Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 9

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Tour • tern advisor or veterinarian can CtM ftMi tips on treating. *•.•'• ffhleksna should bo >to viartan, a good tt possible. Hortsln diseases • and to turkeys, even chickens are not visibly If turkeys are weak or develop running noses or Ba of poor health, obtala diagnosis at once. BtHfcptaee of Bittera Venezuela's remote Guiana highlands, where modern industrial minerals now are fought, contain both the gold mine that once was thfr world's richest, and the birthplace of bitters. The mine is El Callao. wtflfeh produced as much as <9900,000. worth of the metti a month hi IMS. -The Miters were Invented In 1834 by a physician arho lived In Angostura, the early name (or today's Ctudad Bolivar, on the Orinoco River. Later, the bitters factory,,was removed to Port ef Spain. Trinidad Care fa locoe simple, low-cost and feeding equipment for hpg> wfli pay big dtvidenda. Of all domestic fana animals, hogs are most susceptible to changes la weather conditions. You Afford tor Pay Full Price and Not Get Full Value? Few of as c^n. If jon want full value in your next suit eee us now! Not only will you get a basted try^on to make sure of a perfect fit but yon will aSieoei from hundreds of original pattyns; all 100% wool, and all for only $58 if yon act now! JOHN THE TAILOR, McHenry. IlL Gur&nteed Satisfaction Always rjChmrch. -niiiEKW^ It Mar^S 'w •••mij uaarea _jh: . Sonday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, ll:tt. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: y Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. aad 7:Qe p. m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; i:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. . .. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor." •t Patrick's Catholic Charch Ifasses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11 o'clock. Holy Day*: 6:30 aad 8:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:10. Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:30 aad 8. Confessions: , Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Bev. Edward C. Coakley, Paator. lurch Iou|) Sion Evangelical Latheran Oh' (The Church of the Lutheran Hou •John St., Vt block east of Hwy 31 West MeHeary, Illinoia. \ Sunday School: 9 a. m. ' Sunday Worship Serriee: 10:15. a. m. Ton ars cordially invited to attead our services. For information phone 65-1C. Walter C. Johannes, Paator. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT! We handle only good Northern Grown Plant* fry our fruit trees, good sise, 5 ft and over, Apple trees $1.00 each, Pears $1.75, Plums, red and bine, $1.80 each, Peach $1.00, and large bearing sise Cherry trees, early and late for only $2.50 each. We have a beautiful assortment of pyramidal and spreading evergreen for foundation planting. - Also shade and ornamental trees, small fruits such as grape, current, gooseberries and raspberries and a good assortment of ornamental shrubs. laurence Pitzen Nursery Bonte 1, McHenry We Deliver Drop Card or Phone McHenry 660-J-2 W of these plants may be seen at my home at Pistafcee Bay. Community Methodist Church Church School: 9:30. * Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting en second Wednesday of month at 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. Christ For McHenry Gospel Meetings • . Every Sunday Legion Hall; Oreen Street' Donald O. Liberty, Pastor. 10:00 a. m--Bible School. 11:00 a. m.--Worship Serivce. 8:00 p. m.--Evangelistic Service. Everyone welcome. For additional information, write Chriat for McHenry, P. O. Box 132, McHenry, or phone McHenry u3-W. St John's Cathode Johnsburg Sundinr: 8:00 and 10:00? Holy Days: 7:00 aad 9:M. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:35 aad l:N. Confessions: Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 aad S:S0 to S. Thursday before First Friday-- 8:30 aad 7:30. ' Bev. A. J. Neidert, Paster. Oh Voter's Catholic Charch, Spring Grove Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 aad 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Bev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Christ The King Misain Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 10:00 a. m. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8dH» Confessions: Sunday: Before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:< Bev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. VE DAY DANCE OK 3 :t rr& (Nonsectarian) Servicea: ' Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. k Morning Wonkip: 11:00 a. ss. Suaday Evening Service: 7:45 -p. at (Seeoad and fki^tk Btriay of each month.) Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 P- ™- Bring the family with you to Suaday School and Worship Servicea. There is a place aad a welcome for everyone. v FRANK W. ANDERSON, Paator. Bingwood/ I1L Saaday: Pablie Worship, 9:30. Church 8chool: 10:80. Choir Behearsala: Wednesday ev»> fiev. Qharlee Stevens, Pastor^ WARM ADVIBKK'S ; OOIOCSMTS s; Many times I see farmers plowlug the ends ot a field by going one way and skipping back empty. This seems the results of a lack of forethought and a waate of time and gaaoline. If a atrip had been left along each aide by not completely plowing out the landa at each edge of the field, they could go all the way round the field plowing contlnuoualy until the ends are done. This can be accomplished plowing to or away from the fence. McHenry county la getting set to take on a forested look some day. Our conservation district, in co-opera tin with the state department of conservation, is busy planting trees nowdays. In 1948, they planted over 165.000 and this year many more than that will b» planted. In fact, I found out that our county Is tops in the state now in this activity. Many thousands of multiflora rose are being planted, too. Sportsmen are becoming re* sponsible it seems, nowdays, too. Times used to be that all the average sportsman would do Would be to load his shot gun In the car and go out to see If there was something he could shoot. There being no wildlife cover to 8un *t the farmer's chlckena or livestock, telephone iuaulatora, attract game, he would empty hla mail boxes, sign boards, etc. The way he took his spite out on the farmer indicated that he blamed the farmer becauae there was no game. Tk® shift in the other direction Is indicated by the story and pictures in last week's Crystal Lake Herald. The Crystal Lake sports- Uiea turned out on a Sunday recently at the Ray Shine farm, north of town, to plant a lot of mi'ltifloral rose. In a few yeara. this stuff planted in hedges along the fencea will become 6 to 8 , feet tall and about 5 feet wide and I *ill be a very thorny hedge that , nothing but wjld game can get ! through. i The^e plants are furniahed if the farmer or land owner allowa j htt« land to be posted as a hunting area br the state department of I conservation. I Bert Brldgea of Harvard tells ! quite a story. He said that yeara ago they sowed clover on a field a number of times without .getting a stand. They limed it and thereafter got a good stand of volunteer clover every time the land was plowed and worked. Could the seed lay ungerminated in the soil until conditions were right for It to sprout? Leaders of agricultural 4-H clubs want a three day fair Instead of a four day as previously announced, starting "Friday, July 29, and running Saturday and Sunday: July 30 and 31. This came out at a meeting the other night where all but two of the sev^pte( eMnM c lubs were represented. When soU is provided as an anemia preventive for baby plg^ It should be scooped from grounds not recently used by hogs: otherwise. It may contain worm eggs. A T-*"- iruhHshsfl for fti srfaiary pMsssfoo ^ays that • of the mastitis occurrh* In i be prevented by el holes at sOla, short stall forma, narrow stalls, slick standings, and Insufficient A cpw sapoesd to a*y at aids Is liable to suffer u4 that leads to mastitis. * P t N S ' V j ? H O L i HOUSl r 0n THt WHOL Bvrybody is happy bocrtuw Nl* vrte*y s> psHsnu saJ enters. Smallnr stent prepnrtlnwtnly priced. ALL WOOL PACI Con* ,n a*d '*••• b**1" Niesen's Floor Coverings for VLocated at Peter M.Jssten Fnrnltnre Co. PHONE 63 or 38. WEST McHKNRYj MOTO-MO WERS ROTARY MOWERS SICKLE MOWERS GARDEN TRACTORS GARDEN TILLERS Used mowers taken in trade. $ All makes of mowwi ittarpened. BEIQOS ENGINE SEKYICK • - y- 'Mr : OTTO ADAMS SERVICE STATION Phone McHenry 434 Johnsbnrg, Pistakee Bay Eoad money! Get a Brand-New od"-" MOTOR INSTALLED $ We use only your cyftudor head assembly and oil pan 222 oo DIRECT FROM FACTORY! FULLY GUARANTEED! % For 1936 to 1948 passenger can and trudES NO CASH DOWN EASY BUDGET TERMS ALL LABOR and ALL THESE NEW PARTS are included in this NEW MOTOR BARGAIN New Cylinder Block Pistons Piston Rings- Piston Pins Connecting Rodr ---- Camshaft and Bearings- Rod and Main Bearings Valve Springs Exhaust Valves All Motor Gaskets Crankshaft Points Condenser Timing Gears Timing Gear Covir Oil Pump Oil Screen Six Quarts of Oil m ... .'"i A WEDNESDAY, MAT 4th The Veterans of Foreign Wars put on two big dances each year, VE Day and VJ Day. These dances always draw big crowds. Plan now to attend this spring dance. at NELL'S RAJLLROOM Mntte ty ))10K HKUSX& ud BIB O <* - POLE DANCE - will be a Polo dance at 11 p. m. This is an attraction in fseif with prises. 51 3 ADDITIONAL BARGAINS for APRIL! Ifc* ' ^-v 1# 10-Point Lubrication Bargain S3.95 (MATERIAL BXTRA) 2. 22-Point Motor Tone-up Bargain $3.50 # 5-Point Safety Special Bargain (MATERIAL BXTRA) for Economical Transportation CLARK CHEVROLET SALES Won 277 HsH^XST. UJJM018 OOUIB ILL. 31 AMD 190 taMl mjmiM Ml THREE SFEtttLS Lubricati<m A Motor Tuno-up ) Safety Special ONLY < _ ^ * (MATERIAL EXTRA)

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