V w • Thatadty.AfrilHlMi •l:1! i1 w-* !u 1:- -wflffHi1 -•#v ' ' / y # « r SPRING GROVE « (by Mrs. Ghtrlei Frcand) ' *RM Christian Mothers sad i^Md Virgin Sodality held their regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night Following the meeting their were cards and bunco and prise winners were Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Jerry Miller, 'Miss Clarice May, Mrs. Steve Engels and Miss Edna Hanford. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. A meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Albert Brits on Wednesnight by the committee for the forthcoming card party and luiicheoni Plans were made for a baked ham lancheon on Thursday afternoon at 1 on April 21. 'Following the luncheon there will be games of pinochle, five hundred and bunco with many prizes to be given away. Mrs. Math Nimsgern was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Five-hundred was played and prizes went Jt'iMrs. Nimsgern, Mrs. Fyffe, Mrs. William Brits, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs, William Bagels and Mrs. Frank Wagner. A lovely lunch was served. Mrs. Belle Elliott and son. Dean Elliott, of Adams, Minn., visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown. On Saturday they all attended the wedding of Miss Beatrice Mulks and Lawrence Jacobs at Whitewater, Wis. The bride, is a cousin of Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Desmond at Woodstock on Sunday. The christening of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt was held at St. Peter's church on Sunday morning. The baby was christened Gary Albert and sponsors were Mrs. Steve Schmitt and Roger Stilling. A total of 252 votes were cast in the township elecUon held last Tuesday. Charles Gillespi received a total of 175 votes for Town Clerk, Byrof L. Orvis had the support of 198 voters for assessor. Arthur J. Oxtoby had 173 votes for Justice of Peace and Dr. Duane F. Ford 74 for the same office. A total of 173 votes *era. cast for Howard Peacockf as Constable. Services planned for St. Peter's church for Easter Sunday appear on page 1. While Charles Danriri. by his 'Origin of Species" (1IM) converted the scientific world to the theory of evolution, Lamarck. (1744-1CS9) *vas the true founder of the theory Life ef bradn Electrical scientists report that uranium, key element in the development of atomic eiiergy, led a dull Life a decade ago in such odds and ends Jobs as coloring of glass snd china. They point out that itfWas discarded as a useless by-product Of radium in World War L Speeds Up Potatoes Slow field sprouting of seed potato pieces, as s result of chemical treatment to prevent sprouting in storage, can be reversed by a sproutstimulating treatment with ethylene chlorhydrin Just before planting, according to horticulturists at the JWinnesota experiment station. CORN BEEF and CABBAGE Wednesday At THE BRIDGE V Britain Wild Oxen | ChiUingham cattle are a breed ol i cattle preserved in the park of the 1 Earl of Tankerville, supposed to be the last remnant of the wild oxen ol B r i t a i n . • ••V" -- -- . JUtUe Farm Land Although only 3 per cent of Finland is arable, 65 per cent of the people work on the land. Wood and wood products compose 90 per cent of Finland's exports. The chief agricultural products are potatoes and grains. Resistant to 2,4-D Sweet corn and asparagus are the only two crops tolerant enough of 2,4-D to allow its use as a weed control agent.' Most other vegetables are injured by the concentrations of 2,4*D necessary to kill the weeds, according to Cornell's vegetable crops department , Youthful Organiser The American league wais organ teed by Byron Bancroft (Ban) Johnson, three' years after he graduated from Marietta college. He remained president^ from 1900 to 1927.- ' , " Ci^1 The Hestimator is a hallow steel form built into the fireplace. It saves and circulates heat wasted up ordinary chimneys. Eliwii-t.es common causes of smoking. Heats cabins in chilly weather. Saves labor and materials. Proved everywhere. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. West MeHearJ, Illinois PHONE McHENRY 5 ^--l.irC'5. FireplaC! © >_ Old Ironclad The Monitor, John Eri^cson't ironclad ship which vanquished the Merrima^j^pne of the most celebrated naval engagements in American history, probably would never have been built had it not beeh for Lincoln. At a meeting of government officials held to discuss Ericcson's design, Lincoln remarked, "AH I have to say is what the girl said when she stuck her foot into the stocking. It strikes me there's something in it." With the President's stamp of approval oh the project, the group resolved to undertake at once the construction of three Ironclad ships. • 6 Old-Fashioned Favorite Molasses is near the top of the list of iron-rich foods. Nutritionists recommend its use in low-cost diets when meat, liver, and eggs cannot be served too often. Its frequent use in the diet is an excellent safeguard agaipst nutritional anemia. Table Tennis Legend Table tennis originated about 1880. According to ^>ne legend it was invented by a group of British army offlcei^ stationed in India. Fretting because the rainy weather kept them from enjoying their regular tennis, these officers--so the story goes--piled some books across the center of a large table, fashioned some balls out of cotton batting and proceeded to adapt their favorite pastime to table-top conditions. The name table tennis became more or leu official in 1926 with the organisation of the International Table Tennis federation. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, He- Henry. . »-tf X-Itay Findings U.S. public health' service experiences with mass x-rays shows that about 1.5 per certt of the 20,500,000 examined annually--or 307,500 persons would be found in each of the first five years to have reinfectiontype tuberculosis requiring further diagnosis. „ Cheap Shale OH Crude oil can be produced from shale.for about 12 cents a gallon, according to the U.S. bureau of mines. This is some three to five cents higher than present petroleum prices, fxtraetion costs bring the price of bulk gasoline produced by this method to the 15-16 cent range. Filling station prices would be considerably higher. Fwiwal Iajary Casta III the dairy industry, the eost of each lost-time personal injury accident is equivalent to profits on 50,000 to 60,000 q u a r t s of milk, or 10,000 to 12,000 quarts of ice cream. This estimate does not include property damage to company vehicles, time lost because of non-deliveries, or the cost' of replacing and retraining employees. The MOST HOIIIM Costs (875 to i2,428 Less to Buy In one new car toddy--die Nash Ambassador --you Will discover ease of handling, comfort and readability exceeding anything you know. Here is the one car of America's finest fear f that offers you all the advantages of a Unitized body-and-£rame. A lower center of gravis ty. Greater rigUtiiy. Complete aerodynamic jfidmcy, with all four wheels enclosed. The resort is a complete new feel to an nils mobile--and new power efficiency. Hie Naah Ambassador--cosnpared with the other dine fine cars--delivers as much as 30 gm cmU more miles on a gallon of gasoline. Ike 9aif fine Car tmltM ffiffc- CmmpreBBimm Valre-la-JTeed MTmglmm, mtth J--% esaafsr lalaaeerf 7»le«rfaf Crmmkmhmft. . . |Feal>w S§/t ...CmU Sprimgimg mm ileeto...Pistegs|H««»IWa Hie superiority of the Naah Ambassador can best be appreciated by those who have driven the other three finest cars. Yet it costs from $875 to $2,428 less.* Let your Nash JMIW pboe a Nash Ambassador at your call. V NaruaoN cm n wwiiriw <2W£3m lnrfwiilimitnliiArt--nlwKwuAyilUlta - . , AWm Dirma Mu* UiMtn Coipintai, Oatratf, ' V 4 DOWNS NASH SALES 408 ELM ST. TEL. McHENRY 481 McHENRY, ILLINOIS r 5HHHT5f0ffy f • AkMrt Mr.Dlgglet 4n Duty By MART WHITEFOSD MR. DIGGLES kept his head down as though he were studying the prescription, scarcely hearing Mrs. Tompkins' voice through the noise of blood thudding in his temples. When he tried to speak, bis lips were dry and his tongue moved nervously over them. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Tompkins, what was that you said?" "I said if you haven't a delivery boy I'll wait for the three o'clock bus, - but„ I'm anxious to back as soon as I can." He looked again at Dr. Price's cramped handwriting. "Oh, I'll deliver it, Mrs. Tompkins. I'm sorry to learn Mr. Tompkins isn't well." "I told him it's just his bad disposition coming out. I told Dr. Price I certainly ~~"1 hated to drag him 3- Minute out in weather like rFIi CetHinOnR ^s t o m ajcuhs t afcohr e*. ----------J Doctor says he'll, be all right in a day or two." Mr. Diggles took the handkerchief from the pocket of his grey alpaca coat and wiped his forehead. The moment he used to dream of years ago, „was here at last. This would cost Dr. Price his practice, The pity was, Dr. Price would never know he could have saved himself, if be hadn't made it so clear that a man who mixed prescriptions wasn't supposed. to know about diagnosis. Dr. Price would never know what he'd done to himself when he told Mrs. White she might as well give the twins a cnocolate soda as Diggles' Own Whooping Cough Mixture. Because uf Dr. Price's new ways of doing things, no cme bought Diggles' Ready Rheumatism Reliever now. Shots, it was, the doctor was giving tor everything. Not, prescriptions. Manslaughter, they called It. He wet his lips. Well, no one eould expect Mr. Diggles to interfere with Dr. Price's prescriptions again. Not a second time. Though it was so many years ago, he could feel the flush of anger that flooded his face remembering the day he'd called Dr. Price up, and suggested that maybe the heart medicine he ordered for Mr. Venables too strong. "I know what I'm doing. Just mind your own business, Diggles, and I can mind mine." He looked again at the prescription. There was no mistaking the symbol and he'd fill it as it stood. He reached for the bottle and removed the cork. Carefully, he measured out the prescribed dose. MR. DIGGLES straightened suddenly, staring at the partly filled mortar. A feeling of nausea swept through him as he snatched it up and flung the contents into the A. minister, rather noted tor his close calculations, also operated a small farm in Vermont ° One day be observed his hired man sitting idly by the plow, as his horses tpok a needed rest. This rather shocked the/*good man's sense of economy. After all, he was paying the man 75 cents an hour. So be said, gently but reproachfully, "John, wouldn't It be a good plan for you to have a pair of shears and be trimming these bushes while the horses rest?" "That it would," replied John agreeably. "And might I suggest, .your reverence, that you take a peck of potatoes into the pulpit and peel 'em during the anthem." LOTS OF WATEB Average adult is sick 100 times during his lifetime; about 16 times with minor ailments and about 15 times with major dis* sMlltl-- Mohammedan Calendar The Mohammedan calendar dates from July 16, 622, the day of the Hegira. It consists of 12 lunar months of 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes each. The Mohammfdan year consists of 354 or S55 days. 8ix Platinum Metals There are six platinum metals. They are platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium. These precious metals serve the public extensively in hard-working commercial industries as,, well as for Jewelry. Two, platinum and palladium, are most used for purposes of personal adornment. Larpe Imperial Valley. jChUf., with ar area of more than one million acres is one of the world's largest and nnest productive irrigated regions Why Downing Street Downing street, Westminster, official residence of the English prime minister, was named in honor of Sir George Downing, parliamentarian and ambassador, who served under both Cromwell and Charles II. New Corn Hybrids Corn-breeding research is now being conducted at practically every state experiment station in the United States. New corn hy- , brids are being rapidly produced to fit the areas not yet planted with hybrid seed, and better yielding hybrids with greater disease and insect resistance are being developed for areas where hybrid l corn is now being grown.'s •sawiHr Ma la MM VlrgMa offered 10 4 tebaasi far awry good ur hat mads In lhat colony. "Ifrlaf 2,4-D •aMy" 2,4-D is a chemical that till work for you or against you, depending on how you use It It wfll kill or damage most broacDeaved plants--valuable crops as well as weeds. Properly used, it can pal dollars into your pockets. Improperly used. It can eost yw money. I California's blustery weather lat- < winter inspired all sorts of gifts t from more temperate communi- , ties, but the prize for dispatching ! the civic coup de grace goes to an Idaho hardware dealer. He air-aspressed a snow shovel to the Loe Angeles chamber of commerce. £a ' return he received a gracious 1 "Thank you." ' A Maine farmer and his wife were making their first visit to Califor- Hia^Tfiey took a sigbt-seeing tour along the shore of the Pacific and seemed cwte impressed with 4t "You kneiw, Sarn,^ his wife observed, "the- Pacific Ocean Is twice the sire of the Atlantic." The farmer shaded his eyes from the sun and gazed critically out toward the horizon. "Yeah," he nodded, reluctantly. "I guess it is, at that." CAREFUL LADIES Three old maids decided to be . reckless and have - a gay time. So they chipped in and bought a car and started out. They saw a tavern and went In. "What'll yon have?" asked the bartender. "I'll risk It. I'll have sarsaparlila," said the first.,. "I'll risk It too. 1*11 have ^aj^iparilla," said the second. "And I'll have sarsaparlUa, too," said the third. "Oh, ne," declared the ether two Old maids. "Yoa stick to milk. Remember ysn're driving." t - . . . Dual Personality Two little boys wereviUscussing their Sunday-school lesson^ "Do you believe in the Devil?" asked one. "Naw!" said the other. "The Devil is the same' as Santa Claus. It's your father!" -- ' V--" ^ -- ^he Only Way A teacher was conducting a class in grammar. She went to the blackboard and wrote--I ain't had no fun this winter. , ' • "What should | #1) to eorrect that?" she asked. f "Get a boy friend," said a pupil. • No Vacancy Two wives were talking. "We have a new five-room house," said one, "and we furnished one room with soap coupons." "Just one room? What about the others?" "They! re full of soap." -- 8e Considerate Sailor: "Don't bother me. I am writing to my girl friend." Marine: "But why are you writing so slowly?" Sailor: "She can't read very fast." - Dr. Price sat down and mapped his forehead. sink. His hand, replacing the hottie on the shelf, trembled. Outside, the wind howled and flakes of ice made a cold noise beating the window pane. Slowly, he walked toward the telephone. After a lit Just as many people swore by Dr. Price as trnsted Diggles. As he waited, listening to Dr. Price's telephone bell ringing, the shop door opened. Mr. Diggles put down the receiver and went to the front. Dr. Price warf on the hist, stamping the snow from his feet. "Diggles, will you let me see the prescription Mrs. Tompkins just brought in?" "I was just trying to call you about it Dr. Price. I felt there was some little inaccuracy." Dr. Price nodded. "Something told me. But I wasn't really worried. I knew you'd catch a mistake if there was one. It's a great comfort to me to know that a substantial man like you is checking up on me, Diggles." "I have to de what I can. A man has to do his dttfy. He smiled and stood up. "That's right doctor. I guess (futy becomes a habit if you do it long enough." The wind screamed into the shop as Dr. Price opened the door and went out. It was s blesk, bitter day, but in Mr. Diggles' heart it was suddenly summer. " Released by WNU Features. _ National Forest Wildlife More than two million head of deer, elk, and other big game animals-- or about one-third of the nation's total big game populationlive on the national forests. The forests contain 90,000 miles of unposted streams and one and a half million acres of fish-producing Jakes. In 1948 they played host to four and a half million hunters and fishermen. I took my small son to the grocery store the other day and as ususal he wanted to buy everything In sight He said: "Mamma, let's buy some bird seed." I could understand his requests for sandy bars and jelly and cookies, but this had me stumped. "What in the world do yoa want with bird seed?" I asked. "Want to plant it" was the reply. "But what for?" I persisted. "So we can grow some birds." Easier and fUlaria Hilsria, the festival of the Roman people celebrated March 25, indicated the rebirth of nature after the long winter. Some believe the Christian celebration of Easter has some connection with Hilaria. Need ronoer stamps? Order at The Pbdadealsr. Algebra by Arabs The Arabs introduced algebra tc he modern Europeans. The work if Mohammed Ben Musa was trans ^ted into in 1SSL ' H,-• SPEEDY" NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE OH OCAS r r COULD IT HELLO, F >»U PKVED THE R16HT 1 FIBM ROP FAST SERVICE, -iMAAM THE"tbuNO MAN |2»T«VWE*> SAlO THtV COULD | COWyPCBATg PRAERPTL AOCFE A A CNAVR [/ bSST'MS??* -ITDS VAWR OE NW OEAURR A ND •TOJNKEDT whATS oepptfiAnow' WPONCl NICK MILLERS WHENRYOARMi NOYI? MV HUSBAND SAYS IT S TKAT5 WOBN TMSK,6£ST OUT TMINCj ABOUT A CAR WE HATE ID BOTHER >©U BUT NEITHER ONE OF US HAVE A HAS? PIN TO FIX out? 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 403 • ' 7% -) A&P's THIRIFTY FOOD-BUYS^ PLEASE EVERY EASIER FEASTER POPULAR BRAND * COOKED OR SMOKED HAMS 59c SHANK HALF, LB. BUTT HAL^ lb. 65c WHOLE HAM lb. 59c 12 TO 16 LB. AVO. AP 7:.g •r ,% :: :' ^ • i £ ROSE BUSHES LIGHT RED -HrLTI.rOLC4U! YELLOW PINK WHITE BEI> CLIMBING rjTacoa Set Your Easter Table With A&P's Large Selection of Grocery Value* IMS. JAa ...TIN HOW ELSE? SULTANA MANO Fnrtf CMkfaU S^SI WHOLC KERNEL Trellis e*ra 3m»3$e BANQUET MANO ChkktR „ ussrs HfKriVwtaMM^Itc AT A VALUE! IONA TtmafMt CAMWU MarvhMalltwt ,oAT BOND SWEET. SLICED FTESH CwiaWn BANQUET BRANO WHOLE ftfclckM sijs FANCY QUALITY! CRUSHED J^yJSIs SULTANA TuaFlakM *°M7c PLAKO WaCrwt FOR FRY1N* OR BAKING 4axa ShartaalBf ^ 89c CAMPBELL'S TMMteSrap FLAVORFUL J Rltz CrMkwt _...m5SSc RAJAH CMaaaat Maist ^ If* MINUTT Tapiaaa SUNLAND Wpa ORvaa MTTHCHANOT PAOQ sr. IBs ITUnSYOUl .sr. ak tvnf PdifM* Top O# rear Fees* WIM e Tea*He« JANK r AMI* I A DELIGHTFUL 60LD EASTER CAM , . . MS SHAPED AMO CHOCOLATE ENROBED. DECORATED WITH YELLOW IAJTE* CHICKS. *°*34e KACH 85* OF 4 Dairy Treats for Every Easter Table WISCONSIN SHARP ChaMarCbaasa ,.u. FOR YOUR WAOON-WHEEL SALAD PLAIN, CHIVE. PINEAPPLE CaHaga Chaasa. CTN. 2k PHILADELPHIA CreanCbaaaa 2 K«131( IMPORTED CKMM LB. TM DOMKTTC Blaa ChsasaT ' *e«ee ...LB. 99c A SPECIALTY! ** fiargaazala U. 86c DELICIOUS FLAVOR! taM a1 lUah ^ M LB. 88c NUTLET ASSORTED INDIVIDUAL Easttr Efgs I PINK. 1 LEMON IC» JaNy Baaa Cap Cakat TW04AYM DCCORATTT Eaalar Natl taka FRUIT FUJJB Eaatar StaNaa Cafaa 6akaEA.49c JANE PAR KM Hat Crass Baas 2k DECORATIVE EASTER BOX Marfarlaa 2 cms. 45c EASIER OVAL NX ' WIL*WICK--ASSOR1 CHOCOLATES 79 I-LB. BOX EASTER TIME PRODUCE VALUES! viridnia Radiahaa Calif. ] Aspara^iia Southern INew Cabbaga Mexican Tomaloaa Pascal Celery Regalo Spinach .... Florida New Potatoes lg. bun. _ 5c -lb. ban. 29c lb. 5e ctn. 26c else 19c 10-os. bag 19c EASY TO USE, ECONOMICAL TOOI GOLDEN SOY MIX lO-OZ. PKG. 22* A YEAR AROUND FAVORITE! WILSON'S MOR BEEF .. . . 12-OZ. . TIN 45* KEEP SEVERAL TINS HANDY LIBBrs CORNED BEEF NASI IA-OZ. TIN 35* YOUR FAMILY WILL CHEER FOR-- UBBrS VEAL LOAF..... 7-Ot TIN 29* FOR A BETTER SOAP AT A FAIR HUCS IVORY SOAP ....... .2 SHE S3* KEEPS LOVELY CtOTHB LOVELIER! IVORY FLAKES pica. 30* FOR CLEANER. CLEARS! SONI CAMAY BATI 2 CAKES 27* DU7 DOES EVHtYTHINSI e * DUZ . MILD AND MELLOW Elffct 0'Claak Caffaa .49c RICH AND FULL-BODIEO Ila4 Cirala Caffaa ...... tit 4|| VIGOROUS AND WINIY 0, ' -- m S-: V 4 Ma^Maa