Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1949, p. 4

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fiSTlK !Sggf Tbsnday H 1U- I to sT^XkeTiL^ toward Moaber. »le Froeblieb MWM u second clam matter at MeHenry, III., under fha --I of May 8, 1879. One Year ~...r $2.50 HHVsisTAIIINfi^ g | *mJkv | CARD OF THANKS £ In thls-gniall way I would like |f>. express niv thanks to everyone who sent me cards, girts and who offered up prayers and who helped my family in any way wMle I was confined to the hospital. It wm all greatly appreciated. 52 MRS. HELEN WEGENER. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson and I son, Ernest of Cary, Miss Ann ! Sedlack of Fox River Grove and • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larson and i daughter, Linnea, enjoyed dinner l at the Evergreens in Dundee on Monday evening in observance of the second birthday anniversary of Miss Linnea. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McKim spent I last week vacationing in Wisconi sin. j Mrs. Anna Ekstrom, an old time j resident of McHenry - and mother jof Mrs. Erward Nordln, returned ! recently to Crystal Lake from Sherman hospital, where she had | been confined. for the past four j weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chase and I son of Lansing, Mich., spent the ! weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Mrs. Chase and son remained for a longer visit Miss Mary Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews and son, Joseph, and Miss Dorothy Behnke attended the wedding of Miss Clara Trebatoski and James McAndrews in Rosholt, Wis., last Saturday. Robert Sutton and daughter, Gertrude, of Chicago spent the Wed.-Tbior8.-Fri.-Sat. May 11-12-13-14 MM NOBBMIMMMMI* MM Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRIDAY - SATURDAY Daa Dalley Celeste Helm "CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY" CartMi aid Novelty -Life Willi Father" Siin.-Mon.-Tne. May 15-16-17 SUN. • HON., MAY U . 1< Color bj Teehaleeler Walt Disney's -SO DEAR TO _JCT HEART" Plus - World News ft Cartoon -TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Speacer Tracy Clark Gable Jeaaette Mm Deaald "SAN FRANCISCO" and Pete Smith Subject Two Performances Rain or Clear Startlag THURSDAY fer S days George loalfoaerj - Rath Remaa (1) "BELL STARR'S DAUGHTER" Jeha Emery Taauura Geva (2) "GAY INTRUDERS" BEST BUY IN YEARS Ton can see baseball this season on Television BECAUSE-- L & H. TELEVISION offers yon FREE INSTALLATION on the Wm Verena Jastea of CfctaMV* viaited her mother, Mrs. Gertrude JaaUn. test weekead. Mra. Robert B. Adams and Miss Kathryn Hudson of Kansas City, Mo., attended the funeral of Frank Schreiner on Sunday. Atty. and Mrs. James A. Kelley of Highland Park attended last rites for Frank Schreiner last weekend. The Donald Hayes family Q$ Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs. Edith Hayes. Mrs.. Nellie Bacon ^visited in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake last weekend. Mrs. Frank May of Chetek, WW.. spent the past week visiting relatives. in McHenry. Mr*. Joseph A. Garbini.of San Mateo, Calif., is spending some time with her uncle, William Wicke, at his home in Fair Oaks subdivision. Mr. Wicke returned recently after spending several weeks with friends in DesPlaines. Sunday guests of Miss Ann F^isby were Mr. and Mrs. William Johns and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredricksen and son of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fredricksen and son of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. David Haverkamp and daughter of Dundee. Mrs. Paul Yanda left last Friday morning for Winnebago, Minn., where she will spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie. Mrs. Mollie Glvens, Donald Givens and Mr. and Mra. Harold Phalin and daughters spent Sunday in the Harry Lawrence home in Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penney of Winnebago, Minn., spent last weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauch and son, Rodney, were guests in the George Johnson home in Evanston on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George McAullffe and Mrs. Helen McAullffe of Chicago spent Mother's Day with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Walter BrOOks, and Tamily. James Brooks of Rockford was a weekend guest at hla home here. Out of town guests who attended the Knaack-Wheelock wedding last Friday evening were Miss Fara Wheelock and Miss Mildred Turpin of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Davies and son, George, of Kennilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tuttle and son, Robert, of Milwaukee, Mrs. Ed Stiff and Miss Juanita Shelkop and fiance of Arlington Heights, Will Hacher, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Helm and children. Bud and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Airy Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Schacht and sons, Robert and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Hacher, Mrs. Georga Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlqulst and children, Shirley and James, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. George BeBeeir and children of Crystal Lake. Mothers' Day guests in the Robert Thompson home were Mr. and Mrs. Geor&e Koltz, daughter, Judith, and son, George, of Naperville and William VanNatta of Crystal Lake. A very beautiful wedding ceremony waa solemnised ft Crystal Lake's St. Mary*s-by-the Lake Episcopal churfch last Batarday afternoon at.4:SO o'clock when Miss Alyce Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley of McHenry, became the bride of Mr. George Brda, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brda, also' of this city. Tht- very lovely bride, given in marriage by her father, chose an ivory taffeta dress with Venetian lace trimming and a Vene- CARD OF THANKS In this manner we would like to express our heartfelt thanks, for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We greatly appreciated the thoughtfulness of our friends. *52 HARRY DURLAND FAMILY. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. UMHiHiiiuuuiuiHiiiiiiuiiHiiniiiniinitiiiiuiiiiiiwim m i ll€ n Photo by A. Worwick. McHenry tian lace tiara. She wore a long tulle veil and carried a bouquet of Easter lilies. Matron of honor was Elaiiae Jordan, the bride's sister, who wore lavender pink taffeta, a matching poke bonnet and carried bine hydrangeas. Mr*. Upward Wllbraadt of Crystal Lake, a classmate of the bride, was bridesmaid, attired In aqua taffeta and matching bonnet and carrying pink hydrangeas. Charles Brda served his brother aa best man and Leo Heimer, cousin of the bride, ushered. Following the service, a wedding reception was held tor about 100 guests at The Bridge in McHenry, after which the couple left on a trip through the Baat I pon their return they will realde in McHetiry. Tbe former Miss Bradley la a graduate of the Crystal Lake high school with the class of 1943 and has been employed by tbe Automatic Canteen Company In the Merchandise Mart, Chicago. The Bridegroom is a graduate of the McHenry Community high school, served with the navy during the war and is now employed by hla father. GWENDOLYN KNAACK BECAME BRIDE IN EVENING SEE VICE One of the lovllest May weddings to take place In McHenry this season was solemnised in the Community Methodist church at 8 o'clock last Friday evening, /May 6, when' Miss Gwendolyn Knaaci , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George* Knaack, became the bride Vf N Mrs. Mr. Richard Wheelock, son of Edith Wheelock. Rev. Wayne Price officiated at the nuptial 8t£||e<j Cherry Blossom 4-H Girls Meet The Cherry Blossom 4-H Girls met on Tuesday. May 10, at 4 o'clock at the Cherry Valley school. The various projects to be undertaken and the style show to be presented were discuss**, ,, • J* « Annual Spring » « Tea On Hay 19 That very lovely social - event of each spring season, the annual Birthday Tea sponsored by the W. S. C. S. of the Community Methodist church, will be held at 1 o'clock Thursday, May 10. A program will follow the tea, • • • Attend Golden • • Wedding Party Mrs. Emilie Edmier and Mr. and Mrs. John Kropik of Pistakee Bay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bringman at their golden wedding celebration in Detroit, Mich., recently. In addition to a very lovely celebration, which' featured a turkey dinner, , the local people enjoyed sightseeing in 'Windsor. Canada. * ^ . Shower Honors * v T *. • - Brtde^To-Be Mlss Phyllis Smith-was h<yte«s and Miss Peggy Stone of Chicago co-hostess at a pre-nuptlal shower held last Friday evening at the Legion hall for Miss Leoda McCarthy. A large group of relatives and friends was present to enjoy the shower, with a report luncheon being served during the evening. Miss McCarthy will become the the bride of Leonard Freund ov May 18. Entertain At Bridal Shower Mrs. Arnold Larson entertained at a luncheon and miscellaneous shower held at her home in West McHenry last Thursday afternoon, honoring Mlsa Ann 8edlacek of Fox River Grove. Guests were present from Hebron, Woodstock, Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake, Games provided entertainment, with Mrs. Karen Widen of Wonder Lake as prise winner. Miss Sedlacek will become the bride of Ernest Larson of Cary, formerly of Woodstock, In the near future. • • • Gathering Honors First Communicants A dinner was served) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. King last Sunday, honoring Donna Mae and Harold, who made their First Holy Communion that day. Invited guests were Mr. and Mfs. Joe King and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling, Raymond 8tilling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stilling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crichton, the latter of Kockford. • • • P. T. A. Installation Postponed To May 34 The McHenry Parent Teachers Association has postponed its meeting and installation from May 17 to 24 because of an important county-wide meeting of the League of Women Voters on the seventeenth. New officers to be ini ^ w 61sq.ii. Television Table Model for low price ef ' $269.50 plus tax Extra for Antenna, $80 and MOTOROLA 52 sq. in. Television Table Model for low price of ^ $301.75 plus tax " _ Extra for Antenna, $20 604 Front Street (McHenry Garage) WEBT McHENRY, ILL. , Kill the Jinx! Big Doable HORROR HIDNITE apOW FRIDAY NITE, HAY It "SON OF DSAOULA" "GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN" with Lm Chaaey, Jr. Tickets Now at the Box Office Admission tie Incl. tax Doors Open IltSO p. t FRIDAY - SATURDAY, HAY 11-14 BELLE STARRS DAUGHTER service. The church was beautifully decorated (or (he service with bouquets of white, spring flowers . Given in marriage by her father, the charming dark-haired - bride chose a white satin gown, with sweetheart neckline long train and fingertip veil, the latter held by a crown of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses and sweetpeas. Miss Helen Duncan, clone friend of Miss Knaack, was maid of honor, attired in a dress of pale blue lace and marquisette. She wore a band of yellow roses on her head and carried a corsage of yellow roaes and pale pink sweetpeaa. Phillip Wheelock served his brother as best man and ushers were Norman Knaack aad Robert Svohoda. ^ For her daughters wedding, Mrs. Knaack chose a Nile green crepe dress with which she wore black and white accessories and a corsage of pink roses.. Following the nuptial rites, a reception, was held for fifty guests at the home of the bride's sister, Mra. Leo Meyer, on Waukegan street. Later the couple left on a trip through the south. The former Miss Knaack is a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1947 and has been employed at the local telephone exchange. The bridegroom graduated here in 1944 and after two years service with the marines Joined his brother in the operation of hla mother's farm. The newljnrods are planning to build a now home In this community In-,the near future. Until Ha completfoa they^ will reside "with her paraats. of «/o outstanding athletes at M. C. H. S. a few years ago, has managed to keep up with some of his athletic endeavors even though being hospitalised and at present is ping pong champion of this large hospital. Old members were especially happy to have this popular former member on hand in his first return visit to the club since Mf- Henry. . ' • e • r-' P. T. A. Members -tf & Heard Reviews • St. Mary'sSt. Patrick's school P. T. A. met last week Wednesday, May 4, at which time Mrs. Clarence Angelese reviewed the Looks "Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Martin and "Heart of the Matter" by Graham Greene and Fr. Eugene Baumhofer gave a talk on vocations. The third grade students' mothers, with Mrs. Eorl R., Walsh as chairman, served as hostesses. Cherry Valley Club - Girls Plan Party The Cherry Vhlley 4-H club met recently, with twenty-two members present. Plans were for attending church on 4-H Sunday, May tt. Next Sunday, May 15, the baseball team will play its first game with the Busy Three club of McHenry, the game to be played at Crystal Lake. On June 11 the club is planning a party, at which time it is hoped that proeceds may put a substantial amount of mousy lata club treasury. • iV! .;V - Entertain For ^ Hiss Lois Hay * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May entertained relatives at a dinner and supper held at their home on John street last Sunday, honoring their daughter, Lois,, on her First Communion Day. Present w»re Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smallfeldt and tamily of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and Mrs. May Bungard of Blmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heniken of Woodstock, Mrs. Mary May, Mrs. Irene Guffey and the Harold Freund family of McHenry. • • • Reception Honors Jnmes Deherty, Jr. A breakfast for members of the James Doherty family was held at the Doherty home east of the river last Sunday morning following the 8 o'clock mass at St. Patrick's church, where James Doherty, Jr., was a member of the First Communion class. Present were Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway, Mrs. Mabel Powers and the George Miller family. At 4 o'clock la tbe afteriiooih sixty guests gathered for a reception and supper at the Doherty home. Those from out of town who attended were the David Powers family of Woodstock, Mrs. Mabel Powers of Crystal Lake and the Dan O'Sbea family of Grays-: lake. • • • Mothers' Day Banquet Enjoyed On Monday evening at 7 O'clock, a large group of members of the Catholic Daughters of America tTee pen, ink, typewriter or check protector., out check stub. Enter date cm stub and check. Fill in Use payee's name after the printed words'Tay to the order of*. Write amount of check in" words as far to the left as possible and fill in all spaces with a heavy line. Write the figures doee to the dollar sign. Sign with your bank signature, McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System redsralDspestt iomiiMimniiH4MiininiHHinininiiii> ^ gathered at the Villa Hotel Resort j toastmistress for the annual Mothers' Day ban- ; program, quel. The committee consisted of Olive May, chairman; Helen Heuser, Rose Staines, Irene Guffey. Clara Miller, Elizabeth Ptch aad Genevieve Wiser. Clergymen In attendance wore Rt. Rev. Msgr. F. J. Connor of Aurora, state chaplain; Rt. Rev. Msgr. .C S. Nix and the Reverends Eugene Baumhaofer, Edward C. Coakley and William Regnler of McHenry and Rev. Kunkel of Johnsburg. Others in attendance Included Miss Maud Jones of Oak Park, state Junior chairman; Mrs. Ethel Ronan of Elgin, district deputy; and Miss Marie 8canlon of Chicago; also eleven members of the Elgin court and tbe paat grand regent and four members of the DeKalb court. Misa Mildred Klnsala acted aa Home Made Pies like Motfc^r used to BEHK3E for the evening's Mrs. Michael Knox of Terra- Cotta was present with a plhnt for being the oldest- mother ta» attendance. Announcement was made of plans for Installation and initiation of officers on June 2, with a pot-luck super at St. Mary'sSt. Patrick's hall at €:S0 o'clock;" Plans are also under way for g social meeting on May 19. TbO following committee will be 111 charge of the Installation: Grace O'Brien, Eleanor Miller, Elvira. Durland, Helen Miller, Delia Miller, Margaret Stilling, Marie Vales^ Betty Clark, Lena Untl and Cathy Wagner. A business meeting was held oa May 5, at which time Fr. Baumhofer spoke on the subject of matrimony. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. TIM HOLT HATE SUNDAY - MONDAY, MAY 1S-1S one 40| MME-gsr STARTS TUESDAY, MAY 17 CARD or THANHS la thla manner we wish to ex press our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors lor fioral offerings, sprittual boa quota, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kladnoests~ extended in our bereavement. We are also grateful for the services of Msgr. Nix and Fr. Baumhofer. MRS. FRANK SCHREINER MR. aad MRS. GEO. SCHREINER *B2 JOHN SCHREINER . IN MEHORIAM Ip memory of Donna Ruth Rosing, who died three years ago. May 18, 1946. She little thought when going to sleep, She would return no more, That she in death so soon would .sleep And leave' us here to mourn. We do not know what pain she bore, • We did not see her die, We only knew she passed away And could not say good bye. MOTHER, BROTHER *62 AND SISTER. Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Heary. 8-tf I Babseribe for The Plsiadealer. are Mrs. Fred Svohoda, president; Mrs. .Herbert Engdahl, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Olsen, treasurer and Mrs. Edward Eschbech, secretary. Program for the next meeting will Include selections by the Rhythm Rascals, high school dance orchestra, and a vocal solo by Mary Ann Wiedrich. Athletic Club Enjoys Banquet Thirty-five members of die Young People's Athletic Club en- Joyed their annual banquet on Thursday evening of last week at the Villa Hotel Resort. Leon Grosby acted as the capable toaatmister for the evening's program, calling on the officers and the club's director, L J. McCracken, for short talks. Honored guest of the evening was Bob Schuls, a Charter member AUCTION h On Casey Rd., .and Almond Rd« 2 miles east of Hwy., 45, 1H miles south of Hwy. 120, and 4H ml. southeast of Grayslake, on SATURDAY, MAY 91, *at 1 o'clock, D. 8. T. K ft M LUNCH WAGON NEW MACHINERY -- Two A. C. MWC* tractors oa rubber with starters, etc. (one has a live power take off or double clutch) t 1 AC 2«rsw cultivators; A. C. No. 8A 2-bsttsm 14-iach tractor plow, op mbt^r twlth Lasts eealters|) M. lLVctp IM M-fa. tractor fksrf'f S^fMeT 1S»wer J. D, H#t SM pull (with check wire ehuMSft>« J. D. (with fertiliser ,)l H. H. 7 ft. Vd. power mower j A. C. Rota Halsr, as rubber; A. C. I bar power take off side delivery raftfe (ei^ rubber) t I. >• P*wer eon shelter (with bagger sad Mower); .1 U. 8. 14 ft. (tab elevato|r U. 8. grata Mower; A. C. t-rew moaated corn pfefeer; A. C. t-row moaated com picker; A. C. No. M--ft ft. eomblae oa rubber, with Scour Kleea, alfalfa screen and soy beia screen; BOW "V ft ft. boom weed •prayer; new Clipper faanlng mill; rubber tired wagon, with ensilage box; rubber tired wagon, with grata box. --• 3-sec. springtooth; J. J). corn binder. FEED--1000 bushel Clinton oats; 1000 bushel good mixed oats; 300 bales oats straw. ; MISCELLANEOUS -- Tractor chains; 5 rolls snow fence; 110 gal. tank; 14x18 ft. and 14x16 ft heavy tarpaulin; targe pile of iron; roll % inch cable. TRUCKS -- 1949 Chevrolet 2 tort, truck and grain box, actual mileage 4408 miles (heavy duty tires and 2 speed axle); Ford Model T dump truck. RADKE BROS* Owaers Chandler and Elfers. Auctioneers Public Auction 8ervloe Co., Clerk. SINGLES "*k+ YOU'RE ADORABLE" «COMME CI, COMME CA" "LOVE ME, LOVE M£, LOVE "FOREVER AND EVER" "THE LITTLE OLD LADY 0* TIIREADNEEDLE STREET" "IF YOU STUB YOUR TOE OS THE MOON" "DON'T CRY, CRY BABY" "TWENTY-FIVE CHICKENS, THIRTY-FIVE COWS" • * T "CANDY KISSES" : ' "CARELESS HANDS" "SUNFLOWER" "WHILE THE ANGELUS WAS HINGING" Join ear record elab --.jilldntfl records lie aad ap -- porta*!* record players. ^ Large selectlea ef ttassleal eej^ popalar albams. f--l W* - _C - RIQi HWVrQV IWMr feci KM Teel ftaMI'1 (hitm phm BOLGER'S DRUG STORE fHONX 40 MoHKMKY, IIX. W. Mala Street; McH< TeL McHenry 12S-J » WW V V V V V" V VW MARINE (CWi and Csrry) Mercury Outbowd Motors ^ Larquloid Marine Enamel: Syathetie ~ Per beats, yard farattar^ househeld asa. Available la colors, clear, postdate whlta. HPT TT3 TH^XTTTXTl? ¥onr 0®,lUi,l* W1° JL UJLVJL liiN JLliNU Balk ^ • . > Boat Hardware and Accessories ¥ . Large variety brass screws, gas taaks, wladshleMs, throttle controls, heat haadles, stewlag cable aad boat rope, life preservers, life Jackets, boat caavas covers, )4t paddles, seam eompoaad, plnstlc wood SI1, glne and Slier. ^ Marine Plywood Beautiful mahogaay aad fir. Availablf by foot or sheet. SWITZER - CRAFT Wholesale and Retail Entrance Bear of Gladstone's Store, McHenry, IB. *.w u »• b - % f * 4 •' >p- $ '•? ~}

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