Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 17

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» { >-v,v * * -1 j»iniii n. • / !* * • ^7 few'"'- • •' - tM felt thai the procedure was all wrong: in -ihe toinsirHtinn.' of eVeot ».Ki anil low! ji,-,I vv;;s possible t<i do away with Tt»** precinct registration preceding each general flection a great dual of expense could lie. •saved, and all registration masters •ould be taken cai e of by the County Clerk and his deputy regiHsiration officer, appointed in each community for that purpose, and that he lelt the Committee should investigate the matter to ascertain whether or not the precinct registration day could be dispensed wiin. The Committee on MeHenry County Home, l-ami and Hospital presented the following report, which on motion ol' Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Mackel-en, and the ioil lieinjf called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: October 6, 1948. Mr. Chairman an dMemters of the Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County: Vour County Hoijje Comvnitt^e met on Oi'toi/er 6, 194 8, at the MeHenry County Home and audited the bills for. the month of September,, 1948, and respectfully submits the follow-' ing repot,i, recommending same be paid. R;'(). Andrew Co., chicken feed and grinding'....:.' --"....$ 12.1ft Aiwell Inc.', pest control 16.00 E. L. Rakkom Co., repairs and " " i n s u l a t o r s 3 2 . 7 8 Ifohn Hdw. Co., fuses and • glass --- 14.W Crystal Lake Farm Store,* * tlashlight and , batter ieS 12.55 Disbrow'.s (Iroeery, groceries", -tobacco and supplies .115.25 <>lenn Hoyce Serv! Station, gas .70 (•pudrow's tiaiage, gas 7.35 fCc F. • lumpreeht and- Son,- "welding, aii^-repairs . 13.25 Ideal (til 'Company, fuel ..'U... 128.y8 Jen-A-See Laundiy Company, laundry 4.79 John Sheet Metal Shop, repair . coffee boiler ........ 1.00 Kemp's Hatchery and Feed.Co., - pheno tablets 'Z.04 Ludwig Wilson Company, soup, l-bach ' ..... 102.22. Montgomery Ward Co., clothes and btrttefy .. ; ?0.l7 V. Mueller and Co., hosp. sup. 5.71* M441ei' I'atton Hak. Co., berad 70.B8 PumhvSer v. Co., electricity 54.12 Sawyer**»lii.scuil Co., crackers 33.38 W. J. SchmitJ!, combine And liale straw ..: 116.50 John Sexton and Co., feed .... 211.-36 True Value Stores, coffee pots 2.93 Wool worth's, notions ........ 15.20 Slmrtleff and 'Co., pests . „.... 8.47 Hubert Pharmacy, ined. .. 49.74 H. F. Hai kus, repair stoker 5.00 W. 1'. Allen, incidentals 58.50 W. P. Allen, salary 175.00 liilnia Melander, salary .f.. 1 2n.0«> Henry Knaack, wages 150.00 I'oarl Knaack. wages 100.00 Susie Mcpherson, wages .... 75.00 flattie Nichols, wages . 75.00 Eggs sold. • S30.flfl_ $2,Ufi3.S4 21.00 -1«7S0- 67.50 $1,996.34 October i,, i :n S To the Chairman and the Honorable l" Hoard of KujTerv isors of MeHenry County, Woodstock, 11. . * Tour County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland. Illinois lui tlie above mentioned date an<l ainlm-il bills for payment as, follows: ./ Peimanvnt Improvement ....$ 12.35 Running Expense 1,268.68'. (Nothing 59.82 Toi)acco . 44.94 Medicines 49.74 Hospital ..... . 150.79 Diet 349.44 Fuel .12f08 Total ...» Less oggs sold $2,063.84 67.50 $1,996.34 The regular Inspection of Grounds,< l'.imdintiS and Live Stock fevealed everything to be in good condition. 11 here being no further business your' committee.' on motion duly inude and seconded, adjourned, Ri spec If nil v su bu ii|/(i d • • FRANK U. McCoNNELL ( /S Chairman AFC,. w. new AI.MICK AAVANO IIKNKV C. M 1011011 ' AI .('51'STl !S M. {1AXWWA Jtehe Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the followin«mrte-._ port, which on motion of Supr man and duly „ Carroll. and the roll being was declared unanimously a (Jailed, tor wit: jf* Mr. Chairman and (ientl»M*fen of the ..'•Hoard of Supervisors^ MeHenry County, Illinois: yf The undersigned members of the Road ami Bridge Committee for said County beg- leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 16th "ay of • Hopte ford, Illinois on the matter of ini-. proving the County's- crushing plant. We visited the. lOighnfy Eiiuipmcnt Company warehouse and discussed matters concerning gravel crushing plants. A new crusher plant with aluut the same size crusher as the one we have costs $8<l.000. TJiiss plant includes.two crushers and the power unit all mounted OJJ one running gear and has 24 i-n. Width feeder belts and screens. It has a much larger outfit thaii our old single crusher with only 18 in. belt:* and. screens* We found that we could buy the running genr. second crusher unit and new wider screens an# belts and . mount thereon our present 9 in. x 3 6in. large crusher and power unit at a cost of $11,560. We were assured our plant would be very satisfactory. We signed an order for said additional new units and parts to modernize tlie. County's gravel crushing plant from fhe I'niverfial lOngineering Corporation of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, subject to approval of this Hoard. pelivery tided appeared of ree. I l>eing *i;aliU»n 'IHR session, exeepl would be made t-his Fall and could hie assembled by our mechanics this Winter. We again met-at Woodstock, Illinois. on the 24th day of September. 1948 to receive bids for graveling Town roads from the Township Roads - State Annronriation Fund. Senate Hill 378. the MeHenry Sand Jt < iravel Company of MeHenry, Illinois, was low bidder on the work in the Towns of l>orr. Seneca. Coral, 'and Richmond as follows: 1>orr --• $T.-1 S per cubic yard---$5,385.48. Seneca---$ 1.13 per cubic yard--$4,726.99, Coral $l,2^i per cubic yard -- $4,- 615 51 and Richmond--$1.09 per cubic yard--$4.6<i8.84. for gravel spread on the roads. Floyd M. Uriel ••el of Marengo. Illinois, was low bidder on the work in the Towns of Riley and Marengo as follows: Riley--$1.19 per cubic yard--$5,470.1 o ajul Marengo-- $1.34 per cubic yard -- $4,- .712.10 for gravel spread on the*- litads. We awarded the work to said low bidder, subject. To State approval. " We again met on the 4th day of October, 1 94 8. "jointly with the Road and' Hridge Committee of Hoone "Twity, Illinois, in .the matter of repair and strengthening of tlufe bridges on the Mcllenryilooiie County line and the west line of the Town of lMinham. The beams are light in weight aitW strength and are t«adly rusted. We decided to strengthen they by •heavy rods under the floor systems. The cost was estimated by-the Supt. of Highways of the two Counties at approximately $1600. lOach County hv law pays a share in proportion to the assessed - valuation of the County. We decided' to order the rods and proceed with the work as ^iMin as . possible. We have made several trins of inspection of the .State Aid Roads and had 041 cub'o yards of gravel placed on the Huntley-Alcon<|Uin ^lioad on week places, also 1 445 cu. *yi\T'ds of gravel on the road east and west throuirh the Tmvns of Marengo and Seneca, which broke up badly last Spring, also 390 cubic yards on the road nortliVest of l_aw'- rence. We have also s;x.t sealed 'the Bay Ri>sd northeast of MeHenry and pa'tched the Island I<ake Road, so that tli'ey are again in fairly good condition. We have finally received a temporar>' pe'»-mit from the C & XW Railwav Co'upa«iy to build a.cement .-unloading pit on a switch track at Hartlnnd. HI inois. " so conse«|Uen) lv the 1'ortiand Cement road stabilization "work on the Woodstock-\1den Road is underway. The Railroad '.Companv will reuuire the County to sign a standard license form in the matter of the unloading pit. We recommend that the Chairman of this Board and the County clerk he .uthorized to sign on behalf or Mcllem y Cottnty, with the advice and .•onsen t of the States' Attorney, when same comes through. We again met on the 9th day of < ictober, 19 18, at Woodstock, Illinois. and audited and ordered paid oills of a general nature chargeable to the Melleurv County patrol System of roads*as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $8219.42. The above total includes $1734 for a 5-8 Ton Road Roller. $429 for New Jaeger Model 3" Pump and . $3,000 down payment on Crusher repairs. Hills chargeable to the various sections' of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board, were audited and ordered paid as follows: Section 3-14- $ 292.20 Sections 4-16^18 ' 866.43 Sections 4-17 197.<J5 Sections 5-6 - - 11.nO Sections 7-8-9-10'.ll..i2' 879.45 Sections > 13-15 ...i. " Ji72. • 3 '"Total f 11.438.7S Bills were atidtt«<i and ordered paid out of . Motor- Fuel Tax 'funds as follows: . Municipal Kmployees ' Retiroment Fund -• ,MFT . » share for • Hensioh..^.--..-.-$, M2;8S. Patrol Section Np. 1'---" , , Maintenan»-e ^ Labor <t.'• ' Materials " ' 1&.86. Patrol Section No. & - •• Maintenance --^ Labor, & "•'• • Materials .: >... " OTO.M Right of \Vny --. Eng,ineer- ; ing--l.abor " "T-?* Section 3«T -- Kngineer^ng Lalior . 26.84 Section 34 -- Knsieering - Liiiior & Materials 1083.56 Section 33 --> Construction -- 1.41 hor & Materials Z2382.88 Total $4456.42 Township Roads -- Slate Appropirat ion - Senate Bill 378 "lOngineering -->• l.aiior ., $ We have received from the Public Service Company, a request for permission to trim trees and install two poles on the west side of State Aid Route 6. \Vt- recommend grantingof this Pertnit No, 1-4018. We have received., from motor fuel tax funds rental, on County owned machinery included in the al-ove report $4.80 -- Patrol Section No. 1, $101.08 -- Patrol Section No. 2, and $749.35 -- Section 33 Construction. We have turned "same over to the '.Count v Treasurer for the County road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for ,road purposes- including the repair, stoiage and purchase of road machinery or for improvements for buildings to 1iou«e machinery: Your committee estimates there ,wi!J be necessary--forthe care of th 'MeHenry County, Illinois patrol sy st <• til--rrf roads--an--approprtrrtirrrr fiom Hie County highway fun din the sum of $ until th<- next meeting of this Board. All of which is respectfully sub- 3%: 6 ! SO 7 - .S ;'j .. H'.MiO .. 151.10 :. 2i. -i a .. 4 1.80 .. 41.05 7ti><» 168. o i «-• 44.50 .. 174.O0 11.00 20 10 33.00 150.00 15o. 00 1 77.64 1 59.00 185.00 75.00 215.00 215.00 240.00 215.00 silb- Chas. 3*. nnnninfi chas_H. AcHi llarlej- ilackel-en '1 . i'". .Nolan . ..... Aimer Aavatig .v... Stanley II. Cornue Frank 1>. McConnfcll Frank May Math N. ^i-hmitt Henry C. Meier John J. Filip ..1 A. M. Maxwell ...... A. FS. McOoHWPtr :± Paul Rosenthal Mary Lou Shealiart lather ManstU-ld .. City of Woodstock Alice Jones Vesty Muldcon Ri< hard I. Ox ertoH Ceorge K. Swank .. Ja<k R. Meye:s Lyle R. Hutchinson Crant Nolan All of »-hich is respectfully mi t ted. STANLEY 11.. CORXITK.'^SR!fc: I'HAKI.KS T.- nrxyjxo'- -AFC.. W. Rl'TH ' " AI.XIRH AAVANC, The Committee on Claims Coutity Po<«r presented • tile following repoit. which oij niation of Supr Mai'keben and- duly secomled by S«-pr. Fiiip, and' the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: « . - -Oct. 1*. A. 1>. 194 8 Ml'. Chairman and (Jentlemen.qf the Boa»d <>f Siipervisdis: . Vour C'liriniittoe on County Poor Claims would I vg leave to report thai ihey have examined all -claims presr-nteil to them, and recommend the. payment .-of the fullowing, and • that the CIVrk be directedto Psstie orders on "the* Co6nty Tre'isurev to, the Claiijiants for - the several amounts allowred. as 'follows, to-wit: l>ep"iid. nt Child! en--- _ Allendale Farm School, (Holmes) . $ 25.00 Woojstock (Children's Home, t Halzie!) • .• .... . 200.00 Uiooesan Catholic Chaflties, ,* , tclosson) 30,110 hi«lc Manual Trng. ^hl„ tJasienl ..... ^T^-.T 80.00 Klgin Catholic Charities. , ( I!iele( k i > .. v 60-"0 St. Francis Hospital. (Carlson) 99.00 Mis. . Liltian Cathman, (Krwui) Mrs. Cassius- Sweatmah, (St cad man) Louis Long. <el>Line) Mrs. Ceo. Wieretna, (Van •Natian) . . * Mrs. Melvin Fleming. (Shay) Fva Kapping, (Ystelx? Vt F. H. Mi ad. tFiesman)' C. W. Hailey, M. ,1»., (Fievman) Airs. Kdwa'rd Redi1i«'g, (l).tlziel t .... Louise M. Brooks, Ilependl. Chil. $51.23, pro off tra\ evp $30 25 ..... 4 leoendent Children Mrs. 4.. 11, Fr.ftcnmn, (Flewmari i 122.00 Luthernn--< -hi Id--W*-l la ii^ (lie n«'\v well at tl>.' County tiM* •»<•«(<•)<»' ol and that, h is ' i'oiiyaiitt< e have under consideration the purchai\e of an e!e\ ator at tile Comity Honie, J<>t" sjrarn. hav and straw, and due to the t'aft •that it would «.ost more than sfioo.oo l'i," was piesetiting the matter to flic full Boy^rd. It ^was thereupon fc^rutarly moved by Supr. Beck, and ,Mu1y seconded by ^Supr. .OiiriolL-that sutid nrattet ^be referred tn the ' 'ount) Home Coitimitti < . giving the Committee lull power to act. And the Roil tvingr caljtd the Chairman declared th« motiun unanimously carried. S.upr. Beck Htated that there would l»e a nieeting- Sfnd dinner ot the Township (ifiicials Association at the Crv sial l.odge i-ct. 27' at 7:S0 P. M.'.'and-that many important legislative matters coneeining Couii- ,ly an.f Township goveinment Would lie brought up for discission and urged all- to attend. Supr. >.ol*rt -stated that dues are now due and payable to <!n Sccty. Mr. i.y^- 1<«:.v of Chemung Toij*ns:hip. Supr. Cornue spoke briefly on the gnat danger in«Aui<fng our liberties uf sell government. and that' he...I-evtry eilort should l*e tua<le to maintain, the present form of "township govej^ilai 'oi and niat . t'dnsl. L^iUa.teM!UK IT,'468.04 .1 tin , Total .... ... 21.4oa.d« Township Roads, slate, anpro* 'printion, Senate Bill s-,v tngi.. labor arid materials $252.89 "We lia,ve made several trips of" inspecfion on the MeHenry_ County Stale Aid System of roaft.-t an;! ordered minor repairs, and l;.«ttermiiits. The lluntley-Five Corners Road is maring completion, however, the linal seal coat of the asphalt top is to be carried over Jo next summer due to unsatisfactoi v wtather. The \\ oodstm k-Alden soil-iemeiit >ad is proceeding under difficulties .Hj/ shortage of ci inent. .Had eiit l-een deliv t-r-ed, the south uld dotilitI» ss be "completed fore this date. Three (3) miles the load has been covered ami fhv .res.t-- ,«»f tile ro^i^vvtll proV>;Vi>iy hav e' to fro over uwjr n. xt spring-. A . let ter lias 1<£ n 11 cefved f roin Maj'lin Ht;inz of Hm U >, Illinois, it piloptj ty owner on the proposed }"-Alg>in<tuin road. H<- has ietusi- il U.I- ai itle iiy a Contract proto he entered irito with- the ' "ini.:\ conf eriirng drainage of a •snail pntid hole. I'f the property mltted. T. .F. NOLAN <J. J. CARROLL F. E. KECK MATH N. SC%M1TT JOHN J. FILIP ROAn ANI> .BRIIK5E COMMITTEE MeHenry County, Illinois A request was received from the Public Service- Company seeking permission to trim trees on certain State Aid Roads and upon motion Supr. Maekehn and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConneli and declared carried the permission was granted. A Resolution concerning the manner in w'iiich the County was to draw vouchers on the County Treasurer for payments cerning dependent children, was\ presented and ordered laid over f<V further investigation. The Clerk 'presented lists of claims against the CountV and upon motion of Asst. Supr. XlcConnelJ^ and duly seconded by Supr\Mji!^kT"'~Tv hen and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to l:3o I'. M. for 'committee woik 1:30 ^O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjourn-_ melit and upon roll call the sania meml-ers responded to their namea >rd in the mornptirig Asst. Supr.' McConneli of Dorr -Township and Supr. Rosenthal of Algonquin Township,- constii utiing a .quorum present. The Chairman introduced Harvey S. Pearson. Candidate for Representative for tile Eighth District who spoke briefly concerning the- problem of minors, stating that he felt that a law should lie passed requiring all adult young people to carry requesting service in taverns Pearson's remarks were much appreciated by the members of the Ijoard. Tile emmlttee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the folloivvng report which oil motion of Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Sopr. Meier, and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: . * • ° October 13., A. D. 1948. Mr. Chairman and (Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: vour Committee* on Labor, Fees SAir Sssuuppppliyy,, 1C lIHailmtllss would bbvvgg llee ave "^1 ' " to rcpoiH that they'have eamilled n 1 March. '•<•1 :is amended. . claims presented to them. andl^,"""" ot my office as ( ba irn rei'dmmned thr payment of the following. and that the Clerk be directid to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimapts for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to.-wit: Frank Thornher Co. -.. Mcllenry Plaindealer Harvard Herald The Richmond dazette Crystal Lake Herald Clyde C. Miner , Tl'ie Hebron Times Marengo Republican-News .... Burgess Anderson & Tate Inc. • Victor Adding Machine Co..: P. O. Knuth.Co Hartlett Photos .". W. II Newton M. I>. : A. S. Rmnbi rirer. M. 1) -Allen A. Lieberman . . ^ I'r. B. F. Kennellv. Dr." B. B. Neiichiller Dr. Henry W. Sandeen Ha:lck & Hogan Pearl S'hnltr. (-. L. Tryon Clvirles F. Haves Roland McCannon Illinois Printing Co. Illinois Office Supply Co Panama Beaver? lnc L. V. Kiltz Cummins Business -Machine Col'P : - Woodstocjt Trucking Serv.. Tree Value Hardware Co.... Walter B. Morris Bohn Hardware Co. Lien Chemical Co. Fred C. Bau (»akside Dairy Products-' . Inc. Schoepperle Meat Market... Tracki-tt's Bakery . ... Schultz Meat Market Fred S. C.ay - Joseph Justen ? Fro Eriekson C'yde J. Zoia Sabina Bau ." Ralph Stewart .... Harold C>. Fox Theodore S. Miller ••"rod Krcnij ... Harold Hobhs . Warren Berg *lenry .T. Faert.vr Loren Pntnian .» Oeorge Wliaples C'yde c. Miner Vernon W. Kays Harel Wilke •. Tlliiois Bell Telev Co Northern Illinois Pubi'-ations. lnc Pearl SchrultJ! Betty Yates - The Marengo Republican- News 1 R. <i. - Andrew Co. P. O. Knuth Company Frank Thornl»er Co c-illaghan & Company Frank Thorpber Co. ". .< i. R. Evans & Co. *Fr«d C. Bau The Lawyers Co-On. Co St-nr. Salary Mileage-- A uplift W. itutli C. Pei rv Wright f. E. Beck E. C. 'Coy - G. J.» Carroll ^L, $471.47 . 4. ..60 . 253.?0 . 207.60 . . 31.5(1 . 36.40 . 114.70 5.36 48.00 33.31 1.75 lo.OO 10.00 25.00 6.00 15.50 3.00 .. 26.10 41.00 89.50 .. 30.00 20.76 . 12.63 . 24.BO 38.45 .1264.29 .. 453.90 6.00 .. 59.4 2 .. 37.75 15. i :t ... 100.80 36.20 „ 14.58 .. . 64.t>3 . 34.97 90.82 14.00 7.00 50.00 7.00 28.00 28.00 112.00 28.OIL 7oroo 7.00 . 14.00 7.00 7.00 . 196.00 .. 154.00 35.00 ... 242.46 . 246.40 20*00 5.00 6».0rt 38.42 .• 13.01 730. 6.00 . 92.86 1 5.00 2.659.00 ... 10.00 79.90 62.90 . 1?14 40 11.5(1 192.60 40.00 40.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 4.0(1 »•'*.«$. S0.00 «1.«8 (Daymond). (Siebel) ^ 80,00 Care T. B. Patients-- « bake Co. T. It. San. . 2.62S.10 Roekford Municipal T. B. Kan 18o.(HI , ' All «»f which is rcspeMfully submitted. MF.VRY <\ MI'IFR. Ship. MATH N. SCHMITT" ('HAS, H. ACKMAN . Tlie' fdllowing res'ignation of -Cleore-e E. Sullivan of Woodstock, Illinois, as a meml/er of (lie Mc- Heifry County Housing Authority was presented and -read to the Board, to-wit: Oct. 1948 '•"dward Field, McH"iiry 'County 'lousing Authority .Woodstock; III. 1 >ear 1-M :- • 1 herebv »tenered iny resignation its a members of the Mellepry County Housing Authority. It 1s just impossible for me' to. tVnd time to get awnv to your nieet.iiigs. I deeply regret ha v ing . to. do - this but it is for the lv-<t interest of the ommittee thiit somebody replace me that will lie :>i le tTt give mure -time tbi' "position. I nm sure that the'Housing Atitnorty can do good in the county j and |»leas.> extend .my .besjt wishes to the board members in this regard. S ill "ere!.y " <;KOROE E. Si'LT.lVAN Reed 6 'October, 1948 EAF meHi'.t-ontro) The Chairman, Carl *'E., addressed the liidard and stated Jl-liat the Foaid -o{; lieXow has not ioihpii ted their work and stated * -I.Hat j'l"'»'eei-ilings - ti;led., A. satisfactwl y they Would-'need ifiore time tiv'n'oni-f.Ri'.ftd': coi'ij-d 1-e leiijt without dr;rinplvie '(heir review assessments for 4 age i/f , thv- sai'l .cponlV' hole", which AlcH« iir..v County, and- that they .find ^Mia't't»i» -oniV ii 'small liHtl VonViderable' difficulty oonv-ei.ti-" ,o* Tlie year. The pieseiif 4-oad lias i'hg tlie •.assessment' of" s-oine of, IHe "l'»'i*n in.a'iitaini il :'fm- approxiuiiitely i'(,ri!iii litjopV.' He --then - reque.i'^'l',. ,i«rade. -of: Jthe pr<)- tha't" i he time be. extended _ to riol iu jlv * r<>4i- \voui(J ii^ 'V lvigher later ll\an Nov. 9th. 1 !'+S. "It Was ; thati-' the eld .road. An enualiier th. reiipon regularly moved by Sn|ir. r^rveT!T cmiTd' be placed under the' uiotial. BanU i»f Wooilstmk.- 1>'-Trit1thrtml^~m. <-orrt i tub1 "t\ s <lepositories of the funds .of the Conn-" iv Tivasurev and E\-( H'liicio County t;oU»'-tor- of MeHenry County, and fin"••Chairman (te1 lared tthe motion' iwiunjinotisly. carried. Tlie foilowing Report of the In.g Board of Appeals op< rating uti- • iler the JdcHenry County Illinois Zoning (irdinaiKc u was presented and read to the Board, to.Avil: o tFojiy of tins report on file in the County 'Clerk's ufftvii It Was thereupon regularly mttw; ed that Ihe icixVrt ftf the Zoning Itenl of A pp' nis" be' approved a rm) adopti*! by this Board, and that the .'.property of the petitioners as further .-outlined in their petition-! .be reclassified, and that the MeHenry C'ounty Illinois Zoning Ordinance! 1>e -amended showing the new classification, and that .tell • maps pertaining to Ziuiing, in the'office of the County CK-rk I'.e ainended to .confirm witli said .report. Ami the •wjlJ'.-'-l.wJnw - .calljed Sii1'i's-, Riith, ,\V'i isht.j - Beck. t'oy. Ca'rrMl, I i'inhtng. Ai-kman,'. .iiackeben. r Nolan. Afi'.itti}?. Cornue: McConneli,' Mfty. -S(;hrii!tt, Mttei' Fili'.i and As«t. SipT-.s. -Maxwell, McConiiell and T"nst"iii ha I '-viHed Aye. Nay- none. And. i'be- ( hAirraan declared the 'motion arried the report ap- (iopted arid the ordi^ ^ ».H 11H i il 1' Ma. y I*oii Shetihan Esther Mansfield .. .'yt. JO.00 If 0.On Alice Jones * 1*0.00 chair City Express C: '4."6 Kidgetitvd Fanners flup. Co. 511.81 i-'dward ('oonrad Chicago N'orih. Rry. Co. • "ity of Woodstock \ est ie Muldoon Salenn Itau . ^...' '....1 ! v b- |{ Hutchinson X...i Fred C. Bau . 'hik R. Meveis Vjeoige K. Swank '"rani Nolan : Ili< Hard 1. t iverton ; .-... All of which is respectfully sul>- mittvii. STANLEY H. Ci'RXlTE, Chm. A. B. McCON NELL AFC. \V. Rl'TH CHABl.ES T. DFNNIXO Al.MKR AAVANO 79.50 3.30 .. 115.79 .. <M.5.oo . 100.00 .. 240 oo . 150.00 -115.00 .. 215.00 .. 215.00 75.00b .ov.'i»ei:-. ie!usjj t'o honor, 'heir'si,.- i f . t , t: !-riatnres the..-onstrif.-tfoi)-of the rOad ! '1! V and '. ,fl i a^e V;r .Iw, ! "<»•<>.•'rand J:ury ..-for the Septeni- .Vi Ls J'rC: W Ti';i'.nr-o.f' thei ;Circuit Court. Vi has ' vvsts-airi-w-nt'eil and-tead and "rtrde're'^- 1 ' ' ] l>! ,; <"«;d „-;<n file. .. . : .•.••..••*•'•• | The i"oHo,wiritf' report of the" Conitii- istee mi Flections .was' presented pti,i,l read to tlia Board, to-WIt Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Sihiuitt that" tlie r^ii^ -i bt jfraitu^f The ("haiin.a'n declareil the motion unanimously cal ried. Sev eral comjnunicat ions from t Instate of Illinois, i of iTnidic Works and Buildings including Oas Tax Allotment Report. for ' the month i>f September, 1 i> 4 S, and iiotic-.s of heuf'iut; tvtOrA the ill. (.'otnmerce ("omission w<-w prt'.senii* »I ami don file. -. The Chairman stated that, if there was nothing f ii thcr 'to come Ijefore this nieetiiig for the good of .MeHenry County, he would enterlaiu a motion to adjourn.. It was tin rci!| ion I egulaiiy moved by. Supr. .Via eke ben and duly secunded • ii.v Supr. .Meier to ;adjou:n.. And .^tln Chairman <l( olai'ed the niotitin ciirl ied: Thereupon t he Hoard adjourned. CAUL E. W1TTMFS. Chain a n \tt. • t • " - R.--D. Wi»»>l>S, < "lerk Special November Meeting:, 1918 - h. t'H: in the same manner as such p.oH. ms are niet on-the State's 1 < mi of. concrete roads. . W. have :reeelve|l from- the -Ifti- :-••: - I'eil Te!.i photic. l onipAtiv two ' -.1 pe.rin-H apiiiicatiotis for .pfoi; posed work along State Route 15 in ^•Se,ve.;a; Township and State Aid 1 liotiie' 9 in• -Algorr.piin ; Tovvpship. Mcllenry .('ount y. lyitioiv. We rec- ^omniend granting of said •.I'ernilt.s j No, -iiiT i and 4:n«!i." » !'•. hav« received fr'om motor fuel ; tax funds rental on County owned iiinery included .in the aliov'e l e- ' l ^-^,15- I'atrol Section No.- 2,' \!.i : t< nanci . and '$4 ".7.11 Section ;"!T.- Construct . \V'V »have turned 'he alio ,"e . amounts dver to -the < '"':':ty Treas'iirt r for the . County fu'tnl.. wlii/'h said sum is herei\ :e-:ipjiropri~iled for road pur- "••s.--; iiu iuditii: tlie r<pan>. st.«»rage ; . i . purchase of rmad n a/1i)nei'y iitj ! or impro\ enii nts for 1-unJlinfts to le.'M.Se. Will llilll f>\ Your committee estimates • there will be nehessary for the pari' ol' tlie .Vic!I« iiiy. County, Illinois, patrol system of roads an -appropt-ialion Noveiiil.-t?r 8, 19|Hf j t .N'N "Nov el.ber . f STATE (»F ILLINOIS) . .. , SS - ' .! \TY CF McTlENRY) "'n : te f.lmifman and Ounilemt-n of j i hi '..Board-of Supervisors: I Vour Committee on Elections, to 1 whom was- leferred the Election ; E* pense Bills for the Ueneral I'lec- I lion he'd November. 2, 1918 in Mc- 1 lipntgr' County, wnuid J'»eg leave- to J/nep.-u t" tlfar't i'n-'y have examined s?iid i s'.:Uea:erits nm! woiili] recommend j that tin- following amount It paid i In the Superv isors and Ex-< ifficio i "Itr.djx's ivlection lor the various !r prcCi-iv ts and ilisi i i. i s in McHeni y i <'oimt v, to-wit: , y ! r.n Mauri Ur nil t "hem iiug ( licnmng « hviipina ' In nitthg A "den 111 .111111 'f 11li° next The Honpi aideHoard of Supi rvbsois of McHeiiry County, Illinois, lin t ill Mpej-ial session i)t the Coiii i House III tin; (My of W'oodffjck. on Tui'sday. No\einber 9th. A. 11. 1948,.at in.'OO o'clock A. M, pursuant to a call, signed' by ihoiv than cue: tilird of its members now on file with the Ci. rk of said Board.*' -The meeting was called to order the Chairman. (£irl I'/ WHtmns. and the Pledge of Alleginr.ce to t'u; Fla'g of th/- J'nited .Stati s of'Angel ica was given by the chairmaA vviih all iiiembers - of. I he Board andNisiiors present pari icipat ing, aft r whir'h (he roil was called by tjie Clerk and the following members I e>:ponded to tellir liapies, to-vv il: Snprs. August W -Ruth,. C. ,lY'rry Wright, i'arl l<2. Wittmus, K '* i;. I'.eck. Iv. C. Coy. (!, J. \\arroll, ('harle,s,,,X. Dunning." • ('has. H. A'.-kniaii, Itarii y'. Ma' kebi'ii, T, F, Nolitn. Aimer Aa'vang. St;i;iley if. Conine'. Freitk B. .McConneli, " Flank May, Math N. S.cliPiitt. llenrv V. M John - J.. Fjtip and Assistant 'gijper- V.isols A. At. Max well. A. B. itoll and Paul RM»u>ntha4 Ttili Bo.^ril preseiiT; in.iuntes of the Special It Dr,1s retrulnrly moved ;ity„,SU4ir. ...Nolan -R-nd- duly Kh-otidrd- '»y .Supr. Filip that the resignation b« .•H'cepi^ d. aiid I hi"' ehainiian declared Hie motion unanimously cari ied. ,, Th.e Chairman. Carl E. Wittmus, appointed Donald Wilkerson, of 631 i'IIIIMII Anne Street, of Woodstock-, "linois. as a commissioner of the MeHenry County Housing Authority fitr tb» term of office, ending Jufl.' 3<Mh. 1!l52. to fill the vacancy caused hv. the I esiena t ion of C.eorgc I' 111 ' Thi (let <d»er 194 8 meeting was presented and rind, and upon motion duly made and c:ir: ied w;eve approVeU and ordered of record, The following rciuirt of .(h«* County Treasurer for month of •>. JJ8 W^LaL-Ul.'jiaj-'.iil ed ind renl in-1 np ing written -appointment, to-wit: Heitnn' County tear# ot Supervisors -I I!. Woodstock. Illinois Oetolvr 13, ' "Temple ' MeFavden Stat.. Ho'isimr Hoard La Salle Street .Illinois ' - 1948 Honorable Chairman, 160 North Chiearo 1 I>enr Sir: In pursuance of the nrovtsi<ihs (if Section of the "Housing Authorities Act of the State of HtinoiV ved and in force the 19th day' ilild bv maii of Hie Countv oard of Supervisors, I hereby appoint the Honorable Donald" Wilkerson (>*1 * iuecu Ann St. Woodstock, Illinois as (Vmro'ssio'ier of the Mcljeriry County Housing Authority for th^ of offffice ending June 30, 1952. I hereby certify that the person named alinv# resides at" the. place indicated herein, within, the County of MeHenry. fhat lie is a 4'it.izen of the Ftiited States, and that he dots not hold public' .office, except as indicated above. ' In Witness Whereof. ! have hereunto- signed my.-name as Chairman of tlie- Alcllenry County Board of Sup«'rv is.oi s. nml caused the official corporate seal of the said Countv* of' MeHenry to lie impressed lieren this 13th dav of (iclol.vr. IMS. CARL E. WITTMl'S. Chairman. McH«*nJi>i^Count y Board of Sliopnlaiils ^ --- R. D W (»(>D3. Co. Olerk }, It was thereupon regularly mpvfd by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. luinning that the apimint- 'inent i>e confirmed, and tlie roll being called the Chairman declared the. motion unanimously carried, and the appointment confirmed. Tile Mcllenry County Board of Appeals 'operating., under the MeHenry County IllliiOis ZoningOrdinance. presented the following report. to-wit: , TCopv of this report on file in the County Clerk's office.) • It was thereupon regularly moved b-v Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that- the Report of the Zoning Board of Appeal be approved by this Board, ant} that, the--Zoning 1Or(l!;ince now > on filein the office of County Clerk be ann nded to conform wtlli the Report as approved, attd that all m:'ips on file in the County Clerk's office pivtaining to County Zoning !•*> i hanged to conform' with said report. And the roll being called Snprs. Ruth. Wright. Be'-k. Carroll. Dunning, Ackman, MackMien. Nolan,. Aavatig Cornue,, McConneli. May. Schmilt. Meier and Film and- Asst. Supr. Maxwell voted ayf-. Nay none. And the chairman deigned the action unanimously carried and The report approved and the/"t)rditiancc junendi'il. 1--J A letter was received from the Wonder Lflke ar»a Chamber of Commerce requesting that the Coiiniy j'ppoint a police officer, to jiolcic the 'Wonder Lake Community, and that his salary be paid out of the general funds of the County. lt„ was moved by Supr. Nolan nnW 'duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben' thstt the request he referred to the J"*ee<. iipd Salary Committee for report, nnd thnt the Supr. from Afcllenry Township Iv invited to attend the meetinw of said Fees iMid Salary Committee when the request is under osideration, and t-he Chairman decla»-f(i the motion unanimously carried. Supr. Mi Cornell, Cliairnian of the County Home Committee stated that no progress haa been made concernmotion of Supr. Wrirht and .duly seconded by Supr. Sehmitt and de- <rtirrHl-TTTri^lrT!T5r^n7il' r> pm t "wli * declared appioved Ami. otd^rert of record, to-vvit: CovMty Tre:is"iiPv'R Report th^ Month of October, 1948. Receipts Balance Forward - '!92.1 5« lo-neral Fund.. 5 ->w9t: StJJKTvisol s si- Coiirily Home ' .1 7.7.', Sllpi-i int, ndell t - ('0:1 -I Ionic I icpendent t 'hiMi Coi.Mlty I ll ficel's Highway Fimd i'ersonal Proper! Tax : Vjolnt Ion on Hi lii. M»cnii Fuiiil I 'or Tn x Motor Fuel Taxi Instiinte Fund Irfn-ritan-'e Taxi Pa,vrtdl clearing Account Forfeited T,»x- A. Fee ; •< »; 1 ^ ;rv, "« .. l* :t Pill Relit Fund h'wa > iiu ct Total l!i ' D' • of which is respect ful 1 v suli- I. T. I'. NOLAN M VI M N SCHMITT * C. ..I •CARROLL F. F- BECK' . . " , - .[< 'UN ,1. FI LIP tto'ad anfl Bridge •Coni^nii tee • Mirlfeni'.v Ctiuutv, Illinois A general' disl-Usstiiti \yjis had by | 1 In iiieiiiliers of the Board, concern- !, •i*". 'he refusal of Myrtin lleins! -of1 HunHey, Illinois to jvbii.le by a fun- J frili t IM'opi'.sed to be entered into j With Hie County coticei ji'ing . drain- | : t:e of a.. small pond -hole on ,his. j ' 1 "i > 11 y mu tin- Hiintlvy - A U;onqu1n ; llo-t improvement, liut 110 turther'i • • ' i o n w a s t a k e n . -- " J Tin* Illinois Bell TpIi phone Com- i nai \ [ircseutcd written fcquests | 'or m rmissioii to peitorni certain j •Cvoi !> •' 'tllotti' State-Aid Route, Ki in1 S' in • a ' Township and "State-Aid U"i:te 9 in Algonquin Township. IIw is thereupon rcsularly moved by ,1 >.'!"•• I lliuiiing ..ell niliy .si-coinl«fd 1 .by Supr, Sehtniti tlia* '(i"* •""< '• 1 j .granted' and- the Chairman desi 'The Committee on .vi '• 11 I'll • y < Vwi| - \ lionic, Fariu and Hospital pre- !, • Hied the follow i ng - M poll', VVtlliTl j »i; motion, of Supr. .MackeiM ii and ! duly seconiled I»> Asst. Supr. Me- I •i 'iimii !1 and the toll being . called ! was i|ec|ai-cd wit: '.. ' j '•I.Ml'i'.tl JI inri' 1 • •I'liiiu1 '2 1 Sfi.90 1Cfi.20 1.10.20 13(i.5(» BM.'Jo 14K.70 T»1.50 lS"i,20 i* 1 ss.20 ' 1 :i5 so 1 ^ii 2o Lis. 20 lT*,:srr .20 The Committee on Claims Cotrrtf. v i'ciir presented, the following re- •v- rt, "whi.;h on motion of Supr! Mackel i n shd. duly seconded by Fiiip and the roll being called was deetared..unanimously adopt- - cd.'- to-wit :.'•'. • - ' ' Nov. 9th. A. D. 1948 Mr! 'Chairman and ilentleruen of the >. Board rtf Snperv;iisois: . ;Y<f'ir Committee on coynty 1'oor cialtns"' vvouhl beg leave to report -that Jlvey 1-Tiive examined Jill claims . i>; <svHt< (I to the.m, and -recommend the |l;;:.vtuent ,«t' - til.- following, .nij -f-liut"the Clerk i-i' directed to issue oiders on" the (-.'ijinfy Treasurer to ; lie • t'.iaiuiants ' for; .the> ste^eral amoants a\io>ved, as'-follovvs, to-wit: I 't-pendent Children--; ; Woodstock ("hililren's Home', (Sha.y). (Dal?.i«-1-) . . ' $200.00 i I >iJ cesnn • Calholi.c (,'harities I Olossonl, Lisle' AI • iiual • Trng. lnd. ;tS<'h., (Jasie'ti) ! LaiMhorst. Ai t.e"scher M. I).' ! (Fiestnani ... f.lva I reemaiv (Fiesrnan) •Lollls> lain'-'. (l>eLine), Mrs. C11.0. Wierema, (Van- Nat tan ) * • Mrs. I lean Seaman. (Flesman) I Mrs. i.iiban Cathman. 1 iKrewini I Mrs. Melvin Fleming, (Shay! Mrs. , Eva' Kapping. (Yestebo) Mrs. Cassius Sweat man. 1 Steadma n ) Lut bet an Child Welfare" Ass'n tDavmondt (Siebel) . 1'aii" ,T it. Patients-- ••'•t. Lake Co. TXibereulosis Sail, 8,848.;»0- Rockfonl Mini. T. 1!. San. .... 18(5.00 All of which is respectfully submit ed. E. C. COY, -Chm. * 7k,'. B. McCONNELL •HENRY C. MEIER MATH N. SCHMITT CHAS. H. ACKMAN mi 1 Hon supr" 1 iuht aad ild seconded Supr, Hchmitr «nd roll leing calleil was declared imously a«1op^ed, to-wit: December I. 13 Mr. Chairman and Members r»f ftoard of Supervisors of McH« County: " Your bounty Home Commit^ met on December 1. 1948. at the Henry County Home and audited bills for the month of Xovemt 1948 and respectfully submit* following report recommend! same be R. O. feed and grindih*-- » 6g Arwell Inc.. pest control serv. l$\ E. L. Bakkoni and Co., nails, snaps: etc 12J Bohn Hdw. Co., glass, sockets, x etc. Ulenn Boyce. gas l»| '1>r. R. Chamberlin (Dentilit) " dental attendance J. T. Day. cleaning septic tank and traps . ? Dislrow's Crocery, rood, tohacco. etc, paid.I AndrewMZo., chicken It .-'oi r' I >; IT I t uirr ^ 'irt'V-n w .iod Hebron I'ii hit i.'Hil • Burton AI tb • rv 1 .Mcl'eni x- 'J M.-ib 'H'v : .Mciletirv '•Xuiida ' •virnda Nuitda J Vr!gonmnu ..Vlgvnifirj'n Ali.oni|iiiu Ml 4 n i 1 ii ' •f which. ...-: i :t.'> 10 ' '125.10 •125.1(1 ' i:;5?fio B!5.7o ' .. 1 .•»<;,20 ... 130.So Bili.XO :. 141.20 130.2-n ,141.20 ' 11 1.20 It 1.20 . 130.00 l"ti ".0 1 :tli.50 1 30.(Ill i.n; co ". 1" 136.50\ $1,772.30 respectfully suii- 80.00 80.00 Ifi.OO 30.oik 80.00 80.00 CI I V III.1." IbAiii.E V MA" II > ,|OH\ .1. FILIP . • I '.\ I' I, ROSENTHAL T. DFNN1NC, 11 A CKirB ION' S- 'H M ITT _ arly .inoveib- ty A-^sl Supr'. M1 •( 'oniiell and duly S'-cc-ndeil b>" SUpl*. M e 1 er that fire report Ii- adopted by this Board i« hd the roll 'being culled"the Cliairiiian. tieciared Hie lnot.ion- uuatrili- UHisl.v c:Vrri'ed. and the report approved. 'rise clcrj< lU'cs- nted list? (iT!ou Su'iV. .\!:ieUi I I'll and duly, second f claims November ?. 1-.H8" ...I-I*'.'.s'-q.i- Fltip •'?»iid^l«..'liiee<l i-niri- mrni1 111! Al.TTiTv !• >'Trr*ilVi - I"iT;<i-il of Supervisors of Mcllenry i Coim':.> : ; . ' ' Yoiii1 . Count k- Home. , 1 ,'oiiitmi to" j i.iret. 00 ,\'o\,' .1. 194S, at the j McMcii'y Coiiniy Honie and xiijdited'i It-.. Im!K for t.hi- lijollt ti of I >i*l oln'1', I 1948. and rc-iy el fully sub'milk the! following ,, report, 11 coniiiiciultng ! sain*' l-e paid: ' j I.', o ' Andrew Co.. chick ** feed anil i-'rUidlng .' :• u>J labor on was-bei . "' A 1 xx t 11 Inc.. pest control serv. I •' F. L. Bakkom and Co. saw blades, belts. He, ' I '[•loliu Hdw. Co.. gl. said chi d and (he clock P. $ iu I. tin lo 1 he '.propi r commiliet Board ad.i.iiiriicil 1o 1:30 ,M work. 1:30. O'CLOCK r. m. V1 il nn 1 to adjoiirnr ami 11111111 roil »aii, the same eh- 1 espondi'd . to their namey »!»•.> 11 11 or recoiii in the .thorn- ••.-s-ioc. constituting .- a full I pi i v ill , ' " 1' 11 11111 i 11 1 1 11 1 "Inim I !i put I sill. • 1 j >p I i e s prcseiiled tile p >rt. v\ hii li <111 motion Ian and duly seconded iglit and the roll bi^iiiK 'declared- unanimously '(•rand Tol l Expeuclitui es County orders • < 1AI-1' .1 m ors t inlet s Coroner's .l ui or's < o*:. .1 .Probat ion (If ficec I Umnt v 1 inlet's Countv Treasurer's • salary Clerks' .su lanes Special Clelk's S:;i•:•} (linefal Fund Highway orders 1 list itUte < U ilef*' • Motor Fuel , 1 irio.i T-wp. Ro.a'd-Siate A; i> I 'a v I oil < 1 rd• I • Inherit Miicc Til X V • . 1 » •County ctfTicei's" I•'• • III. Mini. li'*tiV"ni. 11! Tot.'ll . Bala 11 ci Xp.'ll. ; ij.0.7 - Sllb-icl mo t his V and I. d.M . K. port Mci (Sea!) •The t'oiirmiitee on . Bridges "pr. scfili il tile i >i t.._WJ.|J.-Ii'- on !JJ»\tl*111 •ier iitiif iTirfy;- Dunning aifd' tlie t >!! ' W a s d c . c l a i ' e i l n n , ; 1 1 i i . . to-wit: w . Mr. 1 'hairman anil • '• Board of • S'oi•. County, Illinois : The,. nil'Icl'Si^le I 'I. '• '! Road jyiil lii wii-1 1 ^ajd Ci'uuity b>-s'. th<" follovvim; 1 -• 1 'i r 1 on before them. • That we l'i. t at • "" lioiv,. on tile Ii 111 1' •'.'• 0-1 I 94 S, and audf'i '• ; ml' o I -ills of a ge.iu-i a ! i . 1 >•. to' thi- Mcii'eii'ry ' ' •um > teln <«!' roads a-J'a j,»i,"ic and supplicK fi>r <"olintv chltii ry ami labor at the, house • and grouiMi# (•> |",!>5(i.6(i. •' * Hills' charsM^Jt- to " sections of t lie^ti^iintv t"rn of roads' at inlVs hi-i proved by this Kofil-d and ordered paiib a - loll Sections 3, bf 7 Sections 4, ^|li, IS Sections -1, Sections 7 8 Sections 13. 10. 11. 12 15 eport z to 1'G-S .'teas, before 1948. DS.' Clerk find •. • ri • - Supr. Supr, ailed. Pled, • f the iietit y f the for iilMijit 11 ters . lllitiit'cr. paid i cable .1 i sys- 1 .-pairs u '1 ma- 'i. y tool tal of iihius 1: • 1 sysi.' lipid i ted v 31 1.(58 955 42 5)8.61 5..8.00 97.25 F. Cichoi ki Shoe Sh and i citairsmi slioi s ("festal Lake Karin Sion-,. o and ,' eI c. • 11is",roV,'.>.T- i.fWo«l. .d-d •.. i ic, Clen Hov.ce Cn , grease (Jootirow's i ;ar.'ige. gas and . l i'-iiairs on- iriick, Hai v a i d Sumliis, lilank- l - an-i'l Jn\< eIs 1 lliilert I'liii uiacv,, tueili. i'l 1.- UleaI < lib Co. cas. arid nil III. Bell Td. ( telephoe..- Liid.w'-i'g' Wilson Co., mop iie'iils, and soap. . .. .. Miller I'atton I'nk. Co.",' In A!-• • 11»jni- yCnimty Schools. •irap,sr< chi"--i, ••.)* fo,.-' , " M^n?.eb Electric Shop, refrlBT* er:itionnil and n p iirs . Walter B. Morris.^ dust 'cloths Ose'ar Patten, a orons r»,.|'H" Service. Co.. e! Race Hd«-., '<•,«„ . lis and labor - on piimp ....... .. R wen thai 1,umber ,11 nd I'u; I Co.. posts iind-wire ' ^o.eol liliie' b'ood ^1ai*t. food C. "L. Roush. repair service Sawver . Biscuit Cdi"ii|itm.\ , crackers •,- . ' •'oiin Sevton andCo.; e.roi'. shurtlefl' Cd.. putty Sllld etc. Thompson A'ppliiii'e • Co gas W'o,'M»st»n-k I »ry ' I lo.'ds Co . clothing F.'. Wool-worth and Co.. notions ifi'idenTaTs ,1 I". 30 (J.fM 101.41 '-..70 I Stt.'eJJ 159S.7 »d °njM- ,.*1,30 . 39 so (i.29 15,55 59,05 3.70" S4.20 2355 1.54 1S.SJ 1 fill' 04 .8.82 1/.5II 20.8(1 20 'Fee's ."llll follow •u:-,- l'i oi S.'P'. No ii> Supr. VV 1 calln-il ' was adopted, to-wit: November 9tlj, A. I>. 1948. "Mr. Chairman and <ientleinen of .the I:,.. ii| of Supei visiirs.; • . S ,«ur Coiuniiiice on Labor, Fees and Siippiies Claims won hi-' beg ,i«a>v lo n'por.i that they have «^xillcined Oil elanus pi'e>»Mlled . to th-ni. and 1 .'coiinnenil tjw payment i-f the following, and' thai Ihe Clerk Ii- dire, iod to issue ordels on the Couiit.C I n .issii'er to tbc t'liiimaiiis •'oi- Hi" •-• vi.-TaJr.-ainoifms allowed, as 1 • i'ov --. io wit : . I i i-ii. 'i'lnc niter Co. 111.74 I. 1 Vndei .-iiin «V- Tate w 1 •:; F;-' her Tlilioj, lii'iirv AUen. salary • Alien, salary .Melander. salary K n-pick, vviTges' 1 'fwrson wages wi.'ik) Hattie Nicfiirls. vva •. irr "nil (1/1 1 75,00 1 .'"i.oo 1 ."1(1.110 18.75 8 if.0(1 T«f«l . ... . ?«:.4 3.7:62 Hills were , auillfd and ordered paid out of Motor Fviei Ti\ funds as' follows:. V. Municipal Employees •Retirrment Fund-- i^hare for ° • . • • I'ensio n . .. $ 352.T4 Patrol Sec. N'o. Mriillt., labor and itijilerials . „ . 8,^<lfi.SS Sec. S3-T, eufff. I .'it or & mat. 230.27 Sec. 3i, engi. labor and inat 75S.19 • I? 283.38 % Nvember-3. If 18 Mr. .Chairman and the Honorable Honf-d of Snjierv isoi s «f McHetlrv C,;onty, Woodstock. H!. : ^LL. Voor Conntx-. Home. Farnv: and Homi'lab Committee met at 'iarHan.V 'in th'> ijiine mentioned date and audited bills for pavincut as fidlows. I'tTt'iancni iniiirovenient R"nnhiff Expense Clothing . Tob-.cco Medicines "oviijlu) ... y t"" 95 13S0.2-, ('••: "I 4S.43 ."37 .7*. 1 47.05 '3(1.1.3 I ,' . ^bim . • • Total *2W:i ris After thorough discussion regarding the j>«»)'ios-ed new well Your Committee, decided to let the contra t to August Bottlemv of .Ahlcn: 1 !••>•>uti|r insocctiou of (Jroun ls. luiiidini's and Liv.- . Slock' rev ealed | i (, in-'good . condition. The-.. 'b..jrtg 110 further luisij.c-.-s Y«.»».• r Co.mmlH. e, on motion duly twadf >i"d seconded adiou'-ne(1 FRAKK B. McCi rx v'ii'1,1,, Chairman AFC \V Rl'TH - A cci'STFS M. MAXW'RI.f, A 1 >1 Fit A AV WiS 1IIJNRY C. . MFilfR v Stalenients of Condition at the c'rts« of business 011 S' idember l"!8. -of all (if tho .hanks of Mc- Mi'ti'-v ' I'oiinlv evceiititiT- the First Natfcwirfl Blink .of *' WoOi'stock . were • u-«T;ni'.d, to", tehr with a letter 'run the FiV^t National Bank of Woodstock setting that the . N.ICom;.! tiatik.s did not get a eaU»'for • lie same date as SKn'« . Banks: it ^ vsx the"i iAmui reenlnrly moved by Supr Ai k?oan and .duly ', st conded, bv ,Supr. S«4iniitt Jhat the J sjatcmefits of .the coudition of the' Banks of Mcllenry County be approved. 1. 1 K iu,'e-lly •o - • 17.02 Jii, 1 Ii in j- 1'iaindi'ii!ci" .. (! 1 S.7u' i V.vstill Luke , Hern li.l 1200.35 "('lyile .c. - Miner . „ 7:b7(l i !rv ;tlc .M. Is'i-riis 5.00 ! «•. B. H. * Ncuchil Ier I if.' Henry W. Sandcen 10.00 Dr. O. E. Nelsmi. C.'.L. Tryon .' fi 5.5o 1 Viir'l.' S( % . 21.50 -'Marengo ^Itrpiiblicau Ni ws 1 (i.5(i Roland McCuhnpir 23.4 !• Ero l-'rickson .. :,4.i r, ban.ihia-cavcr. 1 ri • . 78.1 . i *:i i i t ort S. Robli . 10.00 ('Italics F. 1 lav cs 25.00 Wislein Fniteii (!.:is 1 :icc. li.V \\ oV.iis-tcoii Trucking Serv. 10 on . BavU i AH'::." Co. , , 20.01, Ann in.i i standard I'orp ill ,!I2 I'liitci' i: ••arcli I'.alnr. fr.o.o^ I'roel • i:mit(ir .Siiffplv o j.: i • fbin i ' -11 iciii ' •* Tl ie "I-n 1 l i i r i lvvBl i^J'p 7.4.0 Wi s- • - - l';vergr.:«si|i,,.l " ,\ > .• -'. * :•;> .. 2". r,ii M. I:•'•! .V .1'". •' 2,x . 7 2 •R, 1 l' V J'.li- U- ( 'o. 1 1. Hi . F'T-ani 'f • ••nbi.r Co 2.13.70 .Till 11."".. • .1 1". • .ill! Fi'.'i' • i' i. 22l'.i.!ie . CM. 2" •Saiiiu '• • 'i 10.00 lfo\ ,t' l-'o. ,i Store 1 no. 2 Ii /••ai s,.;' I'.'fry l",..l,icts Co. 17. Si 1 •.. i .• i.'i' l icivn l'-.i k»-vy Cb'i 1 1. • i • I' 'i nlftfc " 4 2.00 !:••'; ii i > st=p^rrrrr" 1 4 .nil- " -i i- \N'!: rples 12.00 II:.' -'<1 1;. Fox 11 tf.l'O I i '. Nixon 1 4.(Mi ! .• :i. A. 1 1 7.00 t'.i.oc Hil,s (•!,! II.,!,l,s " 1 I.IUi •Jol'U 1 '• ' 1 oil 7.(10 I'll ilc < ' Aloe I' „ ' 1 47.00 \ i i-M, i W. Kavs OS.00 \ill il'llil.l 'I'eil • I /O'.. '.(1.3(1 i-eor':;'.-. 'icrliiifUl 1,0 110 Nnrll-,e>n III. Publ Inc. 31 S.J15 • joint *,1. Hayes :.2o.o0 R: F.: 1 'Uscnbcj-ry I !.. .1; 1 'cnei II • V . .'•00.011 .Carl H. W'iil mils 51 o.(in I 'l attk" ThorfllVr Co. :.5,07 1'rank Thortibi-r Co. 21S.2.V Illinois 1 iff ice Supply' Ci X1.1 C Burgess Anderson Sr T.i't. • Co l.fio < >i v iHe SI. .Kerns 10.On v i t Metal Constriiofimi < 'o. . 51.1 Ml ~~r.i tik Th.orniier Co. 13 !»0 Illnois Hell Telephone . 226,t>(i ' shpr. Sa 1. Mih ag<?»-- A ti. list \V. Rat Ii 5H,70 c. p«rr\ Wil'ht 70.70 Ciirl.'-H. Wittnuts . :ib.-n F. 1 E. I'.eck ..; 1 Flm- r <" l'i v . 11..", II i: :.b, cirroii 12S. (II • 'has, T. Dunning . . . , 55.50- Chas. II. Ackman 58.(10 tfar'ev Mackejien '•-.'.' 112.00 T. F. Nolan 120 10 • i„.,I- As> v:)nt; . S2.10 Stanley H. Cornue • 1 4*0 Frank 1'. MctNmnell 4S.!»". Frank Max' V. 70 80 Math N. S'i,»iitt 134.10 H.-nrv c. M- i.-r 4 14.50 .lohn ,1. , Fil oi .127 ( '." A. VI Maxwel l . - - * 22 Oft ---Th«» t'iiairman of tlie Board. Carl E \vi 11mns. stated that _tbe Board -rrf Rev ievv of Mcllenry County would li^ed additional time to complete their work, due to Corporation Assessments and also due to additional work .011 some assessments in • Do: r *"Township. ' Jle stated /hat he t luni"ht that they should complete their work in atout two weeks time. It was thereupon regularly •moved bv Asst. Supr. McConneli and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the' Board of Review of .Mi ll en rv County be given additional time to t'omplete their work to not later than Dec. 0, 1948. and the < 'hairman declared the motion unanimously carried.. Several communications from the Stale of Illinois. Dept. • of Public Works and Buildings, together with a notice from the State Finance Department granting a request of the Boiird of Review for additional time to complete their work were presented 'ami ordered place on file. Supr. Cornne of Hebron Township stilted that he would like to tire the opening gun in a drive to obtain fioni Assessors a more accurate, complete and uniform .assessment .In Mcllenry County. He stated that •M -was • -apparent that Assessors have -failed in varying degrees to follow fixed value ratings 011 a great ninny items, and that retail business -inventories are often incomplete, and thai all. property holders are not accounted for,, and that it was his opinion that car and truck ,:issesspients should be ' checked iTgaiust state registration figures, lie Stated further that It 'was his 04,4,11X011 that relative values between lax pavers within Townships should Ii' given closer scrutiny, and that "lie felt that there*" is a great 111 fil in our County for real teamwork -.among AHsess<»rs. and t.hat all Assessors should* follow one set of rules ('•>»• th.. whole County. Supr. Corn lie stated that he sincerely hoped that this drive for a fair basis and adequate tax assessment may continue until every pasof state will be paying his own passage. whether it be 1st, 2nd, 3rd ela,ss. Tourist or Steerage, and that half fares and complimentary tickets liiay be ainlished. S::pr. Cornue then rHoved that tHfe Board of 'Review of Mcllenry County present a . report to this Hoard on their Assessment problem. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Aavimg and declared unanimously carried. The i'hairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting for the good of Mcllenry County, lie would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was t|trc< upon regularly moved by Supr. ' i 1 ip and duly seconded by Supr. .Macki'beu • to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the oard adjourned. CARL 10. Wl«TTM I'SJ. Attest: Chairman R. D. WO(ft>S. Clerk Harold GlufT. barn lime .....1 (Soedrow's Harage, gas and towing service --: c. i\ Oumprecht and Son. repairs Highland Farm ("lardens, potatoes ....--1--- Hubert Pharmacy, medicine .Ideal Oil Company., fuel HI. Bell Tel. Cij., telephone .... •lenasee Laundrv Co.. laundry Johnson Sh^e' Metal Co., renairs op artificial limb - 4. Clerics McCormick. one (JhMttr White 'oar =. t5, Meiize.l Electric Shop, refrigerator gaj-; and labor 1, Millet Pat ton Baking Co.. bread 71. Slonf-omerv Ward and Co., clothes - 51, Public Service Co.. electricity 19, C. L. ftoush. elevator, belt and -etc. SQC Royal Hliif Food Mart, groc. 51. Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers 10. Sears. Roe' uek and Co., mixer nd ouths John n?\to.n and Co.. groceriwg t#l, be*tie." and Co., 1 roll roofing aaper .iidwig \Vilson 1 Co., bleach, 'fl 1 rushes, etc. --Je Jl9, Woodstock Dry Goods Co., j gloves etc. ^ 5. ystal I ake Herald. "Ad" .... " . flg'n D"i'»- Courier-News. "Ad"* I, /v kford 'Morning Star. Rock- ! Register-R"nul»lic "Ad" * X >.-k Daily Sentinel, "Ad** 1 Rardin Ins.. Agency; ins. on CMC truck W. P. Allen, incidentals W. P. Allen, salarv .. E<--ther c. Allen, salary Hilrra Melander. salary ..... 'Tenry Knaack. wages .'. H.ittie Nickols. wages Hen.* y Ross, wages (14 month) II Pearl Ross, wages (month) 50 42 59 MO 175 W ISA. •5. $2. *85 3 sows. 1 boar $1,644. T>eeen»l>er t. If Mr" chairmiin and the Hononri onrd of Supervisors of McIIm County: Illinois. Your County Home. Farm Hosnital Committee met at Hartl^fl on the above mentioned dale audited hill for payment as follow Peunanent Improvement . $50€ Rnrtvrig Extiense 1.1M, c^thituf. m-- ....i.,~ 65- Tolacco .....^ «1^ Medicirt*!* . ;.i&~- Diet Ml. "oviiat "IM. F»el 'imiifa - J4»- Total tun. T.»»ss sto<-k sold .••".'rr^j. l.#3#. Special December Meeting, 1948 The I lono' able Board of Supervisors (if MeHenry County, , Illinois, •net in special session pursuant to call signed hv more than one- 'hird'or its nieml.vrs at the Court House ill' the t'itv of Woodstock on Mondav. the tith day ' of . December. •\. fi. MM*' at lil ini o'clock A. -V Tlie meeting was called 'to order! bv -the Chairman.'Carl K Wittmus. | •11(1 the. Pledge of Allegiance to the • .l-'lag of tlie I 'nitcd Stales of Amer-i •e a was given by the Chairman with .' -iU --memiiers-of the Board and vis- j itors privsent participating, afterwhich the roll was called ly the Clerk ' >nd the following memlH-Y."* responded to their na-tnes. to-wit: August W. Ruth. -C. I'erry Wright. Carl I'. Wittmus, F. E. Beck. E. C. Coy.'V. J: Carroll, Chiis. T. Dunning, •'has. II. Ac'kman, llarlev Mackeben, T. F. Nolan. Aimer Aavans:. Stanley Cornue. Friink B. McConneli, Frank May. M.-i'h N. Schmitt. Henry "Meier, loiin .1 Filip and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxw. II. A- R. McConneli and Paul Rosenthal constituting a .full 'Ronrd- present. The (ii'k presented the fiollowing '"nil of Mwt inir. Publisher's (^e, -ti- H.-ate of Publication and Clerk's Certificate of Mailing Notices and were on motion dul.v made mid carried.. . irdeVed placed on tile and. entered of record, torwit: November 22nd. IJt# tfa" of KutliT To R D."Woods. Counts- Clerk 'MeHenry County. Woodstock. Illinois. H • We,- the undersigned members'- ftf the Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County, III., hereby recpiest that you call :i meeting of said Board to •in- l-.eld Monday, the I'.lh day of Deember. A. D. 1918. for the purpose of the selection of gi^nd jurors and supplemental |>anel. the approval of County officers' RejHirts. the approval of claiuvs tiled against, 'h*? Cotinty and any and all further I'ti-iness that may regularly eotne .before said meeting. Dated this 22nd day of Noyewilier, A. D. ltM*. | I'AI'L ROSENTHAL"-"' A B McCOXNFLI, - CHAS. H. ACKMAN N AC'l. W. Rl'TH • E C COY PERRY .WRIGHT FRANK MAY TheVjoiiuites of the Special November 1!H8 meeting were iwesented and read and upon motion duly made and carried were approved and ordeied of record The Committee on Mcllenry County Hoine, Farm and Hospital pre- 20.40 sauted tli« following report, whiek 91.MC The regular Inspection of Hrofci Buildings and Live Stock reveal everything to be in trixnl condltfc Your Committee by unanir vote at their December l£t meetU rpoommended the re-appointmen^. WiW'-im.P. Allen ami Esther Aa us Snpe-intendent and Matr <n the (Viuritv Farm"Home and HospM for the period beginning March 1 l!M!i. bate in the evening of E cember 5th. your committee was i formed of the sudden passing our efficient Superintendent. Willlt P. Allen'. Your Committee. thei fore feels that any appointments Pll vacarley and the new tM should le delayed at this time. There being no further husinea your Comtiii11ee, on motion dal made. I'nil secfinde»l adjourned. FRANK B. .ViX.ONKKLI, ChaM'fnt ALMER AAVANn c AFC. W. RITTH , HENRY C. MEIER AI'(• FSTI 'S M MAN WELL The followim: rfimrt' or tne qiHir Control Commission and s presented « read to the Board, to-wit: December 1. H To the Chairman and Gent'emen the Board of Supervisors: The Liquor Contml Commissk of M'cHenry County. Illinois, won! l.-eg leave to repow that thev hav accepted applications. license f« and lionds from the following ed persons, tavern keepers of Mi Henry County operating outside the corporate limits of any cilv .village. and your (Commission, arti hav in" made the inspections •liiired under the provisions of ttl Illinois Liquor Control Act. hav issued licenses to the following f» ti... period ending April' SO, ISO, wit: % XcHanry Co. 1»48 Un«r UNHM 1 Antoinetta llora, Solon Mills, M llenrv. III. 2 Fred Ritter. RD No. 1, McIIenr; HI. 3--William F. Spuehr and Josephir E. Spuehr, RD No. (, Ringwoo III. _ 1--Andcew Sorenson andN-3trs. -Dal mar A. Sorenson, RD No. 3, Ha \ard. 111. 5--Big Foot Inn. Inc.. Big Foot, 11 6--Dorothea Bijtke. Rt. 2, McHenr HI. 7--Florence Railway. Hebron, III. 8--William A. Keller, Rt. 1, Wool stock. III. .!>--Woodstock Country CluH, Rl Woodstock. III. 10 Thomas Gibson, Rt. 1, Mlareng 111. ,M 11 Frank J. Wiedemann, Rn No. Ringwoo«l'. HI. 12--Aioimo S. Wlrsing and NL Went. Marengo, 111. 10--2 Transfers -- R.»nat© Piorotl Rt 2. I.iliy Ijike. McHeurjr, IU. 14--Pistakee Yacht Club. Ri. 1, PI takee Bay. MeHenry. III. 15--AI hei t Ra h n and Rernhart Rah 2iiii W. Prairie St.. Marengo. IU l»i -Frank E. Ross,. Rt. 2, llarvar III. IT- Transfer--Emily T. Parts, Rt. MeHenry. HI. , is --William J. Nolan, RD. Harvar III. P.i Victoria Page, Rt. 2. Woodatcv HI. S(V-- Helen W. Puchalaki, Rt. Woo«lstock. 111. 21--Allien I>. I.eable. MS, N. ' vision St.. Harvard, lit 22---Fred P. Nlorhieser, Rt. J, ftle] inond. til. 2."--Carl 3. Jervis, RD. Ringwoo 111. 24--Richanl A. and Ella Rt. •». Crystal Like, iff t"--Villa Hotel Resort. Inc., Mcllenry. 111. £t;--Carl E. Johnsen, Rt. I. nioml, III. 27. Herman W. Tutskey, Rt. Richmond 111. 28- Al'-ert Hul.|Ufst. Rt. .*. J»eMe|( ry. HI. Edna Margar»-t Quinli, Rl. Crystal l^i"ke. 111. SO Claivti'" U S»>»>iielsoa, 111, and 3^, Marengo. HI. 32-- Max H-thn. 422 biwmlsK simk. 111. St--Hilda M. ,lohns»»n. Md "4 Del!>ert D. lv>rnan m4". Dociiiin. RD. Wowlstiiel, jr. lWti Pingree, Rt. » Cr> 111. Wi'llam K Wright, Rt. der lAke. Ringwoo»l. 111. ,17--John «• Rauer. Rt. 3, U« ; 111. Its--John I* find Veronica Hartlaod. HI. - Transfer - Robert J. S«»(t" Elm St.. McH«*i»ry, 111. 40 Estelle Blades. Lily l4k», Mcllenry. 11- Fred Bowman, Main St, wood, ill. 42 lien A.*ur, Rt. I. U#1 111. IS--I orrnine l.auk«Hr1, MUmr W. \'

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