t • DO YOU KNOW? TMI OVERTON* liy Marl* HchaettgWl" | 1 Thf election held r*c«nlly In j j|(sH«nrr ushered In a new mayor j •nd markf»«l the voluntary end of, A tons period of rlly government j lllder the able leadership of 11. I. I ^hrerton. 11 Mr Overton cam«* to Mrllenry fame forty years Alto and soon | (Stercsted hlmnelf In the destiny «f the little place he had chosen M his home At that time Mrllenry vm just a village with unpav^f streets, no iBhwagr system, no eSpntrlc lights, fto progress of any kind The towr #as peopled largely hy retired farmers who were ittlnfled with ; things as they found them This I rl class of people was followed ' the ne*t generation of their Own children and grandchildren Who did want modern con- , Venlonces. To them the young Mr. Overton appealed In his effort! |a Improve the village. Ife was | Mton elected to thi> hoard of j trustees and began kit work toward a batter tow*. Ha established a regular livery service of his own. This service met the trains and took passengers to and from the cottages along the Fox River. Plstakee llay. Lily Lake and many, of the small lakes In this region. The railroad co-operqrted fully and he synchronl*ed nls aervlce with the train schedules. Fn the beginning thla waa a TAXI We can gl»e you aafe. quick taxi service to any part of the city or surrounding territory. tio matter where you are or where you want to Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 aervlce of horae-drawii buses, but with the coming of automobiles was modernised. On Sundays about 300 people used this transportation convenience. Mr Overton worked hard and long and antagonised many of the oHer Inhabitants In bla tight for paved streets and a good sewage disposal system. Ite sacrificed the good will of the few for the greater appreciation of the many, lie won this fight and the town was thankful. He was also Influential in having state roads 31 and 120 pass through the town. This was of great benefit to local business. His record has been one of constant progress for himself and for Mcllenry. This progress Is aptly Illustrated by comparing his flrst garage in McHenry with his present modern automobile palace directly across the street from It. The old garage needs no description and the new display room speaks for Itself with your flrst glimpse o[ it. Bright neon lights--flourescents inside the salesroom and offices The flourescents are long fingers of light as bright as the Northern Lights, as typical of grandeur as is to be found In any showroom anywhere. The structure combines beauty and utility in its every feature Tiled and ninrbelod floods, soundproof celling. sliding Rlass doors, year round nlr coiulUU»ni»R. elegant private office for Mr. Overton. The plnnniiiK of this super show room is Mr. Overton's. This same instinct for building. plannliufr-and improving lias governed? bis • Any departure from normal weight--a few pounds added or subtracted--its condition that should be checked at once. But don't try to do yow owa diaioowa*! Wt racoabtttn iM your Doctor I i ; and bring hit Proscription here mend that you call on your Doctor without delay. Follow his counsel . . . and, of course, we're hoping you'll bring his prescriptions here tot careful compounding. Bolger's Drag Store PRONE 49 MeHENRY, ILL. W F 1/,'yW/s , /- !///, /* If iU '--...it:. 117 1 GRESN STJx McHCNKY actions throngbont his jraara M mayor, before that as councilman and In the beginning as village trustee. Mr. Overton has hold many civic posts. He was president of the grade school board, and the McHenry nuslnees Men's association. He has now retired, "retired" to the small task of managing a thriving business In McHenry as well as one In Crystal Lake. His polftlcal retirement still leaves him a precinct committeeman of the third ward. Yes, he has "retired." To one who has done so many things In a lifetime this Is retirement. Prom where we stand It still looks like a pretty full life. We wish you a great deal of happiness and many many years of life In your "retirement" Mr. Overton, la that heaatlfal home of yours on the drive; a home presided over by a sweet and charming lady; a home that shows her good taste and refinement at every turn; a home planned carefully to Include windows In every room to draw In the beauty of the Fox RIVer. But looking In through those windows one views a peal home. This looking Inward view discloses a home where family ties have always been strongstrong enough to withstand the deepest sorrow known--the loss of two beautiful daughters. To mitigate thla tragedy they have as compensation two fine boys, who are Interested In the business as well as the home life. Those boys are Richard, a son, and Paul, a grandson whom they adopted at the death of their daughter, when the boy was 4. Richard and Paul both served In the war, one In the navy and one In the army. They served overseas In the European theatre and In the Pacific theatre. It was a great day for the Overtoils when they arrived safely home again. Mrs. Overton Is a tiny lady whose every thought and deed has been for her family. She has a dainty little figure that would do credit to any teen-ager. Her eyes aparkle when she talks of the bova Richard and his resemblance to, "Home Builders are World Builders." litis was the theme that was uppermost In our minds Sunday as we worshipped In our "i • .Vworwie be MII to Bar. Price prior to thla data. v Mrs. Donald Barger gave a short talk about the andltlon at ra«<lo station WILA In Woodstock. Mrs. Harry Otinesprlng and Mrs. Herman Dowe will furnish treats for the choirs for the IcHenrv MRS. HERMAN BTTEN Before her marriage on Saturday, April 30, this lovely bridge was Miss Muriel Ayers. She became the bride of Herman Etten of McHenry at a nuptial service performed in St. Mary's church. churches. Frequently In ourj,llonth ot May. j modern society we fall to realllze Mothers of choir members will that the home Is the most im-1 be Invited to the picnic to be po--rt ont Institution to which wo |h eld at the close of the season, A p,cnlc committee made up Cf belong. The home Is a divine tj,e following mothers will be in Institution to which We belong. I charge: Mrs. Harry Stlnesprlng, The home Is a divine institution [ Mrs Axel Johnson, Mrs. R. T. Mcblessed of God and sanctified hy ; ciaughry, Mrs. B. N. French and the presence of our Master at tlie j Mrs. H. S. Flke. | wedding In Cana of Galilee. The next regular meeting will Mother has a unique place In th«|be held at the home of Mrg home for It 1s «poa mother that J Harry Stlnesprlng at Plstakee Bay. tne heaviest burden ana the great- Members are anked^ to meet at est responsibilities of the Im"1"' j the chut ch at 7:45 p. m. Transporrest. The old Jewish writers said, tatlon will be furnished. Mrs. "God could not be everywhere HO Raymond Carson will be at this he made mothers." A more modern <rneetlng to give* a plastic demonwriter said, "The hand that rocks r,ti otlon the cradle Is the hand that ruleaj Mrfl Donald Barger and Mrs. COMING EVENTS his father, Paul ao serious In bust ness and yet boyish enough to be Interested In his old Jalopy "Delsel." Her eyes cloud with sad memories at the mention of the girls. Mrs. Overton has kept the home fires burning through all the yenra of Mr. Overton's career and fully deserves to shnre with hint the pleasures of his retirement. She has been an Ideal "first lady." lief home, her friendly personality, her every quality proclaims her right to be "tops." Those are the Overtons. / 10TIRI: OF -RITUAL.. (WftUKR EXAMINATION The United States Civil Service Commission announces an examination for Rural Carrier for filling present and future vacancies at Spring Grove. 111. Applfcation must be on file with the I'nited States Civil Service Commission at Washington. IV C„ not later than May 26, 1919. Application forms with Instructiona concerning examination may be secured at postofflce named abo or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission. Washington. P. C. BfiRTHA M. KSH. P. M. *61 Spring Grove,„Ill. NOTICE Pine Tree Tower, east of McHenry, announces It will be open every Monday until further notice. •H Bead the Want Ads. May 19. {f- St. Clara's Court, W. C< (hvj?.,-,Installation tin Home. , . * Xaj li t Woman's Club--Mi*. INktur M. Justen. MAY H Junior-Senior Prom MAT IS Annual High School Orchestra Concert * e MAT It • - Legion Auxiliary Meeting--Legion Hall May 19 McHenry Unit, Homa Bureau -- Mrs. Leo Winkel. . May 1» 1 C. D. of A. Bocial Meeting Birthday Taa--Sponsored by W. S. C. 8. 1:00 p. ra. May 90 t >'£ Spring Concert by HcHerfry Choral Club-High 8choot Audi torium. MAT 84 Mcllenry P. T. A. Meeting MAY 24, 25, 241, 27 Rummage Sale--A. S. Wake Carafe -- Sponsored by Christian Mothers Society May 2S 1 > Rake Sale -- Sponsored hy Altar and Rosary Sodality5 of St. Patrick's Church. JI NK 2 C. D. of A. Installation and Initiatlnn. Pot-Luck Supper at Parochial School llajtt JINE JTT . Baccalaureate JUNG H Commencement . . •, JUNE 9-n Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsored by Circle 2, W. S. C. S Jane 21-26 Rummage Sale--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of &t. f'atrick's church. tho world." So It Is these two statements thit we see the responsibilities that rest upon- her. She is the first teacher In God's divine Institution and as alio teaches and shapes the thoughts and lives of her ohlldren she is shaping the destiny tit »*»e world tomorrow. However, true though tMs may be, if father and the rest, of the family and community fail in their responsibilities mother's teachings may lose much of their strength. Not only mother, but all of us, in the home and in the community, must take our Christianity seriously if we would build God's world-wide family. Home builders are world builders, ^.d the world is under construction. During the morning service little Sue Lynn, the daughter ot Axel Johnson acted as hostesses. In listing those that received attendance awards in Sunday School one name was omitted. George Ensign received the wreath which is the second year award., The board of education will meet Wednesday, May 18, at 8 p. m. The^Jiobby demonstration wilt- not \|ja-',given on this date as was nrarlously announced bu*. will be l$ld on 8unday afternoon. May 22. Miss Bonnie Allen will meet with us and lead us 1n this clash. This is a project under the sponsorship of the Sunday School and the Choir Mothers and. we hope that you will Join us in this class. The time will be 2.30. Last week the request far sod for the church lawn was made and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson, t has been met. Work has alreotived Christian Baptism. Tho j ready been started on this project. We need more volunteers. If you Cte interested contact your pastor. "See you in church Sunday." next Baptism service will be held on the morning of May 22. Choir Mothers met In the church hall Wednesday, May 4, at 8 p. -m, with eleven members and one guest present. The choir pictures will be picked up May 14 and payment for Complete line of Reebe live«t«wfc remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mr Henry. 8-tf PR* BUILDS DOLL MOUSXS house. Ha was coalasd ja fria bed Building doll houses is the hbb-|^*_^*J* by of John E. 8cntran, Bliin, who doea all of hla work from a wheel chair. Sullivan, has built three of the houses for hii granddaughters and recently completed new steps in the back of his own using his wheel chair two Years ago. The don houses are mad« to scale and are complete with a light in every room. The shingles are mada^from old fcandpaper. ^ Bead the Want Ada. TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES wr 110#; Tfctfi Is BO need to take ch&ncta eff accidents on ^old worn tires when yon can trade them in new standard tires. Come in and see what a can be bad at this time. For a limited time we are giving a 25 per cent discount on batteries. These also are FIEESTONES--the very best. WALTER J. FREUND* iMrfy Phone 294 Ttrea -- Tnbea -- Batteriaa -- Tire and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle V All Work Guaranteed OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS YOU GET MORE For Your Money! \ I sir full-quart Yew ef this Owe ieveted beer 4er yeer m*n«y end yee else ttme end steps In serving Aim IIMUII fa l»-m. lia.HL, K, Lew Heat far Saasage Keep the heat low when cooking . bacon and sausage. Ibese products , can be cooked thoroughly without I drying, hardening or scorching. | Low heat will give the best flavor, t tender texture and least waste. I Complete liae of Lee's poultrj ! remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mo r-.. - 8-rtt ^ a**5*®*, E. H. SCHICK ltt Greve Street DREWRYS < \an /v,v, BEER DISTlUiSlTINtt Phase Elgin S4M tOUFANY Elgin, Ill!aob •ff; w ICE CREAM ONMsa elMssisd ftaar Pmiam ftm BRICK FLAVORS OF THE MONTH STRAWBERRY ^ „ BUTTER PECAU COFFEE ^ . V A N I L L A X BUTTERSCOTCH ROY ALB * CHOCOLATE FLAKE BOLGER'S DRUG STORE CHONE 40 McHENRY v^--w• -1i ^T1| O i -i * v-• D• * i --f i, how yam like to spend yoar (ims. TheavWlsoa IwHan T Shirts m •ha resilient mesh waova it extra EAULTLESS cool, easy to wash. Snwg-fitting //• lend ouffi and boWom. Wide choice of colon-Htrep In wi $2.95 * 15v . elher Skipi^r Toe nhiri« frx>m $1 nniiiiiininiiiiiiiiinmmiiiiiiiiimi Spring Is Made For Work and Play After a few chilly days, there probably isn't one gardener who wouldn't l>et hia last dollar that sunny, warm weather is in store for McHenry folks from now on. There just isn't time to put off that garden if you harbor any notions of having luscious tomatoes am sweet, early garden peas on your table when your neighbors are ^enjoying them. Gardening is really only a mental task. Actually, under a warm sun there are few things so relaxing after a winter of inactivity as dropping those seeds in wei made rows. We cant promise to help with your gardening, but we WILL guarantee that with reason able care you will have jsrartlen of which you may be proud if you use our choice «eeds. And by the way, If by chance you should turn over a nice, fat worm while digging, that means it's time to go fishing. We can help you there, too, for we carry a complete supply of fine fishing tackle. Nickels Hardware Phoa* S Kain H, West McHenry c Here's ComSort nitb itjUftpUflf IOOK at its dean and sweeping lines ao ua» ^miatakably Buick--the room expressed in its broad beam--the level-goinf smoothness shown in its aixahie length. Now --- slip in. Settle back. Take in the spread-out room eveiywhere even to extra room overhead from super-soft cradle you deeper TU notice this: Yoa can really see! Drive,* lively Fireball power, oofl round, and big soft tires, and v&ctrs-wide rhas lor oomiortwith safety. 1 And all at prioes that make this beauty t|i» buy of the year! See for yourself at the nearest Boaek deal er*s, where you will find yoor dollars baying •o much youll get your order in feat. r~ See more of everything easier--through its higher and wider windshield set in narrower corner posts--through its deep side windows, and its one-piece rear window that malces parking and backing up ao modi nmpkr. Your whole oudook is broadened and driving becomes safer and more fun because h&ft visibility here goiss along with comfolS So do plenty of other things--like mtmx •Mied flfa Turn KMMr J. MHO*. MC i R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES iOS FEOHT , ILLINOIS