Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1949, p. 7

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* " -<v' . 1 » ' •* »S3ffi i ' • V. ;:ia^ « V.-'WSPRING GROVE (by Xn. Charles Frennd) ri. Fytfe entertained members Br club at her home Thnrety afternoon. Games olf flvelundred were played and prize ^winners were Math Nimsgern, Irs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. • Tony ly, Mrs. Frank' May, Mrs. G. le and Mrs. J. Miller. Rereshments were served to complete the party. Those who attended a plastic irty at the home of Mrs. Albert fBrltz on Tuesday night were Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Koutny and MM Arthur Klein of Fox Lake, Mrs. Howard Crain of Wonder Lake, Mrs. Mel Kutish, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bertha Esh and Mrs. Charles Freund. A lovely lunch was eerHkl by the hostess. Those from here who Joined the members of the bowling league at a banquet at the Villa Club, Plstakee Bay, on Thursday night i were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miluler, Mi». and **• Charles Freund, Arthur Nimsgern and Joseph Brown. The turkey dinner with all the trimmings was greatly enjoyed and the remainder of th& evening was spent in dancing to organ music. Once again a large crowd attended the firemen's dance at the Fire House on Saturday night. Music was furnished by Bessie Baril's orchestra. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. B<^, Lent and daughter, Linda, visited relatfrei^lfiChicago fti Wednesday. This entire community was sfcddf ne$ Thursday morning by the uews df the death of Father Neidert, neighboring parish priest at St. John's in Johnsburg. Many from here attended the services held at the church on Sunday night and the funeral on Monday morning. It was a gala night on Saturday for those students of Richmond- Burton School who attended [the prom. Their banquet was held i at The Fiesta ir Crystal Lake, followed by dancing at their own new high school gym, which was .appropriately decorated for the occasion. j The first ball game of the season was played at the local diamond on Sunday afternoon by the Spring Grove team and McHenry. The i Spring Grove boys have worked : hard to get the diamond in shapes •and put in a lot of time and effort jto gef a team started again in | Spring Grove. Let us give them ,our whole hearted support and get j out on Sunday afternoons to root ' for them. Much credit should also be given to Frank and Frieda, who [are sponsors of /he team. Visitors in the Frank Wagnfer j home on Sunday were Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Heinle, Mr. and Mrs. [Harold Bouton of Janesville and j Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. j Mr. and Mrs. Boh Lent, and : daughter, Linda, spent Sundav I with Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Jordan in Sharon. Mwy y«ur nor* than! 3,000 p» Aodm itckhnBy lose Km lives because at careless 0f fr*. arms. The total was >,800 far 1S47. Most at these needless deaths are it hunting accidents. Diesel Electric More than two miles of electric wiring, or approximately 10,040 feet, go into the building of a 2,000- horsepower Diesel-electric locomotive. Two-way radio communication for yard switch engines and cranes is being used by Pullman-Standard at its Michigan City, Ind., plant to speed the production of freight cars and to reduce lest man hours. flUver King Mlse When the Silver King mine in Idaho's Sawtooth mountains was closed in the latter part of the 19th century, it still contained such rich ore that a watchman was employed for 40 years to watch over it. Aphis Centre! When plants are infested with aphids, complete coverage with insecticide is necessary for satisfactory control. Care must be taken to apply the aphicide to both sides of leaves and stems. Air-Mnded Practically every community In Arizona now has its own landing field for airplanes. In addition, many winter resorts, hotels and ranches in the Valley of the Sun Siamese Government ... In Siam half of the members of the assembly are elected and half are appointed by the king. No opposition is admitted. Less than onethird of the population went to the polls last year. Tymvald Parliament A picturesque ceremony of more than 1.000 years standing is ob* served each summer wnen the Tynwald parliament of the Isle of Man meets on a hilltop above the town of St. John's. The acts passed in the preceding year by the House of Keys are then proclaimed in Manx, the native language, and English before finally becoming the laws of the island. The legislative assembly is one of the oldest in. the world. *v\ •' - Leonldes, Physician Alexandria wai an important city in the ancient* world of medicine. There, hi about 180 A. D.. lived Leonides, the ^rst physician to describe retraction of the nipple as n important clinical sign of breast ancer. Leonides and his contemporaries understood cancer better than did their Hippocratic predecessors. Furthermore, they broke with the nihilistic traditions of the Greeks, and treated the disease aggressively. t Cut-Rate Sels Cut Costs I I n f l a t i o n - b a d g e r e d Americans { might seek relief in Peru where the dollar Is king. According to Pe- ; ruvian International airways, de- ' valuation of the sol has resulted { in such bargains as a shoe shine ! tor three cents, American movies i SO cents, and an average taxi ride 10 cents. A room at Lima's Hotel Bolivar with three meals and five o'clock tea costs 00 sols -- about H00. WILL SAVK YOU PUNTY OP MONIY CONTROLS LENNY'S (Friendly Tavern) -- Just a nice place to go -- SANDWICHES FISH FRY ' CHICKEN ALA HOBO (Friday Nites) (Saturday and Sunday) TELEVISION LENNY'S . % Mile N. W. Crystal Lake, Rte. 14 LEONARD W. FELCMAN Formerly Oak Park Hotel, McHenry, 111. DODGE TRUCKS $RE "Job-Rated" FIT THE WORK TO BE DONE A. S. BLAKE MOTOH SALES, Inc. 801 E. Pearl St. McHenry* 111. Phone 1M * 0 EndoPest gives you threeway control over most garden pests . . . with one easy-to-use product. No mixing, no muss ... just a few strokes with the exclusive, cartridge re tillable dust gun and you have all the protection most gardens need! MAM BY SWIFT MAKIRS Or VIOORO VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop TUNE IN STATION W1LA FM 92.1 STARRING COLEMAN fH©nr Host On Radio's, Most Brilliant Dramatic Program EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 9:00 to 9:30 With .RCA VICTOR FM RADIO • 0 --• RCA Victor 8R71 • only $59.95 in Dark Maroon plastic AM-JH Braodcast bands 2 built in antennas--3 point tone control and famous "Golden Throat" tone system. AO. ' Wilson's Radio Shop *06 1LM STSSXT MoHZHKT, HJL MARJORIE YOUNG . presents HER STUDENTS in a // DANCE RECITAL Rhythm of Youth McHJENRY HIGH SCHOOL 0 -- . Friday Evening, May 27 // 8 P. M. Tickets are now on sale at the TODDLER SHOP Green and Elm WATTLE8 DRUG STORE West McHenry NTS DRUG STORK Riverside Drive IslMdt' Nipii Itoft, Cafch Tartttt Catching 300-pound sea turtles Is big business on the Cayman islands, south of Cuba. So is making rope of thatch-palm straw and j building boats of native hardwoods. | In the Carib^an not fa* south of Grand Cayman, largest of' this group of three, the hurricane that lashed southern Florida hard--had ' its birth. On a reef of Little Cayman, the storm stranded a Cubabound freighter. j On Little Cayman's rocky 10 j square miles, the revenue officer doubles as school teacher and has time for fishing, too, since less than, 70 people inhabit the isle. It is 700 miles north of the Panama Canal, and 350 miles south of Key West, with Cuba intervening, notes .the ] National Geographic society. Visible close by to the east Is slightly larger Gayman Brae, island home for 1,300. These two are , said to have been found by Christo- , pher Columbus in May, 1503. He . named them "Las Tortugas" on i account of their turtles. i Just beyond the horizon to the west. Grand Cayman, with well : over 5,000 inhabitants, sprawls over an area larger than the District of Columbia. It contains three-fourths of the land of Jamaica's Cayman Islands Dependency. U. 8. Each y«ar enough cotton is consumed in America to make a bolt at cloth 6,800,000 miles long, or 28 times the distance from the earth Ira Ore OepesHi It is estimated that iron ore de- i posits exist under about 00 Min- 1 nesota lakes. The known amount; of ore under two lakes is estimated < to be 12 million tons. Wood dock Is one aC fee few species of the duck family that does not nest on the ground. Selecting a cavity in a tree deserted by some ether woodland dweller, the nest is made of sticks, pieces of plants and lined with feathers plucked from the breast at the builder. Mkto P«o visited BUM** fti 1282 en Us way hone te TMIM from the Chtneee court of Krnpewi fcublal Khan. Complete line of Beebe Hi remedies at Wattle* Drug Store. Me- Henry. ' g-tf Electric Fences Electric fences are preventing railroad wrecks by rock falls. Installed along bluffs or in other danger zones, they automatically set block signals in stop position when a fence is broken by a rock fall. R. K. Terms ef Fast Many railroad terms are out* dated by new developments. The 'emigrant cars' used to haul new arrivals at reduced fares; 'ice cars' designed to ship ice from country ponds as far as China when ice was • major Eastern industry, and the 'bull trains' of covered wagons pulled by oxen across the prairies, are examples of terms which are now almost obsolete. Need rubber stampst, 'at The Plainde&ler. 1 Add Brightness A novel way to brighten up plastic aprons, lunch cloths or baby bibs is to edge them with: gayly colored "Scotch" gift wrap tape that comes in a variety of bright, clear colors. Eat a Geed Breakfast II has been proven that husbands who eat nourishing breakfasts do better work in their jobs, and children who eat good breakfasts get better grades in school and lose less time in sickness. Uncle Sam Says mm* CORN BEEF and CABBAGE Wednesday - A t " ' ! ' . " : , THE BRIDGE * " ! Rom where I sit... iy Joe Marsi* How Would You Say Why Popcorn Pops What makes pop corn "pept- Though the corn is partially dried, there is still some moisture entrapped in the kernels. As this is .suddenly converted to steam the corn pops. "Put more Opportunity in your Future" during the Spring Opportunity Drive for the sale of U. S. Savings Bonds. When a representative calls lit your home and ask* you to sign up--don't .niiw this opportunity to say **yee»" If any of thf millions of volunteers -- worker* who are proud to hrlp their country --should miss you--don't wait. Enroll for the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or the Bond-a* Month Plan where you hank. M Trs--r> Depmtmmt Carley Lawson's eoosin frost back Beet and a few ef as get talking when he was here visiting, and 1 couldn't help noticing hew different he said things. For instance, he said, "Lifting that 200-pound bag of cement almost killed me." "You mean tack of cement?" asks Curley. (That's the way we'd say it) "No," interrupts young Elliott who'd spent a lot of time down South, "He means a 'poke of see-ment.'" It was good for a chuckle, anyway. Bag, sack or poke--we knew Jt what he was trying to say. just depends on where you axel the U. &, which way sounds ii|fei Frost where I sit, whsewt #• criticise someone fee aenadingf--- ny to as, we ought to think hew we sound te them. It's the same m choosing yev ttfld refreehmeaL I'm accnstomed te a Moderate jlsee of beer--yon may like ginger eld ^ hot who's to say the other's wrong? rd say we're both right! Cepyright, 1949, United States Brewers Foundmtims DIAMOND RING SET WEIXDBD TO FBRPBCTtON Oft O fvwt W® rtiofi a* eld «* the start... the per* fscrty mated Mtrade-lnterloc set. TW» thinning bridal tet may be bought or went separately, became there It ebte* lutely no vMble trace ef the lock. $158.50 M|l MlsffStf te«le*4p*eM West McHenry fmlutoi m4 hf. V. I. fef. O*. t NMk NaAf Main Street Foot, Month Disease As one of the world's most con- 1 tagious and devastating maladies, foot-and-mouth disease is a serious threat to the livestock and food resources of all nations. It attacks mainly cattle, swine, sheep and . goats, but also affects other cloven- ' footed animals. Except for nine outbreaks of limited duration, the United States successfully has maintained its freedom from this for- ( eigh plague. It has done so largely through preventive measures applied b$ the bureau of animal industry. '•SPEEDY" WOTCHA WANT Y I'M TWVING ME TO HOLD UP TO RCK OUT THIS CLASSIFIED IA PLACE TO FBOW,\TAKE MTCAR THE TELEPHONE] FOR RE BOOK 1 FOR ? NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE r$EMSE! SENSE ENOU6H ^ TO TAKE YOUR CAR TO OOXOU KNOW OF A BETTER WAV? YES-6ETTIN6A 6000 PERAIPJOB IS SIMPLY A MATTER OF DOLLARS \ AND SENSE ^CENTS? ROUTE 31 NICK MILLER'S *NiMRYGttttE THE© QUALIFIED MECHANICS WIU-SAA/EXXJ PLENTY OF POTLAPS BECAUSE TOU CAM PEPCKO OM THCMTO TURNOUT 608 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE V any oilier make Official Mtiwt pravt thai Chevrolet trucks . • * •MBIA Chavralsi*! autiiswdliMi Isat furtt, quality and performance at lowe«t prices «• t that trucks are first in valval See for yourself how much mora Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks offer. CaN or stop in at ouf F^VN-oom--S©|M«! THERE'S A CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR EVERY HAULING JOB* CLARK CHEVROLET SALES MoHEKRY, ILLnraa OORNER ILL. 31 AND 190 . i ..U** . v. * •" ."I.

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