Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 14

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•{:VS*w % ^ r • * v " r •*;>*--v •J* : W fHEBOARt) or SUPERVISORS, McHENfeY CdtlllTY, ILLINOIS JttM «r sti^Tfttre, rial or Resident isl $2.00 per J®0 Square Feel Floor Space 92.00 for each additional 100 Feet or fraction thereof, in- Mteftd of *2.o(i ori)y as heretofore e*ubli*M. f>Dr Sign-boards Ten Cents § (!Oc) per Square Kiiftt and a mini- I mum of $5.on. instead of- the JR.00 f fee for Sign-boards One Hundred v (ltfl) Kjiiare feet or less in area s and instead of the $ J 0.00 fee for • lioards In excess of One Hiin- I dred (100) square. feet in ares\. The balance of the fees adopted * and established September . 10th, 1946 to remain ?He same. All of which is respectfully fubt- milled. , F. K. BECK , Oil AS H. ACKMM AH r HKNKV C. MKIKK ACG. w Ri'TH * MAKLKV MACK Kin:* ¥?I. t'ARROLt, ..A, B. McCONNBLL v}' --~-- • .-* • " Assistant Su pervisor Rosenthal Rtated that he fell it would l>e a. SCOOd filnn to give the increase in soni:ig fees a little mor.> study and to try and And out what some of our adjoining counties are charging " for the issuing of zoning building permt's. Supervisor Nolan stated tnat he agned with. Asst. Supr. Rosenthal hut did feel that additional fees were, necessary in keeping" With the expense involved with t lie enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. Supi I'.eck, rim.-mail of 'he l-'ees, and Salaries Committee explained to the Hoar<l the action of his committee in making the recommendation as Mated in the reporl. He stated that the enforcement of the Zoning ' Ordinance was now about self supporting. and that insofar as his committee was concerned 1here was no ?reat rush in establishing new fees or zoning permits, and that he would move at this time that that part of the Fees and Salaries Committee report, recommending an increase in traveling expense for the Zoning Enforcing Offfficer be approved and adopted by this Board, and that the remainder of the report be referred back to the .Fees and Salary Committee for further 'consideration. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Meier, and the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Meek, Coy. Carroll, Dunning, Aekman. Mackeben, Nolan, Aavang,- Cornue, McConnell. May. Schmitt, Meier and Filip. and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following Report of the Mc- Henry County Zoning Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County lllhinis Zoning Ordinance was presented and read to the Board, "to»wit: •Copy of this r»nort on file in the -ootinty clerk's office. ' * It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr.' Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the • report of the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals be approved ;ind adopted by this Board, and that the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance be amended in keeping with the action of the Zoning Hoard of Appeals as outlined in " their report and . that all maps on lite in the County Clerk's office be changed insofar as the property of j i. • the petitioner s as outlined in said • report, is concerned, and the roll I... being called Suprs. Ruth. Wright, v.. Beck, Coy. Carroll. Dunning, Ackman. Mackeben, Nolan. Aavang, Cornue. McConnell, May. Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Asst. Supr^ Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman dej" dared the motion unanimously cart• .Tied and the ordinance amended. -•<•> The Committee on. Roads and Fridges presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Meier and duly seconded t/v Supr. i<> • Schmitt. and the roll being called , <#• < was declared unanimously a pted, Iw to-wit: •«' i^„77llr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the fHoard of Supervisors, . McHenry I { OVmnty, Illinois: 1/ The undersigned members of the |,i" Road and Bridge Committee for .«•• .. -County beg leave to submit the fol- E; k>wing report on the matters oetore I*: them. That we met at Woodstock, 1111- riois. on the &th day of May. 134* J^T. 7 and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to s the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machin- , «Ty and labor at the County tool Mouse and f?ro«nds to a total of J7.299.28. . ' Rills chargeable to the various •# aections of the County patrol system «f roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited *nd ordered paid as follows: "" Sections 3, 14 223.1' Wei l iorir. 4, ii>, IS 994.To » Meet ions 4, 17 322.7« Sections 5, 6 ...: 73.18 431.20 538.42 .$ 65.00 10.74 11.50 2.00 22.95 61.42 13.01 41.50 26.25 18.06 51.79 6.6f. 13.13 2a.u. 7 9 JO 35.00 15.Oo paid Pioneer Hi-bred Corn Co., seed corn Boyce Service Station, gas and oil Chicago Motor Club, dues E. L. Bakkom Co., mower sharpened Aimer Aavang, seed oats .... Woodstock Dry Ooods, clothing 20.36 Public Servce Co., electricity 56.5y Hebrn Hardware Co., repairs milking machine Wool worth, clothes R. O. Andrew Co., • glass, seeds and feed Thompson Appliance, Shellane gas Good rows Garage, gas, oil and repairs Montgomery Ward, clothing » Hesselgrave Poultry Co., hens Crystal Uake Farm Store. parts and supplies and labor 109.47 Shurtleff Co., seeds . 41.85 R. F. Backus, electrical parts, labor and repairs $8.02 Kemps Hateh^ry & Feed, poultry feed - - 1' : Royal Blue f oo»t .wart. grot. 72.79 Boiin Hardware, supplies .41.69 Ideal Oil Co., gas and oil .... 149.i>o Sawyer Biscuit Co., bakery supplies Thorne & Son, clothes v..;...,*... Patton Baking'Co., bakery supplies Highland Farm Gardens, potatoes, „ Arwell. Inc.. pest control serv Ridgetield Farmers Supply Co., seeds 132.20 Disbrows Grocery, groceries ^ ^ and supplies : ... .* 80.01 J. T. Day, cleaning septic tanks 98^80 John Sexton Co., groceries .... 175.81 Ludwig WilA>n Co., janitor supples . 5.37 Roland McCannon, siirplus commodities trans 6.24 W. P. Allen, incidentals 64.75 W. P. Allen, salary 200.00 Esther C. Allen, salary 175.00 Hilma Melander, salary nurse 12.VO0 Rflbert Muehll^erg, salary .... 125.00 Sophie Muehlberg, salary .... 100.00 Susie McPtaereoii, «alary 75.00 Calf sold .... Cream sold Refund $2,256.73 Hartland, Illinois. May 12th, 1948. To The Honorable Carl E. Wittmus, Chairman, and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Tour McHenry County Farm, Home and Hospital Committee beg to reporl that they met on the at-ove date at Hartland. Bills were audited and approved for nayemnt in the following amounts: Permanent improvements ....$ 228.91 Running expense 1,498.04 Clothing,- boots artfl shoes.... 110.24 Tobacco 50.32 145.00 389.32 - 36.25 $2448.01 $50.00 128.94 12.41 191.35 Hospital Diet Fuel $2,448.08 ...$50.00 .:. 128.94 ...» 12.41 191.35 Section* 7, 8. 9. 10, 11. 12 flections 13, 1 w Total $9,882.92 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as . follows: .Municipal Employees' Retirement Fund, 12% MFT labor for Pension $ 137.97 Patrol Section No. 1. Maintenance labor and materials 15.96 Patrol Sect ion No. 2, maint., - • labor and materials 454.10 Sec. 33, labor 13,87 gee. 34, engi. labor and mat. 314.69 gee. 35, engi. labor & mat 84.01 Sec. 33, Right of Way, labor 32.15 Bee. 33, const, labor & mat. 999.09 [ . ' r_ Total $2,052.14 ;\W" "Township Roads. State Appropriatlon-- Senate Bill 378. engi. $239.16 Wp have received from motor fuel ,, wx funds rental on Co. owned ma- 'chiner.v included in the above report SI49.9!) (Patrol Section No. ? Main- " wnanr*) and $340.37 (Section 33 [ ' ' "Construction). We have turned same £?€r bounty Treasurer for 1 . ""the County road fund, which said lam is hereby re-appropriated for -TP®d imrposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road ma- I, «®binery or for Improvemerlts for buildiiiKs to house machinery, s |lDue to wet weather, shortage of BravH. not much progress has been made in repairing the damage to the roads the past Winter and Spring. Considerable expense can be antiiixv: jdpated in the above matter. I • iii0li.r rommittee estimates there *" S. .r., "Pessary for the care of the McHenry County. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation rrom the County highwav fund in the sum of $4,000 until the next meeting, of this Board. mitted°f whioh is respectfully sub- F. E. BECK PAPL ROSENTHAL CARL E. WITTMPS frank i: mcconnkll. G. J. CARROLL Road and Bridge Committee McHenry County, Illinois !:• 8J*tements of condition at the of business on March 19 1948 Of the state Bank of Richmond! Bank- Th« Harvard mate Bank, Home State Bank of Crystal Lake, state Ba«k of Huntley. McHenry State MaCary State Bank, Hebron State Bftnk. The State Receipt**" Calf sold ... Cream sold C Refund Net Expense $2,256.73 Your Committee Made the regular monthly inspection "of grounds, buildings, equipment and live stock, and found everything to be in good order. There being no further business to come before the Committee afrt this time, upon motion duly made and seconded, a vote Was then taken and the Chairman--declared the meeting .adjourned. Respectfully submitted, AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL. Chairman PAUL ROSENTHAL * FRANK B. McCONNELL. E. C. COY T. F. NOLAN A beautiful bouquet of red roses Was placed on the Chairman's desir and he stated that he did not know who the donor was, but they were very beautiful, and he greatly appreciated them. Supr. Beck informed the Chairman that the flowers were presented to him by his very charming wife. Mrs. Wittmus. The Clerk addressed the Board and stated that due to a change in the Federal Withholding Tax law it would be necessary for every member of the Board, who Is 65 years, of age, to file new withholding statements. Also any member of the Board who is claiming exemption for his wife who is 65 years old, would have to fll» new withholding statements, the governing date being January 1. 1949. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and upon motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and declared carried; said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. (DST) for committee work. 1:30 OCX.OCX P. M. (B. •. *.) Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, excepting Supr. Harley Mackeben of Grafton Township, constituting a quorum present. The Committee on Cl«ms, labor. Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Meier and duly seconded 1ry Supr. Schmitt. and the roll being < alled was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: May 11. A. D. 1948 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor. Fees and Supply Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., t:o elk off sup $142.66. cir elk sup $5.52 ..$148.18 Burgess, Anderson tc Tate Inc., shf off sup $30.09, co hwy off sup 97c. co treas off sup *3.98, 'sup schs oft exp $44.66 Goerlitz Becknell Co., clr elk sup $.52 P. F. Pettibone & Co., cont. . 76.57 Harry C. Daniels, contingent 20.00 Ero Erickson, shf dpty iOO.OO Henry B. Rogman. ct hse Jail sal C. L. Tryon, co sup hwy trav exp B. F. Kenne'lly, er TB off sup National Used Car Market Re P"ft, Inc., co treas off sup Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, co elk ins- depdn (Fidler) 10!00 Dr. B. B. Neuchiller, co cik Ins depdn (Fidler) $10.00,^ shf Jail sup clothing $35 R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse jail coal Pearl • Schults, co coro rep.... Charles F. Hayes, Judcy jus fees Ct. Hse. Sup.-- Thompson's Appliance Co. ..... United Research Lab. Broekef Janitor Sup. Co. U. 8. Sanitary Specialties Corp. 12.21 104.72 10.00 7».70 35.00 59.70 6.00 54.00 45.00 3S.97 0.00 20.00 305.75 352.16 21.11 Lien Chemical Co. "«nk Woods, Oct;"" Aigonquln I ^^1^81^"* 8*^ Htate. Bank First State Bank of 1 Waller B Morris Harvard and the State Bank of Un- vvaner " Morris Ion. and statement of condition at close of business on April 12, 1948 or the First National Bank of Woodstock were presented and read and it was thereupon regularlv moved by Supr. Schmitt and dulv seconded by Jfupr. May that the said Statements or condition be approved 11.38 „ , - 44.29 Beu s Dry Cleaning 10.95 Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.-- Roland McCannon, Sup. Schs. 20.95 ~ 1 10.75 26.60 48.56 64.50 ntnhteim sipa id« sta nkrsl pnosbllen rai.u. thorized Sherman's Oaraire to continue as depositories onrf ithke. oarage funds <»f the County Treasurer and Bx-Offiei<» County Collector of McHenry County, and the roll being Called, the Chairtyan declared the •notion unanimously carrieW. The Committee on McHenry County Ifomp, Fnrm and Hospital presented the following report which -son motion of Supr Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Meier, and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: May 5, 1948 . M(v Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervsors of McHenry gtewnty: xoor County Home* Cqmmttee met 0« May r>. 1948. at the McHenry Home and audited the bills Illinois Office Sup. Co. v. Marengo Republican News Security Envelop Co C. W. LuckenbiU. co ins .. Shf. Off. Sup.-- W. S. Darley & Co Woodstook Daily Sentinel , Woodstock Dally Seniinsl, supr prtg Shf. Off._ Sup.-- Deelteeccttiivvee Publishing Co. M. H. Hartlett Fred C. Bau, shf per diem fees serv . . Shf. Fee<5fj?. Pris.-- Oakside Dairv Products Inc. Plggly Wiggly Co E. G. Shinner ft Co. Inc. Early American Bakery . - ., Western United Gas & Jaec. Co. 3'38 S.11 ' 4.00 42.25 S.50 2$. BO >95 ft'.GO 1*14 113.14 71.21 66.77 Fay's Ice i^ervfoe 8hf. Deputy-- Fred Kunz Frank E. Keller Ralph Stewart . John Viola T.00 7.10 7.00 7.00 7.00 Howard Ooddard ,... John Vonesch ' Clyde J. Zoia .......... Warren Berg .... Haxel Wrilke, shf bailiff Harold G. Fox, shf dpty $91.00; shf bailiff $14.00 105.00 Vernon W Kays, shf dpty $70.00; shf bailiff $28.00 r... \»8.00 Clyde C. Miner, shf dpty $84.00: shf bailiff $28.00 : 113.00 Schmidt Printing Co.," co treas office supply . . '" Northern Illinois Publications '316.trf Sup. Schs. Off. Exp.>-- The Richmond'Gasette -'.9" j A. W. Andre Co S.®B • Election Registrars Fees, co . I elk elec sup regis 420.5f | George H. Gorham, co elk . ' elec elk sup ... 50.00 111. BeM'Tel. Co.,' CO• «*t h«^ • jail te| 2jS2.46 Supr. Sal. Mileage--. ' Aug. W. Ruth C. Perry Wrighf Several communications from the State of Illinois Department of .Public works & Buildings, and from the Illinois Commerce Commission to- •gether with Gas Tax Allotment report for the month of April were presented and ordered placed on tlhe. Supr. Beck of Chemung Township addressed the Board and stated that he had a matter that might be of interest to the members, that his Township had devised a plan of co-operation in ridding the Township of Canada Thistles, and not just weeds, that they had gotten out .a form in duplicate worded as follows: "Dated , 1948 47.<11 170 *0 Carl E. Wittmus 60.00 F. E. Beck : «». -J • E. C. Coy . . v. . . ...• Ct. J. Carroll ...y. ,7l.t-'o Charles ^T. Dunnmg . V " Chas. H. Aekman ' .in Harley -Mackeben' • 201.C" T. F. Nolan • ..A . , n".' Aimer Aavang . . Stanley, H. .Cornue.............i....... ,11.20 Frank B. McConrtfel) • " ." i.~., .- Frank May » 23,'fio Math N. Schmitt . , 1.79,;*'- Henrv C. Meier ."»K.Oo John J. FIHp 23.2t> A. M. Maxwell ..1J-,0o A. B. McConnell . : 20.•><> Paul Rosenthal I' City of Woodstock; ct "hse JiiiT It and water -.... 142.51 Alice Jones, er TB otf sal .... t.'>l».,i-i Grant No|an. shf'dptv ..." "0»,'i i Sabina Bau, shf feedg pris...: 100.00 Sylvester Muldoon, ct h#e jail sal 175.00 Geeirge K. Swank, shf dpty . 20" on Lyle R- Hutchinson, shf dpty 215.00 R. I. Overton, cir ct pro . off sal 75,00 Al! of which is respectfully sut>- mtted. T. F. NOLAN", chairman • STANLEY H. CORNUI3 CHARLES T. DUNNING MATH N SCHMITT C. PERRY WRIGHT month of April 1048. and j William CoghlKi lf>- submits the following ' Fred Krenz r... . . ,. .;. t.70 14,00 7.00 14.00 7. «0 14.00 t.00 The Cpmmittee on Claimv. County Poor presented the following report. which on motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman. and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted* to-wit: May 11, A. D. 1948 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board "*of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children-- Woodstock Children's Home, - (Shay, Daltiel. Fiesman) $184.5!) Catholic Charities of Elgin, (Bielecki) 60.00 Lotheran Child Welfare Assn., (Siebel, Daymond) €0.00 St. Joseph's Bohemian Orphanage, (Jasien) 80.00 Aliendale Farm School,.'.: (Holmes) ,27.00 Mrs. Shirley DeLine, (DeLne) 80.00 Mrs. Jess Hunt, (Fiesman) .... 80.00 Mrs. Lillian Gathman (Krezan) 40.00 Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, • (Steadman) 40.00 Mrs. Melvin Fleming, (Shay) SfttOO Louise M. Brooks, dependt chll $43.62, pro off trav exp $10.80 54.42 Dependent Children-- Mrs. Oeorge -Wierema 40.00 Mrs. Edward Redding, (Dtfleiel 30.00 Care T. B. Patients-- I^ake Co. T. Bw San 2,580.00 Rockford Municipal T. B. San. 180.00 All of which is respectfully submtted. A. B. 'McCONNELL, Chairman E. C. COT - CARL_4t--WITT*fctf8 FUJfNK MAY The Commttee on Education pp - sented the following report, to wit: Copy of this report on Hie in the •county clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and dulv seconded by Supr. Beck, that the re'- port be approved. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. ^ A Plat of DedicationJJtor Beach Purposes in Venetian (JGMriens Subdivision n Algonqiun TajJhship was presented for approvaijf It was thereupon regularly movTd by Supr. Filip and duly -seconded by SupE, Schmitt that the Plat be approved. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Cornue, a member of the Committee on Education addressed the Board and stated that- in a recent is^ue of a newspaper publicitv was given concerning the action of the County Survey Committee on Schools for a vote on the One Uni system for the County. He then read a letter fr/>m Vernon Nickel, State Superintendent of Public i> struction concerning said matter. Supr. Cornue stated that he agreeo with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and .felt that the Survey Commttee should consider other plans under the new School Code. A general discussion -was thep had with regard to said matter, but no further action taken. The Chairman presented the following list of Committees as appointed by him to constitute the standing committees for the ensu ing year, which list, was on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and dulv seconded by Supr. Wright approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: ioau or >uputoosi •cKtary Oennty, Illinois -- •tsedlnr Committees, 1948-1949 CAM B. Wimroi, Chairman tlTKOVD S. WOODS, Clerk Personal Property--August Ruth, chairman: Math N. Schmitt, C. Perry Wright. Char]es Dunning and Frank May. Roads and Bridges--T. F. Nolan, chairman; Math N. Schmitt, G. J. Carroll, Frank E. Beck and John J. Filip. Education---A. M. Maxwell, chairman; A. B. McConnell, Stanley Cornue, F. B. McConnell and Charles Dunning. Lands and Lots--Math N. Schmitt, chairman; John J. Filip, Frank E Beck, G. J. Carroll and T. F. Nolan. Fees and Salaries -- F. E. Beck, chairman; Paul Rosenthal, G. J. Carroll, Elmer Coy, Frank May, Harley Mackeben, Charles H. Ackman. Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies -Stanley Cornue. chairman; A. B. McConnell, Charles Dunning, Alm£r Aavang and August Ruth. Finance--Hefrry C. Meier, chairman; C. Perry Wright, G. J. Carroll, Frank May and T. F. Nolan. Public Buildings--Paul Rosenthal, chairman; Charles Ackman. A B McConnell, August Ruth and Elmer coy. Railroads--Aimer Aavang, chairman: A. M. Maxwell, T. F Nolan Frank May. Elmer Coy. Claims County Poor--Elmer Cov chairman; A. B. McConnell. Maith N. Schmitt, Henry Meier and Charles Ackman. Purchasing Harley Mackeben. chairman; Charles Ackman apd Stanley Cornue. County Home -- F. B. McConnell, chairman . . A]mer Aavang, August Ruth, A. M. Maxwell and Henry Meier. Elections--Charles Dunning, chairman; John J. Filip, Harley Mackeben, Math N. Schmitt and Paul Rosenthal. -- John J. Filip, chairman; Harley Mackeben and Frank May. • License--C. Perry Wright, chairman; Harley Mackeben and Frank May. V Eradication of T. "it in Cattle -- A. B. McConnell, chairman: Aimer Aavang. G. J. Carroll. Right of Way--chas. H. Ackman, chairman; Paul Rosenthal. F. B. McConnell. August Ruth and Charles Dunning. Resolutions -- y. B. McConnell. Coy ^'mer Aavang "and Elmer Sheriff's Committee--F. E. Beck, chairman: Harley Mackeben and Stanley Cornue. Desiring to co-operate with my neighbors In the destruction of CANADA THISTLES. I hereby agree to "use my , best efforts to destroy such CANADA THISTLES on the place which I own or occupy so far as 1 may without seriously interferi n g w i t h my o t h e r ' w o r k . • i - -- -- Attest Signed Supr. Beck s»nted that the «o far has worked out very satisfactorily. and seems to be quite popular in his Township, .he stated that he would leave copies of the form wfith the Clerk in<cspe any Supr. wanted them. . Supr. Ruth, the outgoing. Chairman of the Committee on the Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle stated that there was to be a meeting at the Court House in the Citv of • Woodstock- oh the 28th of May, and that> several other Counties had been invited to attend, at which time the State Director of, Agriculture will be present, together with other State Officers, to discuss Eradication work generally. Supr. Ruth suggested that the letter received by him from the State Director be referred to the i>ew Committee. The Chairman stated that if there was nothng fufthor to come before said meeting for the good of McHenry County he w.ould ^entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Sujvr. McConnell and duly seconded, by Supr. Dunning to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. CARL E. WITTMUS, Attest: Chairman R. 1). WOODS. Clerk ^ Regular June Meeting, 1948 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of , McHenry County met in regular session at the CoUrt House in the City of Woodstock on Monday, the 14th day of June. A. D. 1948 at 10 o'clock A. M. (DST). The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Carl E. Wittmus, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Clerk with all members of the Board and visitors present participating after which the roll call was called by the Clerk and the following members responded to their names, to-wit: August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright, Carl E. Wittmus, F. E. Beck, Elmer C. Coy, G. J. Carroll, Charles T. Dunning, Charles H. Ackman, Harley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Aimer Aavang, Stanley H. Cornue, Frank B. McConnell. Frank May, Math -N Schmitt, Henry C. Meier and John J. Filip and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxwell. A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal constituting a ftfll Board present. The rrjinutes of the Special May II, 1948 meeting were read and on motion made and carried were approved and ordered of record. The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of May 1!M8 was presented and read and upon moton made by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by, Supr. Filip and approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: _ County's Treasurer's Xanort For the Month oi 3iay, i»«s - Beoelpts Balance Forward >808,248 32 General Fund 28. H7 Suprs. County Home ........ r>50.20 Supt. County Home ...' 191.3,", Chairman Liquor Com. ..'..2,700 00 D e p e n d e n t C h i l d r e n ) - 4 i s m County Officers -Fees 24.06 Highway Fund 770.15 Pers. Prop. Back Tax 212.35 Highway Fines Inheritance Taxes .......2,!>fi6.(;9 Deposit by order of Ct..... 332 81 III. Mun. Ret. Fund 1,992.41 Hwy. Payroll Acct ;..4,31 4.15 State's Attorney Fund ...1,140.00 Disputed Tax Account ...: 639 8."» Total Receipts ... Grand Total .16.r.27.09 *324 7?r. il Expenditures County Orders $19,272. G&P Jurors Orders .. 28,">! Coroner's Jurors .7. ;{« Probation Officers 257 County Treas. Salary .... 2tio! Clerks' Salaries .; ;...1,430. General Fund '223 Bounty Orders ..." 37' Hghway Fund 9,87l! Institute Fund 1 11 Motor Fuel Fund . . 2('i.r>6 Twp. .Road-State Appr 239 Payroll Clearing Account 4,130 111. Mun.- Ret. Fund 4,00r> Inheritance Taxes ........l,i<13 Total lExpttidltures -44,2*2 21 Balance May 31, 1948 180,563.20 $224,775.41 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HENRY A. NITLLE, o . . . . , C o u n t y T r e a s . Subscribed -and swoVn to before me this 14th day of June, 1948. R. D. WOODS. (Seal) County Clerk The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, towit: _ . J'"ie 8th, 1918 To the Chairman and Gentlemen' of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries would beg leave to report that they met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on Tuesdav June 8th, 1948, to consider a change in the Application Fees charged under° the County Zoning Ordinance as referred to this Committee in the May meeting of the Board. Your Committee would recommend changes in the fees which were adopted and established September 10th, A. D. 1946. as hereafter noted in this report. For Applications covering Busiincluding water supply and sewage treatment facilities specified in aitplication-- an increase from $10.00 to $25.00, For Applications covering Business and Industrial accessory buildings, not including water supply and sewage treatment facilities--an increase from *r>.00 to $10.0(1. For Applications covering Residential and accessory buildings, including water supply ajid sewage treatment facilities specified in application-^ an Increase from $5.00 to $1000. For A implications covering Residential and accessory buildings, not including water supply and sewage treatment facilites specified in application--$ 5.00. For Applications covering additions. alterations or repairs to any building or structure, business, Industrial or Residential -- $2.00 per first 100 Square Feet Floor Space and $2.00 for each additional M00 Square Feet or fraction thereof \ For Sign-boards--Ten Cents (ioX) P95?.0r„0„. Square Foot wlth a minimum oh The balance of the fees adopted and established September 10th, 194fi to remain the same. All of which is respectfully submitted. , . F. E. BECK • • V FRANK MAY CHAS. 11. AC Kit AN E. C. COY v G. <1. CARROLL HARLEY MACKEBEN PA lTL ROSENTHAL. Supr. Beck, (Chairman if1- said Commttee addressed the Board and stated that his Committee. after having made an investigation concerning the new fees to be charged for the issuance of Zoning permits, were not recommending any changes from those that they presented for adoption at the last meeting, nod thai |iia Cwttttttllt* iRttisuited with the members of the Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County Illinois Zoning ordinance and several real estate men in the County, concerning said matter. „ It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr. ,Schmitt, that the report of the Committee on Fees and Salaries be approved and adopted by this Board. And the roll ^»>elng called Suprs. Ruth, Wright. Beck, Cov. Carroll, Dunning, Ackman, Mackeben, Nolan. Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May, Schmitt, Meier, and Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye, 11 av none, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carlied and the report approved and adopted. - ' , The Chairman called upon • the two -political parties as represented l.y the membership of the -Board of Supervisors for suggestions of electors to act,as Judges and Clerks of Election and also fof the designation of polling places, for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County for the ensuing year. After the selecton was made, it was regularly moved by Supr. Meier and seconded"-by Asst. Supr. McConnell and declared carrier that said selections be referred to the Cgmmittee (in Elections for report. The Committee 011 McHenry County Home. Farm and Hospital presented the following report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by-'Supr. Coy and ilierroll being called was declared uhan'irftoiisly adopted, to-wit: June 2, 19.48 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Hoard, of supervisors'of. Mcenry County. . . . _ Your County Home Committee met on June 2, 194-8, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of May 10 IS, and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. Lyons Artificial Limb Co., suspenders : $ 8.00 Ludwig Wilson Co., soap, wax $51.48, freight $5.37... B6.S5 It. F. Radius, wiring, mot. rep 26.50 Arwell, Inc.. pest control 15.On Public Service Co., electricity 5,7.41 Jen A See Laundry, laundry 2 months ... ... 9.12 Dr. W111. (Jay. dehorn 9 cattle 8.00 Hulrert's Pharmacy, medicine 36.43 Herbert II. Busse, tomato flats (3) : 3.75 H. O. Andrew Co., feed, grind. 63.85 Walter B. Morris, laundry bleach 13.54 111. Hell Tel. Co.. telephone .... -46.81 Hoyee Service Station, gasoline 9.83 Goodrow's Garage, gasoline,, repairs 36.32 Ideal Oil Co., gasolne and oil 176.19 Disbrow's Grocery, food and tobacco 68.61 Woodstock Dry Goods Co., clothing 16.91 Miller Patton Baking Co., bread 752.40 F. W. Woolworth. notions .... 8.47 .lohn Sexton & Co., groceries 238.18 Montgomery Ward & Co., (?lo.. 132.91 Shurtleff Co., seed 51.38 Royal Blue Food Mart, gro 54.54 E. L. Bakkom & Co., tools .... 61.48 Crystal Lake .Farm Store, tractor ,...2063.21 tSohn Hardware Co., supplies 17.98 Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers and cookies 14.64 Esther C. Allen, clothing Iiuth Kruzan 59.30 W. P. Allen, incidentals 61.50 Roland McCannon, groceries 8.69 W. P. Allen, salary 200.00 Esther C. Allen, salary 175.00 Hilma Melander, salary .'. 125.00 Susie Mcl'herson, salary 75.00 Hattie. Nichols, wages , 75.00 Henry Knaack, wages ... 20.83 Paul Knaack, wages 16 «7 Wm. Bar hoi 8, labor 25.00 Glen Nelson, labor ........ ;... 40.00 Pig sold ..... I cows sold .1 65.00 959.50 $4,253.83 1,024.50 $3,229.33 , June 2, 1918 Mr. Chairman and Members of the -Jfelouorahle JBoard _of Supervisors ot McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois. Vrour County Home. Farm and Hospital Committee beg leave to report that they met at Hartlamf on the AJinve nientione<l date and audited bills for payment in the following amounts Permanent improvement $191.18 Running expense . •„ 3 324 80 Clothing Tobacco , Medicines Hospital Diet Total Less pig- 80id 4 ctfws sold ...... 102.95 41,21 36.43 148.92 405.34 $4,253.83 $65.00 . 959.50 1 ,$24.50 $3,229.33 high expense fur' Ihe Tnoffffi includes payment for the farm traitor ordered some time ago but just delivered. Inspection of buildings, grounds and live stock found everything in good condition. • There being no further business on motion duly made and seconded your Committee adjourned. Respectfully submitted FRANK B. McCONNELL, " ' Charman ALM10R AAVANG HENRY C. MEIER APC,. W. RUTH APGITSTUS M. MAXWELL Tlie semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer were presented, and upon motion duly made and carried, said reports were referred to the proper committees for report. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following report, which 011 motion of Supr. Filip and tiuly seconded by Supr. Sehmitt and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and 'Gentlemen of the Board . of Supervisors,' McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for sfeid County beg leavi* to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois on the 5th day\ of June. 1948, and audited aTul ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds, also $700.00 for a 1940 Chevrolet Truck purchased from J. O. Livezey of Harvard, Illinois. Total $3,725.71 Bills chargeable to-the various sections of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered, paid as follows: Sections* 3. 14 $ 137 37 Sections 4, 16, IS 366.24 Sections 4, 17 1,207.58 Sections 5, 6 ; .. 8.84 Sections 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, It ... 614.27 Section 13. 15 100.57 * Total ..........$6,160.58 Bills were audted and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: ' Municipal Employees Retirement 1 Fund--MFT share for Pension (May) * 153.18 Patrol Section No. 2, M*\lnt., labor end materials 369.93 Sec. 84, engi. labor and mat. 270.30 Sec. 35, engi-, labor and mat. 212.23 Sec. 38, const., labor & mat. 1,403.18 Total » $2,408.82 We have made several trips of Inspection on the McHenry County State Aid System of roads, and find1 thein badly damaged in spots, but on a whole are shaping up better than expected. We are arranging for considerable regraveling of the weak places. One Job in the Town of Riley is to start this week. We have also looked after several complaints, one In regard to water in a ctellar, another In regard to a flooded field, both are on the new Payne's Hill road otherwise known as MFT Section 27-G-1. At another place there was a blocked tile under the asphalt road near Griswold Lake on the Scheid Farm. Rather than cut the pavement to repair same, we lowered the 500 foot tile main so as to use a different outlet, which also benefits the /arm land. Th'e owner agreed to pay $150.00 of the estimated cost Of approximately- $300.00. cs The Huntley-Five Corners Road is under way. as is th<* Woodstock- AIdic*. Head. . .. ' 'S- P.1 •' ' „ • ' JiiMtt 1<.rtai rrniclitn$ry and tools will t/e needed to construct the Portland-Cement stabilized base for MFT Section 33-t 'oust met ion (Woodstock- Alden Road). Machinery needed will be mainly, a roller, cement spreader, and a cultivator. We may be able to rent a roller, but would probably buy u spreader at about $3000.00. • We have granted a permit "to' cross state Aid Road* 1-A in Sections 5 and 8 in Hartland Township with a drain tile. (Regular permit form is 1,-cing executed.) We have received from motor fuel tax «funds rental on County owned machinery included in the nl:i>ve report $511.63, from George Scheid $150.00 for part of the estimated cost of lowering a 500 foot tile main, also $4.22 from Guy E. Still Insurance Agency for- cancellation of "Security Policy No. 1192l>. We have turned tile above amounts over to the County Treasurer for the. coHnty road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery or for improvements for buildings., to house machinery. Vour^ committee estimates there will be necessary for the care - of the 'McHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation fi-(Hii tlie County Highway fuml irt the sum of $4000.00 until the next meeting of this -Board. ' All of which" is respectfully submitted. T: F - -NOLAN 15. J. CARROLL * ' • MATH N. SCHMITT • • F. E. BECK JOHN J. FILIP ' . Brflge- Committee,' McHenry County,: Illinois HK The following Resolution and acceptance was prese-nttrd--and--read to t.he Board, to-wit: Copy ctlhi' ali>ve on file in the County Clerk's office. it was tlH>reu|>ou regularly moved by Supr. Carroll and dulv seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the .Resolution be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman dcchued the motion unanimously carried. The annual audit report of McHenry County M. AT, Fund^ was presented and ordcr<\l^^LcuM on -The- following report of* the Special Committee in charge of the repair of the Walters Bridge in Chemung Township, was , presented and read to the Board, to-wit: To the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of constructing a new bridge at the site of the Walter's Bridge on the public highwav in the south half of Section C, Town of Chemung, in said County, over a. branch of the I'iscasaw Creek would beg leave to sjibmit the following report on the matters before them: That we met at the site of said bridge 011 tlje 7th day of June 19 IN and found said bridge completed satisfactorily in accordance with the plans and specifications • and contract, and decided to accept said bridge 011 behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. The cost of said bridge from the unit prices bid is as follows: Awarded-- Class N Concrete 100.5 cu. yds. "i 60.00 $6,030.00 Reinforcement, bars 10140 lbs. (fj 10c 1,014.00 Structural steel 2547(1 lbs. (m 11c 2,801..70 Moor drains 10 © $12.00. .. 120.00 Name plate, 1 $30.00 . .. 30.00 xtrtttiitAi tTsott'iCttf" ttinrtctt" • Report. Inc. .v. 21.00 H. W. Schmidt Co 6.72 Crystal Lake" Herald 46.60 Charles F. Hayes tt.00 The Woodstock Grill 4... 86.53 Callaglian & Co 4.00 The Lawyers Co-operative - Pub. Co 8 50 John R. Tambone, M. D. 10.00 O. E. Nelson M. 1) 10.00 A. R. Cinelis M. D... 10.00 Emerson C. Kunde M. D. .... 10.00 R. O. Andrew Company 17.55 Illinois Bell Telephone Co 231.77 Lien Chemical Company 100.80 Sangamo Disinfecting Co. 191.94 Walter B. Morris 111.38 The Woodstock Trucking S^rv 10.00 United Research La bora- - ,'torles 111.81 R. D. Woods, County Clk.. 1907.31 Hall & Eckert 19.89 Haack & Hogan, : 80.18 True Value Hardware Store.. 1.53 Betty Yates 5.00 C. L. Tryon, Co. .Supt. Hwy... 88.56 Holand McCannon Co. nSupt.,. 49.77 Ero Erickson ..., 60.00 Montgomery Ward & Co,.:..~:. 6.75 Mitchell Drug Store 1.59 Sidwell studio ........ . . . . . . . 3 0 . 00 C. II. Company . 30.00 Woodstock. Daily Sentinel...... '106.75 M. H. Hartlett .885 A. W. Andre Company ,• 38.92 Fred C. Bau 152.20 Fred C. Ba;u - Sh.erlff..;.,...„,.1496.45 Fred C. Baiu - Sheriff....... 464.60 Western United Gas. & Electric ...» •i^aksi.d# Dairy Products Inc..:. .SellnetI'k Grocery Trackett's Bakery 5.71 19.14 29.65 R W. Schults Meat Market'* ri.TI National Tea .Company 63.58 llclen Hutchinson ... ••ff.T7.00 Harold G. Fox 21.00 Clyde. J. Zoia T.00 Frank E. Keller 21.00 --M.00 ....... 14.00 ....*. 7.00 7.00 yers gj.oo Co. Completed-- 105.5 cu. yds. 10250 lbs 26484 lbs 10 1* ...:: $9,995.70' $6,030.00 . 1,025.00 . 2,907.71 120.00 30.00 $10,112.74 Less Previous Payment Ordered Feb: 5." 1948 --• 7,066.53 Balance due 04-6.2-1 We, therefore, recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer in favor of. the contractor E. M. Melalni Construction Company, of A luontiuin, Illinois, for the sum of $3,046.21, wh ich- «aid payment- w+H -discharge McHenry County's obligation in the above mattef. -- " All of which is respectfully submitted, s - - . A. B. McCONNELL STANLEY H. CORNUE "AITOl "STUS M* M AN.WELL T, <"*. L. Tryon, County Superin*- fenndent id' Highways, for McHenry County, Illinois, hereby approve the above report and balance due the contractor. C. L. T.r.vo'n, Co. Supt. of Hwys. ----I-, Wit'"'" Harry E. Beir~ W. E. Coghlan. Ralph Stewart Otto Huchert George E. Meyers Sabina Bau Vernon W. Kays Clyde C. Miner Hazel Wilke .... McHenry County Title The Haloid Company .. Frank H. Nagel Itoy A. Kent Harold J. Bacon R. F. Dusenebrry. E. J. . Deneen The Harvard Herald August W. Ruth C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck E. C. Coy G. J. Carroll ... Charles T. Dunning ...; Chas. H. Ackman llarlev Mackeben T. F. Nolan Aimer Aavang Stanley 11. Cornue Frank 1!. McConnell Frank May Math N. Schmitt Henry C. Meier..... John J. Filip Augustus M. Maxwell A. B. McConnell ; Paul Rosenthal Alice Jones Sylvester Muldoon City of Woodstock Sabina Bau (irant Nolan Xyle R. Hutchinson vhick E. Meyers George K. Swank .. R. I. Overton All of which 'lo respectfully sub mitted STANLEY H. CORNUE, Chairman CHARLES T. DUNNING ALMER AAVANG A. B. "McCONNELL . > AUG. W. RUTH V 00 140.00 .. 140.00 .. 21.00 .. 25.00 . 483.91 .. 53.60 .. 49.60 .. 48.00 .. 77.00 .. 74.40 .. 187.00 .. 107.70 .. 156.80 .. 148.00 .. 112.00 .. 33.40 .. 117.70 .. 71.40 .."120.20 ... 253.20 .. 152.60 .. 21.40 .. 44.80 .. 111.30 .. 103.80 .. 156.80 .. 45.00 92.80 11.00 40.80 110.80 160.00 175.00 125.62 100.00 200.00 225.00 200.00 200.00 ft.00 • Asst. Supr. Mi-Coniicll, Chairman of said Committee. informed the Board that the additional cost over the award was brought about thrugh the use of more reinforcement bars and structural steel im Hie completion of the Bridge, ini™ provement. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Carroll and duly seconded 1/y Supr. V^right. lhat the report be approved and payment ordered and the roll beingcalled the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and directed the payment as. recommended in said report. The Zoning Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance presented the following • report, towit: • Copy of this reporf on file in the.County Clerk's office. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Nolan that the report and acton of the Zoning Board of Appeals be approved and that the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance be amended to conform with said report, and that vall maps now on tile in the County Clerk's office be changed to conform with the recommendations of the Board of Appeals. Anil the roll being call- Connell, May, Schmitt, Meier and l>vn, Nolan, Aavang, Cprnuc, Me- Carroll. Dunning, Ackman, Mackeed,_>? uprs. Ruth, Wright, Iteck, Coy, Fil4p and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried :Mid the Ordinance amended. Supr. Tteck of .Chemung Township notified the Board that the term of office of Ray Dusenberry. a member of the Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance is terminated at \J.his -meeting of the Board and that he would move at this time that he l«> re-appointed as a member of the Board of Appeals for a full five year term. Said motion was"duly seconded by Supr. Nolan, and the roll being called was dec lured unanimously carried. The Chairman of the Board then appointed Ray Dusenberry as ii member of the Board of Appeals operating under the McHenry County Illinois Zoning Ordinance for a -£ull live year term. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and upon ibotion of Asst.' Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben were' declared carried, said claims were referred to the proper Committees and the Board adourned to 1 :3n o'clock P. M. (DST) for (vnunittee work. 1:30° O'CLOCK P. X. (DST) The Board met pursuant to adadjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. same members responded to their names as Appeared of record In the morning session. constituting a full Board present. The Committee on Claim^. T^abor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, wheh on motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and the roll being called, was. declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: June 14. A. D. 1948 Mr. Chairman and 'Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: r Your Committee on I.4»bor. Fees Hnd Supplier . Claims would beg •leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them: and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on tbe .County, Tr.-isurer to the Claimants 'for the • everal . amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co. $144.81 Anderson & Tale Inu.v-18.16 t The Committee on Claims, Courtly Poor presented the following report, which 011 motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: , June 14, A. D. 1948. Mr. Chralman and .Gentlemen of the " Board of Supervisors: Your Committee 011 County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that t lyy have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the/'payment of the following, and (that the.Clerk Lv directed to issue orders on the County TreasureV to the Claimants for the several amounts alowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Chi.ldren-- Woodstock Children's Home..f240.00 Lutheran Child Welfare » Assn. 80.()0 St. Joseph Bohemian Orphanage Allendale Farm School Mrs. Cassius Sweatman Mrs. George Wierema .. Mrs. Shirley lieLine .... Mrs. Jess jjunt . Mrs. Mel vin Fleming Mrs. Edward Rvedding1- Mrs. Lillian Gathman Montgomery Ward 80.00 311.30 40.00 40.00 80.00 811.(10 00 40.00 41.67 6.50 41".. 2 9 30.00 105.00 Dr. Nelson & Wittenberg... Louise Brooks , Elgin Catholic Charities Dr. Frank W. lliggin's Care of T. B. Patients- Lake Co. T. B. San ...2596.50 Rockford Mui}. T. It. San... 186.00 All of which Is respectfully submtt, cd. / E. C. COY.^Chairman • • HENRY C. MEIER Math n. schmitt CHAS. H. ACKMANA. H MCCONNELL The Coiinnittce on 'Elections, to whom, was referred the selection of Judges and Clerks of Election and •designation of polling places for the various precincts and districts in McHenry County for the ensuing* year as made by the two political parties, represented on the Board of Supervsors, presented the following report, to-wit: > June 9th. 1948 To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board <>f Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections would beg leave to submit the following list of Judges and Clerks of Elections-as selected by the two poltcal parties represented on the Board of Supervsors of McHenry County, Illinois, for the year 1948, togetehr with the Polling Places of each Precinct and District in said County, to-wit: Riley--Polling Place, Town llall, Riley Township. 111. Judges: August W. Ruth. George T. Anderson, I lola Anthony. Marengo. III., Rl> No. 1 2: Clerks: David McKee, Walter Dahlman, William H. Ardell, Marengo, 111., RD No. 2. Marengo 1 -- Polling Place, Stewart Bldg,, No. State St., Marengo, 111. Judges: C. Perry Wright, E. C. Rolth, Frank Higgins. Marengo, 111. Clerks: Mildred T. ll.vde, Carlton S. Rohh, Dan Kanaly, Marengo, 111. Marengo 2--Polling Place, Community Bldg., W. Prairie St.. Marengo. 111. Judges: Ray Dusenberry, Harry BuelT, Hurley DeiU. Marengo, ill. Clerks: Laura Balrd, Jesse .lobe, George Hance, Marengo, Dunham--Polling Place. School House Dist. 128. Dunham Twp., 111. Judges: Carl E. Wittmus. R. M. Briekley, Claude O. Pagles, Harvard, III.. RD Clerks: Margaret Whipple, Anna Phillips, Goldie Camp, Harvard, III., RI>. Chemung 1--Polling Place, "Episcopal Parish House, E. Sumner St., Harvard. 111. Judges, C. J. Vjerck. Theresa Hereley, D. V. Coughlln. Harvard, 111. Clerks: Clara H. Schroeder, Madge Coe Ebert, Lula Barter, Harvard, 111. Chemung 2 -- Polling Place,, Fire .Engine House, West Front St., Harvard, 111. Judges, F. E. Beck, Walter N. Johnson. John B. Howard. Harvard. 111. Clerks: Agnes H.- Freer, Lillian Yates, Catherine M. O'Connor. Harvard. - 111. Chemung 3--polling Place, Ambler Bldg.. Chemung Village. Judges: L. A. Douglas, E. R. PlhT, T. K. Seaver, Harvard. 111. Clerks: Evelyn Esmond. Darlene Esmond, Evelne Gardner. Harvard, 111. Chemung 4---Polling PJace, American Legion Hall, North Ayer St., Harvard, 111. Judges: Blanche H. Dunlap. Arthur R. Koltz, John M. Raeder. Harvard, 111. Clerks. Ora B. Mncltae. EsMier M. Brann, Laivra C. O'Brien. Harvard. 111. Alden--Polling Place, Town Hall in Village of Alden, Til. Judges: E. C. Coy, Frank Seefeldt, Alden, 111., G. W. Fitzgerald. RD No. 1, Harvard, 111. Clerks: WUliam D. Bailey. RD No. 1. Harvard. Til., F. E. Stabb, Lester Weter. Alden, Til. llartlluul' Polling Pl;u.'e, Shulleff's • ....o, ....... ... :f Store, tfarftand Twp.. Til. ' <J. J. Carroll, Alberta D. Schildt* Woodstock, 111., RD No. 3, Anna j Callahan, Harvard, 111., RD. ClerkB: Mayme Tiynuw, Margaret Gillie*. j Henry Callahan, Harvard, 111., , RD No. 1. Seneca -- rolling Place, Town • Hall n Seneca Twp., 111. Judges; Charles Dunnng, Woodstock, lll.» 1 111) No, 1, James Nihan, Adelbert:1j. " Stewart, Marengo. 111., RD No. 1, Clerks: Roy Andrews, Marengo, 111,, RD No. 1, Leo E. Beebe, Woodstock, 111., RD. No. 2, Wlmont N. Sherwln, Woodstock, 111., RD No. 1. • Coral--Polling Place. Village Hall, Union,. 111., Judges. Chas. H. Ackman, H; J. Miller, Wm. Cuhl, Union, 111. Clerks: Florence Ackman, H. J. Miller, Wm. Gahl, Union, 111. Clerks: I Florence Ackman. Clara Northrop, Antoinette Schililgen, Union, 111. Grafton 1--Polling Place, Village Hall. Huntley, III., Judges: Harley Mackeben, Mable Swanson, Ella Carroll, Huntley, 111. Clerks: Florence Farley, Margaret Dwyer, Marie Rugg. Huntley, III. Grafton 2 -- Polling Place, Fred Schntt's Cottage, Lakewood, Crystal l-^tke, lir. Judges: Irene Koltwelt, Edth Eldred, George Moffat, Crystal, Lake, 111. Clerks: Elizabeth Ja-- cobs, Mildred Jedlicka, Hazel O'Malley. Crystal Lake, 111.' Dorr 1--Polling Place, Harding's Garage, 210 E. Madison and Cal- I houn Sts., Woodstock, 111. Judges: " T. F. Nolan, 338 McHenry Ave., A.' B. McConnell. RD, Arthur J. Desmond, 521 Fremont St., all of WTooastock. 111. Clerks: Emma Peeler, 327 Vine St.. Lillian Prest, 422 E. Jackson St., Ann Baler, RD, all of Woodstock, III.-- Dorr *2.- Polling Place, Toilrnsend's Garage. 417 Clay St., Woodstock, 111. Judges, Alfred H. Klemme, 825 Clay St., Mrs. Laura Kiel 914 Clay St.. Ralph Austin, 1109 Wheeler St., all of Woodstock. 111. Clerks: Alvpa Broderman, 914 Clay St., Er- 11a Clark, lf"6 W. First St., Emma Johnson, 118 North St., all of . Woodstock, III. \ Dorr 3--Polling Place, Room under County Treasurer's Office, Court House, Woodstock, 111. Judges: B. D. Holmes, 232 Throop St., Mary - Frances Murphy, 240 Washington St.. Harold P. Evans, 327 Lincoln Ave., all of Woodstock, 111. Clerks: Margaret N. lloch, 23^ N. Tryon St., Mrs. Walter Schroeder, 'Ml Da tie St., Mrs. Mary Sheehy, , 641 Washington St., all of Woodstock. 111. Dorr 4--Polling Place, S. E. Corner of City Hall, Dean and Calhoun Sts., Woodstock, 111. Judges: Fred I). Wynkoop, 223 Griffing Ave., T. Lester Griffing, 357 Tryon St., E. M. J Phillips, 726 Dean St., all of Wood- \ stock, IH., Clerks: Mrs. Frances Bat tern, 228 Griffing Ave., Mrs. Alee( Charles, 532 Austin'Ave., Mrs. Margaret Freund, 315 Johnson,.* o£ Wodstock. III. Dorr 5--Poling Place, Abbott's Store, Ridge field,. Ill, Judges: Walter Reed, Hay Abbott, Frank Church, Rdgefield, 111., Clerks: Mrs. Ella Walkup. Mrs. Leola Reed, Ridgetield, RD No. 2, Woodstock, 111., Mrs. Frank Church, Ridgetield, 111. Greenwood--Polling Place, Town Hall, Village of Greenwood , III. , Judges: Aimer Aavang, Woodstock, 111., RD 3, Howard J. Walkington, 4 Ringwood, III., RD. Oliver Reed. ^ Woodstock, 111., RD 3. Clerks: Mary Frisbie, Woodstock^'lll., RD 3, Olivene Walkington, Ringwood, 111., RD, Lena M. Reed, Woodstock, 111., RD No. 3. ' llebron -- Polling Place, Town Hall, Hebron, III. Judbes: Stanley >a H. Cornue, Harold Spooner, John P. O'Holleran, Hebron. 111. Clerks: Harold S. Thayer, Albert Mathison Jr.. Joseph A. Horded. Hebron. III. Richmond-Spoiling Place, Memorial Hall, Richmond, 111., Judges: Frank B. McConnell, Howard E. Vogel, Henry F. Greeley, Richmond, 111. Clerks: Alice M. Bell, Bertha ^ I'eet, Nellie Gibbs, Richmond, 111. 1 Burton--Polling Place, Town Hall, 'Spring Grove, 111. Judges: Frank May, C. L. Stevens, Anton Meyer, Spring Grove, 111. Clerks: Charles Gillespie, Spring Grove, 111.. Charles N. May, Richmond, III. Mary Nimggern, Spring Grove,'.111. McHenry 1--Piling Place, Royal Blue Stor, Rngwood, Illj Judges: Clayton Harrison," Ringwood, 111., ( arl J. Hallstrom, Stanley N. Hunt, Ringwood. 111., RD No. 1. Clerks: Fiord Carr. Vtbla Low. Rose Ton- • yan, Ringwood, 111., RD No. 1. McHenry 2 Polling Place, City Hall. West McHenry, 111. Judges: Vera I'lirvy, Arnold Anderson, Carl 4" N. Weber, West McHenry, 111. * Clerks: Dorothy Page, Anna Felt^ tVera Kane, West McHenry. 111. McHenry 3--Polling Place, Blakea Garage. McHenry, Illinois. Judges; Math N Schmitt, Altwrt Krause, Maud Rothermel. McHenry, III. Clerks: Mary A. Freund. Walter H. Anderson. Elvera S. Durland, Me- Henr\, 111. ners Barber Shop, Johnsburg, 111.; Judges: Peter Freund Jr., Joer. King. Wm. J. Meyers, McHenry, III., No. 1.- Clerks: Hilda May, Catherine M. Freund, Marie Bush, McHenry, III., No. 1. Nunda. 1 -- Polling Place, Joe 4 Stasch Gas Station, Burton's Bridge. ™ Judges: WUliam Hanson, LeRoy Wingate, Crystal I^nke. 111. RD, Fred .1. Rehling. McHenry. I1J., Rl> No. 3, Clerks: Mildred Scheid, McHenry. 111., RD No. 3, Mat'y E. Flanagan, Chas. J. Schroeder Jr., Crystal Lake, HI., RD. Nunda 2--Polling Place, City Crystal Lake. III. Judges: Henry - f. Meier, 220 Gates St., Crystal I bake. 111.. Chas. Guinprecht. 410 | 1st. St.. Crystal Lake. Mwtilds Do- . herty. W. McHenry. 111., RD No. 1. Clerks: Warren Swenson, 436 Illinois St., Gladys Stanek. 444 2nd St.. M Martha Feffer, all of Crysrttl Lake, Q Nunda 3-- Polling Place. Odd Fellows Hall, Crystal Lake, III. Judges: Chas, s: Pingry. 1S1 Grant St., Crystal l^ike; 111., Paul J. Doherty, McHenry, 111., Rl>, John C. Flotow. 19 Woodstock St., Crystal I^ike. 111. < lerks: Lenora Schneider, 61 <irant St.. Crystal I^ake, 111., Phtil. R. Frederick, Woodstock St., Crystal liake. III., Jos. A. McAndrews West McHenry, 111., RD No. 1. Algonquin 1--Polling Place. Village Hall, AJg-onquin, 111. Judges: John J. Filip, Walter M. Schuett, John A. Dvorak, Algonquin, III. Clerks: C. J. Kbel. c. c. Lace, # George J. Lazaneky, Algonquin Ills " Algonquin 2--Polling Place. 'Virginia St., Pump House, Crystal Lake, III. Judges: Paul F. Roseri- . thai. Frank E. Boh I, Paul Rauhut, Crystal ake. 111. Clerks: Frans l^ange, Sidney W, Nelson, Mabel i. Robinson, Crystal Lake, 111., •; Algonquin 3--Polling Place, V|l«.-f lage Hall, Cary, 111. Judges: Julian Lazansky, Elizabeth Svnek, Paul L. Wium, Cary, III. Clerks, Elburn W. ' Mentch. Rose Pokorny, Elsie Hoeft, Cary, III. * Algonquin 4--Polling Place, Vll«- lage Hall. Fox River Grove,- 111. Judges: Rose Dvorak, Anna Rudous, Joseph Sersen, Fox River Grove, W" 111. Clerks: Rose Naf'owetz, Evelyn Phelps. Lydia TejCek-, Fox Rlver- Grove, 111. t Algonquin 5--Polling. Place", Board of Education" Dist. No. 47. Junior . Hieh School, Crystal Lake, III.- > Judges: Clifton Miller, H'C. Fricks, Ruth Kremme, - Crystal Lake. 111. Clerks: Lester Ebel,-'Marge Lindahl, Luejla Reddersdorf,. Crystal LakA,- Your Committee would - therefore recommend that- the above and foregoing 'selections of Judges and .• Clerks of Election for the jRirious - Precincts and Districts in MBHenry County }^s made for the »*?suing year, Iv the two politicaMftarties represented on said Board.^he approved. and that* the Clerk IB f tha , Board be directed' to tile repJS'ts OH said selection? with the Founty ( ourt of McHenry "County, fl All of which is respectful*- sub-r--»» miUed. this 9ih " day -of JunC A. . ., .CHARLES T. 'DUNNING; > "I' . Wl> ROSKi'THAI.^1™ MATH N. SCHM.1TT • JOHN J. FILIP ' - " " HA RLEY MACKEBEjf *' • It was thereupon., regularly, .'moved, by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Suor. Ruth that the report of the Comririttee on Elections "t» adopted bj- this B(»ard and that the ( ounty Cle£k be directed to file % rpoTt (jf t>he selections so made with-the Cjuinfy Court iff McHervT •^'.unty for the confirmation and ai|N> potntment and th<e roll being calle# Suprs. Ruth. Wright, Beck, Con Carroll, Dunning. At-kmua, ""

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