Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1949, p. 6

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CLASSIFIED SECTION of the great number of classified ads which appear in the Flalndealer each week, we have foud it Impossible to keep books on Hi4.f1 mall accounts. Theretore, la the future, only ads which do paid for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 S*fderk oh Wednesday mornings WOL bo printed. FOB SALE--500 cap elec. chicken | WHEATON A!TTH|tJ8 * HOBBY brooder used 2 seasons $10; good SHOW--12th Annual Show. Wheatlawn mower, |2; 2-pc. wicker set,' on Methodist Church. Apr.^ J0-21- $10; fireplace portieres, wooden "" " " guard, $7.50; chaise lounge, like; new, $20; refrigerator, $36; 1 pr. j beautiful drapes, $8; oil painting. $27.50; good mangle $25; drop leaf kitchen table, light fixtures and j bed lamp. Gen & Is's Second Hand j Store, third house from state biidge, going south on East River Road, Tel. McHenry 493-W. 48 22. 11 a. in. to 10 p. m. Adm. 50c 3 Day Pass $1.00 (tax incl.) Excellent meals at moderate prices. *48 FOR SALS FOR SALE--O. E. refrigerator good condition. F. Hoffman, Box 407. Rt. 1, McHenry Tel. 616-W-l. •48 FOR SALE -- James way electric brooders; baby chick equipment Vycital's Hdwe., Green St., McHenry. 48 SALE -- 2-pc. living room jjinlte. frexie mohair, $45; 4-room • burner, $25; one 2-pc. and one , i-pc. bedroom sets, innerspring, j frill sell complete or separate. 1811 ^Country Club Drive or call Mc- j |ltenry 376. • *48 j fOK SALE -- Mans black, wool,J ^in-striped suit, double breasted; f *iic 38; practically new; $15. Tel " months1 llcHenry 608-W-l after « p. m. *48 ^ \ FOR SALE -- International 6-ft. double disk, power hay mower to fit F-12 or 14 tractor. Ronald M. Paddock. Phone McHenry 612-R-2 FOR SALE A-l I SEI> CARS • 1M8 Ford 2-door, 17.000 miles,. R & H; $600 down, balance in XeHENRT WOODSI^E RIDING ACADEMY -- Opening April It- Saddle, Horses for Hire. Riding Instructions By Appointment. Classes for Beginners. 2V4 Miles Northeast of Cary, 111., 1 Mile South of -Rawson's Bridge on Rawson's Bridge Road. Phone Cary 6151. *47-2 PAINTING -- Exterior and interior; installation of plastic tile; insured; for estimate call McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom, Marine Route, McHenry. 47-tf CLOGGED SEWER! Hav* the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic ' Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitaiv Co.. Llbertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SER 1948 Plymouth -Special Deluxe, VICE--Records installed and main- #0R SALE One-story building, 4-door, R & H, low mileage; $476 j tained. Elmer P. Adams: Certified 10x24 ft Phone McHenry 294. 48-3 down, balance in 21 months.. | Tax Consultant. One milt; north 5 : -- -- 1947 Mercury 4-door, R & H, i Qf Fox Lake on Route U S. 12; COR SALE -- Beautiful female low mileage; $571 down, balance; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake Dxer. 1 yr. old. fawn color. Peter ii; 21 months' i/5962. , 47-tf Fischer, phone McHenry 793-J. 48 , 1947 Ford 4-door, R & H, 11,000 SALE--1937 Pontiac coupe in food condition. Mervin Staines. Jphone McHenry 546-R-2. *48 JfoR SALE--ALL YEAR HOMES, Its,000 and up. FARM S, large ant1 small: ('HOICK LOTS; LIST- !>'<;» APPRECIATED: STOMPOKATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock. 111. Call CECELIA E. KNOX, KrHEMKY. Tel. 421-J. 48-4 j miles : $597 down, balance in 211 .months. I 1946 Chevrolet 4-door Deluxe, R & H, low mileage; $523.50 down, !( 21 months to pay. i' 1939 Plymouth, 2-door, R & H, neW paint; $174.90 down, 12 months to pay. 1939 Oldsmobile - 6; 4-door; R &*H; $314 down, 12 months to I pay. 1<*39 Ford. 2-door, heater, clean; EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Refinishlng Work fully guaranteed. Mr. Zaboth, McHenry Phone 681-M-2 *47-4 HELP WANTED -- Sensible, neat girl; mother's helper with two small girls; private room; television in home; fine suburb; $1^5 per month. Write Box "EG" in care of Platndealer. *48-2 IVOMEil AND «IRLg WE HATE NT& POSITIONS OPEN IN OUR SEWING DE> PARTMENT. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CLEAN, LIGHT, INTERESTING JOB, APPLY IN PERSON. DO NOT TELEPHONE. GIRLS WITH EXPERIENCE HOME SEWING PREFERRED. RIVERSI!»E MFG. CO. 200 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILLINOIS HELP WANTED--Laborers, full time. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, con- j PROFESSION TENNIS RACKET! tractor, phone Wonder Lake 221. RESTRINGING AND REPAIRING, j 48-tf Phore McHenry 612-M-l. W. P. Wentworth. *47-2 J-'OR SALE--1946 Dodge 2-door se- $2S6.90 down, 12 months to pay. Han; ldw mileage* perfect condition. Phone McHenry 622-J-2. •IS 1937 Plymouth, 4-door, R & H; today's special. $275. Stop in and look. Terms oa* _ •OR SALE -- Beautiful chest of Community silver, 12-piece service, in Milady pattern. Town and Country Studio. Riverside Drive. McHenry. 48-2 anything. COLBY MOTOR. SALES Crystal 'Lake, III. Phone C. L. 1144 •- FREE ESTIMATES . on all building materials. Call or write FRANK GANS $00 Riverside Drive, McHenry Tel. 106-W HELP WANTED -- Men, buffers and janitors, 1st and 2nd shifts; electrician, 1st shift; inspectors, timekeepers and material handlers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Apply in person. ELECTRIC AUTO LITE CO., Woodstock. 48 48 OR SALE--Chicken coop, 18x22. Hanish. Phone McHenry 84-W. FOR SALE -- Fisff poles, 16-ft., imported, specfal, 4$tf. Gambles, West McHenry. 4s Representative of Sears Roebuck & Co., Wall and floor tile, roofing, garase doors, screens, wall board, aid ceiling tile, s|ding, gutters, r kwool, -iron railings. Free delivery. 43-tf HELP WANTED--YOUNG MAN, 18 years old or over, to learn b o a t b u i l d i n g a t S W I T Z E R CRAFT. Only careful and reliable help considered. Salary depends upon ability. 203 S. Green St., McHenry. 48 jfcLACk DIRT FOR SALE--Load- •-|tog Thursdays of each week, (Other days by appointment. Nett's jfcand & Gravel. Phone McHenry §84-R-.\ - - . *45 *48 , FOR SALE--Ladies' spring coats, suits, dresses, hats, shoes, beautiful formals, evening slippers and wraps; children's spring clothes; men's suits, sport coats, shoes. (This clothing in/good condition.) 120:bass accordian; electric fence charuor: radios, antiques, glass- WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair! HELP WANTED -- Young couple, and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 no children, for game farm; ten- Main Street, McHenry. Telephone' ant house furnished. Wing and 167. 25-tf Fin Club, Sullivan Lake. P. O.' tOR SALE--1947 Chevrolet one _ and oie-half ton panel -body truck, y^a5e_; niijyie camera, miscellaneous low mileage. Call McHenry 742 •48 WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile con- Charge $4. McHenry XRay, & Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. Green St., Phone 291. 38-tf Ingleside, 647-J-2. 111. Phone McHenry *48 FOR SALE--Man's bicycle; 1 to S room oil stove; table model Wash machine. Phone McHenry f30-R-l after 6 p. m. *48 items. . Open week days 1 to 10 p. m., Sundays 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Terra Cotta Consignment & , BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC Resale Antique Shop, quarter mile PROBLEMS TO US--We can dewest TeTra Cotta factory. Phone ijver anything from a snapshot to Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 48 j^ge murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. ;U2. i r.8W Ec^Wcr8A., FiWECTOM,"'FILlS furnace, garage, large lot 66x250, condition. Price, $100. Call M fruit trees. North Park Street, G. Miller. Phone McHenry 687- „ Call ' McHenry 151-J. *47-3 j w-1. 46-tf' Henry. AND S U P P L I E S . ..WORWIQK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc- Phone 275. 40-tf FOR SALE--Vicland and Clinton , FOR SALE IN. McHENRY -- Six- ~~ w VS!" •eed oats. Frank Rhredt, R-2. room house; lot 230x264; hot' ^ J, Tonyan. lll W. Pearl St. Bound Lake. Phone 2223. *47-2 j water heat; 2-car garage; two I Tel. McHenfy 60-R. 15-tf chicken houses, 10x20 and 10x60; j HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, cateb * ^OR SALE--Two RCA Victor con- j orchard with approximately 70 , solos; combination radio and j assorted trees; also lots on Route ^^jphono FM-AM; mahogany cabi-, 31 Phone McHenry 278-J. John net. Special--One Webster record | Samec> 715 center St., McHenry. jplayer in leatherette carrying I 46-tf case; Webster wire recorder, port- •We model. Have electric flat- PIANOS--40 MILES FROM HIGH Jirons. Special Wilson's Radio PRICES--Save up to $200 on some Rhop, Elm St., McHenry. Phone , spinet pianos returned from rent. 461 . *7-2 |c all Elgin 780, or write DAVID k --o-- --. FOR SALE--At McCullom Lake--| , ST^[lK„1 P.IAN{j1 C0- l\»ur-room year-round hom«JUnion St • fclgln- IUspacious grtmnda; paved street,! X close to highway, stores, churches, ' schools. Bus service. Immediate -- possession. Call or contact F. - „ jMatthesias, McCullom Lake, after « p. m. 46-tf 21 N. 46-4 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- Certified Bluetag JHawkeye soy beans; germination 97 per cent; also certified Mindo and Clinton seed oats; germination •7 per .cent; test weight 40 pounds. Reasonably priced. Write or phone, Roy Behm, Lakefield Farm. Grayslake 3-1222. *44-5 WASH ANI) DRY YOUR CLOTHES WOODSTOCK BENDIX LAUNDRY E. Calhoun & Route 47 Xext door to Packard Garage Phone Woodstock 441 45-4 basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf PRUNING AND SPRAYING--Tree pruning and spraying. Frank Henkel, phone McHenry 543-J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence Volo. 44-tf WANT A REGULAR INCOME! Nationally advertised cosmetic company needs two mature women for pleasant friendly sales work in McHenry; part or full time as you wish. Write Mrs. Era Huff- FOR SALE--Johns-MapviUe^Home stutler, Box 86, Dixon, 111. 48-3 Insulation, installed by The Wall- enDiriwr I 7Z Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. 8pRA«NG-A complete spraying GUARANTEE TO CORRECT YOUR WATER PROBLEMS * Oae Portable Softeaer One 2% Mleromet . . One Micro met Feeder and Installation for 9K Wonder Lake Hoste Appliances Open Daily Phone Wonder Lake 388 or 133 43-tf HELP WANTED--Woman or girl for general housework in small family; private room and bath; pleasant surroundings and good pay. Call McHenry 568-J-l. *48 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO RUY--Several used row boats. Address Box 71, in care of Plaindealer. *48 WANTED TO BUY -- Good' hard corn in any quantity. Top cash prices. Call Bob Ferguson, Crystal Lake, Phone 1374-R-2. *47-3 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lineoln 1333. 2-tf SITUATION WANTED POSITION WANTED- Experienced young lady desires position as receptionist and assistant to doctor. Tel. Fox Lake 5315 or 5852. 48 Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf service. Trees, weed conrtol, flies and mosquitoes. Anderson Tree POR SALE--Generators, armatures, Service. 519 Waukegan Road, starters, fuel pumps, distributors Phone McHenry 724. 48 "J«JTWV?JE*U!RT<N* IGNITION PART8 CESS POOLS, SEPTIC TANKS, * FIRI I r ?Cr car»- ®eac T° and GREASE TRAPS pumped out.1 Sales k Service, LUymoor, Fred J., prompt rei;able 8ervic^; 20 years C. J. H. DIEHIi Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 52Q Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FRfE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRATT, P. O. Boat 16S Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let qs dispose of your garbage each week, n--iiftj, p„„_ rr. . w„tt„ ,g, j» rumpi ici.ttuie ueryiue, ov jear» or oorftieenneerr iirf adeessiirreeda.. uReeaassoonnaaDbliee Bvoboda, Prop. Tel. MeHenry 183 ! experience a1m concrete septic! rates. Regular year round routs. ' */ ir i tanks for sale. J. T. Day, Crystal John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me- UTT | Lake. 111. Phone Crystal Lake Henry, Phone 365. • t* POR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD-J 48-4 DUG MACHINES. Service on all i 1 sukes. Alao ribbons for all makes; .PLOWING--Also rotor tilling and carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.,1 wood sawing. Herman Dowe. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tfj Phone McHenry 241. 47-tf Western Trees West coast tree species put on their most growth during the second so years of their life. After that tiie volume of new wood added boglns to decressc snd the volume of decay increases. At the age of 100 years, volume of decay added begins to exceed the volume of near wood snd the total volume of good wood In the old tree actually decreases each year. Fair Proposition Jones was hard up. He hid gone North on business, and found himself stranded. So he put through a trunk call to Smith. "Hello," be asM(. "Is that Smith?" "Yes." * "I ssy, old man. Pm In a fix. I'm stranded up here without any money. Can you wire me a fiver?" "Sorry, Jones, I can't hear you." . "I say I'm up here--no casft. Can ^jrou lend me a fiver?" "Can't catch a word. Say it •fgain." "I -- tell -- you -- I'm -- stranded -- up -- here -- without -- any --•money. Can -- you -- wire -- me --a--fiver?" "There must be something wrong itb the line. Can't get the sense of it at a l l . Don't you think . . . " At this stage the operator chipped in: "There's nothing wrong with the line. I can hear the caller distinctly.' ' "Oh, can you?" said Smith. "Then you lend him the fiver." THAT PROVES IT "Why do you think you are qualified for the diplomatic corps?" Applicant: "Well, I've been married 20 years and my wife still thinks I have a sick friend."' Definite . Little Elsie has reached the age where she has begun to observe and reflect upon the manners and conduct of her elders. ^ The other day a friend asked. "Elsie, how old is, your Aunt Martha?" The youngster considered the quefy' briefly, then replied. "Well, I don't know exactly, but a cup of tea. rests her." 'OPpirdt St. Mary's Catholic Church Masses: f Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:3* Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00p. m. • Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11 o'clock. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:10. Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. ra., and on Thursdays before First Friday si 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Ilev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Eton Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St., % block east of Hwy 31 West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9 a. nu-» ' v Sunday Worship S^rvicf: 10:15 a. m. ' You aTo cordially invited to attend our services. For information phone 65-M. Walter C. Johannes. Pastor. _ Community Methodist Church Church School: 9:30. tMorning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. ' A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come ai>U worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pi ' Christ For McHenry Gospel Meetings Every Sunday LOglon Hall, Green StefCit' Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. 10:00 a. m.--Bible School. 11:00 a. m.--Worship Serivce. 8:00 p. m.--Evangelistic-Service. Everyone welcome. For additional information, write Christ for McHenry, P. O. Box 232, McHenry, or phone McHenry .j3-W. Wonder Center, Wtste Vfrt (Nonseetarish) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. Sumday Evening Serviee: 7:45 P- m- (Second and, fourth Sunday of Mch month.) Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 p. Bring the family with yon to Sonday School and Worship 8erviees. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Paator. x V _____ Rlngwood Chnrch Rlngwood, 111. Sunday: Publie Worship, Church 8chool: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday BTSRev. Chrirles Stevens, Pastor. ----------. | Canning of Milk The ides of preserving concentrating it and heating it In sealed cans was brought to this country from Switzerland. Evaporated milk was first prepared commercially in the little country town of Highland. 111., in 1885. It was only after several years of struggle and experiment that evaporated milk became a commercial success. Complete line of Lee's poaltvy remedies at Wattles-Drag Store, Mo* Henry. • j , - ' . At . THE BRIDGE Tunnel Seven Miles Long The longest railway tunnel In the United States is the Cascade tunnel of the Great Northern railroad thru the Cascade mountains in Cheylan and King counties, -Wash. It is 41.152 feet, or 7.79 miles long. It wtfs completed in 1929. First to Go Up First man to go up in a balloor. was Pilatre de Rozier, who ascend , id in a hot-air balloon, fastened b> 1 • rope. 4 UMP CAR 1947 NASH 4 DR. AMU. m 1947 KAISER 4 DR. • 1947 STUDERAKER C,.®,.- ' 1947 WILLYS JEEP 1946 NASH 4 DR. Att. ; 1946 NASH 4 DR. 600 1946 FORD CONV. 1941 NASH 2 DR. 600 1941 PONTIAC C. C. 1940 NASH 2 DR. 1940 STUDERAKER 4 DR.-- 1954 DESOTO , 4 1955 PLYMOUTH Downs Nash Sales- 40® Elm Street McHENRY 484 Also Towing Serviee 8t. John's Catholic Church Johnsburg Masses: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. > Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:35 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 7:30 to 8. and 2:30 to 3. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. se Yeah, When? Social Outcast: "Say, doc, do you remember last year when you cured my rheumatism? You told me to avoid dampness." M. D.: "That's right. What's wrong?"' - S. O.: "Well, can I tak« a bath now?" ^ i m n i f i im 1 1 1 1 I M H I I I M i n n I I I W DEAD ANOCAL* -- Highest eash prices paid for eows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling. Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3;- reverse charges. 36- tf Helen Weber Says: CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insnlstion Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. MeHenry 653-M-2 50-tf Postage Stamps Railroads have been a favorite subject for postage stamp designers since the iron horse took over from the pony express, which also was depicted On a stamp. Mora than 65 countries have issued postage stamps picturing locomotives sad trains, bridges, tunnels, tracks, mail cars, snd other railroad equipment . « f . Aliei Japan In Wit DOring World War II, all Man* churia was under Japanese mill* ftary control, having been oitrrun la 1961 and reconstituted aa the puppet state of Manchukuo. Together with neighboring Korea (in lap* an's hands since 1910), .this huge backland area served Nippon as an arsenal of food an& stfategli minerals. FOR RENT FOR RENT --, Year-round, 4-room cottage with enclosed porch and full basement; running water; inside toilet; at McCullom Lake, McHenry, III. Mrs. Frank Fleming, 5506 Augusta Blvd., Chicago, 111. Phone Austin 7-1496. 48 Good News Travels Fast •1 Yes, good news gets around fast and /l'i %g ht now they are talkingf about the thorough cleaning clothteg get in Our hands. The extra-care pressing and painstaking finishing your clothing reoeives at our cleaners gives your clothes the refreshing, new look that quality gleaning imparts. , " McHenry Cleaned* I 194-M Ml Helen Weber, Mgr. St. U H M M I I H < < H H < < 4 H H I I 11 I I I ROOMS FOR RENT--At 109 West Main street, McHenry. Tel. 100-R. •48 WANTED I WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Reauty Shoppe.) 15-tf 1 „ . Talking Typewriter ; A talking typewriter thft an' nounces in a clear voice any letter that has been struck, has been developed in Rhode Island. This is made possible through a combina tion of electrical contacts, a phonograph recorder and reproducer, and is expected to assist in the teaching of the blind. * Nobody Listens IbebdOre Hook, the famous practical joker, held with the contention that people don't pay rhuch attention to what others say on many occasions. On a bet he greeted his hostess at a party by saying: "I'm sorry to be late, but it took me longer to strangle my uncle than I expected." "Yes, indeed," replied the lady, "so nice of you to have come." His friend gasped and paid up. FOLLOWED INSTRUCTIONS. ftUTH AND eefiomx/ A boss had to lay off an Irishman named Pat. To avoid argument, he put the discharge in writing. A week later, in passing through the shop he saw Pat back on h|s job. Going to the' Irishman, ha demanded fiercely. "Did you get my letter?" "Yis sur Oi did," said Pat. "Did you read it?" "Sure Oi read it inside and outside. On the inside ye said I was fired and on the outside ye said, 'Return to Baldwin LocomotiW Works in five days'." Peter's Catholic Charch, Spring Grove Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 nnri lliQfl- Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00., Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: . Saturdays: 2:30 aitd 7:15i-- Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. liev. John L. Daleidtn, Pastor. Christ The King Misami Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 10:00 a. m. Holy Days: 6:30 and*8:00. Confessions:' Sunday: Before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:0Q Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. V0U1I HUENDtV MU60IST MVS: SMK Accuracy comes first in prescriptions. Your prescriptions must be filled exactly as your doctor ordered, using only fresh, pure drugs, for that prescription to do the_ job your doctor intended it to do. Trust" us to give you the best possible attention tcf your prescription needs. ' . NYE DRUG STORE OPalgiyn jlq--icy 4 129 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry Phone 26 "pipW SNAP YOU» CU WANTED TO RENT Manufactured Amino Acids More is to be heard abount amino ^acids because these organic compounds make up proteins. Their ^ynthesls by modern chemists holds *M>ut a promise for a more nutritional diet for both man and animal--, and they are destined to play an Important role in building new tissues and in speeding recovery for the patient in many types oi surgery. WANTED TO RENT -- Modern, private, water front cottage; all conveniences; month of July or August; Fox river.or near lakes. Responsible adults. Write Mrs. Jos. Alt. 4921 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago 25, 111. *48-2 WANTED -- Apartment or small house, furnished or unfurnished. Call George Brda. Phone McHenry 243-R. 48-tf LOST LOST--Dark shell rimmed glasses trimmed In gold. Reward. Phone McHenry 66j^fc2, *48 Tractors on Increase In 1940 there were 1.5 mlUlon tractors in use on the farms of Hie United states. Today there are more than three million," and the number is increasing dailjt. f ' Friend in Need More than 30,000 unmarried mothers are cared for annually in -94 maternity homes conducted by the International Salvation Army. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf STEADY PAL It was In the small hears of the morning. A befuddled gentleman was fumbling for the keyhole. Seeing his difficulty, a kindly policeman came to the rescue. "Can I help yon find the keyhole?" he asked, "Won't be necessary," said the other cheerfully. "Yon jus' hold the boose still and I oan manage." ^ Fire Prevention " Careless smokers and the careless handling of matches are responsible for more home fires than any other single common cause. Never smoke in bed, in the attic, or hi the garage. Snuff out cigarettes before discarding them. ftaklng Briar Pipea Briar {ripe is msde from the root wood of the large heath which *row* in the south of Frsnco. - SELECTIVI SERVICE HERE'S the prescription to give new life, snappier -performance, real get-up-andgo to your car. TVeat it to skilled Nash selective service regularly o 4 a Nash Departmentalized Service is a new kind of care for your car based on modern and more efficient techniques for diagnosing and fixing any kind of automotive trouble o o o We employ only skilled mechanics, thoroughly trained in factory methods. Our tools and equipment are of the . latest postwar design, and everyone on our staff has a friendly interest in yon and your car see Give your car a break. Bring it to as for scientific Nash service, no matter what make it may be. DOWNS NASH SALES 40& Elm Street McHenry 484 Towlag Service UTILITY WA60N fy- DODGE : This UTIUTT wagon, especially designed for Dodge is the latest word in graceful appearance an<?§t usefulness, from the ultra-modern grille to the flowing lines of its smart rear end design. Sturdy construction with generous dimensions together ^th these beautiful lines make this UTILITY wagon most acceptable for both business and pleasure. There is no longer need to sacrifice * smartnessrfor utility. . FEATURES OF OUR UTILITY wood is treated against dry rot, fungus and insect attack, " - X 5, •4 5- 6. Wood frame jp lof Ash with panels of Marine Mahogany, f ' Safety glass throughout. Rear door has full width opening. Three seats with inner spring oonstruction. Two rear seats easily removed. tools to use. Locks on all doors. t ' THIS UTILITY IS BEING SHOWN AND IS NOW jyiTAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT A, S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, ln<? 301 East Pearl Street McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' )

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