MflFetary tf «Barer, appeared: Betty Rita Bolger, Jeamtto Sdnlti, Betty Scholt*, Ann Smith, Dian Weingrad, Jackie Donash, Janet Biggs, ! Charlotte Hogan, Valeria Johnson, Joanne ItMliMke. i Kurbyan. Pat Nixon, Bue those who have serynd, this year, followiu models ^ ^ ^ , Rom!J°»" J*™*- h^E1' I ' ' . Sally King, Joan Nell and Helen Marie Schmitt, Peegy Selsdorf, stoffel, the girls and their invited Barbara^ Smale,^ Marilyn^Freund, j Rue8tg gathered in the homemak- ™ o. i- i ot_.i room after the show to enjoy Feltea, Jane Betts, Dorothy Blake, Mary Boldt, Mary ; Esther Steinle. Carol Stoller. Jane Gerasch, Lois Garner, Marl- ; Barbara Sellak, Patricia Wohlyn Freund, Janet Helde, Pat Hay, lert, Diane Bacon, Rita Bolger. Audrey Andreas, Dorothy Johnson, Carol Conway, Elaine Freund, Clarice Schaefer, Doris Ann Joan Freund, Marilyn Freund, Jasten, Grace Kiiday. Pat Krein, Mary Kay Freund. Jean Milinac, Betty Lock wood, Charlene Dowc, j Dolores Glosson, Nancy- Kurbyan, refreshments. Mary Miller, Clara DeYoung, Betty 8chmitt, Lucille Nielsen. Elaine Scholtz, Jeannette Pillar, Sally King, Joan Nell, Nancy Nelson. Dolores Rogers, Eva Unti. Marilyn Schmitt, Jane Schmitt, DEATH HAS MICHAEL E. CLEAR"! FORMER RESIDENT OTICE & Tlie RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be open Monday, Hay 30 (Memorial Day}, and every Monday following* throughout the summer months. Michael E. Cleary. a resident of I McHenry in his youth and more j recently of Elgin, died on Tuesday ; morning of this week at Springbrook sanitarium, where he had been a patient for many years. ! The deceased was born on Jan. j 31. 1869, at McHenry, the son of > the late Patrick and Ellen Sutton Cleary. He was employed by the . George Souster Co.„ for twentyjflve years until failing health I forced his retirement. Qeorge Henry Daft tats was born in Steaben to wu ship, Mafshall county, near Sparland, 111., April 16, 1871. He was the first son born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Alexander Daniels and was one of eight children. Mr. Daniels was, until his early .twenties, in the farming business, and later moved to Streator, where his father was chief engineer of the glass factory in that city. Mr. Daniels had shown a marked interest in portrait photography and his work was of such excellent quality that he was urged to open a studio and do his work professionally; this advice he took and the studio was opened at Henry, 111., in 1897. He subsequently met and married Mary Cecilia Hartwig of Henry, on Thanksgiving Day, •* 1900, at Stl Mary's Catholic parsonage. Mr. ^Daniels followed his work as a portrait and commercial Mrs. J>wight N. Harris, about, 54, a cousin of Mrs. Ra? Page of McHenry, died unexpectedly on Wednesday, May 11, at Day ton a Reach, Fla., Mrs. Harris was the former Vera Going, the last of the family of Charles Going an old time resident of this community. The deceased attended Columbia University in New York and before her marriage was head of all kindergartens in Peoria, III. Mrs. Harris and her husband resided in Evanston during the summer months and spent the winters in the South. Services were held this week Monday at Daytona Beach. Later in the month the body will be returned for burial in Rosehlll cemetery, Chicago. ' ' -a': AMONG TBI SICK .••••< IH II11 M l M IXfH I Friends were happy last week to welcon^e home Frank Adler, who operates a barber shop in Johnsburg. Mr. Adler was confined to Illinois Masonic hospital in Chicago for eight weeks following major surgery. Jacrftfellne Skidmore of Ringwood underwent a tonsillectomy at the Woodstock hop^ital this week. Paul, youn? son of Mr. and Mrs. | Harold Steffan, suffered a fractured arm while at play in thie i school playground this past week, j Mrs. Joseph Huem&tm of Johnsj burg has been a patient at St. | Therese hospital, Waukegan. ' WANTED--Clean wiping rags; not heavy or with lint. 10c per lb. Me- Henry Plaladealer.' Survivor, Include one brother. twenty- LclZl services are being ».JthIn .hi. ,ThUr,day. morning trom ; eU n St. La_unrie.n ckeii »iaCi ait*h« oilitc- .. church, th. _-m__ Elgin with burial in Mounnit |Hy op_ e_ i m© 86iUng profession st various tJmeg. he wag alfJO by • I I 1 I 'M! 1 I >•> I 111 M II 1 >3 rStEfc"*- BIRTHS C llll 111 111 I 11 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Beckenthe Chicago Civic Opera Associa tion in the scenery division, and Anally, by the Bankers Life and Casualty Insurance Company in the Chicago office. This position he held until his final illness in December, 1948, ' Mr. Daniels passed awav at former Miss Anita Althoff of Me- ) Henry. They have two other chtk dren, Camllle and Ronald. A son was born on May 11 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grasser of Wonder Lake. E. H. SCHICK DISTRIBUTING ltt Greve Street * Pheae Elgin MM COMPAJfY -Elgin, Illlaols was carried to safety by his father. baugh of Wonder Lake are the |Woodstock ho8pltal on Wrfaesday, parents of a son born at the M n ^2:56 a. m. The Mer- Woodstock hospital on Saturday. wln funera, home body and left that afteraoon for Henry, where the remains were on view at the Brennan funeral home in that city. The service for the dead was conducted at 2 p. m. on Friday, May 13, .the Rev. Father SchuanA M„ MaWii :macher- pastor of St Mary's Mr and Mrs. Clarence Erhardt j Cathie church of Henry. 111., of- F«th« «hun2ih.r ,Cdaughter, bora on May 12 at tka. eompanled the body to Ha final Wodstock hospital. - 1 resting place in Calvary Cemetery Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rocen of juBt north of the city. McCullom Lake announce the birth ( Mr. Daniels is survived by two of a daughter, Janice May, -on iOM> Harold F. Daniels, profe a on May 14. jaionally known as Dan Daniels of --------I McHenry, and Edwin G. Daniels of _ THREE BUJUBV 1457 Elmdale Avenue, Chicago. The Three persons were burned, two grandchildren surviving are, Mrs. seriously, and two others ^ere Dorothy Parker of Chicago, Karen rescued uninjured by firemen last ^ Danny, Jr.. and Patty Lynn week when Are destroyed their Danieig ?Df McHenry, and Edwin, at,» Bar|"1^ton ,.HerP?an Jr., and Masy Ann Daniels of Chi- Williams, 40, and his mother, Mrs. cago. Mr. Daniels also leaves one Anna Williams, 70, were seriously brother, Ed W. Daniels oI Emburned, while Williams son, p0rla> Kag and four 8lgter8> Mrs Roger, 3, escaped with minor Frances Ball, Mrs. Emma Bauter. burns on the hands and face. He Mr8 Floyd Dorff and Mrs. Alden C, McHENRY LUMBER CO; ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF ITS Wonder Lake Yard Service H. B. WILLIAMS General Contractor QUALITY H0ME3 FARM BUILDINGS COMPLETE HOME MAINTENANCE Free Plans and Estimates ~ F. H. A. Terms ; • O ^ • % Hunter, all of Henry. Mr. Daniels was preceded in death by his wife, Mary, on April 15, 1945; she passed away at her Chicago home and is also buried at Calvary cemetery, Henry. Tractor Accident* Refueling hazards, falls from the. machine, overturning of the tractor, a ad unguarded power drives are the causes of most tractor accidents. Xtomplete line of Bee be liveatoek remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf PROUD GIFTS for the PROUD GRADUATE * :• f OFFICES: Phone McHenry 227-J --o YARD: WONDER Route 1, Ringwood, HL : • V. • w --- * 9pen Daily 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., Sunday 9 a. m. to 2 p. wu SHEAFFER3 -r IttNIMQ ; TSHUniT TMMItOW CtMissef krswn, Mimw bl*ck. Pm, Psncil, $5.00; . $1040. 6ompjirt« Thrassems In gMt csm, $3040; nATIIttlN EMOMg la brown, Mm or Mack Paa, $1040; PancN, $4.00. EnMmWS boxod, $14.00; no fad. tax. iH' J (t«n Gift of Might ana distinction! Wldo variety ol styles and hasaa pricod from $10.00 to gOt OO Modal shown tn jS ryatsl «*Wi tamoua "WhMs Dot" Pan. $17 80 SSSSua UneotMd, msM, outstanding gAI Now aHm Siodal, MK gold IWad amartly-chaaed Pr» •Won meda, s>iel>amtaS| paKact Truly a it,iw VNMlfy CO tfaaid. $740; (Ins BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE II IcIKRBT, ILL. AUCTION SALE Lincoln School Building Sunday, May 2^, 2 p.m. Located Zx/% miles northeast of McHenry, % mile south and *A mile east of Pistakee Bay. This is a well built building, has a'new oil furnace and full basement. It is 21x32 with 10-ft. extension on front. Good drainage. TERMS OF SALE Twenty-five per cent (25%) of the selling price on the day of the sale, an additional fifty per cent (50%) within ten (10) days, and the balance on delivery of dee$ , V CLINTON E. MARTI*, ^ . j PETER SMITH, CLAYTON C. HARRISON, Trustees. w. ; • t S" .V. X'*i' % " ;•; s ' • >' ; -V 'C. ' /> , f* . f • "MimM ••A. -Its 'i.i: •. --;ti .'«4J Smartest buy in leisure wear is this handsoni .gabardine Skipper Sportshirt by WHson Brothers. Popular, medium*longr point oollan are convertible--tailored to be worn with or without a tie. This, plus superb needle work, makes them perfect for either lounging ofs infonnal social activities. Rich, solid ootoif^ washable, too. Choose yours now. •other Skipper shirts $4.95 to $9.96 McGEE'S S. GREEN ST. McHENRY . * •- Attend the opening of' - McHenry's new bridge Friday eveding Hve-IWt Shetf of ' ATOUGH on the handle --and atouie^roat . door swings open on a prospect full of invitation. There's a wheel that seems actually eagerfor the touch of your hand.. There's a broad 63"inch seat cushion, comfortably angled, soft and inviting, and only a hand's width narrower than a full-size parlor sofa. There are narrower corner posts hardly wider than the space between your eyes, so plenty easy to see around--and there's a broad, sweeping, full-curved windshield spreading a horizon-wide view before your eyes. The re's a gas treadle that flicks into life the great power of a big Fireball power plant. Under the wheel there can be a Dynaflowf selector lever you set once and then fcrjjirt through all normal forward driving. ^ • Brim* war*. <mt m mil MmttltUKM mM. wusni liaee* BMJMCK sis-- hmm mil ttesc femtmrmm M-mmooH, OYMAHOW MUVM* • fUU-VBW VISION frmm mhrgmd gk (MM IA1Y PQOaS and oaiy occom • Buoymt-ridhg QUMMMOC COK ' "UVMS SMCr'mnRIOaS wWi Oaap-Crodb c«*Mom • C 'Wmm M* Ond connoctmg nd* • Law pranwra tint on piwifkKMMP mmm siouwnwes • aoer sr aa SCMDMAS7H. c»No«rf ar mtm m* Tm h HENffT J. TAYLQtt, ABC Nttwork, awy Mondoy And wrapping it all up'in one stunningly tiful picture of .top-drawer ^.travel is moders styling in the good Buick manner--sleek bright chrome, the instant identification gleaming Ventiports. Here's five-feet-plus of deep-seated --an outlook that brings the whole iandscap indoors --handsome lines that draw admiring glances anywhere--what else is needed t# settle your mind on this one? Two things, probably. A little spin with your* self behind the wheel just to take honey'i measure. A look at the price tags and a bit of mental comparisons Just <t prove how big * buy it is. ^ ror both you have only to see your Buick dealer--who will be pleased to demonstrate, pleased to talk price--and pleased to take your order for surprisingly early delivery. -!r t \ \ Wk<ra skhwoII tint, at lllvtIrattd, avoifobfo ol »*tra coir. R. I OVERTON MOTOR SALES V*OHr8TRnf' ^ •eHBntT; ILLOnsI in