Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1949, p. 4

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hjjim m INty firariiay Me If A. Bowuilioihct. del* Ftoehlieh as' weori-elM matter at at McHenry, 111., under of May 8, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zagorce, daughters, Jeannette and Sharon, and son, Gerald, of Aurora were Sunday dinner guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schaefer. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs Martin May were Mr. and i Mrs. W. Johansen and daughter. • Roseann. of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. ! William Mitchison and sob, Bobby, j and Joseph Fitzpatrick of St. • Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bun- | gard and family and Mrs. May j Bungard of Elmhurst. Mrs. Clyde Clark and family dnd SHOT IN FIE Mrs. Claude Nichels attended the Ronald Vanderspool. son of Mr. funeral of Mrs. Jessie Ryder, an Mrs. Dick Vanderspool, of; aunt of Mrs. Clark, in Rockford Orayslake was shot in the eye re- on Tuesday. <?, *" ' Mrs, O. Mnrlorie. Bead the Want • home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. May in Waukegan on Sunday. Allan Bookman and Harry Thomas of McAllister college at --»tly with a B-B gun. The boys Mrs. q. C. Murray and daughter were playing and the gun was shot Marjorie. of Geneva visited Miss Wj]]. o?, ' MJCidently, striking young Van- Kate McLaughlin on Sunday. ^^0? CwJago spent a In the .eye. Li,ckily the Mrg John Phalin, Mrs. Eleanor few days lagt week with Mr8. I±tfb J soon t^ aI1T8 r^S d aa®s Bne«wW . JI Fo,ey and son- Martin> and Mr Rose Miller. AND Mrs. Thomas Phalin were guests in the James Mahoney home in Chicago last Sunday. James Mahoney, Jr., was confirmed that day. Mr. and Mrs. John Zoia of Ma- Barbara, and Mlu Clara Stoffel spent Thursday la Chicago. Miss Owen Blschke was a dinner guest in the home, of Mrs. Gladys Bauer in Richmond Friday, and in the evening attended the Richmond homecoming dance. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalin of Kenosha, Wis., visited Miss Ann Frisby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chicago spent the weekend in McHenry. ' trip to Wisconsin following their Those from here who attended ! wedding in the local Methodist Friends' Night at Algonquin this j church, Rev. Wanye Price officiatweek as representatives of the! ing. The former Miss Strassheim Royal Neighbor Camps were ! is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Dorothy Nickels, Bessie Haas, j Walter Strassheim of Emerald Alpha Pedersen, Alida Freund and j Park and M.r Cambell is the sea Mary Freund. . ;of the Ervin T. Campbells of Car- Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and thage. daughter, Diane, visited in the For her wedldng, the lively E. E. 0, HOBOS or FOLLOWING Mr. »nd Mrs. Ervin Eugene Campbell left last Saturday for Carthage, 111., where they will be at home to their many friends. Mr. Campbell and his bride of Saturday, April 16, returned last week from a week's honeymoon bride chose the traditional white satin gown, the square neckline Conmaaloa 8aaday For C. D. of A. May 1 The Catholic Daughters of America will observe Communion Sunday on May 1 at the 8:30 mass at St. Mary's church. No breakfast will follow as previously announced. ;.r -tv-w Follow Xeetli ••amniNiifflifliiiimiiiiuHiHimiiiiiiiuiiimniiiHii ( PHONE 32. gniLLES •WO ODSTOCK,I LL.• FRI. - SAT., APR. 29-80 MOUGHT THtlUINGlT TO UFB •V THE MAKERS OF "CANON CITY" Mrs. Lydia Tollefsen of Marengo visited friends In McHenry • one day last week. •Among those who attended the concert in Woodstock presented by the Todd School boys and sponcomb spent the weekend visiting1 sored by. the McHenry County relatives in Woodstock and McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and family of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. , Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reihansper- Business and Professional Women's1 club last week Were Mrs. C. H. Duker, Mrs. Paul Yanda, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones. Mrs. George H. Johnson, and daughter. Marguerite, Mrs. Robert MIT Thompson and Mrs Thomas Kan« ;«(heT {.r s?»e I Clia«rence Reinfried, in Madison. fft.. V*®th- Mrrfsl. Grue_ra.lidJj Ca_r ey andj d• aug.h 4t er, I Among those wno ftttcndcd tor Spring Groye dlnner and card party for the benefit of the hew St. Peter's church last week were the ta EAUC LION FILMS PrnmMtM* t'o-HIt LEGION -- SAT. MAT. ONLY -- KIDDIES' CARTOON CARNIVAL Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Photo by A. Worwlslc. McHenry trimmed in seed pearls. The dress was styled with marguisette top and the fingertip veil was held in place by a crown of orange blos- - r FRI. - SAT. la Color Irm? Harvey* - (1) "MICKEY" An Old Time Taidnlflc Review Shown With Leon ErrOl - Frankle Carle following from McHenry: Mesdames Peter M. Schaefer, Charles Miller, Henry Kennebeck, Martin Stoffel, Nick Young, Helen Young,' 80ms. She carrier a white prayer Mary Zimmermann, Catherine j book, on which was placed fin Weber, Helen Weber, Helen Wege- 1 orchid, with streamers of stephaner, Ben Blake and Victor Freund. j notis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons. The matron of honor was Mrs. of Shalimar have returned from a | Mary Jane Krug of DesPlaines, six months' trip to Sarasota, Fla. I ^ friend, and bridesmaids were While there they purchased a | Miss Geraldine Swanson of Racabin cruiser and. with their 1 Cine, Wis., and Miss Ellen Walt* Bill Goodwin friends- enjoyed many pleasure | Qt Park Ridge. All were attired trips on Sarasota Bay and also j in Nile green dresses. Mrs. deep sea fishing in the GulX of j Krug wore a band of pink carna- Mexico. MISS GRACE GLOSSON Pat Rooney Haas ( onreid MARRIED TO HEBRON SUN. MON.. MAY 1-2 & •wi! nis\ns SO DHARTO -V (2) "VARIETY TIME" HAN ON SATURDAY M0N„ MAY 1-2 - Pehro Armeadariz fit**** TT"SHAY John Wayne Mae Marsh "THREE GODFATHERS" Also • World News A Cartoon A lovely wedding of Saturday, April 23, was that solemnized at St Mary's church in which Miss Grace Glosson, daughter of Mr. Jane Darewell; and Mrs. Clarence Glosson of McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Lloyd Spitzbart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Spitzbart of Hebron. aRf t. IRIev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated 1 Money of Carthage. IA Q • Q A A'AI «wilr <l/\T«Wl A M(«*M T___h e ,b r•i d* e»s mo.t«h er c.h ose a grey tions in her hair and carried a colonial boquet of the same kind of flowers. Miss Swanson and Miss Waltz chose a yellow flower headpiece and carried yellow colonial bouquets. Little Janet Hartke of Chicago, a cousin of the bride, was the charming flower girl, wearing a Nile green dress and carrying a basket filled with flowers and stephanotis streamers. William McPherson of Beaver Dam, Wis., was best man and ushers were Gilbert Dohlen of IRount Morris, 111., and James at the 9:30 o'clock double ring Starting TUESDAY for three days I ceremony performed before an al- ! tar decorated with Easter lilies Hfdy Lamarr - Robert Camming* and gladioli (1) "LET'S LIVE A LITTLE" Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys (2) "FIGHTING FOOLS" MwiwnHiiiiimfliHuiiNimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiifliiiiii ICE CREAM BUCK FLAVORS OF THE MONTH CHOCOLATE FLAKE BUTTER PECAN COFFEE . MINT FUDGE ROYALE STRAWBERRY BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY MOTHER Knows BUL0VA \ McHenry Mrs. Michael Moscinski of McHenry, a friend of the couple, sang the "Ave Maria" during the mass: The bride was attractive in a white satin gown with sweetheart neckline and lace trimming on the bodice. Her long train was edged in matching lace and the fingertip veil of white net, with net ruffle edging, was held in place I with a tiara of net and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet consisting pi white roses tied with a wide satin ribbon. Her only jewelry was a pearl necklace, a gift of the bridegroom. Miss Dolores Glosson, sister of the hirde, was maid of honor, attired in a green marquisette dress with a wide ruffle around the yoke, forming an ofT shoulder cffccl A wide ruffle around the bottom of the skirt came up to i the waist at the back to form a. bustle. She wore a headpiece of matching green net and carried pink carnations and yellow daisies. Bridesmaids were Miss Lorraine Huff of Spring Grove, a cousin of the bride. Miss Barbara Simon of Mo Henry and Miss Elaine Smith of Spring Grove, friends. All wore dresses and' headpieces styled similarly to those of the maid of honor. Miss Huff wore orchid and carried yellow carnations and white daisies. Miss Simon chose yellow with a pink carnation and yellow daisy corsage and Miss Smith was attired in pink and carried yellow' carnations and white daisies. All woie cameo necklaces, gifts of the bride. ttuetave Spitzbart, Jr., brother of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Edward Spitzbart of Hebron, another brother, and Ray Marre of Waukegan, a cousin of the bride. Ushers were Mervin Huff of . Spring Grove and Robert Schmarje of Hebron. Mrs. Glosson cnose for her daughter's wedding a navy blue print. dress and pink carnation corsage. The groom's mother wore a dark blue dress and similar corsage. Following the service a reception was held in St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall, with 125 relatives and friends in attendance. The bride has been employed at the Admiral Radio Corporation since her graduation from the local high school in 1848. The groom is employed on his father's farm near Hebron, where they ^Hll make their home. Public Party Td ' There win be an early meeting at 7:30 of Riverview Camp, R, N. A, next Tuesday evening, May 3, followed by a public party. • * * Lillian Anflese To Give Book Review The next meeting ot St. Mary's- St. Patrick's school P. T. A. will he held on Wednesday a'ternon, May 4, at 3 o'clock in the school hall. Mrs. Clarence Anglese will give a book review and the mothers of third grade" students will act as hostesses. • * • ? Entertains On Birthday Jill Siler of Fair Oaks subdivision entertained a group of friends at her home recently in honor of her eighth birthday anniversary. Dinner was served in the evening and the little hostess presented with many lovely gifts. Guests were Marion and Eleanor Springman, Clara Bensen, Janice and Carol Relnboldt, Joan Adams. Klrby Kellner and Vernon Block. • • • Plan Mothers' Day Banqvet > The annual C. D.df A. Mothers'I Spring Grove, Wauconda, Mundel> ay banquet will be held on Mon- lein, Woodstock and McHenry. The laat week's meeting included Dorothy Adams, Florence Carey, Mary Freund, Veronica Klein. Carrie Justea and Mathilda Stoffel. The next business meeting will be held on May 5, with Madeline ' J Henn, Mary Agnes Boetsch, Flor-' ciice Knox,. Annabel Alcher, Laura Martin, Louise Miller and Helena Stoffel in charge. The Mother's Day banquet will be held on May 9 at the Villa Hotel Resort. Reservations should be made by calling 131-W or 89-M. • • • Heme Adviser To Attend Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the McHenry unit of the Home Bureau was held last week, with Mrs. John Wrublewski of Lily Lake as hostess. Mrs. Mabel French of McCullom Lake gave an interesting review of the book i! I "Cheaper by the Dozen." Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wrublewski, with Mrs. Eddie Meath as assistant hostess. Plans were mad£ for the next meeting, to be held on May 18, with Mrs. Leo Winkel as hostess. \' I Mrs. Clara Graves Sweeney, home j > • adviser, will be present, as well';; as her successor in a few moot*1".' Mrs. Storm. * i 7*" „ , v „ -- • ) • » . . Honored On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs .Nick B. Freund, whose thirtieth wedding anniversary fell on April 24, were honored at two gatherings last weekend. On Saturday evening they were surprised by twenty-five relatives and friends frpm DesPlaines, Des Moines, Iowa, Aurora, Waukegan, < > Richmond, Fox Lake, Solon Mills, mi 11 M i n i ifn m rttiiii # I ii ii afternoon dress, navy and pink accessories and had a pink carnation corsage. ~The bridegrom's mother wore a green print afternoon dress, grey accessories and a white carnation corsage. Following the services, a reception for 100 guests was held at the Villa Hotel Resort. jOeffUng, Lena Bohr, Laura Weber, The bride attended Carthage I I'ene Guffey and Frances Bauer in college, where she met Mr. Camp- pinochle; Eleanor Foley, Marie bell. The bridegroom is in part-J^effge and Dorothy Adams in connership with his father as owner | tract bridge; Margaret Simon and of the "Maid-Rite Cafe in that i Rose Huemann in auction bridge; day, May 9, at the Villa Hotel Resort. Those ' attending are asked to meet at the K. of C. hall at 6:15 o'clock, where cars will be available for those desiring transportation. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. Reservations for the dinners, which will be $2, should be made not later than May 6 by calling Bobbie May, phone 89-M, "or Irene Guffey, phone 131-W. Honored Ijr # # # Co-WorkefS Mrs. Amanda Freund and Mrs. Margaret Stilling were honored guests at a surprise birthday party given by their co-workers at the Riverside Manufacturing Company's employees clubroom last Tuesday. Mrs. Irene Rykowskl displayed ingenuity in decorating the luncheon table with a clever display of early spring flowers, which were appreciated as much as the delicious repast b•y o•v e•r forty guests. C. D. of A. -Card Tonraanent Ends The Catholic Daughters of America met last Thursday evening in the K. of C. hall for the last party in the card tournament. Winers for the evening were Lena I'ohr, Eleanor Freund and Marie Oeffling in pinochle; Pauline Nimsgern in five-hundred; Margaret Simon and Nettie Fleming in auction bridge; Catherine Clarke and Genevieve Knox in contract bridge Tournament winners were as follows: Bertilla Freund, Marie city. ELFMAN-MTT J .ER VOWS EXGHAHGEll LAST WEDNESDAY" Pauline Nimsgern and Jackson in five-hundred affair, planned by their children, was held at the Navy Club in Woodstock, where dancing and visiting were enjoyed. A tasty lunch was served during the evening and Mr. and Mrs. Freund presented guest of honor at the gathering was Mrs. Freund's father, George Scheid, 84, years old, who, if his wife lived, would have- observed his sixty-first wedding anniversary on • the same date. Mr. Scheid led the grand march with his daughter, Mrs. Laura Kennebeck, and danced with the bride of thirty years ago. On Sunday there was a family dinner at the Freund home on Waukegan street, the dining table attractively decorated with flowers and centered, by an anniversary cake. ^ A social afternoon and evening were spent, with the six children and their families present as follows: The Ch&rles Freund family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Freund and Merle Freund of McHenry, the Merle Blowers family of Fox Lake, the Floyd Freunds of Woodstock and the Victor Hunt family of Hartland. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wlke of Des Moines, parents of Mrs. Floyd Freund. • • • Fraleraal Night Observed In City Fraternal Night was observed by the local O. E. S. chapter which met in regular • session at Acacia hall last Tuesday evening, Elsie and George Reiker, worthy matron and worthy patron, presiding. The following were escorted and introduced: Martha Dunker and Jepi Neff of Woodstock and Ethel Holle, McHenry members of grand chapter committees, Lillian Gilbert of Nunda, grand lecturer, Delia question is, "Save as much as you poarihly can, while earnings are Ugh." The dollars bunk are likely to be worth much more later on. While no two families are alike in their needs, here is a rough guide: In a family four, savings should be from $6-to $190 a< month when earnings are between $150 and $600a month. - - r McHENRY STATE BANI£ Member Federal Reserve System % t,# v I . ..I Member Federal Deposit Insurance OoipotMliar worthy matrons and a past worthy patron. Mildred and Herbert Howorka served as associate matron and patron at Richmond chapter last Monday evening. An announcement wal also made that Elsie Reiker would be guest of honor and George Reiker sentinel at Algonquin on May 5. death in Illinois in 1948, with more than one-third of the total mortality being attributed to this malady. * Cancer stood second among the agents of death, while other prin* cipal causes of mortality ranked' in this order: cerebral hemor» rhage, accidents, nephritis, dlar TLT betes, influenza and pneumonia* Worthy Matrons' and Worthy tuberculosis, premature birth an! Patrons' Night on May 10. Following Tuesday evening's 'meeting, the seventy members and guests in attendance enjoyed the talents of Math Schulien, prestidigitator. Refreshments were served 'by Glayds Watkins, Katie Harrison, Mabel Hawley, Gertrude Watkins and Arleen Pearson. • • .M - R. N. A. Camp Will Sponsor Bake Sale Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. will sponsor a bake sale on Saturday, April 30, at the West Side Locker. . , •' *• * Circle t At • Allan float • Mrs. E. Martin will be hostess of members of Circle 3 of the W. S. C. S. when they meet next Week Wednesday, May 4, at the home of Mrs. James R. Allan. With twenty-flve hundred fewer deaths recorded last year than in 1947, Illinois achieved its lower death rate in history--10.4 per 1,000. population--according to the Mayme state department of public health. - Conklin and Leslie Neff of Wood- ! The natural increase in popula- The committee^ in charge of stock, worthy matron and worthy jtion last year amounted to 91,000 patron, also a number of past I Heart disease led all causes of DEATH RATE FOR STATE DECREASED^ BY LARGE AMOUN* arteriosclerosis. Last ,year for the tenth cow- * secutive year, no dfeaths are known to have occured from smallpox. Tuberculosis mortality con?»„ tlnued its long decline, dropping^ from 33.0 deaths per 100,000 poptt» x lation in 1947 to 30.1 last year. ' Freedom from any real outbreak of influenza and pneumonia held. deaths from these causes to re- ^ duced levels. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to thank, friends and neighbors for cards and other kindnesses extended during the time I was confined to the Illinois Masonic hospital. They were all greatly appreciated. 00 FRANK ADLER. Home Made Pies like Mother used to Bake At : • ' , ; > . v THE BRIDGE In a very pretty wedding service which took place on Wednesday morning, April 27, at 9 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic church, Richmond, Miss Joyce M. Elfman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Elfman of Richmond, became the bride of Richard J. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Spring Grove. Rev. Fr. Frank Miller officiated at the nuptial rites. The bride was charming in a white floor length dress and carried a colonial bouquet of roses. She was given in marriage by her father. Her attendants were Mrs. J. Lennon, gowned in lime green, and Miss Virginia Wendt, wearing orchid. Both wore picture hats to match their dresses. The mothers of the couple were attired in navy blue, with corsages of pink roses. Daniel Miller served as best man and Larry Elfman as groomsman. Ushers were Wayne Miller and R. Rudolph. About 150 guests enjoyed the reception ^rhich was held In St. Peter's church parlors at Spring Grove in the afternoon. The couple will reside in Richmond following a trip into Wisconsin. The bride is a graduate of the Richmond high school and attendr ed Rockford business school. She has been employed by her father. The bridegroom, also a graduate of the Richmond high school, is employed at Round Lake. FAMILY OUTDOOR THEATRE OXATSLAXp STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 29, ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 7 LOWER PRICES - GREATER VALUES * BIGGER SAVINGS CHORUS PRESENTS PROGRAM The Elmhurst Woman's Choral Club is presenting a program at the Woodstock high school on Monday, May 2, sponsored by the Woodstock Woman's club. There is no admission charge and the general public is invited to attend. The program will begin at 8:15 o'clock. Box Office Opens 7:15 p. m. Shows at 8:15 - 10:30 p. m. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. APR. 28-20-30 M-C»€ naurm 10 DEAR TO MT HEART EQUIPMENT STOLEN Alex Wirfs of Lily Lake reported to Sheriff Fred C. Bau oa Monday that a welding torch, cutter heads, hose and tips were stolen from his truck, parked in front ot his home the previous night. SdK., MON., TUES., WED. MAY 1-2-3-4 DISTRICT RALLY MAT 7 "Christ for McHenry" will bring the Youth For Christ district rally rto the McHenry high school at 7:46 p. m. on Saturday, May 7. A real musical treat will Include the "King's Men" singing and CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets and the other kindnesses extended at the time of the death of Joseph Miller. We are also grateful for the services of Msgr. Nix, Fr. Baumhofer and Fr. Coleman. MRS. ANNA TONYAN, 60 MR. * MRS LOUIS TONYAN. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this way to thank relatives and friends for the many kindnesses extended at the time of burial of Clarence Justen last week. We are especially grateful playing accordian and guitar and ! to the American Legion. Veterans Miss Blake of Chicago playing ma.- rimba solos. Rev. Floyd Ankerberg will speak. Everybody is invited. m ' Men's MATCHED WORK SUITS Gray and Spruce Green Quantity Limited Special $4.98 set Men's WASHABLE SPORT SHIRTS S--M--h Sizes $7.95 Value $5.95 Men's * SPORT SLACKS Large Assort, of Patterns , Sizes 28-42 $12.95 Value $8.95 STEEL CASTING ROD 4V2 ft. and 5 ft. Special $3.95 16 Ft. CANE FISH POLES Special 39c SonthBebd ANTI BACK LASH REEL Reg. $9.00 Special $7.95 Ladies1 WASH DRESSEf Reg. $2.98 Sale $1.98 Misses' COTTON SKIRTS Washable S - M - I4 Sizes * ^ Special $1.98 NYLON HOSE Full Fashion K . Slightly Irregula^ j ? Ifeipecia^ 98c pr> PICKUP CART Capacity 2% cu. ||» $8.00 value $6.4% ] > . TRASH BURNER Zipper Top $1.98 value $1.59 Men's Kavy Dungarees I 7%-oz. Sanforized / Special $1.59 I . -- ,. Men»s - DRESS SHIRTS Sizes 14^2 to 17 $3.15 value $1.98 BICYCLE BASKETS Heavy Guage 98c value 79c ' Coronado DeLUXE WASHER Family Size ^5.9^ value $99.50 i#V"' -• X' tMOTICHOSE 50-ft. length Special $6.95 Limit One To Customer BRUME RAKE Special Clog-proof • .59c value 37c Limit One to Customer Complete line ot Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. ||| of Foreign Wars and to Msgr. Nix. MRS. GEORGB KREPEL AND CHILDREN. STEPHEN JUSTEN AND •SO FAMILY. &VMKHT AIMTEDSWIESPCIURES PROD Children 12 and under FREE Next to the Bank McHenry Fur coats stored safely. Henry Cleaaars.^ . ,

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