m mmji WELZAB* 28 CONCERN 07 LMXOK AUXILIARY Q7 APR1& will be evsty flinaajr h* Mo JOHN LUOIBir SAVAGX Igr A. Howard Mo*«r •lltoi--Adele Froehlieh as aeeond-clMs matter at ee at McHenry, III, under IrtKKayB, 1879. t2.so; CARD OF THANKS In this manner I would like to j express my sincere thanks to aH Ot the kipd friends who sent me j cards and gifts and who visited i me during my illness in the i hospital and at home. I greatly j nwreciated these remembrances. I 48 MRS. JOHN N. PITZEN. ! Complete line of Beebe livestock j remedies at Wattles Drug 8tore, Mc- ; H f ^ r y . 8 t f HcHEXRT, ILLINOIS FRI. - SAT. Andrews • Jean Peters Cmr Romero • Dean Steckwell "DEEP WATERS" Dm «A DAY AT THE FAIR" And Color Cartoon SUN. • HON., APRIL 17-18 Color bj Technicolor Unit Gwenn • Donald Crisp Um Brake ' Janet Leigh and "Lassie" "HILLS OF HOME" Pins - World News 1 Bags Bnnny Cartoon TUES. • WED. Muds Smith - Robert Douglas "THE DECISION OF CHRISTOPHER BLAKE" JgEARTING THURS. FOR 3 DATS [ Miria DeHar^and I . THE SNAKX FIT" Juveniles Plan Easter Party Juvenile members ot St Clara • Court, W. C. O. F., are planning an Easter party, to be held at 7; 30 o'clock on the evening of Monday, April 18, in St. Mary's- St. Patrick's school hall. • • • Pahlfc Card Party Followed Meeting A public card paitjr fallowed the regular meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. last week. The committee in charge included Myrtle Harrison. Althea Watkington, Arleen Pearson and I'.a Hogan. Guests from Ringwood attending the party were Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Rose Jcpson. Entertained Circle Members Mrs. Charles Ensign entertained members of Circle 3 of the W. S. C. S. at her home last week. Mrs. Myrtle Smith was present to give a talk on items ot special interest to members. Committees were appointed for. the annual Birthday Tea. «hich will be held in May. Plans were made for a rummage sale which the circle will spjnsoi on April 22 and 23. Following the meeting, the hostess served refreshments. • « • „ :„2__ St. Agatha Conrt Installation April 19 On Tuesday. April 19, St. Agatha's Court No. 777, Catholic Order of Foresters, will hold installation at the Villa Hotel Resort at Pistakee Bay. There will I be a 6:30 o'clock dinner, fol- I lowed by the installation service. ! Juveniles are invited to attend. I Reservations should be made on ! or before April 17 by calling | Martha Freund, 587-M-l, or Hilda 1 May, 649-J-1. j * • • ' C. D. of A. Plans - I Events In Future ! Last Thursday evening the j Catholic Daughters of America | held the fourth party in the cur- ' rent card tournament in* the K. of i C. hall. Priies in auction bridge * were awarded Margaret Simon and I Rose Huemann; in contract bridge j to Marie Powers and Dorothy i Adams; in pinochle to Bertilla Freund, Eleanor Freund, Mary \ Zimmermann and Rose Freund j and in five-hundred to Mayme | Jackson. The next regular meeting of the following iif charge: Dorothy \ Adams, Florence Carey, Mary. | Freund, Veronica Klein, Carrie | Justen and Tillie Stoffel. j At the business meeting last [ Thursday, plans were made for I C E CREAM Owm* «( MIIHII fcin MUCK FLAVORS OF THE HOtffJH CHOCOLATE FLAKE -- BUTTER PECAN - COFFEE . ' MINT FUDGE ROYALE STRAWBERRY BOLGEIVS DRUG STORE FHOHK40 McHENRY Aa an expression of love, a diamond ring is the perfect gft--a supreme tribute. Hie ,magic of life's most precious moments lin- * gere forever in the glowing depths of each brilliantly cut, exquisitely set. Treasureland Diamond r - Available in many exciting patterns, each |£;,, Treasureland Diamond ring is a truly remarkable triumph of ring artistry. Yet they are priced to fit the most stringent ' budget, plan, to see them today. • From $141.50 *> |Bte^a* A jewebuf West McHenry Communion Smnday on May 1 at the 8:30 o'clock mass at St Mary** church. The Mother's Day party will be held on May • at the Villa Hotel Resorts > -- • • o o Nmtn Observe 'j. * ^' Wedding AnnlrelliWy " Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Moore of Wonder Lake observed their seventh wedding anniversary last Monday, April 11, by entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hofka of Lily Lake at dinner. • • • ' Demonstration For : Women's Clnb Meeting A good crowd was in attendance at the last meeting of the McHenry Woman's club on Friday afternoon in the Legion hall, when a representative of the Wesson Oil Co. was present to give a demonstration on salad making. The musical portion of the program included violin solos by Beverly Schwerman and Jack Wirt*. • • * . Party Honors Local Resident Arthur Edstrom wi#: gits! Of honor at a birthday party held last Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Lingenfelder, in Woodstock. A chicken dinner was served at noon and Mr. Edstrom presented with several gifts. J , Attending the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Edstrom and children, Eleanor and Dan, of Mc- Heflry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Regnier of Beverly Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kailus and son, Peter of Western Springs and Allen Br?nnan of Chicago. * • • -- •Iss HKtle finest Speaker There was a good attendance at the last meeting of St Mary's- St. Patrick's school P. T. A., held last week Wednesday in the parochial school hall. Mrs. Jeannette Vance spoke on the progress of Cirl Scouting, after which she introduced Mrs. Byron Hitchens, leader of the Brownie group, sponsored by the P. T. A. After a few words by Mrs. Hitchens, t^e Brownie troop presented a short program. Mrs. Joanne Rullen, school nurse, Introduced Miss Hittle, state nurse, who had charge of showing a movie and later talked on "Pre-Natal Care." Meyers Baby Christened * The little son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Meyers <was christened "Dennis George" at baptismal services held last Sunday at 2:30 o'clock in St Mary's church. Sponsors were Miss Virginia Freund and Elmer Meyers, annt and uncle of the child. Following the baptismal, a gathering was held at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund, with the following In attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Irvi-g Schaefer of Waukegan, Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Freund of Ingleslde, Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers Jr., of Johnsburg, the Elmer Meyers family and Miss Laura Meyers of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund of Schulsborg, Wis^ ^ - 0. E. 8. Observed, ^ ../» .j'.y•-- •. Friends' Hlght Friends' Night was observed by the local chapter of the O. E.* 8., No. 57, at the regular meeting last Tuesday evening at Acacia hall. Elsie Reiker and George Reiker, worthy matron and worthy patron, acted as hosts. Hortense Gordon and Eldon Gordon of Richmond, acted as worthy matron and worthy patron, for the evening and were greeted in song by Carl Mitchell of Nunda chapter, who was ilso soloist tor the evening. Other offices were held as follows: Associate Matron, Cecelia Grabbe Chicago. Associate Patron, Arthur Anderson, Richmond. SecreUry, Vivian Dickeraon, Hebron. Treasurer, Emma Bfchbss, "Woodstock. Conductress, Ntna Anthony, Woodstock. Associate Conductress, Genevieve Roper, Woodstock. . Chaplain, Jean Net, Woodstock. Organist, Erma Stockton, Woodstock. » Marshal. Martha Heap, Nunda. Adah, Marion Hawley. McHenry. Ruth, Ethel Krohn, McHenry. Esther, Betty Waspi. Richmond. Martha, Celona Kuke, MoHenry. Electa, Frances Vycital, McHenry. Warder, Ethel Holly, McHenry. Sentinel, Florence Larseu, McHenry. Color Bearer, Herbert Howorka, McHenry. Lillian Gilbert, local chapter instructress and grand lecturer, of Nunda chapter, was guest of honor. The following were escorted and introduced: Ethel Holly, Edith Buchert, Martha Dunker, Pearl Traux, members of grand ^•pfr committees, and also Valeska Hoppe, grand representative of Manitoba, Canada, Linnea Peterson, grand lecturer, a number of present and past worthy matrons and patrons and members of the Richmond chapter. Announcement was made •*"* Elsie Reiker would serve as Electa at Day Star chapter, Dundee, April 22. On April 21 Arleen Pearson will serve as treasurer at Nunda and Evora Pederson as marshal at the same meeting. At the close of the evening, refreshments were served by Elsie Va!®*k* Hoppe, Henrietta Vycital and Frances Vycital. All O. E. S. members residing in this locality are invited to attend Fraternal Night on April 20. The meeting will he followed by entertainment and refreshments. John Lucian Savage, Internationally famous civil engineer, has been designated 1949 winner of the annual Washington Award by a point committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American 8ociety of Mechanical Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Society of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, and the CARD OF THAHK8 I am taking this opportunity to thank the many loyal friends who supported me at the polls last week Tuesday, resulting in my being elected constable. »• 48 ELMER MURPHT. Ittl Harvest In 1881, McCormick arranged for a license to manufacture the Appleby type of twine binder and entered the 1881 harvest ready to do battle with his main competitor. William Hnn lug Western Society of Engineers, it was announced this past week. The award will be made at a dinner on April 20 at the Furniture Club of America in Chicago. At the dinner. Savage, recipient of the award "for his unselfish public service devoted to the creation of monumental hydraulic structures utilising natural re sources," will discuss the Yangtze river dam project in China which he designed in 194S and 1946 The power distribution area of theprojected Yangtze river dam is peopled by 140 million persons, a poulation nearly equivalent to that of the entire United States. Modern irrigation canals would flow through millions of acres of farm land and the disastrous Yangtze river floods, it is said, would no longer be a threat. According to Savage, preliminary work at the Bite of the Yangtze? gorge project was temporarily suspended in August, 1947, due to internal strife in China. It is estimated -that the daui will take six or seven years to build. Twenty diversion tunnels would be needed, compared with the four used in Boulder dam, to divert the Yangtze. It is estimated that the fluid capacity would be equal to flfty million acres and that the storage of flood water would irri gate ten million acres of land. Savage has received degrees from the University of Wiscon sin, the University of Denver and the University of Colorado. He is consulting engineer for the Tennessee Valley Authority and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. He has received numerous awards in recognition of his contributions to the ietd of civil engineering, particularly in the conbtructlon of hydraulic structures. No other Individual has had the direct responsibility 'for more dams than Savage. Among the more prominent are the Hoover (Boulder) dam and power plant, Shasta dam, Ail-American canal system In California, Continental; J Divide tunnel la Colorado, Nort^» and Wheeler dams In Tennessee and the Underground Fuel Stofage Project at Pearl Harbor for Contractors, Pacific Naval Air Base. His projects have Included work in Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, China, India, Mexico, Palestine, Spain, Switzerland, and England. The .Washington Award was established in 1919. The first winner was Herbert Hoover. Others ou whom tlyp honor has been conferred are- Vannevar Bush, Arthur Compton, Charles F. Kettering, the late Henry Ford, and Ralph E. Flanders. VFW AUXILIARY WILL ENTERTAIN DOWNEY VETKRANS The V. F. W. Auxiliary met for its. nmsthly business .mooting, qn Monday evening, April 11. Plans were made at that time for a "Plastic Party," to be held at the V. F. W. clubhouse on Monday, April 2K, at I p. m. Members are intltoi to bring along as mafcy friend* ^ as they desire and thoy also Wsh to extend T welcome to aayoa* else who would like to attend. There will be no admission charge. The Auxiliary is entertaining veterans of Downey hospital on Thursday, April 21. A four-piece orchestra consisting, of Vince Adams, Pete Hamll, Gerald Haml and Art Gross have offered their services to help entertain the boys and are making the trip with the members. A bus has also been furnMhed in order that as many as would care to may go along to help make the party a success. The bus will leave the clubhouse promptly at 5:30 p. m. and all members of the organization are urged to go along if possible. At the close of the meeting a delicious lunch was served by Helen Low and Evelyn Murphy. IHsh Newspaper Ada b Ireland, newspaper ads pa* IS Inches or less are limited to two a month. Papers vary from *ix to eight pages. Ceni Carryover Only 138 million buahafe «| eld corn remained In aM pooitlone so October 1, 1M8. That Is npostsd to be the smallest carryover in the 8 years ot comparable record. eflhtltar Mechanical irregularities such as misalignment of eMher froat or rear wkaels, sprung antes, ^rung axle housings, worn bushings, bent wfeeels, grabbing brakes, unbalance, and many other mechanical factors contribute to the unovsn wear ef tires. Value ef ttrubs Shrubs <m the farmstead •to needed la abundance to hide foundation lines of buildings, define boundaries and screen unsightly objects. Then, too, atirubs lend themselves well In supporting landscape lines at house corners snd give reasons tor turns In drives or walks. Bead the Want A4r. Since April is the American Legion Auxiliary's month to ^ _ _A, feature Child Welfare and Pan we*!L w" American study, McHenry Unit No. William Teach •4*9*1*,, wwaigl*l have am sgpyevcuiasil pprruofgtrrcaumu . ', 7--• at Its regular meeting, Monday. °* Richmond were callers In the Aa pr1i1l 1«o8 . Mrs. nEjdjdiiie. aMr eath, unit riAAPflra T. Inilaav Kamia ama Iaa4 Child Welfare chairman, plans to have moving pictures on Understanding the handicapped child through speech. Richard Brett of the Speech and Hearing Clinic of the Waukegan school will lecture and explain the pictures. Mrs. Pearl Pietsch, president, states that since more than half of all children in the United States are children of veterans the welfare of all children is the Auxiliary's primary interest. She continues, "With the problems we face, today, in our troubled nation and in the more troubled world, if we are to give our children, the natural needs for good health, proper development and understanding, we must co-operate with the local child welfare agencies, help with accumulation of funds for health, recreational and educational centers and projects; and keep in active touch with all local, state and national problems and activities concerning children and their welfare." At present, the Auxiliary is cooperating with the Illinois Association for the Crippled in its annual Easter Seal Campaign, a program that has long been dear to the hearts of Auxiliary members. The period between March 17 and April 17 has been proclaimed EASTER SEAL MONTH, by Governor Stevenson. As April 14 is Pan American Day, part of the April meeting will be given to the Pan American program. Mrs. Paul Nearstead, unit Pan American chairman, announces that a program of music, songs and dances of South America is being prepared by Pearl Mltles, Eddie Meath and Pearl Pietsch. COMING EVSNTS April 18 ' American Legion Pan American and Child Welfare Program. Girl Scout Easter Egg Hunt--City Hall. 547 Club--Miss Frai.ces Vycital. Easter Party for Juvenile Members of St Clara's Court, W. C. O. F.--St. Mary's-St. Pat rick's Hall--/.i0 o u. April 19 Health Clinic -- 9 a. m. --• Grade School Gymnasium. St. Agatha's Court No. 777--Installation-- Villa Hotel" Resort-- 8:30 p. m. April 21 C. D. of A. Social Meeting and Card Tournament Baked Ham Luncheon and Card Party--St. Peter's Parish Hall, Spring Grove--1 p. m. W. S. C .S. Pot-luck Luncheon-- Circle 1 Serving. April 28-23 Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsored by Circle 3, W. 8 .C. S. April 26 Flower Arrangement Demonstration-- High School. April it >• E. S. Fraternal Night--Masonic Hall.,. April 27 8t. John's Court, No. 98, Forester Dance--Nell's Ballroom. May 1 C. D. of A. Comnjunlon Sunday-- 8:30 Mass at St. Mary's Church. May S Girl Scout Leaders Breakfast-- V. F. W. Clubhouse. Public Party--K. of C. Hall--Spon- R. N.A. *»7 • . ( Mobile Unit Visits McHenry * C. D. of A. Mother's Day Party- Villa Hotel Resort Mrs. Alma Rlggs of Cary spent several days last week with her Mrs. Roy Sutton and son, Robert George Lindsay home one day last week. Mrs. Mary Dibler of Woodstock spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Nickels. Mrs. Charles Ensign and Mrs. George Johnson attended a meeting of the McHenry County Past Oracles club, held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Jacobs in Woodstock, last week Wednesday. James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs Rolland Ensign, returned home last week Wednesday from the Woodstock hospital, where he had been undergoing treatment for the past three weeks. /He is much improved. Mr. and Mrs.. C. W. Uoodell, Miss Ethol Jones, Warren Jones and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dukir attended an Easter season musical program at the Baptist church in Elgin last Sunday evening. "The Seven Last Words" were presented by the church choir, with Warren acting as one of the soloist Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mosker visited relatives in Dixon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Granger of Richmond visited friends in McHenry on Sunday. Vince and Clem Adams, M. L. Schoenholtz, Jeannette Vance, Loretta Varese and Delia Freund entertained tbe disabled veterans at Downey hospital last week, representing the local Legion post and Legion Auxiliary. The Adams Brothers entertained with musical renditions and the ladies brought culinary treats for the boys. Miss Helen Stevens and Mrs. John Bolger spent Saturday In Elgin. Mrs. Glen Roblson of Woodstock visited relatives here on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Des- Plaines visited McHenry relatives on Saturday. * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hopkins have returned from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Rusher of Niles, were McHenry visitors on Sunday. Miss Marion Grace Conway, a student at Rosary college, River Forest, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Kathryn Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Woesch of Elgin, former local residents, visited friends here on Friday evening. William Wlcke, who has been recuperating rrtfm his recent auto accident in DesPlaines, visited friends in McHenry on Sunday. He expects to return to his home at Fair Oaks in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and Mrs. May Bungard of Elmhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Margaret May. Mrs. Fred Krohn and children have left to join their husband and father in Detroit Mrs. John Sullivan of Woodstock has been visiting in. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norbert Yegge. MISB Rita Martin visited in the Glen Roblson home in Woodstock Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz of Chicago visited relatives in McHenry 06 Tuesday. Mrs. William Dreyer of Forest Park ' spent several days this past week with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Block. Mrs. May Powers, James and | Aoe? ^ V,<tT>U C°^lAeJ % OOOl loa* * ay// ' W' . ?rt,v.a * ' : « Itfg a good loan what# can meet these tests: Is the purpoee of the loan conv.% structive? Will the loan fftally help the borrower? Can the loan be made oifithout contributing to rising prices? Can the borrower repay the loan out of his earnings with- - ou£ hardship? When the answer is "ye®" to these : questions, the loan is most likely to be approved. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System ICtmber Fsderal Deposit Insurance 0<«pera«Mr~ 4 11M I f 11 m i M i f l I t t l I MI t»MMM H H I I I I I H U H : « nr MEMOKIAM _ In loving memory of our beloved husband, father and grandfather, John Edmier," who passed away two years ago, April 16. When the evening shadep ore fallingr . And I am sitting all alone. In my heart there comes *a longing, If you only could come home. Off and off my thoughts do wander . To your grave so far away. Where we laid you dearest husband, father and grandfather two years ago. LOVING WIFE, SONS, DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW 48 AND GRANDCHILDREN. CARD OP THANKS I would like In thlp way to express my sincere appreciation to I friends, relatives and nelghbcfr-s in McHenry for greetings and acts of kindness during my recent illness. I A. B. NYE, I *<8 McHenry, UL 1 Order your rubber stasia, at The Plaiadealer. >• , CARD OF THANKS In this manner I would like to thank all those who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits during the time I was confined to, the hospital. I greatly appreciated these many kindnesses. *48 LORETTA BUDLER. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug 8 to re. _J5-tf Need rubber stampsf . Order at The Plaindealer. Home Mad* PIm iiw Xother tued to Bak* SPUING nsnvAL . . ' . - ••-- mr». may rowers, j&mes ana ? Riverview C a m p . . -- M a r i e P o w e r s , s p e n t S u n d a y i n CARD OP THANKS I would like in this manner to express my sincere thanks for cards, gifts and prayers offered In' my behalf during the time I was confined to the Woodstock hospital. I am also grateful for the visits of friends. •48 MRS. BEATRICE JU8TEK. JOINS FRATERNITY Jacque V. Hopkins of McHlMry, has been initiated Into the ^r-- Chapter of Delta Phi fraternity at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. He Is the sn of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Hopkins. SINGLES "EASTER PARADE** fLAVENDAR BLUE" "ROSEWOOD SPINET* «T0U WANT TO BUT A BUNNYr -THE DREAMER WITH A PENNY" "SUNFLOWER" "SO TIRED" "DOWN BT THE STATION* "FOREVER iNQ EVER" "CARELESS HANDS" "PUT TOUR SHOES ON, LUCY* "TTS A BIG, WIDK, WONDERFUL WORLD* "CANDY K1SSEIP* Jest received a large selection of long playing records. Children's records SSc and up. Large selection of classical aad pepslAr aibsmt. , ft* DeKalb, where they called by the death of a ftJSKr IN MBMOmAH In loving memory of our dear mother, Josephine Weingart, who*, passed away two years ago, April 17, lt47. *48 Need rubber stampsf Order at The Plaindealer. FAMILY OUTDOOR THEATRE mWBLAMM World's Largest, Most Modern Driare-in Oftla Opening Program Saturday Only, April 16 "HILIi) or HOMS" (Technicolor) Lassie Donald Grist Sunday, Monday, Tuesday April 17-18-19 "THREE OODrATHESS" (Technicolor) John Wayne Harry Carey, Jr. Wed., Thnrs., Fri., and Sat April 20-21-22-2S "KISSING BANDIT" (Technicolor) rrank Sinatra Kathryn Grayson §14 W. Main Street. McHenry TeL McHenry 128-J, Two Performances Rain or BOOL Office Open at 6 p.m. Performances, 7:15 and 9:15 The Show Place of McHenr) Count p H O N f mm W o o d s t o c k , IL .W.v « HITS I Where AH The Crowds • m ~ ' --*cT .' Today, rriday and Saturday, April 14-15-18 Cesar Romero 'DEEP WATERS" Hey { xn» • Attend Bugs Bunny'* ANNUAL XMMTXR PARTY : Saturday Morning, April 16 " " 1# A. M. -- Door. Ope* I'M A. M. v lOQsrtoons 19 ^... J Comedies! 2-Hoors Of ltai -2 FREE! OAKDY BAR TO ALL --'--o '• 5 - Lire Bnaniei - < To Boys aad Girls . Admijution Tickets On Sale 25c IncL Tax - Now At Box Office P. S. Bring MOM and DAD! Saturday Matainee Only At 2:30 P. M. . ' KIDDIES CARTOON CARNIVAL ^ SPECIAL EA8TER SHOW Sunday-Monday, April 17-18 fhnaaHiig Epic of the Empire BniideiBl "CANADIAN PACIFIC* in Cineookr i .. with. Randolph Scott Tuesday-Wednesday April 19-20 Kiss the Blood Off My Hands" . with Burt Lancaster - . : Joan Tontaine COMING WAKE or THI RID WITCH \ "A LETTER . TO THREE WIVES"