Can year's bumper corn crop t produced on the smallest cor in IS years , Salads cold canned ptu to salads as potato or egg--far extra and flavor. „ : •• jtMepkone No. 30®* 8T0FFEL & REIHANSPERGER Igmtacc agents for all cissses of jpepeety in the best companies. ^ f West McHenry, Illinois Duoiai Stockings In darning a hole in a stocking work in the bias to keep strain from the rest of the stocking. -V DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and House Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: ljp. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment 1 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH 'Jfen, Aoto, Farm ft Life Insuranec :;'^r Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance "oft any kind Phone 43 or 118-M ft Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist t --Office Hours-- --ifues.. Thurs., ft Sat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Point Wonder Lake, HI. V FRA^JK S. MAY; ' V Trucking ^Sknd--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating --# Limestone • Truck for Hire phone McHenry 580-M-l . R-l McHenry jUL-'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 484 M'HENRY, ILL. DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hours: 10 a. m. to S p. •». except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. , _ WANTED TO BUY -- i We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horsaf*. less for down horses and cattle.! MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road ( Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD BOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges ! HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle j and Hops--Sanitary Power Loading --Tlinkage and Meat Scraps for j sale. Phones Arlington Heights 11« or McHenry «.»9-J-2. Reverse, Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors " Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, 111. An Important Involving a new use for television has been revealed by the University of Illinois college of medicine. ' University investigators disclosed that television can be used to make x-ray films clearer, sharper and be of definite assistance in making a diagndkis. The discovery of new possibilities of television stemmed from studies made by^taaig W. Goodwin and Dr. John s^Jarvin, in con- Junction with television staUon WBKB, Chicago. \ I The significance and clinical application of the disclosure was pointed out by Dr. Roger A. Harvey, head of the University's department of radiology. He explained: "X-ray films have been reproduced on television screens in the past in connection with transmission of surgical procedures and clinical conferences. However, their inclusion has been incidental and little has been done to investigate tike possibilities." University researchers found that "an extremely high degree of accuracy" can be obtained in reproducing x-rays on television. By varying the density and contrast controls on the receiver, details and findings on the original film can be brought out much more clearly. For example, questionable shadow can be brought out in great detail, and both over and under-exposed film can be corrected. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. - Attorney-at-law llOVs Benton Bt. Phone Woodstock 1S34 Woodstock, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney i (Joslyn & Parker) J Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 Office--Koehr Supply Company, ! 542 Main Street, West McHenry j Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 , Ptyca.1 DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green & Elm Ties.. Thurs. £ Sat. Tees. & Thurs. 9:30 to 6sS0 Saturdays to 8 Tel. McHenry 4S8 " WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Ifflkg--Black Dirt--Limestone Tracks for Hire Free Estimating 1U. CS5-R-2 McHenry, HL TOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repal#§ Pumps, Sold and Repaired , TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 Inc. A Complete WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Bqaipment H. B. VAHCE -- McHenry 51-J fpt Oenth Green St, McHeary, IH. McHENRY FLORAL GO. P^ne 4®t Oae Mile Booth of McHenry On Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law ' - • M9 Wankegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W Sni Limestone 7 VEBN THELEN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Track for Hire TeL McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l 172, Rt. 1, McHenry McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading * " 4 o ' CALL McHENRY 97-J Beautify Your Home Now! WITH A Modern Custom Built Hand Rail Gives the utmost distinctiveness to the entrances of your hooM. 1. Protects against Falls. 2. Comes in a Variety of Styles. 3. Sturdy--Lifetime Construction. Choose from many authentic d and enjoy the lasting beauty it four home. Railings installed complete with all attachment*, by our experienced men% CALL OR WRITE SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Phone McHenry 617-M-l R. R.3, Box 514, McHenry, 111. jgnd a Representative will gladly give you facts and figures on a Modern Custom Built Hand Rail. CONTRACTORS'NOTE! We can furnish structural iron work for buildings, stairs, fire escapes, guards, fences, gates, also ornamental iron work for homes--balconies, igprilles, and miscellaneous iron work. ' - CLEANING SERVICE Done in Our Own Plant 206 S. GREEN ST. McHENRX \free Pickup and Delivery Servioe UbertyPerf ISTANBUL. -- Istanbul Is the beat liberty port the U. 8. navy ever dropped anehoe In, according to four out of five officer* and riien of the aircraft carrier Tarawa and j escort vessels which visited here, j The American fleet, under com-! m a n d o f A d m . R i c h a r d L . C o n - j oily, was on the tall end of a five i months' cruise which had taken it to ports all over the Pacific, thai Far and Near East j The men unhesitantly ranked J Istanbul over Athens. Hong Kopg and even Honolulu. Some went so far as to say it is friendlier than some American ports. Police Get Credit Much credit must go to Turkish | police officials, who bent over back? w a r d t o g i v e t h e n a v y a n " d p e n -j armed welcome." Police had strict | orders to do "everything possible" | to help the Americans. If a sailor, asked for directions, he was not to be directed but escorted to his destination. Drunks or trouble-makers were to be interfered with only as a last resort, and then only turned over to the shore patrol; never arrested. Special plalnclothesmen were assigned to watch taxicabs, restaurants and shops to see that prices were not hiked for the Yanks. When taxis loaded with sailors pulled up to a curb to unload, the chances were an innocent-appearing bystander would saunter up to watch the pay-off. If it was a penny too much the driver made acquaintance with the innocent bystander's identity--a policeman. In cases of dispute, where it appeared the Americans were trying to gyp the cabby, the bystander would pay the bill, out of a special fund alloted for this purpose by the city. ' , Chose Beet Bisiei - The city administration chose their best busses, painted signs on them, "Reserved for U. S. Naval Personnel," and sent them to meet all liberty boats to haul sailors to points of interest free. In addition, the Yanks were invited to ride all regular busses and streetcars free. More credit would have to go to the Turkish "man on the street, who. according to the saUors "... were so friendly we really felt like we were welcome here, and not looked on as Intruders." Scores of officers and men were simply invited in off the'streets to coffee or tea by Turkish families. In addition to organised receptions and parties hy the docen. "American colony" women set up a "USO" In the Union D'Franc^ise club which accommodated more than 500 enthusiastic sailors every night. English-speaking Turkish girls from near-by colleges and Schools, under supervision, came In to dance. The navy said they had never seen anything like it outside the United States. •T paBsto <of Me „.,i. (mala aea hormone) beneath the skin of women suffering from advanced eaacar of the breast la resulting A weight gain and a feeling of well-being, aays Dr. Robert Greenblatt of the University of Georgia school «f medicine. <&-. Greenblatt emphasizes that the only "truly beneficial effects were increase in weight and tha feeling of well-being of many patients." The rapid spread of the disease in some cases could not be halted, he stated, pointing out that all of the patients were at a stage where surgery or radiation therapy would be. of no avaiL ' IHWI| M# • year. inNnotnts e, out is / Cattle Lice Cattle lice may cause an average loss as high as 73 pounds per animal. Avo.'c! this loss by treating with BUT or other good insecticide. <4, : Crotalaria • Crotalaria is resistant to rootknot nematode, and this resistance is one of its big advantages as a soil-building • crop. When grown in rotation with crops that are not resistant, crotalaria cuts down the nemotode population and thereby reduces damage to the succeeding crop. A veterinary bulletin estimates that over SO per cent of all untlme- 1j deaths among laying bans can be traced to fowl leucosis and that the American poultry Industry sustains losses from it amounting to about 40 million dollars ^ Fowl leucosis, the bulletin out, is not a single disease, a complex array of several different disorders that all stem from a single causative agent--a virus. For this reason, the disease usually is referred to ifes the "fowl leucosis complex." The exact form or forms the disease takes in apy given bird depends upon which part of the body is attacked by the virus. veal, lamb, pork, and fish can aU be canned fully. _ ftaldng Baby Fi|gs ' Xnp baby pigs warm aifiS dry; raise thagu on clean ground, or In clean quarters, away from disease and paraaite sources. Have pigs vaccinated against cholera, and against erysipelas in erysipelas areas. Have all swine tested for brucellosis. * •...aa M swwfz mm there are two fldngi to watch. M , sore to plant the* trees at the same depth as they grew is the nursery. Then they should bosturdily staked for the point of union between the graft Just above the dwarf roots is, vulnerable to breakage. £ CottplefT remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- Henry. 8-tt Aircraft Plants j Whitei Portland cement concrete j floors are used in aircraft plants < jto better reflect light on the under : p a r t s o f e q u i p m e n t on w h i c h m e - j shanics are working* Need of Protein j Everybody needs protein every ; I day for building and repairing body ! tissues. People whose bodies are I building tissues rapidly--expectant 1 mothers, nursing mothers, growing i children--need to eat more protein ; • feed every .day than other mem- • bers of the family do. _ 'J.... ! DR. HENRY FREUND X t O P T O M E T R I S T ? T * A* 136 S. Green St., Mclfenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) > , • • ' ** • ' - . B^ee Examined ^%lasses Fitted . ^'"'l Training -- Visual Rehabilitation .' Complete Visual Analysis Honrs Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00, to 8:90 . ~ PHONE McHENRY 452 f: New "Golden Drue11 May Be Cure for Measles WASHINGTON. - Tentative evidence that the "golden drug," aureomycin, may be effective" against measles was reported today. At present there Is no specific drug weapon against this virus disease. Barring complications, it Suns a normal course and patients recover under normal nursing care. Dr. Harry F. Dowling of George Washington university,^ who dascribed the work with aureomycin, emphasized that the nine cases treated are too few to warrant any claim that the drug is a cure. But he said prior to addressing the District of Columbia medical society: "The results were sufficiently encouranglng to warrant our suggest lng that the drug, which is safe to use. be given further triaJL" Dowling said the apparent effect of the drug is to shorten the fever stage of the disease. This Is the stage that begins prior to the onset of s generalized rash--and it is during this period that the patient is believed most susceptible to complications. In the cases treated with aureomycin, fever began to fall in from six to 34 hours after the rrfttr ance of rash. FimiI Child Flln Star Waeps as Metber Weis PALM BEACH. FLA. - Tears streamed down the face of 12-yearold movie-star Margaret O'Brien as she watched her mother. Mrs. Gladys O'Brien, marry orchestra- 1 leader Don Sylvio. The real-life drama was almost too much for the tiny screen player. Margaret stood quietly tn her mother's hotel suite, her little hands clenched and ber eyes red during the five minute civil ceremony performed by Palm Beach county Judge Richard P. Robbins. Afterward she refusedrto kiss her new stepfather when photographers made the request. She wiped her eyes, and smiled briefly for group pictures, like a good trouper, and then began weeping again. Batter Eaters Yearly butter consumption in Pacific coast cities averages 8 pounds per capita, but In the South it is only eight pounds. Strawberry Pest j Bed spider Is the most common j and most injurious pest on straw- : berries in Louisiana. The greatest damage done by the spiders "occurs In the spring and is most severe after mild winters with light rainfall. LUST-R-GLO Plastic Tile Installed at a Big Saving; Over Ordinary Tile " Hear the "Ohs" and "Ahs" when yon show off yonr Mil LUST-R-GLO Tiled bathroom, kitchen and play room. You'll be thrilled with yonr gleaming, colorful walls. And delighted that the entire job was so Inexpensive. LUST-R-GLO comfs In individual beveled 4%" square tiles. Don't confuse It with Imitation sheets or boards. Installed quickly without mess. Cannot crack or chip. Durable. Fire resistant. Vermin and termite proof. AVAILABLE NOW! Call for free estimate and samples. If popalar colors fa choose from.. Alaa rubber and asphalt fleer flh, J. M. STANGARONE Phone 661-J-l McHenry, HI. THE NEW LIBERAL "Banner Hospital Service" FOR RURAL FAMILIES PAYS-- •' $6.00 per day toward hospital room, pltfs Up to $35.00 toward all other hospital charges. * GOOD IN ANY HOSPITAL III THE WORLD ' COSTS-- / $1.00 per month for a single adult $2.0<) per month for a man and wife $3.00"per month for entire family NO SERVICE OR COLLECTION CHARGE ALSO AVAILABLE-- ' A Banner Surgical and Medical Service. Pays from $5.00 to $150.00 toward surgery and $2.00 per day toward doctor's bill for medical care in a hospital. GOOD ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD COSTS-- 75c per month for a single adult • $1,50 per month for a man and wife $2.00 per month for entire family * No Service or Collection Charge W. IT. ARMSTRONG AGENCY 525 E. Jefferson St., Phone 4-4531, Rockford, HL* Name .Jkge.„.. •-- Address ..... .............. ... ......... City ...... I am interested la the Banner Hospital Plan For On* • For Two • For Entire Faadly . • Medical and 8nrgleal Plan • • Both Sen lees • • • I ivesyou iMIDR on Hm inskl*. •. NARROWS* outside! There's extrf ;' ^*alne In the spiead-out elbow room of the wide, wide seats. Yet the ^laew Dodge is smaller on the outside... easy to park, easy to gun^e, j£f|asy to (tapd through Crowded, traffic. LONGER on MM InsUte. . . SHORTER ovtskJol The new leg room in Dodge gives extra "value in stretch-out comfort. Doora open wide, too ... let you get in and out easily without squirming or twisting--and without knocking jrour hat off, either. If you wan* •xlro vafue, you'll want DODGff There's extra value in Dodge beauty that flows from true functional styling ... in the design that provides mom head room, more leg room, more elbow room, greater vision for all passengers. There's extra value in Dodge's Get-Away engine with its surging acceleration . . . its higher compression that squeezes extra miles from every gallon of gas . . . the smoothness- of Dodge All-Fluid Drive at no extra cost. Yes, you'll want Dodge for the extra value you get all the way from double-life hydraulic brakes and Safety-Rim Wheels, to the luxurious comfort of full-cradled ride and knee-level seats. Add to these the Dodge reputation for dependability and economy and you'll discover why wise buyers say . . . "If you want extra value, youll want Dodge." GYRO-MAT1C ... FREES YOU FROM SHffTIMG (ArotfoW. on Corwmt MtxMtf ! HKWttR on the Inside... LOWER outs We! More bead room is another Dodge extra value you'll appreciate. Instead of low, slanting seats that force • cramped position, Dodge knee-level seats are actually higher for relaxing comfort, better .vision. DODGE m/6 fyfvf ftuM Drive TEN NEW MODEtS prices start just a fete dollars more than the lowest priced cars irk i A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc 301 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 166 •n Hk«. '* ' <>v i'J Bfferfrr • iiJi' -fr. ' -.iSSfeju.-l' '