Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 2

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M i n i I I HIM (by Yumn Mb) * - v- V., "vp^ir a-swK KeNMtY Attlllwy liNiali at Elgin ^ Nancy BlberlW, Bvelyn „ (Henna Kinsalla and Lor- Btahl represented the local laaa Legion Auxiliary at a party held at one of the Wis of the hospital at Elgin, on Wedneeday of this week. The Wonder Lake Post was one of several who gave their time and who donated cookies and other refreshments for the party. The card parties are a project of the Auxiliary and the various unit* rotate in entertaining. On May 14, the Auxiliary will hold a bake sale at Milbrandt's, and folks are asked to remember. During the business meeting last Thursday, the Auxiliary voted a donation of $30. toward the in- ! halator and resuscitator recently ! purchased by the community; also 1 voted to pay the Legion post's I attorney fees in the matter of the ! property. • , • -~ The Auxiliary will hold a brush party at the Legion Home on May 12, with Helen Thoms of McHenry serving as demonstrator. The public to Invited to attend. The meeting will start at 8 p. m. Rom where I sit-.Joe Marsh How We Licked. The Parking ProblttM For s while it looked like we'd bsve to pot up parking meters. Vblks working in town--including •Mae of the store owners--were taking up all of the space along Main Street. . Farmers coming in to shop never found a place to park, and sometimes had to lug stuff a half mile or so. Some started to do their buying -in other towns. Finally, store owners and farmers had a gettogether-- with the result that the empty field near the depot was fixed up for all-day parkers. Now farmers get their shopping done comfortably, and the merchants have a better place to park than they had before. Just took a little friendly co-operation to make everybody happy. From where I sit, most differences can be ironed out by just talking things over--maybe with a cup of coffee or glass of bear--and seeing the other person's side ef it Next time yon have a problem or a little difference to settle, why net try just that? FLOE OFT Copyright, 1949,"United States Brewers Fomitdmtien Auxiliary Two On May 19, there will be an election of officers for the Legion Auxiliary and Marian Ruiicka and Virginia James were mentioned from the floor to serve on the. nominating committee, together with some of the officers. Also on Ma> 19. there will be initiation of new members. The Hebron Anx '.liary has been Invited to bo present. flaeiti at Party Are To Dress As ' School Children Short skirts will be all the rage this Saturday night 'at Muisy's hall when mamma and papa and all their guests dress like school boys and girls at the party being sponsored by the Rod and Oun Club, the Community Club and tb^ fifth and sixth grade mothers. There will be prises for the lyst "little boy" and the beat "little girl." There will be good eats and music provided by John Ebde of Johnsburg and Delia Cheney of Wonder Lake. The public is Invited and there Is no admission fee. Mrs. Malda Bastlen and Mrs. Delia Cheney are co-chairmen for the Community club; Mrs. Charlotte Meyer and Mrs. Rose Murphy for the Rod and Oun Auxiliary: and the-food will be provided by the fifth and sixth grade mothers. Get our your short socks and your middy blouse--the party Is Saturday night. W* ask you to this great Ford tractor Seeing is believing. That's why we want you to see why the Ford Tractor is waking so many new friends daily. How about oar bringing a tractor oat to your farm for a free demonstration? ]>Hmch-8chmldt Wedding Saturday Lawrence Schmidt of Wonder Center will bring a bride to his lake front home next week. Miss Sally Lprbach will exchange vows with Mr. Schmidt on Saturday in Chicago. They plan to crane directly to Wonder Lake and take- a wedding trip later. Happy Birthday On Saturday night, in a gay atmosphere of an old time barn (created in the "big garage attached to the home) a group of friends gathered to wish Dick Von Bampus a happy birthday and to help him celebrate the occasion. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Von Bampus, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Von Bampus, Mr. and M«e. Joseph Morteleone, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kolar, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sells and Mi*, and Mrs. Gail Wrede. MI CM WW Meet 0* May 1# Two new members won aided to the roster of the Buay Bnmble Bees 4-H clnb at their meeting on Tuesday evening. They are Marilyn Stromstedt and Jackie Donaah. Bight others wore present at the meeting over which Sharon Grace Sells, president of the club, presided. The next meeting of the club, which Is for teenagers, will bo at the Sells home on May 10. Any girl between the ages of 10 and to is invited to join the clnb. They are taking one of three projects this year: Sewing, outdoor meals, and making a dressing table. wt- -1 | We know youH like the Triple-Quick Attaching1 .tf implements . . . the quiet I speed transmission '• • • Ford Hydraulic Touch Control of implements •«. and many other advantages. Dearborn Inqple- Meats (made for the Ford Tractor) are just right, aJ too. TouH like our kind of f nrirn, 8a how about dropping in or phoning us soon? R &W. Farm Machinery Co., Inc. Rand Road at Graceland Phone 1323 Despl&ines, Til -Held Bridge Party Mrs. Velma Sinclair entertained at bridge on Wednesday night of last week. Present at the party were: Mrs. Helen Mauch and Mrs. Helen Thoms of McHenry; Mrs. Lowell of Woodstock; Mrs. Olive Tallman, Mrs. Gretta Weisenberger, Mrs. Grace Sellek, Mrs. Simone Fuller, Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eachren, Mrs. Mary Schmidt, and Miss Louise Behrens, all of Wonder Lake. 'Srtifct W. Durban MotsnCarperatfaa Held Demonstration* The first of a series of demonstrations on the new inhalator and resusdtator was held "at the I<ake View Inn on Sunday morning of last week. Present to discuss the machine were Frank Kop of the Chicago fire department, Tom Breen from the ambulance squad, and Jim Healy, factory representative of the manufacturer. The John Feyerers welcomed a little girl on April 19. She was born Pt the Woodstock hospital and weighed 7 lb. 11 os. She itfll answer to the name of Joanne Clalrc. She has a brotl Jr., I, to welcome her; Brleflcs Mrs. Frances Rlegel is visiting heir mother, Mrs. Bates, In Denver. Mrs. Bates, formerly a resident of Iudian Ridge, Is critically 111 in the western city--Carl and Zella Reese are new permanent residents In Shore Hills. Moved out from the city so that they can watch their new television undisturbed-- Th6 Alvin Kolars have a television set now, also, and even grandson, Clay,.comes over to see it regularly--It wasn't the left hands of the folka who attended that Lefthanders' party at Rolaine Grill on Friday which bothered them!--A remaining ripple of the west-coast earthquake must have reached Shore K«H One of the hasement walls at the Frank Cheney residence buckled and. fell Into the basement. Frank is trying to figure out how he can get the section out so that he can rebuild. Any Ideas?--Hear that the American Legion dance on Saturday in honor of their anniversary was quite a success--Joan Dornbush visited McHenry high school last week while on vacation from Woodstock -- Mrs. Mary Schmltt and her two children, Jackie and Laurel Ann, will leave on Friday for Rantoul, 111., whore they plan to spend a few months with Mrs. Schmitt's sister--Ralph Noren is visiting his aunt and uncle, Alice and Roy Noren, in Wonder Center for a few days-- Mrs. Ray Schalk and daughter, Cynthia, and Mrs. Charles Konlcek, all of Chicago visited at the home of Mrs. Lillian Forsberg on Sunday. Mrs. Schalk is Mrs. Foroberg's, sister and Mrs. Konicek's daughter. Cynthia, 3, stayed on for a few days* visited with cousin, Rickey, who is the same age-- Sorry to hear that Thomas Holocwost is recuperating from a broken leg--Peggy Selsdorf, Barbara Smale, Joan Biggers and Sally Smale were among those who saw the Todd boys give their performance of "Bach to Boogie" last Thursday -- Sharon Grace Sells, Jackie Donash. Marilyn Stromstedt and Bob and Don Lowrey were among those present at the MCHS Student Council 'skate held last Thursday at the McHenry rink -- The Indian Ridge Subdivision will hold its semiannual meeting on May 28 at the American Legion hall. The next board of directors meeting will be held on May 11, and will be at the home of the president, Carl Marx. « Never Agata ^brira rX little village shop did not seem to be doing very good business, and the customer, who had been chatting with the owner, thought ho -twould make a helpful suggestion. "What you want to do," he said, •is to "advertise." "Advertise? Not II** "Why on earth not?" asked the customer. "I did oom>" came the reply, "and it darned near ruined mo." "Ruined you?" gasped the customer. "How dn earth was that?" "Why," respon^d the shop* keeper, "folks u . on coming in and buying things until they nearly cleaned, me out I" SHOULD GEf ABOUT | Writer: "How much board will you charge me for a few weeks while I gather material for my new country novel?" Hiram: "Five dollars a week unless we have to talk dialed That*s three dollars extra." Oewa Clipping cows when they an stabled for the winter is recognized as an important factor in the production of sediment-Are* milk. Nothing To Wear An artist had Just finished read°- Inga story through, and was. about to begin illustrating it for a magatine. "I say," h£ said to his wife, "this story is supposed to have happened in 1937. Now what were tb-esses like ten years ago?" "Like mine!" she retorted, throwing, him a bitter glance. . Milk TOO ef BraoeOeala Dairy farmers are losing My million dollars worth of mflk a year--due to brucellosis. That's the estimate of veterinarians of the U. S. department o t agriculture. The two main methods of control are tast-aad-slaughter and nuip . tion. Imagine! ' • • .Mrs. Banks--"Well, i admtt mtt [ was outspoken at the Social Ser- i vice meeting today." Mr. Banks--"I don't believe it Who outspoke you?" NATURALLY "I told your father that I loved* you more than any other girl I ever met." "And what did he say?" "To try and meet some more girls." Counting The Cost The bride of a struggling young writer was the big success of the evening, and all the men at the party elbowed each other to dance with her. "She's charming, old boy," the host said enthusiastically to the hus- | band. "And her dress is a poem." I "Not a poem," answered the young writer, gloomily. "Sixteen poems, five short stories, and nine articles." Increase la Steel fcapaetty Steel capacity has increased 17.9 per cent in the ten years since 1838, according to a new Directory of Iron and Steel Works of the United States and Canada," issued recently by American Iron and Steel Institute. Meanwhile, the population of continents! United States has lacreased approximately 124 per cent There was some Jealousy in the zircus, and the giant and the dwarf were not on the best of terms, when the little man complained of Indisposition. "Throat,, trouble, I think," he said. "Nonsense," snapped the giant "A man of your inches couldn't tell whether he'd got laryngitis or housemaid's knee." Vending Dairy Cows A good Job of feeding dairy cows means feeding according ta the amount of milk produced. MMHICM'S EASIEST MIK 7V TUP CIUM AvoHoMe Fully Automatic if desired Co**5 "uSf to "" MA.SS °°°SMeat Mr. and Mrs! Dave Rossi, 16 South Spaulding Ave., Chicago, have purchased the Lyle Stensrud home in Indian Ridge. The Rossis are the parents of Mr.1 and Mrs. A1 Franz, also of Indian Ridge. Stensruds go to Fargo, No. Dakota. The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murdoeh of Deep Spring Woods has been named Dsnrlene Alice. Elly triola Is still home from her work due to having cut her forefinger severely about a week ago with a butcher knife. The injury required two stitches-- The Charles Rocksteads are busy with a new garage which is being built at the west of their snog little home in Deep Spring Woods --Frank Shudy 7t, died at the Woodstock hospital, on Monday. , Christ the King Church First Communion for some of toe little folks will be held on Mother's Day, May 8. A corporate communion of the Altar and Rosary Society will take place on Sunday, May 1 On May 6, at 8:30 p. m„ there will be a plastic demonstration at the church. The public is Invited to attend. Community Interior Service FOR SPRING GIVE YOUR HOME A PICKUP WITH A NEW SLIPCOVER OR FRESH DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS. DRAPES SLIPCOVERS BEDSPREADS ~=i: WALLPAPER CURTAINS VALANCES CORNICES TABLECOVERS 204 8. Green St. Phone McHenry 480 'Goldsmith Maid' ' Most amazing trotting horse that over lived was "Goldsmith Maid," which was a farm animal until she was six, raced but 'once until she was eight, fractured a large succession of records, made her fastest time at 19, and still a champion at 20. TWI FOB HCW 8Y8TKH Residents of the Harvard xnnnity voted recently by a sUm margin to establish a community unit school system in the ana. The total vote was 516 for aad 440 against. In Harvard, thfc vote was 226 for and 206 agai with the rural area casting for and 235 against. The . district as yet unnamed, will come effective on July 1. T same proposition was i 482 to 418, In an election hsM ? April 3, 1948, when a total of S9S ° votes were cast. The new Harvard district Is the first community unit system established In the county under the community * unit law 575 as passed by the state legislature in 1947. Complete line of Beebe livestockf remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo- Henry. Wheat for Breakfast -- ' Wheat made its debut as a breakfast cereal when the caveman found wild wheat growing as he prowled j his way through the primitive world. \ A tentative tasting of the kernels of the wUd wheat converted him into a cereitl eater, and it turned him into a farmer, too. So well did the caveman like the wild wheat that he stored it against the winter's famine. Read the Want Adi. Try Our OooUW OMIT DODGE fUlLDS BUILT FOR ECONOMY DEPENDABILITY LONG LIFE A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, 301 Bait Pearl Street McHENRY, ILLINOIS M/ Of »H (he d«y« in tha ywr, only^<*» » reserved just for telling that grandest person in the woiW just how wonderful she really »• Remember hereto Mother'* Day, M«f8th, wHh a fine quality Gibson Card from: our complete selection. BOLGEEB mUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENET, H£» 41 Calotic •M. par. err. GAS RANGE All Porcelain Fluorescent and Tinier $20.00 extra VYCITAL'S Hirdwue • Sheet Metal She* Gospel jfeater News An important decision has been made cencerning our schedule of services. Beginning on Sunday, May 8, regular Sunday evening serving will be every Sunday, instead of only twice a month as heretofore. We have for a long time felt that a house of public worship should not be dark and closed in the evening of the Lord's Day. We believe that we owe It to the people In our community to keep our doors open to welcome one and all on Sunday evenings as well as in the mornings. Our full and' regular schedule of services from now on will therefore be Sunday Bible School at 10 a. m., Sunday Morning Worship Service at 11 a m Sunday Evening Gospel Service at 7:45 and Prayer Meetings on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. The Evangelistic campaign closed last Sunday night, with a great message from the Word by the young evangelist, the Rev. Floyd Ankerberg of Chicago. The meetings were on the whole, well cttended and wonderful in spirit. The preaching, as well as the musical program, was excellent. Rev. Mr. Ankerberg will address the Youth for Christ Rally in Mc- Herny on Saturday evening, May 7. This meeting will be held in the high school auditorium. Mother's Day will be observed at the Center on Sunday, May 8. The mothers will be our honored guests at the Sunday School Session and at the Morning Service. For next Sunday, May 1, we cordially invite one and all to our S. S. Session at 10 a. m. and Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Laying Bs«» A good laying hen producing ISO to 200 or more eggs a year will eat about 190 pounds of feed. More head room in the WW DODGE HIGHER on the inside ...LOWER ostsid*- A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 S. PEARL STSEET PHONE 1M McHEKRY, ILLINOIS ""-V

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