are invited to I attend. There will be a speaker 'and a frui^e after luncheon. Anyone from the local-unit who would like to go is to contact Mrs. Lorj raine Stahl by April 20. i The Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a poster contest as a soring a poster contest as a Poppy Day project and the district will award $2 for first prise and $1 for second prize. Both posters selected will be sent to i the department and will participate ir both the state and national contests. So far, the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades at Harrison are planning to participate and twelve have already entered. I The Auxiliary is also sponsoring a Girl Scout troop and Mrs. Olive Tallman, who has organized the troop, will serve as leader. Assistant leaders will bo announced later. ---- Elect Seven • To Board of Harrison School A total of 232 votes were cast jin the school election, held on Saturday, April 9, to elect a seven-man board for Harrison , School, District/ 36. Kenneth p i * vf •»« T.; PLOW YOUR GARDEN THE MODERN WAY with a Rototiller Also Tree Spraying J. W. RAYCRAFT Td. McHenry 298-R McHenry Crlaty, running unappooed for president, received a total of *11 votes. Members of the board elected, and their terms are: For three years, Bob Christensen and Arthur Hay; for two irears, Frank Cheney and Allan Schimke; for one year, Marios Hansen and Alice Noren. Marias Hansen received the largest vote besides Mr. Crlsty. Robert Behrens, retiring president of the school board, received 82 votes although he had retired from the race a few days prior to the election. Mt. Behrens said he was most grateful for the vote of confidence cast • • • Hlghsehoolers From Wonder Lake Sing In Choruses In the district music contest at Elgin last week, both the Girls' chorus and the Boys' Chorus of McHenry high school were in the first division winners. Wonder Lake youngsters were members of both the groups which will compete in the state contest at Charleston, 111., on April 29. Those from here in the 35-voice girls' chorus are: Peggy Selsdorf, Sally Smale, Barbara Smale, Sharon Sells and Ella, O'Neil. Members of the 33-voice boys' chorus from Wonder Lake are Paul Marke, Bob Doerrfeld, Don Hugo and Jerry Cristy.. • • ', C. of C. Organises Fire Department At the Chamber of Commerce meeting held last Tuesday, $50 was donated to the fund for the purchase of resuscitator. The Chamber of Commerce also organized the Wonder Lake volunteer- fire department, of which A1 LaGreca was chosen as fire chief and William Wright as fire captain. The Chamber of Commerce is taking donations for the resu'scitai tor and any funds oversubscribed j will be used for fire-fighting ap- , paratus. Andrew Kunz is also ac- , cepting donations for the fund, ; and anyone wishing to make a I contribution can contact either I of these men. * Those wishing to volunteer for 1 the fire department are to .con- !taet Bill Wright. In case of fire i call 331 and the boys will turn out to help you. the first of a sorlss «t operations on Thnrndfcy of Inst week and will have another this week--Joe Monteleone sad Vera Henthorae were the latest tenors of blood for Harvey Blggsrs, who Is a patient at the Lake County Sanitorium near wankegan. Mr. Diggers may need more blood. If you want to sign up, atop In at Milbrandt's and tfeey rwill take your name -- Geraldine Cormier visited her friend and classmate, Marilyn. Ystebo, at the Lake County Sanitorium on Sunday-- Linda and Sheila Hamer of Woodstock were Sunday visitors at the home of Charlotte and Clarice Mitchell--Tonj- Bogus of Indian Kid^e was out for the fishing on Sunday, and Joseph Koltfr, Jr., was busy working on his garden- Andy Kunz'is presenting' a fine trophy to the boy and girl with the highest grades at Harrison school when this school year ends --Mrs. Myrtle Fuller and her daughter, Dorothy, are plenty happy with that fine new winecolored Plymouth which they /bought last week after Waiting only one week. Sounds like the good old days! Just go In and buy--All of that bang-bang on Sunday is the members of the rifle club practicing their shots. If you are interested, drop in at the Legion home on Sunday af^rnoon at about 2 p. m.-- • THE DOME t Restaurant and Lounge "Food That Satisfies" Try our new chef's famous cooking1. Chicken-- Steaks--Chops--Sea Foods--Hickory Smoked Ribs --Other complete dinners. Don't forget our Friday Special-Complete dinner $1. : : JOHNNY WILSON, Mgr. . • •'-- Phone Wauconda 4234 ISLAND LAKE, RT. 176 i On Sunday, a station wagon j^feelonging to new residents by the • name of Kilroy in Wooded Shores ; caught fire and almost burned up. | The fire department at McHenry I was called and they brought the fire under control. | The state tubercular X-ray unit will be in Richtpond on May- 5 at McHenry on May 6 during the hours of 10 to 1 and 2 to 5. Everyone should have this checkup, which is free of charge. Gospel Center News The Sunday School Banquet In Muzzy Hall at Ringwood on»'Friday evening, April 8th, proved a most joyous and festive occasion. The hall was filled to capacity with happy children, their parents and young people. The ladies served an; excellent dinner. To Mrs. Wm. iMartin and her assistants we owe a work of sincere appreciation for their kind and loving service. Edwin Dornbush introduced the "Kings Men," (the Lindquist brothers from Chicago) who then gave a most extraordinary musical program. Prices were awarded to a number of children, who had brought in new members to the Sunfiay School during the contest. „ There -were short speeches by the superintendent, S. J, Swenson, and the pastor. When the party broke up shortly after 8 o'clock in the evening, it was with a feeling that the evening was well spent and that a genuinely good time had been enjoyed by all. We are grateful to Frank Muzzy for his good efforts in our behalf, also to the Bowman Dairy Co., who, without °any solicitation, donated the milk and the cream, as well as to friends who contributed In other ways. The Rod and Gun Auxiliary and the fifth and sixth grade mothers and the Community Club are joihing to give a baby doll party on the thirtieth of this month, i The party will be held at Muszy's hall. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT SOMETHING BIG IS COMING TO JOHNSBURG It's a baby girl for Alice and Paul Murdoch, born at the Woodstock hospital on Friday night, April 8, 1849. They also have * little son. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Esther Born, who celebrated ner natal day on Sunday at the home of her step-daughter, Margaret Born, in Austin, where a sumptuous dinner was served. Also present at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Born of Oak Park. Brownie Capers The Brownie Scouts will enjoy a treasure hunt on Saturday, April 16, and they will meet at the school at 1:30 p. m. Four girls with the assistance of Mrs. Rietesel, will make the trial. The girls are Judy Troxell, Barbara, Mahal, Kathy Majercik and Jean Selsdorf. Brlefles Cora Jean Henthorne, daughter of Mrs. Vera Henthorne, underwent a tonsillectomy at ihe Woodstock hospital on Friday, April 8--r On Tuesday, Roy Noren Sr. underwent a tonsillectomy at Whitewater, Wis. He returned to his home on Wednesday--Congratulations to Charlotte Mitchell who was 12 years old on April 7 and celebrated the occasion with a family party--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Col low and their daughter, Jacqueline, of Evanston,' were Sunday guests of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hay were Mrs. Hay's sister and her husband, Vivian and Russell Stewart of West Frankfort--The Vaculas of Indian Ridge are building a store on the blacktop at the fork of the road in Hickory Falls -- The Kinsellas have sold their home and are moving to Woodstock, across from the hospital, where he is. a technician- Little Kenneth Audino underwent Pattern Making Wesd Sugar pine if a favorite wood for industrial pattern-making. Hospital Bed Nqed Authorities agree that at least 46 general hospital beds per 1,000 population are required to meet the health need* of the country. There were only S.S beds per 1,000 civilian population in the United States in 1943, and not many more today. These beds lend to be concentrated in areas which have wealth and targe population. JKtfbdist Chvdk ltitef There was quite a bit of activity on the corner of Center and Main Sunday. During Sunday School there were a good number of pupils that received certain attendance awards. Ilene Bassett received a special award for having achieved perfect attendance for two years. There were one or two others who missed this award by only one Sunday. Toby and Valeria Johnson received the award of - a New Testament for having completed one year of perfect attendance. Other awards, although not given for perfect attendance show the very great interest In our Sunday School. Those who received theih are as follows: Three-month pins: Sue Ann Stinespring, Jack Suffleld, Billy Anderson and Tommy Claybaugh. Six-month pin: Ruth Carson, Donna Dowe, Gayle Carson, Patricia Anderson, Karen Kralowetz and Nancy Fisher. Nine-tnonth pin: Elmer Springman, Johnny Rourke, Marian Springman and Beverly Wlllford. First-year pin: Sarah Douglas. Second-year wreathe: Diane Rietesel, Allan Rietesel, Sharon Lake, Cynthis Rourke, Lilliane Price, Homer Bassett, Anita Barger, Donna Barger, Jean Collins, Janet Heide, Elaine Scholtz, Barbara Eggert, Valeria Johnson, Toby Johnson, Guy Chamberlain, Scott Bacon, Norman Eggert and Joe Wilier. Third-year bar: Ilene Bassett and Dick Collins. The above mlBsed not more than six Sundays during the past year. Many will receive awards during the following quarters. The Palm Sunday worship service was not only impressive but a very special service for many individuals. The organ prelude, "Hymn to the Sun," by Rlmsky- Korsakow, was played by Mrs. Harry Barr. The anthem "Jerusalem," by Parker, was sung by the combined senior, junior and cherub choirs and was under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Barger. The Offertory solo, "The Palms," was sung by Harold Wilier. The sermon was entitled "The Triumphal Entry.". > During the service the following received the Sacrament of Baptism: Bruce Clayton Klontz, infant son of Qruce and Matilda Klontz of Waukegan street, Robert John Dowe, infant son of Herman and Pauline Dowe of Richmond Road, and Miss Louise Johnson of McCullom Lake. The following persons were received into full membership of the church, Mrs. Helen McClaughry, by transfer from Lakewood Methodist church, Lakewood, Ohio; Mrs. Harry Lock from the first Methodist church of Springfield, 111.; Harry Lock from the Baptist church, Springfield, 111.; Frank Dowc'.l from the Methodist church, Athens, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr from the Grace Lutheran church of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone, Miss Joel Martin, Miss Louise Johnson, Miss Ruth Lindsay, Miss Jessie Lindsay and Robert French by confession of faith. We welcome them Into our fellowship and pray that they will find their place in the activities of our church. Following the services, the Junior and the cherub choirs were photogiCphed In their gowns. Following the processing these prints will be available . through the Choir Mothers. During the first service Blaster Morning the membership class will be received into membership. Each pupil is asked to have either his parents or a sponsor present for this service. "See you in church Sunday To Insure consumers the same degree of purity In cosmetics which they find In drugs, the American Medical association is making plans tor a large-scale resesrch idao used Int cosmetics. W [ Danish Holiday Law il Danish wotfesrs and started employees are guaranteed a statutory annual holiday of 11 days, with full pay. The holiday act requires the employer to credit the employee with four per cent of his wage or salary. Stamps covering the vshie of the holidsy money are affixed by the employer In a •pedal book. At the beginning of Pigs Get Hemophilia his holiday the employee cashes the Hemophilia, the "disease of roy- amount due to him at any post ofalty" that causes victims to bleed flee. This procedure obliges the emto death from slight abrasions or ployers to contribute a share of the other bodily injury, affects pigs holiday benefit even though the emand dogs as well as human beiftgs. j ployee may change his Job. ' In dogs and people, it is known to affect only males. In pigs, however, both females and males may be stricken. It is reported only rarely in animals, but may be more prevalent than reports indicate, due to the inability of owners to recognize the condition. Hemophilic animals usually do not live longer than a few weeks because even minor injuries cause fatal hem* orrhages. single track lequlres an of ITS tons of slpsl i Complete line of Beebe livestock £ remedies at Watt let Drug Store. Me- Henry. 8-tf Try Our •rot uPTTvai A COMPLETE SPRAYING SERVICE TREES -- WEED CONTROL v PLIES & MOSQUITOS ; ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road Phone 724 7* t"4** Vhetet ae iMMea imw far sst hevtag your resais as lovely and *r»«H oad celerfwl as yoe wl«h. Jurt w«e IIM-TEX, the perfect one cool Oil Mm and completely cover old w«K ir, plotter, WoM heard, comIh and dingy surfaces wMi one coafc LOW COST tM-TUb OMesbigly low hi coat eety to oiply. N <Hw In 8 Iwwiri. ._too*e> to wnk, MeWfc. Theetan4a of (MOM Mohan Mdarn M. Won, Mi, Nalthe* Inoaeaoak Aah far See UNMIX Color. No»*enls«r, • OAUON $3.69 VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop FOR SPRING GIVE YOUR HOME A PICKUP WITH A NEW SLIPCOVER OR FRESH DRAPE&IES AND CURTAINS. _ ; * DRAPES SLIPCOVERS CURTAINS BEDSPREADS VALANCES WALLPAPER J CORNICES TABLECOVERS -UN 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 480 Sew Farmers Learn When the farmers at Vermont wire asked to name their usual sources at agricultural information, 48 per cent mentioned papers and magazines. Other sources of Information were: state extension service, 84 per cent; friends and neighbors, 21 per cent; worked out information for themselves, 11 per cent; radio, 8 per cent; and from government programs 4 per cent Apples that JIM. Children afflicted with stomach disorders such is diarrhea have been cured with raw apples or apple powder. Apples -- mellow apples-- are peeled, cored, and grated into apple pulp. It takes three to 12 apples of medium size daily. Apple pulp, plus weak tea, is given for two days, as much as the child will take. Tests were made at the West Virginia agricultural experi ment station. Rich 8e» Healthy * Populations in areas where the' soil produces food of high nutritive value are healthier, more efficient, and more energetic than the average, according to Dr. H. B. David son, president of the Medical Asso elation of the county of New York. One striking example, be points out, is . the small amount of'rejects by selective service boards in sections of the country such as the northwestern states as compared with the high percentage ef rejects in certain areas of the deep south. YOU'LL LIKE ITS pgr DONT VAIL TO READ fc AD NEXT WEEK THE RIVIERA Show Place Of The Middle West Iiake Geneva, Wisconsin. -*• SPRING OPENING SATURDAY, APRIL 10 BIG EASTER DANCE * i JOHNNIE KAYS and his Orchestra DANCING NOW EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT WISCONSIN'S FINEST NIGHT CLUB-BALLROOM Your greatest thrill is driving it! Ihe Hylelni Do luxe 2-Door Sodea W>S» ddawol Sua epMaort el e*i wa 2Jie mastgfa/P now made even more attractive by new lower prices! Tfco mosf BmautiM BUY for Styimg. Yes, It has smoother, smarter lines--front, top, side and rear! Add to this the glowing color harmonies, the luxurious fittings ana fabrics of its Bodies by Fisher, aAd you'll understand why people call Chevrolet the most beautiful of cars. - Tfto most BmauHM BUY for Drhrimg mi Udhg Ease--with new Center-Point Design. This great 4-way engineering advance--including Center-Point Steering, Center-Point Seating, Lower Center of Gravity without loss of road clearance, and Center-Point Rear Suspension-- brings you a brand n$w kind of driving and riding ease exchistvt to Chevrolet and hi^Mr-priosd caa|> fZRST FOR QUALITY AT LOWEST COSTS Tim mosf BtnMiful BUY for Talk about thrills! Pmrformancm with Economy "riZrin motoring out of seeing, driving, and saving money with this new Chevrolet--ifo most beautiful buy cf all--now available at n$w lower prices! And, while you'll naturally be happy to know it's the beauty-leader, we believe you'll get your greatest thrill out of driving it. You'll experience amazing new handling ease and riding ease, thrilling acceleration, and outstanding hill-climbing ability--plus typical Chevrolet economy. For here's the only low-priced car with a world's champion Valve-In-Head engine--of the type now being used on more and more higher-priced automobiles. Give yourself and your family the biggest """triple-thrill" in motoring--see, drive and save with Chevrolet--the mod beautiful buy ef alii »• man InkMM BUY for Gomfarl Enjoy the lounging restfuhess of a Super- Size Interior with extra^wide "Five-Foot Seats," extra-generous head, leg "«4 dbowroom, and the advanced heating* and ventilating system of a "car breathes." *(Heater and defroster optional at extra cost.) IW mosf Boautiful BUY for Af lM Snfcfjr. Featuring: (1) Certi-Safe Brake* with "DubMLife" rivetless brake lining! (t) Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body (S) Panoramic Visibility (4) Safety Plate Glass in all windows, and (6) the biihm ••fe Unitised Knee Action Rido IS YIAtS CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 McBENBX, ILLINOIS •WWf

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