Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1949, p. 3

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J- :^S&m >^pft4#fiiy#yspi4^w ^iwf fwy? |jgMminiMH MMMM I R1NGW00D J M I H I I 1 I I M I H I I I 1 I H I I (by Mrs. Ocorp AenuA) Tk« Home Circle was enter- ; telned In the home of Mrs. Marie Wegner Thursday. A 1 o'clock j luncheon was served by Mrs. Weg- ; ner, Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. i Mabel Collins. In Ihe afternoon a , line program in charge of Mrs.1 Viola Low was enjoyed, fke cemetery association held; a card and kom party In Mussy** hall Thursday evening- A good crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson of Waukesha spent Thursday evening with her mother, Mrs. Marie Wegner. She accompanied them home and then went to Green Bay, Wis., where she attended, the wedding of a nephew Mrs. Puckett, a daughter from will keep house while she is away. Mr. and Mrs. Georfce Shepard left Saturday morning for Memphis, Tenn., where they will visit th*»lr son. Howard, and family. Those from a distance to attend m CURRAN'S BOARDING KENNELS * Located 3 Miles South of Fox L*ke, ,i Miles North of Volo on Route 12 Individual runs for dogs. Box 617 INGLESIDX, ILL. PHONE McHENBY 632-M-2 Hi LANDL'S COUNTRY SIDE INN LIL.Y LAKE --•---- Dove Carter at the Hammdnd Organ SATURDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS Th» HUT of FOOD aad DUMXB funeral services for Fred Wledrieh were. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Cratne Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nordgren and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart jof Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold >Carr of Kalamazoo, Mich., Mr. and j Mrs. Thurlow York, Mrs. Nettie I Wledrich, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of Sharon, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hughes. Mrs. Georgia j Thomas* Mrs. Irving Eppel, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Neff, Mr. and Mrs. Ctrl Meyer, Floyd Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates, Mr. and Mrs. : Fred Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wurtzinger and Mrs. Ray Merchant of Woodstock, Mrs. Cathe- 1 rine Vogel and son of Elkhorn, Mr. jand Mrs. Bob Vogel of Broadhead, Will Overton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogel of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. , Raymond Porter of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore, Henry Vogel, Mrs. Nellie Toppen, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pitzen of Pistakee Bay. «- Mrs. Mingel Andreas of Marengo spent the week In the Weldon Andreas home. Ringwood upper grade children j and their teacher are guests of the Burr Oak school north of Marengo on .Thursday of this week. , Children from the lower grade jroom appeared in "School Time" < over Radio Station WILA last Tuesday morning. Fire Ramards Regular inspections of furnace • closets, attic and basement wtB .jr*; duce Ore hazards in the Imiia - Petal le Beaseaabor Ihe way a drees Is made. «s the fabric la it. •aslty It will wash aad STATE FAIR PARK MILWAUKEE !* SUNDAY J U N E 5 NATIONAL 'if-- MG CARS-INDIANAPOLIS D*IVt*S | MSiRVKD $3.50 and SKATS $2. SO Mjaik AT* $l'S0 AT 9ATW |JULY10-130 MILE STOCK CAR RACE S T A T E F A I R " W H E E L S - A T U R N I N G Centipede grass on the farm pood acts as a waves. la turn, the grass the eeil se feat ft does not ota tar 9§eel fhali hi Its dally rate, the iron aad uses nearly Bve hflltaa water. rarlohsd Cera Meal Important health-protecting vitamins and minerals added to enriched corn meal are calcium, Iron, thiamin, known as vitamin Bl, riboflavin, and niacin. Befere freeflag Vegetables' About a gallon of water it netdtd per pound of vegetables to scald them for freezing. Two gallons are needed per pound of leafy vegetables . At Weird Items In U.S. Trads^ WASHINGTON. -- Economy* minded Sen. Styles Bridges (R., N. H.) asked if any of his fellow senators knew "bow to tell the sex of watermelons.'* If they did not, he said, they could find out about It la a government publication. He also asked If they knew any* thing about the economic status of fee band-tail pigeon. Be admitted that he did not know that said pigeon had an economic status until he found a gov* eminent booklet on "Habits, Food and E&oftohtfc Status of the Tailed Pigeon." ^ Ceald 8bertea Shelf Bridges suggested that fee book was--or at least might be--one at fee reasons why congress should shorten fee "l.MO-foot shelf" of Government books. He said he was not criticizing any particular publication. but that congress ought to do something about "Uncle Sam's Book of fee Minute Club. Unlimited." No one can estimate fee over-all coot he said, but fee appropriations committee, which Me beaded la the last congress, eoOeeted tt, MM publications whoa It asked ead federal agency tor one eopyot each publication. He reports printing office had idlvotod 1H»- MX.Mf.aa* copies of printed ter la fee last !• years. And, he meats and agencies tamed oat additional immease qusntltloo'* themselves. "The people ought to feel lor* tunate feat wo didn't pass a law forcing them to read all that stuff," said Sen Homer Ferguson (*.. Midi.) Sen. Clinton P. Anderson, (D„ N. M.) who used to bo head of the a g r i c u l t u r e d e p a r t m e n t , i n t e r * nipted to say that the printing mentioned "included 500,000 reprints for one senator alone." AAA MIGHTY MIDGETS IVfJKY FRIDAY NIGHT S7/UK7INO JUNi f§ HURRICANE HOT RODS fVfJtV TUESDAY NIGHT STAKTINQ JUNi 14 WISCONSIN AUTO RACING ASS N. Inc. 1 2 0 0 S F I R S T S T R fc L T ' • ' ^ W A L M E E < \ WIS PHONE i V E P GkUN 4?M0 Get RU of Them! loathsome Cockroach** SilvorfUh, Spidort, led Bug*, Crkkot* and many other CRAWLING INSECTS One 1068 TENSITE OfcwKiiiii Vafitaaf I0M I KMb and loaves a Mm «Aidi r*main« dsedty | to crawling Intacta, for many wnb -- TINS ITS, offactrv*. economical, eesy *e as* FOR FLYING INSECTS USE CENOX A rtJAiil t^rty I»wwIr» H mm Bolger's Drag Store PHONE H McHENRY, ILL. .~'V "";»!'TT-- V. ast SmsM, M Psnsr-- to ease you through traffic or sail yon over ^SnBSv the kmg stretches. Get the Midweet's 2-to-l* ^ '*Jr favorite gasoline'--* • tTMMaanoMM ^ 2. ast NrtSst ftstseHM-- for the engine of your fnMH| valuable car. Get the '|fOR |j?i ^ oil that exceede 10 waya the American Petroleum Instituted dosignetion for a pr»- minm motor oil-- • IBMUK 1.astBMofTkeWSuhs - bar hftVing tires checked ///// / Iqr your Stapdard Ofl ///// H Dealer. If yoa need fl////l^^H new onee^ he has a fu^ rl-If^ °' ^°P qoelity# LUI111ftdly warranted-- inttiaBj ... 1 C ast Si ncpnt lubrication job. Tour Stands aid Oil Dealer is trained to give your car Individual attention... special seiviua. (iW|N sssnsrs to travel queo- la Hons frwn Standard Ofl DealesaJ^^ wiio offsr Pscsonaliaod Tourist Infonaatisn. (STANDARD) Waats "Useful Bridges hoped thst senators snd house members would try to supply only useful publications to their constituents. "Let's continue to send them 'Infant Care' and let's think twice before we send them publications on 'eliminating Bats from Build ings.' " he suggested. He -disclosed, incidentally, that bats were evicted by closing all but one or two escape hatches in s bam in the daytime. At midnight, when all the bats are presumably gone through those two outlets, they are plugged too. "Remarkably simple," said Bridges, "but do we need a government brochure?" He particularly enjoyed reading from a book of muskrat recipes. He asked Scott W. Luces, senate Democratic lesder, when the'Democrats would supply recipes on "how to est crow." That would be more appropriately written by Republicans, snapped Lucas, who became senate majority leader after the Republicans lost control of congress in fee IMS election. Daetar lays Qpgratimt ImMi Heart Ntilkli CLEVELAN D.-- A r e s e a r c h specialist has predicted that surgeons would be operating inside fee. heart before many years. "Ways will be devised to stop the heart, keep the brain alive, open the heart, close it, and start it beating again," said Dr. Claude S. Peck in an address to the city club forum. Dr. Peck said fee newest technique of heart surgery involved fee grafting, of a section of vein between the sorts snd coronsry vein^ to act as "feeder" to dry areas of fee heart blocked by clotted arteries. The operation already has been performed on human patients, he said. Dr. Peck is engsged in research work to conquer coronary disease, commonly known ss "heart attack." He snd his sssociates have performed nesrly 9,000 experiments! operations on animals and humans, be said. fctkfct audita The work feat was done on the church lawn daring the past week has certainly made a great deal of difference In the looks of our church. It is agreed that there is a lot more than can and pught to be done. We need shrubs and -flowers. It has been suggested that we do some work out In back of the church, smooth It out. put in a fireplace a picnic table that can be used by different classes and groups for picnics etc. If „ you are agreed that It is a good Idea why not let us know and give us a helping hand. The more we work together on It the more we will get done. Last Saturday the Junior Boys class had a picnic and a general good time down on ' the Horenberger farm. From the conversation that was carried on when they got back to town' it seems apparent that/. a good time was had by all *4nd the attempt to wrangle another invitation was made. A good group of worshipers heard the Cherub Choir sing their version of the "3rd- Psalm" Sunday. Just a slight hint to those who haven't heard the choirs yet. They will be discontinued for the summer so now Is the time to hear. They have made a fine contribution to the service and we will be sorry when their summer vacation begins. This Sunday we are having a very special class in the afternoon beginning at 1:30. Miss Bonnie Allen, director of the Artcraft Workshop of Evanston, will be with us to lead ua In a hobby class. This class is opea to everyone--children who like to make things, adulta and young adults who would like to pnrsae some hobby or eklll, aad studeat teachers who aeed eome additional training la haadworh for chlldrea. Some of the things that have been need la similar classes are painting, water-color, tempera and oils, clay modellag, leathercraft. weaving, braiding, soap-carving. lamp-B^Wag, poster and greeting card designing, etc. Miss Allan will bring different materials along with her and we sincerely hope that you will be there. you In church Sunday." When suede shoes become dirty, os sure they are thoroughly dry be fore leaning. Dairy Cow* - la IMi, O. S: farmers will fewer dairy cows than inane rtil since the early 1MT& ' ' •bfas Skill Modern terming requires more snd greater skills than almost any other occupation. Insect Screens Stainless steel insect screens an not affected bgr rust or salt aii corrosion. Turkey's Preference tests have shown that turkeys prefer ladlno clover to bluegrass and several other common pasture t plants. Flotll..' ; Best fruits for canning are those thst sre tree-ripened. Unripe fruits sre low in flsvor snd hsve s hard, texture. • C.4-0 Drift 3,4-D dusted from an airplane may drift for miles, killing or damaging susceptible crops on-a neigh ! tor's farm as well as on your own. ^JwdOOiOeg w IBeB* HMD IBE ORSSe ,J - 5eey©urSlaiuiadOfll)ealerforlkwnal^Sfeft^ Laaite New Beiag Usad la Mastic Eyt Leases LOS ANGELES --The lucite thst made the bubble turrets of combat aircraft is now being turned into a sort of bubble turret for the poor eyed public. It is the material from which tiny new plastic lenses, covering only the comes of the eye, sre being produced. Although they were considered in the stsge of "active research" until a few weeks ago, the corneal lenses msy someday make contact lenses obsolete. The lens caps only the colored part of the eye, and is held in place by natural capillary attraction. There is no flange to fit the eyeball, and no auxiliary fluid needed. Nor do they flip out with a hearty slsp on the back or a aly wink Tears, Just tears, bold them in. They Ml Visible only to the. expert Telephone Numbers ^ An Ohio court ruling hss stated thst telephone numbers sre fee piropeity of fee telephone company. Galvanised Ware Galvanized ware Is fee name apto steel containers which have been made rust-resistant during fee manufacturing process by application oi a sine coating. Need rubber stamps? Order at ^ The Piaiadwsisr. ^ , When using s truck to haul eat tie to market, bed down fee hoar srith lour laches of sand to provide safe footing for fee animals. preserve fee red oak aad do net let cold water fee beets alter they an A N > O .OB » O A A 1 Evaporated Milk - Evaporated milk may be successfully whipped if it is first chilled thoroughly. Two tablespoons of lemon juice for each cup of milk *n«y be *dded to help stiffen-fee tnflk. are a of oohfam to human • " i In sncient Home, bott^ WIS delicacy knowp only |p fee am 9 ' wss said that butter one's strength. African Spider One African spider can almost completely liquefy a fish two Inches long in less than three hours. Another large spider has been 61^ Served in captivity to devour small snakes in the ssme way. A wooden match stick Ink is an excellent substitute' §m m pen in sddressing paresis; it only ssves fee pen, bat writing bolder snd desrer. Complete One of Losfc remedies at Wattleo Drag atw% Henry. Mt CONGRATULATE THE GRADUATE with Say Iwit proud Sh oyr quality salactiom, BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONI 40 MeHXHXT, ILL. &Uk>tt4 AsAr PiMti ALL PICTURES CtUAfiSBD AT NO JEXTRA CHAR6E! DEEPTONE HATs . and at • prke within yowr frwdgot. A veritable rainbow of ready mixed, beautiful deep colors that can be transformed into the orfost delicate pastels by simply intermixing or tinting. Thejrgive you the smart, brilliant colors so much in vogue for modern houses. Recommended by leading decorators . . . used by professional painters. Here for die first time is a color system that runs a complete range of colors at a price that is reasonable. Easy brushability -- superb hiding power. VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop KING SI2E SNAPSHOTS WATTLES 515 MUn Stmt 49, PER TOLL i Tj DRUG STORE You otfght to be driving a A Sweetheart on the Ha The plain troth is you never drove a ear that displays so many •different, delightful and thrilling aspects when in action as does this big, roomy, lovely-looking 1949 Pontiac. Here, ladies and gentlemen, is s real sweetheert en the matt It's a treat just to tit behind the wheel and enjoy Pontiac's Safe-T. New Driver View, resulting from the Wide-Horison windshield, slimmed corner pillars and the lowered hood level. When Pontiac's famous improved straight eight or six cylinder engine ados, there isn't s sound... snd when it accelerates j»ngf It takes the toughest hills in an easy stride. To flurves surely, stesdily snd without sway. Thcre's aeagic in pontiac's handling ease--comfort snpresne in its urhnw new . ^Trsvetux" Ride snd wonderful convenience with General Rotors Hydra-Matk Drive*. Yes, just name any phase of performance and caasfart and yeel find it here to a unique and unusual degree. Best of al--it's easf Id own a Pontiac because it's priced just above the ssry isssest. ^ The best way lor you to satisfy yourself on Pontiac valne is In . eoase in ladey. . • WW-MlU-k' Ton caa really watch the afla nsinld. to Pontiac's new, wide windshield which is optically curved Sat: letter vision. Pillars are slimmer, the hood is lower, all windows a| r--everywhere you look Pontiac oC» s new driving horiaonk :Vv-5. OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC CO. nonoMTSTsm i^s

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