Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 20

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*•* *a'» , y*. ; * <*• VISORS, ws& Jlni^ -#rfc .> V . ! ~ ' ' V , . * ^ * «*<• '. .._ J... >».. »<-• V ?* «•! *« •1%;, .I"ft. on tax t/ilif ;•. 2>.U4 Mi»<- / lo.ort f*x Am. UV»M'. H*Ietieral ' Futid»* :;v";:: r:::5;::-;™.... Tax Anticipation Warrants Highway Kund) 4.IM5.74 Oo o f f . K i < s , 1 0 0 . 4 3 3 . 1 4 Highway Mind ... '78.72S.23 IVrs. Prop. ReJc Taxes l $.785.2(5 Inheritance taX«#i 33.7!'2.S1 Wotoi l"uel Taxes 80.7!M,4!t SWy. Pajroll Clear. Acct. 68.1 til , I I Igbwav $.5M5.5o Hon Tas ; "^1.1 «l.on Institute - Fund,, 5«! Tax<s Red. from Forf. 51.7 I Penalties and fees jW®n High 11.0S3.4 0 States Att> s fttfidI„.."i!t7.('0 Olci>uti'<l Taxi'M 84.2tf8.oi Bridge Bonds ..21.820.60 Kite row Account . . '.' -... 400.00 Tap.* Road*^-«t. Appro. ;... 10,420..11 De|M>slt by ordw of cOiirt 4 17.93 •flRtat Expenditures t.. f85S.114.74 ttal. on hand November tli, in all funds... ......_202.4S2.0fi v c.rand Total: .. 51.0fil.60fi.80 "' IThe' above and 'foregoing 'report In true and correct according io my. .-'tftfct knowledge and l.«lief: •. III-:XHV A. XrLLE. .-'• • .'•.••< ' . County Trpas. \ Subscribed and swoi n to l**fore me this* H(li day of December, I:< 18. ' 15. iv wciods. •<Sf-al> . ' I'l'iiiily Clerk; "County Treasurer's Report of llalances-In AH Funds, Dec. 1, 1948 ' . , -iFaadi <">en«!-ral .Fund . .$3,fi80.07 > t'otimy•tff.kW'S «. Kco.ii,' • 6.127..14 :-l 'WtthWiO' Kund . ri 7 IVr«0 Prop. BAck Taxea 1,74 7.20 :' lnh<Tif'aiii < •- Ta**'*. .4,317.35 - Motor I-'im'I ' ,"rtwj\ I'avioH Acct. i. > 11 00 Vioiaf,cms . on ' IIwyS. ' J 7.50 IwiS. TAx' A < '00 limt:.. &..1 3 2. !> 6 • Hllni IVnsi< nr; . Ij«73.fi2 Fund v. : .14H.26 . Tr«rrr T'nrf;--: --r7t'!'s.24 ~" fViialtit s and >V. s f..12!i,01 State's .Vtty's fv«-s . • , 2'.7.1,»i.oO Dispiil.-d Taxes 4fi.'12fi.<il " Iiejiosit 1 y nrili r of Court 11,11IV. 1C I'nKnown Residents and 'Minor Itfirs . .. ^.O'lS.-HS Bridge U'ond Ac'ct^ |. In Ha i til viL-VV411 . 1.5.2" : Mothci s .I?fnsi'otiS ].3!>4.72 A.-.-'t, for Cojjdpmnatons ... 257.94 Ke'tft In't^rest .... fi,4f«!.70 JBdcniw Acvounf 822.99 Twp. Koad.' St.. Appr. fi.Hli.liv HI. Mnn. R<t. Fund 304.73 $202.4 92. <i«4 Frst N'at'K \\'oodstock' .. $4..' Stat<» Itank. Woodstock .30.2."-o >»S .Motor Fn»-1 Tax Acct. .....5S.8<iO.S 1*^, ISrid^i- lJotid Ar-oiint J2.227.72 Si>»'< ia"! A< < t:-. Kilter Tnt. t;.49<!.70 Htat»- Rank of Richmond _fil.728.16 : Twp. Road-- St :it c A pp. Account <"ash nn hand t'l.MO.Oti- 1.6 41 30 l.S!>2.30 . <t,l 43.10,7 ~B»nka $202.4 92.of, Statu of Illinois. tviunty «l Miilfiirv-. ss. l.vUiMiiy A/ Nullc, do solemnly swear that the foregoing accoiini is in . all • respects; just and tt ue a«'-; sordi?tir to my liest. knowledge and .helief and that I have neither receiv «-d directly or iniliritly nor directly or indirectly agreed to receive br lie paid for my own or another's l.*nelit, any other money, article.' t»r consideration than therein stated, nor am I entitled to any. fee or flUoIiujieiit for the period therein mentioiied. other than those therein specified.' HRXRY A. KI IJ.K. ^ County Treasurer Subscribed and pworn to before me thlii liltl day of l»eceWi'vr, l^4a. R. 1>. W< ")l»s. (Seal) . , County Clerk tloncrat Fund .... 14R.4f-; IJIthwai Kmyl 9,256.53.- Utile. 1 ta nee Ti-.xeM - Motor Ft!*>l T»p. Kuad-State A pp. l*ayroll (Jrdeis Inntiiute Fund 111. Mnn. Ret. Ft*tid Total KxpenditnreM (> 1.244.JO Balance Feb. 28, 1849 25.v.fi92,31 * ' "$31693,6.41 The aboye and oresoinp rfeDort la true- and correct according to my l&'Pt knowledge and helief. - HK.VRV A. NT 1.1.K, J. fl.- S. . County Treasury 4 ©ul?scrjl>ed and twoin to before nlH tW» 8th day 'of March. UM'S. it. i>. wiKins. (Steal) ' County Clerk It was thereupon reKtilarly moved hy S'ipr. N'ntan and duly seconded liy Supr. Si'hmitt that the Report 1m? appr«»ved, and the Cliaiiman declared the •nfotiun unaHinioU(=ly carried. The Committep on Mcllenry County HohKC'Farm and Hospital presented the foliVnvintJ lteport and An-- iHiai Inventory, to-wt: McHenry County Home Hartland. Illinois McHenry County Home Inventory ' Heport . Taken as of January lsfc, IMS MK' ^^hairman ami. < l. iitlemeh' -of the , jj^-TTTIpei * isol s, • >' MCHIMII.V ConnlV. Illinois: ' Your ,on • Mclletvry t'Otlnty- Ho;ne"jitid..Farm,' to w,h<»ni* is ' r»;f« rred all matters, ^pvrjla inii»s tw' tjie luanaKenieiit\ and;••.care of Said'-1 in«4it:itipn. Ia-s !<;ave' to^'sulimit the following ipyentory taken. Hospital-- , - P.ermanent equipment, bedfj; . . ;. stands chairs, desks,'etc. fl;709.61 >Y.«rktnjr fiiuipment am] sup- --.v|»lies--I«hM4h«, KOWIIW! 'I-(e. $2.44<:31 Stcrili*ins Room & t)per. 1 iniiiiv-- JVrmanent eijuip'meiit-- Steri- . Hv.ers, cabinets, hritnperSi .--u'p< rat iltji ie. iiisti uh . ftieiits. cabim t, etc. $l,4!i".S9k Suppiies Jnst 1 umjnts. liRhts, i;auze, iH«edicinea, etc. S75.93 ' w • $2,3.C9.S2 ' Hrts|»ital Serving Patttry--- •r>isbes, silver, napkins, 'tables, - ' chairs, etc $ 221.20 -Xtnse's Room-- • ' Furniture. beddiiB, cal im t, ' 'chairf, etc." $ 271.S5 • AMeti s l>ininK Room, ami l.ivinu .Quarters-- Chairs, tal-les. diSltes, silverware, etc: ... 207.4 3 ivill'ii it Ui e and bei^tinvr. ill se--- and and third floor " 1,<HI^M)IU8. 1.905.09 • . f 2331.31 l^-.iK 7 Hofirs St»id 2'9!».0tt 2032.31 herewith the annual inventory as a part of this report. The regular monthly Inspection of tJrounds, liuildinKS. li«iutpmcnt and l.ive Stock revealed everytliifiR to he in v'ood condition. There being nt> fut ther business, your Commit^ pe," u|>on motion duly made and H*>ct»li,letl. ailjouriu-d. FRANK , H." MitCON*NKI>U . ~ Chairman • HKNRY C. M KI F.R '• t- ALU- AV. Rt TH • ALMKU A A V'.SXtl AI'iU'STl'S M. MAXWELL * ft Wns thereupon ripularly moved I v Supr. Nolan and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the Report and Annual Inventory be adopted l.v this Roard. and the roll t/ein# called the ciifrirmatr declared the motion unanimously civi.ied. The •Committee on Roads and lifiilKi'.S' pie»«nted the following Report. which on 'motion <>)' Supr. A»'kirian and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth; 'and the rolj beiiiK called was deeiareil iimtniiiimisy adopted, towlt: . '• ' .••: - » • " " •Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard cif; Supervipftrs, Alollenry * _ • C o u n t y , I l l i n o i s : ' J The utidwsiiined njetnlvl's of the 'MWfm He II Further Resolved, that there is hcieby appro>iated the sum of Seventeen1 thousand am| uo-KUi dolmrs'. tf17^uui.nn) from the Cofnity s allot men I 01 Motor Tax Funds tor the constructioii of this Improvement: and, e It Further Resolved, that the Clerk Is hereby dreeted to transmit, two (2) ce»l t if led I'opies^ of this rt so lutlon f<\ the 1 >cpat tment of i'ul.lie Works anil liuildiii^s, Division of HiKhways. tiiroiiKh its Htetrlct Engineers office at lOljiin, Illinois It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly secondi d by Supr. Ma<ket»en that the Resolutions adopted by this Board, . nd the roll,being <alled the Clutirman 'declared the, motion unanl-monsly ca; 1 led,* and the Resolutiops adopted. 0 Supr. Kuecker addressed the Roard and stated -that he would rriove at this time that State's Attorney, 1 ion A. Wicks, be appointed aa attorney to prepare and tile, in the County Court, condemnation proceedings tor highway right-or-way>on the Olson tract near Algonquin, Illinois. Said motion was duly seconded "by Asst. sup:- Me' otme! 1 and declared un-tiiimously carried; A 1'lat of Kelter Bstate ^ubtlivir Blon. Cnit No.- 2, in McHen&y Coiin^ ly being in M^Henr_y Towfl^llip1 propei'tiy eerjififd was presented to j>e Hoard for approval. It wan S.spr Road and Hridge^i'oinmittee for saiii ('ounty ,hrg* leave to submit the itft hereupon regjiiaiiiy' moved bv • ffdio-wiiij; r.por; on the matters be- K-hiiiUt and duly se.onded * I<U'e j.h.eH.i.. ' -Tll-'l W.c, met- at' Woods!ock, 11JTimois,. o.n the fitii itav of March 1949," .•aid audited Uial o"rtl«>red paid bills <if- a freirerai nat ure, chargeable t<»- • h'e_ Mvl(enry County patrol system of "ii oads tis. -a vvljtde for repairs and 1 suppr.N s for*: County owned machinery ami" latMi-r. ,at the County tool rtotise' and grounds t otal of $14,184.32 ?4 includes $10.500. ih) paym »-r>f?_on crusher repairs. HilHN. charjiealde to the various sect HtnsNof 1 in- County patrol system of muds at rates heretofore approved l y this Himrd w#re audited .ami onif Section ordfHSei'i paid as fid lows:/ 3. 1 t\ . $ 7X:7f Se; t:ons I., l.ti. Section 4. 17 Sections 5, ft- Sections 7, 8; 9, 10-, 1J Sect ion 1.1, 15 • , - •••.*2*2^2,45. I.aundiy Kquipmeht arul S>.K-jfwash, wiajts, powib rs, etc. $l,911.0'i Maintenance Supplies-- ' 'I>isinfe<-tants., floor wax, sprays, etc.' $ 50(5.70 M- at Roiyn .KijUipmelit l'r"ee" r , $ 94S.0O Kitchen-- : • Cook stove. cOokin# vtcnsiJs. pans. etc. *. .11.102:13 < lice SilppHes--• Typewriters, adding machine, . desk, table, cabinet. Hies." chairs, stat ionerj". enV.. etc. $2S'<;,ihi Provisjiuis-- Canned soc«!s, vegetable's.' . 'meats, groceries, etc.- $2,271.39 I'.oiier Room- Water softener . $ 900.00 Water' JVeate'r-. tools etc, '• ^«.«n Fuel 2ii2.3'i Stokers in -inst it utiojr .. ' $ JmhujO 2 30..S.I 248.10 .. 8.24 444.7ti 97,75 $15,292.77 Mills were atidijied and ' o rile red paid out of Motor J<'u<'l Tax funds as- fo!lows: ] Mutiii ipal I'liiplyoees Re- ' tii'i-ment Fund. .;.... ..$ 133.85 Fatro! Secion No. 2-'- .Vlainteniiiu'e --, I^ahor Materials * 1,100.53 Ri 'iil of Way,' Kngineering - l^ii.or . '. ... 130.04 Sc. lion .33. --Knginecring ' - i.abor .._ ,....• .... 24.24 tioir 3ST. Hneineefln^ > t r :.... s.-<-fron""T,V'j' -" I.abor ' .... S • t iotr 25 H-2 i nt;: --: . I.abor Se. 1 j.., 1 •; - I.abor Knghiee.rl-.' imineering 41.6 it 1 BG.23 40.08 159.44 Total $ 1,846.Oil ' Hilis wer.i- audited -an«i ordered ijaid "Mit of • Township " Roads -~ State- 'Appropriation l^uiid,. Senate Hill- 378^ as follows: Knidneering>r $ •100.00 <• aitun -TovVnship - Section- <1 --,; Com*! rud ion Materials ... 712.50 It was thereupon regularly moved fey Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded -'by Supr. May that the Report of "the Committee on Finance and the Annual Report of tile County Treasurer lie approved and adopted by thisjioaid. And th«t!roll l/eing calltlu- rliairman declared the motion i^BianImiiUHly carried.~"J';~=T£iS= • A r»p'>rt of the <irand Jury, prowrrly certified, for the January TVrm, A. 1>. I!'IS, of the Circuit - Court was p:escnted and prdereil pt-aced on tile . A plat of Sunnyside Estate.s.i Fnit !?*>. 3. properly crt-titled was presented to the Roarii. fiir approval. H was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Afackeben and duly seconded by Supr. May that the Plat* ( JTIU> oved. :'"d ttie Cbnin-^an d»»- ' Hased |he motion unanintftusly carried and tile -pi; 11 appiowo. A communication fyom the Sidwell Studios ciyw-erning adiiitions to the Jit'c Henry I'ountj Atlases was preiwsiiteil and no action taken. Seveval coll|!o||riie-lt tens fro"l State «if Illinois, l>ept. of Public Works and Ruildings were presenteil and ordered placed on file" Tlie Chapman, carl K. Wittmus. addressed the Board and stated that In Ichalf ol the members of the Board anil County Officers he wish.- Cafl at tlljs time to extern! to Cupi'. Math N". Schmitt of McHenry Tovvn- «fiip, and his family, their heartfelt ' 1.v IN the loss of his wife/ a^id helpmate, and that it was a '• ••.-ir ,10 his c- Mea"»e« 011 the Board and to the McHenry and. Johnsl-urg <"ommu.nitv where .Mrs. Schmitt was beloved liy all. , and where she had spent Ii»t entire life. Tiie Chairman stated that if there was nothing further-to come before this nie..'tin(r for I Ivj^x^Sti 1 of McHenry County lie \v|>nkl entertain a motion to adjioiii !i. I# v\a^-' thereupon moved l y Asst. Supi\ Mi f'onnell and dtilv seconded by AssX Supr. Rosenthal to adjourn. Miaion carriedi_ Thereuiwm'the Hoard aHjoti.rned. CAR1. R. 1VITTM4 S. Attest: f ' chairman I!. I' W' H I US, Clerk Special March Meeting, • $2,537.50 . Carpenter's shop-- • Tools and materials $ 75.INI tia'rden TiKds--^'• l.awn iiirtwMs. seeders. shovels, "hoes-, etc, SilS.05 Ciiicken House laiuipment -- Feeders, water^i s •$ :'.2 *>0 I'otilti-y-- , 1'ul lets 'a $ 1 r, r, 11O. T: m : hlng EJL^aM.JCfcslidj . . . *" Farm Feeds 'and ilnins , $3.304;50 Firelniusc and Iviuipnicir. • „ • . • ' < $052.0o H^S^ ....... $2,08(i'. On - Cattle-r- , Mili h cowS J'iV. I red lieifers, <T/" *" yearling heifers , Horses--- . 1 team soi re g<ddin,gs Harness and Collars- -- . ;3 sets Total 812.50 1 !:i the matter /if the condemnation lor hghway 'right of way of the olson Tract near Algonquin Hli/i.ois.. we are informed that this hoard s^o'ihl apiioint an attorny> to lepreesnt the 'County'.' The Com. 1'i.i" tee ir'ecom mi mis 'the appointnient o! the; States' Attorney. I ion A. Wi ks. > Wv also recommend that t! e - appoint ment be made at this meeting. We would again rnipfillon the need for .more , highways funds. Taxes ha ve not voile up in~ "accfirdance illl-"TanrsTP. in wages,.and costo't' ..materials. Therefore, the roads innoj tie kfpt up :is- well as in the ist..e>-p«;j-i;rllj\ :;s to. gravel "replace- 1949 $1,010.00. $ 100.00 $ ' 25.00 Total : i Itemized list at the McHenry Couiitv llo'me. Respect ruily submitted. ' Mcllenry , (,'ount v --Farm, Home; jind Hosjiital ,Comniitt«-e _ FRANK 1!. McCdWKlJ, • < "iia ir'ma n- HKN'RV C. MKIKR AFC W. R! "Til A I..MKR A A VAN" ^rUi'.STI'S ^1. MAXWI-IJ, Mr Chairman and Members of the Hoard of Superv.i-sors of. M^'ljeriry County: . Vour .Mcllenry Coiint v Home, c arm and Hospital Committee met at Hartlaud on March 2ml. iji|'.»"and audited bills for the month 01' February 1!M!» and respintfullv submit the following report 'recommending the Same be paid. R. O. Andrew Co.,- Feed and Cringing j . . . Arweli. Inc.. I'est Control It. F. liacku's. Wiring Iv I' Rakkoiri. fr Co.. itepnfr ; Parts * Rannistev.'s Jitor-. Tobacco' A- lirocerif Sup- Ktope, • The Honorable Hoard of Supervisors jrf Mcllenry founty, Illinois, met in special session- pursuant to a call signed by more than one-th-ifrf of 1 he menil.ers at the Court <House in the City of Woodstock 011 Tuesday. the 8th day of March. A l>. 191!) at 10:00 o'clock A". M. The meeting was cui'.ed to order by the Chairman. Carl K. Wittmus,. and tile Pledge of Allegiance to the Klatc of th*» i*raitiStat.«*s <»f Aui»*rlea was given, by tlie .('hairman Wi11> all members of the Hoard and Visitors present' participating, "and "«ie roll t*fng called bv the ,1 'terk. the I'ollowinu meniiiefs responded K» their names to-wit: August W *?Rtil-li. c. Perry Wright. Carl K. Witt- Igus. F. F.. Heck. F. C Cov, chas T. .Ihinnmg. »Chas. it. A,"kman. Harley Jlai kel cn, T. H. Nolan. A liner •AavnuK. Stanley* H. Cornue. Frank B. McConnell. Frank itav, Math N. »"hnntt. - Henry (" Meier ami John -.1. Film and Asst." Suprs. A.. M. Maxwell ami A. 1$. McConnell con- Wituting a nuoruni present. ' The minutis of the Special February Meeting, held Feb. 8. 1«»4». vve-e pr sented atid read and approveil ami ordered of rei-ord. Ttic f.'i'.'Wir- l'-tmrt o' Me. • t v 'l'i t-asurer for the month of February. 1 ;• |!i. was pi -ietitcii and read t(K ih>. Iioard. to-wit: Couaty Treasurer's Ktport Tor tbe' Kontb of February. 1949 Kacelpta : Balance 'Forward ' Tfetieral Fimd, - iitiprs., County Home ISupt., Co. Ifome 1 Chm.. License Comdi. , l>epeiuient Chfldren ..... f 4'onnty Officers Fee# . - II i tli way Fund Pil, I'crs Prop. ;ick Tax«B %M?\ - .4 nlierit a nee Ta x es - r<of< i'ed Taxes ? ^J-'in. •- 011 Highway* (Pi; rjil Mini. Retirement fc/'v".*• sMoior Fuel Taxes P .* "<> **rwp. Road--Stale A|»p. p; .J'ayridl Clearing ••*• Tot,al Receijits °ran<1 Total ^ ^ K " ' SspmOtnw . -' i'JrwMV Orders $21,811.52 ih" ."'"nind and Petit Jurora .... 7S.3'» (1 ' Coroner's Acc't 105.00 W : , V P r o b a t i o n 1 i f f j i w 1 3 ( 1 . 6 . 1 ' Pii'-^'Ciiiiiit * Tmis Sa I dry : • ?on/((() W&y/iL: Klerks' Salaries 1,075.00 ' ' Clerk*' SalarioB ......-- liii ' - inpatiy, lia it. $223,480.39 20.70 2K9.00 50 00 ft 4 2.09 lii;7.S2 0,829.58 •>75 11 40.829.89 SIC,4 2,312.00 1.K!12.30 24.1! 10,097 »i2 4,022.50 ...93.456,02 $310,936.41 Rohn Hardware ' c lilies • "'v stal Lake Fat 111 Tractor Part J. T. I »ay, • Cleaning - Urn-inSt.-: I'V. U illiam J. Gay, Veterinarian ' • Ileiin I'.ovce Service Staton, Oasoline fr Oil. ;.i llubi-rt's P4»(trm;ii'v'. Medieines I'll! tic Service' of X«,r. III., lOlei-tricit v ' Sawyer' RisCuit f'o < 'rackers , .. Royal Hlue Food 1 iroceries .Walter R. .Morris. " Fire ; ext Jfc iiefils . Johnson Sheet Metal Shop, • TaMc- top. Miller-Pat ton Railing Company. Rread .Men/el Rleetric Silop, Re- I'rigeiator Repairs Kiltz office Service, 'I'vpevvrityr Repairs . Jen A See Laundry. Laundry . . Ideal ' (111 Company, Fuel . oil 111 inois Rell Tel. Co., TeletiTione 1 iorder's. Inc. File Cabinet & Monthly iluides . John Sexton a Cor, (><! o -erics W'oodsl oi-k l»rv (ioods c,,. Clothing " W 'V'iwi t th's. N'ot inons Slim tie!-:" Company. Thomas J. Weiib Company, Cot fee Ludwig Wilsn Company. Soap. Mops, etc.. Montgomery Ward -Co:" Clothing [•".sther C. Allen. Incidentals ICsther C. Allen. Salary Hi!ma Melander. Saiarv Henry Knaack, Wales' Ha! tie Nichols, Nurse Henry Ross, *»W!i g«-s Rear I Ross, Wanes Li^s 7 llogs sold .Maiiv of the Towns have solved this 1 colle ni l-y a special, gravel ia\ and thriS with twice'. Sis much nTi,ni>y raiseii. the roads are kept up. The tatilf. lies at a higher authority than tli.e County Hoard. If costs persist on the new high level and unless die legislature solves tlie niat- , ter.f the puhlie will have to watch $35 7,1f..fifi ) '.be roitds ileterioi ate down the line f Iriventorv on li'e ;concrete roads to the humbles^ .gravel trail. Constniction resolutions have lien prepared for a concrete b«x cuK ei t and the Jayne Hridge on the proposed .Moton*Fuel Tax Road l>etw. eeh Huntley and Algomiuin. 'We recommend that they be passed at this time. » 111 the near future, we expect to post vigils on ' the County- Roads .limiting loads to lO.tuii) pounds. A resoiiu ion relating to th'is matter was hereto)ore passed hy ths P>oard. VVi' have received from lirlotor fuel tax funds rental 011 County owned ni.u l inorv incftided in tlie atove repovt >343,32- PaLiol Section No. 2~ -.Maintenance, and turned same over to the County -Treasurer for the County road 'Intnl. which said Hum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes including the repair, s,,t'<rai:e and 'purchase of road machinery or for improvements for buildings to "house, maehncry. Your ' committee* estimates there will i>e rit*i essary for the care of the MEH«avry_ County.. Illinois patrol system of roads an appropriation from the -Comity hitrhway fund in .the f'tm of $4.0(i(i tnit i 1 the next meeting of this Hoard. • -. ^TeV'trii^Ll 03.70 4.30 1 .-50 fi'.i.25 1 1.57 1.71 1 (I.U'I 7.50 10.97 .82- J5.97 203.;{« •;.oo ' 1.49 30.1 03.55 1.90.13 .48 92(h) All of which Is • respectfully- suli« In t ted, . T. F. XoL.VN •' JI'lllN' .]. I"1LIP F..K. RFCK MATH N SCHMITT ' 1. J. CARIfoL'f'. ^ Road stud Rr iilge- Committed .Mcllenry County. Illinois. •The following Resolutions -M F T. Construe! ion. State Aid 'Route- 8 and State Aid Route :!2, Were "presented amrl read to the Hoard, towit: - . . ' „ by" yui*r. apprc. i d. I th e 1110- .Meier . that the Fla^S ' l/e And the Chairman declared lion - unanimously carried The Clerk iuesimted lisjts of claims aK'ainst the County and on motion of Sii)ir. Mackeben and clul.yseconded by Supr. Ruth was dei i. 1 r ed.-carried, nie said claims w«r«- referred to the proper Committees and tne Board adjourned to 1:30.-1'. M. for Committee work. *:30 O'CLOCK P. K. -- met pursuant to adjournment, anil upon' roll call the sain® members responded to the* names as appeared of record n the', morning session and including Supr. '•Carrol! of Hartland Township and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal of Algon<(utn Township, constituting a full-Hoard lwesent. ." 1 The Committee on Claim*, Lal-nr, Fees and Supplies presented 'he following .Report, which on mo: ion of Supr. N'olap and duK' seconded by Asst. Supr. Maxwell, and the loll being called- was declared Mnanimously adopted, to-wit: March 8. A. D. 1948 Mr. Chairman and Centlemea Of the Hoard of Supervsors: & Your Committee on Laliof, l-'ees and .Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend tlie payment of the following, ami that the'ch rk "1>e ^directed" to issue orders on 1 lie fTTtmry Treasurer to thfe "CTSTmaimr for the several amounts allowed, (is follows, to-wit: ? Crystal Lake Herald, co elk Off. sup ,:$-l,42.XO P. o. Knuth Co., co elk off •sup 2.91 Flank ThornberCo.. co oik sup i'ii dl» tax l»k etc cir elk sup . 625.58" (ioerlitz Hecknel.l ('p., cir elk > •sup. sup schs off exp Roland :\IcC;innon, Co. Supt., sup,sells oft" exp 20.16 Burgess," Anderson & Taate, inc., sup sj'hs off sup ........ 2.97 Co. Ttvas. off Sup.-- , Sidwell Sttu^os O":00 The • Richmond (Jazette- : 25.75" I>fi>varil Herald 7.5(1 Judcy. Li.ry;-- The Lawyers Co-op. PubUshing Co : 3.(10 American Law Hook-Co. .tii.ini <'0. CIR. Itis. I >epdn. (Ilollidav) --- C, li. Wittenberg, M. !• io.oo (ilejui R. -Wright. M. 1> 10.110 I!. F. Ketmelly. tr lb off sup 7.02 <"t. *1 urors--- Woodstock (!ril!- . 53.53 'I Jen ton Street Uestaurant...... "si.98 Kri^lvrckson. shff dpty ghff Fred C. Han, Sherff, ahff per HoaVd of Supervisors: Your Committee ofi County Poor • Cla; 1 it* would beg leave to report that iliey have examined all claims presented to them, ami recommend th»f payment of the following, and that tli I'leik be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the .Claimants for the several amoiBnts allovv«>d, as follow*, towit: l-'eiiendent Children-- Woodstock Children's Home, (Shay, Dalziel Kiesman).... Diocesan Catholic Charities, (dlosson) Lisle Manual Trng. ft Indust.. School, (Jasien).... Lntlierau Ctiil. Welfare Ass'ii, t Daymond) House «>r the Good. Shepaxd, ( Harvey) * Montgomery Ward Co., (Ket- I^anghorst & Lescher M. D.'s, (iiesman) ... Eveline W. Ehrmann,, M. D., (Mclntyre) Minnie Hrighapi, (Ketchum).. John H. Deardorff, <K«t- . chum) ',. .....' Mrs. l.»ean Seaman, (Fies- • i man) : .-. 40.00 Mrs. Edward Redding, (Dal- 3 7{el) $0.00 Mrs. Can»ius Sweatraan, .(Steadman) Mrs. Melvn -Fleming, (Shay) Mrs: Oeorge Wierema, (Van- Natt:vo) .v.. Rva Kap'ping, ( Yesteho) ...... .. Louis Long, ( -•• A-llendale J'"ann. (Holmes) Louise . Rrooks. ... .i..........J liaise (.'ounty Tuberculosis ' Sanatoi'ium, Care "T. B. Patients 2774F00 • Ail . of whii'h is respectfully admitted. E. C. COY, Chairman HENRY C. MEIER CHAS. H. ACKMAN I'll N. SCHMITT iVjWcCON.VELL 280.00 S0.00 80.00 40.00 40.00 12.77 T.50 60.00 •20.64 105.24 '40.00 • 30.00 40.00 SO.oor 40.00 27.00 16.64 dntu fees scry CI. Use. Slip Young < iffve Maehnes Co Field 11 art! ware Store . R. o. Andrew Co. I'Vltman Hardware Store .• Lii'U Cheniical Company ....... Liid wig A\'ilson Co Ct., Use. Repairs--- , Montgomery Ward . & Co Hot Is Welding Sery;ic.e . Willerl (Ullrich ...* Haack ,Vr Hogan II. .W. Sandecii. "M. D.„ ttliff' jail., sup clothing . Hotin Jiardware-^o. ct hse re pa i r s * Woodstock Trucking Serv. ct hse sup i. Ceorge K. Swank. Bhff off . SUP Fred <Itau, s|»ff per diem fees serv , Shff. Feedg. Pris.-- ' Westei n I'nited (las & Rlec... Rarly American Hakory ... oaks/le Dairy Products Inc... Sciioepperle (irocei'y & Mark. Piggl.v Wigslv ...-. 1399.95 20.00 10.10 , 8.00 1.2T 128.48 10.43 14.00 5T.00 Slil'f. !>pty.-- • Sabina Hau* ' 'ha l ies (*orey Ha fold (I. Fox . I-rank R. Keller Fred Ktcnz • ? .I.loe ,L. Murphv Torn Reed - Stanley" Sevcik. Ralph Stewart Fred Wendt . Clyde J. Zoia Vernon W. Ka.vs Civile 'C. Minen . Hazel Wilke.- i<ai!wr -Woodstock- Daily Sentinel, co v'k ptg . Pearl Si huitz reporter ... Charles F. Hayes, jtjdcy justice fees R. I». Woods, Co. Clk., tax extension " ....:' 2000.00 Mcllenry Plaindealer, cir elk flip • • • • „ . • < Tlie Ceo. 1». |?rfrrtard Co.. cif elk sup RUrgess, Anderson & Tate, I he., sup .schs off fxp ct hse sup * Coroners W.00 .14.00 7".00 14.00 7.00 14.00 7.00 ,7.00 7.00 17K.00 1 io.oo w.oo 20.00 ^>.00 The Committee* on Finance presented the following Report and Rsolution authorizing the issuance of Tax Anticipation Warrants, towit: • \ \ Woodstock, Illinois » March 8, 1949 To th«T Chairman and Centiemen of the Hoard of ^Supervisors: Your Committed on Finance would beg leave to submit the following' resolution anil recommend its adoptiyii to-wit.: Wftereas. there is not at this time sufficient money in the Treasury of Mcllenry County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County,, and it is necessary at this time to provide a fund to meet all such expenses 1/y issuing and disposing of anticipation warrants to tie drawn against the County Tax levied in tlie. year 1948 in the way and manner provided by the Statute of this sta! for tlie issuing and disposing of warrant H. Re It Resolved hy the Board of Supervisors of the County of Molienry that (lie County Treasurer of this County bv and he is hereby 1,111horigefl and directed to issue and sell as needed, anticipation warrants to an amount not to exceed the sum of *25.( against the County tax levied in the year 1948, but in 110 event shall the anticipation warrants -issued exceed 75or„ of the amounts of tlie appropriation fax levied for <fhe year 1948; that said warrants shall be issued as needed iii. the sum. of $5,000.00 each and each bond to l/e so drawn so that the same, shall draw interest at the lowest available rate not to exceed 2 S-4c;, per annum from the time of its issuance until paid or until notice is given that said warrant Is recalled for payment, which anticipation warrants are issued for the purpose of creating a fund from ^vhich payment of the ordinary and necessary expenses of said County may he paid. Re If .Further Resolved that such anticipation warrants shall when drawn show upon their face that tlley are payable solely out of the t"V when collected and not other- AV-is©*-^---- . • .Ml of which is - respectfully submitted: ••HKNRY C. ATT TOR , FRANK, MAY , C. PRRRY WRIGHT . T. F. NOLAN . C,. J. CARROLLthe Chairman declared ding's motion carried. 8?upr. Dun- The Chair- It was thereupon regularly moved >'v. Supr. Filip and duly seconded by 2.52 SUpr. Schmitt that the Report of 54 the Committer on Finance be ap- 185.14 proved, and that the Resolution 19.78 authorizing tlie issuance of Tax 1 Anticipation Warrants, lie approved $9.00 and adopted by this Hoard, and the • oil being called Suprs. Ruth, 6,57 'Wright, Reck, Coy, Carroll, Dunning, Ackman, Mackeben, Nolan, f$^00 Aavang, Cornue, McConnell,, May , Schmitt. Meier and Filip and Asst. 1.25 Suprs. Maxwell, McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. 4.40 Ami the Chairman declared the momot ion unanimously carried. the •2.80 L report approved and the Resolution 40.91 adiortpd, «.?'!!?! '„ following communication 5 Z . l*iVm the law firm of McCauley & --Weir, of Harvard, Illinois, was presented and read to the oard, to-wit: chairman and (ientlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors of McHetlry County. Illinois. 2f60 2(7,78 197.36 "• .* 1 '?• I us, Depdu. (Sold wis*h> ttouuty Ordera 2.00 . $2,032:31 _ *> •,.' . Klari-h 2. 1949 To th*4 Chairman and the Jlono._able Board T>T FupervT»jors Vi'f .Mcifenry Coutily. \\Dodsto, k. II I inois Your McHenry Home. Farm and Hospital Committee tin leave ot report that they met a! Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited and approved bills for payment as follows': Permanent Improvement ll'ini• in«|r Expense Clot hittg ..... Tni a' rii Medicinea *.... Hospital Diet -Fuel : -- $ 2.1 <£.«<; 1,165 84 42.91 4? so . 29 74 I4 7.r,:, BesolnMon Tpr Imirnyemen^ By County Und^r the Motov Ptiel Ta:. X»aw^ t-'e It 'Resolved. 1 v the Hoard of Siip'-rv isors of McHenry Count!', .11- lin ,is. • that tlie following described Slate Aid Route be improved under 1 lie .\!< tor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25.- 1929: State Aid Route 32, Station *»7fJ - 28 a pointnear the centejvof Section .27, Township 43 North, Range 7 Fast of the 3rd p. M. He It Further Resolved, that the Improvement slialL be a Concrete „ l-ov culvert 3 f). x 10 ft. x 33 ft.-- 8 in, and shall he designated .as Me- 1 ion r r, I: ( M |.^T: a nd. - He It Further Resolved, that tho jmprovemi nt shall be constructed liy Contract: and. R" It .Further Resolved, that there |s hereby appropriated tlie suiii of Three, thousand' two hundred . dolfars. ($3,200.00; from tlie Coiintv's allotment of Motor' Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of -this ' improvement: 'and, Re H 'Further Resolved, that the K hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the I leiiartnient- of 1 'ublie -Works, a nd -Buildings, Division of Highways, through its District Kngmeer's office at Rlgin, IIlllinis. Resolution Por Improvement By* County On«»r the Motoi Puel Ta* Law Re It Ri "ole'.i I v the Hoard of Hipervisors of Mcllenry c'ounty, Illinois, that Hie following descril.-ed Stall'. Aid Route be linproycil under the Motor Fuel Tax l<af, approved .March 25. .1929: State Aid Route 8. beginning at S! at ion 3-11 t '50 in the.NW 1-4 *of the SR 1-t of Section 28, ToWnsM '3 North, Range *8 East of the 3rd i'. M. lie It-Furfher R»'s<dved, that the '.'npi ovj-ment ^riiall he an l-1/eatn "rldye on:CloVed R. C. Abutments, Span 28 ft. - 0 n. Clear on CYntei ' lie. PoaiUvay 3o mt. - 0 in. - 2 ft '• In.. Ski",v ">8 degrees - So ft., and ^hail lie deslfnateil as Section 35 I 1 MFT: and.' I'e II Flirt her Resolved (hat ih. Dr. w: A*.. Nye Dr. A. I. Froelich . J. F. Mi.tchuiu. co ins fund I'. o. Knuth Co.. shff off sup Co tl'eas off sup R. O. Andrew Co. ct hse-tail" COM I . ...; . . - ^ 111.- Bell Telephone Co.. ct hse jail tele •! f^upr., Sal. Mileage-- ' August W. Ruth C. Perry Wright Carl E Wittmus F. E. Reck ' Rimer W. Coy ("!. J. Carroll Chas. T. Dunning . Chas. 11. Ackman Harley "Mackelien T. F. N<dan Aimer Aavang . . Stanley II. Cornue . Frank H. McConnell '• rank , Mav Math N. Sehtnitt .:. Henry C. \Jeier ........ John J. Filip ... A. M. Maxwell A. R. McConnell Paul Rosen t lull City of Woodsteok, Ct "hse jail It & wi r ' . . VRosentha 1A.0O ifi.oo 2.41 ::||s08 211.40 8S..10 44,80 23.00 5S.80 U..0200 5J."00 94.00 65.20 80.10 38.10 34.00 82.80 This is to advice that the matter of the appeal frpm the McHenry County Zoning Hoard of Appeals regarding to reclassification of lands owned .ly BeYijamin llifgo Strang and vv*We has been duly filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois as Case No. 31449. We therefore, respectfully ask that the matter of the report of the McHenry County Zoning Hoard of Appeals on this particular property continue to lie 011 the table the Court haa *f risposed of the matter. You will recall that the writer personally appeared before your boa.i d at your last meeting February 8th. and that by action taken by your hoard that the matter was laid 011 the table so as to give your office the opportunity .to get the proceedings in the Circuit Court. Thanking you in advance for your attention in thisj matter, we beg to remain • Very truly yours, McCACLEY & WKIR, JJfM-ut " ~ Hy: J. J. McCACLEY 4ll 6f. 45.1 20 no 104.40 22.30 20.40 44.00 136.57 786.18 l.lf.00 1,86,00 200.00 216.00 24)1,00 2IJ.00 21 f .00 improvement s h a l l . , by Contract: and, be constructed >sentha|f~vLuml,,eir & Fuel, ct hse (jail coal Alice Jones, er Tli off sal . , Ct. Hse. Jalt Hal.-- Vestie MlllllooQ Onle Symonds 1. Shff. I H»ty. - , Ora tiC-Nolan .' Lvle R. Hui i hlnson Ceorge R. Swank . F. .1. Kaiser . , R. I. overtop, cir ct pro off M!|l • 7t.00 ' which ta reaiwtdful 1 v wibmitten. " • •- ' • STANLEY H. COR.MR aim. ^nrTii'^'hal^n CHARLES T DI'NNINC, A. B. MCCONNELL ALMER A^VANO The Committee on Claims. County Poor" presented the .following. Reoort,, -which on motion ol' Supr. Ruth ami duly seconded bv Supr. Carroll and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted to-, wit: ~ ^ ' ' ~~ " * March 8, A D. 1919 Air. Chairman and Gentlemen of ib* man then appointed Supra. Carroll and Nolan as Receiving Tellers, and 8upr. Filip and Asst. Supr. A. B. McConnell as Recording Tellers. At the close of all bailotting and tabulation of same it was announced by the Recording Tellers that Supr. Ruth's motion to raise said license fees was carried by the following vote. Yes 13 and No 5. It wa» thereupon regularly moved by SuprJ Mackeben and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that the Private CIUD License Fees under the McHenry County Liquor Control Act be ncreaaed from $200.00 to $500.00 for the next license year and that the following amendment to the County Liquor Control Resolution be adopted by this Board, and that the Clerk be instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board in favor of Supr. Ruth's motion. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Resolution raising said license fee adopted. And tne Clerk cast the unanimous vote of the Board as directed, towit: A BESOX.UTXOV Amending Subsection 2 of Section 1 of Article III of a/Resolution Governing the Licensing and Control of the Sale of Liquor in McHenry County, Illinois, ^Outside of the. Corporate Limits of any City, Village or Incorporated Town, as Amended. Be" it Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, fTlMnols, in Special Meeting Convened, as Follows: Section I. That Subsecton 2 of Secton I of Article III of "A Resolution Governing the Licensing' and Control of the Sale of Liquor in McHenry County, Illinois, Outside of the Corporate Limits of any City, Village or Incorporated Town," as amended, be, and the same Is hereby amended to read as follows, towtt: Article ZXS--Classes of licenses 1. The classification of licenses authorized to be issued under this Resolution and the license fees shall be as follows: 9 (1) Class "A" Licenses which shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified, of Alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises as well as otehr retal sale of such liquor, which "shall incude sales hy original packr.s"?.* Tha annual fee for such license shall be Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) which shall, be paid to the Liquor Commission. (2) Class "B" Licenses which shall authorise the retail sale on premises specified of alcoholc iiquort for consumtion on the premises as well as retail sale of such liquor which shall be Issued onlv to clubs as defined In Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 17 of the Illinois Liquor Control Law. The annual fee for such license shall be Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), which said, license fee shall be paid to the Liquor Commission. Section IT. All rules and regulations heretofore passed in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section III. Thie .ResoluticTn and the rules and regulations therein contained shall take effect from and after ts passage, approval and adoption according to law. „ • y March 10 1949 Hon. R. D Woods , ~ County Olerk McHenry County Court House Woodstock Illnots Dear Brick: Enclosed herewith please find original Amendment to the Liquor Resolution as requested hy the Board of Supervisors. I understand this was passed at the last meeting. Additional copies are enclosed In the event you need thm. In looking through the printed Resolution, It appears that there have been other Amendments made by the Board since this was printed. If these books are handed to the Licensee I would suggest that at least mimeographed copies of the Amendments made since the book was printed should be attached. My recollection Is that in Febra- »r yof 1946 there were certain Amendments concerning the limitation of licenses, the rights of assignment and I bflieve aoout a year ago there was an Amendment concerning the question of daylight saving time applying to the closing hours. These are the only ones that I recall but there may have been others. Yours very truly, DAW:OH DON A. WICKS Encl. The Chairman stated that if there was nothing further to come before this meeting, he would entertain a motion to adjourn. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben to adjourn. Motion declared carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. CARL EJ. WITTMUS, Chairman Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk Kathy Hero Still Reeds a Job It was thereupon reuularly moved by Supr. Heck and duly seconded by Supr, ,Nolan that the request of Attorney be planted, and that the matter of the approval of the Report of the McHenry County Zoning Hoard of Appeals, concerning the property of Benjamin Hugo Strang and hip wife bv tabled until the next meeting of this Board, and tlie Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. Statements of Condition at the close of business on December 81, I94H of all of the banks of McHenry County vyere presented and read to tlie Board, after the reading of said statements by the Clerk it was regularly moved hy Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning. that said statements of condition be approved and that said Rallies It^ authorized to continue as -ilepositu-ies of the funds of the County Treasurer. and Ex-Ofticio County Collector, of McHenry County. ' and the Chairman declare the motion unanimously carried. Several communications from the State of' Illinois, Department of Public W^rks and Buildings, together with a copy of a Resolution concerning Registration of Electors, received from Rureau County, Illinois, were presented and ordered placed 011 -file. Supr. Mackeben of Grafton Township, a menibiM-' of the Liquor Control Commission, stated that his Commission had up for discussion the question of whether or not the Board should raise Club liquor license fees, from $200,00 to $500.00 pnr year, and that at this time the Licnse Committee, and Liqu6r Control Commission would like to present t lie1 ilia11iir to the full Board for their consideration. After some discussion with regard to said matter it was regularly moved by Supr. Ruth and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt. that an amendment be made to the Mellertry County Liqiio#* Control ordinance raising Club Licenses from $200.00 to $500.00, being the license fee for* tavrns in McHenry County, outside of the corporate limits of any City or Village. It was then moved by" Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Mack.ei.-eii that the vote on said motion be made by »e«c«t twrtfaH. M4 Shlppinf Finr Strikes In Chanftabli Wiathtr The changeable weather of early spring is a danger season for shipping fever in Ifvestock, veterinarians warn. And when bad weather is coupled with crowded shipping c o n d i t i o n s , i n t e r r u p t e d * f e e d i n g schedules and mishandling, heavy losses are likely to result. Purchasers of replacement stock as well a* those who handle lot shipments are urged to be on constant} guard against this disease, which causes respiratory trouble and blood poisoning. • Pneumonia and paralysis develop in severe cases and death is likely to follow if diagnosis and treatment are delayed. > An unfortunate feature of this disease is that symptoms may not appear until a day -or more after the animal arrives ct its destination. If in the meantime the animal «is allowed to mingle with healthy stock, the others may become infected. Still another danger is the recovered animal, since those which have had shipping fever may remain as carrier*. , v Control measures call for vaccination with bacte/*ins at least two weeks prior to shipment. Serum treatment both before shipment and immediately after arrival is an alternative safeguard. Proper sheltef from bad weather en route, along with regular feeding and watering, also helps to prevent outbreaks. Quarantine of all shippeo animals at destination is a final and highly important precaution, since this keeps them from spreading infection to stock already on the prejiiifip. Dwarf Fr«lt Tree* In planting dwarf fruit trees, there are two things to watch. Be sure to plant the trees at exactly the same depth as they grew in tfle nursery. Then they should be sturdily staked for the point of union between the graft just above the dwarf roots is vulnerable to breakage. Elements la Potato-- A pound of potatoes will furnish it considerable share of the nutrients that are recommended for active people. They are rich in vitamin C. thiamine." Iron; ribifta vin and protein. Orpheus A. Kelly, 40-year-old hero who made numerous descents 90 feet into the earth to rescue little Kathy Fiscus, picks up his unemployment check at the Alhambra, Calif., state employment office. Kelly is still out of work, despite many promises of assistance from all sides as he toiled to save Kathy. He Was 'Dead' for Three Minutes4 Tommy Billings, 6, relaxes happily in a New York-hospital after being l'dead" for three minutes while on the operating table to have his adenoids removed. When the youngster's heart stopped beating, Lt.-Comdr, Richard Gailldrd made a .two-inch incision (note *Cftr on boy's chest) over Tommy's heart end passaged it until it began beating again. - fT Blueboy. a parakeet with a 150-word vocabulary, gets a taste of apple (prom his mistress and trainer, Mrs. Morely D. Jacob, of St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Jacob thinks Blueboy. who likes to show off even in his sleep, is well enough prepared to learn a love poem next. Not only does he speak full sentences, but be lets loose low wolf whistles. - r ti i Kt •- < ~-i>j . . . . „ if \ ^ ^ DOWNKD HY FKf--Wounded critically hy FBI bullets after a gun battle in the tenter of Indianapolis. Indiana, Clyde Milton Joh ison lflr examined by a general hospital doctor. He was wanted for a *0.000 bftttk 1-ftbtMNrjf to Maw^ Tfoa. TetephotoJ

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