\ City, J*ev., with fewer inhabitants, is Ike smallcapital In the United lie trtglnal Big Rend MM ID 1V7X. When it n flm|k," the opposite bores •(r «'WIfnm«rt only • natt Rftlf laches u. a. Average St per cent nw British wetter more per tour worker. tnahes «T per cent the fl--m Need rabber stampef . Outer at The Plaindealer. v No. 3M |»WIM * RESHAN8PERGER agents for all CIMSM of :y In the best companion. West MeHenry, Illinois INSURANCE £_ KARL R. WALSH Sirs, Aato, Farm A Life Insurance I Representing m RELIABLE COMPANIES f, " Whsn you need insnraWI ' |: •** kM § Phone 4) or 118-M ft Elm MeHenry Veterinarian On Highway SI--Office and Tel. MeHenry 31 Office Hoars: I p. m. to 2 ft, m. Except Thursdays Ereninti by Appointment TsL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WA1UN8 Dentist --Offfco Hears-- . Toss., ThunL, * Sat. t a. m. to 6 p. as. by Appoiatmoal Point Wonder Leke, IIL FRANK 8. MAT Tracking Dirt--Crashed Gravel Excavating -- Liisstssm Track for Hire MeHenry 58ft-M-i R-l MeHenry AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR | SERVICE Ml Main St^ MeHenry Electric Portable Welding rlene Welding and Catting W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HRNRY, ILL. AM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law lioy, Benton St. * Phone Woodstock 1334 Woodstock, Illinois - DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR #fflea Cwiw Green ft Eln Tiek Thars. ft Sat. A Than. »:3# to S:S0 Satardays to 8 TeL MeHenry 438 DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- ISO Green Street 292-J MeHenry •Ike Hoars: It a. m. to 6 p. m. n«ft Wednesday. Office closed al Any Wednesday. -- IVAN^M) TO WT -- We pny $• to $SB for OM |eas for down horm MATT8 MINK - 8| CALL AT ONCE <RV » HOGfll BOR8HS AMD C£ Wo pay HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Bead and Crippled Horses, OjMh and Hogs--Sanitary Tnnhage and Meat r® sale. Phones Aritngtsn 11« or MCHCUT Charges. ralmilae Service. A. P. FREUMD Excavating Tracking, Hydmle V and Crane Service ... . --ROAD RUILMNG-* TeL 204-M Mrtiwiry, DL CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn ft Parhap Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons ljMilit Office--Koehr Supply Ctaphj, 542 Main Street, West MeHsary Phono--MeHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 3 WEINGART TRUCKING i Sand -- Gravel VtMng--Black Dirt--Limestone Tracks for Hire Pros Estimating. M ISt-R-2 MeHenry, DL WELDING ice and Constrnetion Portable fi|iipn«t M. X. VANCE -- MeHenry 61-J N Soath Green St, MeHenry, DL McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 Mile South of MeHenry On Route 31 flowers for all occasions! FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE , R. 1, RINCWOOD, IL%y Electric Wiring Motor rapaii Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDfcR LAKE 4SS VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oor. Orson and Elm Sts., MeHenry Tueoday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By AppointsMnt Phono MeHenry 43 JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law Waaksgaa Road (RFD Sox 1) .WEST McHENRY. ILL. Phone MeHenry 492-W Sand Gravel Limestone VERN THELEN Tracking Black Dirt Truck for Hire TeL MeHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, MeHenry gsm$ MeHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Grans 8ervioe Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravsl Road Grading --o- U.S. Stomp Oe/uge Harmful to fiobby WASHINGTON.--Stamp collectors <in ithis cCHintry already are lamenting that the 1M0 U. S. stamp (deluge is on. Many individuals »Md groups have -submitted suggestions for stamps rto their congressmen. <500)0 of• the proposals have Jelled 4nto Mils -now pending -4n • the na- <tion^s legislature. If -these bills become laws and toe «twmps beeom* a reality, ! IMS «canaM>mosatt*i Issues witt be noK amusing than a Mack Sennett comedy -to the philatelic world--tout a stark tragedy to U. fi. collectors. Some of -the bills pending call for a -stamp honoring the 100th m INVALID LilllWUM On the first anniversary at the new drivers' license law, which requires drivers to renew their license every three yettrs--on their birthday -- approximately 1M.M0 Illlnolsans are driving with Invalid licenses, or with no licenses at all. Secretary of Bute Edward J. Barrett said this past week.* The drivers' license division ot the secretary of state's office W« handled a peak load oC SjMtjMO licenses in the period between May 1.1948, and Mar l. 1»«, the secretary .said. -• -• • s ^ More than 3,300,000 persons were licensed to drive when the new law' staggering application dates, went into efcet last year. Previously, all applications became due oh the same date every three years -- swamping the diaontoersary of a race horse, the | vision wjth a tri-annual request discovery of America by Lett (for more than three million 11- Erioson, a/Buffalo Bill stamp, one (or the 170th anniversary of the Battle of Stony 'Point, another tar a tribute to rthe 90th anniversary the TitusvillfOil WelL (L L. Lini«uiit, publisher at Stamp magaainea, • comments on id stats «(jaflairs: 'It Would Jor It wffl. Is dsss io stop R, fr naVy wear ttsetf <9*. Collecting asaSsan VitfL staaMs wfll IIIIWII as nap spider ae w soils tHng ct •MM EF the late rnilaaasntsd Mp> psries ml sdhat usodfto»heitoawn as •safer 'hope Alt AM U. S. iar «Mi year Km dpost «!Bee II hatenjfc he* MiiMMi YfsMt M - -- ^s-^si--Ai- _ wf rmHi mmnN MOSCOW. Oin.«tba tarjtwap op avldence, OXGALL McHENET 97-J MIOM AltUM Protect aad eherish the poftraiu thst reflect the precious momenta of your weddiaf day. Mount them in aa album as exquisite as your ' iilllat town, as tniuriM as tew Uv*. miANKYOirfOtMtf Send clever gift aduiowltdgms that ncrsoaalise your auk you with s minis' two photograph your fpily * end friends will WORWICICS STUDIO 117 Kiverside Drive McHsnry Phons275 years said. S. L Rudenka,- writing la (he newspaper Evening Moscow, describes a natural "super»refrigerator" containibg the mummified bodies of a tattooed man aad a girl musician. The discovery was made deep la the Isolated Altai mountains of Outer Mongolia, where other excellently preserved mummies were found in 1947. Rudenko said fee tattooed man must have been a noble or a chief. The tattooing covers thw--entire body and is "astonlshlng& Hns artistic work" consisting mostly of pictures of animals. The woman, said Rudenko, "must have .been a good musician, tor she had fine, long, thin fingers and many musical instruments." Other diaooveries in the tomb of petrified log*--which because of the extreme cold and its construction turned into a natural Icebox --included a gilded chariot, isathor carpets, diadems of wood covered with thin gold; round brenxe mirrors; exquisite tables and jewelry and partly dyed furs. "Thousands of articles found there," said Rudenko, "give a clear picture of the life and customs of an ancient tribe that lived in the Altai region mora than 2,000 years ago. Judging from many articles discovered, such as the skins of leopards and cheetahs, it can be guefted that the tribe traded With distant countries. censes in a matter of months. Under the new set-up, licenses become due on the applicant's birthday, spreading the work load itxver a 12-month period. Secretary Barrett warned the awmoxlmately 100,000 delinquents to qpply Immediately for current Hcsieef or face aeriowa consequences If caught driving with an eiptouJ, dicense--or with no license at aH .la <Ms respect, Barrett asked parents is lie rare that children are net driving the family car without a Haaftse. No child nnisr 16 years at mgm Is allowed to drive at all aad an tndlvideal IS, if or 17 years of aft masf have a "cosigner" (parent, gttardta* or otMr responsible PliHai) on the location form In wiir to an examination aad aessre a ttcsnac. The handling ofSjMMMSrff#** licenses hit the sMniiaqr at state's office at the same ttoe It* odea was Issuing a record Mttberk of vehicle raglstraflos vMa&'flSRf»tt "T, hat 'Twth the llnnsrplS jund drivers* license tlifslsns dt mty office have the decks rtta ral "ziy* sf all applications on Ini," «flVHled| Barrett-arged delinquent diisia to act promptly In seciu^g a drivers' license to save themselves future Mnbarraaament H is Mtimated «at a hawk InnnmcraMa granhtMsrs year. Spring held, HI., -- Governor Stevenson's MOlOn and a quarter dollar budget hna hegnn to move through the llllnels legislature. Bills making np more than a foarth at the bnflgtit total were approved recenSy at a three hour sesehm at the senate appropriations committee. A few minor changea were made. Major items okayed aad sent to the senate floor Included: Finance department. flTS,*40.00<r bond retirement, fTSltMM;. university of Illinois, $62,271,000; safety department, $28,846,00, and health department. $19,309,000. The committee added $42,800 to the state school superintendent's Mint tsr a rsasarsh department AsMi other actSon: Oovernor Stevenson's bills to take state police out of politics and pot them under a merit system won Indorsement of the house Personnel and pension committee. One dissenter, Rep. Thomas Bdger (D-MCHenryJ, said the plan In Impractical. Franklin Krejnl. director of Northwestern University's traffic institute, said the program would result in greater highway safety eave >^09 lives in Illinois" during the next ten years. _ A bill defining sedition and setting trp stiff prison sentences was reemmnens** favorably by the house judiciary committee. Sponsors said the measure is their sustltute for the Broyles anti-Communism bills pending in the house. The new bill provides prison terms of five to fifty years tor thoee convictcd at open acts of sedition, and one to two years for those who "know such acts." -> ; FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural Umestone and phosphats spreading. Soil samples taken on request Place orders early and avoid rush. ^ ^ onm.18 rKXTTHD, 401 W. Wsnfcsgan load , . ^ McHENRY, HUXOH ; ^ ' flsL 86-W mr ilM DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMKTRI8T At tt« 8. Often 81, McSemr j •fteraooos) •sttrs Ihdly: 9 to IS and l te PHONE McHSNRT Ol tJ- j -- Visnal MuMRrtWn Vlsnal Analysis Frst U. 8. First sucfmftil daily nswqpaper published in the Units* SUtes '*Ihs Penn Packet and Daily Advertiser," appeared In Philadelphia In September. 1784. ©rfflnartly, three rinsing are necessary for thorough removal of soap and dirt from clothes. The first rinse water should hi IMHC the next two lukewarm or cool. •KWW Dent use an aBf nssp fsr; mg waxed fiesrs. This win flw wax coal; and S lect dust Felt Bats Rabbit fur is the raw material^ used tor nearly all felt hata, aafi. we import about 80 million rshfeM skins s year from Australia for Iris purpose. Complete line of lice's fsriby remedies at Wattles Drag. Store, Me- Heary. W Need rubber stampst The Plaindealer. LUST-R-GLO Plastic Tile ^--Installed at a Rig Saving ; ' . Over Ordinary Tile Hear the "Ohs" aad wAhsw when < yoa shew eff year new LU8T-R- > JSBcd bathroom, kltchea aad play room. he thrilled with rear gleaming, colorful waOfi hted that the entire Job was so Inexpensive. }LO comes Inlndlrldual beveled 4%." square tiles. ^ .De«t confuse It with k-': llRuthm sheets or boarSs. Installed qalcRIy without mess. ^Csjinot crack or chip. Durable, flre-reslstaat Vernia and termite AVAILABLE K0W! CaH lsr free cstfcelers** to WWW DVII Also rabber and as- Phalt fleer tile. m J. M. STANGARONE 661-J-l McHenryrUt Bey Witheut Ears Is Brsw Hearlnf k\i% IR Abisiii P1TTSBUROH. -- Eight-yearold Jimmy Meaders, Hartstown, Pa., is going to grow a pair of ears in his abdomsa. Jimmy was born without ears. Now doctors are going to provide what nature forgot. He has undergone the first In a series of six to eight operations in Children's hospital. Dr. S. M. Dupertuls, a plastic surgeon, is in charge. The process will take two years. Cartilage will be rstnoved from Jimmy's ribs and ntolded into the shape of ears. The "ears" will then be placed in the boy's abdominal cavity for a period of time to foster tissue growth. Later, they wiB be transplanted to the head where they will function as real "live ears." Jimmy can hear normally - now, despite the lack of ear openings on either side of his head. Doctors say be has normal auditory canals and eardrums. The operations were arranged by the Greenville Rotary club. The boy's father is a fitter at the Greenville Steel Car company. r ,mi corn aw The HeatOator Is a hollow steel form built into the fireplace. It saves and circulates beat Wasted up ordinary chimneys. Eliminates common causes of smoking. Heats cabins in chilly weather. Saves labor and materials. Proved every where. FAMOUS AUTOMATIC WASHER WITH THE ALEXANDER LUMBER GO West MeHenry, Illinois PHONE McHENRY 6 FnfPlaC .-r - .?„« t-1 11 • % ZJIUKSKOMAT Is a Trade-Math, Sag, U. 1. FeC OS, INK ii UNw tw«IHVKI Uw|r UMRIMNI MB IIINII »«Kp.|s.STHt7tAWmKt,AM TrwuR Deelartd OWRST Off MMsst Nypsetk" Eyes LOS ANGELES.--Hie most hypnotic eyes in the world belong to President Truman. Premier Stalin, singer Rise Stevens, actress Jane Greer, actor Kirk Douglas and Senator Margaret Chase of Maine, the National Institute of Hypnotism has concluded. "The group said It found "compass sionate understanding" in Senator Chase's eyes and "smoldering promise" to Mist Greer's. Railroad Jebe Railroads provide a Job for one out of every 43 people in the U. 8. Care of Gloves Damp gloves should be air-driec before you put them away to pre vent mildew and spot tin* CLEANING SERVICE Done in Our Own flam 206 S. GKEKfrm McHENRY Free Pickup and Delivery Service Phone MeHenry 20 Aer'Ke**! GerfaooFf Uils easy, convincing way . For ew No awkward bdhriing or i when loading i sMhss fnm iL Aa improvsment over all known nasthofe The T^K^I Basket gives a washing action tfatf is sffietat. Phone ns end make arrangements to see the Laundromat wash a lond of your clothes. IT'S FREE. You come to the store; aee your clothes washed tparkting ekem, the laundromat way! \ i / / . Starting, tsmperature, washing; damp-drying aatiicalhr with oae dial The hnsptoieqakepsriedfeeasptariag. i»B »W »k i ip- i- n«a --m i dm INSTALLS ANYWHiltS! Mo bohtmg to As I Vmmk JWdf-.^W^estiliihouse ---- f ; ^ :-- -- CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP -- CLBOTBIOAI. COMTftAOTORS-- TKLEPHONI351 . McHENSY, ILLINOB \9- WNi M IB MAIiftflt \ "A S|f