a?.-. ? ' 4* . *• i • '#• MX KpfumH JTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS hmoiM). HI. nim Ward^ Rl. i, Richmond. -Lewis .1. I 'i tien Rt. 1, Plstakee I-akt/ M» Mr nrjr. 17--JitfiKH Miller, Hi. 1, Plstakpe i iMki', McH< nry, r'fl--N«r»»- A. Smith, liox 402 Hariifd. III. Charles Weattake, Sol'on -Mills, < S, MeHenry, 111. 1#--Jiihn J. and Mstcilt! Smoleii«l»l f Hox 141. Algonquin, 1H. »1--Kdward Hatiman, 219 ('happcl t ' St., Marengo, 111. --Elmer J. Suchy. Algonquin, !"• •3--George !"• Krltjscl and -Margar- • et 1.. Fritzel, Crystal Lake, I". M--~Robert J. I vanilov ieh, liurlon | Bridge. Willonrj', 111. * • j 5--I1fl<];i I.arson, lit. Ir Hox 137. • Cary. 111. " ••• • «--Frank IIryon and Francis Baleh. • Ht. 1, Hox 102. MarCngo, HI., t--Karl H. Leo, 54!) S. i Ann St., Marengo, Ill, '8 -- Edward E. Schiller. Gale 18, a LBkcwood, Crystal Lake. • * |9--Mari s and .lames, Minola, Rt, 2, g W t X K l s l o t ' k j I I I . - • '. . " * ;j«: Richard Avlward and Paul Was.', if* pi. lit 2, Woodstock; ill. jI--Frank .1; . W.izniak, ."RU 3, M-c- ? Henry. III. - •»'- •*. '*-2--Conn io Straus. Island Lake, Me- Henry. ill. -V v •' . V 3--James C. ilaecito'. Ht. 3. Mcllehry. III. • • '• • 4--John S. Jr.;-y Harh vard. 111. " '"' . •' ':'Vy ; "6--TranrUr-r Will'iam .r, Alar^.jftt.: }•' 1, Jnhrisb-urg, Milli:nr.v, Jll.;\': ,,V .. 6-- Clans I .arson, Hebron. 111. •• . . "•7---Alexander H. llepan. KI», Wonder l-ake, Ringwood. 111. • 8--Thomas A. Harrison • and Her- * Bert. F. Harrison. Hi. 1, M^'Henry, Ml. 9 Ruhl ra,- Inc.," Rt . ' 3, MeHenry, ' III. '•! 0--Walter (S. Mitler, Rt. 3. Box 371, Me Henry, 111. * 1--Albert R, Horn, Wonder J^ake, "? Ringwood, 111. • '2--Adolpli KluvPr, Rt. 2, MeHenry, 111. * 3--Dante Orsolinl. . Nello .Qrsolini and Steve OrsoHni. Rt. 2, Rich- ••'. mond. III. 4--Philip F. Brady, -.Ir:. Rt. 3. Mc- Henry. 111. -•••-,--Sophie and Edward Anderson. Rt. I. Brix 88A/ Spring Grove, III. * --Merle Cullen, .lit. 1, Cary 111. 11'7- Kdwin and .?a>nes Hetternian, Rt. 1. MoHenry. HI. . '8--Mrs. (JeorRe Kay. lit. 1, Mellen- % ry, 111. $ Raymond J. Miller, Ritliniond, •r* 111. ' ' * :<»- Charles Kandlik. Rt. 1. fary. 111. Jl--Marii>n Nielsen, Rt.'.1. Cary,. 111. Alvin I\ and "Roy >1. Blake, Rl>, W. Mcllenry, 111. 13 -- Arnold S. Kngstroni, Rt. 2, Crystal bake, Ul. "littl. lit. 3. Box MeHenrv. . 111. Rt r.isr t i.".--Joseph A. Forives. Foot, III. »i;-~<;«M>rse Harman, Waueonda, HI. >i,^-Oeorne and Kdward Haldeman, Woodstoek, 111. iS -- Genevieve MolVmald. MeCullom I>ake, W; Mellenry, 111. <!» Paul HenniivR. Rt. 1, IJox 260, Mi-Henry, 111. »0--Juseph J. Hautnl, Rt. 3. Mellenry. 111. < I --r»5-11 Corporation d-b-«» • I>an I'aniels I^ake Shor«? Club,. Rtv 2, MeHenry, ill. ' .'2--Miohael • Mnscinski, MeHenry, 111. <3--Margaret Porten, 140 Main St., MeHenry, 111. 'ii » l--l.e^ion CI ul.- of Marengo. \V. (irant llwy., Marenpo. 111. k »5--Wni. Chandler Peterson Post N<». 171, Am<riea>i l^eRion, 601 *• Wo<idsti«ek St.. Crvntal I^ake, 111. •* Mi--Norma Likens, Rt. 2, Harvar<l« Ul. • 7 -- Victoria Sundlierw: and Harold " Kiirry. Rt. 1, Woodstock. 111. . jjS»8---Kmil Trits. lit. 3, Harvard. 111. Frank Martinetti and AUlo J. >. Vondi. Rt. 2. Crystal , I>ake. 111.- • »>|««--Paseo Rich Austin; Sr. ami I'aseo Rich Austin, Jr., Crystal '» Irfike. 111. * toi--Walter Irion, Rt. 2, Richmond, , 111. . 4t'2--Cary Country' Club, Rl>. Cary, 111. 103--Harold H. .leske, Rt. 1, Pistakee [!ny, McHcnry, 111. 104--Kdwin W. Mt»ews, Rt. 1, Caapy. 111. "1<»--Transfer-- John W. .Russell. Rt. 1, Marengo, 111. ; lOfi--Transfer--<.)tto Koetr, lit. 2. • • Crystal Lake. 111. * 107 .lames szarek, Rt. 2, Lily Lake, MeHenry, II!, -108--F. A. AVeltaien. Crystal Lake, 111. . , I Oil-- V. R W. Veterans Club, inc., Ikfcllenry, 111. 110--Anna H. SclineMer,. • R.I. |, Womislook, 111. -111- - Ul. '113--Warren C. Hyran, Rt. 2, Crystal Lake. 111. • 113--Albert ami Mav Stiller, Rt. 1, , Spring Grove, 111. >H4--Pistakee Golf and Gun Clulf, • r,l< - I'istakee Bay, Ht. 1, MeHenry, ill. • ,115--Frank Nell Rt. 1. Mcllenrv. Hi. j 116-Transfer Henninur T, Widen,. v%Vonder I>ake, Iiin«woiMl,, 111. ;117 -- Mathilde Vallancdurt, Rinc- rood. 111. -- Harry C. Gielow, Rt. 2, Mox *A. McHcnry. 111. 1 ft---Joseph Landl, Rt. 2, MeHenry. 111. ' J. • . SI 20--Joseph, A. Gihmore, Rt. 2, Mr-r Henry, 111. '121--lohn Kerechek, Rt. '2.1!ox 93, McHenr.V; III. ..V •' 122--Illinois Turner nVhip, Alunn- <iuin. Ill mI, wh'lpli as you <-?in easily see would be impossible and not. within the soop*' <>•" "le dtitle.s of the County or the Sheriff's office. . ' All of which Is respectfully submitted this 2nd day of 1 VeejnOer, 1948. , F. K. BKCk, Chairman PAt'l. iioSllXTHAL FRANK MAT K. C. COY IIA R LK V MACKBltK.HV •CllAS. H. .ACK.MAH \; ti". J. CAllliOI.L \ The ColnmrtYee. on Ro.ids ltridscs presented tlie followinir Report, which on motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly socomled by Supr. • I iiinninR. and the roll beiiiK called, was declared unanimously to-wit: Mr- Chairman and Gentlemen of the Boa I'd of Supervisors, McHeiiry ••Count y. I !1 inois: . The undersigned -ni-etnlwrs of the Roa,d ami 1 !i idse ' t'onrmi ttec I>«r said "Con nty bes leave to^ suimi it the foilowiiiK1 rciiort on .the iiiaiters. before them. /• • That we tiicf on ih«,>". 'lay. of Ni;\eniber, 11118;. at \\fK>'is1«M-k. Illinois to receive I-ids' for KiaVyl surfacitiK in .the^ Towiis <»!'. <5raf-t«ii. anil Alp>n<iu.in tfnder the .Toav nsiit'p Roads Sti.ile Approprtutii.t'l'V l-'uii'l.. Scfifit<> • Bi 1 j 3"8.- '1 . Thxee biils were received a lull lie •bids of the t'rj st-al Lake^Trucki'iiK and Kxvavatinii CiVrfjpany- of (Tj v Viaf Lake, Illinois. wa"s flie lowest I'i\(.s reci'Tved. for l.iitll Towns. Said, bid for Section 2, Grafton' Township, was at f<> per Cubic Vard in.vo|\ - llljr 5566.<7 Cu. yds. -- #5.3H:i0 "iuul for Sections 3 & 4. AlRtvmiuin Townshij> - ft.10 per cubic yard ipvolv-'* iiiK 5220.46 Cli.v Yds.~ f5712.5l. The plans are out for I wo of the bridpes on the . proptiscil Motor- Fuel Tax KiVid l.^etwcen Huntli-y and Algonquin and vwc recommend that the/ construction resolutions for these bridges known as tile I'yott BridKe and the G,hl Bridge be passed at this time so that .they can be Tel- as soon as the right of wa is signed to a sufficient extent to guarantee that t|je entire route is availaiile. An automobile damaged the railing at the west end of the old steel, bridge over Fox -liiver at McHcnry to the extent of appioxjmatelv oiie hundred ($100) dollars. l"nles>; we hear from the car owner or his insurance company in the iiea.r' future, we will refer the matter to the State's -Attorney. The gravel shoulders have been cimrpleted on the Hunt ley-Five Corners Read, the guard railings have been set and part of the right of way markers are in place. The Hemmt-r P.ridge floor about one (1) mile west of Huntley is partly completed. The necessity of keeping the road open to t raff re h made t necessary to pour the floor in The last sei-tion is to bi> poured soon. The Woodstock-Alden soi 1-cenient road work was shut down November 12, 1 ;• 4 S, after cmplet'ion of 3.2V mHoi of the concrete base. W(. have < done quite an extensive grading .and graveling jo{> on the State Aid Route in tlie Villaeg of Chemung. • « Your committee estimates tljcre will he necessary for the c;ire of the MeHenry County, ,. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation froni the County highway fund in the sum of fl.iiOO until the next meeting of this Board. All of which .is respectfully subra'itted. , • T. F. NOLAN" MATH X. SCHM1TT JOHN .1. FILIP • F. K. I4KCK -4 G. J. CAIJROLL .^IJAIJ ANI» BR1DGK C< >M JflTTI M:; '« MeHenry County, Ulinos Dec. >12, 1»47. AV. W, iH-smonrt, PoNlnsaster. s)am|is li.VO l »ec. ->6, "1!H7, l>on A. Wick»«, * H. A. Friend Aect. slip. 18.00 IKh-. 27. 13(7, G. P. Finch," Slvf. • t>t' Leo County, ieRoy Rol»ert 'Van NVllen Stj'mmoinis 8:80 f>eo. SO, 1 :• 17. Hugh A. 1 >ineen, ,G. A. L. h'ce, Lt-K»>y Robert Van Net ton Court Order \ .6.00 Jan., 2 1!'4S, Wleks fi Conley, rent Stl.00 1S48- - Jan. 7, lK»n A. -Wickw, C> tnos. salary of stenographer -... 482.50 •lain Rose .Vims, cleaniivg off. 10.00 Jan. 14, W. VV. l»esnioinl. l'ost- 9.00 ,*"123--JameK A. Weiiiand, R|> SiViug- |r Grov. HI. #406--Henry 1< ran/, and Herbert 11 np- E pertz. Kl) No. 2, Crystal Lake.'m ®Cr,n|He", 'y" l > i , 'rk- '^ Bt. . I, MeHenry, 105--Walter Fold and Stella Szelui. ga. Rt I. Marengo. Ml •W.43--Ame.leo Bellini, lit) No. 2. Me- ; Henry, 111. !H-Joseph and Teresa Marie' Wet- Jrt wl. RIi No. I, Mcllenrv. m .17 -- Leon Lehman and Kllen Stich- J; auf. III» So- 2. McMehrv 111 ; 105 Walter C. Ford, HI) No. 1, Ma- 4 rengo. 111. . ; 1.1---Anna M. Trumpus, Ku x„. 2, Mellehrv . | ;V116~I%ul and Lina Steihle, Wonder •f :. Lake. fiiiigwiK»d, III. • " Tour Committee would further > .report that tin re Jias been Collected •••h* amount 1 r.o.Ofi «,n 1!MX j Liquor Licei,%Sj.\.,.s I.„.ce„,ber 1st, 1!M8. and same lias tijrn- .« ,"v«'r l" , h*' County Treasurer of \ MeHenry "County. The following dance hall lteenso V *'*1 ' s sued l<j- your License Com- , nuttee tor the year 1H4S: ---'"linsburg, lllintiis.'-- un V'y Rb, your committe,, hav- ?1IIR eot]i»< t^,i the amount <.f $100 00 t,for said danc,. h.,n license, tin- same • being turned over t„ the County Treasurer of Mcllenrv-County- ' AIM, K. WITT-MI'S. CI i.; >lv C. PKRRV WlilGHT kra\'k may j sjy Mahi.kv mackkbkn j A s s t . L i q u o r C o n t r o l C o m m - . 'bin. M, F. T. ('onstruction Resolutions for th4 'improvement of- the <iehl Bridge and the Pyott I'.ridge on Slate Aid Rou4e,.S2 ' in Sections 2S and in Algonquin Township wei> pr'eseit.ted, and read to the Board, to-wit: . State fo Illinois • (MFT Construction i tGehl Bridge 1 Keaolntion for Improvement by County tmder the Motor Fael Tax Law BI-; IT IiKS( ILVKM. by Die Board of Supervisors of 'Mcllenrv.'County, Illinois, that the following described State Aid Hutes(s) be improved under., the Motor Fuel Tax Laiv, approved March 25. 1020: State Aid Route 32. at Station 215i57 in the s 1-2 of "Lot 1 ofvthe N'W 1-4 of Section 3it, Township' l:i Nortdt. Range 8 l>ast «f the Third BK IT FI'RTHKit RKS< >LVKIV that the improvement shall be Span IS feet clear and Roadway SO feet and shall lv designated as Section 35 B-3 MFT: and. BK IT FCRTHKR RKSoLVKt.), that the ini|irov?hient sliall br> constructed by Contract and, BK IT FCRTHKR >IKS' >LVi:i>. that th#-re is herebv appropriated' the sum of Ten thousand dollar*. *10.0(10.imi from the County's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this intporevment: ami, BK IT FI'RTHKfi RKSf )LV*lfl >. that the clerk is herely directed to transmit two (2). certitied copies of. this Fe-soliit ion to the fiepartrnent I 'u 1 > 1»< • Works ancl .Buildings. Division of Highways, through its District IsniMgeer's oft ice at RlKln Illinois. • . . ' • .State of Illinois. ,, , ' (MFT Construction) f Pyott Brdgt 1 Resolution for ImDrovemeut by Comity tinder the Motor Fuel Tax Law BK IT RKSoLVKD. bv the Board or Supervisors of Mcllenrv County. 1411nojs, that the following describee' Slate Aid Ri,ute(s). 1,-e improved under the Motor Ftiel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1!)2»: State Ad Route ' *f32; at Slav ^t 1182.5 in the SVV 1-t oftbe NW 1-1 Jiang,. 8 Kast of the . Third- P. - M. being a proposed bridge over' L$ik>; m the Mills outlet BK IT FIHTIIKR RKSOLVKD. that the improvement shall ' V,<: an '^TITf" Ko;k1wh.v .-- 24 - ami sliall hias 25 MKTand. , " •,. *'>"»THKR iii:s<•lvki>; that the improx ement shall |je constructed by <'ontra<*t and, BH IT Fl IiTHKR RKSt iliat there is -hereby appropriated' the sum of Kighteen thousand do|* lais ($18,(i0<).(ift from the' Countv's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds tor the cor,> truciio»i*«Bf this impiqveinent : and ~ 'X-. K!',?Tt,K,t RKSOLVKD. th.it tile ( lerk is hercvy directed to transmit two cj certified 'copies ,,t ,:Sr. l '1 <:1ro l u t i,"n t" the DepaVtrnent of I ul.lic Works and Buildings Divisi.,^ of 11 ighways. through its Illinois Kn*inc t r'«' "ff ice at. Klgin, in.istcr. stamps ' Jan. 21, .Byron R. Scott-; Shf. Robt-i'ta 1'iosman Summons Feb. 2. Wicks & Cnnley. - - rent . I-YJ\ W. W',. Desmond, Post- --+nast<»4-.--»tan+ps ^ .Feb.. Rose .Nims, clean, .off. Mar. t. Wicks tV t'onley. rent Mar, Rose Njiris, c^jau. off. Mar. Irt \V. Desniom^, C., _'J'ost-iiiaster.- stamps , .Vpr.. 1. \\ i< i<s Conley, rent .•Apr- Rose' Ni'irts. clf-aii; »>ff. May. 1. 'Wicfcs.V- Con ley, fci(t; •May.,. .Rose .Vims, clean. -off. i\|;iy W:* DeSlfloiVd'.f. - ' PostnfttstcV. St'fimils . J ilh,e K, U'ieks &, < "oBley, rent • 'jun-v I. Don' A,. .'Wicks, extra' . .steitograplnc -. ei;>. & * sup. Julie. Rosi* Nim^. i tcaii. tvfl'r,' J uiic;'I jl»bn A.. '-Wicks, 0 jtVos. ', siilai y .j'»^ W.<j'nogTi4j«h^.lv,*:>'4i", %482.50 J'uni^ 23," W.. '.VKv. J>csnM»w^,'i.;"*. > ,1 'oVt ma si cr/"sta m;>s 1 ?: • tUOO '.ll'ily' 1. folite'y'S, rciVt .V./.l;. Si),!' •' .IdtjC;"Rose Nifiis. cLt;an. off;-'.. 20.00 'July. 27. Floyd !•:. ICci/^rt, Sr.'~ . sfe'io. exp. Starrctt Zoning- 30.00 ' At\jr. liose Ninis, clean, off. 5.00 A u«!., 2.. Conle>;.'s, rent ...! ...v. . 30.Ci. j'iVnirT' "Don "A. W'icTcs, misc. •office expense . Atij;. t>. W. W. , Desmoiid. • Post inaster, stamps Sep'. 1. Conley.'S. rent 5.<10 30,00 * !>.l)0 !>.50 .'Kit 00 ltwu 9.011 20.1)0 7.50 30,(Kk 101.00 11.00 30,00 62,'00 12.50 C2.00 >ff. .If. Sev»t.. Rose Nims. dean. « lie). 1. Conley's, rent. . t>et. I W. VV. li'Smonil, Post mast i i\ sta mps <>ct.n Rose. Nims, clean. < N«>y. I. (ynley's, rent Nov." 11'. \\. W". Desmond, Postmaster,- stamps Nov.' "4,0. lion A. Wicks, misc. „ offi(>. expense. " N'o\Rose Nims. 'dean. n oo 30.00 i a.0.0 30.00 d'f. n.oo 7.50 30.00 21.eo 13.50 .Totaf Disbursements Recapitulation Total amount received Total amount paid out truant officer. Carried by a! unanimous vote of tlje commttee. • There Itslng ni» further busineas the meeting was adjourned. Al'GCSTl'fc M. MAXWKLL. Chairman -- Kducation Committee . CHARLKS T. DUNNING A. -B. McCONNKLL STAXbKY H. CORN ll|B FRANK B. McCONNI^L (Copy of this report on file in the County Clerk's office). It was thereupon regularly- moved by Supr. Nolan and duly seconded ly Supr. Meier that the Report of the Committee on {education be approved and adopted by this Board, and that the Report of the County Supt. of Schools be approved, and the roll being called Mie Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Asst. Supr. Rosenthal, Chairman of the Building Committee, addressed the Board and stated that his Committee met with the County Insurance Supervisor antfc an Insurance Appiaiser and after due delilvration his Committee would recommend to the Board that an increase of fifteen percent be added on all Insurance on all County Buildings and Contents, and all other property of a personal nature instiled by the County, and that the Building in back of the boiler roomlit the County Home be insured for $2,500.00. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Meier and duly seconded by Supr. Bock that the recommendation-a of the Public lUiilding Committee be approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously cart'" 1'n,u,M"1' rt'sularty moved s «upr. Avkmau and duly seconded |*y Supr. 1*1.1 ip that the report be anadopted by this Board, the roll being called the Chairdeclared the motion unani- Mlsly carried. Committee on F«es and Sal- 96a presenter! the following report, tklch on motion of Asst. Supr. 51connell and duly seconde<l by Supr. cket/en, and the roll being called $ declared unanimously adopted Hirit: December 2. 1948 the Chairman a.nd Gentlemen ( of the Board of Supervisors: > Your Committee on Fees and Salaries, to whom was referred the request of the Wonder Lake Im- ^rovement Association for the employment of a full time deputy *h«riff, or police officer, for the •Wonder I^ake community to be paid nMit of the general funds of the ^punty. would begr leave to report it they met at the CoOrt House the City of Woodstock on the MM 4fcte to consider said request. Tjjlj Oomnilttee, after hsfving #HMldered said request, hereby 1 that same be denied. imittee feels that even the need is ftreat, that the • of the County would not gilt this kind of an expenditure, "|N»ur Comfriittee' al«so feels that oth»;r unln,ct)rporated comof McHei.iy County, who . County taxpayers could and h* elfgiblr for this kind of j •MMJd tfci« request be grant* by It was thereupon regularly moved > Supr. Filip and ilnlv sei-oii'led '.'; y ..XuVr ' k r"»n that rlic RcsV)]'/- tum.s th e<l n.s 1,-e approved an<l .adopted bv s , ,l5oa, r '1 . A"«> H'e roll being calithe < b-a.-n -man ^vddeeccllaarree<di the niotloi. i unanimously carried the mo tj , .. •••) 1 ifii And tie Resolutions approved .and adopted The following request and Annual eport' of the State's Attorney of nr t.aadr ttTo yt.hi e" UTHno.t ya r*d,r a*t'o D-w-'iets-ented an<l T"„t h )', Honorable Chairman and Hoard of Supervisors of Mcllenrv ( ounty. Illinois: N The undersigned, DON A WICKS State s Attorney of Mcllenrv County. 11 nois, respectfully 'submits the following: report of the\ disbursement of^moneys appropriated [>> 1# our Board for bis Use during tt„, , e r , ',d "eginning DeceitaJ»er 1 • / an ending December l,\l!)48 He charges himself with the following: Xt«ms of Receipts ^; *• Dec. 1 TH47. I.al. as per report dated 11-29-47 . S 102.03 ?le<' H 1B47- hv '-ash ree'd . 482.no Vr- 1 1"47, by cash ree'd . 710.00 Slay 8, 1948, Runyard &,-Behanna- Pergenza Tax Suit 100.00 •lunt- 12,-1948. by cash ree'd 482^50 Total Receipts .$1",877.03 t-rn* ?sks < rediled with the following items paid out:- Blabnra«m*a.t« Dec. 1, 1SM7. Wicks & CPU- - ley, rent . 30.00 Dec. l»4 7, Rose Nims, cleaning office ., ' 2 00 Dec. 5, 1947. Harold W. , Schmidt,, stationery 33.00 t i ,7SO.7 0 .$1*77.02 1.7 H().7o Balaiicc on iiand $ lin.8:t DON a. \\ icks. State s Attorney of .Mcllenrv. County, III. Stat,' of Illinois County of Mciicniry; ss. I '<ui A A\ h;KS l.cinjj lirst duly -say.5 ttfat '-the foregoing is a true and corr-.ct' account of all inonesy rcreived l.i-, him from the Couhty of MeHenry for the expense of the offiicc of State's Attoil^-y and of ^11 moneys paid nut by him from December I, 1017 to December 1, i;tf8. ' . ~ HON A. WICKS Sobserilyi! and sworn to l.-efore Uie this 1st day of l>ei'cinbi;r. A. D. 4 'RA L K - HKRKNDKION, ^eaI> ' Notary Public (i/opv 0/ this repo.rt on tile in the .County civrk's offife.) It was tlwrefore regularly, moved by Asst. Jjsipr. McCunnell and dtiiv seconiled bv Supr. Filip that the report Of the State's Attorney, Don A. Wicks, be approved and that the lie-tuest for Miscellaneous Kxpenses atid Rent Allowance and Salary or Salaries of Stenographic help 1/e granted. And the roll being called the Chairman .declared, the motion uniyiibously carried. . • The following Report of the Committee on Kducation together with the, Annua! Report of the County Supt. of Schools - were* presented and read to the l',oardt to-wit: To the Chairman and- ifteiitlefiieri O'f the MeHenry County Board of Supervisors: The Committee on Kducation l/eg.s leave to reort that it met on Tuesday, November 23rd at the request ol the County Stiperintendent of v« bools. • ' „ ,s,ununary of the count v ' super-, intenderi t's_ annual report for the school year 1 47-1 ft48 was submitted by Mr. Me< 'anuoii. This report' included a statement of tht* receipts and ex-petifi i t ti res of the various, funds handled through his office, as follows: ,*HE DISTRIBUTIVE PUKD '.'V*l ""id is an account showing I he. dist rihut ion nf all fumls recei ved from the state Auditor of Pub-lie A ••counts in th.- form of State Aid irrarits. reimbursement for transiim ins ti.-iins. excess ••osts"fop handicapped •children and orphanage tuition, I he total r.ceipts'for this fund for the school year 1!07-1!HS amounted lo |1(.2;iii!uij.. All of this --was distributed tu the township treasurers in tlv county I>y th,»- comity supcriatendeiit t-xe<-pt for a bufanco on hand on Jnru- .inih. of $77 <i0 BOOK FUND -a his futid is an account of ali. moneys tveeiv.-d and expended by .the county .superintendent's office" 111 t he ' sale ,.attfl rental of sclidol text books and teaching,, materials. To'al receipts for the " 1047-litis school year iinutunteil to $10 3m;.73 Lh." '"'al of bills paid amounted fo »*.|.,2.,9. "I'lic 1,tl: ln<(.. on hand $J , 1• >' VI . •-» 14 . 's c h o o l y e a r W a s IWSTITUTB FtJWD I h" ceipts tor this fund ' como .from, .i.nes. r<•reived' ("<»r the 'issuance, registration atid reiu-vvals or all tciu her-.s certificates ip the county. ^ total*.o| ^ Ma was received in fet^ 1 ^ '"'St school year and when add- V',!.-" 'I 'hand of, Julv 1 , f 1 «; ,Ve total ,rec«.*ipts 01, *M. „ 1 .i •Tettal exix-iiditures for ins. it-iti. > p. fl:'-;--. exp.-ns.-s, and -mterr:.!^ r. ,0 $ ir.r. 4.. wi,,ch loft ;.t b.iiai.,;,- of . SUFF.BVISO*-"' FUND flu.:; aceount is a record of' all nioii.-vs ..reccivi«d from .1 .hi; i-ountv -an»j 1 rojii, j,,iscf-UarleffUs sources anil JV74 :'! • }"?;.;U'*' ex„enseK.r,r running me 01 t.jejv i'hese expenses include 1 -i.u.n.i 1 he secre t nr >'.<•, •'s ; 'iHr>' , <:let'icnl ' hire, far expenses ot ' lie ( ount.v superintendent and his assistant, costs of hirtoiK judges and < lerks lor all speciiVl s<-hool elect .otiS etc. Total receipts •amo'inN-d. ty .$4'8*R.i« and'total exjiendtl+ nrs amounted to $4041 12 rMT' "f :i Ui> l a'"'e ofl liand o f .. sdiiitiiat'v' of th« financial statistics for all of the schools'in the .county was also submitted by Mr M.-t-iumen. This" report gave a in e.tk low 11 of all the various sources troin whhh the schools received lurids ;uid the various headings'under which it was expended. ••School attendance figures for the past three years Were, presented and indicated, a startling increase in elementary enrollments h>r the '•ounty. Records for the School year 194.>-1!MG Khow«d an average • attendance . for that vear of -VMr's •'•verage V t 1 a UTi,.;V"'" Dgures indicated a. . total... ot 4324 pupils. This represents. a total increase of 5,13 pupils or a gain of nearly 13 precent for the two-vear period, Japid increase of .pupil •luring the present S< hoot \ ear was shown by a comparison or this year's original enlo. hiuints- with that of the urecedth^ t'^rl'r figures indicated that\.»31 more fU'mentarv puuils hT'oXn"""td Lil ,hp 'i etfiiming of 1 , •Si,nt ^0h'.'01 Vear than there tea ' u V '"'S'unine: of the 194 7- ¥". school yea:. Thi-s represented ah increase of 11.17 percent. F. R. McConnelL moved that the repprt of the County Superintendent be acce|<t.ed and approved. This was seconded by A. R. McConnell. Car-" ried by unanimous vote. The County Superintendent called attention to the excellent work that was being done by Mrs. Verda Dferzeri, th* assistant county superintendent. He also called attention to the facr that part of her duties were to fulfill the functions of a county truant officer. According to the school law of- Illinois (Chan. 122 See. 3-27." of the Illinois Revised Statutes) the county truant officer Is to leceive compensation from the county board. Aft.er ilisetiAsij.n . it was moved by Mr. A. R. McConnell and seconded by Stanley Corutie that the committee recommend that Mrs. Dierzen pp paid J.iit jipi- ibonth as reii-nburse- The Chairman announced the selection of C.rand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the January !!>l!. term of the Circuit Court anil the following named persons wore selected to serve as tlrand Jurors lor the January, 194!> Term of the Circuit CourJt to-wit: STAKES WHAT IOWII OS VMCIHOT Kichard ,1. Mcrrimon, Riley Township Helen Aliralima,' Marengo Township Winifred Atherton, Marengo Township John Mulvcnna. Dunham Township Philip Raffc, Chemung Township Roy J. Keeley Chemung Township • 'scar lientz. Aiden Township William AlcCabe, Hartland Township Anno Keeley. Seneca Township ( hnst lHedrlck Jr., Coral Township Alice Hugh, Craftori Township laretve W. L,uc.kenbiJI L>orr Town* . •s,ll'l» ,v. Ksther K. Wiiite, Dorr Township llarley R. Rrown, Creenwood Township ' Alice lv RaiIcy. Heln*on Township Howard Thomas, Richmond Township Sheets. Burton Township Math«.\f. Blake MeHenry Township sVi'ip Sohmitt, MeHenry Town- Kmil Schroeder. Xunda- Township Mar.\ JeHchke. Xunda Township shi'p H^moIa• A,S«nquUi Town- KshipP°rk0rny' A,Kyn,' l J i r i Town- The following named persons were selected to csrvo as (.rand Jurors on the Supidemental panel for the Januarv 194'J term of th« Circuit Court, to-wit: the NAMES . WHAT TOW* OS FmECZXOT \ e i n I v i l t z , A l d e n T o w n s h i p ship' ' Wn'son- Hartland Town- »' Th lXae' Senet'a Township Jess, Rugh. Coral Township1 )oah,Rtr,ut!rafton Township Ail . Haves. Dorr Townshto t.lru i '",?'"', Dorr Township ship 11 " es' tJreenwood Town* "Cr Knl"an"1»- !•'«»<« S'«. Ushjpm I>VOrak' A1g°n<iuin Town- HerPni«n A. , , ? o n (luln Township ' l Kiiey Township RuS.1 ^U 8n,TTon.8„hiE,p l v- StMM-S \t bUK°n r eBu'arl.v moved e* ben, , \ ' l'l 1>un'"'"«- Ackman,1 kMa'cken -n AaVa,t^' < , f"'nue, M^'op. "J."' 5"'hmitt, Meier and Filip E. J. Donwen .... Supr. Salary Mileage-^-- August W. Ruth C. Perry Wright Carl K. Wittmus P. IS. Meek Klinei•• C. Coy G. J. Carroll Chas T. 1 >ulining ... Chas. H. Ackman ... Harley Mackeben T. K. N'Nolan ........... Aimer Aavang Stanley H. J'ornue . Frank 1$. McConnell Frank May. Math X. Sehmitt ..~. Henry C. Meier John ,1. Filip A. M. Maxwell A. R. McConnell--v:... Rosenthal 270.0* 75.9( St 4. !• 1 23.0) 8ti.9t 34.3t 197.01 B3.r.» City*tH. Woodstock Mary Kou Shealuin -- Esther R. Mansfteld Alice Jones ....... Vestie Muldoon Jack R Meyers F. J. Kaiser Richard I. Overt6«; Sabitia Rati •'Oral?! jflolan ' Lyle |T Hutchinson Georgf K. Swank All of which is respeptftllly submitted. " ; - • STAN MOV "*H. CORN IMS. Chrtl. ALMKR - AAVANtl i f " CI 1A Rl.KS T. IH'NNIN'a , Al'G. W. Rl'TII : 1 iti.tir> 1 22.-41*1 S)0.50 21.40 44.8*) 84.30 82.GO 8U.6O 55..r>ti 81.20 21.40 .VI. 00 77-00 I 3li.3!' 150.00 I jo.00 150.00 185.0(1 86.00 i2»:oo 75.00 100.00 215.00 240.00 215.00 Supr. Frank 11. McConnell, Chairnan of the County Home Commitee. informed the ltoard that funeral services for Mr. Allen would be held it 11:00 o'clock'011 Thursday the !(tli lay of December A. D. 1048, at the Kpiscopal Church in Crystal Rake, Illinois and that hp would suggest that the members of the Hoard meet it the Court House in the City of Woodstock and go to the funeral in a body. Several communications from the State of Illinois. Dept. of Public Works And Buildings, together with lias Tax Allotment Report and a notice from the Dept. of Aeronaut tics of the Stat., of Illinois wer0 presented and ordered placed on tile. Carl K. Wittmus, Chairman of the Hoard, in behalf of th(. Hoard of Review of Mellenry County presented a Report of the Assessment made lor the year 1948 as equalized by the Uoard of Review, which said 'Report was ordered placed 011 file. The Chairman stated that if there 'was nothing further to come before this meeting for the good of Mc-. Henry County, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr." Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Coy to adjorn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Hoard adjuorned. CARL -13. WITfr.M US*' gttileMitt . Attest: ..... . ••- R. I), WOODS, Clcr^.- « vi("l?rk i--e directed to^cT^ satd ists to the (^rk .^'the 1 uit ( onrt Mtui fin,, IIM to Certify the Cii- The ('<»mmittee. on Claims. County' Poor, 4>re^sented tlie following Report, to'-wit: December -fi, A. 13., 1948. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, afid recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk lie directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the, several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Children;-- Catholic Charities'of Elgin, • . ^ (Bielecki) $ «».00 Diocesan Catholic Charities,; . • (Glosson) ,30.00 Allendale Farm School, (Holmes) 27.00 Lisle Manual Training & Industrial, (Jasien 4) 80.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman, (Fiesman) 120.00 Mrs. Kdward Redding;. (Dalziel) ,• TSva Kapping, < Vestel/o) Mrs. George Wieren.a, (Le- Roy Van Nattan) Mrs. Kdward Redding, (Dalziel) . Mrs. Louis Long, (DeLlne) . Rockford Mun. Ti! San., care T. P.. Patients (Power) Dependent Childrenl-- Mrs. Lillian Gathmaft, (Krezan) Allendale Farm School, (Holmes) Woodstock Children's Home, (Dalziel) (l)aymond) .. , 200.00 Lutheran Child Welfare Ass'n, 80.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 180.00 27.00 120.00 137.16 lU TSiehel) House of the Good Shepard, (Harvey) ......... Louise M. Brooks, pro off dependt chil $105.66, trav evx $31.60 Lake County T. H. San., care T. I!. Patients 2,745.00 Your Committee would further recommend that the appropriation made by this Hoard in' the amount of f9.00u.00 at its September. 1948 meeting for tjie relief of ex-soldiers, sailors and marines under th,. Hogardus Act, be alloted to the various posts of the -.American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars in the. following manner and that the rule sgoverning the distribution of said funds to said posts that are now in effect and have been previously fixed by this Hoard govern the distribution of these allotments so made, to-wit^ Woodstock American Legion f 1500.00 Harvard American Legion 700.00 Crystal Lake Arner. Legion 1400.00 Martv»g«< American Legion 700.00 MeHenry .\mor. Legion ..1400.00 Cary Amer. Legion 20n;00 Fox River drove Amer. Legion 200.00 Algon<|uin American Legion 300.00 Huntley American Legion .... Hebron American Legion .... Richmond American Legion Wonder ' Lake Amer., Legion Crystal Lake Veterans og . Foreign W>rs Woodstoek Veterans of Foreign Wars .... MeHenry Veterans of Foreigfi Wars , .... Marengo Veterans of Foreign Ware , - - ' iTlUmiti •'"ill" J 1'IT 'in '••••I 1 llllu||r iilWll,|-.il|1»iiHliilll lining Hi W •-•iTOii rant is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purpose of creating a ..fund from which payment of ' the ordinary and necessary expenses of said County may I e paid. Re It Further Resolved that such anticipation warrants shall wh^n drawn show upon their face that they a.re payable solely out of the tax when collected and not otherwise. „ -•-, .a All of which is respectfuMjr attfcmitted: 1 ' HENRY C. MEIER i.; . *1. J. CARROLL. T, F. NOLAN FRANK MAY " Special January •Meeting, 1949 200.no 1 50.00 200.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 ioo.oo Total $8,350.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. COY. Chairman ItKNJRJT C. MKIKR MATH N. SCHMITT CHAS. H. ACKMAN mBOt j for ^Ji«r duties a» a county. John i! Hayes ill :xi o!r nue. McCon- ;r» .»«•' iSnthai •vrteT,Avil l '<S-',n; n >nt. %Anci the Chairman declared The" c'JL' . unanim,,u«ly carried. Cllim* . ^ ^ presented lists of * aim* against the Countv and lv ' !">t,0,n ."'l Supr Mackeben aSd e a_ red! ' The ' ia 'J Sc!l'a^irm' sC o>'w aenr'el ^re'- •VmP'th t 0i., h^ I'roper Committees lock P M r " jr"Urne'1 to 1:30 "• j.^r^ <^mmittee work. The Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment and upon roll cnIL tfte . anie memb-ers responded to iheir urniSnUS »r record in the morning session, constituting a full Hoard present. , . ^ " "" The Committee on Claims, Labor [ ees and Supplies presented the fol- *vhi<h on motion of «!!! Nolan and duly seconded bv Supr. Ruth, and the roll being called tf>^wiCCl ^ t,nanimousy adopted, m.. , I>eo- "• A- 1 !)48. Mr ( hair man and Gentlemen of the Hoard, ot Supervisors: Your Committee 'on Labor. Fees ami Supplies Claims would 1/eg leay,, I,, report, that tliey have examined a|| claims presented to them and reeorrTmend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk e dlrectefl to issue orders on the Coun- 'y Treasurer to the Claimants for •th*'several amounts allowed, as follow*. to-wit: Frank Thornber Co $1,143.01 The Haloid Co 433.61 The Harvard Herald ] 626.40 Woodstock Daily Sentinel ...1,835.70 . Lie. ti"i, Registrars Fees Co. 2!)7.2<) « m. .Muscia 27.50 Milford ilartlett, Pro 5.40 Rardin Insurance Agency ...! +4.'38 A'-'na Life Ins. Co. 750.00 Ha. tford Accident & Indem. C\f. 37.5o •' " ~ 177.50 1 0.00 1 (f.'oo 5.00 18.50 30.00 4.00 05.00 71.20 61.71 !). 1 3 116.10 235 4.00 7.50 75.00 126.68 10.00 18P.73 6.00 9.13 33.15 11.60 31.00 107.22 62.80 25.91 23.63 85.OS 82.08 7.00 ... 1,310.60 74.25 21.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 7.00 28.00 14.00 ... 14.00 14.00 .... 14.00 7.00 28.00 91.00 7.00 ... 28.00 •..-, 21.00 «£:. 147.00 A. 1*2.<10 M- 221.2*; 190.00 280.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the Report of the Committee on Poor Claims be approved and payment ordered to include the Claim of the Lake •(-ounty Tuberculosis San. for the care of Tupeirculosis patients for the month ot' Novemb-er 1048, when tiled with the Clerk, and the roll being" called the Chairman declared tho motion unanimously carried, t The following Report of the. County Treasurer for the month of November 1018 was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Ruth duly seconded by Supr. Schmidt. same was approved and ordered of record, to-wit: County Trtainrer'i Biriort X*or tki Month bf November, 1948 l«C*iptl P.a lance Forward $206,984 .'.)(> General Fund .... $28,719.75 Supt. County Home ........ 1,038.92 Snprs.. County Home 469.00 Dependent Children 396.52 County Officers Fees 20,000.00 Highway Fund ...-. .13,954.17 Pers Prop. Hack. Tax ... • 1.506,32 Inheritance Taxos !,»«».05 Forfeited Taxes v...:. 1,045.11 Dog Tax Fund ................... 4.00 Highway Fines -140.00 Institute Fund ...... ...... 28.00 111. Mun. Retirement Fund 8,406.33 I'ay roll Clearing Acct 5,507.95 Twp. Road - State„Al»p, 3,710.04 Hridge Rond Acct 3,01 (i.27 Total Receipts 83,912.33 The Honorable Hoard ->f Supervisors of Mellenry County. Illinois, met iii special session pursuant to a 'call signed by more than onethird of its menirters at the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, A. I). 1949 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. The meeting was j-alled to order •by the Chairman. Carl 10. Wittmus, and yie Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the Ciiited States of America was given by the Chairman with all members of the Hoard and visitors present participating, and the roll iieing called by the Cleik, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: August W. Ruth. Carl K." Wittmus. F. E. Heck, K. C. Coy, G. J. Carroll, Chas. T. Dunning, ("has. H. Ackman, Harley Mackeben. T. F. Nolan, Aimer L\avang, Stanley Cornue, Frank H. McConnell, Frank May, Henry- C. Meier, and Asst. Suprs., A. MVr'Maxwell. -A. R. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal, constituting a quorum present. ' The minutes of the Special December. 1 it 18 tneeting were read by the Clerk and upon motion duly made and declared carried were ^rpproved and ordered of record. J. W. North and his son, William North, representing the J. W. North & Company certified public accountants. appeared before the Boalrd and presented the bi-annual report of all County Officers, for the two year period ending November 30, 1948. Mr, J. "W. North, also presented and read certain suggestions as to proceedure to be followed in the various offices, subject of course to the approval of the Roard. It was thereupon regularly moved liy Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning that the Auditors Report be referred to the Fees amR. Salaries Committee for Report, and that the suggestions made by the Auditor be referred to the I'roper Committees for Report. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Mr. J. W. Nftrth then thanked the members of the fioard for the courtesy extended to him in making the audit above referred to. The following Report of the County Treasurer for the month of December. 1948. was presented and read to the Roard, to-wit: County- Treasurer's Report For the Month of Decmeber, 1948, Receipt* Ralancn Forward .$202.4 92.0(j General Fund $ 70,(iB2.84 Supervisors' --^County Home Ruperinten de n t--Cou n t y Home " Chairman--I. i cense Committed ;... Dependent children ...... County officers' fees.... Highway Fund Pers. Property Rack Taxes Inheritance Taxes Forfeited Tax Account . Fines on Highways Rridge Rond Account Township Rd. State App Payroll Clearing Account . Mothers' Pensions Rlind Relief Penalties and Fees..: Dog Tax Account 111. Municipal Retired ment !.. , institute Fund .... Deposit by Order of Court ft was thereupon moved fey 8»pr. Arknniu and duly seconded by Supr. <UUih that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved, and the Resolution authorizing the issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants he approved and adopted by this Hoard, and the roll being called Suprs. Ruth, Hvck. Coy, Carroll, Dunning, Ackman, Macweben, Nolan, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell. May, Meier and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none, and the chairman declared the/notion carried and tho report approved. And the Resolution authorizing the issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants approved and adopted. Th<* Committee on MeHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following Report, to-wit: Air. Chairman and Meml?ers of the Hoard of Supervisors of MeHenry County Your fi" MeHenry ; County Farm, Home and Hospital Conwnittee met at Hartland January 5th. 1949 and audited bills for the month of December. . 1948 and respectfully submit the following report recommending same be paid. R. • •. Andrew Co., chicken feed and grinding $ 57.85 Arweil, Iwc., pest control ...... 15.00 R. F Raccus, repair wiring 251.10 10. L. Hakkom & Co., belts, etc. 21.29 Rohn Hardware Co., fuses, switches, -etc 18.<0 Crystal Lake Farm Store, tape 5.46 Hannister's Store, tobacco, clothing, papers, etc 76.7.1 Dr. Wm. J. Gay. veterinarian 5.00 Glenn Rovce Serv. Sta., gasv 11.72 Goodrow's Garage, gasoline. 1105 Hubert's Pharmacy, medicines 63.01 Ideal oil Company, fu£l 284.44 111. Hell Tel. Co., telephone 31.00 Jen A See Laundry, laundry 3.96 Montgomery Ward & Co., cloth. 55.93 Mille.r-Patton Haking Co., bread 79.11 Ogle's Rrake Service, truck test 1-JO Olsen's Jobl/ing House, packing and cover 1.45 Public Service *'o.. electricity 73.02 Royal ltluc Food Mart, groc. 50.32 Say-wer Hiscult Co.. crackers 27.11 Ilarohl Schultz, Sweet Aire ,aoul atomizer -- John Sexton & 'Oo.. groc. . Shurtleff & Co., lumber Ludwig Wilson & Co., soap, I .'loach, etc. Woolworth's, misc. Woodstock Dry Goods Co., clothing . Murrv H.rothers, cattle pasture rent 52.50 Office of County Supt. of Schools, trucking on food 11.60 Esther. C. Allen, incidentals 57:7 Esther C. Alien, salary 1111 ma Melander, salary ...'. Henry^ K'naack, wages Ha Mie Nichols, wages Henry R\>ss. wages TVArl R*i/s, wages Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel Co., car coal and unloading 578.69 Aug. Roltleniy, well drilling 1154.44 444.15 540.57 150.00 14.00 41,64 5.77. 628.70 367.24 618.30 1,090.38 519.00 33.70 16,607.68 5,326.87 11.15 11.38 7,064.69 1,097.22 2,019.68 9.00 59.77 .148,822.09 Donald F. Tappan H. I:. Neuchlllnr, M. Ui. Glenn 'K. Wright, M. I>. f-iettv Vates Pearl Schutz ,f... Charles F. Hayes • 'allitp-han & Company Kro Krickso'n C, L. Trvon, Co. Supt. Hwy. True Value Hardware ... Elgin I,umber & Supply ..Co. Lien Chemical Co. Western United Gas & tClec... Saul Hurten. M? D. Lee Gladstone r... Interstate Hedding Co."1..... Crys'al Lake Herald ^Voodstll••k Tru«'klng Service Frank Thornber Co Callsehan &•<*•> GoerlHs. Recknell Co. R. o. Ani'rew Co. Fred C. Rau . Sabina Rati Edward Schuett Grocery Traekett's Hakery Hoffman Delicatessen Oakside Dairy Products Ine. I'igtly Wiggly Grocery Store ,R. D. Woods. Co. Clk George 8. Meyers Fred C. au. Sheriff '"'red C. Ran. Sheriffff ( l.iyde J. Zoia Kmerv Hansmao Frank K. Keller • leorgf, Morris Fred S. Gay ........ Ray Guhrke Ernest Malsch Ralph. Stewart Sidney Reed .lames G. Nixon ...... Harry Reu John .Altenbach Loren Put man Harold G. F<>x Alvin yuerha'ruin«r ... • Jeorge Whaples • "arl Jli'RriKim .t.:; Clyde C. Miner •Vernon W. Kay* ........ Illinois lUll Tel. C«. Rav >>ws»nberi'v" Carl E. Wittmus .. (Iratid Total 1290,897,29 Expenditure* County Orders #37,880.23 Coroners' .lurors' OrdfiFB. 24-lto Prohation OITIc«m- J30.6-' Hounty orders ; 1^-40 • 'ounty Treas. Salary- 2i0.60 Clerk's Salaries 1,191.91 Special Clerks' Salaries .. 104.40 • Jeheral Fund '31 i..to Highway Orders . 6,897.1,2 InstItut<- Fund . ...' 1.2.00 Motor Fuel Tax Girders --.12,861.02 Township Road Orders .... 109.55 Pavroll Orders ...... 5.896. Inheritance Tav Acct. ...... 3.2.i>.) County Officers Fees ..:...20,000.00 111 Mun.' Retirement 2.101.»>0 Rridge Bond AccyunA --...10,663.88 Total. Expenditure* Hal. Nov. 30, ,194(t ............ $|90;897.29 The above and foregoing report is true aiid correct according to my bet knowledge and belief HENRV A. NULLE, Co. Treas Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day December. ^'.118. (Seal) ^ County Clerk The semi-annual Reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff and the Annual Report ol the Countv Treasurer and Collector w ere presetted and referred to the proper Com^Wttees for report. 1 - ^ Wittmus, stated that meeting called bv the Taxpayers Federation of Illinois at tlv Court House in the Citv of Woodstock on December 9. 1948 "at 8 o;clock P. M. to discuss tax matters and he urged the .mem ber* of the Hoard to attend. Supr. He'-k of (^hemung Township addressed the Hoard and rnov ed that the Resolutions Committee of the Hoard of Supervisors be instructed to prepare a proper Resolution of Sympathy for the Late William P. Allen. Superintendent of the County Home. .Farm and Hospital, to be presented at the January 1949 meeting of this Roard; and also that the • Clerk of this Hoard be authorized to send a floral offering, said motion wft* duly seconded by Supr. Nolan and declared unanl The Chairimui. Carl I-:. Wi addressed the HWU-d and state, there was going^V be a in Total • Receipts Grand Totals $351,314.15 . - ' Expenditures County Orders •... $ 24,839.45 Grand & Petit Jurol'8.. 6H7.90 Coroner's Jurors «. » 42.00 Probation Officer ^130,65 H<iunty Orders 1 " 3.80 County Treasurer's Salary Clerks' Salaries General Fund . iTighawy orders . County Officers fees Motor Fuel • nidcrs Township Road App. Orders Payroll orders Inheritance Tax Account .2,768.ttI Penalties & Fees . 13,193.70 States' Atty. Fund 2,756.00 Violations o-n HighwayfT"-' 6.317,50 III. Municipal Ii* Fund f\, .." 2,324 41 Total ExpenditureV 132.319.62 Ralance |)cc. 31, 1*J\8 '.....218,994.53 $351,314.15 The above'mud fortssoing report is true and correct aeci^jiig to my best knowldego and belief HENRY A. Nl'LLE, Countv Treasurer. " 200.00 1,075.00 198.30 6 4 53.6<> 47.515.K2 18^588.26 252.89 4,961.37 270.00 mously carried. Subscribed ami 'sworn tr>--b-etore me this 11th day of January 1949. • R. D. WOODS. (Seal) . County Clerk. It wni» thereupon regularly moved 'by Supr. Ackman. and duly .seconded by Supr. Carroll that the Report It; approved, and the Chairman "declared the motion unanimously carried. A Report of the County Treasurer showing payments due the County from Townships on County Home, was presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Committee on Finance presented the following Report and Resolution authorizing the issuance of Tax Annexation Warrants, and recommended *its adoption, to-wit; m Woodstock, Illinois January 11, 1949 To-the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Finance would beg leave to submit the following resolution and recommend its iidoption to-wit: Whereas, there is not-at tliis time sufficient money in the Treasury of MeHenry County to meet and defray the ordinary" expense^ of the County, and it is »necessarv at this time- to provide- a fund to "meet all such expenses by issuing anil disposing of anticipation warrants to be drawn against the County. Tax levied in the year 1948 in the way ami manner pr<>\ ided by the Statute of this State 1'or the issuance and disposing of jvarrants. He It Resolved by the Hoard of Supervisors of the County of MeHenry that the County Treasurer of this county be and h«> is hereby authorized and directed to issue and. sell as needed. anticipation warrants to an amount not to exceed the «um of '$30.1100,00 against the County Tax levied in the year 1918, but in no event shall the anticipation waiyants issued exceed 75<^, of the amounts of th(> appropriation tax It-vied for the year 1948: that said warrants shall be issued as needed in the sum of $5,000.00 each and each bond to b« so drawn so that the same shall draw interest at the lowest available rate not to exceed tx.oir, per annum from the time of its issuance until paid or until notice Is given that said war- 1.79 362.72 25.93 95.04 10.07 15.64 200.00 125.00 175.00 85.00 125.00 100.00 Less 2 cows srtld $540.57 20 hog# sold 922.70 2 pigs' sold 94.30 $4,3ie.31 1.557.5^ 2,758.74 January .10. 1949 To the Chairman and the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of MeHenry .•Cuvuity.. Woodstock, Illinois. Your Committee met .at Hartland* on December 11th, 1948 and recommend that Ksther C. Allen be appointed as Superintendent of the MeHenry County Home. Farm and Hospital' for the unexpired term of William P. Alien to March 1st, 1949, at a total salary of $200.00 per month from VWeember 1st. 1948 to March 1st. 1949 as Superintendentand Matron. Your Committee also recommends that Esther <". Allen b-e appointed Superintendent and Matron of the Mellenry ('ounty Home, Farm and Hospital' at a total salary of $200.00 per month and that Hilda Melander be appointed Head Nurse for a period of one year commencing March l.,st. 1949. Your Committee again met at Hartland on January 5th. 1949 and audited bills for payment as follows recommending the same lie paid. Permanent Improvement . $1,405.54 Running Expense 1,180.19 Clothing 66.81 Tobacco 46.46 Medicines >:.... 63.01 Hospital 130.65 Diet ..' 565.22 Fuel ($58.13 $4,316.31 Less 9 ro#s sold $540.57 20 hogs sold 922.70 2 pigs sold 9i.30 1,557.57 . . ' . $2,758.71 The regular inspection of Grounds. Huildings and .Live Stock revealed everything to t in good condition. There being no further business, your committee, on motion duly Iliadv and seconded adjourned. FRANK H. MeCONNELL. Chairman ALMEll AAVANG Al'G. W. Rt 'TH , . HENRV C. MEIER AT'GITSTI S M. MAXWELL. ft 'was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Cornue and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the Report anil recommendations of tho County Home Coiumit tee be approved and •(adopted, by Ibis Hoard. And the roll being called the" Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Report approved and the appointment of Esther C. Allen, as Superintendent and Man. tron made. _ A general discussion was then had •/•once.rnfng the management of the County Home. . Sifpr. McConnell Chairman of the County Home Commit tcf--stated that it capablefarm hand was now employed, and that it was his opinion that everything would go along fine under the management of Mrs. Allen. Mr. McConnell further informed the Roard concerning the work involved ill the drilling of the new well at the Co i'nty Home. Tim Committee on Resolutions presented the following Resolution, to-wit: Mr. chairman and Menil/ers of the Roard of . Supervisors: The • "on-.m ii tee on Resolutions Herewith Present the Following Resolution and Moves Its Adoption. Resolution Whereas, William P. Allen. Superintendent of the County Home and Hospital of. MeHenry (Count y, departed thfs life on the 5th day of December, A. 1>. 1918. and Whereas* by his honesty of pur- 1>ose and devotion to duty for many years as Superintendent of said in; stitution. lie won aud held our highest esteem, and Whereas it is deemed fitting that this Hoard in respe'sct to his memory do now express its deep feeling of-sorrow at his passing: Therefore. He It Resolved, by the Ruaid of Supervisors of MeHenry County. Illinois, that official note of the death- of W. T. Allen, be made upon its records and be it Further. Resolved that this Resolution t.v» spread upon the recprds of this- Roard and thai the Clerk thereof for.ward a certified copy of same to the family of the deceased. All of which is respectfully submitted. . Committee on Resolutions Ry FRANK R. McCONNKLL. . Chairman ALMER AAVANU * E. C. CO Y Dated January 14th, 1949. It was thereupon regularly moyed by Asst. .Supr. • MeConi»e!l and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben, that the Resolution' b-e adopted by this RoSrd. and the Chairman declare, the P'otion unanimously carried an. the Resolution adopted. llarrv 1,. . liliom. * CWUnty Coroner of Mr HenryJ*! "turnt y presented his Annual Rcpm-.t, which -was read by the Clerjf. It was thereupon regu larly moved by Supr. Carroll duly Beconded by Supr. Ruth tl»fQ the Report be approved and placea on file, and the Chairman declare® the motion unanimously carried. ^ ! The following Report of the Huibl» -v ing Committee on County Insurant wan presented and read to th® Hoard, to-wit: (Copy of this report on (lie in th* .. County Clerk's office) it was thereupon, moved by Supr, Mackeben and duly seconded by '• Supr. Nolan that the Report of the Huilding Committee be approved and payment ordered. And the roll las* ing called the Chairman declarod the motion unanimously carried. ,, C. Russell Allen, Assistant Stale'* ' Attorney of MeHenry County, pre-, sented a written request for a rain# 1n salarj^ .Mr. Allen also pr'esentua his appoi#unent and oath as Asst. • State's Attorney, which appoint? men* aiitl oa\h *re now a matter «ii--Vrecord in the\County Clerk's Office. Ry motion dtJJy made and carried • th© said request of the Asst. State's 1 Attorney was referred to Fees and .. Salary Committee for Report. The Clerk presented lista «if Claims against the County and upon- . motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly' seconded Uy Supr. Ackman was de- ' v clared carried, the said claims were referral to the proper committceu" and tn'e Board adjourned to 1:30 o Clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK *. X. The Hoard met pursuant to ad,- - journment and upon roll call the -. same members responded to tlieif names as - appeared of record itt the morning session and including 1 John J._ Filip of Algonquin town- ; ship, constituting a tjuorum present. The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the foU '.. lowing Report, which on motion <jt Supr. Meier and duly seconded bjr Supr. Coy, and the roll, being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: January 11th, A. L). 1949. M/r. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Feeif and Supplies Claims would beg leavf to report that they haY®- examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed t6 issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as » follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co 47.78 The Richmond Gazette .......... 33.50 Crystal Lake Herald 97.60 The Woodstock Daily Sentinel 48.00 Stanley H. Steadman ..Mr*..... 70.00 The Harvard Herald 179.60 Kyers Printing Co 4.73 Schmidt Printing Co 16.00 Goodrow Garage 36.7JI R. E. Lush 88.68. Villa Street Sport Shop-? ' 33.7.8 i The Lawyers Co-Op. Pub. Co. 10.04) Roland McCannon 40.14 C. L. Tryon 62.70 R. • D. Woods, County Clk....i .4875.00 IOro Erickson A 50.00 R. F. Kennelly 6.00 O. JC. Nelson, M. D 10.00 R. R. Neuchiller, M. D. ....: 30.00 John R. Tambone, M. D. 20.00 Hetty Yates 5.00 Pearl Schul^z 22.00 I<arry Little 71.37 Lien Chemical Company 48.72 Rurgess, Anderson & Tate, Inc 127.50 Ludwig Wilson Co :.... 50.41 Walter H. MorrlB 74.22 United Research Lab. 149.96 Woodstock Trucking Serv 10.00 Rroe-ker's Janitor Supply Co. 35.96 T4ie True Valu(. Store 16.34 Western United Gas & Elec. 4.45 George Commlngore 2.50 Harry Rcu 12.95 Silliman's Welding Shop 3.75 Bohn Hardware Co. 19.59 Young Office Macihnee Co 1^65.90 Burgess Anderson & Tate « Co 2+0.47 Fred C. Rau 78.40 Shff. Feedg. Pris.--: . >•' William J. Schoejjerl^--K-ferr.. 97.67 Frank. H. Hoffman 50.15 Early American Raker^ ~~. «9.'J>9 " " R. W. Schultz Market .... .. .... 1119.73 Oakside Dairy Products Inc... 27.54 ' Shff. Ppty.-- ; Sabina Bau 73.oO • " Harold H'ofebs ......: 7,00 Fred S. Gay ... .c..'... 14.00 George Meyers 14.00 Joel Murphy 28.00 Clyde Zoia 35.00 Ralph Stewart 7.00 Alvih yuerhammer 7.00 Vivian Seaman 14.00 Carl M'-Broom •. , 7.00 Clyde C. Miner ;... 18D.O0 Vernon W. Kays ...^ 126.00 Hazel Wilke 2S.00 Charles F. Hayes 30.00 MeHenry County Title Co,.... 82.50 111. Rell Telephone Co. 197.71 L. V. Kilts 66.30 P. O. Knuth t'o.<; 9.6O ' Co. Zoning Exp.-- R. F. Dusenberry 124.80 E. ,T. Dcneen 112.00 Frank H. Nag«l 91.90 s Roy A. Kent " 102.10 Harold J. Bacon 88.00 J. W. North & Co 1000.00 Supr. Salar\- Mileage-- August W. Ruth i I... 102.00 C. Penry Wright 78.40 Carl E. Wittuius 34.50 F. JO. Heck 99.90 E. C. Coy . „ 22.40 G. J. Carroll . 117.70 Chas. T. Dunning 66.00 Chas. H. Ackman 105.30 Harley Alackebcft * 88.00 T. F. Nolan . .. 80 20 Altner Aavang 32.10 Stanley H. Cornue ..: 23.60 Frank H. McConneil 92.75 Frank May 82.60 Henry C. Meier 56.00 John J. Filip k 81.20 Augustus M. Maxwell 3:^23 A. R. McConnell 20.40 Paul Rosenthal ...:. 44.10 Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel ..... 583.18 City of Woodstock t,.. 186.72 Alice Jones ; . i.-,o.oo Sylvester Muldoon ;.... 185.00 R. I. Ovwton 75.00 Shff. Dpt.v.-- Grant Nolan . ... 215.00 George K. Swank 215.00 Lyle R. Hutchinson ...' 245.00 Frank J. Kaiser 215.00 All of which la. respectfully submitted. • STANLEY'II. CORNUE. Chairman , " A._ H. MeCONNELLCHAS.. DUNNING AUG. w. Ri'TH .ALMER AAVANO The Committee on Claims .County Poor presented the following Report. which on motion of Supr Mackeben and VJuly seconded V>y Supr. Filip and the roll being called, was" unanimously ^adopted, to-wit- . Januar.v "th. A. D. 1949. Mft. • hairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors* Your Committee on Claims County Poor Claims would leg leave to report that they have examined all claims pros^nted to them. and reromiuend the payment of th»» fo!- lowing, and that the Clerk l>e directed to i&ue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for "the several amounts allowed, as fallows. to-wit: .. ™ Dependent Children- Woodstock; Children's Home, 7Khay. Dalziel. Fiesman) . 240.00 Diocesan Catholic Charities, (Glosson) Elgin Catholic Charities, (Bielecki) Lisle Manual Trng. & industrial. (Jasien) . . Eva Kapping. (Yestebo) ! Mrs. Edward Redding, (Dalziel) Mrs. Dean Seaman, "(pies-" man) *$rs. Lillian tiathman. (K reia n) • Mrs. Georp-e Wiersma. (Van Niittnn) . Samuel J Goldhaber, M. D, (De Line) Louis Long. <De Line) Mrs. MelVltx Fleming. (Shav) Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, • (Steadman) Lutheran Child Weifare Assn. (Daymond. Seibel) 'rHa'rvfv)^ (:ood Shepard, C. W Bailey. M. D - 1 Fiesman) orHl ooks' dependt"«hii " *87 8.). pro off trav eSD', •/' $16.45 vf Dependent • 'hildren-i' "**"7" J! en dale Farm SchQol, . : " a( Hohn«»n>- --c---r-- ---- 1/s. shir lev I»el.ine, ( Del.ine) 16' 7 7 s. John Deardorf. (Ketchum) 52.®f i'ar9 T. R. Patients Rockford Mun. T. 'r. ' Sftfu*'... 217.00 Lake County T. B, Saa, .... 2,763.00 90.00 ISO.-Oflf 80.00 30.00 30.00 76.12 87.00 40.00 75.00 38.50 60.00 80.00 80,00 ' *0.00 8.0fl 104^30