Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 15

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THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS I'AliE THKKt n, Null Hp and olan. Aavang, Cornue, Mi- | ^ July 7, 19*8. May, Schmitt, Meier and Mr. Chairman ami MtmlK-rs/A the d Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, Mi- | Board of Supervisors of ftfclftnry mftell and Rosenthal voted aye. Countv:. / 1 y none. The Chairman declared' Your "countv Home Committee » motion unanimously carried. met on Julv 1W48, at the)SlcHenhe following communication from fry County Home anil audited the e State Housing Board,, State of I bills for the month of June, 191*. inols, was presented and read to , and -respectfully submits the fol- Board, to-wlt: I lowing report, recommending same Copy _on file In the County | be paid. • ^ brk's loftice.) The Chairman addressed the Board ernlng said matter and stated be had no particular choice for appointment of Commissioner the McHenry County Housing1 Jthorlty. but that it^ was his b-e- K Uu.t Mr. Field had done a good _ls far, and that he would4 be filing to ,re-&ppoiiit him if he »uld accept the position. Supr.„ »lan of Dorr 'Township stated that i Jiad talked to Mr. Field and Mr. I eld informed him, that he would, keept the appointment in the event |at there were no applicants lor It was thereupon regularly jved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and Jly seconded by Supr. Dunnthg at the Chairman appoint Edward Field. of 123 "North Street, WOOJIock, lllnos, as \Commissioner of McHenry County Illinois Hbus- Authority for-the term of of* Iding June 18, 1953. And the tieing called „ the motion eclared unanimously carried, nd the Chairman made the apklntment. ' : ' , |The Committee on Eradication ot lberculosls lit Cattle made A commendation for the re-appointpnt of Dr. R. F,. Kennelly as Coun- Veterinarian for McHenry tounto administer the tuberculin test |r the year beginning July l,'194h Id ending hot later than June 30, |49, and presented the following Uract and agreement, to-wit: |(Contract and Agreement on tile the County Clerk's office.) It was thereupon regularly moved Sntr. Ackntan and duly secondl* iTSupr. Nolan that Dr. B. F. snnelly be appointed County Vetlinaran and that said contract bo (proved and the roll being called le Chairman declared the motion lanimously carried and Dr. B. * F. L-nnelly appointed County Veteri- Jrian of McHenry County, subject contract and agreement. |Asst. Supr. McConnell. Chairman the Committee on Eradication of pberculosis in Cattle reported that meeting recently held ill the ty of Woodstock, at the Court juse, to consider improvements to made in the testing of cattle, ^.ell attended and there were r^Pntatives from sevral c'ounpresent, including the Hon. Arlld Benson, State Director of the ppjt. of Agriculture and Animal Justry, together with C. E. Fidi Supt. of the State Division of (vestock. Asst. Supr. McConnell |ted that many importan matters re brought up for" discussion and progress made. The County Clerk addressed the ird, and stated that under a law, recently enacted that the ^urt House could' close Saturday arnings, or so change the office lurs to get down to" a forty hour pek. and that some Counties had ofce and that in speaking fur nirfof the employees, he request - that the matter be referred to le proper' Committees for investi- ^tion and report. It was thereupon jularly moved by Supr. Wright duly seconded by Supr.. Rosenit that said matter be referred to Committee on Fees and Salaries, lid the Chairman declared the mounanimously carried. ISeveral communications from the ite of Illinois, Dept. of Publb 1u yub- 82.37 267.75 87.51 uisurows Grovery, tobacco, groceries and papers $ 109.70 bud win Wilson to., laundry and cleaning supplies Pantljer Oil and Crease Mtg Co.. rooting material Montgomery Ward & C plies and clothing Woodstock Produce' Co., bage arid tirti.ato plants Royal Blue' Food Mart, gro. Jen A See LitUiidiy, laundry John Sexton & Co., gro. E. L. l«akknirr*X Co., sup. Botts Welding Serv.. repairs Bohn Hardware Co., sup Thome Soil; clothing R. O. Andrew & Co., feed and grinding ...j . . . . . . . . . . Clatenie Aav ang./oats tfoodrow's CaragJT gas. and oil 23.7.1 Crystal Lakt*. F/rni'"Store, repairs. 4 24.19 Miller Pat ton Hak/Tfg Co.. tread 73.<>0 Woodsttjck Dry Hoods Co., clothing . .. SawyerxKiscuit Co.,' crackers an'l «ookii-s- . F. ~W: Wool worth, clothing".... Dunham Rtoduce, chickens R. F. Bacons. Repairs Swan son Motors, 2 used tires and tube's :.... 111. Ilell Tel. Co:. tel. 2 iritis, Htiheit Pharmacy, hiedcinc .... Ideal ' >11 Co., gas. and oil .... Arwell, Inc.. pest control . .. People's Insulation Co., labor' rmmtrnK roofs (Mimi lloyce, grease and gas. Public SIT*. CO. of Northern 111., electricity < lit ii Nelson. labor Win. Bachola, labor W. I'. Allen, incidentals W. I*. Allen, salary Esther Allen. (Salary . . . . . . . . . Hilma Mi-latiifer, salary Henry Knnui k. salary r Peal i Knaack. wages Siisie McPherson, wages flattie Nichols, wages n.wo 7«.12 3.24 184.29 2.b4 1.26 '23.2'J 25.7 5 68.60 5S.8H 3.15 20.24 12.87 11.31 21.00 10.00 54.55 70.50 157.(i« 15.00 76.00 10. to 1.4.1 C <> 3.50 25.00 59.00 200.00 17:..oo 125.00 15S 00 loo.oo 75.00 75.00 cream .III, $2,662.21 }H.«S iind {51.14 96.1 Wo have received from motor-I fuel tax funds rental . on County ; owned machinery included In the above report $97.92-- Patrol Section ; No. 2 Maintenance - and $"33164 --j Section 33 Construction, ami turned same over to the County Treasurer for the County road u.mi. said sum is hereby re-appi ops iate.: I for road purposes including the re- I pair, storage and purchase of re;j<i j machinery or for Improvements for ; buildings to house machinery. Your committe« estimates * there i will be necessary for ;he c.ue of the McHenry County, Illinois patrol , \S 1 Its Clva 1.1:. If. •aii ' I,. Wi . I.. r iii I i ii. $2,566.09 July 7, 19i8. To the Cliair'iian and the Honorable Koaril of Supervisors of McHenry County. Woodstock, Illinois. Your Mclleniy County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee nfet at artlaiul on Uie aliyve mentioned dale ami audited bills for payment as follows. Permanent I mprovement Running !A|ieiisis Clothing T< Medicine: Hospita 1 Diet $ 364.75i 1,483.01 129.28 41.29 7(1.50 1 44.97 428.41 J,e: Cri Sold $2,662.21 96.12 Total Tlie regular inspection iitgs. grounds and livestock everything ill good condition. Iviiit: no further business $2,566.09 of buildfound There •your Conimi t tee, on mot ion <luly made and seconded adjourned. FRANK P. Mcl'ONN El.I., Chairman HENRY C. MEIER AI.MER AAV A NO Alt?. W. RI'TH ACCl'STI'S M. MAXWELL. orks and Buildings, together with j l t was (|,ereupon regularly moved s Tax Allotment Report for tho , 1|V S l l | ) I. w'tighi and dulv seconded nth of May were presented and | :j supr. Schmitt. that the Report ered placed on file. uppr<»vt«l and adopted > by this fe* Chairman stated that if . Board. And the roll being called rv^was nothing further to come | the'Chaii man declared the motion ore this meeting, he would en-, u n ; , ,n j l n , „ , s iv carried. tain a motion to adjourn, lt was | The Conimittee on ereupon regularly moved by Supr. ! |ackeben and duly seconded by jpr, Filip, to adjourn._„ Moton cared. Thereupon the Board adlurned!. CARL E. WITTMCS. ttest: »"•' Chairman R. D. WOODS, Clerk. 1948 Special July Meeting, |ThT Honorable Board of Super- Isors of McHenry County met in lecial session pursuant to a call jned by more than one-third of its timbers, at the Court House in the Ity of Woodstock on Tuesday the Ith day of July, A. D. 1948 at 1:00 A. M. (D. S. T.) (The meeting was called to order -Chairman. Carl E. W i 11 tit us. |d the Pledge of Allegiance to the ig of thd> United States of Amorwas glvc|i byvthe Chaitman with members of the Board and vlsl »rs present i>aitlcipatinK, after tlch the roll' was called by the .and the. following members ^rs responded to their names, j-wTf: ' Supervisors August W. |ith. C. Perry Wright, Carl E. Ittnius. Frank E. Beck. Elmer C. <5. .4. Carroll, Charles T, Dunlg, Chas. H. Ackman, Harley tckeberf. T. F. Nolan, AI pier fvunu, Stanley H. Cornue. Frank McConnell, Frank ifay, Math N. iinitt, Henry C. Meier, and John | Filip and Assistane Suprs. A. M. ».xwe 11 and A. B. McConnell, con- |t ii ting a' quorum present. The records of the regular June feting. 194# were read and on mtin duly made and carried were proved and ordered of record. _jtt of Lake of the Hills Suhdi- J|t»5f unit No. 3. properly certified, platted property being in A1 - | juin Twp. in said County, was , f sen ted for approval. It was i ereupon regularly moved l>y Supr. lip -and duly seconded by Supr. hmltt (bat the plat be approved. |d the chairman declared the mounanimously carried and the it approved. The following report of the Coun- [Treasurer for the month of June, |8 was presented and read. and ;>n motion of Supr. Ackman and Iv seconded by Supr. Ruth and glared carried, was approved and placed on file, to-wlt: TrtunMf1! meport fo the Month of Jam*; 1948. ]uo«ipta llance Forward . SI 80,56".2(V | '\a) neral Fund "... $50,468.71 Dervisor's County Home 490.30 it.. County Home l,p69.20 Li<)Uor Committee (150.0.0 Ipendent Children 10.00 fhway Fund 21,161.63 , Prop. Back Tax 83 26 Tax Fund 213.oo •row Account 8.S'.' Iieritance Tax A«*ct. . 4.815.97 •united Tax Account .",539.4 3 l»tor Fuel Account 5,000.00 rh'l'ay Fines .... Roads and Bridges p >-sented the following report which, on motion of Asst Supr. MeCflnnell and duly seended l.y St.ipr. Maokehen and the -roll b»ing called was declared unanimously adopted to-wit: Mr. ('Iiairman and Centlcinon of the Board of Supervisors. McHen rv County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the j l\'o.>td and Kriage Comtnittee for said <ount.\ beg leave to submiX the following report on the matters »befoi/ t them. That we met at Woodstock, I l l i nois on the 10th day of July, 1948, ind alfdited and ordered paid I,-Ills if a general nature chargeable to the M. Henry County patrol system f roads as a whole for repairs and supplies lor County owned machinery and labor* at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $1,- 964 118. Bills chargeable to the various sections of the 'County* patrol 'sy> tetu of. roads ai lates heretofore approved I v this" Board were audited and ordered jiaid as follow ;t. *14 I. IS. 18 4, 17 .. system of roads an approp. i.Vtioi. trom the County highway fund In I the sum of $10,i»00 "until the next ( meeting of this board. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. F. NOLAN C. J. CARROLL MATH N SCHMITT F. E. BECK I J.OH N J. FILIP j. ROAD AND BR I I)l SE ('< 'M Ml TT1-*E McHenry County. MInols . fcJu 1 v l!l. IMS HE CHAIRMAN "AND C.'FV- • ;MEN OF THE Bo Ml li OF' SI' PER V1SORS: . | A meeting of the McHenry CoiVnty' Zoning Board of Appeals was held in the (Jaunty* Court IV.'"!ii «t 1 Woodstock, Illinois, at 3 P. M. on • July 2nd. 1918. The meeting was called to order j by President, Nagel. Present ' at meeting were metp- j bets Kent. Bacon, Dent i n, Nagel [ and Dnsenberry. The application of Marshall Thatcher and Ann M. Thatcher, for variation of Zoning Classification was was presented and lead, }' ' ." The application fee of $1«.0« was; f. attached. " 1 {>* \ Notice of Publication was tiled with Secretary. No objectorjs to this application were present. The petitioners requested that certain lands in Nunda Township be re-zoned from Agriculture to Industrial 1 for the purpose, of operating a CraVel Pit on atnut 2<» acres of land. lt was moved «by Kent an.l seconded by Deneen that the appliiatlon as presented be denied but that a variation of the Zoning Ordinance be made to allow the operation of I ,' a Crave! Pit on tills piece "1 land j with the provision that the time, required to remove this gravel shall j ' | .'1. not b*> over three years, also, 11 >.• t this lam> shall be leveled and m:ij- J."( cd after the gravel has l.een removd. Voting V'es on this motion were members Kt'nt. Bacon, Nagel, Deneen and Dusenbei I J . Voting No. none. Carried. The application of the Howard Foundry Company, for vaiiatlmi of SJiining Cfivssll'iia'tion and amende ment'of Zoning Ordinance, was presented and read. The application fee of ?l(i.(j(i was attached. Notice of Publication was not filed but guaranteed. Many 'objectors from Mell.nty Township to this application w«ve present. i This petition requested the re- | r-.'.- l zoning of certain acreage n.-ar M •- v Col I u rn Lake from "agriculture to I i j ' , , , Industrial ! and other adjoining; land from agriculture .to residential. The petitioner. Mr. Howaru. requested permission to address tlie board anil in doing so stai d that. in view of the fact that so many of his friends and neighbors wn.- objecting to this petition, he wished to withdraw it and, have th • casi dismissed. This application was then ordered dismissed Iv Pres. Nagel. The application of Oeorge .1 listen and Genevieve Justen of MoHenty. Illinois, for variatii>n of the zoiiiiu: ordinance was presented and leaiV The application lee of $10„(n( was attached. Notice of Publication was. fil with Secretary. No objectors to t,his uetUlim %v> present. , This petition Requested a varia tion of th«r zonim* oidinam . to per mit the operation of a re-sale sfir« stitnting a full Board present. The i oinmittee on Claims, l>abor, Ft»i s and Supplies presented tlie i:: 'owing report, which on motion or Si-pi. .V i..n and uuiy seionueu ny tVnpr. Scli-.niit un,l the loll teing eciileil, uiis declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: July 13, A. 1). 1948. Mr. Chairman aiTil Centlemen of the Board of Supervisors: \. ur Committe.> on Labor, Fees .in. Supplies Claims would bvg ie.,\e to i port that they,have ex- ;itn ined all claims presented to !.ei'. and i< oi.tmend tne payment ih> following, and that the i . ri. b< directed i . :ssu^» order* on lie Ci.niily 'i'leasarer t> the C.aim- ,.i 's in, the several amounts ar lowe.i, as loMtjItvs. to-wit: ThorliViPrr Co. i li i- KichlH'Sn i " in V. S'i'.n.idt i har es- I'.filayes >\ I. ; 11 I .all Hook Co. Kdw in . I i. 1'' JoUn It, i ( i i ev M. D. P. fi. Ni 4i:' hiiler: M. D. It i ' Andrew < "o. i l l r . . s ' 1 I ' l l T e i p p l i i q n e ' C 6 . Receipts i-or tim ording For Clerk's l-ee Suits in ct. For Misc. Serv. !51 days in Ct. ;it $10 per day Total' ivirnin^s -- of halt yr. f Receipt.v^Tv/inj; for the N^evi ice: previous half yen reported us not r Retiii ding Court Costs Earned $7,972,20 1,793.15 570.30 ceived .96 4.70 1,668.15 rrcn't half year performed In arid heretofore •i Veil, 61.15 1 ^.50 .lUet te Company $1,358.28 . irso i ...oo 32.50 s.oO 10.00 1 0.00 '! I: ..a llstt-dwahr' Co. l.i. n Cli. mil al I'mnVi/y i i ' -akkioi i .v i'••• vyilinnc . , risers..l. \v Tate, l ' l u , l ' . W H. iro.rliiini 6.61 27.41' 48.72 3.00 l.OL' 25.0H 2.50- Total Iteceipts Expenditures - Clerk Hire. t lor \ r, ? I,S ,7 I'.n * Misc. Off - Exp. 73.9 1 Retund Docket I'V-s 37..".a County's Share At. it. I- . i oiitrlb. 735.32 Cle k's ;4;ilit.: v l or hjie-hald : r t,.i.*Mi.(iO Bill., due Coalfty for -- ' yr. ending MaV 29th, 1918 * Sheriff The Seniii;yi!iu,i'i report Sheriff being as. fo,lly\vs: $;'.»4 1.80 than one-third of its members, together with proof of service, at 1 he Couit House in the City ot Woodstock on Tuesday, the 10th day ol \ugrjst. A* i>. H'»S at 10 o'clock. A. M. ill. S. T.), to-wit: State of Illinois Countv of McHenry . ss I. K. I). WOODS. Clerk of the •County Court and Kx-optcio t'lerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County, in the Stale aforesaid, do hereiiC ceit'ifj' that on the 27th day of July, 19-48. being'not less than Ki days prior to the day set tor the Special August, 1948 meeting ot i (lie Board ot Supervisors. 1 depus- , lied ill the l uited Stales mail at j I he post ojlice in ihe City of Wood- i chas. stock, Illinois, i lost age fully paid, | Hail notice l.ving John Altenlach \ ivian Seaman Charles Corey Fiank E. Keller .... Clyde .). Zoiii Clyde C. Miner V'trnon W. Kavs I Joel T. Murphy ' Orville M. Kerns i P. i >. Knuth Company i It. O. Andrew Company Aug. W. Bulli C. Perry Wright Car! E. Witt mil's F. K. Peek H. C. Coy (1 J. Carroll Chiis. T. Dunning 11. Ackman . . .Vlillkcbell said .meeting, the attached1 p Nolan » true iind correct copy en-j .vlnier Aavang ) .ffice name. adto- Aildress RD, Ma- M<1! v it. f ,1 3.">.58ij';. So i I :i Kquiunnht Company "Stoiage A:'Transfer c'o. .! Lake He I'll III •Elect lie Co. v. :.. Si I r . i l t / . , .. I ry '<n . .1 M 'i "annon A11 E i r. "•lie": iff Q 20. ft J 314.1 4 7.SI 5(1.70 3.35 25.00 159.6" 4 0.44T 50.00 6.50 Iteieipt; For Shf. l'ei Process 1». >i Execution H Total Earirn of half yr, ,$", Receipts .In riii •; services perfot mV-1 eliding Mny '• h* reported as 'not Court Costs. P: ot . s: CoiMt Costs. F.Xec. E.lined Jtece s in Suits in Court kit ^LMUti.i'r, fcket 1 ! 1 3, ISM r, J 1.302. 135. 1,:'83'. .7-1.-1 lia'i l ' i -:ir ,n half '• '.Tncf.heV'el lived. < Ho, k.'t 1 1 >ock. t Henry C. • Mi John .1. Filip j AcKustus M. Maxwell I A. H. McConnell I Paul Rosenthal ' Sabimi Bau j Vestie' Muldoon , . . . ' B. I. ()\ ert mi' ! Alice Jones Esttler Mansfled Violet E.' Smith l.vic R. Huti'hinonn Oecrge Iv. Swiiuk .lack Meyers City of Woodstock All of which . liutted: .' ST A N LE V 11. ;;i 1 nit,,|l Ann r.;i .tli • ' i i i t s ide I i i r v Pi Sell ;ctt's Ci».ce: 1 Siii'tKi hau , Sidney Reed i tio 1 u. h' i't C.Iyi e J. Zoia Rillpli D. Stev.a' ,|i T. 'Muvp)i\ 1-r. Bell o.. inc. '•s .v Klc. •,'keiy iducts i $ 1,3.'iii.(i0 L252. t<>l I If hi -s Sect ion Scct ions Sections Sect'on Sections Sect ions 8,' !*, io. 11. 1 13. 15 $2,624.68 491.82 236.91 12.00 657.89 729.31 .f a ud it Motor Ti Kills i paid out as' follows: M unicipal' Employ ment I (ml MET Pension (June) $6,717.5*? •d and • ordered Fuel Tax funds Patiol Sec No. and niiiti rial Sec. Sec. Sei Right Engi.. ICngi., const., s Retirehare for . „ ... $ 345.31 2. ..laint,, latxir 6 48.08 if IVav, mat. 7.50 lalioi* it mat. 13.87 labor K. mat. 1,120.31 labor mat. 5,0.".2.2fi Miller i 'Iv. 1. (\ A': 11 • -1- V.ri, ci.W Kays N>• i :.i i'i It- public;,n Ni w.- 1' 1.1. Knuth ('oinpanv .'.I d. 1 o k I >;i iI\ Senliii' l \\ . oi> • to. k I 'ally Sentinel Tile 11r\ a i d 11 • raid Saiat y M iI. age August W. liutli C Perry Wight Car ! lv. Wi t tmus Totill Heleipt- ExpehiP.tTirt-s I >«'puty Sh. i i ft s Salary 27.64 | Pension ' 15.42 i i seel lance is 9.95 | >h-r:tT's Salar one-half yr. Hal. due <'ount\ '., vr. ending May Si st. m IS Your Conimittee. H< use ill tlie ' "i. y A'.O. j Wcdnes.lav, the 7i 7.00 j a , D, 1M:-. and i 7.00 and foregoing rcj 7.00 |. the books and ai . 28.00 i ,,us oflfict i s undi'i 1.4.00 j we!) kept, and the . p. 11- 91.'i« in detail with exccpti.n t, l!2.0n minor errors thai were '«•.( 49.10 i justed. We th.^ i 05 $3,601. 4 2.58 (*o. 4.lit". 3.'..Oil 7.00 7.00 "..00 7.00 7.00 the ..1st t he aim •1 th, 155.(58 ("ourt .ck on ,luH , above i out) I 'audit nea i -'and | !•'. i: i:. C. (;. j, ('hai' Cha." I ja rli T IV .'. Itne 1 'uniiia S.'hmttt V-vmu Mil x w 12i 5(1 105.00 68.40 83.80 I 67.20 J . . . . . . . 80.50 ! 1 56.8n 22.40 j 16(1.50 30.60 129.00 ' 168.00 150.00 42.80 79.60 * 7 Mi" 70.80 1110 in 44.50 .. 162.4U 33.20 4:1.10 66.00 20.411 47.67 75.00 1 7 5. i" r> ill 1.53 1 0(1.00 150.00 ^00.00 200.00 •joo.on 225.(10 1 50.04' t fully subi- lecomui loproved. pccltullj- > 1 doised with tlie time and place ot j Stanley H. cornue c said meeting, additssed to each of j | t;uik l:. Mi-Cunnell ; j In* following Supervisors and As- Krank May 1 sislant Supervisors of said County i Math N. Schmitt i i ;il their respective -post. , v" •iriss set opposite each : wit i v. N.i nfe ,. 1 Supr. .Vug ust \\". Rutli, 11 ngti. Illinois •L'Snpr. C. Pent> Wright. Marengo. 111. I Supr. Carl E. Wittmus, RD, Harvard, Illinois » Supi F. E. Beck. Hal vaiwl. HI. Supr. Eltiier C.' Coy. Aldeiv, 1U. ' rSupr. (»•. J. Carroll. Woodstock, III. Sup:-. Charley'I H; r.ning, .Woodstock. I l l i n o i s r. Supr. chas 11. Ackman. I'nion. 111. Sup iliii ley Ma'ckeheti. Huntley, 111. Supr. T. F. Nolan. Woodstock, 111 Supi. ,Alllier Aavang. Woodstock, 111. . S-.:pr"Stanley 11. Cornue. Hebron. 111. i Supr.' I-tank B. McConnell, Rich- | mond. 111. I , Supi. Flank M.IVH St""n« Crovc. 111.} I Supt. Math N. Schmitt, Mi-Henry^ • II!. Supr. Henry l Htiliois ^i:pr. John .1 Asst. Sut>r. A ' ; . stoekV 111. - ! Asst. Supr. A stock, 111. Asst. Supr. Paul 1-aTie. Illinois IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto subsi ribvd mj name and af- P veil the seal of said Counti ill in i.nice ill Woodstock th of .lulv, . D. 1948. K l>. WOODS. County Clerk and E v-( ifTicio Clerk of the I'-oard of S' |iei visiv s, McHeniy County, 111. (Seal) registratioh of electors to be beld October 5, 1948. E»en No. Precinct--Republican odd No. Precinct--Democratic Precinct No. Riley--1 Riley. Marengo 1--2 Marengo 1. J Marengo 2--3 Marengo 2 Dunham--4 Dunham Chemung 1--5 Chemung 1 Chemung 2--ft. Chemung 2 35.80 J Chemung 3--7 Chemung 3 , 84.40 I Chemung 4--* Chemung 4 4 4.5" i Alden--9 Alden 115.6s j I lart land--10 Hartland 46.00 1 Seneca--II Seneca 128.40 (Coral--12 Coral 31.65 , iirafton I--13 Orafton 1 Virnfton 2--14. Grafton 2 Dorr 1 --15 Dorr 1 Dorr 2^--16 Dorr U--17 Doi r 4 -18 Dorr 5--1» < ireenwood-- Hebron--21 Burton--23 7.')0 '(.00 14.00 14.00 35.00 lb8.00 175.00 14.00 , 7.60 21.90 17.90 90.70 .. 131.20 4r 90.20 . 21.40 23.60 2 4.65 94.40 ... 100.80 4 4.*i(l^ 92.80 i 1 1.00 j 3t!.60 4 4.00 100.00 j 17 5:00'1 75.00 j 1 50.00 128.80 , 150.00 ' 2^5.00 ; 200.0.0 I 200.00 1 16.20 lespectfcully sub- COBNl'E. Chairman CHARLES T. 1H NN1NC. Al'il. W BETH A. H. McCONNEI.L AI.MEK AAVNH Dorr Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 -20 Oreenwood Hebron Burton Richmond--22 Richmond Burton--23 Burton Mi Henry 1--24 McHenry 1 McHenry 2--25 McHenry 2 McHeniy 3 26 McHenry 3 McHenry 1---27 McHenry 4 Nunda 1--28 Nunda 1 Nunda 2--29 Nunda 2 Nunda . 3--30 Nunda «3 Algonquin .1--31 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2--32 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 3--33 Algonquin 3 Algonquin- 4--34 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 --.35 Algonquin 5 t The Cu.inmRtee .on Election1* presented ihe following report, tiAwlt: M < Filip. t'ary., M. Maxwell Crystal Lake, "ill B. Woo.l- McConnell, Wood- Rosentlial, Crystal The Committee on Claims Countj I'oor, preesnteil the following report. which on motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and the roll bt-ing called, was declared unanimously adopted, towit: ' \r Mr. Chairman and Centiemen of the Board of Supervisors: Countv Claims 2 i Hi i,ay i j|,at they l resented that the i.poits 1 AU of w li .ch i s mitted. F. E. HECK. Chairman E. ('. COY * G. J CARROLL CH.VS. II ACKMAN HA RLEV MACKEREN FILvNK M.W PAif ROSENTHAL It »-as thereupon tegulaily moved by Supr. Dunning and dulj secoinl- <ol by SUP:'. Schmitt". thai the Report of the Committee on Fees and' Salaries be adopted b\ this Beard , And 'tlie roll being called the Chair-, j man declined tin motion uiioiii-j ttvouxly tarried. Two Reports of the McHenry County Nurse. ,nve! ii:g the pei io.l frotn April 1st. 1 947 to Julv 'SE; 1948 were presented and read, to-| gether wilb a i !t>ques# from the .McHenry County Tuhvrcujosis Asso- ; eiation for an apju-oprlafton of *2.- ( 00.00 lor tli. next yeiir It was j thereupon icgularlv uio\e,l by Asst.. Supr Rusi ntiial and dull seconded by Supr. that the request j be granted and referred to the Fi.- j nanc.' Comiuitti . . rinj that the Re-j ports be place on file. Ami the loll j being called the Chairman declaied the, motion unanimously can led. The matter of how many days of) precinct registration McHeilry i ("ounjy would have for the Heneiali The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Carl K. Wittmus, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the i'lag of the I'liited Stales of Anieri i.-a Was given b\' the Clerk with i all numbers of the Board and \ i s i - i tucs present participating, and the ! t-df- 1 eing called -l«y the ClePk the j follow mg members responded to their names, to-wit: Superx isurs • August \\ Ruth. Carl E. Wittmus, ! h rank It. Beck. Elmer i". Coy, Charles T Dunning, Chas. H. Ack- ; uu.ii. Harlev Mackeben. T. E. Nolan, Aimer Aavang. Stanley 11. Cornue, Frank H. 'McConnell, Flank May, : Math N. Schmitt and Henry C. ; Meier ii ml Assistant Supervisors A. ,\1 Maxwell. A. H. McConnell and [ I nil Rosenthal'constituting a t|our: | i am present. i The Chairman addressed the Board | ; and iiiiiioiini cd the passing of the wife of John J. Filip, the Supervi- 1 sor from AlgoHquin Township, and | • tated thiit the tunolal services! would lie heUl at ,('ary, Illinois.; ! at the Catholi. Church, at 10 o'clotV A ..n Thuisiiay the 12th of Au- | gust, a nil * requested the meiirtiei s of | ! the Hoard to attend the funernLj and iilso instructed the Clerk to, send a suitable llr»:al ortering. The I'liaii niiin addressed the Board : further and stated that there was i a group of officials of Kane Cputil.v, Illinois, present at , the meeting, upon tin- invitation of this Board, Home Committee Would beg leave to report have examined all claims to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue t orders on the County Treasurer to j the Claimants . for the several j amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Lutheran Child Welfare Ass'n. Allendale Farm Srhool'e Manual Training & i Industrial , Woodstock CJiildren ; Mrs. Ceo. Wierema . | Mrs. Jess Unfit : :... 1 Mrs. M Fleming i Eva Kapping j 1 »r. -Louis S. Suit h ' '-'red (J ithman . Mrs. Raj- Mavis * i ,\i r'&,. r.invrad Redding . | Ms. i'. D. Sweat man . , Louise M. Brooks i La!;e County T. B San ( Rockfor.l Municipal T. San 186.00 All of which is respectfully submitted K. <'. i 'i.)Y. ('hairmau M ATH N SCll M4TT HENRY C. MEIER A. P.. Mcl'ONN 101.1 CHAS. II. ACKMAN August 10th, 194*. . To the Chairman and Centiemen of the Beard of Supervisors: ' , Your Committee on Elections, to | whom was referred the selection of Registration Officer* and places of Registiy as made by the two Political Parties represented on this Board for the Precinct Registration of Electors^ to lie held October 5th.. 1948. would beg leave to submit the folKiwing report of said selections so made and recommend Its adoption, to-wit: (Copy of this list on file in tse Poor I County Clerk's office.) All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES T. DCNNINC. Chairman MATH N. SCHMITT HARLEY MACKEBEN* PAEL ROSENTHAL 80.00 27.00 80.00 232.00 4 0.00 60.u0 30.00 SO.00 6.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 , 40.00 1 :.0.28 859.CO B. ST '• N LEV 11 i '( HINl'E, C B. M. CON NELL Ai <. \V. RI'TH I ii Pi 17S T. I H'NNlNV. A i I It A A V A Nit hm. held N. •tuber Th dealing in numerous type of chandise consigned to thiin for resale, in the basement of their house and residence. -- On motion .of Bacon, seconded I > Kentr it was move dto allow ;i vai i - aiton of the ordinance to permit the us*, of the building for the parposes as stated in the application. Voting Yes on this motion wife Kent, Bacon. Deneen. Nagel, and Dusenberry. Voting No, none. Carried The application of Esther l'eschke for variation of Zoning Classification was presented ami read. The application fee of $1-0.00 wm attached. JS'o wbject ors to liln. petition were I'll * 1-11 . VI •- Mr. Hi V. 'oami'tee oil Ci.iims, ('.lUiLty pi c^t +H-nt "ttre ToTfow-'ing rewhich on motion of Supr. • ?i ;.miE i 111'seconded by Wiight and the roll being a, w. declared unanimously tel. to-wit: July 13. A. 1). 1948 C!..<irnian and / Centiemen of Hoard of Supervsors: n - I'i nimitlee on County I'oor would b.g leave to report tli. ; have i x imlrieil all claims . u11 I to them, and recommend payment ol tl'.p following, iind the Clerk be dreeled to issue i s I, II tlie County Treasurer to ciativint? for thf» several il' o W. '1=1-- $7, •a.Is Slate Ap- <• I >i 11 37S laiior and mat. tfZ> "Clearing Account 4.1 m Retiremenf . 2.2zi.:.:; dge .Bond Account 5,100.00 I tal Receipt s 103.6f8.5f i 284,171.76 N. 42.00 107.1 200.00 1,774-85 601.20 . 222.94 6.203.43. 55 s. on 3.00 V 2.052.14 4.174.91 46.201.50 ,237.970.26 Grand' Total Exp« ndi tores inty (>ders $27,682.30 I P Jurors' Orders 223,60 lrorier'8 Jurors lunty Orders inty Treas. Salary j-rks", Salares • imps Iheral Fund Ighway fund lidgjk Rond Fund HlSe Fund |ierl?anc,e Tax Fund . [•tor Fuel Fund Ivrol'l Clearing _,\cct. Mutu" Retirement Hal Expeilditures llance June SO. 1948. «... - ' . $284,171.76 Ithe above aijd fpregoing report K true and correct according to my [<t knowledge and belief. . HENRY* A. NULLE. (J. O. SA County Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before X Vl3th day R. DU'wtH.ns. fy , » •-bounty Clerk Report -of County Treasurer in-ing pavrrients due the County n Townshps on County Home K presented and read and order- ,, placed on file. IThe following Report of the A omtta* o» McH«nr> ^*ounty Home, rm and Hospital was presented d "read to the Board. tt>-wit:- in Total Township H< pi oprjat ion I'higineerinK, Senate Bill "27 Nunda l'"w p.. Sec. •>. Sub-urban Oil c, mpaiiA-. Est. No. 1 $8.7.52 81 We would Ti port that tlie heavy g.iitlin.K on ihe Woodstock-A Iden Road is completed and the gravelnu is under way. We expect to move the i l'lishing plant to a pit near Alden fop the north two and om -half (2) i riles of the gravely J"!.. The grading on the Five Corner- - Huntley Road is mobp than half done. W« h.i\ e made several trips of inspec t oiv of the Comity roads and repair jobs iu Towns of Riley, ('oral and Marengo. The Riley- Cyi'.il ,i'i»I• involving about $1,000 foV graveling is ..Ml/out coinplete.- ^cveratf signs have been ordered plitc.-d in tin interest of safety on th.. roads. . . . We have been unable -to hiremuch extra «help iij mowing the roads. • this work is somewhat behind. .-» ' * A' ting nil the request of the County road workers, we have decided" ,to' l e? tore thv ten (10) days vacation with pay. which was suspended durine .11^ vai* -.years. We law arranged to insitect cemeiTt spreader at ^Milwaukee 1 the bear future and may buy one li'or use 'oti the Wood stock-A lden Road this Fall. The„ price is reiiorted t'o "be approximatelv $2,000. We may also purchase a new centrifugal p'ump of ,.•?•- inch or 4 incti outlet, which", will also be needed. Wf have received two (2> petl- ,ti«ns from' the Illinois Bell TeleluhitneCompan v coveriilK pole tines iVt the--»v-icinit of Ridgefileil <>n St)t^e Aid Sections 13 and 13.V The work consists of installing some ne«'* [ibles and some undergroumt caUle. We decided to' recommend tshero be no cutting .of the aspha pavemepts, and that the communication grant ins: the request should so state. We have received another petition from ihe Illinois Bell Telephone Cuiijpany • asking- permission to "insl cH new p«les on • State Aid „Route* 20-\ in ' ininham- Township 'We * recommend that tihs request )e granted. The .County has been in need of a fiont-end loader on a Caterpillar tractor for several yearsf! but th? loaders being manufactured had to be mounted on special tractors with longer Ira* ks than no the standard tractors." Now ji machine is available that can' be attached to the County's R. Ii. 7 Caterpillar Tractor. The cost would, be.'approxiniatvly $2,400 for the front-end loader- and $900.for a bulldozer attachment We expect to investigate the matter and if they are satisfactory we Vould like to be author-* iited to purchase one or 4«jth of the attachment s , for t he , County's" R: 1>. 7 Caterpillar triactor. present This applicaton requested the re- j re-zoning of 20 acres of laud be- I tween the City of M.-Henry ami 1 Lily Lake from Agriculture to Bust-I ness 1 for the purpose of opera! irtgj a Coif Driving Range. It was moved by Kent-and sec-! onded by Bacon that , the appliot-'j tion as presented he denied but | that a variation lie made in : h | zoning ordinance so that this piece | of property can tie operated as ai Coif Driving Range. Voting' Ves | on this motion w ere • metnlVrs I >e- i iieen. Bacon. Kent. Nagel iind I»u- : seiiberry. S'oting No, none. Your Board of Appeals hereby ( requests that their action In ap-; proved. All of which is reaped fully submitted. McHenry County Board of Appeals! FRANK NACEL. President ROY KENT HAROLD BACONEDWARD DENEEN . - *AY Dl SEN BERRY I ii'ii:milnt Chitdrenl. i:tlie:an Child Welfare i I >ny mond I ( Si ilnd) Li's-1 Manual Training & dtistrlMl (Jasien) \lUniliilc Farm, i Holmes Diocesan Catholic Charitii $ Mil.on 80.00 iiU.50 (: i M • a i Na M' - Mrs! M i s. ( K Mr-. 1. ' i-,- i Fleming, (Shay) 'inc. \\ ierelilil, I \ all ;tan)' ii *s Hunt. (Fiesniiin) lirlpx Del,inc. f De-Line) Lilian liatVunan, e'/iin l •:.lw aid Bedding. ( I ial- 30.0(1 3".00 SlI.OO 40.CO Election 194S, wa - -again bumnlit up lor dtscussion. and tlit- Cl'ei k stated -tjiat he would dike permission from Hoard to place Ads in the paper of McHenry County adivsing elector-* concerning registi ation. as w . s ib.m- pre. ceding the ' Primal y Eli'c- • tioi; m Vprfl. After some fui Iher , dist ussioii with regard to said inat- Wt. it was regularly inmul by Supr. j Aikman and dlilj seconded b> SUJH4. Carroll that _tlie request Of the' CI-'iK made in the morning -issio-. for u apprbprhytion of $:!uo,0o to! purchase Stamps lie granted, and1 t llii-t the request of the Clerk lor permission to insert Ails In the papers of McHenry County pertaining to i. gistral ioii of electors be inferred to the Committee on 'Flee- j i ions and that McHeilv I'oun'.V | hue on, 11stof oree.nct rcgistration Io I. h. ld (letotier ,'i, 19 48, ami that ! t tie matter of t h selection of legis- I ra I . and ill •j | t\> enlighveiu t he 11ui> that i-i\ ing Boaid on the pro- j w a* taken by rtteni in it one hundred percent for t he year 194 The. following report of the County Tieasuicr for the month of Julv. CIS. was presented and read to the Hoard, to-wit: County Treasurer's Report for the Month of July 1948 Receipts • Balance Forward ..$237,970.26 i Central Fund • 286.3 4 | Supt rv isor'sCount y Home 3.">2.80 i Superintendent County U..„.u of p fern foi met t I oil . rt ts for fcj i 'ommit 11 - I he f this I ;istratiori be reon Elections August H'48 oard. And the 1 he call, mot i the Chairman unanimously rit-d. The Cow I: II. deill - L. Rev : at '1 Cha i | lin 4"."ti i man 30.1.0 nn off irav . hil »17 I-. • k • < Roi kf« All mitti i! i|> • . *i". ib p -iult 1 ii". .1. nt ("hiIdrc i to k i 'hiIdren's I bum • ^an ( at holic ('liarities 11; 11 is si i . Caseins Sweat man. i Ste olman > T.' It. I'ati-nts-- • T. IS. San. that 1 n ii unfa be .1 1 ll.llO old'- rd \1u Wlljl ir >:in -pei 2 7 2K..".o I8U.0C iill\ sub- C ( i i - M(v '• B. Mel .Til N. AS. II. lt was thereupon regularly rhoved v Supr. Schmitt and dul\ second- i !'• ed by Supr, May that th\. Report | Hi of the Board of Appeals M/e approv- I A ed and adopted ti>- this Board, ami | M the Coibprenensi\ e Zoning oi-ilinauce ! (*i of McHenry County be amended " '• conforming to said Rei»ort. and that j Asst. rSupr. M ;tll maps pertaining to zoning tjow of the «nt• ii11< t on file n the County Clerk's office Tnl-e_i .-i:in. is in be changed showing 'the ne\| clussi- i the t-i.ntia.i for flea tion of the property of the j property of the petitioners, and the roll being called . Supi s. Ruth. Wright, Beck. Coy." Carroll. Dun-! ning. Ackman, Mackeben. Nolan, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell. Mai, Sihinitt, Meier and Film and Asst Suprs.-' Maxwell, "MeC."iniu4J and Rosenthal voted, aye. N'JCVJ none, I rian t And the Charman declared 'the mo- e nt• C tion unanimously carried and tin-1 differ.-: Report approved and. thp Ordinance j iowam-, amended. t 1\• ino\ , Chairman M EL I:R I iN N ELL SCUM |TT ACKMAN qli ! > Coniiell. ('ha • on Ei iidicat ion of ' !' Cattle stated that .'4' the Conrity Veferh'. inili t h o i ;.L : AB t hat iiuirian Meet trig car allow i filarial nion'ti. and tor nun h ii .1 line Vi Boiird appro-j nd i hat the M i ('It ! foi The -Clerk addressed tht and made a request for an priation of $300.00 for 1 lie. pun ha H of stamps to mail out* permam-:it registration of electors cards to the electors of McHenrv' Countv. The Clerk also stated that tlC,, ' Board should decide as to Whether or not McHenry County would have two days ror precinct registration of electors, or one day «s is provided Iv lay. general discussion was then had. with regard to said neuter. and it was decided to defer action until the afternoon session. The Charman. ("arl E. Wittmus. addressed the Board stating a certain member of this Board. some time ago anil unbeknown to his colleagues, took until -himself a' wire. iind thar he felt- congratulations were in order, and. he then extendi- I to Supr. Harlpv , Mackeben the congratulations of ihe. Board acid County Officers Sunr. Maukeben in response ai-cepted the Vwigrat i l l a tions /and stated that he felt that Chiffon Twp. was "unique in that thM lnjjt three Suprs.* representingthe Townshp on the Boa -d wile bachelors when elected. .He stated further tliat he would l-j» glad to t rve a dinner to the members of tSo- Board during the noon hour of the meeting to be lipid August loth, if same could be arranged. The V^hair- .jnan accepted the invitation of behalf of the Board. The Clerk presented lists ot claims.*?! gainst the County and upon motion of.-Asst. Supr. Mi-Con-'j neli and dulv seconded by Sum- Macketen and declared carried, the!-1- said claims referred to the : proper Committees and» the Board adjourned to t:?.0 o'clock P. (P S T. > ffir Co'iimIttee ' work l:3 t O'CLOCK M. ?D. S. T The Board met pursuant to journment and upon roll call the saititi members responded, to tiler names as appeared of record 1n, tli*- morniijg .session, with the addition, ppr.Vval in the 1111 * 11 for all i l l e r e . l i me for Ihe County i om $2."i.on to oo pi i tiiiit his Committee, af- III -era t ion. f • it i liat tin use w a - justified, i onsiilci inu nuii.. of miles the Veterini tra i-lleil each month, ami lit* I the Hoi.rd to- know of -the rem e in the amount of car ali i - . . . - i t was regular- •li by Supr.• Ml-Ci ^1 Iiel I \- s.»oinled by Sup Wiight Contract be confirmed, and the Chairman una nimo'lsly let conf-ii ine.l. '•"cos and S.l- Lii thi oil 11•:11g .-ailed ••i b ret I t he mot ion arr:. ii a nd I l l . -( cotl t The i "oinp arit-s Ori to-wit: • iited the following i eport July 7. 1 9 4 X Chairmun and« Cent li ini-n of th. Board of SiiperyisoH : Vour Couinii'tee on Fees and «i|i:ir'it-s to w ho;n^vvas referred the i-iin:i' al .r- p'is of Ihe County k. ('in- it ("I f'k and Snei ifl the lull! ending -June 1. 1.148, Would b. u leave to submit the following report on the matters iind t hings before t hem: The semi-annual report of the Coun'v cbrk as f. 11 R Fi r For • 'ir For l - ' o r l-'or Ti Ha' tif He P obilte E cierk-s E 'Suits in Co. Si rv •tllsc <"lerk Co. I Diem i Earning half •eivcli ol Earned R ?,2 7r..(io i 131.2.- ! «;>?: 24 9,8116.03 ceived i earnings reported: Pro! -jt-> ('ourt Costs M is lYthincnus previously .... .$i.«2i.i.n t'o 0-1 6.60 .) . j. ad-.FTtltal Re eipts .- F >p» nditun-s -- Me; Hire. (ini ml hig ex. i .*1(1,(144.40 vr: Clerk's Sal. •ik C Ct. 1 Wis eltau.-ous 87.38 l . ' f i V k 1:- tSii'ar) for *'• 1 . " yr... ClkA !".".)..*(' Coi-fiV• ' ' f T i c e r>a \roi I ^ f i a iv • M u ij-« Retireinc'nl -Fund. 1,445.93 $13,827.19 Honoral'le Judge Heiirj Countv Judge of McHenry | togetln-r with t'ai Board of I and their cUrk wen- present; an-ting. a II I int roilui t- b> t he i II of the Boiird Judge Cow- i called upon l.v the Ciiair- ; al spoke brieliv of the duties Hoard of Review', ami tinoblem coining before said • • 'stated I lin her .1 hilt he felt • • "socalltd Butler Bdis raisiisscssmcnis to lour; WHS nut that something should to t.-.|uuIiy.e the nssessnieiits t *. en Townships in McHenry ' Ray Dusenbi-rry Cleik of i d of Review stated that he due to the increase in tax- .- were hi-coming more lux and that efforts should j to equalize assessments properly answer the nianv j S asked by taxpayers conlax matters. Judge ('rtw'1 U«j I the l'.oiirit furtlicr and iat Kane Countv, last year, ilieir .•issi-ssmen I s to oiitper cent ami that he it would be a good .plan Henry County to investigate. Iiod th' V used, ile Board invite the Township ju K^ne County aext meeting of the Board i v isors, who had a great do in working out the re- • a Kan" County. The Clutirled that they had fet.-eiv ed ! • mplainls thus far. and tie-! •'rum sub-div ision lot own-I sub-division owners coin- | upon the one hundred per • essmi-nt, that it. was urn that some investigation >•• made, Asst Supr. Rosen- . >'-d that In' thought that it j very important matter and i wouLI move that Assessor j if Elgin Twp. in Kane Co.! • il as ;i guest T'O the next ! of this Board. Said mrntion y se -onded by Supr. Meier 1 iretl unanimously carried.-! Beck of Chemung Township, t of the McHenry County! the Township Officials! f the state of Illinois, ad- i tile Board' and stated tfliat j tlu* Townships hail not paid es to the Association, and'I a request tint they do so I as possible. He stated that i -ociat.ion was doing some ! ie work iii . legishititm Jind •ect-ive credit for ttie $15.-! o appropriation made by I e i.egislature for Farm to i Roads • . ii Communications from e of Illinois Dept. of Public tnd Buildings, together with 1 x Report for the month of re presented and ordered I >n file. ' hairman stated that if there i: further business to come lie meeting for the good of uiy County, tie would enterj tuin a motion to adjourn, lt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. j Mai ki-ben and duly seconded by | Supr. Coy t adjourn. The Cha irnian i declared the motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. CARL E. WlTTMl'S. . Chairman. Attest: ( R. D. ..WOODS. Clerk :fnty. lie then intioduced Charles Kesinger, t'hairman of the lo-aril of Supervisors of Kane County; M :• « iilnmc, Suiir. of Elgtn Township, in Kane County: Clfarles l.ovviv. Countv Clerk of Kane County anil Charles llaiisek Supr. At' Tax Map deportment of Kane Countv Air. Keslinger and t lien outlined in deta-ll lire iiecessarv in airiving at a one i'.umlri'il percent assessment. Mcmbeis of I lit- Board of Review of Mi Henry County, who were present ill the meeting, and Members of the Board of Supervisors asked several questions pertaining to assessment problems generally, and a gtneial discussion Wits had. At the i lose of all remarks tile Chairman of t h- Board of Supervisors thanked b.. Kan - Comity officials p i s c i n e a t t h e m e e t i n g a n d t their advice on tax matteis. ami i 11 v i 11-iI them to collie ilgiiii Siipt-rv sor Mackeben of Crafton Township informed tin Kane County officials that he wits giving a dinner at the Woodstock Country Club in honor of his le ent marriage, to the Board . mj' lie invited the said officials to attend The dinner was to be immediately following the morning sessii n of this meeting. The records of the Special June, C'4N meeting were r^ad and on million approved and ordered ot 1 limn Chairman l.iquor :'i.nmrilt ee I it-pendent Children County Officers' l-'e Highway Fund " Peis'onal Prop. Back I-Tlles on Hlghitwys Dog Tax At-couiU Inheritance Tiixes Institute FuiJl' III. Municipal Ret. iiher guests) Motor Fuel Tax the proced-J Payroll Clearing Act l-'scrovv Account Forfeited Tax Account I'a x 51.14 J.'iO.Oo 402.65 - , 22.96 2,4^9.56 I.!l6 It was thereupon regularly moved by Sui>r. Ackina*> and duly secondetl by Supr. Schmitt that the Report of the Committee on Elections be adopted by this Board, arid that tlte Cojunty Clerk and Chairman of the Board be Instructed to <U« a report of the selection of Registration Offl-" clals, as. outlined in said Report and here approved with the County Court of McHenry County for continuation and appointment. And the roll b^ing called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committer on McHenry County Home. Farm and Hospital presented the following report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben ami the roll b*ing called. wa« declared unanimously adopted, towit: August 4, 1.948" Mr. Chairman and Membels of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on August 4. 1948. at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills j for the month of July 1948. and re- , spet tfully submits the following I report, recommending same be paid. I laid wig Wilson Co., .soap. b!*»ctl III. Bell Tel. Co., telephone 2 months | Jen A See Laundry, laundry Publlc Serv. Co.. electricity .. Royal Blue Fotid Mart. groc. R F. Backus, electrical rep. ... Bohn Hdw. Co.. supplies . .. .1(2.87 7«.«« 11)33 5«.58 54".24 >2.(1 26.98 I 18. S6 4,3.*.K«M» 3 11.00 90.56 m.oo Fund 2.129.06 1.000.00 5.993 98 583.32 23.08 14.964.71 groceries. 110.35 tread 73.30 chicken 85.80 27.08 OIIII t i 'lHim la i m Clerk presented lists of igaim-' the County and upon of Supr Mackeben .and duly I t-v Asst. Supr. McConneU •i hired carried,, tlie saiil referred t the proper Total Receipts Crand Total $252,934.97 Expenditures ¥ " ('.unity Ortlel!* $18,144.46 Coroner's Jurors 4J8.0U Probiition officer H50.65 Bounty (irilers 23.90 1.5« 17»o 3.18 1.40 salary Clerks' salaries (!en era I Fund Highway Fund • Real Est. For I'eit ures •Inheritance Tax Fund ill. Municipal Ret. Fund Motor Fuel Tax Payroll clearing Account Deposit t y Order of Ct. Township Road-State A pp. Total 1 :.tla a. Kxpendl t tires e July 31. 1948 20il.oO 1,296.00 168.00 6.707.59 13.13 4.943.53 2.129.06 2,458.57 5,260.68 417 93 565.80 42.501.30 210.433.67 committees and ihe Roartl adjournei to 1:30 o'clock P. M. ( D. S. T.) lort tommitlee work. V. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. (D. S. T.) t'oaril 'net pursuant to adjournment Jind upon loll i*;ill tlve same iiieinticrs responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting a ipturum P^WjlMlt. The Cliairtnan 'ti liehalf of the members of the Board anil other ues't - I hacked Supr. Mackeben for the splendid dinner, and wished him many happy years of wedded l liss. The Committee on Claims. Labor, '•'••is and Supplies presented the folmotion of seconded $252,934.97 The above and foregoing report is true anil correct according to my tier best knowledge and belief. n>d HEN'UV A. XI'Ll.K, Co. Treas. H Subscril >-d and sworn to before me this 10th it a v of August. 1!»48. R. D. WOODS, (Seal) County Cleik. Disbroyirs llroci tobaci^r antf Mi ller Pat ton R. O. Andrew feed and grind! Clarence Aa\ axig. Karl Palmer, car glasa Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers Daev Electric Co.. electric socket Thompson Appliance Co.. Shellane gas Swan son Motors, tire tube ... Clenn Boyce Serv. Sta.V gaso. Crystal l-iike Farm Store, milk machine repairs, -stone . 1.93 Montgomery Ward CO.. clothing 48.52 \ John Sexton & Co.,' gt --Wles 262.53 Ideal Oil Co.. gas and oil .... 125.0C Menxel Electric Shop, refrlgerator repairs ^ ft*-?* CoOdrovv's Garage, gas and oil 17.11 Lcrov Kmmitt. clean sewers F. W. Woo'worth, incidentals Thome A- Son, clothing Arwell. Inc.. pest control Rldgefield Farmers Supply, coal and freight 13. L. Bakkora & Co.. hot shot Arthur Len*. boiler cleaning Huberts Pharmacy, medicines \V. P. Allen, incidentals «'. P. Allen, salary Esther C. Allen, salary Hilma Melander. salary- Hem v Knaack. wages Hearl Knaack. wages Susie McPherson. wanes Hiittie Nichols, wages l|.fl lI.Ol 2«.8« 15.00 507.7s 2.98 18.30 47.18 53.85 200.041 175.W 125.09 t 125.00 . lOO.OH 75.00 75.uK 8 liogs sold S2.828.t* . 853.68 " I t w ; i s t h e r e u p o n r e g u l a r l y m o v - •1 by Supr. Mackeben and duly seonited by Supr. Ackman that the $2,174.80 August 4. 191# .To the Chairman and the Honorable Board of Superv isors of McHenry County. Woodstock. III. Your McHenry County Home. Farm and Hospital Committee If* l.-ive to report that they met at Hartlami on the above mentioned h - S 11 O I nested j lowing Kepott, which on Assessor , supr. .Mackeben and tlul by Supr. Schmitt. and the roll belli* t ;i 1-1 eil vv*:is declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: A uglist I nt h D. 19 IS Mr. Chiiiiman and • bulb-men. ot t'.e I'onrtl of Superv s.c s, Vour < 'oiilin i11 ee on Labor.' Fees A Simply would t.-ei; leav e to l'i p il l that they have examined all claim's presented to them. #ml rcco.mincinl tli- p yment of the following. a»«l and that the Cleik be direcied to issue orders on t tie Co'intv Tre;islirreport tv adopted by this Board, and • ();ite iintl audited bills for payment the roll being called the Chairman i follows: declared the motion unanimously I carried. I The Conimittee on 'Fees and Salaries presented the following re-] port, which .on on motion of Supr. Schmitt and dulv seconded by Suprv •May. and tli-- roil being called was, declared untinimously adopted, to- •Vrm;'nent Improvtinent Runiilng expense Clothing wit: man Ih'ei! lie [ t i l - .\l .i ! k Wol k- .1 um Th. H> $13,837.19 " Circnl.t ipierk v The s^itil-anniial report of the of. Affst. Supr. 'Paul Rosenthal, con-'i Circuit Court being as follows: .» Special August Meeting, Meeting, 1948 Tlie -Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois, met in (Special .Session pursuant to th-- following -call signet! by more •• f er to - ti... Claimants f..r the amounls allowed, b •"< \o||o' w i t : l-'rank Thorpib-r Co - ' 'rystii I Lake Herald (icor e It. (iortialu c.wrlitss Hecknell Co. I'llI'K'ess. Anderson A'- Tate Ir ibiri o-ie bs Adding .Much. 1 '• The Hebron Times The Ri. hiiion.l ' it- Tlie Ma rt-ng'o ({epuhlicau Nev The Haloid Company lloliuni M c('.union llanWnond X- Stephens Co Kiltz <'fl'ii . Service Stacy Map Publishers. Inc. Panama Beaver. Inc. • (*. L. Ti A on • The Llivv vers ("o.( ipet'at i Vc Publishing Co Callatfhan iS- Coinpany Agnes B. Scheer B. B. NeuchiHer. M., D. W. II. Newton. SI. D. 10. Still Agency Kro Erickson liroeker's Janitor Supply A i t M e t a l C o n s t r u c t i o n C o . Haack ,V Hogran Thomas B. Mervvin Pearl Si hnltx Sherman Hosoital H, F Kennelly Hartlett Photos American Munitions Co. Illinois Allot K'ectric Co. ii K Nelson. M. D. Illinois Hell Tel. Co. Pearl Schultx Fred C. Bau (lakslde Dairy Products Schull R. Men .Market Trackett K;ikerj Western I'nited (.'HS .V Etec. Schoepperle's Market Ocorge E Meyers Warren Berg Ralph Stewart Harry Whiston Hitroid Hol»t->i - -- Harold .C. Fox t . Paul Struck .. Sabina Bau 4!' _ l \ no lis i: s:, T :,o . s'\ 40 s IS So 1 1 So 1 ^ fio ' 1C.21 T3.:'.(i 1 4 .(>•• S7.:." 20.00 1 ll.llO 96.00 50.0(1 3". 95 5 82." 9-5 10.6"i 25.00 211. OH 4011(1 1 8.(12 1.20 *•> 9S n.('2 I 0.00 2 1 8. ii" 7 ".0 5S.2C 'l.(H «; t.fii 18 HI 1.70 72.10 7.00 7 00 21.00 7.00 14 00 03 00 7.00 21.00 August 10, H'48 i To the Chairman ami ( S e n t l e i i i t - n of j t be Board of superv isors : ! Vour Coininitiee on i-'ees and I Salaries would beg leave to report that they met at the Court House • on .llilv 27th. and August 3rd. H'48 upon reguest of two County oflfit-ers io consider i| nest ion s of salaries of Deputies-and' Employ ees. Your Committee' after due deliberation would recommend that Ihe salary oj the Chief Deputy Sheriff be increased from J22-".("i per mouth to *210.00 per mtelib and that the salary of tlie Radio operator and office Clerk in the office of the Sheriff be increased from $200.1111 .per month to #215.or .per month and tlint the two Deputy sheriffs 'ami Night Jailors be - int reused from $200.00 per month !•• $21-" "" per month and tliat the salary of the Janitor working under the supervision of the Sheriff l e nn leased from $175.00 !.;• r mouth to $18."|.•> per month. Said salary lncreas«^'*ito commence for the month of August, 1MIS. Vour ("oinmittee has several oilier matters Ivfore them fut decision i the Annual Sleeting to be held in I September. i All of which is respectfully - sub- | mitted. F. E. HECK PA 1*1, RSENTHA1. E. C. CoV F R A N K M A Y C H S H A C K M A N HARLEV .MACKEBEN « Tolmci Medicines Hospita I (Met . Fuel $ 125.31 1.387. »4 75.«« 42.2« 15C.70 «72.!MS 525,15 Le 8 l l o i : s >ltl $2.82«.l* •<53.*S8 Total The rwKular i ings, i'.rounds everything Io Then- lieiii $2,174 8© insoection of bulld- H nd tivesto k revealed be in I:IHM1 condition, no further bu»lnens on motion duly made and seconded your Committee adjourned. FRANK B. StcCONNEI.L. Chalrnuui IIENRV t". SI El KR AI.MRR AAVANG ^ AFC. W RI'TH AI *C l"STl*S M. MAXWELL Tht- Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the following rejiort. which on motion of Supr. Arki'| an artd duly seconded by Supr Ruth, and the roll t-eing called w»s declared unanimously adopted, tt>- wlt: Sir Chairman and Centiemen of " tlie Boaed of Supervisors. McHenrv County. Illinois: The undersienetl members of the Po d a nil Bridge Committee for ^ iid County tieg leave to auhmit the following report on the matters be- I'o-e hem: . That we met at Woodstock. Illinois. on the 7th day of August. 154SC and audited and ordered uaid till" of a general nature char*eable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads »s a who',? for repairs and supplies for Countv owned machinery and labor at the County Itml ho'us eand grounds to a total of $4.->34 29. B'ils chargeable »•» the yarloya sections of the County patrol syi* tem of rtmds at rates heretofore approved b.v this Boartpwere audite »t and ordered paid aa fallows: The Chairman addressed the Hoard and stiitetl that it WHS necessary at this time, for the two political parties iis represented till the Board to make selections of registration officials, to have charge "of the Pre- > clnit Registration of Electors to i ... be 1»ei, 1 i ictot VT 5. 1 '.I >8 After the Sections 3 14 sel-etb its were made it was regu-1 Sections 4. 15. iatly iftoyed by Asst. Supr. SlcCon- | Se.-fons ». It nell tnd duly seconded by Supr i Sect"Hs V % M'ackelieu that tlie selections l-e re-: S«»ct «i»s t I. \ 1'erred to the Committee on Blw-1 Sections 13. Ij lions for-report. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried . The Clerk presented the following lists of Precincts of SlcHenrv Coun-t »•- follows * ' ' • *•-- ~ Slunieipn' r»i|i'>* Retire 18 W. 11. 1» •XA i*SsV» Total Bi'ls were audited and o'derad ptid oot of Motor Fuel Tax Fund* tv as numbered by .him for the purpose of registration, and upon mo-1 tion duly made and carried the said Hist was, approved and ordered Qf I 1'iHiird. to-wlt: ' Lists of Precincts in McHenry County and numbered for the purpoaa Sec. eagl. meat Fund--UFT share for ivnsion (Julyi Patrol 4t«a-. 3. WhmT and material See. 11T. engi. later Ml.*

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