Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 13

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r!;$ ^'f v'*^>; .^•».«,M,«.»*yi*.<,«;*A«i«<VV»AW/lMWW»^A«»'>M^W.<»MuM<»»W^V% V«WWWW> V»Vt«» *. *T PSf^r}-:vri&w?T* ™; p*hz<.1 >'J " - • - -- • *:*» «'«••% **,?"» <»\ fii?<r;# »-'*'yffi. > .&. McHenry County, Illinois Official Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal Year Ending April 1,1949: v *¥m *ai?i feil S" SUPPLEMENTAL TO Special April Meeting, 1948 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHenry, Illinois The Honorable Board of "Supervlsors of MvHenry County, Illinois, TOet in special sisslon pursuant to tile following call signed by more than one-lhird i.*" its members at the Co'irt Holism in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the 20th day .of April. A, D. 1-948 at the hour Of ten o'clock A. Mr the Clerk's certificate of mailing notices tjnd publlaher'M om tilicate of publication being . attwelled thereto, to-wlt: . A April «, i«48 , State of Illinois, - Couirty of MclHnry, ss. I, }{. 1I..\V(II«IS, Clerk of the County.'. Court and Ex-< ifficio Clerk of the • Hoard of Supervisors of said County, in the Stale jifuresiiid do hereby «ert fi y that on the Cth day of April, •194S. being not loss than ten davs , ,, . • t*ioi- t„ il„. dav set for the Special ! Balance Forward -April IfHS i irgiinization Meeting „f ! ueneral fund . the Hoard of 'Supervisors 1 deposited in the I'nited States mail at the post office in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, postage fully paid, notice of said meeting, the attached being . a true and correct <'opy endorsed --with t-lic time and place of said The Chairman stated further that he knew that he would receive ine best of assistance from the vario>is committees of the Hoard to be appointed and from the efficient ClerK of the Ijo&rd, and he invited tne member*! of . the Press and the txapayers of McHenry County to attend all meetings of the Board, and that lie could assure them that they would receive courteous treatment. The minutes of the Special March 194 8. meeting were read and upon moQ&n duly made and carried were approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of March was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Maeket.en and declared carried, was approved and ordered of record, to-wit: County Tmnwi Beport *or the Month of March, 1048 BMilpti $189,960.09 ...% 468.11 Suprs., County Home , 529.90 Supt., Co. Home 90.03 Chin., License Comm. 150.00 Anticipation Warrants 10,000.00 meeting addressed to each of the following Supervisors and Assistant Supffvisors of said County at their respective-post office address set opposite cacti name, to-wit: Name Address "SJttpr, August W. Ruth, Marengo, 111. Wpr. Carl E. Wittmus, RD, Har- . *\ard, ill. Supr. E. Beck, Harvard, 111. Supr. Kline** C. Coy, Allien, 111. Supr. j. Carroll, RD, Wobdstock, .111. "Btlpr.f'haS. -. T. Dunning, Box 241, Woodstock, 111. Supr. ("has. H. Ackmait,, T7nlon, Til. Supr. llarlev Mat-kel.-en, Huntley, ill. Supr. T. F. Nolan, Woodstock, 111. 'Sui«*. Aimer Aavang, RU, Wood- *U«ck, ill. Supr. Stanley H. Cornue, Hebron, 111. Supr. Frank I!. McConnell, Richmond, 111. * Supr. Frank Mayt Spring Grove, 111. Supr. Math N. Schmitt, McHenry, I IK Supr. Henry C. Meier, Crystal I>alte, Supr. John J: Filip, Alffonquin, 111. Asst. Supr. A. M, ran K stock,, in, |st. Supr. A* K Waxwell,. McConnell/ RD. RD, Woodstock. Ill Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal, Crystal Lake, 111. " . In Witness Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of the Court at my office In Woodstock this sixth day of April, A. I). 1948. R. D. WOODS?. County Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of -Supervisors. (Seal) The* meeting was called, to order by the Chairman, .rolin J. Filip, and the I'led ire of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was.given !>y the Chairman with all ni<iu^prs< of the Board and viaitOT>-- rr^sent participating. The roll was c.alleri by the Clerk and the following members responded to their -names, to-wit: Supervisors August W. Ituth, C. Perry Wright. Carl E. Wittmus, Frank E. Heck, Elmer C. Coy, Gilbert J. Carroll. Charles T. Dunning, Charles H. Acktnan. Harley Mackeben. Thomas F. Nolan, Altner Aa- - -VB-ng, Stanley Cornue, Frank B. Mt'C.onnell. FranTv May, Math f*: Schmitt, Henry C. Meier and John J.- Filip and Asst. Suprs. Augustus' M. Maxwell, A. It. McConnell and l^aul Rosenthal constituting a full Board pres(>nt. • , r The Chaiiman, .John J. Filip, addressed tlie Hoard and stated -that -• tUt* t'.rst order of TiUsfnesis to "come I'ff'ore this meeting was the election of a Chairman, for the ensuing Board year, and he stated that the tl-niv nad come for him to retire and that he wished at this time to thank the. 'members of the Hoard, and various Committees, for the solen* did cooperation they had given him ' /during the >• --his chairmanship, and for the rim*-work that they had done for, M'*Henry County. He also thanked tiie members of the Press, the various County Officers and their Assistants for their coon- » The ictiring Chairman then called for nominations frur the office of chairman of the Board of Supervisors IW the ensuing year. Supr- Meicr nominated Supir. Gilbert J. Carroll of ilartland Township for Chairman for the ensuing year. And Supr., S( hmitt nominated Supr. Carl K. Wittmus of IMinham Township for Chairman for the ensuing v ea»\ The retiring Chatiinnian then (ailed for further nominations and there being no t'urthir nominations it was regtiiarlj moved by Asst. _ Sui't*. llosent l'-if and seconded by .'Asst. SHOP. McConnell that the nominations be closed, and the Chairman ue, (.... (.1 (lie i. >n unalHo(oi!Kl> Dependent Children 34 0.66 County Officers Fees ........ 36.29 Highway Fund . 246.22 Forfeited Tax Account 103.42 Highway Fines *. • 113.00 I'ers. Property Back Tax 749.68 Dog Tax Account 1.00 Inheritance Taxes 1,003.9# Motor Fuel Taxts 298.10 Hwy. Payroll Clear. Acct. 3,818.12 III. Mun. Kmp. Retirement 2,250.28 Institute Fund 9.00 Total Receipts 30,207.77 Grand Total ,.,.»220,167.86 Bs9MUB«SfH County Orders 122,236.35 Probation Officer 127.05 CBunty Treas. Salary ........ 200.00 Clerks' Salaries 1,193.40 Special ClerHs' Salaries .... 90.00 Bounty Orders 23.10 General Fund 175.20 Highway Fund 5,918.46 Inheritance Taxes 1,804.40 Mirtor Fuel Taxjes 7,117-95 Dog Tax Account 1,161.00 Highway Payroll Acc't .... 3,820.52 Forfeited Tax Acc't 8.88 Institute Fund 46.50 111. Mun. Emp. Ret *,*60.28 .946.173.109 173,994.77 Total Expenditures ... Balance March II .... $220,167.86 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my bvst knowledge and belief. HENRY A, NULL.E, County Treaa. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of April, 1948. R. D. WOODS. (Seal) County Clerk The Committee o n McHenry County Home, Farm and 'Hospital presented the f oilowlng report which on motion of Supr. MackeHeti and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell, And the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: * April 7. 1948 Mr. Chairman and- members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on April 7, 1948, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of March 1'948, and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. Dishrows Grocery, grSDPTles and tobacco 8 67.94 Sears Roelruck & Co., clocks, wire and cable 26.60 Jen A See laundry, service 6.45 Public Service Co., serv. 3 mA. 2S3.42 Montgomery Ward, clothing.. 45.92 r.udwig Wilson Co.,, maintenance supplies ' 106.04 Goodrow,s Gar., K&8, oil and rep. 74.08 John Sexton Co.,- groceries ... 257.63 Sliurtleff Co., coal 50.42 Ideal oil Co., gas and fuel oil 161.53 Woodstock Awning Shop, shades and blinds 117.19 Royal Blue, Food Mart. gro. 8l.f>V Boyce Service Station, gas . and oil . 14.47 Woolworth, notions and clothes 27.54 Crystal Lake Farm Store, sup. 27.63 Dary Lumber Co., lime 1.99 Committee so recommends. All of which is respect full* submitted. . T *""S. * F. E. BECK. Chairman. G. J. CARROLL CHAS. H. ACKMAN" * : Al'G. W. Rl'TH HARLEY MACKEBEJt' HKN'RV M El ER • 'A. B. McCONNELL The Committee on Elections presented the following report to-wlt: April 19, 1948 •State of Illinois, • (bounty of Mcenry, . ss. To the Clttirman and Gentleman of v thj^Jloai d of Supervisors: -• • 'Your Committee on IvfeetIons, to whom was referred the Election Ex- • pense Bills for the Primary Election held April 13. 1948 in McHenry County, would beg leave to report that they have examined said statements and would recommend that the following amounts bv paid to the Supervisors iMid Ex-Officio Judges of Election ror tile various" precincts 'and districts In McHenry County, to-wlt: Riley Marengo 1 Marengo 2 Dunham Chemung 1' ......... Chemung I ........ Chemung' S Chemung 4 jS(... Alden Hart land ... Seneca . Coral Grafton .1 .« Grafton' S i Dorr 1 . Dorr 2 I >onr -3 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron Richmond Burton McHenry 1 ,.w... McHenry S McHenry S' McHenry 4 ....... Nunda 1 Xunda 2 Nunda 3 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin S Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 meeting, and that all claims Ih» refer! ed to the proper committees,'and that the Board adjourn until 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Thereupon'the Hoard adjourned for committee work. 1:30 O'CXiOOX I. M. .s^ Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeased of record in the morning ~ session, constituting a full t>oard present. . The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, to-wit: April 20tli. A. D. 184#. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen • of the' Board of Supervisors: - Your Committee on Labor. Fees and Supply Claims would beg l^ave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and nitnend the. payment of the folprlated the Road and Bridge committee may audft and order paid the road bills incurred in the care and improvement of the State Aid System of Roads in the County including salaries for the patrolmen and road workers, gravel, gravel hauling, labor, lumber, posts, road signs, snow removal, repairs and supplies for County owned machinery, machinery reiUair- small tools, cement, steel, culverts and" bridges, paint, insurance, printing, fuel, grease, oil, gasoline, Diesel fuel, tile "and Inci- •dentals. That the Road and Bridge Committee he authorised to meet monthly to audit and pay bills incurred and transact business of office. .That the County Superintendent of Highways act as general overseer of the" work, and as clerk of ... ^ the Road and Bridge Committee. Diocesan fkfhollc- Charities, | Wc further recommend that the Glosson • 60.00 Right of Way Committee secure l.isle Manual Training,,& Indus- the right »f way for roads built on trial. .)asten.(4> 80.00 the Stale Aid System of Roads out Mrs. .less liut,it, Fiesman (2) 80.00 of motor fuel tax funds, and that Mis. Shirley DeLihe, DeLine 2*80.00 emergency matters that may develop t-h e r e f < fre opinion "of ^m* Conl? I was'TegffiTmo^d ^TsSpr^Acl!-1 P^^presemed^he0^.^ ^port* ZF .^^.^0" I th* ^lar* mittee that the salary of Alice Jones i man and duly seconded A-st, which on motion of Suor Wright "-. -. s?!d, aI>l>ro- | motion unanimously carried, should be increased from $135^00 Supr. McConnell that all standing; and dulv seconded bv Suur Dunning per month to $1«0.00 per month. Committees of the Board lake and the roll being called was deeffective .)pril 1st, 1948_, and your charge of the business before this <-lared unanimously adopted to-wit: '* * -- April 20th, A*. D. 1948 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and 1 hat the Clerk be directed to issue ^orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children--. Lutheran Child Welfare Assn. Dayniond. Siebel $ 8O.O0 -Woodstock Children's, Home. Fiesman, Shav (3). Dalsiel • * 240.27 St Hrancist Hospital, V'in; . - Net tan 48.^0 Mrs. Edward Redding, Daslel 30^00 lowing, and that the Clerk be direct- Alrs Me!vin " Flem i'nT" Shay orders on the County \ Jasien •* to the Claimants for thei\i,s 1 inia,, several amounts allowed, as fol^ws, ISJ!"wl;wma ,0"w,t- * .Vet tan- ' " off sun liV«*470 9°- Cir ^ ",a" 40.00 1 |3.8» ,...••74.78 | Allelidale T^arm, Holmes 28.20 } 1 ahiise Brooks, dependent Clill. 136.84, pro off trav $39.18.... 76,02 $ 133.40 ' Frank Tliornber Co., co elk 147.70 1 ~ 1J8.04 158.003 1TO>20 142.70 133.00 ) 135.70 132.70 139.70 132.30 137:70 137.70 137.30 136.70 1 36.60 127.60 126.60 137.10 137.20 137.70 . 138.30 133.30 <137.70 132.70 137.70 137.70> 142.70 137.50 137.r>0 133.10 137.50 133.10 133.20 133.00 Mrs. Cassius Sweat man, Stead- 39.00 40.00 40.00 Total Cr.vstal Lake Herald, co elk off sup $228.75, co elk elec sup-regis $»9.00, co elk ptg $124.00 - The McHenry Plaindealer, CO elk elec sup regis Crystal l^ake Herald, shf off sup Co. Clk. Elec. Sup. Regis.-- The Hebron Times The Richmond Gazette ....„ Marengo Republican-News Harold Schmidt Printing Coheir elk sup H. W. Schmidt Co., co elk off sup $4.74, co treas oil sup $2.76, co liwv off sup f3.39, shf off sup '$5.01 ..._ Sup. Sells. Off. Exp.-- Marengo Republican-News livers Printing Co. .. Roland McCannon ' ' Ct. Hse. Sup.-- ,. Fiiden (Calculating Machine Co. Inc Interstate Bedding Co. Inc Broeker'S Janitor Supply .... Waller B. Morris Ludwig Wilson Company ...... Bohn Hardware Co Stone's Drug Store E. J. Field Hardware - $4 766 10 i Woodstock Trucking Ser 'L' ,, ' • Lien Chemical Con 461.78 97.20 «4.60 13.30 13.20 15.00 I 1M» 1S.91 14.80 ?«.S4 17.89 AUuof -which is respectfully sub- j True VaTue'Hardware'Store mitted". MATH N. SCHMITT Al'G. W. Rl'TH ALMER AAVANG CHAS. H. Al'KMAX CHARLES T. DI'NXI^Il Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the report of the Com mi flee j Silliman Welding Shop ! 111. off. Supply Co., clr elk J Tec bk The Haloid Co., cir elk sup .... Co. Treas. Off. Sup. -- Moore's Business Forms Inc. ! Burgess, Anderson & Tate Inc. | The Richmond Gazette j Hoy Ins. Agency, co ii>s. Jutlcy: Libry. *99.33 29.26 21.11 S9.46 39.52 65.28 7.86 36.80 10.00 94.08 .. 1.68 .75 58.38 31.65 731.30 48.60 coal 559.65 111. Hell Tel. Co., service . . 29.9r> (•oodall Hdw., sei>ar&tor bowl 33.95 Ai well, Inc., pest control s«rv. 36.28 Hubert Pharmacy, medicines 36.28 Sawyer Biscuit Co., bakery sup. 16.33 Hesselgrave Poultry Co., chickens 39.90 Patton Baking Co., bakery.sup. 89.72 Russell R. Reld, crushed gravel 22.03 Menzel Electric shop, repairs 8.50 Walter B. Morris, Are ex.. 19.24 Chicago Motor Club., ins. prem. 70.16 Bohn ' Hardware, supplies R. O. Andrew Co.. grinding and feed R. F. Backus, electricity . , , Bakkoni Co., supplies mirled. Itwas thereupon regularly Kemps Hatchery, poultry sup. moved hy Supr. Meier and duly ser- * ond.-il by Supr, Schmitt that a ballot l.u- taken for the two nomminatioiis for Cha Irii'iin, and the roll . l -ili'4' called the Chairman declared f the motion unanimously"*"" carried. Tlie Chairman of the Hoard, John J. Filip. notified the members that he would elect tq participate iij the vOtiii^r. Tin* Chairman of the Boatrd then appointed SUIT. Ackman and Supr •Ffpnk McConnell as lecejYing tellers, and Suprs. <\ Perry Wright and • F. 1*'. Keck, as recording tellers: at the close of all balloting and the •'Canv,*is« of the • \ ote the recoiling ^tellers announced the results as fallows: 11 votes for Carl E. Wittmus the Supr. from Dunham Township. and 6 votes for Gilbert J. Carroll tlie Supr. from H.irtland Townk ship. f It was regularly moved bv Asst. Sllpr. Rosenthal and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that Carl K., Witiinuss, the- Supr. from Dunham Township,, le ch ( ted Chairman for the ensuing Hoard year, and that the Clerk of this'Hoard be instructetl ~Xto cast the unanimous vote of said Board for said Supr. for Chairman and the ro'l being called Suprs. Ruth. Wright. Wittmus, Beck. Cov,- Carroll, dunning. Ackman, Mackelu* l. Nolan. Aavana. Cornue, Miu Council, May; Schmitt, Meier, and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell,' McConnell ahd 'Hosenthal voted aye. Nay none, j. And the retirine Chairman declared J the Inotion unanimously carried and the said Supr. from" Dunham Township elected Chairman for the ensuing \ear and the Clerk cast the unanimous vote of the Board, as in,- . strccted. The retiring chairman •Stated that he wished at this ti before tinning over the gavel to , the newly elected Chairman to Uiank Supr. Ackman for acting as Chairman pro-tem during his illness and illness in his family, lie then est-Ort-ed the newly elected Chairman. Cijrl E. Wittmus. to the Chair, and nresented him with the gavel and instructed him to wield it with dignity' and credit »to the people of k McHenry County. J The newly elected Chairman thanked the members of the Hoard' for tli- great honor they bestowed upon him in electing him Chairman, and that this moment coming shortly after his si\t ieth ' birthday was one of the happiest of his entire life, and thathe would endeavor to eondi'ct the office to the best of" his ability. He then told a story about a great general, who before • e-niii" into I tittle addressed his troops and stated that if the engagement WW a success they would receive all the credit, and that if the engagement was a failure that he would shoulder, the blame. • The ( Chairman stated that is the way he » felt about t he • management of the affairs of McHei/ry County in so far as his office was concerned, and that if his year as Chairman was a success he wanted the members of the I'.o.utl to recefve the credit. .,and that in the event that it was a 'failure, lie wa Cleliocki Shoe Shop, shoe rep. W. P.'AMen. incidentals W. P. Afllen. salary Esther C. Alien, salary Hilm.i Melander. sal. nurse. Robert Muehlberg, salary ... Sophie Muehlberg, salary ... Susie McPherson. salary T. F. Nolan, com. secy. ....... *67.73 29.90 13.35 14.35 39.70 9.00 60.50 200.00 175.00* 125.00 125.00 100.00 70.0a 50.00 Cream sold Cream sold .r~ $ 48.37 68.61 $3,279.66 116.98 $3,162.68 - Woodstock, III. April 7th.- 1948 To The fiottorabte John J. Filip, Chairman, and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: Your McHenry County Farm, Home an<l Hospital Committee, beg to report that they met at the County Home in Ilartland on the above date, and audited and approved for payiffent, bills in the following amounts:- Permanent Improvements .. $251.08 Running Expense 1,413.73/ Clothing, boots an<) shoesj, . 73.46 Tolacco 45.61 Medicines 36.28 Hospital 802.75 Diet ti..--•' 485.15 Fuel ...~ 771.60 approved and adopted by this Hoard, and the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Beck. Coy, Carroll, Dunning, Ackman, Mackeben. Nolan, Aavang, Cornue. McConnell, May, Schmitt. Meier, and Fili'i> iand Assn. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. Anil the chairman -declared' the motion unanimously cai ried and the "report approved. A repftrt of the County Treasurer showing payments to the County from Townships on County Home was presented and ordered placed on file. A Resolution amending Section 1 of Article IV of a rwu,lu4ion governing the Jicensing and control of the sale -of liquor In McHenry County, Illinois, outside of the corporate limits of any City, Village or Incorporated Town was presented and read to the Hoard to-wit: A Resolution. Amending Section 1 of Article IT of a Resolution Governing the Licensing- and Control of the |U« of Liquor In McHenry County, Illinois, Outside of the Corporate Limits of Any City, Village or Incorporated Town. Re It Rewolved^by till) Hoard of Su Elections be Callaghan & Company i,6oS. 7.00 $.50 31.80 80 22 The Lawyers Co-Operative ... $5.00. contingent $26.80 $5.00, contingent $25.80 Mlshler Electric, ct hse rep Northern III. Pub., Inc., co elk off sup Benton Street Rest., ct jurors R. o. Andrew" Co.. ct hse jail coal 1,92 B. F. Kennelly, er TB off 12.50 Shf. Off. Sup. .-. :: Hart let t Photos .............. Siifwell StudioS Latnpkin Laboratories 1 1 Perfection Legal Blank Co..... Fred C. Bau, shf per diem* fees serv ..1,3,0,30 Shf. Feeding I'ris. - Schuett's Grocery MiUt 119.97 Walsh's Grocery & Market .... 65.18 Trackett's Bakery oaksidc Dairy Products inc. Sabina Bau, shf dpty - Gilbert Tracy, shf dpty Harold G. Fox, shf dpty Harry Beu. shf dpty George Meyers, khf dpty Ralph Stewart, shf dpty Harold Hobbs, shf dpty Theodore Miller, shf dpty Otto Buchert, sliT dpty Frt-d .1, Krenz, shf dpty Clvde C. Miner, shf dpty $105.00,, builiff $85.00 ... C. L. Tryon, i*o sup hwy trav exp Co. Clk. Regstr. B A D J. lf<>rber« Orr ; G. M. Housholder .:... Leo 10. Dwyer pervisors of McHenry County, Illinois. in Special Meeting Convened. as Follows: Section I. That Section t of Article IV of "A Resolution Governing the Licensing and Control of the Sale of Li<|iior lb McHenry County, Jllitiois, Outside of the Corporate limits of Any City, Village or Incorporated Town" be, and the same [ Charley J. Freund js hereby amended to read as fol Miss Marguerite Covcll lows, to-wit: Peter Serres Article TV--Boles and XegnlaUons J Ceo^el\.: nSunivan 1. No alcoholic liquor shall be ' sold or furnished at retail inJUc- Henry County outside of tlie corporate limits of any City, Village or incorporated Town between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 6:00 o'cloc A. M. of any day, with the exception of Friday night. Saturday Night and Night prior to anil Holidays. -Tlie closing hou<- for tliese nights shall be 2:00 o'clock A. M.. and during such period of time, all premises licensed hereunder shall be closed. The Utile referred to herein shall be Central Standard Time, except that duriifg the period i,n which War Time is in effect under Federal Uiw, the time referred-to^ herein shall l.v Central War Time. and except that during the period of time between and from the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in Septmcmber in each year, and the time referred to herein shall be Central Daylight Saving Time. Section. II. All rules and regulations heretofore passed i?i conflict herewitli are hereby repealed Section III. This Resolution and the rules and regulations therein contained shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and adoption according to law- 1.6S 13.6C 1.70 16.00 3.56 31.84 46.00 13.96 7.00 14.00 28.00 •7.00 7.00 14. On 7.00 •14.00 7.00 14.00 140 00 72.24 138.00 ! 7.oo j 8.25 ! • 4.25 | 9.25 1 3.50 10.7:". 360.50 23,.50 87". l.r.n • 1.00 22.00 25*0 10.50 Lake Countv T. B. San., Care T. B. patients- 2,588.20 Rockford Mun. Tuberculosis . San., T. 14. patients. Powers 270.00 All of which Is respectfully subletted, ' A. B. McConnell, Chairman K. C. coy , CARL E. WITTMPS O'. J. CARROLL I FRANK M A V„ The Clerk presented and read - a ; letter from the Lake County Tuberj culosis Sanltoriuin announcing an I.increase in rate for hospitalization I and cure of patient-s. after the reading of the letter it was the opinion of the Hoard that the -County , should continue corhmittlng patients powered to order signs posted -to said Institution. County State Aid Roads limiting VThe Committee on Roads and ridges presented the following report, to-wit;. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors, McHenry , County, Illinois: • The undersigned mem I vers of the Road and Bridge committee for said Count) beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois on March 23, 1948 to consult County officers in the enforcement of the ban on heavy loads oh soft roads due to deep frost. The Chairman annH^itigsd the selection of Grand Jurors .Hid Supplemental Panel for the May. 19-18 teini of the Circuit Court and the We again met on the 26th day of March and agreed on an article for the newspapers explaining the posting of'the roads against heavy loads. We again met on the ltlth day of April, 1948, at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $3,688.82. ' Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: ^ Sections 3. 14 $ 173.27 Auctions 4, Itj. 18 447.04 Sections 4, 17 . 224.98 Sections 5. 6 41.88 Sections 7. 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 .... 680.66 Sections 13. 15 . 609.13 Total . $5,705.78 Bills! were audited . and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: Mun. Employees Retire, fund $167.52 Patrol No. 2, maintenance, labor and materials .1,319.04 Right of Way. engineering 82.44 ,Sei:lix±Il :t.*t, eiifrin»...|-iiifr 31 4K \rlle E. Shearer Foy L. Mentch .. Mrs. Lormay Reynolds .; Hen Frisch Earl R. Walsh . ..T.;..,.... Harry C. Shales Charles Pingry Co. clk. Elec. Clk. 8upl.- Charles F. Hayes Carlton S. Robh . The McHenry Plaindealer, co clk elec j)tg bill R. D. Woods. Co. Clk., co clk either a traffiv boimd or a llirtiand tax extn 3 269 48 cement stabilized gravel base, to be known as Section 41 M: F. T. On the Town roads program im- Section 34, engi. !al«>r At mat. 24H.45 Sec. 3.'). ma int. labor & mat. 281.06 Sec. 36, engi. labor and mat. 3.16 Sec. 34, Right of Way mat. 298.10 Sec. 3, const, labor and mat. 229.67 Total $2,656.91 •Twp. Roads, State Appropriation, engineering $239.53 "The Spring breakup was unusually, severe due to deep froht. Several complaints were received regarding tJt» road south of iskind Lake along tne Lake County line which is mostly a slough mad, hut conditions were no worse than in many other parts in the County. " Tl» matter of the petition to place the M-cCart h.y's Crossing Road In the Town of Ilartland ami •Dunham on the blacktop imppovenient piogVam was discussed and we decided to recommend the passage of from storms or war be handled by the Road and Bridge Committee. (jWe further recommend that tlie policy adopted I v this Board at the special October 1931 .meeting, namely- of the road and bridge committee ordering orders drawn sertii-nionthly for road work and materials under coritragt entered into by this Board, to the extent of ninety t90) percent of amounts due be continued. j We also recommend that the ^\>unly Treasurer keep the road and l-ridge funds in a' separate account and credit suime account with its proportiiyiale share of tax funds and back taxes when same are received and distributed, also road" filled and receipts for machinery rental -and road materials. We further recommend the continuance of existing agreements twid methods in road matters for the Ensuing year or until such time as the new toad and bridge committee shall make different recommendations for approval of this Board. We also recommend that the Road and Bridge Committee be herel.-y emon .. the weight of vehicles and trucks using the roads during the Spring season breakup of the roads due to the frost leaving the ground, and "that the said committee may call on the proper County officials to enforce the State laws relating to said matters, all in accord with resolution' passed by this Hoard at its March 1948 meeting. W«^ again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 14th and 15th of April, 1948. We inspected the Island Lake Road and decided to re-gravel the -major portion of the road and made arrangements with the Town of N'unda to crush about one thousand (1,000) cubic yards of gravel for our tricks to haul on the road. We also ordered some patching of the gravel road leading from Algonquin to l.ake in the Hills involving arouiid two hundred twenty-five (225) cube ymrds of crushed gravel. Most of the signs naming th State Aid Roads- by letter have been placed. . We have received from motor fuel tax funds rental on Countvowned machinery included in the above report $456.21 - Patrol Section No. 2 - Maintenance and $95.06 Section 33 -Construction, also $28.45 from Seneca Township for plowing snow, and from the State of Illinois $113.<*>6 for refund of State tax on 3788.8 gal. of tractor gas - Check No. 530911. We have turned all of the above amounts over to the Countv Treasurer for the County road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repulr. storage and purchase of road .machinery or for improvements for buildings to house machinery. The County Highway fund is running short and we recommend that the County Treasurer procure the necessary funds to carry the necessary expenses for care of the roads until the next tax collections are made. ' Vour committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads ail appropriation irom the County Highway fund in the sum of $4 50o tin til the next meeting of this BoArd. All of which is respectfully submitted. _ F. E. BECK * G. J CARROLL CARL E. WITTMUS , * FRANK B. MCCONNELL PA IT L ROSENTHAL Road and Bridge Committee McHenry County, Illinois. _ It was thereupon regularly moved by-Supr. Ackman arid duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the report of t h e C o m m i t t e e o n R o a d s a n d Bridges 1-e adopted by tins Hoard. The roll beng called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Heck, Coy, Carroll, Dunning. Ackman, Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang, Cornue. McConnell, May, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Awst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted t«e. Nfly none. And the -- 10.0O, an in1pr.,venient resolution f»r a CI*,irman declared the motion unan , Mailing job and placing of a gia\el imnusly carried and" the report ap 1.648.3d base for future blacktop surface on proved! v Woodstock Dally Sentinel,, co clk pff supl $133.05, co clk elec supl regis $48.30. co clk elec clk supl $103.60. contingent (Roland McCan- * non) $70.50. co hwy oft silp $34.75 cir clk supl $44.50, supr prig $975.00 .1,409.70 Charles F. Hayes, judcy justice fees 35.00 1 1 1 . Hell Tel. Co.. ct hse jail telSSO lti Total $3,279.66 Receipts from cream sold .... 116.98 Net $3,162.68 The regular monthly Inspection of grounds, buildings. livestock and equipment revealed everything to be in good condition. No other business appearing for the consideration of your Committee. upon motion duly made attid seconded a vote was taken and the Supervisor , Mackeben. Chairman of the Liquor License Committee stated the purpose of tbe amendment to the liquor license act stating that the only change that the amendment makes is on closing hours during the summer months on daylight saving time, that heretofore under the provisions of the Ordinance taverns closed on Standard Time. Supr. Cornue addressed the Board and asked if the Liquor Control Commission was- giving any consideration to earlier closing hours during the week days. A general discussion was then had with regard to said matter and Supr Mackel- en in answer to Supr. Cornue stated, that t heN^ommission considered said matter^ but were only recommending the change as outlined in the Amending Resolution It was thereupon regularlv moved i;»an de°lared the meellnS ad" 1 RoseS^nrS Jouineu. . seconded l.v Supr. j^olan that the Respectfully submitted. AI'OrSTITS M. MAXWELL,, Chairman E. C. COT FRANK B. McCONNELL PAt'L ROSENTHAL T. F. NOLAN The Committee on Fees ancfHJaf- Amending Resolution be adopted fc-y this Board, and the roll being called Supr. Ruth. Wright. Heck, Cov, Carroll. Dunning. Ackman, Mackeben Nolan. Aavang. Cornue, McConnell' May. Schmitt, Meier. Filip and Asst' Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. N*ay none And the Chairman declared the mo- _ tion unanimously carried and the arles presented the following re- ; Amending ordinance adopted. ,<fiSVrt. which on _ motion of Supr. ! Asst. Supr. McConnell Addressed Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. j the Hoard and stated that the large Schmitt. and the roll being called,. County map that used to be on the was declared unanimously adopted, | wall in the Supervisors Room was to-ult: j remove at the time of remodeling April 19th. 1948. ! and that he thought it would !*» a To the Chairman and Gentlemen of i good plan to have an up to date the Board of Supervisors: • map made showing the changes on Your Committee on Fees and Sal- i roads. After some discussion in re. aries would beg leave to report that gard th- said matter it was regularljtthev met at the Court House in the moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and City of Woodstock on the above , duly seconded l.v Supr. Wriuht that mentioned date to consider a request i the Countv Highway Department be of Alice Jones clerk in the office of j authorized to purchase ten ilu to Kiltz Off. Service, co.clk off sup $24.76. cir clk sup $6 C.3., co treas off sup $12.30, co hw y off sup $12.75 Ridgetield Earners' Supply, ct list- jail coal C. C. Miner, co clk elec sup The Harvard Herald, contingent (McCannon) $31. 5 0 . co clk elec ,ptg bal $139.f co clk elec sup reg $39.0 Supr. Sal. Mil. Per Diem-- Aug W. Ruth C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus .... F.- E. Beck E. C. Coy G. J. Carroll .........1... Charles T. Dunning Chas. H". Ackmfflr-;;^ Harley Macketnnf T. F. Nolan Aimer Aavang Stanley H. Cornue ..' Frank B. McConnell Frank Mav Math N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier A. M. Maxwell A. B. McConnell , Paul Rosenthal .. Wm. Desmond. Postmaster, co clk elec sup reg $25.00 co ,clk off sup $33.21 . City of Woodstock, ct hse jail It and water . Sylvester Muldoon. ct^ hse 5C.44 393.0; 105 !•<> 124.40 16.1.50 92.00 67.20 33.40 74.90 20.40 118.80 156.80 31. t<> 21.40 67.20 94.8o 44 4( (Copy on,(He in the County Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Heck and duly seconded hy Supr, Ackman that the Resolution be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman declared ' the motion unanimously carried and the Resolution adopted and a portion of the plat vacated. The following M. F. T. Construction Resolution was presented and read to tin' Hoard, to-wit: 'Cony on file 111 the County Clerk's office.) Jt was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Siiffh Mackeben that fhe resolution he approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll 46.6i' 32.80 66.8*' 58.21 17 jaII sal • 176.00 D. C. (iibson. ct hse jail sal. .. 203.00 R. I. Overton, cir ct pro off sart 75.00 Alice Jones, er TB off sal . .. 135.00 Sabina Bau. shf cook for prls 100.00 Grant Nolan, shf dpty 2"0.00 .lack R. Mevers, shf dpty 200.00 George K. Swank, shf dpty .. 2o0.00 to shoulder the blame. the County Veterinarian for an increase In salary and. your Committee, after having duly considered said request, and upon investigation, readv and Willing i found that no increase of salary was granted said clerk at the time date large county maps and one thousand smalll county maps. And by Supr. Meier that the report be the roll being called the Chairman approved and adopted by this Board, declared the motion unanimously , and the roll being called the Chaircarried. man declared the motion unani- The Clerk presented lists of mously carried. The following letter from C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways, together with Resolution To^7'ofn\*l^ ! l^f'n^'l and°J*eadn to'the board.^totli. e road from tlie Oak Grove School through Lawrence to -the Village of Chemung. There afe two portions of the Route aggregating about one (1) mile that are County State Aid roads. We decided to recommeifd that tlu» County oil its portion of the route in conjunction with the Tr^wn of Cheinung road improvetlie matter of the Hunt ley-Five ers Road improvement with eminent." State and County ds, the State has changed its omineiidat ion as to the depth of vel. after seeing the Spring iikup They recommend six (6) •hes additional gravel over and above the ten (10) inches of "compacted gravel provided. This will ftivolve about $5000 of County funds l»eing called the .Chairman declared ^nd would come out of the contin- the motion unanimously carried and gency fund provided in the job set- the Resolution approved and, adoptup. The State's letter on the tnat- ed. ter Is attached and we have decided The following communications reto recommend conformance with its ceived from the Division of High-< recommendations. i ways of the State of Illinois con- ™'e have received a request from I cerning road matters were presentthe Bell Telephone Company for i ed aiid read to the Board, towit-: L.J*.'1 '^permits to set poles along* (Copy of same on file in the v"oun- "--•--- • jv clerk's office.) A general discussion was then h'ad concerning condition of County roads generally and damage caused by frost. A Request for permission to extendtheir lines in Marengo Township .was received from the Illinois Bell Telephone Company and requests to extend their ljnes into Seneca and Burton Township were received from the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, said request being recommended for approval by the Road and Bridge Committee in their report previously approved at this meeting. It was thereupon regularly moved "by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the permits be granted. And the Chairman declared the motion unanirno'isly carried. The following report of the Zoning Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County Illinois zoning ordinance was presented and read to the Board to-wt: (Copy'of same on tile in the County Clerk's office.i It wasfthereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded __ by Supr. Ackman that the report of the amount of •'funds, within the | of the Zoning Board of Appeals be ' approved and adopted by this Board And that the maps and records in the County Clerk's office be amended and correct ed to conform to the action as taken by the Board of Abpeals oil the propery as outlined in State Aid Route 2oB in tbe Town , of Marengo. Permit No. 8284, which • we recommend be granted. j „.. We also have received two (2) re- 1 ,}] quests for Highway permits to exic, en<1 Mnes along State Aid ! Roads from the Public Service Company. One is along Route 4A in the Town of Burton known as Permit District Serial No. 1-4018, File No. 11320. The other is along the blacktop road knoWn as Section <*G" in the Town of Seneca. Permit District Serial No. 1-4018, File No. 42131. We have decided to recommend the granting of said permits. The County Workman's Compensation, Public Liability and County truck insurance policies expired April -15, 1948. and we decided to award the insurance to The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company. Don- , , j. - o9« an a,d Tappan of Woodstock,-Illinois, I^vle R. Hutcfyfnwn, shf dpty 225.00 th** looal a^nt. Chgo. & N. \V'. Railway Co., We decided to make the usual ct hse jail coal .<• 2J».is recommendations concerning the Roland McCannon. contingent 240.00 handling of the County Highway Walter feldt. ct hse jail coa 90.07 work f<yr the ensuing year as fol- \U of which is respectfully sub- i b»ws: mitted. At the, meetings of this Board of , : £. .,^?iTrnBn " I Supervisors the Road and Bridge : m vTH N SCHMITT Committee shall make an estimate " ^ Vr. VIM. ! ,ax v-v a»d receipts for that pur- STAM.Ki H. t < >K.M I*. , pose, needed "to carry on the build- It, was thereupon regularly moved ing and maintenance of roads for hy Supr. Ackman and duly seconded 1 which the County is responsible from time to time. If said estimate is approved by this Board it shall he considered as a limit on the authorized expenditures of the Capnty Road and Bridge Committee, A petition signe*d by approximately 150 of the r«^ddents and property owners asking for the repair of a State Aid road between Lake and McHenry County, together with a letter " from James N. Mantsoros representing petitioners, was presented and read to the Board. Supr. Beck . chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee stated that his committee was informed of the condition of said road South from Rte. 176 along Lake and McHenry County line, and that upon inspection found that the road was in bad condition and ordered same repaired, and that about $1,000.00 worth of gravel was placed on said road, and that at this. writing the road was in quite good shape. The petition together with letter accompanying same was referred to the Road and Br-idge Committee. Asst: Supr. Rosenthal addressed the Board and stated that George .ledlika. enforcing officer operating under the McHenry County Zoning ordinance had asked for an increase in salary, due to the increased amount of work caused* by the increase in number of applications for building permits, and that he would move at this time that said request be referred to the committee on Fees and Salaries for report. Said motion motion was duly seconded by Supr. Filip and declared unanimously carried. County Farm Adviser Tatpmeus was present at the meeting and spoke briefly concerning the 1948 Weed Control program in McHenry County and outlined the following plan, to-wit: Buy equpment or hire to spray all roads in township where needed in two weeks time. Time to be arranged by Farm Advisor. Send out cards to all farmers saying this will be done and if farmer has a patch of thistles, bind weed, or other susceptahle weeds in his yard, lanes, pastures, or woods, but not in growing crops to hail th% sprayer outtifit when he comes by to come in and get his patches. The The township or operator would charge, the farmer by the hPur 'or time spent spraying. ¥ Notify railroads they must spray and If they wish to hire township outfit, to arrange for such. Farm Adviser will arrange for about four spraying demonstrations about June 1st, if these are needed to help township sprayers get started off. Farmers with outfits will be invited, too. After some further discussion with regard to noxious weed control in McHenry County it was decided that said matter should be referred back to the Lands and Lots Committee for further consideration. Supr. Ruth. Chairman of the Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle addressed the Board anu stated that at the last meeting of the Board the matter of the question of T. B. tests was brought before the meeting, and that his committee requested Dr. B. F. Kennely, County Veterinarian, to be present at this meeting to outline his views on the matter. Dr. Kennely was then called on by the Chairman and outlined in detail the T. B. test program in McHenry County. He stated that they were about a year back in their work, but that he did not feel that local practitioners would want additional work in T. B. tetfting and that there was a lot of red tape in connection with getting Stnte app ovnl of in,a! veterinarian- to assist in ih- wo;k. The question of getting proper t.ata made of cattle before being shipped or transported from one herd to another, was brought up for discussion. County Farm Advisor Tamhieils' stated thftt he thought it would he a good plan if all trucks transporting cattle were Inspected by stjfte police officers, to ascertain whether or not they had the proper papers on said cattle on T. B. tests. After some further discussion with regard to said matter it was regularly- moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Heck lhat the question of the proper testing of cattle be referred back to the Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle, and lhat the ComniItt.ee_be instructed to write the Senator and Representatives of the Eighth Senatorial District. and to-Arnold Benson, Director of the State Department of Livestock Industry, asking their co-operation in said matter. The Chairman declared the motion unanlmusly carried. following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors for tbe May, 1948 ^term of the Circuit Court, to-wit:" Lawrence P. Burke, Riley Twp. Ernest Robb. Marengo Twp. Wayne Bereft. Marengo Two. Clara Freese, Dunham Twp. Irene Coney, Chemung Twp. Lule Strain, Chemung Twp. Charles II. Cramer, Alden Twp. Patrick Murray, Seneca Twp. Viola Kjiiser, Seneca Twp. I. Opal Church, Coral Twp. Herb Stumpf, Grafton Twp. Ralph Ostrander, Dorr Twp. Ethel < iffer, Doir Twp. Melvin L. Twoniley. Greenwood Twpt. Louis Wilt-randt. Hebron Twp. orrie F. Saylef, Richmond Twp. Paul Weber, Burton Twp. John Bode, McHenry Twp. Julia Justen, McHenry Twp. John C. Flotow. Nunda Twp. Ethel Moan, Nunda Twp. Claude C. Lace, Algonquin Twp. Edna Serres, Algonquin Twp. The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors on the Supplemental Panel for the May, 194 8 term of the Circuit Court, to-wit: Peter May, Burton Twp. Jacob. Sohaefer. McHenry Twp. William Jurs, Nunda Twp. Fred Lazansky. Algonquin Twp. Hose Pokorny. Algonquin Twp. Ine.! Smith. Riley Twp. Frank Hurt. Marengo Twp. J• race l.indwall. Dunham Twp. Clarence Peters, Chemung Twp. f.vle Wakeley. Chemung Twp. " Robert Stroede. Allien Twp. Lawrence Lohmeyer, Ilartland Twp. Amy Hansen. Seneca Twp. Arthur Fritz. Coral Twtf. William Seiler. Grafton Twp. Ernest C. Swauson, Dorr Twp. Katherine Peatce, Dorr Twp. George Stoffel. Greenwood Twp. Rolph Prout.v, Hebron Twp. Vera H. Burton. Richmond Twp. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded ly Supr. Filip that the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel f»r the May, 1948 term of the Circuit Court be approved and that the Clerk be ' directed to cert if v said lists to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the roll being called Suprs. RVith. Wright, Beck, Cov. Carroll. Dunning, Ackman, Mackeben, Nolan. Aavang, Cornue, McConnell. May. Schmitt. Meter. Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. The chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings, together with communication from the Sec'y of Dist. 4. of the Illinois Ass'n of Supervisors and County Commissioners and Gas Tax Allotment report for the month of March 1948. which were ordered placed oil tile. Supr. Cornue of Hebron Twp. addressed the Board and stated that recently the County Survey Corrfmittee appointed uni^er the School Code j>f the State of Illinois voted 5 to 4 in favor of holding a Countv wide election under the one unit plan, and that it was h's .*plnioi that this was very unwise, for the reason that due to elections that rave ceen held in the Countv to Consolidate Schools that same would be defeated, and if the election was held would cause a great deal of expense to the taxpayers of Mc- Henry County, and that he felt that THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 194^. til* was regularly moved by Supr. v* Mackeben and "duly seconded by a Supr. Coy that sjiid matter be re- Inferred to the Committee on Education for investigation and reports "ii And the Chairman declared the mo- y tion unanimously carried. Supr. Beck of Chemung Town- .-!** ship addressed the Board and stat- :» ed that there were only two com- :;j£ mittees of the Board or Supervisors that he felt had outlived their use- Vi fulness, namely, the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer and The ' i Special Tax Committee; he stated ,'• further that the Committee to Settie with the Treasurer was created back in the days before it was compulsory under the law to h'&ve a bi- jW annual audit made by certified pub- L lie accountants.^ and that the Special Tax Committee was created during the depression to assfst the *,v County Treasurer to Collect the de- jM lirrquent real estate and personal ® property taxes, and that he felt that *s the functions of these two committees could be taken care of by the Committee on Fihance, thereby sav- fV ing the County additional expense for ., committee work. And that ? conforming to a motion made and fy carried at the March 1948 meeting. § he would move at this time that the Chair bv instructed to appoint the V3 same standing committees with the .3 same number on each committee as constituted the working force of s this Board during the past year, except the appointment of a committee to Settle with the Treasurer and 2* The Special Tax Commttee, and ft that their functions or duties be ; taken over by the Finance Commit- t tee, and that the Chair make said J-j appointment of said committees at 'I the May 1948 session of this Board, to be held at the Court House in 5* the City of Woodstock on May 11, |*S ,1948. -subject of course to the proper call of meeting to be filed with the ^4 County Clerk, said motion was duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal 3 and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted. The Chairman stated that if there ?'k was nothing to come before this meeting for the good of McHenry ,j? County, he would entertain a motion V'si to adjourn. It was thereupon regu- #5 larly moved by Supr. Dunning an-' '?* duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt to adjourn. The Chairman declared .Aj the motion unanimously carried.0 Thereupon the Board adjourned. Ji CARL E. WITTMUS. Cliatriwm. $ Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk. J Special May Meeting 1948 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, met in special session at the Court J; House In the City of Woodstock on 5 Tuesday, the lfth day of May, A. D.. 1948 at 10:00 o'clock (DST). 1$ The meeting was calle.' to order bv ^ the Chairman Carl E. Wittmus. and §s the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag jr-i of the United States of America was given by the Chairman with > all of the members and visitors ;l present participating, and the roll ^ being called by the Clerk the follow- Ing members responded Uf names, to-wit: August W. Ttuth, C. I Perry Wright, Carl .E. Wittmus., F. '% E. Beck, Elmer C. Coy. j. Carroll. • Charles T D"r>ning Charles H .*ck- » man, Harley Mackeben. T. F. Nolan. Aimer Aa^ing, Stanley H. Cornue. 4 Frank B. •r^OinneU. *->ank -• Math N. Schmitt. H«nry C. Mei«*! <1 .•nn John .T. FUip and Assistant Su- 'supervisors A. M Maxwell, a B. Mc- ^ ' 'ontie! 1. and Pan! Rosenthal consti- 4 tUttlll? ti full 3 The minutes of the special April it organisation, meeting held April S 2<»tht_l»48 .were Jprtsented and read, ^ and uphn motion "duty made tn-t id carried were approved and ordered $ of record. . J; The. following report of the -- County Treasurer for the month of * April 1948 was presented and read. »! and upon motion duly made and ! carried was approved and ordered of record, to-wit: . C® Trtkawefa Beport Vostk of April, 1MB Balance Forward General.' f*und $ S0I.*« Suprs., County Home 341.(• Sunt.. County Home 68.«1 Chin.. License Com. 56.650.06 Anticipation Warrants _ 10.000.W Dependent Children S«5itt County Officers Fees ... 3,326.03 Highway Fund 69S 39 Pers Prop. Mack Tax . • 466.17 Highway Fines Inheritance Taxes Institute Fund ... Motor Fuel Taxes 111. Mun. Emp. Retir, U9.M -.460.61 4.90 7. B0 2.012.74 Hwy. Payroll Clear, A«0*t 4 !68.81 Total Receipts 81,085.(1 Grand Total .. ..... $225, fcptaUtoM CotMlty Orders O&P Jurors Ordera Coroner's Jurors ;...U Probation Officer County Treas. Salary Clerks' Salaries Special Clks. Salaries Stamps General Fund .. ...... Highway Fund Motor Fuel Taxes 1.. Inheritance Taxes ....; llwy. Payroll Clear. Aeet Institute Fund Escrow Account $!S,55«>« ... 194.00 18.<t0 . ijr.os . 300.00 I 160.00 1.052.10 169.50 5.733.15 1.348.65 -.602.57 2.45 400.04 I he petitions of property owners at- the Board of Supervisors of Mcreport and made a Henry County should investigate the part thereof. And the roll being matter. AiW .? Total Expenditures 46.S3t.06 Balance April 30. 1045 208.548,33 $25:. Oft0.t% The above and foregoing rej>ort i s true afld correct according tr» mr best knowledge and belief. HENRY A. NUL1.E, County Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of May, 194*. 8-D. Weods. (Seal) County "Clerk The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wlt: . The Hoard of Supervisors:' " To the Chairman and Gentlemen ot W Your Committee on Fees and Salaries would beg tenve to report that they met at the Court House 5 in the l ity of Woodstock on Thurs- itday. May t»th. 1948 to consider an j* increase in traveling expenses and 'J car allowance for George J Jedttcka. County Zonihg Enforcing Officer S and f>r an increase in fees for Mc- ? Henry Coupty Z. Viing Permits. Ptie to th* increase in volum« of •M>pl u.n* for McHenrv County 4 v. fVrmlts- your committee. ' Hfter haviPi; duly considered said matter. would recommend that 3s George J. Jedlicka. Countv Zoning I Knforcing Officer, be allowed an In- i fpom J75.0O per month to #; Jll.i.OO per month for traveling expense and car allowance. Sata in- •rease to become effective for the month of June. 1948. Your Committee would further m recommend an increase in the fees which were adopted and established I September 10th. A D. 1946 for f*«. if "lits under the McHenry Cott&ty Zoning Ordinance. The followw changes to be made. - For application covering _ and Industrial construction. ing water supply and sew* «l.t facilities In $25 00 *n tncre*8* *«»«» 1 or applications covert*., d-atisl and accessory build! ctudh»g watf-r supply and treatment facilities W; ~ to $10.00 For a m> Heat ions covering and Industrial accessor* ' not Including water supply SSS86*«,">1

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