Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 16

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PAGE FOtJR pec. 33, const. .6,541.51 Tqt« 1 The Woodstock-Alden Road Is Hearing completion being on the J»t.«t mile of graveling hut* we have ||nd « great deal of trouble to keep fhe <>l«l 1926 crusher running. The lighway ' >epart nicnt needs a new Srusher" badly. We are shopping mund trying' to replace the old Olle. . » If we are al>l*> to buy the Port- -lijind cement, we may lie start inn ^fhe construction of the asphal top • nd the cement stabilized gravel • joad on the Woodstock-AIden Road. »»efore the next meeting of this Boaid. There are bound to l«e minor decisions to be made and minor tools to. I,ne rented or purchased as the Work progresses, " .... , j The County road crew is asking for a raise in pay. An analysis of tlie wage paid--"92 u_. cents on maintenance work (County) and 0.97'•s I cents on . construction work i.MFT.) I per hour--shows that the labor is } costing, the County $1.26 per, hour |nl<ihg into consideration the money, ptii.d into the Tension fund, ten <10)1 flays vacation* with pas .' and one-i 'tli<If i '•_> ) hour per day travel time.,] Tbif is- less iban wages paid Victor Long, Nunda Twp. Rlanohe- Mead, Nunda Twp, 9| -F red l^azansk v. ALgomni in; ,~Xw,p» Rose P-dkorny. Algonquin Twp. The "-toil-owing named . persona 'Were selected to serve as; Grand Juror* «iii th Supplemental Panel for September, J IMS «term of the Circuit. Court. td-wit: R. iv Simmons, Riley Twp. <• , Myrtle Shearer, Marengo Twp. Howard Pihl, Dunham Twp. Faina Stniiey, Chemung Twp. > Lulu Matter. Chemung Twjjj; 1 Wayne Xola-n. Alden Twp. William ». McCabe. Hartland- Twll. Amy Hansen. Seneca. Twp. Christ Diedfick jr., Coral twp, Karl Heim-man, Grafton Twp. Andrew Pearson. Dorr Twp. J. K. Clifford, Dorr Twp. William,- Wcidner, Greenwood Twp. Ixentietit , A. tBopcman. Hebron Twp. Vera 11. Burton. .Richmond TWP. Mark Pierce. Burton Twp. Jacob- Schaefer. Mc.Henry Twp.v Rudv Ha-uck. Nun da Twp. Wil'iam Dvorak. Algonquin Twfr,:; HENRY A. Nl'LLE, County Treasurer. mil swron to before nie thfK Hth-day of September 1 !»'»*. H. n WOODS, ,( County .Clerk. The Committee on Finance presented the following report and Annual Appropriation Ordinance, tofjwit: To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the. Hoard of Supervisors: Vour Committee on "Finance heir leave to report that they have established i> budget for the general funds and tor-the funds raised by taxation for general County Purposes 'for. the fiscal period ending With the Su'tiilay preceding the First Monday in' Itiwmber, 1949, and recommend to thks Honorable Hoard the approval and adoption of the budget or "Animal Appropriation ordinance" attached an/1 made a part of this report, in the manner, rjlhl upon the conditions speeifie'd in said annual appropriation ord^nacne, : I for const rtiction work of nature. We have- decided to recommend an jjnerease of J0 per hour-to th<- .highway -workers" including the live < 5 >pat rwiinen. '.retroactive 'to August I. I V4S. Duo to deductions fu: withso'ldng.; and Pensioja. cojfi- 'sidei-able trvuhie is .tni ou.nter»-d .;tfyinjr. to- balance wljen. the rate -is Jit 'tlie Ik11 r <••; .) CiMTttherefore, pcl''n \iK' hereby enuiti il "the Clara Waddell. Algbtiuuiri Twp. to-wit* It. was thereupon regularly moved • i •' , . . . .. _ ». by Supr. Mackeben and diily sec-; Annual Appropriation Ordinance onileil bv Supr. Ackman that*' the| .For J h. t t-sca i period endiax wi^th selection of the, (Jraiul J urors ami i J h«- Sii!i<ia,\ preceding the first •'Supplemental' I'n-iiel ' for the Septe'm'-.-! :U^"nila.\ in ! Vi > mber, !!'!!> S.OOft.OD 5^0.00 l.OflO.ttt) 360.00 4.500.00 2.100.00 600.00 ^ 100.00 1.000.0O . 3,700.00 rui,oorf.oo the .Circuit. Court, j Ptusuuht to "An? Act 'in Relation 1 pproved-anil "'tluU . the ("lvrk; t>e ! to the, Hu'dC'etj* of .'Counties' 'Not Re-* cted toTeinfy t'he.said li-s't s tn ! Ai.iiired 'by•. La w •: to • Pass an Annual CTeik <>f • the •I 'ircuit-.'Court arid j Appioe.riaib>ti Hill" appro\ ed July imiljtr j ber 1!<48 texnl he ,d i r th« 4 . . - _ the red!, lVrnK .1 ailed- SfiperVis^rs-!^!"",*-1!«S3.. "1 ®T IS _HI"'R1CHY f>Ki»AI.S' Ruth. , Beck. Coy,;..- A'ckman. ' Mitrke- j*J-:i^ >'j the. Cyuht'y "of Mcllent y. in ben, .Nolan.' A a vail p.- -Cor-tiMe, 'MvC«n»- j .1 !u:'. t*v 'f*f ;J<I inol», 'a A follows, to. Hell;' May, S^-hriVitt and Meier aud i w it:. ,• ;; • • " - Asst; Suprs. Max-Well:; Mct'onnell ' i'on' 1 ~" iv'n'd Hofienthal voi^.-d^ayA;* ^"ity. .n^n-p, j-.. 5;'A LLr~'£L •: -»i-i':••>** • . A n d t h e C h i i i r i n i t n < l " c i a r < H ) t \ h > ' ^ n k f r i ? 1 * ? . . : r C - , : <eitii,-e f<> adjust the paj i'olis Jo- arj ti<fit' un;minjoi:sly ju ried' and the j / of. the proeeetl-j „X; \ r'„, ,{\stnt»ctio»y^ .^tt^-oyed:,- t 4; > C\ teijUcst; of fht-. ^bcH'ehry t'i'iHnty,.] Home IHil'eirti. for an '".appropriation 1 j. of for the i-nmilii: year wasj presented anti read, "together with We ha.yW-d*>v'i-,'^<' to put tit a: new "fjjirrr' ott the •(O'-foot vspart Hetwme'r T'i iiIkc one (1) mile west of Huntby. Illinois. "'Thy old co'ncrefe' fbior ba<lly <Tii-.eke<V and_jl_xvlU.--be„ anlu.LiJL.^ IhhIget. It was there- <Vp|V<irtune time to do * the work j upon resnilarlj "move<! "by A?tst; Suprr while the road is torn tip. Charles , Mci'minelI and duly • secon«l«-d by I'utTinK of Algomiuih. , Illinois." who] Stipsv' Mackel*-n that the request be is doinjr the.cement work tin the I granted and referred- to .the Finis nee Huntley-Five Corners -Road will do ' Cot'n mi tor R-port, and the the «c>rk on a day labor basis, ltj Chairman declared the motion unanwijl. In- Mjoured in sections so as. | imously carried. ^ * not to close the bridge tntirely. I The Clerk presented" arid read a Aipout ten (1<0 ruble yards of con-1 letter from the Department*of Agci- fte is Uivoive<l at f5<» Per cubic I ri. liiturv. division of Livestock In-' iirg' fiscal J ear * -$4OT,l!tG.'0 efpts-' of -tttP- -prereTMnir"'™ " -,year' 722,fl33'.52 mollis made iij the ' preceding fiscal year... ral.uire in the Count>' • Treasury at the end of 855.oii3.59 tTu preceiTlrig " - iTscal !-ar V Involved \;trd:# The cost may run $500 mors or less, p' . There is' a ..lar«re Subdivision development ^inder^-ay ab«mt two (2) miles west, of Algonquin, Illinois' at tht- l«-ik"e in the Kills. Tliope in harge. asked that the road be im- •roved- in some way to stop the flust and off«r«-d to paj- part of the cost. It has' beeii the , pplicvy of former committees to pay tor onehalf ( 1« 1 the cost of such improvement if those interested raised'-the cash (or the .other half of the cost. For instance. p{»rt of the River Road at MWIenry and the oiling of the road Hiroiigh the' unincorporated Village of Lawrence was handled that wav. ; ttratr . . 101 xne 1 road 10' If e«-ninilJ.Wi '.' .".We (TecTtled to reconnnend the County, pay one-half ( >•> > of the co^tof, asphalt surface treatment of the State Aid Ro;jd leading from Algonquin. Illinois to the Lake in the Hills, provided the Lake in the Hills organization' raises the olher half-^if the cost. The amo'unt involved for the -County's portion ' is estimated to be amout $1000. In a previous report this" Committee mentioned the need for a foad roller and other nfinor tools fiir comi>acting grades, rolling asphalt roads and patches' tin both .County and Town roads-and also for the Woodstock-AJden gravel -tablized /with Pottland found a 5 to 8 ton* » "f;<jod condition and decided to |nTr» hase same for McHenry ^'ounty from the H. R. Fai'h Kquip- . men„t Company .of Rockt'ord, I l l i nois, for $1734. also from the same Company, a Jaeger 3 in. pump, new, at $42'.'. .,v . ' We also purchased th<* cement spreader, hipretofore authorized, from the T. L. Smith Company of M11-. ' waukee, Wisconsin. it is one of those which wps on displa.y at the --iJiiul show _in_X" 11 icago, We wat ched it in use in httildit:g a soil-cement **"---rnnd -Tin the lake front near the- s+te <if the road show. . Tile cost Is $2;- 920.40. We have received a . request for , . ...permission t^Foni the Illinois North- '"•"..'".'-.W'n l.t.liitlw Compirny tn-txim--fref» • . .abing State Aid Route 20 from Har- S'r f*' s , , u'h (>ne and tinejection and recommend granting of the permit. A complaint from the < ia-kmount j I'heasant <iuild. south of McHenry1 Illinois, ia 'regard to speeding on the east river asphalt road was re- *- cei ved. . They ' claim to have, cloc ked cars, at 7?> Mi'll pas their place, and are asking for signs to slow d'l-wn traffic. * We decided t»i order some road signs and to refer " the ' letter to the Sheriff. We ha\e receiver! from motor ftiel tax funds' renin] of Countv Uuiled iiiacliliieiv '. . ..--above report--.$88.1 4 - Patrol Section. X"o. 2 - Maintenance, $2,547:05 - Section 33- Construction, and $82.1,0 frord the State of Illinois for state gas tax refund on 273G.75. gallons of factor gas. -, Check No. |» 578K77. We have- turned all of the atuvq amounts over to the County. Treasurer for the CouiUy road fy,ttd. which said sum is hereby re-appro*-, •'prated for -road' purposes including the repair storage aVid purchase of road machinery or.for improvements for buildings to house machinery.- Your committee, estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenrySQuTnTy, Illinois patrol system of roaHn--«n appropriation from the County highwa"v fund in the sum of $8.'i(i(i until the next meeting of this Hoard. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. F. NOLAN • J * $M»TH N. SCHMITT F • K. HICCK --M^si and Bridge Committee County,. Illinois. dilstry. Sjyingtit ld. Ill.» stating that Contract'of the-County Ve(Vt;ina'ria^i of. the County as approved at the July lf»48 session of this Board, does-riot provide for the control of Ra'ngs Disease and other contagious diseases, in cattle. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. MeConiiell jjnd duly seconded' l>y Supr A a van's" 'that the said <'ontract • be atuf-mied to include t he i control of l. iiigsi, Pisease and- other j contagious diseases in cattle. ( the roll being <-aHed the Chairman declared the motion unanimously adopted arid the contract amended... Supr. McCorinell, Chairman of th«! County Home Committee addressed) j the Hoard ami stated that they i vvere faced with the TSToTl etrr ' having. to d<lrri;llll a new wel l -- County Home.! That «one, wells was about c omplctely dry and ti^ire water was needed and that it- was estimated that it Will be necessary to drill about 212 feet to secure proper water supply, ami. that the cost would bt;, about $2.- "00.00. lit- stated that " his •Committee did not want to proceed without first bringing the matter "to the attention of the full Board. Alter .^ome discussion it was regularly' moved by Asst. Supr; Mct'onnell and duly seconded by Supr. Macke-, l.-ert that the Committee lie instructed to. -proceed, .'and that ihey have full power-'Jo"act concerning said matter, and the roll bt-ing called the CTiair.nian declared the motion unanimously carried. , Tlie matter of County Tax Levy and Appropriations w,if brought to the attention." of the. Board, and it was regularly" moved by Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. May that all matters pertaining to Appropriations and Tax Levy arid all ' matters pertaining to Salaries and .Appropriations* for Countv ' >fticcrs by referred to the proper Hs.ti.mated income from all sources during the year.. covered by this, l-udget are. as follows, to-wit:- « * Balance in <5eneral Furjd ---.'Nov. 30-17 .i....:,. Income from • Taxes i.Vneral l^und Totnl Receipts, Co.- • < ifficers .:... Total Net Recipts Co.' :•« >ff-icfrs . Income from Twp. Co. •Home , . . Inc»fthe • Rentals iKcome -County Home .... Int-onve State's Attorney.^ Income Pines Highway. Vi'olat ions . ......... Income from. Co. Zoning-.. Income from Co. Licenses Inconie County Supt. of Schools Salaries .. Iricome from State of Illinois -Salaries &. .""I »e pen dent Children .... ItiO^'twe To-tH-1---C11' 11 e i'a -I------- i 5,043 1.10:i.9-, 116,402.10 125,193;00 87,110.21 5,718.60 100.00 4.6C2.04 1,597.00 3.58fi.50 3.000.00 7l,7iiO.OO 4,483.21 the | Fi'md the.) Income frfini State of Illinois M. F. T. ' .. Refunds- .. 113,367/09 Kstimated llalance ('dtin- . * ty Highvray Fuhd-.a.s of -" Nov. 30. 1!U8 29,120.12 Income .County Highway-' Tax . . 55,0(10.00 Income - PrinHpa] & Int. . • Bridge Bonds Tax 10,690.00 Commjitees for report^ And tTfe s Cj»aJ rm'Hn- t mot ionUjnan^, p„r lmcmsly carried. \ | * "r Several '-ommunications from the State of Illinois, l>ept. of Public Works-and Buildings including <!as Tfex--A i tt 11} 111 i t 1 n in I - u Ins|>ecti«rr Reports were presented and ordered placed on file. 3UUi_iaialmiaji sta 1.^.1 llmi . .Total Kstimated tkpOme & Balances- , ....$510,052.82 Section 2;-- That it is dt^eriied necessary in order to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of said County for the current fiscal year that there be and there hereby is appropriated to be provided for by the general tax levy and other revenues for the current fiscal ve'ar the aggregate sum of Five hundred ten thousand Fifty-two dollars and eighty-two' cents, and the object and purpose for which saj.d appropriation is made and amounts hereby appropriated for the same are* as follows, to-wit: Kur C.iuntv' Surveyor : ; was nothing further to coi>ie fote stiii.s meeting, for the good 01 M1 lb-nTy f 'on<nt >-. hi1 wtriild e 111 ertain a motion to'adjoin n. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Muekebeu and duiv, scco.nd**d lrj*- Supr. Nolan that the J"otird" adjijiirrj. And tjie Cliairman declareil the motion unanmo'usly <,arrie,|. Ther^- op'on the Board .oljourned, CARL K. WITtMUS, Attest: Chairiiiaii R.' 11. Wt H >1 »S. Cb-rk. ,. 1948 The visei-s met M'-in-nry A request of , the Publb' Service Company for .permission . to tirim trees, along certain V hi^hways/vvas pres«pnted, and uporK motion/ duly made anil -carried wan, unfitted.' Tlie following-report of the Zoning- T-toard of Appeals."'operating 'Hitler the .McHenry Countv /Illinois Zoning ordinance. ^as-^jfresented • and read to the BoaTHr-To-wy-it: • • • •• ,<Copy of this report on file in the County Clerk's offii «. i Tt was thereupon regulat l.v*moved • iy Supr. aritl flulv sefonflfti »»y Supr. Xolan that the report of the Zoning Board' of Appeals be' approved and adopted by this Board, and that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to conform with the re- PVrt as approved, and that all maps !" 1 nunim* to sai<i (inlinHn'1'1 now on 1'le in tlfe 'f'ounty Clerk's office fie changed to conform to said report. And the roll . being called Kuprs, Ruth. Beck. Coy. Dunning. Ackman, Ma -k.-bert, N'olan. Aavang. Cornue Met "oahell,- May and Schmitt. and •Meier and Asst Suprs. Maxwell, M'^'onneM and Rosenthal voted Ave Nay none. -And the Chairman de • hired the motion unanimously carried and the report apo/overl arid the'Ordinance Anrrndi-if. Statements of conditions at the <lose of business on June SO 1 tt48 of all ot the Blinks of McHenrv < ounty were pre ented and ' t ail. It was thereupon regularly moved bv Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Meier that the statements tie approved and that the said Banks be authorized to continue :.s depositories of tlie funds of the . County Treasurer and ICx-officj,, County Collector, and the Chairman de*- clared the motion unanlmouslv carried. The Chairman r,nnour\ced the selection of Grand Jurors and Supple- •"nientftl I'anel for the September, '1948, term of the Circuit Court and ithe following* named persons were Selected to serve as 'irand Jurors for tlie Senteinlrer. 1948 term Of the IC'trciiil Court, to-wit^ . * Jkrnobl Roeker. Riley Twp^.- *"birerice Atkinson. Marengo Twi*r ..J-'annie Boyle. Marengo Two. •Arthur Schult, Dunham Twp. : Jacoh oibrich. Chemung Twp. A!lx»rt f'orlett, Ohemnns Twp Albert Kitigsley, Alden Twp. Hart land Twp. Honorable' Board of Super' nf "McHenry County,' Illinois, annual^ session at the Court House, in the City of. Woodstock on Tues:, the 14th day of September, A. I>. 19|8 at 10 o'clock A. AI. (O. S T.) T-h«v meeting was called to order by the .Chairman, .Carl I-:. Wittiiius. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag ol the l'nited States of America was given 1,-y tl\j* Chairman, with all merri tiers-xif I he Board and visitors 4 present participating, after which the roll was called by the * lerk and the following membersresponded to their names, to-wit* August.W. Ruth, -C.. l'errv Wright. Carl K. Wittmu's, F. K. Be<k, K. C. Coy. C. J. Carroll, Charles T. Dunning. Chas. If. Ackman, Harley vn. T. P. Xf liin, " Al;n»ar Aavang, Stanley Cornue. F. 15. . \ l c- Connell, Frank May, Math V Schmitt. Henry C. Meier and John J. Filial and. Asst. suprst^ A. M. Maxwell and A. B. Met'onm-lf" constituting a quorum present. . The.minutes of the Specal August, 19.48 meeting were rem! and on ino.r tion duly made and carried were approved and ordered of record. "-'• The following report of the County Treasurer for the month of August. 1918 was presented - and read and upon 'motion of Supr. PH'ip and duly sei-noded by Supr. Coy. arid declared carried, was approved and ordered of 'record, to-wit: ' County Treasurers Report •<Por the Month of August, 1948 " Receitos '* Balance Forward <;«;:ieral Fund Supcrvisoj.s^--Connt v H.orile . • Superintendent -- < *, Home . f2 1 0,433.u7 $25,195.21 Services iri-11- .Books For Circuit 'Clerk, I lockets ' ' " °r *'iia-uit Clerk, Bar J,500.00 2,200.00 100.00 :. Mippiies • .7 2,"Wi.eo For c«it!ntV Clerit., Com- . inissioner'S "Fees <insane i"".'"."-' --n-nrl-l^fT'l ile-1 ntmte Cases .... , fiOO.OO For County flei-k. Print- ' ing coo.oo !*"or County Clerk, Office Supplies 2.500..00 For County ('lerk. Tax I0\ tensions 10,000.00 For County Clerk. Crtps- •inal Cases . 100.00 For County Clerk, iJCVg Tax Licenses . . . 200.00 For < 'mint y Clerk. Tax Looks .. 1,100.00 For 11111 \- <3,... of clerk. "- -Co. Zoning .. Regstrars, Registering Death Cer-. /'. " > J<•<• s - Iiegistr:ition Voters For County Services-- liMf < 'oun ty Fees for Birth & For Kl-ection <»fficialsj Per idem for Services. For Klection officials, .Mileage f( ir Travel For Flections. Rent of "-Polling" Places :. For ' Flections, Printing ;• Ballots #. For Flections,' Supplies for Polling Places . For Flections, Clerk's Supplies For Iteg ist ration 'of • Voters." Stipplies ; F<u- Co.. Treas, and KX.-Offielo <->dlector, PrinHng' ; .4,000.00 Ffir Pulilication of Tax Assessments 1,400.00 I* or Ci>. Treas. and Fx- ... 'Officio .Collector, tiff. Sup. 1-.600.00 For <"0. Treas. and, Fx-Offi- <:iii Collec-tor, Recotil Books I-or Co. Treas. and Kx-officio Collector. Collection | li,n<|iient PeV Prop. Ta Rills . ... For Co. Treas: and Kx-Officio Collector, Int. Tax1 Anticipation Warrants For Sheriff. Bailiffs Per T A ' . ' C o u r t s 1 2 0 0 . 0 0 •Sheriff Salaries of 1,500.00 1,5o6;o?l -650.00 3,500.00 200.00 300.00 800.00 . -400.00 3800.00 2,000.00 250.00 100.00 500.00 For Keputi^ 11,000.00 hor.sheriff. Fees for Serv. 10.2 41>. 1 ri I*or Sheriff. Court Per j»iem 1,000.00 Chairman--Liquor Committee Hependent Chiblt. Highway Fund .1 >og-Tax Account Highway fines. Institute Fund Inheritance Tak Fund Personal Prdp.l Back TH xi's 111. Municipal Retirement . Payroll Clearl* A<;cou'nt --l>rdne Bopil Account .... Protested Tax Account ... Total Receipts 544.95 653.618 iTo.oo 428.25 1 4.4t;7i29 293.OH . 00 01.00. 78.1",7 . 156.63 2,062.16 5-.749.X3 2.550.00 4,42:5.95- ... 54,680.^2 of ¥fehorfls, Trav. M- -....r." of .Schools, office 1.200.Oil 3,500.00 1,200.00 150.00 2,200.00 200.00 125.00 3,675.00 , 825.00 Crand . Tot ;>1 . ^265.114.29 Expenditures l.awrclice l.ohmey Viola Kaiser. Seneca Twp. jvp»..Arthur Fritz, .Coral Twp.-' P?,. IHenrv Borhart Jr.. Crafton Twp. ,j, • l.uman Wilcox, Dorr Two. s ijL /F.rnest Swanson, Dorr Twp. • fetSS-i #>onald Holiensti in. oreenwood Twp, mwsrt . .*;. m llouselioliler. Hebron Twp. A R Atub-i son, Richmond^ Twp, Charles Freund. Burton Twp, John Hode, .McHenry Twp. Villi* Justen, McHenry Twp. "Ww ,»l«,fi71.39 18.00 180.155 200.00 1.1x0.00 (j.Ci.eo . 9,r82.4 4. County orders Coroners' Jurors ... Probation- offi.cer Countv TreasurtTs salary C-ferks' -salaries , Oerieral Fund H».gh*ay orders 111. M unieipal Retirement - • Inst it n t e Fund * Township Ro^d-Stale A pp., L .. Motor Fuel Orders . .. Payroll Clearing Account . • Inheritance Tax Fund Tax Anlicipafjoii , Warrants--lnt," .. Total "ii:x'i>en<liitires Italance Aug.*81,. 19ts 114.29 _ Tht> above and /o'regojn,- report "Is true ajui correct according to my toeBt knowledge and belief. . 2,0«271tr 19.75 9.,181.4 4 f,l 87,33 5.725.93 •209.95 30,348.99 82.3V3 <58 182.800.66 For Sheriff, < iff. Sup. I* irr Sheriff; Food for Pris. For Sheriff,. Cooking for Prisoner s - KOr Sheriff. Jail "Supplies and < 'iothintr FVir Sheriff, Deputies per Diem . For County Coroner's Fees For Cot finer, Reporter Fund For Supt. I ft, Schools, -Clerk Hire . " For Supt K.n pen> For Supt: "TSup plies 1,500.00 / / "l"' Hoime and Jail. Salary Janitor ... ,T 3,300.00 For Court House and Jail, ' <'oal .... ... 2.500.00 I-or Court House ,and Jail, Light and Wa/er ..' 2.010.00 or <'ourt H«iuse, Renalrn 18,l23"f51 lor Jail and Sheriffs Residence. -Repairs 2:000.00 r or ,i ourt House and Jail, h'iptrtles . ., 10,000.00 L ""rt Hoiise and Jail, f Telephone 3 200 00 For -Indicia-ry, Library Law K""ks 200.00 500.00 100.0C For .1 Ud.i<-iary. Justice Fee« For Judiciary, Misc. Kxp .For * *o\int v Hniri^, Salarifn for Knijildycps For County Hum., Food for far,, of Inmatos For Coimt.v Home, Supplies for Care of Inmates .. 10,00:1.0') I* or ( ounty. Home. Medical * tor Care' of .Inmates . Eor 1-ounty Home. Fu«?l .... For Countv Home, iii«:ht and I'o.WIT . For County Home, Repairs For Co. Supt. of Hvvys..' Sal. 3,99*! DO For Co. Supt. of 11 wys., Traveling Kxp4.|ise ;... 1,000.00 For Prcrtiation officer •Salary. Circuit Court- 90.0.°0 For Probation officer,. Salary, County Court t,800 llii For Probation Officer, Travling Kxpense, County Ct. 1,500.00 I' of l^it* i/.iur 1 1.009«4)0 ">.500.00 100.00 2.0i)0.0n 1,100 00 fi.OOO.OO „ Hire 1,500.00 For County Judge. Salarv 4,880.0^ For County Court. Rep. Sal. 2,100.00 Ft>r Foreign Witnesses --TtrtJ^Ojr For Botintii's, Crows, t*roi* ^ l-;ggs and Foxes 2,000,00 For Jurors, All Courts Per IMem and Mileage ...' 3.W00.00 Kor Supervisors Per IMem and. Mileage " .1 ifi.OOO.Otl For Supervbfors, Printing l.tOO.OO For ».\ue of Co. Dependent Children For Care Tuheicuiosls Patients in out of Co. Santtoriuins :t6,000.00 For Medical Tuberculosis Patients For Care County Paupers For States Alty., Rent F'or State's Atty., Salary For Stf|te's Atty.. Asst. Sal. F'or State's Atty., Off. Sup. For State's Atty.. Investi- . gat ions ;... F'or State's Atty., Steiiographer .. For County Aid in Buildnii Bridges, Const, of-Bridgf^ For County Aid in^'Buildii ! Bridges, Rep. of Bridges Fliyd for Needy Veterans . . .'and'Their Families .... ' fi';5«0.00 •Tlothing For N'eedv Veterpiis ' • - ami Their Families ' i.OOP.OO Rent • for. Newly \ etetanp • and Their Families 1 :.., T ' 500.00 Medical tor Needy Vetera i s , ami Their Families ". 1.OO0.H.O For .Eradication of Tuberciriosifji * " in Cattle. Salary of Co - - Veterinarian *• .">;400.tU» Por^ ICradicatioh of"TirKe-rcc'losiis ; in Cattle. Traveling fibc.. • ...of County "Veterinarian ;"••> 780.00 ,-Ftor • Kradicat-ion of Tuber. .rioSiS ;: ill Cattle. Sal. of Off. Sec iv-l-,80(>.'Ofl For lCrad-ication of Tulierci' ' r '.'tn'.Cfittle, office afipplles"-""T.Pfr.i>0' "F'or Contingent Fund -- For Ins. 011 Co. Properties. . S.oiio.'yo For Ips. Premiums oh Boivis County Officers Fo?-1 McFIenr.v -Co. Farm nti.i Home Bureau, Off. .ESxjpu liome Bureau •For-McHenry Co. Parm a::d Home Bureau 4-H Club Projects F>t 1 m Bureau For County Zoning Kxpen and Knforcing officer "... Total of Ceneral F'und ' AppropriatioiKs :'v 1 ,v7:,.fil F'or County Aid in BuildinV ' Bridges, to Retire Bond ami 1 nt« rests ..... F'or -Payment of Right 01 Way ami Building Roads County Highway Tax foi Maint. County, Statu- Ai ' Roads. 7 County Highway Tax foi Improvng County, stateVnd Aid Roads . County- Highway Tax for Removing Snow County State Aid Iliads County Highway Tax for Repairing County State Aid Roads IT County Highway Tax tor /Off. Sup. County StatJ A ^^.Roaila ' nrat.d Total oT~ATT Appropriations Seition 3 This ord'i nance shall be in full force and effect frcim and sfter it« liassage and approval according to .law. ' •"' All of which is respect l uI! v -submitted, this 14th day of S« I.i. uil er, A. D. 1948. HKNRY C. MIOIER, < lim. , F'RANK MA V T. F. VOLAN i'Klfl-iV WRIOHt (3. p. CARROIX as tjie 1 tKKI.OO 225.00' 2. On 0.00 .090.00 r,moo 00 .00 Of) id ,..?5 1(1,052.82 the following jejwit on the matters iiefoie them. * That wv met 011 the 2'0th day of Aiig'tisf, 1918 (bTRWo ' 1U' for seal coat work on the Motor Fuel Tax Roads as follows: The 1 nail through Spring drove, Illinois, .section 13-IT), the Cary-Algomiuiii Road, 1 Sec tion; 21'IT). the" Chapel Hill Road, north of -McHenry, (Section 9T), and the Woodstock- Marengo Roa-d. from AVotidistoclt -,to Fianklinvilie, (Section 25-1T). This is the first' seal coat glv^n these roads since their construction, with the exception of the Chapel Hill Road. , ' , Four bids were received and that of*the Andresen Corporation of Jt'hica «o, Illinois, in tiie aggregate sum of $8.t;."i 1.13 was the lowest bid received. Wt- decided to award the contract to said low bidder, subject to the .approval of tne StAte of Illinois, Division of Highway's. We again met on the-<lrd dav of September 1948. nt Woodstock. ' l l l i - nos, to receive bids for fuinishing the Portland Cement for ..stabilising the gravel sinfabe on the Wood- Stock Alden.. Road recently completed. A- l id was 'received "jioiii the Shiirtleff. <*onipany**i"»f Flg», Illinois 1 <ir tvvV, (2.1 carloads <if <'citicnt in bags .nt* $3.2<5 fief barrel a-nd 10,14*1 barrels 'o'f bulk' cement, at if'2.97 per 1 arrel. There will be ten."(10) cents per."barrel discount for 'cash in ten, (10) davs. Condit io tie l-\ O. B. HnrtAitid, Illinois, for "Sect ion sjT--~ M l"i\,* othet vvise known Wcods'ock^Abfeti Road. .The-bid. was for ' only > abou-t one- :fmlf < li ). the.. miTiii'ed. amount as the,r<- is a, shortage of cemctit-at the !>vesif-n( ..time:: .The lid. was below i liev est i nla ted co'st» and' Nye dec Wed wa-frtty'-'rih-tw'tml-f/.of' yitriHep-- ry County, UHtiois. s-ubjcct. to ap-' l<r'pvaT .oC tlie State IMvisiun of Highwa'ys. and proceed to 'Jbuibl 'as iniulv of live roail" as iiossible this FjilL. The jot--is, teipporaril v held, tip th toil uli so called'"red tap." over const ruct ion . of au unilondng ' pit under -the switch track at Hart land. We again diet on the roth dav of Sept em Iter .) 948/' at Woodstock, ' I l l i nois, to ' receive 'bids for 'oiling and sanding roads in the Towns of Algonqutn and Hebro^. « under the Township Roads - fctat.e Appropriation program. Senate Kill '3Z'8. The AIgomfUin section 'of road known" as •-Section 2 (I'O -IT, 2.5 niiles in length. The low bidder wris (i.eorge. Li-nnartz ' of Cpystal I,jike. Ulin'ois in the amount 'of $3,- 0SS<>.i i. ' Ther,' were two sections of road in' toe Towri 01' Hebron, known as Section I TA)-T. 2.1 mi leu in length and Sect inn (Bj-T M3 of -a.'mile in length! The. Suburban -.oil ('0111- pati.v of o.ak Park, Illinois' was the iiiv. bidder on ca'-li of these sections at |3,19li.15 and $594.26 re.-.pect ively. We decided to award- the contia<t t*) said, low bidder, subject to' ap-. pro.sal of the State of- Illinois, I")ivisifui of Highways. We have. 1...., .-some '8.0(t0kTJ^aiblc Vaids 0,1 "gra v:el~i)u lied out of " Hush ('re< k on, the Frank Anderson Farm in The Town of Marengo on tYie Slat(- A id- Route, about t wo' (2) mf,1es West if . State Route 23.. The gravel is lo be used' to pntch the gravel St a te A id 4Road known 'as the I'ox i'"artn Hoa.i'l in the Town ol Seneca ctntrfis* prcrontert ia thPTti, nnd recmomend the payment ,<if* the following, and that the '"el*}' t"a ii<-< t(i«1 to issue orders on rbe l> un ty Treasurer to live Claimants for the several amounts aljoWed, as follows, to-wit: I 'rank Tho'rnl/er Co........ ....I 88.84 The Harvard Herald 206. iO Tlie Crystal" Lake Herald.1Q23.26 Northerji 111. Pub. Inc 187.80 iturgi ss. Anderson &»Tate 78.65 P. ,0. Knuth Company- 16.31 L. V. Kiltz 108.30 The Haloid Company *417.90 American Munitions Co 3.9.98 Pittsburgh Plate Class Co...~<- .8.25 Ooerlitz. Becknell CO 2.35 Illinois off.. Sui>. Co 7.26 Roland McCannon 18.10 .Tluunas Randolph Company.. 28.12 The Richmond Gazette 14.40 The Marerigo Repu blcan- * "News 1W.72 Sei ui ty F:»ev*lope Co. : .' 19.96 111. Bell Telephone Co. 201.98 Atnericany Law Book Co." -20.00 Assn. of 'Co. ,. The (.'ominittee on Claims, Labor, officials 30.00 C.- L> Try 11 f.,;..;..', 99.50 fjrviile..*M. Kern* -- 11.50 Robert R., I,ee • 5.50 Charles* F\ Haves ...: 35.00 F. <i. Kuride 'M." 1>.• . . . . . . . ......... .10.00 A-i- it; .Cinelis w; i>: - l^o.oo B. B. Neiichiller M. "D. . 10.OO C. K. \Vitten»,Prg M./I). -4.' FV M i t/'lieni ' • 4.9.25 Carl K. Witt-ni'ii-H" .-.•.....i. 710.00 •F;; J. :Dene. il- ....t';.v.-..,.720.00 .1 '.lith.' *J. tio.oo Rt F. Dtisenb'ef'rjf.;700.0'> \'joVet "Srt>iih ..:..C.-;..-.'.'."»."r; 13.62 "Fro I-"lricl<sori i..;.HiC.OO F.dwlri ;-Holiart . . ... 1-5.10 '• filoi*riai.....»'.-.'. I..-....'- ^IMl Lien Clieiiilic;-I. Comniinv .Hi oeknor's .mnltJir Supply ...^ 22.9j Fel'tninn Hardware Store. 1.5 Woo'dst oc'k Trucking Service 16.00 l'nited Research Laboratories 149.69 -tnrdwig -W-ilson Company.....'... 172.99 True Value Hardware Store 1.31 Floyd Ingles -. . 70.00 R.' O. Andrew Company 19,23 M. "L. Brill & Company •. 6<?:07 Pearl Schultz v... -6.00 -Northern 111. Publications...... 89160 The Woodstock ltaily Sen tinel Frank Thornber Co. Woodstock Daily Sentinel F'ed C. Ban ... : ivarly American Bakery .... F.. O. Shinner A- Cii. Inc..,-..... Oaksidej Diary F'roduct.s Inc.-- Fdward Rchuetf f!ro<*ery •1os<?pli F'rett Joseph Cjrobel A'crnon AV'.' Kays ' Iovvard < \i it its - Harold llobbs Harold C. 1 in* ; 1... Finery Hapsman •. '... Theodora S. Miller S. B. Lvtnon ..;s. Wsur.-n lb rg Bell FT ank Kel ler Charb It was thereupon regularly nm^ed by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Sii|»r. Schmitt that, the Report .of. tiie C<(niinit tee on "Finance lie approved and the Annual .tvp'opriation Ordinance or budget tot the fiscal period ending with the Sunday preceding the first Monday in December 1919, be appro . i;d and adopted ny this Board. And the roll being called Si;.)is Ruth, Wright. Beck, Coy, Carroll, 1 miming, Ackman. .Macjiel-en Nylan Vavan«r, Cornue ^cConnell. May, Schmidt, Xl»ier. ami F'ilip. and lAsat. Sujiih. Maxwell and McConnell •vT-T.'d •Ay*"." -JSiO-none. And. tlie t.'hai s.-man_tUi«. elareil the rfiotion unanimously carried and the Report approved and the Annual Appropriation ordinance approved and adopted. The Committee on F>«s iin.rl }-*alJ aries presented the following Report, tii-vvit: . • Septftuber, To. the Chairman and (lentlemen of the Hoard of* Supervisors:. Your Committee on l-'ec.s and Salaries would beg leave to '-report that they met, at the. Court' House in the Citjt* of \\'oo<lstock on Auii. 3rd and August 17th. to .consider matters referred to them" for their con.sidera I ion and reco-iiunendal ionl Vour Committee aft'l* due delijieiat ion would recommend that the. salary of the Clerk 'ol' the Circuit ('ourt of McHenry County,- Illinois, for tlie new- term of og$'-e, lio^itiav of De- J250O-. 00 would the salary if McHenivided 1)11- F'or Board of Review, aries of MeJnbers ... . F'"!-1 Board of Review, Sup. For Board of it. v ievv, Travelinif iOvpense For Board of Review, Clerk E,0o0.oo lOtMXI 300.00 ning with the tirst .Mo celnbei- 1948 be fi x per yea,r. Vour C furth«-r recommi'iid Of the Recorder of ty County, Illinois del* Chapter. 115. Paragraph .1 of the Recoider's Act of the State of . I l l i nois Revised Statutes! 191-7, be fixed' at $2,000.00 per year and that the salary so tixed for the,office of. Rc- '•order of Deeds shall b>» without regard to and sepai ate from the salary that may. ly< tixed by ' this Board for the office'of Clerk of tlie ('ircuit Court. » Vour Committee would further recommend that the clerk liiri' for the Clerk of the f'ircuit CottrJ and Recorder of Deeds be 'lixeij at |l 2.- 000.011 per year "or so much thereof as is necessary for said oierk hire. Said appropriation to cover-the new; term of office as above stated. Vour Committee- Would'; further recommend that J. W. N'orth and Company, Certified Public Accountants of Chicago, 1 11 inois, lie employed to make t.h*- bi-annual audit of the looks, .accounts- and. compensations of all County officers. Said audit to be made' for the * amount, of $750,00 unies's additional -work is needed lo be done and in the event said additional work Is needed, the addit ion.'ib cost to be . paid said auditor sh.ill he in an atnount to b*e fixed by., this Committer and live Board of Supervisors., All of which iJs; respectfully - submilted. '* • F. K. It IOC K (}. ,1. CAIiRtil.L . -WARLI-TV MA(M\Kl!i:M R. C COY . F'RANK MAY CHAS. II ACKMAN It was -'thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly secombsd by Supr . |) \ ini i ing that t l ie repor t of .the. Committee on Fees and Sal-, arlcs be approved a'tul "adopted * IKJT this Board. And the " roll being called Suprs. Ruth, \Vright: Beck, Coy. Carrol], Dunning, Ackman',. ,MacKe1ven. Nolan. Aavang.- Cornue. McConnell, May. Schmitt Meier and Filip and Asst. Suprs, Maxwell and McConnell voted Aye. , Nay none. A.nd the Chairman <b clai e(.i "the motion uiianimouajy carried and the report approved and adopted and the salaries arid appropriations established. The Clerk presented the certificates, of levies, together. with consents, of the various Highway Commissioners of the Comity of McHenry of the amounts iie^essarv to lie raised by tifxation for construction, maintenance, repairs of roads, bridges in the- , various townships. After the reading of tho c.-|-tificates »f levies and consents bv the Clerk, it was regularly. mov«il . by Suor. M.-ier and duly seconded by Supr. Wright tha't the /Certificates' 'of "levies and consents lie approved Ivy this Board. And ?ho being called Suprs. R11 tli, Wright, Beck. Coy. Carroll, Dunning/ Ackman, Mackehen, Nolan. Aavang.: Curnue, McConnell, May, Schmitt. Meier and I'ilip .iind Asst. Suprs, Max-vvell and McConnell voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously ' cart-fed Jind the Certificates of levy- and Consents approved. » The Committee on Uoads and Bj-idges 111-eserited tile following report. which 011 motion of Asst. Supr. McConnell and dub- seconded I'M Supr. Mackebeti.- nnd t'he roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: • Mr 'Chairman .and Centl.emen of the Board of Snpervsors, McHenry County. Illinois: Tie- undersigned mend-crs of I lie. lioad ami Bridge Coniiniltee fbruaid County beg leave to Mttbmit and ^lareiigo. We hired Joe Percn V'bio o^ llaftvard, Illinois to v>ull out the gt;av:el. ' The oiling of. the .A1goni|uin-lIunt- |ey Road iti co-operation' witii Lake in. tie Hill-s depdopt-rs is complet-, ed: ami the scaling-nf the ' Motor F^Uel Tax Roads is under' way. Ttfe <*ar\-Algoimtiin roatl . .has already l.i-en sealed. ' VVe have in<)uired into the* cost of crusher -arid yrer ning" plants and . a modern.. 9-in. x 3t!-in cru.sliing add screening plant now costs approximately *•*" ' "'" ' - si 1 bring- m<iilernixing lu. crusher • w,e ha i e. eli'v a t '#rs, feeders and chassis can be ljjiught. tor around $11,000 and our road; gang during the winter. Sec. 34, eugi. labor , L3.6-2.89 •-.•otild- be assembled and set up l.v No definite 'decision has een re-acheri. _• We again nn-t at Woodstock. I l l i nois on the 11th dav oT"Seid'e'iTi'.b'eFT I94t.,'aiid ati.U'led-at'Mi C»rd>~fei1'"ptrntbill's- of a general nature ch.irgbalde t" th« . Ale Henry Countv patdo| sysli'Tnof roads "as a whole for repairs 1111(1 supplies fill-' County iiwn, fi mai-l-iinery and lai^n* at the (Jointly 11111.l ho:ise• (Hid gi'tiJ:ft< 1 s to a to+til ."J 44.040.7H •Ti'bte tii, llie sections 1 t'-in of ro; -proved I i;y"','fTr and ordered paid S-ction 3, Section I. Sect i.< ms 4 Sections fi Se<-t ions 7 11 Hi, 17 • « : 8,.a> Sections 13 15 Total . Bills- v II I ill out. Vftl b>li'4' the Count \ patrol ?ysds at r.iti«v lirtretofore ap- Ts~~T1,1111 Were a iidiVcd Pol low's:' . • IS 5 1 0 . 1 1 , 1 ' i r - audited and .1LS.49 4 27 I I 7?.o^ 109fti:: . 3,1S.0(1 : 3iti.i:2 $5. fro;. 95 ordered i.'n 1 • 1 Ti>r fninln as followf Municipal lOnipioyees- Retire- . . nicnt F'und MFT .share for Pension. (,\iTg.) .. . f : $ 3til.lfi Patrol Stction No. 1/ Maiht., lalur and malcrials .... ..t.. 19.89 I'ati'd See. No. 2. plaint., " labor and materials .. ... 172.15 Sec, 33T, engi. lal-or .... 20.05 Rigtit of "Way, lOiiei, labor 1 "• t.2«i S«-e..-. 3[3, const., labor & mat. 0.520.-41 T»>t;il ..... $X,HI 1.75 Township Roads, Stale Appro-; priaPion. Senate Mill 378, ' lOngi., labor and ma te: lalsi"$.1 S-1.1 9- A\'e have received 1'fom motor ftie| tax* funds rental .on County Owned luiiclinery included, in the above report $2,543.20 fSection 33 ("onstructioiil, and alsu a money order No, U'9.1 i:i in 1 he amount of $35.00 for two ots'-dl culverts. We turned the ab>ove I'nentioned aniottnts over to- the County Treasurer, for tlie County'road fund, which said sum' is hereby ro-appropriateik for road purposes iiu-lixling Hie d/pgfT' storage and purchase of rolK*tiia«-hin-- er.v or'for. improvements tor build-' ngs tb house machimry. We decided to recommend'", that tlie .County Clerk lie authorized to pay for the" cement to lie used on the Woo'lsLook-Alden # l®>:id (Section 33T-- MKT) at ten (101 day intervals upon leceipt of the freight l-ills' so as tti' take advantagi- of the I en' (It)) cent per barrel discount for cash. • . ' .Vour oomniit-tee estimates there will lie necessary for -the . care ofthe .\icHenry County, Illinois patrol system of roads "ari '-appropriation, from the County Highway in tlie stfm' of *5.000 until the next meeting * ot" this Board. All of which <s respectfully, submitted, ! T. F\ NOL.VN 6 JOHN .1. FM LI P c.. ,1. CAUlli il.t, • MATH N*. SCHMITT V. K BKCK * Road and Bridge Convmittee . JWt-llenr.v-'County, Hlinois Stanley sevcik Howaril Ooddanl Ralph S'ewart ^.. Lafe Beir; h'usen Saliina Ban •Helen Hutchinson Vivian vSe.Miian Clrtle C. Mjner • . Woodstock Dailv Sentinel P. .0. Knuth ('oiupanjp*...... TIk-. Richnuinij Cazette ..." The ^\"otodstock Daily Sentinel . !.' '.. McHenry 1'laindealer August W. Ruth , C. Perry Wright Carl ,lv W-i'ttimis F, IO. Beck Rimer.-C.' Cov C,. J. Carroll" :.... c'ms. T. Duhhlnjr chas. H-. .Vcktnan ... .12.50 . 18.85 34.00 . V9-85 . 47.06 . «9.17 It. 10 89.45 . 7.00. 14.00 112.00 7.00 14.00 70.00 f .00 TOO ?.oo 7.00 21.00 14.00 .21.00 7.00 7.00 . 7.00 fcl.oo 63.00 7.00 14.00 161 00 48.75 1.53 10.80 I<*or .Tall and 'Sheriff's•Residence, Repairs 1,000.00 I-'or County-. Home, Salaries Tip- Kmployecs ^,00o.#0 KorJ'omily.Jlome, F'tiod for Care of .Inmates t ».. 3,000.00 I'of County Home. Supplies . for Care of Inmates 5,000.00 F'or County Home, F'uel .... 2.000.00 For xjounty Home, Repairs 3,000.00 F'or Probation Officer, Salary,' Circuit Court 800.00 For Probation (Officer, Salary, County Court 1,800.00 F'or Board of Review, Salaries of Members 3,000.00 F'or Board of -Review, Clerk Hire l.&OO.OO F'or Bounties? Crows, Crow ICggs and F"«>xea 1,600.00 F'or Jurors, All Courts per Diem and Mileage 1,000.00 I-'or Supervisors, Pep Diem and Mileage 6,000.00 F'or Supervisors, Printinj? 1,400.00 For Care of Sounty Dependent Children . .... ..n 4^00.00 For "Care of Tuberculosis Patients in Ojut of County Sanatoriums !... 25,000.00 F'or County Aid in Building Bridges, ("onstructJon of Bridges 3,700.00 F'or County Aid iti Buildihg, Bridges, be pair, of»' , v- Bridges . -..J. .10,000.00 F'or Iiks.- on Co." Properties? , 3,000.00 Tofhl of Men. Fund .Levy $113,000.00 County Highway Titx^ For • Maintenance County State Aid Roads . *...; 30,000.00 County Highway Tax, F'or, • ' Improvng County State . ' Aid Roads adOOO OO County High way • Tax,', For, . , R e p a i r i n g C o u r t l y S t a t e . ^ Aid Roads For ('onnt.v Aid in, P.uilding ;' BiNilges To Retire Bonds it-nit) Interests 1o,fi90.00 Grand Total Amt. to be •-- Raised .; 182".50.00 AIT of which- is respectfully submitted this llth day of September, A. D. 194 8. HKNRV C. MiOIFIR, Chm. FltANFi MA V T. F. NOLAN C- PIORRV \\ RIGHT ___ <i. J. t'ARRoLL 35.00 302.40 96.95 60.10 23.00 f00.80 46.00 107.00 71.40 112.55 104.80 100.30 21.4 0 44.80 71.20 82.60 89.60 55.50 69.60 11.00 ::iiT.4o 67.00 Xt.00 115.94 1 50.-00 1 50.00 278.50 6.60 185.00 112.09 which Js respectfully sub- F. Nolan A1 mer Aavang tfifnn'ey' H. Cornue . .. Crank B. McConnell .'•'rank May •...,.. ,.' Math N. Schmitt' .... Henry C. Meier . John'.I. Filip Augustus M A. B. M'<'ountill. Paul Rosenthal R. I. Overton Maiy Lou Sheahan Ksther Mansfield : A 1 ice .1 < HI es • . Win. Desmond, l^ostmaster 1 *h'leaf?o" .V- Viirtli. Ry. Co. .aialdtHm"., , City of Woodstock All of' tti itted. STAN'LICV H. CORNHR. Chairman A. B. MeCONNKLT, CTIAULKS T. Dl'NIN'I AL.MKR AAVANG AFC. W. RI'TH Tho Committee on Claims. County Prior pivsetited tiie following -report which <Tri mot ion oj,' Sanr. %ifickeb(>n and duly seconiledny ' Supr. Dtinning" irnil liu loll being eallo declared unanimous ly adopted, towit: September 14, A. D. 1948 3tr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the P'lurd of Supervsors: Voiir Conunttee 011, .County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that tliye have examined all claims presented .to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that tlie Clerk be directed to Issue orders on tin- Count.v Treasurer to tlie 'citiiinants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, towit : . . . Dependent Children-1-' Woodstock' Children's Home $232,00 Charities Child Welfare 1 >io< Lutheran Ass'p. Lisle Manual Traning Industrial School Montgoinwy Ward .. Mrs. I,. H. Freeman ............... Mrs. Ueort'e \\'-ierenia Mrs. Roy Mavis •Mrs. .less 111! Mrs. Melvn l-'leming Mrs. ; Rdward Redding ......... Mrs, Lillian Gathman' ... ICvn Kapping Drt». Nelsoit & Wittenb'erff. .^Ilendale Farm School 'Lake Count>; T. B. Sah. R()ekford Municipal T. Be •San. . ..' .'wL.'.'..*.: All of mitt<>d4r ' 1-'. (*. CoY, Chairman 11 HN'RV C. M R IF It A.. B. McCONRLI, CHAS 11. ACKMAN ^ MATH N. SCHMITT 60.00 80.00 . 80.00 8.73 97.3 4 40.00 39.00 2.-66 30.00- 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 30,30 3060.00 186.00. which is respectfully snlilt, wan regularly moved Uy Supr. Coy and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the report of tiie Committee on /Finance, be appro ved and the Annual Tax Levy for the year 1918 lie approved and adopted by the Board, and the'roll Wing called, Suprs. R11II1, Wright, Beck, Coy, Carroll, Dunning, Ackman, Mackcbeii, Nolan, Aavaug',' Corntle, McConnell, May, Schmitt, Meier and F'ilip anil Asst. Suprs. .Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. The Chairman declareTl the motion unanimously carried and the report approved and tlie Annual Tax* Levy adopted. The Committee-on McHenry County F'arm, Home and Hospital presented t h e f o 11 o w i nK report, Jo -w i t: • "" • Sep femT ier Sf ~TS187 Mr. Chairman and.*JWembers of the Boaid <if Supervisors of McHenry. ('Aunty: Your County Home Committee nun on Septetnber 8. 1948, at the McHenry County Home and audited the bills for the month of August, 19-48. and respectfully submits the .following report, recommending same be paid. Montgomery "Ward and Co., v'othing $ 130.27 DiVsbrow's Grocery, groceries, tobacco and supplies , Public Service Co.,' electricity III. Bell Telephone Co., tel. . .. Crystal Lake H^Tald. printing Tucker Oil Burner Sales and Service - . ... 16.98 .1 en-A -See Laundry Co., laundry 10.61 liakkom and .Co., screws and nails F\ W. Wool worth, misc. Woodstock Dry Goods Co., clothing Olsen's Jobbing House, Inc., parts for bowl llubx'rt. Pharmacy, mediV-ines Arwell Inc., pest control serv. Sears, Roebuck ami Co.,. shoes Goodrows Garage, gas Bohn lbIw...C!o... iidw. sup. ShurtU-ff Co0 ,st< el posts !... Mcnzel lClec. Slio)!., oil" seirv. tllenu Bovco Serv. St'a., gas R. O. Andrew Co., chicken . feed and grinding 79.75 Ideal oil Co.. gas . ......: 129.96 Royal Blue F'ood Mart,--4'o«id . 21.03 Miller Pat ton B'iking Co.,-bread 76.33 Sawyer Biscait C<i„ crackers 21.08 John Sexton Co.. groceries'... 228.88 Lmlwig Wilson Co., soap and toilet Il.-ifiiiT' " 281.10 V. Mueller Co., hosp. sup, .... 31.51 W. P. Allen, incidenlals 55.00 W. P. Allen, salary _.7; 200.00 lOstber C. Allen, salary . .. . 175.0(1 Hilma Melander, .salary-". .'.. 125.00 Henry Knaa<*li. wages 125.00 I'carl Knanck, " 1 < 1"" "" Susie McPherson, w^Jes ..-.TT?™ ' 7^K0t) Hat tie Nichols, w/y:.-s !...! 75.00 W. 1'. -Allen TVrl/aiiced wages for Vi. tor \\ ochriii-k 46.60 hefTli? called tree--Chairman decla the motion unanimously carriM Several com munications fronli Ht.-.te of Illinois, Dept. of A)Ptit Works rtnd Buildings, togetlWr Nr Gas Tax alltment Report were ••ented and ordered placed art An acknowledgement of symM shown by the members of the Bot at the time of the death of wife of Supr. John J. Filip • presented and ordered placed l'ile. The Chairman stated that'- there was nothing further to CO before this meeting for the good McHenry County, that lie wo entertain a motion to adjourn, was thereupon regularly moved Asst.. Supr. Rosenthal ancb seconded by Asst. Supr. Mavell adjourn. And the Chairman dficla the motion unanimously earn Thereupon the iiOard adjourned. CARL E7 WITTMUS, ATTEST: , Chalrni • R. D. WOODS, Clerk Special October Meetin \ 1948 a i.-IOi llll < \> k o< * ;¥he Honorable Board oi 8# visors of McHenry County. -- rpe-t" in. - special session at t House in the t'ity of Wood.-- Wednesday, the 13th day of ber, A, D. 1948 at 10:00 o'clock A ptirstiahf to a C,ajl signed by 1' ,than one-third of its members on file with the Clark of Board. The meeting was called to or by the Chairman, C.arl FI., Wittn and the Pledge of Allegiance to Fla*g of the Cnited States of Ami ca was given by the Chairman w all members of the Board and vi . ors present participating, ai which the roll was called by Clerk and . the following memb responded to their names, _io Supervisors August W. ItBi Perry Wright, Carl E.- \Vittn Frank K. .Beck, G. J. Can ^Charles T. Dunning, Chas. H. A ffiiin, Harle.v Mackeben, T. F. No' jVlmer Aavang, Stanley Cor,nue, 15. McConnell, Frank May, Matiii Schmitt, Henry C. Meier and Jc J. Filip and Asst. Suprs. A. M. M; well,' A. B.' McConnell and Rosenthal, constituting a quor present. The minutes of the Annual tember 1948 meeting of the Bo were read and on motion duly and carried were approved ordered of record. Therfollowing report of thSCoi ty Ti+asurcr for the month wf 1 lemlvr, 1 94 8 Was presented read to the Board, to-wit: County Treasurer's Report For the Month g 9f September, Receipts 133.14 50.01 2.115 < 39.05 • I: 33.06 9.27 60.20 1.94 39.87- 15.00 4.15 3 4.15 19 35 43.0 1 10.00 . 6.68 ...7.., *2,485.61 Hides sold . . ' 9.60 •fotal . .7 $2,476 «1. Senteniber 8, 1948 To the riwirman ami the Honorable Board ol' Siipevvisors of McHenry 'County, Woodstock, Illinois. Your McHenry (""ounty Tfrtme, F'arm and Hospital Committee beg. leave to report that they met iit Hartland 011 the above mentioned dale and .audited bill's "for' payment s»s follows: , Permanent, lmiirovement Running expense . * 'lothing Tobacco Medicines . Hospital .... Diet . J ' . . . ; . . . . Fuel. ..., T<i§al Hides Bold I 72.17 .. 1,454.61* 126.62 42.27 39.87 196.21 423.60 129.96 $2,476.01 inspection - ind Live* To Thr> fpinmittee on FMnarup presented the following^ report and Animal Tax Bevy, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of ^Supervisors: YOnr Committee to wli rred the matter of t The following construction Resilution Sfate-Aiii Route 1. was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: (Copy on' (lie in the *.Cofin-t.v» t'b-rk's office). , It was thereupon rejitilarly moved' by Supr. Carroll and duly seconded by Kjlpi^ACoy that the resolution 1r« adopled by ths Boa id, and the roll being called 111c 'Chairman declared t'he motion, uiianlmliusly cat;rled and the 'Resolution' adopted. ' : A petition for a Itond itnprfivenient presei'ted ,bv . residents aiub property ovvju rs In Niimla Town - ship was presented and ordered 'referred to. the Road and Bridge Committee for Report. The Cbrk presented lists of claims against the County and upon j motion of. supr. Maekeb-en and duly' seconded • by Asst. Supr-. McConnell, Ihe said <la:iiis were referred to th'" proper commit tees ' and "the Board adjourned to I :S0 n'-clock P. M. < D. *v T.I for coniiii'lllfe worMl 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. (D. S. T.) . ' IVoard met pursuant to adjournitlfn! and upon roll «-all the same.. niPiiiber? responded to "their naF'" as appear. ii or record in the morning session, including Asst.. Supr. Pa«t Ko enthal of Algon«|u-ii} Township, constituting 'a full Hoard present. . F'ee.s'and Supplies presented tlie following" report, which on motion of . Snpr. \Vrlght and. d 11 lyvsecondt-d b.v n**-e Supr. Meier, and the roll Fvhur '• ill-' ed. was declared unanimously adapted. to-wit Septcmb<>r 14.. A. D. 1.9 Mr. Chairman and ftetttl'cmcn of.the Hoard .of - Supervisors: Vniii '('ooi'mit 1 iv on Bailor. Fees &• F' Supplies Claims would beg leave- to I, repart that they have examined all hom was red thi- the County 'las. LeVy for the year 1948, would l.-i g- leave to ^submit the following report- 011 I he matters before them: That we haviC ascertained the Sey. ra-1. items of necessary exf'" ii,li;,irtos for the County as nearly as possihie and recommend that the sum of «lne Hundred . Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Dollars and no cents for general ». county pi'ipose.s and tlir sum of Fi ft v-eight Thousand Dollars and\no cents--for 'C/Min't.v^ Highway Tax. nnd the* sum of Ten Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Dollars, and no 'cents for County Aid in Building Bridges to Retire Bonds and Intel est. making a total of one Hundred Kiulity-two Thousand Three Hundred F*ifty Dollars and no. cents be levied as, a County Tax 011 all. taxable property, of >.tid County and State aforesaid fur 'hi- year. A. D. 1918, and that the' C'UMity Clerk is hereby instructed t" '-xtemf said amount on ;\ll taxaido^ pi-operty in the County i.11 aecoii'.' ince w-i(n the report for' the follivv-MTg piirpflffes. to-wlt: For C'jiiutity Clerk, -Tax" B..oks[ .. ... $ 1,10%0<» Uiii-W.'oiinty Registrars. Fees b i•'"• Registering , Birth > 'iid. IJeatli C«-rtitlcates ,. ,650.00 l-'iihi. I cat ion of Tax *• 'Assessments i,'. 1,4««.d0 F'or sheriff, Bailiffs I'er Diem, •VII Court's v V,2oH.t)0 l'c: Sheriff. Sal..of. Dptvs.' 5.000.00 For Sheriff. C.ook. for Pris: «3,500.00 F'or Sheriff; Cook, foi'. Pris. 1,200.00 F'or Siipt. of Schools, Clerk FOR • •For " S;i F'oj- ^upt. of Schools, tiffice Ipplies Court House and Jail, -• 1 ry JanitOJ'S ,•.,.» ...» "ourt llwttic and Jail. • I 4 .. ','oerl House and .fall, ht a tub water For Court House, Repkra 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,300.00 2.500.00 2.010,00 5,000.Ott I The -regulary monthly of Buildings, Grounds Stock revealed everything to be in good condition. There 'Icing 110 further business your committee, 011 motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. < Respectfully submitted, -FRANK 1!. MCCO.NNFLL, CTiairman V AIM.:, w. RI'TH "•• lli:.\RV C. M1C1KR « A LM FIR AAVANG A1 "< 1FSTI's M. MAXWF'.LL I'alance TIeneraC Supervisors--County Home Superintendent---Co. Home j, Chairman--License ' < 'umin Dependent Children .*... (bounty Officers F'eeg ...:. Highway F'und .... Bridge Bond Account I'ers. Property Back 'Tax Highway Fines Disputed Tax Account .. Foifeited Tax Account -. InlK^ritanoe Taxes Institute Fund Payroll Account Mother's Pension I^Und.. Blind Pension Fund ...... Dog Tax Account Penalties & F'ees ...i...:'..„ III. Municipal Retirement States' Attorney's Fund.. 453.2 "39.6 100.0 394.6 10^2.S *s.s 16. 436.0 5,326.3, 2.2" 908.0? 101.0 5,778.6 1.9 2.6! 370.31* 888,3 2,340.5 916.0 Motor F'uel Tax Account 2o,661.1 Total ' Receipts prand Total .: \ $265,1 24j Expenditures I County Orders $21,747.6 G&I' Jurors (irders Coroners' Jurors Orders Probation (vHicer . <'ounty -Treasurer's ^ Salary Clerks' salaries Stamps Highway F'und. : •Motor F'uel F'und Township Road--State Ap|i".* In h C ri t anee Taxes 111 si iIute Fund - . Payroll Clearing; Account .. Personal Property Bai'k Tax Forfeited Real Katate .... 111. Municipal ReLr£lTT*nt Coumy officers' Fees.. Total Kxpenditures Bal. 9-30-48* 269.3. 30.0 130.6 179.4 l,028.i 450.9 Ti, 156.9 8,8o5.7 14 0.0" - w 5,513.5 5.377.7 2,180.6! 2.34 0.5 1 0 , 0 0 0 .or ('|4.43:; 200,69:. . " $265,124 The above and foregoing rep; is true and correct according to "'best- knowledge and belief. H^NRY A.' NtTL^jy, Cbunty Tr(yisu^d and sworn to KM' me this 13th dav of October 1! R. D. W-OODS (Seal) ' » County CI It- was thereupon regularly moved liy Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded b.v Supr. F'ilip that the Report lv approved and adopted by this Board and the roll beng called the Chairman declared the motiou unanimously carried. - *• A Plat of -White Oak Bay Subdivision, I'nit No. 1!, . Wonder Bake. McHenry Township, was presented to ihe Board for approval, it was thereupon .regularly mov ed by Supr. Ackman and dulv sconded by Supr. Nolan that the Plat- hie approved. subject to the ap'proval Py the enforcing officer of the' McHenxr. v Countv- rilinois Zon'ng Virdinance. A11I. the Cliairman of the Board ami Co'iftitv i"|erk be authorized to sign said Plat showing approval thereof of this Hoard. And th<' rlil) being called the Chairman declared the motion .unanimously carried. A report of thy Count'y* Veterinarian for the period * beginning Sept. 1, 1947 and ending " Aug? 31. 19IX was presented, and read anil ordered placed 011 tile. Supr. Reck vol' </f7Vnung Twp. a<!* dreSHetf the 1 toa nU^iiNid -. stated 4 hat' lie Would like at this reiiuest all Township official^ <0 pay their dues to the State Association, who lia,v«flil done so, so that McHenry Coupty .could, be oty1 hundred percent. • -!•'•• • . ' " , . - The Chairman. Carl K. Wittmus. .addressed;!he Board au<l. st.tted that the Board of Review of McHenry County were--having a busy season, and that it would be impossible f«*rthem to ^•oiiiplete tlretr work fflnr time, and to dntt. thiy luid ' received 210 cdnip^ajnts. and thatseveral. Tovvnship Ass^-sstirs were late iu gettinc - their assessments made ainl their 1'ioks turned over.' Tlie Chairman tlieii made a re>iuesiJ adopte dl -v for additional time for the Board of l!e\ i.-w to complete its work to the nevt meeting of'this Board to 1 'V held in October. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Nolan and d-uiy sceotMed i>v.:, S'l"-. Maekei-i n that t-lie reqyest be granted, and that, addition'.'I lime oe t-xtemb'd Ihe Board of Review of Mrjlleuiy .Cniinty to October 13. I94X. to complete its work. And the roll it was thereupon regularly mo* by Supr. F'ilip and duly secoiP by Supr. Ackman that the rep of tlie Coijnty Treasurer be appr ed by this Board, and tile roll he called the Chairman declared motion unanimousljv carried. A report of tWe County Tretts er showing payments due' the Co ty from Townships on ('ountv H( was presented and ordered Aila on file. ™ The following report of the C<" mittee on ICIections was presenand read to the Board, to-wit: October 8, 1 the Chairmen and Gentlemen' the Board of Supervisijjs: Your Committee 011 1'Tections whom was referred the Itegistrat of F'lectors expense bills for precinct registration held Octo 5th. 1948, '1918, Would beg leave1 report that they have examined statements and would recomnuthat the following amounts be p to th<* Supervisors for tlie .ludi of Regist ra't ton for the various 1 c.W'ts and districts in Mf*»e County, to-wit: - October 5 th, 1948 ev $50 00 ' 7 Marengo 1 55.00 n^o 2 - '5.1.00 iMjiihani 50.01) Chemung 1 53.00 Chemung 2 50.00 Chemung 4 45.00 Alden ' ' FiO.OO Hartland - 55.00 Seneca 50.00 (^oral ' 55.00 Grafton 1 55.00 , Grafton 2 55.00 Dorr 1 *• -5.".00 Dorr 2 5 Dorr 3 4.-,m. Dorr 4„ 4.1.00 Dorr 5 55.00 < Ireenwood 65.00 llel-ron 5"..00 Richmond 55.00 Bnrtoti 5d no Melleiiry 1 5..00 Mdlem-v 2 50 no McHenry 3 55.00 McHenry C R5.00 . Nunda 1 55.00 Nunda 2 65.00 Nunda « 65.00 Algonrpiin 1 fill I I I ) • - Algomiuin 2 - 40.00 Algonuuin 3 5 o j | i i Algonquin 1 • Soj* Algomiuin 5 • 5o.(io All of which^ls respectfully si mitted. Cl|A RLIOS T. nrXXING T1ARI.FV MACKFBKN .K»H.N J. FI LIP MATH X. "SCHMITT _^L'_ I'A 1*1. ROSKNTHAL It was thereupon«regulnrly inov by Supr. Carroll and dulv secoi ed by Supr. Schmitt that the rep. of the Committee 011 F l e c t i o n adopte dl v this Board, and tlie being called Supr. Ruth, Writ IV"1 k* Dunning. A*n Mackeben. Notan. Aavang, A*-ri McConnell. May, Schmitt. Meier ; Filip artil Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. ,\ Connell and Rosenthal voted \ Nay none. And the Chairman cla'ed tin- motion unanimously 1 iie.1 ami the report approved' Supr. Virinie of . Hebron Tovmvl addressed the Bo«r4 and stated tl

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