mmn •AER. WALSH tk«. aJ?W« & uf»i< BBiAB^TcOIH^ANIES WW yw need insurance •f any kind Phone 41 or 118-M ft lflii McHenry flS T«L Wonder Wte 4U DB. R. H. W ATKINS Dentist i-Ofke Hours-- "«.-»>•*%--s.. Thujre., It 8»ti 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. by Appointment HIGHEST CASH PUCES nMhr DmI ail Crippled Hones, Cattle and Heft--Sanitary Power Leading --Tankage and Heat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 11< or McHenry 66I-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. 1 A. P FREUNt) SONS' Excavating Contractora Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service ^ --ROAD BUILDING*- Wonder Lake, I1L NK S. MAY rucking Tel. 20t4? McHenry, fflL Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l s-iii R-l McH^iry CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn & Parker) Office Hours: l:0ft-5:00 any, lenry J WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE v 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ~ JJX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. IrlLLlAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-lav v llOVs Benton St. : ftone Woodstock 18W Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green £ Elm Tnefw Thors. & Sat Only Tnes. & Thurs. 9:30 to 6:30 Saturdays to 8 TeL McHenry 488 WEINGART TRUCKING ' S*nd -- Gravel filling--Black Dirt--Limestone Trucks for Hire Free Estimating TH. S55-R-2 McHenry, I1L WELDING Maintenance afid Construction Portable Equipment B. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J South Green SU McHenry, IIL Main Street, West Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repair* • Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cot. Oreen and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 JOSEPH X. WAYNTtE Attorney-at-law ----- 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Bet 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. PIiom McHenry 492-W s 4 BELL & SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Also Spray Painting 105 N. Green St., McHenry TeL McHenry 243-J or Crystal Lake 1328-M-l Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Tracking Gravel Blade Dirt Trnck for Hire TeL McHenry 588-B-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry On Route 31 Flowers for all occasional Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL ft REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies.^ West McHenrjr, Illinois J* RUGS, CARPETS NEW/ MOTH - PROOFING In the Home Service USB AGAIN THE SAME DAT - V EHREDTS DURACLEAN CO. ' PHONE BOUND LAKE 2223 CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and- Porch 'Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. CLARENCfc SMITH Johnsburg, HL Phone 583-J-l fowtkeAjlurtp ficde. TIf-' - , - - ' Lien's Share tl StaH AM . Is Diverted to ElMaHta Local governments receive mora than 28 per cent of their general revenue from state aid, the American Municipal association reports. A recent report prepared by the U.S. bureau of the census for the association reveals that fiscal aid paid to local governments by the 48 state governments amounted to $2.6 billion dollars in fiscal 1947. Preliminary figures for 1940 indicate that aid to localities In 2«" states increased 18 per cent while state revenue was up 21.5 per cent over that of the preceding year. School districts received 902 million dollars in state aid--more than any other kind of local government. Counties received the next largest share--792 million, while municipalities received 746 million, townships 44 million, and special districts 5 million dollars. In terms of function, about 40 per cent <H all state aid was for education-- comprising a total of more than 1.1 billion dollars. Local welfare services received 495 million, local highways 417 million,- hospitals 14 million, health services 10 million, and other local services 75 million dollars. New York provided 388 million dollars of state aid ift fiscal 1947, more than any other state. Of this total, 119 million was for unspecified purposes. ' _ TWICE W TALES of the FBfti ef the •f Yean Age TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Although moving ia atlll In progress, Vogt'a drug store la now located In its new quarters in the Mrs. Emma Freund balding just across the street from its former location. That all roail* leading Into this city are cnce more In fairly good condition for travel was evidenced by the number of out-of-town machines that passed through McHenry last Sunday afternoon. Miss Theresa Knox, who has been a faithful assistant in the West McHenry post office dur- Chopped with diead crisp beoon, chopped sweet pickles, a hit of mustard and mayonnaise make an excellent -tasting sandwich. Spread bstwesin of buttered whole wheat Dlfr for Arotle Sprinkling DDT on snow and lea In Arctic areas Is a newly disco** ered way of killing the first mo# qui toes that hatch in the spring, entomologists of the U. S. department of agriculture report. As little as a tenth of a pound to the acre does the work, and airplane distribution of the DDT over broad areas makes for economy in the cost of treatment Federal entomologists are continuing their wartimff research for protection of military forces in Alaska from the teeming hordes of insects that are a torturerereets hi some parts of-AMea are so thick that moat animals cannot live hi thefh. They are inhabited by reptiles, monkeys, and birds. Curiously enough, while the hlrds ef Africa are among the eorifi most beautiful, ttm ef them sing, according to the World Book encyclopedia. fin-Waao^ ***er Among traditions is one that the river so celebrated in song, took Its name from Su-Wannee, an Indian princess who ruled a tribe that lived in the Okefinokee swamp and along the rivers flowing from it. More plausible, perhaps, is the explanation that the Negroes slurred the Spanish name, San Juanee, meaning little St Johns as distinguished from the larger St Johns River of eastern Florida. A local Florida movement, well supported at time^ would have divided Jhe state in two at the Suwannee river. Gainsville, east of the river, seat of the state university and college of agriculture, would have become capital of an all-peninsular Florida. Tallahassee would have been capital ot % separate state to the west Nothing has come of the agitation^ however. ing the past eeveral years severed, -hort arctic her connections there last Satur-1 Bome feature of "lort arcuc day evening and after a two, . ... _ _ week's-vacation will enter the em- S. army in Alaska and with Capa-; ploy of the Illinois Bell Tele- ' dian scientists, they have been extw «n»i Spring goose flight ilon* the Missouri river is one of the most spectacular bird concentrations In the United States. Almost 600,000 Hue and jmem geese from Jhe Quit 'coast wintering grounds concentrate on the Missouri river bottoms in southwest Iowa on their three-week stopover before moving on to their Baffin island nesting grounds In the far north. TOie peak of the concentration ususlly occurs about March 15 and great flocks remain for about two weeks summer. Cooperating with the U. ] after this date. The birds often Contour seeded wheat fields produce larger crops (about two-thirds bushel an acre more) than those seeded up and down the dope, say agronomists at the University of Illinois. la the 900 years since UN w «•£ \ moved twice as much thahsrj*^ t was growing when the first landed, and we still have ahmrfm*T^ * forests that will serve us hi petuity If we manage them sensMy* fayh McHenry Sand and Gravel Cfc Excavating and Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel fcoad Grading ^ ' * it .4) ALL McHENBY 97-J •a 4'--- phone company as an operator in the local exchange. Free delivery of mall was inaugurated at Crystal Lake on April 1. There are two carriers, who make trips both morniqg and afternoon. Jv' perimenting in the vicinity of Churchill, on the west shore of Hudson Bay is northern Manitoba. number 100,000 or more in individual flocks and the past few years have drawn thousands of spectators to the bottoms to see and hear them. FUNK'S C HYBRIDS FORTY YEARS AGO Butter remained firm at S8 oents on the board of trade at Monday's session. The beautiful home of Michael Justen is being treated to a new coot of paint H. C. Hankermeyer, who during the past few years has acted as local agent for the Schoenhofen Brewing Co., of Chicago, has resigned his position with that company and his sncceaaar, Martin Bickler, of Elgin, haa already taken op the Job. N. J. Justen has broken ground for a uew residence to be erected just west of the Peter M. Justen home on Wahkegan street. The public card party given by the Bachelor Oirls at Weber's hall last Saturday evening proved a decided success both socially and financially. Nineteen dollars were cleared. Many Madisens More than half of the American states have cities or towns named Madison. There are 27 of them, including two in Alabama; located in different counties. Adams Is next with 26 states, according to the Railway Express agency. May L> i effect PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change In Sched e 111. C. C. 6 (Gas) The Western United Gas and Bsc Company hereby gives notice to public that it is proposing to ex- , the availability ot Its industrial taierruptlbte gas rates until 1850. These rates as now In will expire on May X. 1MB, and In order to extend their availability, tM Company has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission oa Apcll 1, 1949. Rate Interruptlble Gas Servle* -^-Glass or Chemical Processing, Rate 43. Interruptlble Gas Service--General Processing, and Rate 44, Interruptlble Gas service--Boiler Flrins- No customer Is adversely affected by this refiling, inasmuch as there are no chances In the charges aad only minor changes In the text Further information may be obtained with respect thereto elthv directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change la schedule may be Inspected by any Interested party at any business otto* of this Company. WESTBGTuNrnop aas AND ELBCTRIC COMPANY ""GASSiS"' ¥ FIFTY TEAKS AM, Wm. Stoffel haa enterod the employ of the Champion Harvesting Co., and will be their traveling agent in this vicinity the present season. The water in the Fox river -was seldom much lower than it is just now. and this is when it should be overflowing its banks. There were no heavy snow falls during the past winter and consequently there has been very little water deposited in the river. Mrs. Margaret Knox and family left for Elgin Tuesday afternoon at which place she will make her home for the future. Putter was steady, on the Elgin board of trade Monday, it selling at 2Q*>b cents; offerings, 164 tubs; withdrawn, 23 tubs; sales, 141 tubs. Butter last week, 20% cents; one year ago, 20 cents. WE HAVE IT! THEIASTEST RCA VICTOR TELEVISION SETS TABLE MODUS -- FLOOR MODELS Also Have Boosters, Magnifiers, Antennas and Rotors We Do Our Own Installation and Service _ WILSON'S RADIO SHOP 206 E. Elm Street, McHenry YEi il L h Funk's G-Hybrids pay off under your soil, moisture* and maturity conditions. More farmers are raising Funk's G each year. Order youi* Pay Off Funk's G now. Get the strains recommended for your neighborhood for bigger yields and greater profits. Raise Fank's G ... Consistently Good .. . Year After Year! B.-T. BUTLER snrowooD, ILLINOIS F U f l H S G - H V B R I ( • I EULERS SIXTY TEAKS AGO DR. H. 8. FIKB Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and H« TeL McHenry 31 Office Hoars: lp. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evening^ by Appointment C. V. Stevens has been appointed postmaster at West McHenry, In place of C. A. Walsh, resigned. The old razor grinder and his trained dog arrived in town on Monday, much to the delight of the small boys. Adam Leightner moved his family here from the Lakes on Monday. They occupy a part of John Kleifgen's house. Bennie Bonslett, youngest son of Leonard BOnslett, who haa. been attending „ the school of pharmacy, in Chicago, has accepted a position in fiesley's drug, store. In this village. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hours: II a. m. to & p. ii. except Wednesday. Office closed, all day Wednesday. local QjfauosMWM. RTJSSEL, Auctioneer . The undersigned having decided to discontinue dating will sell at Public Auction on the farm locatetd 3^ miles west of McHenry and l1/* miles east of Woodstock on State Route 120 on . Sunday, May 1st, at 1p.m. sharp the following personal property: 29 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of the following 14 Holstein dairy cows; 5 colored^dairy cows; several of these COWB have freshened in the past 30 days and the balance are milking; 2 Holstein heifers (11 months old); 1 Holstein bull (11 months old); 1 Holstein heifer (2 years oM--bred); 1 Holstein heifer (18 months old); 1 Holstein Ml (18 months old); 1 Shorthorn steer, weight 40Q lbs.; 12-fl of. silage in a 14-ft. silo. Terms: All sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount ^4 cash and the balance to be paid in 6 equal Monthly installments pins carrying charges. All property to be settled for on the day of sale, No property to be fed nntil settlement ijs made. e. B. HOWE -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, lees for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges Inc. A Complete F Take Care of Electric Cords and Safeguard Your Home When you inspect the fords and plugs on your appliances look for these clanger signs: worn insulation ... broken plugs... loose prongs .^r riirayedor damaged outer covet l9ovor rvo cords under rugs--stopping and walking on them brooks down fhe insulation and damage may bo overlooked. CLEANING 4. f\ F. Powsn, Sopreeentatire i Those Woodstock 110 The Heatilator is a koBw aad form buQt into the flreplece. It saves and circulates heat wasted up ordinary chimneys. Eliminates common causes of molting. Heats cabins in chilly weather. Saves labor and materials. Proved every • where. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. W#st McHenry* Iitiaels PHONE McHENRY ft - r-~ |-jrpplacf Hone In Our Own Flam 906 8. GREEN ST. MeHSMET ee Picknp and livery Service Phone 20 INscoMocf kmatiag applkmcm* when not fit uso to prevent fires. •Cor* sfcoofef )liy»r $o run over radiators or stoam pipes-- ovor-hoating may fofton insulation or to crack. be mod as a svdgtHuto for permanent and properly wlHng. i Do nof ploco cowfc in door ^jambs--, squeezing breaks the protective cov- Do nof dhcomiect applkmci by pulling on the cord-- this loosens the connections. Cords tfcou/tl bo OKommed regularly --worn cords should bo replaced to prevent short circuits and possible elec- VflC WOPto- Have aH electrical repairs and wiring done by a compo tent electrical oon^ sr •%si -t *• '• m ' M •' . . •• • • Jt-lZH-A.-.f- .