RINGWOOD ••uHiimimiiiiHi (bj Mn. Oeorp Bheoud) The cemetery association will hold a card party at Muxsy's hall OB Thnrsday evening, May IS. The Rod and Oun Club and _ Community Club of Wonder Lakej held a party in Muzzy's hall Saturday evening. Che Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Marie Werner Thursday, May Jack Lenard aad aon BnftUe and Mrs. Fred Wledrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann went to Charleston Friday, where Mary Ann took part'in the State Music contest. She took part on Friday and Saturday and came in second among twenty-six girls with her vocal solo, and also second in the girls' chorus. Mrs. Clinton Martin and daughter, Ferol, also went and Ferol came in third on her trombone. The official board members and their families of the Methodist church met with Rev. Stephens a Greenwood Monday night. potluck supper was enjoyed. Mrs. Lihbie Ladd passed A pot- *t Mother's Day Next Sunday, May 8, is Mother's Day. What could be jmore appieciated than a beautiful box of these delicious candies? . HEART BOXES > CARNATION BOXES Ycfu'll find them at ' NYE DRUG. STORE (Walgreen Agency) Riverside Drive ' McHenry FOR ArCHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER ITS THEO. OLSEN & SON VASON CONTRACTORg v"<t .:":r; ' McCULLOM LAKE West McHenry 0 W ^ No Job Too Big Or Too Small • °-- For Export Workmanship and* Fast Service Oall McHenry 548-W-l her home in Woodstock on Tuesday. Funeral services wee held at the Peter M. Justen futteral home in McHenry. Thursday afternoon, with burial in Ringwood, beside .her husband. The Home Bureau met at the Dimon home at Ostend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet visited their children and grandchildren at Rockford, Wednesday. A group of relatives very j pleasantly surprised Mrs. Nellie | Blackman Sunday in honor of bar, ] birthday, which was on Monday, i Those to attend were Mr. and I Mrs. James McCullom, Mr. and | Mrs. Paul Miller and Mr. and ! Mrs. Albert Markee of Kenosha land Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman, ' Jr., and son of Antioch. ; Miss PhyHts Brace of Stockton ' spent the weekend with her ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Ml*s. Mitchell Kane attended a Home Bureau school on flower arrangement at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Rose Jepson visited relatives at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby were weekend guests in Chicago. Miss Alice Peet spent Thursday afternoon in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jolitz of McHenry were vistors here Friday evening. Mrs. ' Viola Low. Mrs. Louis \V'inn. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mrs. Rose Jepson arid Mrs. Charles S t e v e n s a t t e n d e d a d i s t r i c t W. §. C. S. meeting at the Bethany church in Chicago Friday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday in Chicago. ® She was accompanied home by Mrs. Hickey, who will spend several weeks in the Hawley home. Mrs. Izard of Crystal Lake was a visitor in the Wm. Pagni home Saturday afternoon. Victor Wegner of Waukesha, Wis., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Marie Wegner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jencks and daughter, Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and family and Mi*s. Nancy Madison of Barrington and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor of Dundee were guests of Mrs. Agnes Jencks Sunday and celebrated Susan Pettise's fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and sons and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended the ball game in Wrigley Field in Chicago Sunday and were callers in the Andy Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrison and family of Waubena, Wis., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Miss Marian Pel of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother,. Mrs. Lerfa Peet. 1 Miss Virginia Jepson. R. N.. of Hines hospital, spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Walter Low and children, with her mother, Mrs. Thomas, of McHenry are visiting relatives at Corydon. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger ho'tne at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison , and Mr. and ..Mrs. James Harrison and family spent Saturday evening in the Wm. Harrison home at Round Lake. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Rose Winn of Spring Grove were dinner guests of Mrs. Collins Thursday evening. ! Everett Thomas of Woodstock ! was a caller in the Clayton Haririson home Sunday morning. I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrison and family spent Sunday in the ! Ardin Frisbi home at Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and .family visited friends at Wooster Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited his mother, Mii Jennie Bacon, Saturday* Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukegan spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Fred Wledrich Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck and son Richard, Mrs. Huson and Mia Ruth Owen, of Elgin were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Arthur Dimon and Mrs. Allen Dimon and son, David, of Ostend were callers in the Dick Oldson home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Ben Walkington were "Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson entertained a group of young people of the Genoa City bible church at their home Sunday evening. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lindvig, Mrs. Richard Cronin an# George and Jim Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Foute and sons of Spring Grove spent Sunday with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Lae Ritt and daughter, of Algonquin, spent the weekend with- their parents* Jiff* and Mrs. Karl Betts. I recraatlbn iad got soqheimo* I church, Chicago, on M«y 19 at fcour, sapper and a talent pro- «:0® o'clock. Rev. Perry Salto will be the speaker. The annual conference rally will be held June 3 at Elgin. It will be an all day meeting and we hope that several from our church will be able to tram. In the closing moments of the Rally we were led in our thinking by Rev. Robert Pierce of Glencoe. He pointed out that it is foolish and dangerous to use the | attend. •acred symbols of nation, of love , 0n WAdnn«ri>v «h« r-K„« t„7"f:ovr,ir'.r a. i^t cmlv chMn^n* mfr !The agenda wlU ^ discussion of ..rSlel""k •CWr attendance, choir future. Before Methodist Church Notes There were a few disappointed scholars Sunday when the Attendance Banner was awarded to the class with the best average for attendance. The boys' class taught by Ray Horenberger, Jr., was the winner. This banner will be theirs to keep for a month or as long aa they can defend it. Reports point out that it will be quite a spirited contest. If you have not been attending regularly why not begin now and give your classmates a break and help them capture the Banner? Though the rains came dcftarn, there was a fine attendance at church Sunday. The Juniors sang the anthem, "Praise the Lord The meditation of the morning was entitled "The Great Affirma tive." The time tor Rallies has arrived. Several of our young folk* attended the Methodist Youth Fellowship rally at Wilmette Sundiyr afternoon and evening. It was aP tended by some 400 young folks from the Chicago northern district. At the opening service of the Rally seventeen young men nhd-fi women were installed as the oabi net members of the two districts within our area. Among them was one of our own young men, Ray Horenberger, Jr. Ray was installed as publicity chairman for our district. Ray has already been active in his work and has edited and sent out a district paper that has been well received. A copy of this publication may be seen at the church. ,« * Following the installation service the young folks heard a very stiring address,by Dr. Glenn Olds, professor of Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at -Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston. Dr. Olds pointed vividly the contrast between the life of a person whc work with God and one that attempts to deny God and pointed out that in the end we must reckon with God regardless of what ! claim to believe. There is no escaping God. Following this service there was we left for home the entire 400 voted that the Rally was a success and that we should do the same another year. Two other Rallys were announced, the annual World Friendship Banquet to be held at Berry Memorial rj-uxn ••I I IN MVI III N M » M»>ll Wmk£nd pictures, the radio program and the handicraft meeting. On May 11, 8 p. m.. the Official Board will hold its regular monthly meeting. We hope that every f attending clwrrh member will be present. ! choirs will nd tkl Several have been talking about jment of Baptism will be seeding the lawn. It has been stered to those desiring it suggested that the wisest thing' See you in church Sunday. would be to re-sod it. If anyone -- ^ will volunteer sod for the church lawn let us know and we will be be more than glad to take you up on your offer. This would indeed be a great improvement in. the front of our church. Let's uot forget that next Sanday, May 8, is Mother's Day. Let's make it a real Family Day w*th mother and the entire family Nickel In one year more than 10,Mt tSN of steel rods were worn oat fcl grinding the hard, abrasive on .mined in Canadian nickel ntintft. Complete line of Lee's at Wattles Urac Store, 1(£> Henry. ; Ladtef* " WASH DRESSES? : 98 Sale $1.98 /;^;'inrLOHH68E* < Full Fashion Slight 1 y Irregular Special 98c pr. Men's Navy Dungarees 7V-oz. Sanforized Special $1.59 STEEL CASTING ROD 41-! ft. and 5 ft. Special $3.95 PTCKUP CART For MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 8 Of course she'll love receiving flowers from you! It's the perfect gift for Mom on her big" day/ ' Order from us nowi Corsages of; distinction; * See Gfar Complete Selection of Plants Capacity 2% cu. ft. $8.00 value $6.49 PLASTIC HOSE 50-ft. length Special $6.95 Liitiit One To Customer GanuMed 1 fto Fnen4y SIM Flowers Telegraphed World Wide Next to Bank McHenry, I1L 300 West Elm Street TULIPS PLANTS CORSAO ROSE BUSHES AFRICAN VIOLET All Spring Out Flowers In SEASON ELM STREET FLORIST Phone 411 McHenry, Illinois mi n n it 111»11 in H i t 11 overdrive pays for KM new Ford Overdrive b an optional extra which reduces your mini speed 30% wMe ear speed remain* unchanged. '» save* you up to 15% In gas phis the savings bi oX, engtoa Me and repairs. Controlled by the toudi of your toe, it gives you a quieter, M •no other, more relaxing "4th gear" ride. YouH Rhe It far poising in a Bash and effortless travel on the rood., Td» the wheel... try *• "Feel" /*• BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 sunt S*. / PHOW 1. KcHXiatY, ILLINOIS MMUKD IKTABOO* ACADEMY 60U NCDAl AS I* "FASHION CM tflSfBSf1 for Mother SHEA.FFEICS HELP! HELP! HELP! 1 • j IIIIHIIIIflllllllllHtlflHIIMI CLUB uc DAYS ftmMi tlCnKaMrITt m1 n CPheoni,c Se teSl. Mbro;w Pne, Mncuiel ,o r Mae*. <5.00; TSHhrUeheshomIHei I, n $g1if0t. 0c0u. eC.o $m3p0l4e9te: SM1o7dJ0al. Isnhdouwinn gI nta mJeotu Ce "ryWsthailt,e FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 . FOR EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS DISASTER FUND Here is your chance to help a most worthy cause. Manors naaam nmmm IPna knncolwl, n$,4 M.0w0o; oSr tMraatcokw. Prlatanr, . $$170.<0M1.| oTohuriaoloya |oWmI eh oc«oomd. pHlett<e0 a;n ndo thoadn. tdM*L KIWANIS CLUB DISASTER FUND NIGER'S DRUG STORE HMC m MeHENET, UX. JIM DOWBB, Ohainaw iillllllHIIHIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIHIlllllllilllllllHHlllllllllllimilir • sili