^r«- \k^rr^- s T O ® / w DM Moines, wtth 4T home pulM and om ISS 1*mA ciei U OM ti the insurance canton of the nation. vttlage adminrecently of the __ Bart HaUJe, aflar yaara aa a trmatee and four- NR aa Tlllai* president, «nr hit otolr and gavel w MMPd R. Brtatltnger, who Ml alaetad aa hla successor in Ml. TIM board adopted a reao- Bttsn waamsadlag Hatja (or his mriioa la U8a ooaamealty. and pre- UM wtth a framed copy of Mr signed b y tb« _ oal-Uke erea •N aald la ba aMa teeotaov- ' ~ tea native maal begins *Wth chaaaa Invariably anda with a large o* ~ fcaanfe *a(1 Im'lX and laal aa flan* aa 1,111 hourm Thar •tin ha For watotpcoeSng outside mala a* ssawrsto bhri^ • mart pah*. Meek walla shed al laaat M daya at is aiaMal and at tUAMrm AWKVAL UNIT Matty, IBlnels It| lit, 1MB la l»r 1st, 1040. I, Jooeph M. Regner, Traaaarer of tha leHnry Townahip Fire Protaetlon District, McHenry, Illinois, do hereby certify that tha following etatemeat of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of tha Mc- HENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT fanda tor tha yaw ending May int., 1MI, la trne and correct according to nay beet knowledge and belief. JOSEPH M. REONER, Treaaarar. STATE OF 1LUN0I8. Connty af McHenry, aa. Sabacrlbad and aworn to before •aa UlalOth day of May A. IX Sabeeribe Jqr Tha Plaladealor. anch plana ba put into atari. Ifc baaea and hi HPS tha James Rhrer aanapany waa organliad to boOd a transportation route to tha waat Washington waa eiectod^ptealdani of thla company ajtd tmiU action began an tha Janni Rhrer canal. llama tint, aunber. red (white with yeOow tip). ... HANS' BODY & FENDER REPAIRS 8pecial Wreck Work ' Painting, complete from $40 Of Springs, Shocks, Complete Frame and Axle Straightening Qnick Service AH Work Guaranteed ' Call any time--McHenry 244-E 009 FEONT STREET, McHENBY STATION WJLA FM SUM*. . RONALD COLEMAN * . 'i Tour Host On Sadio's Most Brilliant Dramatic Program EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 9KM)to930 tf-GAMVute With RCA VICTOR'S . RCA Victor 8R71 only $59.95 A in dark maroon plastic, smartly styled--moderately priced. Featuring "Golden Throat" tone system with both AM and FM broadcast bands. AG. Wilson's Radio Shop |D0 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. VERNON J. KNOX. Notary FaMIC. aa af May 1. IMS 9 7,701.S4 Cannty Traaaarer, fM , taxea , UN.N Connty Treaaarar, from taxaa SSMS Connty Traaaarer, from. , taxea it* 14.00 Coanty Traaaarer, frogl taxea ........ ' 44M County Treaaarar, from taxea aaramee _ SS7 McOoe's Store, boeito for llramea CSS Tad Millar, axpanaaa aa delegate to Sri convention SSS Ed Jaaten, axpanaaa aa delegate to flra convention 540 O. E. Maelkw, labor and material Car taak track - I , , -n 541 Ona Fraand, paid ont. tor gas, oQ and mlac. agalpment for ftre trncka .... S4S Schroeder Iron Worfca, Illinola Mnnidpal League. aaaeaanTnta mil foreign in anranee companies -- ... Illinois Municipal League, iiienmanti Mni f o r e i g n Insurance companies Illinois Municipal League^. assessments from f o r e i g n i n i a r a n c l companiea Illinola Mnnidpal Leagu|t assessmanta from f o r e i g n lnavranea companies Illinois Municipal Leaguf, assessments from f o r e i g n insurance companies ... Illinois Manicipal League, assessments from f o r e i g n lnsuranca companies ... Illinois Municipal League, assessments from f o r e i g n insurance~ companies Illinois Municipal League, assessments from f o r e i g n lnaaranca companies Illinois Manicipal Loagae. a s s e s s m e n t s from f o r e i g n insnranca companies Illinois Municipal League,, assessments from f o r e i g n lnaaranca companies tSMl 278J8 S4S Marl Pen way. ftra- •44 rS aalary J S4S Jtoaaao fcn naa'a aalary -- •4# Bebert ThenreM. tr»> aalary S4T Harry Pfcrwerda, Sr*. i*g aalary m - j«4S Wllllnm Oreea. Sr* * man'a aalary • _• ;S49 Jerome Bach, Ara» ' man'a aalary ^ 450 Harold Hobba, ir* man'a aalary 2T SSI Richard Miller. Sr*»^ . man salary •SI Ed Justen, aalary Sreman fr. SSS Al Blake, Sreman^ salary •64 Harold VyciUl," flrf* ; 7S.S8 1SSJS TOTAL Stt Walter J. Freund, tirea tor fire track and repairing chainaf S0S McHenry Equipment Co., truck chassis for SOI McHenry Plalndealer, t r e a s u r e r ' s anna a l report ^ .SSS Schroeder Iron Worki* for tank truck tW Ous Freund, gas, oil, repalra and equipment for flra trucks 404 A. S. Blake, repalra on tre truck SM Midwest Ozygai Equipment Co., aup* plies SOS W. 8. Dorley Co.. sift Indian pumps * S07 McHenry Plalndealer legal notice SOS Earl R Walsh, insurance on Ford Fire Truck SOS Illinois Municipal League, 7%. commlasion on I13M.84 collected from Fire Insurance Company 510 Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Co., com* pensation for flramen 511 Earl R. Walsh. Agent, lnaaranca on tntes* national fire truck SIS Kant and Co., ii|» anranoe on eqaipme# on Are trncka „ SIS McHenry Floral C*. Sowara tor deceassj flreman 514 Ed Jnatan, aalary aj| Sreman to d a t a' 1S/1S/4S ^ 515 Bail Conway, aalait aa ftremaa to dam 1I/1S/4S - ZZ SIS Harry Fbrwarda# aalary aa Srenrnn ift data 1S/1S/4S S17 William Oraan, aaUry aw Flrsman to dato 1S/1S/4S SIS Robert Tharwell. aatery as Srenrnn to date it/is/4s 611 Richard Miller, aalary aa "iiraaaan to data 12/1S/4S ^ 550 Al Blaka, aalary aa flreman to data 1J/H/48 551 Jerome Bach, as flremeat to da 1S/1S/4S SSS Harold Hobba, aalary as flreman to data 12/18/48 423 Ted Miller, salary aa flreman to date ........ SS4 Harold Dickow, salary as fireman to date .... 625 Bruce Klontz, salary to date 12/14/48 624 Thos. Diedrich, fireman salary, $9.0Hfrj asst. chief, 6 mot., 150.00 12/16/48 627 Ed Thennes, flreman salary, $6.00; asst. chief, $50.00, 12/16/48' 628 Harold Vycltal, salary as fireman 12/16/48 629 McHenry Firemen's Fund, practice time.... 630 Gus Freund, salary as fire chief, six maw. 12/16/48 631 A. S. Blake Motor 8ales, battery auul supplies C... 6S2 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Siren service for six mos. to May 16 6SS Fire Fighter Track " Co., water pump and equipment * 634 Earl R. Walsh, . treasurer's bond 6S5 Stoffel A ReihanSrger, insorancfi on satlary .........L i "<55 McHenry Ilreman'g 11.10 Fund 654 Joaaph it. Regne^\! j -oClce expansas (tela*/ phone, atamps and miac. exp.) Vernon J. Knox, attorney for diatrlct 658 OuS Freund, six mos. salary aa fire chief 459 Ed Thannea, alx toon aalary as asst. flifr * chief SS.M *60 Thomas Diedrich, sis mos. aalary as awat flre chief Entry American Insur- SSS.S81 ance, tax receipt ia* I aued In error SSI Anton N. Schmltt, I aalary as traataa 100.50 442 Clayton Harrlaon, I aalary as trustee .. .. •S3 Joaeph M. Regner, f aalary as trustee 19.72 SS4 Fred J. Smith, flra » warden .SSS Nick Pltaen, flra I warden ^ 104.S2 444 Bruno Butler, flra | warden 647 City of McHenry, reitti for shelter of flra trucks SSS Illinois Ball Tale* Phone Co., a 1 r a 4P#' aerriced, six moa* May to NOT. Inclaahra SSS Illinola Municipal League Aaaociatlon ot flre diatneta, daea ana year. 15.00 15.00 1SJ0 85.36 5.6* 4fJ0 14.00 SS.00 S5.00 X7M SS.00 27.00 23.00 15.00 44.00 15.00 S.00 15.00 Dry weather la hare. Will It be dry this summer? Who knows? I wouldn't plow up any mora laund for corn If I had a good stand of hay on It or even a half, stand that'a for aura. The hay crop la about made while yon would have no aaauranca of getting amy corn. William Tittle, northeaat af Woodatock, Bays hi la going to graas farming thla year. So far tha odda have been rery much In hla favor. . According to tha 1041 yearbook, tha wsathe* alaMan at Marengo with a 44-ysaur record reparta tall In InChsa by Iowa. January, 1.4S; ,4USJ; March. 2J4; April, S.7S; May. S.SS; Jane, SJS: Jnly. f:lt; Angaat, S.4S; 8 apt ember. 4il; October, Ml; November, 2.OS; cember, 1.SS, wtth aa average annual rainfall of SSJ lnchea. I alwaya had tha Idea April waa the wettMt month. Maybe that la beeaaae I learned tha poem April 8howara.M September, when we are trying to ripen our corn ta fateaa WWhy doea It gat ao dry In Angaat and la alwaya ao wet In April? Temperatare and plant growth are the ahKwara of courae. High temperaturea evaporate isoUbra aa doea the tranalocation which takes place In plant growth.. 8ome other lnteraattag Infonnala tha average laat killing froat In apring waa May 4 and the average anrllaat killing front In tha taH/wau October 11 at Marengo. The loweat temperature red waa ST batow and tha highaat 1SS. ' in tha chteago area* tha anrllaat far a laat froot waa Mart* IS In IStS nnd the ln|aat a Srat froat In the faU wna N«^14 to 1SSL The ahartaati growing ssason batwssn froata wna* 1017. with 1SS daya (May SS to Oct SI and tha IOIMI waa SMI, with SSS dnyp (ApriTto Mm.Uf. Aeoordlng to North eaatern imda Farm Bnrann Management reoorda, hay yield haa n tram an nSnanea on not Inaoma. On comparable farma aa to aiae aa4 rating, farma with three to three and one-half tone of hay par acre par year netted SS.0S0, while others with one to ona and onehalf teas siald par aere par year nsttoC ISJSS par year. Kaw doea thla happen? On the low yield farina, the grain cropa luara to ha naad to aappiement the bay while ant the high yield farma, the grains are naad for ether pnrpoaaa, anch aa hoga. it yon tent rniaa hogs haannae yon have to nae up all yonr grain feeding the eowa, batter look about yonr hay yield and aae what can ha dona. What good are such a-^j. u. Dairying To give la write am tndnatty. yon aa Idea of haw a time achsdala worka, Ar4 #agpa of Waat McHenry waa MriMd by the aaasaor far an hoaar and than the mannre apreader wonidnt hold tae mannra In eaae land while ordinartly one load would take It easfiy. Ha has ona of thsas new bowl type aprmder that holda the llqaild fram dripping g|| on tf ) way to tha fleUL fr r and boards, aroHwdlng nafls 36S.05 .111^46.78 280.65 2.S00.00 is.so » IMS 76.03 S8.7S 15.01 SS5.4S 7.a 53.40 S7.7T S5.00 «1.11 7JOO 1SJS 73 JO MM 49 M 4S.SS 15.00 too.oo 100 00 50.00 60.00 12.68 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 90.00 1.00 75.00 I C E C R E A M Total Diaburaajnenta..! S4W4.47 Balance oa hand J. 4412.37 Total - 111,344.73 See Cream Fraaaag The Oral American patent on an lee arena freeaar was issued In ISM. forests Area. tneail TeS kill more treee In ear annually than do forest and Ssedlots are pHmary souroaa af warm Infastatftin In Uvaatock. OTaahevry JeOy • lahes lass sugar In Hon to fruit juice and less eooldng to wake JeOy from cranberries than fram mast other fruits. to bettor of apple sauce If the apples a If the apples are may have a bitter taslp the peeling. Appleo shenld ha lang, slew sashing may daslnr i dsMaato Saver and aaay even Order year rubber stamps at The Plaiadeakr. Dispersal Sale •r «fN*aa^8tf*r BE1CK FLAVOES OP THS MONTH STRAWBERRY BUTTER PECAN ~ * COFFEE VANILLA • BUTTERSCOTCH ROYALE CHOCOLATE FLAKE BOLGEKS DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY £->> 1 PISTAKEE GOLF COURSE SM "TV I" OR SKYSCRAPER .Hy. • " . • ' rrs 'wm iky' w- - 'bs&ksh THEO. OLSEN & SON iliiii McOULLOM LAKE MASON OOHTRAOTOtH W«t McHsnry :«§o Job Too Wf Or Too tasU w- For Export Workmanship sqd Fsst Strrioo dill McHenry 548-W-l vi re truck IWOT1BSI Aire HIGH GRAPE I9URH COWS AND HI IF ESS) VIM Located S miles north of Orays- I lake, S mllea aonth of Lake Villa, I % - mile east of Avon Center 30.00 school, % mile eaat of Hwy. jSS, and 11 SVir»AT, MAT SS SS.00 at 1 o'clock, D. S. T. K ft M LUNCH WAGON • 11-- INI8TIBID CATTLE --11 34.00 19 reg. lehtah feaaales, which are from Ilia top lines of the breed, are In this sale. The cows S4.00 are brad to the best ball af North, III. Breeders Assoc. 48.00 Eligible ball, bora 1-24-48, soa el one of tha high cows of the herd. 28.00 34 HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS Consisting of 22 cows, 4 of which S.00 are springers, 2 with calf at side, 5 fresh past 30 days, balance milking good; 2 outstanding bred heifers, 5 growthy heifers (average 59.00 age 11 months); 5 heifer calves (from 2 to 4 months); 2 bull calves (4 months old). 56.00 GUERNSEY COWS--Three Guernsey cows, consisting of 1 spring- 14.00 er, 2 due in summer. T. B. and Bangs tested. This herd is under 42.00 L*ke County No. 2 D. H. I. A., and supervised by Anthony Untz. For the month of Feb. this herd was 100.00 9th in production, and had the high cow, w£tT>as fresh only 25 days of the month. This is a young 34.54 herd and recent tests show a 3.7 per cent average. Cows artificially bred to bulls of N. I. Breeders Assoc. Charles Wray will 1840 I be in charge of records and pedigrees. BILKING EQUIPMENT--New De- 548.29 Laval magnetic milking machine, 3 single units, complete; 35 mttfc 20.00 cans; sterilising tanks; etc. PAUL SHTTHE, Owner ' Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers. 40.32 Public Auction Service Co., .Clerk. el en a LR YOU DMVS A CADILLAC, the sketch above tdlsastorf. Somewhere on the streets or highways ?ou bring your fpr to a velvety stop to give a "lift" to a youngster whose thumb is pointed the same way you are--and you his face light up as he settles down beside you. "Boy, a Cadillac!" You know, without asking, what is going through his- Jgead. He's dreaming of the day when he himself grows Op to man's estate and has a Cadillac of his own. It is only natural, of course, that Cadillac should occupy this unique place of honor in the dreams and aspirations of American youth--for Cadillac is the only. Wlta J tin* HiUh ilitfdwlwl car in America whoee name and crest have been reserved exclusively for cars of the very highest character. It is the only fine-car name that has meant the same--for 4*^*#do after decade. This year, the Cadillac name has a special luster--for Cadillac cars are powered by a great new V-typc engine-- the creative masterpiece of Cadillac's renowned engineering division. Performance is so brilliant, £tom every standpoint that it simply must be experienced in order to be believed. Why not experience it yourself? You are welcome in our showrooms at any time. OVERTON CADEXAC--PONTIAC CO. . Am noMT 8TKm^ . i. aaoasmty, ill.