Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 19

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f y ** * % ; » » , * ** "* W' - \ * i ** •* y-, • - ri**< All tif which 1« Tt'jtpfefelfirtlf rope 5".ed. • K. <\ COY. Chairman HKXKY C. Al 101KR • Olfcxy. H. AC KM AN A. «J. McCONNKLL A delegation of Tavern Keepers j«" MeHenry County -appeared ws .ore the Board. and presented a lotion requesting the Board to nend its Regulations governing e operation and control of taverns 'tside of the corporate limits of y city <«r village, in MeHenry unity, concerning control of miners. Mr. Art Hensclicl, spokesman Tor the delegation then read to the lloijrd the petition in detail. Dan Di^iels and Harold Harry, nieinlxrs " Wiie delegation also spoke. After •some further discussion with regard to said matter it was regularly moved by Supr. Heck arid dlilv seconded by Supr. Filip, that the petition and request bo refcrraH to the Liquor Control I'lui'iiiiussmn m Ale Henry County and. that States Attorney, fo*f their_- investigation, and Report, and the 'Chairman do* elated the - motion - uhnninrtnisly carried. *" . - " The Committee', <>n' Roads and Hridges presented 111,, following report. which • on motion "of Asst. Supr. AlcC'jnnelI and duly 'seconded' !'V>SuJ»-. Alackeben, and' the roll bc- "(• called ' was declared unanimous-i I."'adopt.ii; Jo-wit: Air. Chairman and (Jentlemen of th<* Hoard, of Supervisors, Alcllenry County, Illinois: - -•-.-' The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for/sai«l .County. beg leave to .submit the following report on the matters l»efoi e thenjT- .. . /. That we met at Woodstock. Hlr-: tiois. on the II th day of December. l'.MS, and audited and oi'fh red paid bills of a general na t u re ' chargeable to the AlcHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County ovAcdma-- cV^ii-ry and lalw at the County house and grounds to » total o! .t3.760.38.. '/•• Bills chargeable to tile , various • sections of the County -patrol system of roads at i-afc.s heretofore ap, proved hy this- Hoaitd were audited and ordered paid ax follows: " - • -- $ 492.91 .V'S Section 3. 14 Scci ions I. 16, VS Seel ion 1. 17 2.VJ.H2 , Sc. t ions r>, fi 1 Sections 7, 8, !), Hi, II, 12 ,1.2112.43 S'dions 13 15 . Hit).lit) Total ...... •6.516.66 Hills w«ro audited and ordered paJd out of Motor Fuel' TttX funils a'tjpi'ollow's: - , ' Anriiici|>al ICmtdoyees Rfttlreinent Fund ---AIFT shai'o for : I'elision (Nov.) $ 184.65 I'atrol Sec. No. 1, Maintenance, /• lahor and materials SI'.W I'atrol Vec. No. 2, MaIntenaticc, labor and mater'ia]s ...!. I, rtiil.l:) £>•<-. 33T. engi.. lal-or & mat. 7i>.8t Section mat. 34, engi. labor & 3T, const., lahor Amat. 441.38 2.0S8.04 Total -...: . $3,023.01 Township Roads-State Appropriation, Senate Bill 378:' ;*• K'lgineel'itlg -.. . V 6f8.S5 l"*fhmond Twp., Sec. 2, eonsi. iri3.S2 A™oiitjuin Twp., See.^ (B)T 17HMN Total .*.14.512.21 W e again met at _ Woodstock. Illinois. on the sth tlhv <.f .lanuarv. IK •I!', and audited and ordered paid bills of a. general nature cJiargealdc to tile MeHenry "County patrol system of roads as a whoi« for repairs and supplies for County owned ma- Cliinffl-y and lal-or at the County tool house and grounds to a total .Of *3.134.58'. • ' Hills chikrgealilo. to th« various feed ions of the County patrol svstc m of roads at ratt s licretol'ore. ape< l hy this Board wcr^ audited ordered paid as follo'w-s: tions 3, 14 v....7 $ f»«.y feet ions 4, 16. 18 . 34 8.10 ed ions 4. 17 ^ 202.44 Section 5. '6 .. 4 0.85 Sn lions 7. 8. !). 10. II. 12 . ..1.S!'2 li! Scctions"Tir'TIi --S'nrrrf Total, ..A..'..,.;. .'..f5.7B«>.t)2 Hills wert; audited and ordered paid out of Motor *#tte! Tax l'unds as follows: Al unicipall Kmploy^eiBS Retirement Fund--AIPT share for Pension <T»ec.»" '$ I 14.37 I'atrol Sec. No. 2,. Ala ilit'enailCc, laiior and materials Bin.42 S*u-. 33, engi. labor tind mat/ t .^,.25 r-lr . 34. engl. lal.-or and mat, 2'X.3tf Sc. , 3ti. engi. lahor and.mat. 4 5.00 : Sec. 37, engi. lahor and t^iat. 47S.(!«i Sec. 33T, const, lahor & mat. 53.82 Total $1.731.88 Township Riia^ ^-Siate Appro- * piiation Sinafe IVill 378:! Kngirfeeruig . $ 947.48 Richmond Twp.. Seci 2., , construction 7.t;ri.l6 I lorr Twp.. Sec. 2. const. . 5.4S8.72 "Riley Twp., SIM-. 2. const. 7.7.RJ!>.7A Total .. I21.810.0C W e ha ve ius|ieetwd most Tit" -- t he Stale Aid Roads and think they are <Jing into the W inter in fair sltatie. i' iT- have had to spend iinusuajl.v large sums of' money oil them duo to the extremely bad Spring breakup of HM8. which those who had to> use the roads will not have forgot.- ten.jCAVe. would < all to your attention that the Road fund for niaintcnance of State Aid Roads is only $.\.nn(i more than during tlu;. \iar - ^,17.<KI0 in 1 !»43 an $52,000 for 1 :t4«. Wanes. mat ••rial s [ami machinery - have more than do\ibk-d in cost. It is-required t hatTT^PJisidut ion be passed at the start" of the year' to , <-reatn a Maintenance l-'und for the. care - of M. K. T. roads now built, l-jjids not used are easily- trans- <*Jli-ed to some other Al. i<\" T. pry- .icct.. The rough est iniate ' includes; 1 mowing weeds. rare of surface, shoulders, ditches. plowing sndw, spreading cinders and necessary seal coats. We have instructed the Hichway ricpartmi-itt to prepare s aid rescdutiou involv irig $28.2.4-3 tor asphalt roaTis and $IS5 liir gravel roHds. W'e recommend that sai<l l-esuliition bv passed by this INwril 4it t his t ime. It is also required-flint a resolution be passed for the year to create a •Right of Way Kngineering Fund for. making right of way plats an'd miscellaneous rosts "-"ftrvfrtvliig- -tirtrr~ •Alws with properly owners ami #W'cials. that are ' not a t«r<<per •Charge und<ir road construction engi- Jieering. We therefor*1 recommetnl that the resolution setting up a fund ot #1.001) for this purpose Ue passed -toy this Hoard at this time. . A petition from the Illinois Rell T. lepliom- Company for 1'pstate 1>1- vision No' 4!M<9 to install a caWe nn- .dergroiuid on the Cary-Aijionquiti Ishii-ktop Road( State Aid Rout,. No. has been r<-eeived' and We reeotn-, iiii-nd that the permit be urnnted. -s Funds being low, w decided to re. ..inmend that the Count" Treasurer procure, sufficient fundus to the highway work and ppypjpits Hite on mar-hinery, until neV ,1a v funrls are available^ The Town road gravelfVitr an,i n l|. Iiiu eo'ntracts let the past season under the Township Roads -- .Slate .^Appropriation Fund. Senate 15ill J8 7 8. _ are all completed. I W'e have received from Atotor I tax funds rental on County •«> wind machinery includcl in the Sfcl>o\e reports $382.18--Section 33T *'oiistrnction. and -- Patrol iKection No. 2 -^- Alaintenance. We Wtavi- turned said amounts over to 'the County Treasurer for the.(^oiln« if-t v road fund, which said sums is r.-by re-appropriated for road poses including the repair, storan^ purchase of road machinery of for improvements for buildings to li.uise machinery. Your («i>mmittee estimates there will t-e rtecessary for the eat> of the Ali-Henry County. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from -the Countv 'highway fi«i4 in the sum jof $4.0Qo until the ne?,t meeting of this Board. . All 'of vvhicl} is rjfspectfull-y subr I mitted. • • . T; V. NOLAN | F. K. Bl-:ci< • O. .1. CARROLL JOHN J. FTLIP • Road and Hridge Committee, * A AlcHenry 'County, Illinois. . THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS The following: County Alaifitenance Resolution, and the followsiig State Aid Route Right Af Wya^ftnd Kngi- Resolntion were presented at»d read to. the Board, to-wit: County Maintenance Jtpsolnti<m Resolveil. by the Hoard i.f Supe»- \i>y>r« o/ Alcllenry County that $28,728.00 is appropriated I'toin Hie Motor Ku^l allotment for the maintenance of the following sections or patrols located on State Aid roads and meeting the requirements of the "Atotor Fuel Tfcx Law." ap- -j»rovvd Alarch 25, 1929, as amended. Pat lid N<». 1 .: $485,011 Patrol No. 2 28.243.00 and he jt further Resolved, that the above designated sections i.-e maintained ikider the l»ro\ isions of said Alotor laiel Tax Irfiw during the year endingvl'ecemher 81, 194!t. unit*e it furtlier Resolved, that the County Clerk is b/'t'eby directed to transmit two •certified copies of this resolution to (he department of Public * Works Mitd Hnildings. Division of \ Highway. Springfield, Illinois, through tt«vi>ist rict Kngineer. Ki<rht of Way Enfflmeerlnf ; Besolntion ' 14o It Resolved, |>i the Board of Supervisors, of AlcHenry County al its mw-ting this 11th day of January, I'.MH, that there, is hereby appropriated th<» suiii of four thousand dollars ($4,00(1.110) or so tunch thereof As may be nwessiiry, from the saiil <'ouiity's motor fuel tax allotment, f;>r l.tight tif Way Kngineeringu during the year eliding l)ecein" r»-r -3i. nils. , J He It KuYtljer. Resolved.' that this rys'ilution be submitted to the department of Public Works and Buildings. State of.. 1 Hindis, to guai-an^ee JSI> meiit of all COHA for Right' of Way Kngvneeiing. , >• It was thereupon .regularly moved by Swpr. Ackmaij and -duly seconded by. Siipr. «'arroll that the . Resolutions Iv adopte<l by this Hoard, and th« roll . hciffs: calied 1 Suprs. Ruth, Heck, Coy, Carroll, Acktnan, Alackeben, Nolan. Aavang, Cornue. McConnt'll May, Meier. Kilip and Asst. ftfcixvett. McCon'nell and Rosenthal voted Aye. "Nay none. A'i<l the Chairman declared"th,. motion unanimously carried and the Resolutions adopted. The following State Aid Route No. 1 Resolution. Alden Township, and th«. following State Aid Rt»ute No. In . Resolution. C.rafton Township and ".'oral Township were presented and read to the Hoard, to-wit: Keaolution AVhereaSt in and because of the locsition. relocation, widening and construct ion of a new gravel road 1 i ee from' sharp turns and abrupt grades, deviations from the then existing highway location known as State Aid Rbute .^"o. 1 .were made through portions of land Sections lit. 20. 2!) and 30. Town of Creen- WIKMI. and through portions of land Sections 2. 11, 12. 13 and 24. Town or ilnrtl*nd. and through portions of land Sections 27, 34 and 35, Town of A.lden, all in MeHenry County Illinois; Therefore He It Resolved, by the Itoai<i j>|- >iupervisi>i*h of MeHenry County. Illinois, that all of those portions of the old highway that lie more than thirty-five (35) feet measured at right angles to the longitudinal ccnterline, where it is a straight line and on radial lines, where said centtjrlne is on a Curve to th,. right or left on the newly established (travel Hase Road known as Section :t3 Al. K. T. as now established in accordance with the right ot. way plats pertaining thereto ami recorded in the office of the County Recorder at .Woodstock. Illinois: said portions are herebv discontinued as parts of State Aid Route Xn- 1 of the State Aid System of Roads .of said County *ml the said newly established road shall b-e known as State Aid Route No. 1; subject to the approval of the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings as provided bv jaw. He It Further Resolved, that two (2) ^certified copies of this resolution be transmitted bv the Countv •Clerk To til,. State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings fpr their action thereon. Resolution Whereas, in and because of the location, relocation, widening and construction of a new gravel road free' from shairp turns and abrupt grades, deviations from the then existing highway location known as State Aid Route No. 12. were made through portions of land Sections 30.' 31 and 32. Tpwn of C.rafton, and. through • portions of land Sections 17, !•». U>. 2 2. 23, 24 and 25. Town of Coral, all in MeHenry County, Illinois; 'Therefore He It Resolved, by the Roard of Supervisors of MeHenry County. Illinois, that all of those portions of the old highway that Ife • more -than thirty-five (35) feet measuT-ed' at riglit angles to the .longitudinal ccnterline. where it is a straight line and On radial lines, ami where said ccnterline i.s on a curve to the right or left on the newly' established Bituminous Surt. n-e on (Jravel Base Course Road known as Sectiim 34 Al. K. T. as now 'established in 'accordance with the right' of way plat pertaining thereto and recorded in the office of the t'ounty Recorder at Woodstock. Illinois;' said portions are hereby discontinued as parts of State .Aid Route No. 12 of the Sta.te Aid System of Roads of said County and the said newly established roan shall be known as State Aid Route No 12: subject fo the approval of the State of Illinois, .Department of 'public Works arol Buildings as pfivded bv law; H« It l^irther Resolved, that two (2> certified-•-copies of this resolution (••e brafismUted by the County Clerk to the State of Illinois. Department of Public Works and Building*! for their action (hereon. . i.t was thereupon regularly moved l v S.upr. Ackman ami dulv s^onded i-y Siipr, Dunning thai the Resolution It adopted by* this Board, and the roll being called the Chairman •lecared tin' motion unanimously carried and the Resolutions adopted. The Illinois Boll Telephone Co. presented 'Vi request for permission to go juidcr the roadwith their service liiifis <ui State Aid Route A in Algonquin Township. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supir. Kilip anil duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Al (-Council (hat permission he granted. And the roll being called the -Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Several communications from the state Of III. Dept. of Pubic Works and (tuilditigs. together with (las Tax Allotment Report for the month of De-ember 1 J* 4 S were presented and -ordered plliced on tile. Three subdivision plats "The Crystal Lake Home Sites" secon da<lditi" n "I'hclen Kairview Subdivision'* and "IfalcsKfak Street Acres'" werepresented to the Hoard for approval If was thereupon regularly moved I y -Supr. Reck and duly seconded Meier that tlie plats be approved, and thai the ChRirman of i he Hoard and-Clerk of the Board be authorized to so certify. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the plats approved. A communication from a resident of Crystal Lake protesting against the storage of gravel along I*. S. Route No. 14 Kast of Crystal Lake was presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting for the good of MeHenry County, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Alackehen and duly seconded by Supr. Coy to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. , CARL E. "W1TTMUS, Attest: Chairman A* D. WOODS. Clerk. K. Reck, Elmer C. Coy. G. J. Carroll, Chas. T. Dunning. Chas. H. Ackman, Harlev Mackeben. T. l-\ Nolan, Aimer Aavang, Stanley H. Cornue, Frank R. McConnell. Frank Alay, Math N*. Schmitt, Henry C. Meier, and Asst. Supr. A. R. AlcConnell constituting a quorum present. The minutes of the Special January 1949 meeting were read and upon motion duly made and carried were approved and ordered of record. The foiiowiiy; report of fhe County Treasurer fV>r the month of January 1949 was presented and read to the Hoard and upon motion, of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth wan approved and ordered of record, to-wit. Oetaaty Tnuom'i Keport fot 41m Month, of January, 1949 Keceipta Balance Forward » *..'4 $218,994.53 General Fund $ 23(1.ttu Suprs. County Horn* 4U1.30 Supt. Co. Home l,017.t)O Dependent Children 824.96 Zoning Permits 2;753.00 County Officers l'"eeW ........ 392.29 " Highway Fund ...L...:....10,041.19 ' l'ers. Prop. Rack Tax 454.0$ Inheritance Taxef .... ..>,413.23 Forfeited Taxes 290.15 . Fines on Highways/ ............ '13.00 Twp. Road Stale App 32,048.13 States" Atty. Fund 488.00 Alotor Fuel Taxes .. 1.&00.00 Payroll Clearing Acc't .... 4.833.19 . 111. Mun. Ret. Fund .,. .. 2,^63 54 Institute Fund .18.00 K»crow Account - 628.00 ' *29,894.54 275.70 261.30 168.70 800.00 1.075.00 368.00 S3.0O 290.45 .869,03 1.078.04 3.923.61 4.512.21 4,8.61.99 Z.3C3.54 65,178.55 223,480.311 ToUU Receipts 59.664.41 n. •• • . • _______ Grand Total ... J278v658.94 XxptuUttuti CoutilV Driler.s -- Hrand and Petit Jurors' Probation Officer County Court " Jurors -. County Treas. Salary Clerks' Salaries Special Clerks' Salaries Bounty Orders Ccneral Fund Highway Orders I nheritance Ta \e8 Alotor Fuel ,Taxe» Twp. Road-State App. Payroll Clearing Acct. Institute Fund 111. Mun.. Ret. Fund . Total Expenditures ... Ralancc Jan. 31. lf>4? •••'.• $278,658.9 f The alxive and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HK.NRY A. Nl'LLK. a County Treas. : Subscribed and s4worn to before me this tlh dayfcl February. 1949. I>. Wo<»DS, Seal) County Clerk The Committee on AlcHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Carroll and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt, and the roll being called was deelarejj unanimously adopted, to-w^t: Air. Chairman and Members of the Roa-rd of Supervisors of MeHenry County: ^ Your AlcHenry County Home, Pat'iii and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on February 2nd. l'.H'.i and audited bills for the month of January, 1949 and respectfully submit the following report recommending the same be paid. R. O. Andrew Co., feipd and grinding $ 88.26 Arwell, Inc., pest control 15.00 R. F. Baccus, elec. repairs .... 177.<7 K. L. Bakkom & Co.. repair supplies Bannister's Store, tobacco, clothing, diet Bohn Hdw. Co., supplies tllenn lioyce Service Station, gascdine, oil, grease " Crystal Lake Farm Store, tractor repairs . • . . (-..35 IM-. AVilliam J. (;ay, veterinafian^4.011- (loodrows (Jainge, gasoline, truck repairs p>3.!).-, Hubert's Pharnui^y, medicines 27^81 Ideal Oil Company!fuel oil .... 196.51 111. P.el Tel. Co., telephone .... 39.08 Jen A See Laundry, laundry 6 73 Miller-Pat ton Baking Co.. bread 68 54 -Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing, supplies Public Service of Nor. 111. electricity Royal Blue Food Mart, groe. Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers John Sexton & Co., grow.. ....;. Shurtleff & Co., buildin# rep. supplies „ Thomas J. Webb Co., coffee .... Thompson Appliance Co., Shellane gas . Woodstock Dry Goods Co.; clothing Woolworth's. notions . Hud wig Wilson So., soap Johnson Sheet Aletal Shop, boiler and stoker 'repairs Arthur W. Werbach, hauling Hartford Live Stock ins. Co.. ins. on bull - Ksther C. Allen, incidentals.. I^sther C. Allen, salary 11.99 60.04 45.67 20.80 61.41 68.91 14.08 26.09 118.45 5.38 38.21 17.50 1.7* 2.54 107.22 23.37 4.12 Hilma Alelander, salary Henry Knaack, wages Hat tie Xichols. wages Henry Ross, wages Pe;trl Ross, •>. wages . 90.00 85.00 20(1.oil 125.00 175.00 S.'i.OO .... 125.00 .... 100.00 - ' $2,366.02 V. „ Feln-uary 2. 19HI Mr f hairnian and the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of Alcltenrv County, Woodstock, 111. Your M cHenry County Home. I'arm and Hospital Committee beg leave to rr>|>ort that they met at Hartland on the al*ove mentioned date and audited bills as follows recommending that thev be paid. Permanent Improvement . $ 177 47 Running Kxpcnse 1,I3H25 60.08 30.33 27.81 I 17.95 277.32 214.Of Sec. 36, engi/ inl«tr Sec. 37, engi. laltor ft mat. See. 33, const.'materials . r.9.92 114.25 f,i0«9.7 I Total $8,033.57 Rills were audited and ordered, paid oqt of Township Roads--State Appropriation Funds, Senate, Hlil 378: ' Kngin^ering, labor and mat. $ ""42.70 Marengo Twp.. Sec.- .2, const. 4,817.15 Seneca Twp.;'Sec. 2 const.' ... 4,'Vin. ',»f> t-oral Twp., Sec. 2. const 4,7;!3.S« tiral'ton Twp*. Sec. 2, cotyst. 7,^92.84 • Jrafton T\vp"., Sec. 2, const. 7,292.7 1 Algonquin Twp., Sec. 3, const 2,871.24 Algonquin Twp., Sec. 4, ' , const 5.87.24 Total ... $28,155.28 AlcHenry County has been 'fortunate so far in that there has not been mtich drifting of snow hut the icy condition of tlnv roads has cai:.s«»il considerable 'expense -in spreading' cinders and sand. A <Mieck has l«-en tendered iu tbe ami,mnt of $5t> for damage to the railincs of the jtJd »<t«el bridge over Fox- River a't . Mcllefiry' difts. to the loss <>f control oi* an aiit«>niob-ile on the .bridge. -.-Although t1»e expense- wojild be i^>ore"than '$50 if ,ne»' railings eouKj be bough;t within a reasonable Mine, h • so ' happens ttjat we have a salviiyt-d railing flii haivd • t liat c;ui 1 be si>bsl i-t iitvd. We. reconiniend that tlie "ehe< k I ronv tjie t'nited Sta te- Fi*ile.lit y atnl. tJliariNlly Company be -accepted in naynHMtt iif damage l«» ssVid Hi idge. After plans' iiad. bcejv completed,' antt ,;'.pp|1?ved. by the Stsvie Division of Highways tor the . Woi,idstofk- Aldeu Road, it became neci ssiirv to allow five caltle passes in 'order to secure (lie right of way. tion apivropriating $3,271.55 'of the Alotor I uel Tax funds to -juiy for said cattle passes out . of Ritihl of A\ay Funds. 'We t here fori- recommend that such resolution be passed at this time covering the matter. It is also necessary to. pass a ics'il ut hyi f«r file sum* of $|S,ooo to create a fund to pay for the Tight of way on the 11 tint ley-A I gonmrfn Road otherwise known as Section 35 AIFT. A condemnation of (lie right of way is necessary on the Olsop Farm due to its being an '-state with minor' heirs. We nvniiinienil I'as-, sage of the necessary resolutions in the a I uve matters «t this lin^>. A tender of four hundred rflfly dollars $(450) has been made OH behalf of Mi lletll^ County for the' Olson tracts of Right of Way. The steel rods for streiig-flien'ig three bridges <>n tlie Alcireiiry-Boone Coimty lines in the Towns of .Dunham and ..Roone have arrived. It WHS agreed at a joint m'eetiiig of the two County Road arid Bridge ' "tnmi'tees to pay for the cost s in -fiTopori ;<»]*•' I(. the assessed viiliVa-" tions- of tin- respective i'ountie.s as l»io\id»-d by law. We therefore recommend the Coimtj I'lerk draw an order in favor of the Calumet Iron & Supply -Comtiany iif Kist Chicago. Indiana In the sum of $525.33 us Alcllenry. Count y's sliare of said cost. The-total I'ill payable to Calumet Iron Supnlv Company is in tlie amount of f 689.15. Tiie matter of iepa.ii* of Jsild - bridge;* was hef'etof oi .• liefoie tiii!| Hoard and the estimated cost wad about $16h(», i»ayable from the approviation for County Aid Building Bridge*:. ^ . " We have • recelv«#| from, mot or fuel tax ffinds rental on Countv ownwl machinery iuclrded in the" a 1-ove report *206.00-.I'atrol Section No. ?--.Maintcn-inee, $«(i«!i.7l from Section 33 Construction for c. Al. P. Pipe taken fpom " Count v Higiiwav Stock. $Hi3.6fi as- refund" to ail just overcharge on Autom,.file Llabilitv l'o' icy ^To. AC-1023255. $50.00 a's» paymi'tit , for damaKe to MeHenry I »ridae. and *310.16 to adjust Insurance Policies No. y.-i 18s::i>. SMC- ••lOjiS. in accordance with insuram-e audit. W'e h#vc 'turned all of the above iiieniioiied amounts over fo ,lhe CnnnCy.. -Tpwiww?. for"Hit* Cnimtv road fund, which said sum is hereby re-a pprooria ted' for road purposes Including' the- repair, stor- .age' and ^p|i,rchase. of road machiner;.\ or for improvemenlK for bniiliiincs to hous'. niachinery. \ our coinmittee estimates there will be tleces-Ht v for t ile C.II C Of the Alcllenry <*'Unty. Illinois patrol system of roads an approprjation iro.m the County highwnv rund in the sum of flO'lfl until .the nevt meeting of this Hoard soeiation and that It was his opinion Vhat the 4-H Club Fair and th'- liewly^organised Association could he const:i iil.ited. He then informed the Board how the members of the Fsiir Association were selected ani" how the i ifTio-rs were chosen li» further informed the Board that btJlore State tUnds could become avail able that it would be necessary fof tlie Board of Supervisors of Alellen roy County i« designate the Organi ziitton to sponsor and hold the an nual fair. At the <*lose of Air. Howell's remarks a -general discussion was had with regard to said matten. At the close of all discussion it was regularly moved l,-y Asst Supr. McDonnell and dulv Seconded 1>.\>Supr, Ackman that the following tosolutfoii be adopted bv this Hoard and.tlie roll 1,called \he Chairman declared the motion urkuiinious- Jy carried an,l the ItesoUjtjA adopted. to-wit: , / Besolation of Board of Supervisors Of MeHenry County . \\ liereAs. the Hoard of °Supc<<rvisofs of A1i-H»-ni;y Countv is of tlin opinion thm there is a, definite need" in McHeiu-y < outi(.\ t( ir ajj annual coulif.v, fair and that " the nevvlv tormed MeHenry County l'air" As. sociiition ist ihf- pro.j»i-r organixation to spnnsivr and hold such annual aff; S,irs. •.•;,. '. ' , ., • . • , Now, .'Tb- refore, - He it ( Resolved w"w " Roard of Supervisors of McHtnvry Cotinlv- )by tins- Resolution « Xpress, s; its aiHuovar of the hotdi «g «»f -aiwiual fair "in Alcllenrv County ttifd that Hie Mcllenry Conn', ty Ffti*. Association l\j» ' designated am the organisation' H." sponsor and hold the annual fair. This Resolution Is made in accordai^-e with the reuuinments of Section 1 (! t of (",irti>.' *•'**"'-n'l'1, "'c Illinois Revise.) statiitcF, I :• i m order to make availaide to the MeHenry ^Countv Fair Assooa-Drtii-Slate"funds for the holdmg of,sui-h fair through the Depart m.n4 of Agriculture of the State of lllillTtlst.. v. (Fles Rat tan) 40.00 Mrs. Dean Seaman^ man)' * Kva Kapping. (Ycsteb*>) Airs. John I)eardorff, (KfitchunO Mrs. Kd'.v. Redding.. (D4lsiel) Mrs-., Melviu Fleming, (Shay) J. Jacoh J list en Sons. County Poor Fund ( Huriel Baby) Woodstock Children's H<«me. (Shay. Datl7.iel. Fiesman) K. O. Rowe' & Sons, (Ketcbtttn) I.akeland Hospital, (De- Line) :. Rockford Municipal T. BSan.. Care T. R. Patients Lake County T. R. San., ('are T. H. Patients .. Louise Brooks, . . Airs. l-:ugene DeVries, (Ketchiuri) , All of which Is respectfully submitted. " lv C. C^>Y. Chairman A. B. McCONNKLti ... ' M ATH N. S' 'I I Al ITT "'• IIKNRY C. Mi:iKft . ^ C M A S. H. 'ACKM A 40.00 30.00 • 85.80 30.00 30.00 63.00 280.00 3.50 64.70 35.0o *#16.00 12.09 45.64 Ofv|l1e >f. Kerns ... • I'ei-rt Schnl«z Motorola inc. , HaII «v I^-kert ' l,e.. | lit iinati Mci'olium lloist ft Alfg. Co. .Montgomery -Ward Co. Mfo- t|0t i< ksotl . !• tike I:c.-1rd « R. i >. Andrew Co. Alcllenry < 'o. Title-Co. M. iletlry Co. II wy. D<n>t„ i:o«d J-'UHil, Henry Nolle. TIKIS. t 11 1 C. .Hail / ti. ... . . , vv' -em t'nited <Jn.s / |.;i,-c. I lie tltoijt-ofw a>- t Ollllllittee pre- I I -l - .H 'l SclUlett Criu'ery si'tited the following resolutio'ii- lo.. .| Blue Food Mart authorising the construct Ion i'»t. j, ij e ket t s Bakery .. ' -i'• 'tc Dary Pr.i»ducts Sabu^ Hau All of which is i-esj>e<tfullv inkted. . T. K. NOLAN F. K. HKCK ' C. J. -CARROLL MATlf N. SCHMITT* Road and Bridge ('ointui11* ' MeHenry County, Illinois. T he t b-rk presented lists of (.'laim.** County and uimui motion of Supr. Mackcben and dulv second ed by Supr. May. and declared carried, said claims Were referred to the prop, r committees and the Hoard adjoHfl lied to 1:30 1'. Al. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. if*--. , .Hoard met/pursuant to a<l.iXurnnw, n« a ml upon i-<»11 call the same members I-. -ponded to (heir names as appeared in the .morning session and including Asst. Supr. MaxwcP and Assi. Supr. Rosenthal constituting a quorum present. The Committee'on. claims. Labor. I'COS aiyl Supplies presented the following Report, 'which on .motion of supr. Mackcben and dulv secondrI. n:4. clilleil wars; u d: re"c\l'a r'e"dv *ii4iliiavn inioiiis>l*v adopted, to-wit: February 8th, A. D. 1949. Air. Chaiiinan and (lentlemen of the 1 .Board of Suiu-rv isoi ^ Otjl* ( itiiun111ce on I „ihir. Fees and Supplies1 Claims would beg leave to report that they -have examined I'laiius prcsr-uted (o thtuu, and re -, mmend the pav teent of the following. and.that the Clm k be directed fo issue 'orders on the Countv Treasurer In the Claimants for the Severn J amount allowed, as follows to-wt: „ Frank Thornber Co. Hurgess. Amlerson A.- Tat Rolanrl McCannon I', o. Kmith Co. ' ... - < loerliti! Hecknt ll: Co The Haloid Company ' Woods,ock Daily Sentlflel < MeHenry I'la indeal«(r I;.vie R. Iluti-lltllson Kilt* i itVice Serv ice i.... Hart liutt Phoi os I-'- L. I'akkoni & Co.. Inc. c. W, Llickelibill Sid well Studios .* Woodsto, k A wning Shop . Holm Hardware t.'o I.ud Wit: Wilson Co. . I 'a i iv? - < it .ii' |0\preyn In,r. H. O. Andrew t'o. . .. P.. P.. N'eiichiller i>. K. Nelson. M. '|» \V'u<xi.stuck (trill Calla;;han ^ Company The Lawyers ('o-oiM-ral i ve Publishing1" The Comniltlee on Fees and Salaries. presepted the .following' Report, to-wll: :. i ^ January 26, 1949 Mr. Chairman, and Cient lemen Df the Roard -of SUper<iisors: '<.' Your CiSiiniiittee on "Fees and Salaries^ fo wlioni was referred the semi-jinnual rejjortx* of the County Clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sheriff lor the ,half year ending December 1, 1918. would beg leave to submit the following .report on the matters and things before ttieiu: The semi-annual report of the County Clerk toeing as follows: Receipts ICarned Received For J'rob-ate Fees $2,1 40.45 $ 594.95 For <'lerk' Fe»'s in Suits in C'iurt 185.78 53.00 For Co: Serv, 5,717.2? 82:08 For Misc. Serv. 10,927;6<j 10,664.or. Total learning of half yr. » $18,971.13 Rceived of earnings prevoiislv reported: Probate Court Costs ... Mscellaneous Total Receipts ; I'ixpendit ures^--. Clerk Hire. inc. extra , $8,242.58 Fees Refunded 20.00 Retirement Fund Six Months 1.298.88 Miscellaneous .. 213.13 Clerk's Salary for 1-2 yr., Countv •Clerk 1.250.00 Si?lary Clerk o tTount-y Court .. 1,000.50 $1,615.50 10.00 5.50 $13.025,0» "Trttwf* Krrwf Previous Rep<*t- Due Cotmtv '. ,/ $551'.94 Inc. 10.23 42.15 Hi.25 12.77 167.4 1 >. 91.2(1 1.517.20 3.35 14.48 -1.(54 64.511 \ :,.(»(l- . .^l't.85 13.49 S5.9 4 3.113 31.98 ;1o.S(l 10.1111 18.26 HMMt 17.50 5.(10 Kl.Oii 235.62 13.57 11 2. i' 6 4 8.Kfi 50.(1(1 5.till • 42.12 10.00 25.00 CIRCUIT ClaEBK The semi-annual1 report of tlie Circuit Clerk being as follows? Receipts Earned Received For Record ips .$.8,673.75 $8,673.75 I-or Clerk's Fees in Suits in v C'mrt 2.311.90 2,301.90 For Misccllaiteous- - Services 504.95 167.95 1 ;>2 ,d«j* at Court at $ I o.oo per 'lay • /. .^l.SlOvM Total Knrnlnita of half year .$13,010.60 Receipts . during current half years for the services performed in previous half years ftnd heretofore reportedas not received. Recording 7.50 Total Receipts Bxpendltnrea-- Clerk lire. for- 1-2 > Par Refund Dqcket - . .Fees $11,151.10 Cotin'y's Share • Al'. Ii. F. Cont rib Miscellaneous office expenses Clerk's Salary for one-half • % year $5,233.50 ----87.50 t78.»3 . 3<1- l^Sl.OO 7.383.45 Board. After the reading ° of the Report the Chairman called on Atty. Jameti J. AlcCauley of Harvard, who was present at l,he meeting.. Air. AlcCauley addressed the Hoard rind stated that he was the attorney for certain objectors to the reclassifying, of the limperty owned by Benjamin and KUen Strang and that he -would Mike to make a request at this time, that the Board defer action' on -this Report until the next meeting of this Board, for the reason that the objectors that he represents intend take an appeal from the action << fhe Board of Appeals to the Circuit Court of Alcllenry County, and that it was his belief that the question involved would and could .lie referred back to the Hoard, of Appeals for further consideration; It was thereupon regularly- moved by Asst. Supr. AlcConnell and duly sevonded by Supr. Alackelspn that the, report of the Board of Appeals be tabled ntil the next meeting of this Board, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried! Supr; Dunning stated that there was present at this meeting a group of citizens and school offfTiciats Who. hail a matter to bring before the Boaril- concerning, tile safetv , of transporting children to and "front •-^school. The Chairman then called 9 hn Hitrl Hughes. Pjesident of Board of Community -Consolidated No; 1IK ^lr. Hughes addressed the. Bpard concerning said -mailer and presented and filed petitions signed by Approximately 259 citizens requesting increasjrd.. vig'i.lence and further action on the part of County, and Ktate officials in enforcing tlje laws concerning the duties of citizens ilrtving automobiles, in not passing a scljool bus which has stopped.-.on. the highway for the purpose,.«f IJE* ceiving or discrarging passengers. Mr. Hughes stated that there had Iven several violations in the County and-that it was his opinion thai some action should be taken, and he wondered if it Would he possible for the sheriff's office to patrol, at intervals, some of the highways and roads upon which school busses are routed. He stated that there were about forty-five school buss<-s in tlie County at this time. Ferd RafYel. a director of Hist. No. MI.' and Alary Kndres. Sunt, of Dist. No. 10. also spoke concerning saitf matter. Supr. Heck. Chairman of the Fees .and Salaries committee informed the delegation that the Sheriff of MeHenry County had presented the matter to his committee tft consider the possibility of additional patrol cars for AlcHenry County, but at this time the Committee was not fully informed and was not prepared to make a recommendation. A - general discussion was then had concerting said matter ami the Chairman of the Hoard "T1 if.OtfTi'O gf form ed the delegation that -the Board - as a whole was naturally concerned about the safety of chil- 'Iren, and that the Board and its Committee would give their request every consideration. Mr. Hughes then thanked ,tl\e members -of the Board for their indulgence. The Committee on Purchasing presented the following report,, towit: Grand Total of Tax ' Collected and I liHtrf- !'LL_" buted in 1 948" ... f2.395.ST.|'.tl "M Distritnfions of 1948 By Date* Current Tax Distributed -- June 15. 1948 $1,122.O80.iXI August 15. Hi48 560,680.00 -Tilly in. 1948 (Co. elk. fees) 9.596.18 Novemlier 30. 1918 . . 61^.769.00 certain cattle passes along Stat- Aid Route N,.. | Section '(Copy of (his Resolution oft libill the County Clerk'* office) H.'viis thereupon nCgularlv'moved by Supr. Ackman and dulv seconded by Supr. Mackcbcii that 'tho Resolution be adopted by this Hoard, and the roll, being called the <'hairinii n decl ared Hie mot ion unaninioiisl v carried and the Resnutiori adopted.' The Ifolotfing CojKletuniil ion. Resolution of proper i y :j,n state Aid Route N't. 32 -was presented ;u<-i read to. the Hoard lo-wit • (Copy of this Resolution oi, n., in the County Clerk's office t It was the)'<-ii|iou regularly mn, .! by Supr. SchmiII and dulv jo-come .I bv Supr. Mackcben that the R - ' • Clothing Tobacco Medicines Hospital Diet Fuel . ..... Special February- Meeting, 1949 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenrv County, Illinois, met in Special Session, pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Wqpdstock. on Tuesday. (he 8th day of February. A. D. 19 49 at 10:00 A. Al. The meeting wa-s called to order by the Chairman. Carl K. AVittmus. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the/ I'nited States of America was given by the Chai-rcan -with all members of the Board and visitors present participating, and the roll leing called by the Clerk, the following members responded to their names. to-w4t: -August W. Rnth, V; Perry Wrights Car K. Wittmus, F. Total ' $2,366.22 inuu'^i ^cegular inspection of Huild- , l , . r , , u n*lK' >'ve Stock revealed Ther JnK l,p in food condition. vo.T ,^', n'? 'io furtthcr business i r omrn|ttee, on motion dulv .made and seconded, adjourned. . I'RANK B. MCCONNKLIJ, ALMKR AAVAN.S RHAIRNMN HKNin- c. AH;II;R AI O. W. RUTH •^---, 'VUOL'STITS M. MAXWUIit Cominjttee on R(«ds mna Rrldges presented the following ivport, w ni'h on motion Supr. Meier and duly seconded bv Supr Ackman and the roll being called was dec-lar- *« uJ[, n. ously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Uentletflen of the CBoouarndty .o fI lliSnuopise:r visors, -M"ccHneennrryv The undersigne<l members of the ^.'15 . IJfWKe Committee f«',r said County l»eg leave to submit the fore^hemre,K,rt °B tHe ^e- That we met at Woodstock lllinois on the 5th day of Fehruarv hHl«' I-"*1 au<lilP(? and Ordered paid' bills of a general nature chargeable to the MeHenry County patrol svstem of roads as a whole for repairs ?h!LS.!lPP"e? roun<.v "wned mahinery ami labor at the Coimtv tool bouse and grounds tp * total jg-q VV2 f6 °9' '^fd ,total Includes wes9,Crafner rePa'rS f°F t h* Xf'^h- Bllls chargeable to the various sections of the County patrol sv« tem of roads at rates heretofore apPf«>v^ by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows^ Sections 3, 14 «S(li n. Sections 4. 16, 18 . . -r'Sa Sections 4. 17 " lit n* Sections 6. C ......... - - «'«•» Sections 7. t, 1 1#. IL ij «ijoa Sections 13. H ^ turn- lv adopted" by Hits B„ai-d. and. tlie roll eiiig <alle<1. .'Supf-s/' IJiilii. \\ rfuht. Ber k. Coy. Cafroll. Dmininc, Ackman,. Mackeben. Nolan, .'Aavang. Corn ue. Al e( "on Ael I. Ala y > Sch oi ill. Meier arid Asst. Sujir. McCoutell, A ot.'l Aye. Nay ; TU.'•h'Upon til'- Chainiiaii dei bw ed I he - tm>t ion uiiMiiimoiisly carried, and t)i,. i;. . lutio adopted. The following Rip hi of •- i,. I . I'lVUi.l itl-K.n V.'.rt V i. He Total ... $7,267.74 (Included In total of Countv Pa trol Section 3-14--$771.65 to Charles E. Ruffing for labor and material for repairing Hemmer Bridge i Rills were audited and ordered apsai dfo loluowt so:f . Motor Fuel Tax fxuunnudts, .Municipal Employees Retirement Fund--AIFT share for Vension (.Jan.) t. Patrol Sect. No. 2. maintenance labor nnd materials j 20"> <>4 Right of Way engi. labor.^'. 'nisK Sec. 33, engi. 'abor 91 ^ See. .". 5. Ciiyi. labor Ijis'^y propriat ion • Resoliifion^ 'f<»r tie, . . chase of light of ttii\ .rml in- 1 {. I . - •cattle was 'P r< 11!, -4- • .-n. read to II,, Hoard. lo-\yil: Kijht "of Way ItisolaWcin It Resolved lw t lie "'Hon 1 d • •< supervisors qI'. »1 j., ni x- Colin< , Its meeting 1 llTf^iih .lav of , ary, 1!H« t|, ,i' tfj, is ' h.-r. I, .,,, ptopriateil the sum of Thousand • ('18.O11O) 'dollars. much thereof as. may be 11cm • .• from the said cotttrfV's ~mntnr | j. ' tax allotment, for Hi- |f'ir, ha- Right of U'ay and installing. ( Passes tog'eth'ir with sill court • • and jun^- awards in m i.-essarv < demnalton proceedings, re'iuiled 1. • Section 35 M. F. T. State Aid II ut- « - and 32. . \\ hen detaled 'cost, for eii'r-h t: - or condemnation are • known ti>. *"ounty Sutieriiitendejit of Hinl.u ' Is hereby authorized to seiul -,-ia'. - ment* of such 1 ..s4 to R T. 1 .• !. District Kngineer. Klgin, • IIIin. with re'iuest -for t.>a\in.ent nforesojd motor fue.f. tax allotn-.-m B e I t l - ^ u N h e r R ' - s o f y e d , t h a t l ! - resolution be .s'ibmitteil 10 tlie Department of Public » Works and Buildings, st'ite of lUiiois, to guarantee payment of all co<<t f«r riirlu of vvaj- arid cattle fiass.-s needed op said Section 35 M FT. State Aid Routes 8 aijd 32'.' the dctaile,) location beimr described, as folio* s: . Approximately 7 1-4 miles !-.t\veen Huntley" and Algonquin on State"Aid' Routes 8 and 32. .It was "thereupon reguUti-iv moved by Supr. Carroll and dillv seconded by Supr. Heck that tli*'. Hes.Vlution be adopted ly this Board, and the roll le*i^||g called the -Chairman de clared the .motion unanimously ' caf* ried and the Resolution -#dbpt.d. Assistant Siipr. AfcConn, I! addressed the Buard and stated tUat du» to the success of the 4-H C|ub Fair in Ab Henry; Countv manv civi.i groups and citizens of" f.he Countv were interested in 'reviving the'-AlcHenry County Fair \Ss1^, iitiion. He stated further that KM wood Howell. Ag. instructor at the Woodstock Community High School and -Dick Baudor. Secretary of the AVoodstock Chamber of Commerce were present at this meeting, and would like t4- I e heard on the niaater. and "w\th the consent of the chairman. Asst. Supr. AlcConnell then c:iH,-d on Air. Howell to address the Hoard. Air. lined in detail Hit- necil of n McHenrv County Fair and the .benefits derived from sanie, ami the progress made thus far. in fhe forming of a '.Mcllenry. County I'.iir As- 310.16 r2< T.:I2 77.81 111(1.51 50.21 12.92 7.(»0 7.(Kl 7.011. 7.«() 28.0(1 I 1.00 7.00 28.00 21.00 140.(1(1 . *1 I.0O . 3:to.2o 23.62 1 odo 5.56 4.0. (io 10.55 187.51 . 59 60 I I 20 115(1 56 no ;{:t i;o 8 5.60 4 I (15 8:1.6n 1 1 2.00 :io 20 21.111 4 I 8(1 12.20 94.40 . 123.20 4 150 . r It.!in . 20.40 44.(HI 114 73 . 15(1.00 . 75.00 2ir».oo 215.00 . 210.00 215.00 .. 200.00 .: 185.00 $ 3,767.65 the --v Kimx itiej- Kuc-ra' .. .. 11 ren I'.erg .' , • d 'Krcri7.V' 1-dd' i lliiijih I-:. Stewart • (Ilihrke II , old- Fox ' ' .1. Zoia - ; 1 on W Kays • •• f. M Trier • 1: > . | W like - Til01 nher ('o. 1 -'"ss Anderson ,V- Tatv ° ilstoek Truckinir Serv. Value Hardware Store .dltiiii' Hoist K- Alfg l'o. i 1 •' 'K nut It «"o i : 11 Tel. Co ipr. Sal. Mileage W. Riilli • ' rv Wr ight • - WilttniiM ! '. Heck .. ' , 1 r C; C'»y i- Carroll T. I muning . ° II. Ackman Hackebcn Nolan r A 1 vnng j... ' lev H. <ij.irniie k He AlcConnell 1 'k May . . m. ' 1 N. S'-limitt .. l' 'V C Meier . '. Ablxweil :. McConnell Rosenthal 'if Woodst'M'k • .lo|M-S ... • < iverton «e K. Swank '! No!.4tl 11 ute-hiiisoti . . •k .1. Kaiser * •.' Symnndtt'. i" Aluldoon .. *. d°f whioh 'M respectfully Sllb- STANf.HV II. CORNCK, Chm. A. P.. MH'IIW'KLI, ° A I'(!. W. RI'TII A LAI KR AAVANi; •'IIARLKS T. DCXNIN'C,- . „ u» Committee ',n Claims, County ' presented the following Rewhich on motion of Supr -ht and duly seconded by Supr. iiilt, and the roll being: called it'" lMretl , ,"'ani,nwu*,y adopted. February 8th. A. D. 1949 A! . Chairman a»d <lentlemen of the !'"Wd of Supervisors: >ur Committee on County Poor V . rns would beg leave to "report t1 I they have examined" aJl claims pr--ented to them, and recommend 1 !.!*• payment of the following, and tl; . t. the Clerk be directed to issue or !• rs on the County Treasurer to tl • Claimants for' the several .•i: ..lints allowed. |as foll/ovrs, iow • i : '• • • " ! ependent Children-- <<-emn Catholic CTiaritlel, j • 1 Mosson ) 9 ^io.oo Lti'heran child AVeflera A ss'n.. (Daymnnd. Slebel) 52.90 Lisle Manual Training & . Industr. (Jasien) e 80.00 Catholic Charities of Klgin,' 1 Bielecki) ^ .. 30.00 House of flood Shepard. 1 Harvev) . 40.00 A!!.*ndale Farm School, (Holmes) 27.00 11. O. Aleisenheimer, • If. D., * iKrezan . '35.00 St. .lose|»h's Hospital. (Del. ine. DeLine) . . , 84.1S ard, triesman) 31.61 I ami'is. Long. ( Del.ine).... 42.18 Airs. Cmssius Sweatman, (Steadl'lflll) 40.00 M i s. (Jvorger W iercma, -(Van , - 'Balance :due County for 1-2 yr. ending * November 30. '1948 BHBKIFP * The' semi-annual report of Sherrif being as follows: . • iNtlptl-- - ; For Sheriff's. . ^ Fees in Suits ii\ Court \ Process Docket $l.M>7-00 $1,361.85 Kxecution Docket 152-31 101.11 For Aliseellaneous Services 3,511.25 3400*65 Total Karnings of half .year $5,220.56 $3,663.61 Receipts during Half-year ^ for Serves performed I n half year ending AIh.V 31. 11)48 and heretofore reported as not recei ved: " Process Docket ...-. $ 713.60 Kxecutioii Docket 64.94 Total ! [«• ipts $4,444.1® Kxpendit iir Deputy Sli f's. Sal $2,700.90 Misc. as per Xtatcment . 88.42 Shf's Sal."for one-half yr. . 1,2 5 0*00 $1,088.42 < $ 403.73 Y.our Cotnniiftee presents herewith as a part of this report, the report of J. W. North & -Co., Certified Public Accountant, for the fiscal years ending Novemlier 30th, 1947 * and 19 18. covering (lie various County (KTiei.s under audit. And after an analysis of said report, your Committee hereby recomii'iemls that same be approved' and. ordered of record. Vour Committee met on the 26th • lay of January, 1949 at the Court House in the city of Woodstock and checked the semi-annual reports ot the County Clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sheriff for the period ending Noveml.vr 30th. 1948 anil found the said reports- to be correct with the exception to a few minor errors that were easily adjusted by the auditor . in his report. Vour Committee therefore recommends that the reports be approved. Vour Committee also considered the ropiest of C. Rt'issell Allen, Assistant Stafe'fi Attorney of AlcHenry County for an increase in his salary as Assistant Stale's Atty. Vour Committee interviewed Air. Allen and after careful consideration and delilviatioti. your committee hereby recommends that the re'iuest be" grant ed and that the-sal- .ary of the Assistant State's Atty. of All Henry be iomeased from $175.00 per month, to $225.00 per month effective tor the <|uarter period ending February 28th. 1949. Vour committee met 011 the 27th day of January, 1919 with Fred C. Hau. Sheriff of MeHenry County to consider the (wissibility of addi-- t*H>nal patrol cars for AtcIIenry County. Vour committee made some analysis of the all-over cost of such project and are not fully enough informed at this writing to make a recommendation. Your committee feels- that each individual member of the Board should give this nutter his consideration. F. K. HICCK, Chairman K. C. coy _ : HARLKV AIACKKBKN " .CHAS. H. ACKMAN G. J. CARROLL ' FRANK Al A Y It 'was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Dunning and dulv seconded ly Supr. Nolan that the Report be approved and adopteu by this Board, and the roll belay oalled the Chairman declared the motion unan- Imousjv carried and tlM IL^ipwt approved and adopted. (Auditor's Report on file in ty . Clerk's Office.) A Report of the AlcHenry Count, Board of Appeals operating under the AlcHenry County Comprehensiyey Zoning Ordinance.- concerning the 'reclassification of property of benjamin and Ellen Strang from "Farming F" to '.'Business 1" and tsrr showing the act ion of t he Board ot Appeals in denving th» application of. Kdward and Kmtna Tessemlorf in the reclassification of property owned by said applicants was presented and read to the Ala*. Chairman and Oentletjien of the Board of Supervisors. MeHenry County, Illinois.. At the suggestion of the County Treasurer, during the course of the last six months, we have investigated the use of the addressograph in the Treasurer's office of Kane. DuPage and Winnebago - Counties, and the "Treasurers of these Counties fee 1 that the Use of fhe • addressograph has made the work of the Treasurer's .office much tnore efficient and accurate. We met again on February 1st. 1919. with the representative of the Addressograph Company atul went through a explanation nf the macliine and its operation In relation to its use in our Treasurer's Office. In view of our findings the Committee feels that the addition of «n Rddressograph machine would be desirable at this time. Respectfullv submitted, HAUI.KY A1ACKi;HKN.-r, ST.\NLHV H CORNl'K CHAS- H. ACKMAN i Purchasing Committee: - Supr. Nolan addressed "the Board a nd stated that lie was . in formed that the Committee.<>n Purchasing Would like to have the question of the purchase of Addrtissograph K'lliipuient referred luck to said Committee, for further investigation, and that -lie would so move and said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Beck. "The Clerk addressed the Board and stated that if the •;ei|iipment was to be purchased for his use also, that he yould like to 'have an opportunity to appear before the Committee or the Hoard to outline his views 011 Hie matter. The Clerk was informed by a tiiemb< r of the purchasing committee. Stanley H. Cornue. that thss far the committee had only considered that the equipment ill question would ^>e used by the Treasurer's office. After some further discussion with regards to said matter, fhe Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Finance presented the following Report, '.o-wit: Annual Kaport of KcHtary Connty Xlffhway rund .December 1. 1917 to November 30. 1848 meceirt* Balatu-e brought forward • ' Dec. 1, 1947 $ 9,120.13 State of Illinois --- Motor Tax .... .,..$15,178.5? Sf'ate of Hlinqls -- Otta Refunds .............a.......'. 363.37 Henry A. Nulle, Co.. " Coll. Takes 61,998.02 , From various Townships 809.46 Tax anticipation Warrant 5.(100.00 Total Receipts 83.349.,,42 •iratul Total: ,i»2.46a.rt4 Bzpendltnrn llhghwav Orders-- Dec. 1917 *.to Nov. 1918 * p Incl. . $78,729.2:: Payment, of Tax Anticipation Warrant . <S,iM5.74 Ralancc/on hand as of- • Novepil«.r 30, 1948 8.694.57 Crand Total $92,590.91 To: c. I,. Trvon. ISup't of Highways HKNRY A. Nl'LLK. County Treas. Air. -Chairman and Members «>f the Board of Supervisors; Submitted herewith is a supplemental report showing complete Collections and disbursements made by the County Collector during' the vear beginning December 1. 1947 and ending November 30, 1948: Tax Charged on 1917 Books . Real Instate Charged on Collector's Books $1,828,395.24 Personal Property • . Charged .on Colleetor'M Books . . ... ...' 393.308.58 Railroads charged on R. R. Hooks 91,960.08 Corporations < eharK«d on Corporation Books 48.039.06 St. Paul) (C) 1947 R. K. Disputed Tax . Defaulted ..., (D> Forf. Ta< Coll. fmm Oct '45 to Arar '16 t K) l'ers. Prop. Back Tax Collected from - 8-1-46 to 7-31-47 .. . ...\J (F) Forf. Tax and per- V Prop. C<dl. from July '47 to Aug. '48 ..„ J5AGE SEVm Irijtr.- 2!,373.f% 27,1«.M 1M9& Hack tax Col. with 1947 A(i\.': So.,1943 ........, 7.186.J7 '..'./"• - , $2.313.310.53 ' Tajf Distributed as Co. Treas -- fA) January 7. 194S 11,893.21 ( K) .lanuarv 9; I94& . .. (C 1 January 1 2, . 391#, ...... 21,373.64 (l«) .lanuarv 15, 1948 27.192.01 ( U) January li, -IMS :12.855.5S (P) September 7.1948 d.. 7,858.42 .Ms ",1 A , " . ! $3,395.354.7S - It*-S|>ectfully Submit teil, . ; > IIKNRY A. NULLC/ " Co u n t v- Collector.; f . . Bdstribntions S(a,'e T!ix coll', ft Dist. ...'. $ 287.72 1»«g Tax . 170.522.94 " -Non High Ta*.. tci Co. Treas. 95.33 " Dog^Tax to Co. Treas. . , 1,210.27 Town -Tax. to Suprs. 109,130.77 Road and Bridge. Suprs. 109,802.20 l:.vM (Bond Issues) Suprs. 65,0t7.99 RA-B (Perm. Hard Roads S u p c r v L s o r s , , , 5 5 , 9 5 6 . 2 8 4 Wll-iii Corp. to Cttiea 23.192 32 Corporation Tax IS.'!,957.00 I :- rk I'ist.ricts • 20,203.25 llich Schools' 615.066.62: District Schools 915.971.76 < o. <'Ik's Plar Fees .... 18.15 S-vpciat AssnvtS .....: 119.31 <N>nrt iV^.sts 4Z2.R7 Fire Protection -Districts 29.177.56 Co. Clk's H. T. Fees -... 614 00 Scav. Sale Fees to Co. Clk. Co. Clk's Kxt. Fees , Co. Clk's Tax Sale Cert Co. Col. 3r», Scav. Sale ... Co. Col. 3c* on all Co. Col. 1 r/. Scav. Sale ~ Printer's Fees to' Co. Cdlb Per Mo |?,t. Co. r„|l IJcr 1'orf. Penalty Co. Coll. 5.98144 (jfaiul Total Collected / and Distributed 1948 $2,395,35itff; " Respectfully submitted. HKNRY A. kl'LLR - I County ("olle«-tor. ^ »•!_ ISeemlier 6. I»«S ' 1 hairnian and Members of the Board of Supervisors: iii Submit ted herewith is the .Cuna». -Jtii Treasuri-r's report showing Official Collections and Disbursements ' made during the year ending tin* vein her 30. .1918:. ' ; i Hal. brought forward Dec, * :•% 1. ^917 in all funds .f275.63S.4S a Reed trout all sources • ..'•'•nit duriMg months »»r Dec. • ' ' l:v 1947 through Dec. 1948. : - i:| 2«o.on 9,59616 68.75 ' 91.40 71,435.16 91.40 K656.36 5.549.2S $>.061.60S.SII hxpendlfures during months, of l>ec. 1917 through \ Nov. 1918. inclusive: $R^f)1T<Ti Bal. oh hand Nov. 30, 1948 2o\492[#< . • * $i.»6lX06.8# HKNRY A. -Nl'LLK. , r "Treas. of; MeHenry County Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of Decern tier 1948 , . lv R. D. W i): )DS. <«?••"> Couiity C1«^K A^HivhI: IIKNRY C. ME1KR, Cbatnmn T. F. NOLAN F R A N K MAY <:. .1. C.\RR( >LL ' Xeport of Co. Treas. of HcXnl* Coanty Illinois for the year San# Hovember 30, IMS ... L. Henry A. Null,-. Countv Tr*msurer In and tor the County of Me- ','p^rV and State of Illinois, respect* fully sub-m it the following report of all fees anil emoluments of my" "nice both for and during the vear ending November 3o, 1948. wherein I state the tiruss amount of all •lees and emoluments by me earned for Official Services during said vear. the- total amounts for clerk Nature of Service and VptaUmtX hire, and other expenses: As County Collector: 3<& Com. on $2,301,148.31 Current Taxes Col 3c, Com. on $7,185.37 Rack Taxes Col. with current taxes Icr Comm. 011 $914.00 Hack Taxes collected as scavenger scales Penalties and fees collected with taxes As County Treasurer: 3r; Commission on „ $12.929.62 Disp. taxes col. Commission on . ;«$ ..•te. '•*•- l»MOt 4U.I# 13.1S7.SS M 'i - xm $2,141.96 taxes redeemed. n fmni forfeiture 3<t Commission 011 $5.J I 1.10 Per. Prop. Back fax Col- / 2c/ Commission on #28.597.96 Inher. Taxes, let Commission on . $6,826.57 Twp. Roiii*,.'-' state App. Commission <»n $94,356.73 Motor Fuel Taxes 3r/. ('ommission on t JfH.317.50 Highway Fines .Ic* Commission on $588,418.24 for receipts * *nmmissi<»n «»n $55,213.01 f'»r expend." SSTjtf • ^ S4.SB \Wi 317S.I* - 5t| a« 136.SS l.SST.I* 1SS.SS 5.884.JS 5.222.IS StS • • $96.908JSi Current Tax Charged Back Tax Charged ... Delinquents Real Estate Personal Property Current Railroads Coriiorations ....'. Back Tax . $8,361.7(13.96 - , 110.641.00 SS,472,343.9S I 16.171.74 . 14.8 10.40 . 10,508.19 31.32' . 1S3.455.63 16 4,010.21 Total tlross 10arungs: ,, *xp«ndltnr«s Henry A. NuJIe. c,,. Trens. and CoH.jct.M" t 2.55(1.0# r tlcrks salaries 14, Specjai Clerk's Salaries . . b457!«M» .Stamps 2,lti l. id Total Expenditures $20,639.SS _&i-t Kprui.itRM »»f Co. *pr*att Office for 1918: ........ $76.2«l!nSS IIKNRY A. Nl U.R ' ounty Treasurer A Bocoipti "•1' • broai^it.i for ward , Dec. f. -,9,7 $275.036.SS > -«'U/Ul $238,879.99 • iTV?J i from taxes ^9'L.s a l ! , ,ry f ; • * I f e I n s . r e f u d s ti«K r ,'"m Vet or Alach. !»• « m i."!, li'd,s l,y >"«Uviauata Jii ! A 1 ^°ninu«s«i6n» «, oroner's feetj replaced I n"n,al f:,ir grounds SI.I..13 other refunds Tax Anticipation War. •2e o0" on ^"iiing permits : . .. --2 ii62.#n» . ',hm. License Com. <('> Sui»rs. t'o. Home Supt.. Co. Home Dependent Children C-untr Officer#' f'.-es Highway Fund Hwy. Fund Ant. War. Pers. Prop. Back Taxes Inheritani-e T.i\es 72.8o 4 »;33.t'< I 8s. on 1 7V63H.2' .onu.ini .".741 10 - 28.597 96 Alotor Fuel Taxes .... . 94.35K.73 Hw. Payroll Clear. Acct. 5$.80(V7t Fines for V^olatiMiMI S.S17,5'0 J.398.H6 477. n#' ;. 141 ** 3.54.I.6C. I.756.00 ll.929.K2 332.81 '18,930.32 Tax Collected in f948 Current Real Instate $1.813.223.5)> Current . Personals. .... 358.468.18 Current Railroads 81.451.89 Current (Corporations 48.1H>4.74 Back T**; $2,341,148.31 7.185.37" Inte»*st on Current Tax Printers Fees Co. cik Tax sale Cert Fees :...'. $2,308,333,68 4.361.4 7 682.76 58.75 $2.313,33S.66 Shortage In cask -3S.13 Ttftal Tax on Current B^oks--Distributed ..$3,313,810.53 Tax Distributions Collect's! as County Treasurer (A) 194 5 Disputed Personal Property Defaulted (B) 1944 R. R Tnx s«ttl«a»Mit lCtoco Mil. ll.ISS.2l S.826.57 910.16 338 4 4 JftT85.64 Hi^hwavs .»* ..';7.Ti Doit Tax Institute Fund . . . . . Taxes red from* forf. . . Von High fund State's Attorney's fund . Disputed Taxes Denosit by ,>r,ler of court Bridge Rord Account Twp. Road--State Appropriation -Kscrvw account Bind Relief Mothers' Pensions III. Alun. Retire. Fund Total Receipts for 194? $786.370 31 . Grand Total: $1.961.606.*• „ **peadltmrea County Orders $28S,94I.S3 Onind and Petit Jurors' Orders . Coro. and Corn. Juror* Countv Court Jurors * Bountv <'rd»gs Prot>ation v»nicer . •-'. Treas. Sal. $2,248.4$' ^ $'.'13 30 withheld " » *8 25 I. Al P. Clerk' Salaries $1.2478.41 $1 551 55 withheld . $498.10 I. M. P. 14.S3ft.tS Spe«ial Clerks. $1,337.48 $181.07 wthheld --?3S.50 I'M. P. " 1,447 . 529 47 46.3S 15M.SS Stamps Oent-rul Fund ..... ... S,"Sif C<> 1. Al. JV „*48.14^*1 . Petty t*»h ....--. 3S.9S Tnit to state-- . W, iHttvadent c4tiW(Mi S4.I

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