Aims Proehlieh mill-ehw matter at i At MeHenry, III., uader •( Way 8,187» .............. $2.50 lersonciis Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. Robert Thompson spent Friday in Jaaesville, where they attended funeral services for a cousin, Mrs. M.".H Fitchell. Mrs. Pitchell was fhe wife of John Fitchell, well known dahlia grower. Mrs. ifike Freund spent the weekend with friends in Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Zkm Baker has returned to her home here after spending the Wiater with her sister in Washing- •on, D. C. . Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss fthel Jones attended a ooncert presented by the Mendelssohn club chorus of Chicago at Orchestra Hall on Tuesday evening. j&V Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phelar&d children of Chicago spent the weekend visiting her parents, the William H. Althoffs. Mrs. C. W. Goodell attended the atath annual meeting of the Illinois State Music Teachers Association, held Monday in the Stevens hotel in Chicago. Several promt- Mat musicians were guests, intent Leo Potdolsky, well known ptaitit Mrs. Corlnne Kellner of Pasadena, Calif., has been a guest In the Frank Kellner home this past week. Mrs. John McDermott and grandson. Bobby McDermott, of Chicago visited McHenry relatives on Friday. Mrs. Math Schaefer and Mrs. Joe Michels of Johnsburg visited In the Joe Wegener home one recent day. Sheriff and Mrs. Fred XX Bau of Woodstock and Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Harold Fox of Johnsburg were dinner guests in the Joseph H. Adams home on Saturday evet ning. I Mr. and' Mrs. Carl Courier and ' children and Mrs. Melvin Terke 'of Marengo visited in the home of Mrs. Courier's mother, Mrs. Nellie 1 Bacon, 6n Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chi- ; cago spent the weekend in McHenry. ' •, J Mr. and Mrs." Donald Hunter of Center street are the parent^ of a son, Robert Lawrence, born at the Woodstock hospital on May 11. Mrs. Hunter is the former Laura Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romkowske and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hofka, Jr., of Lily Lake on Monday attended the wedding of Miss Magdalene Frits and Andrew Exak at St Vincent DePaul church, Chicago, Rev. Fr. Hug officiating. The newlyweds, are spending a week In Holland, Mich., after which they will visit friends residing along the river near Johnsburg. Mrs. Exak Is a sister of Mrs. Romkowske and Mrs. Hofka. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaffer, Henry Schaffer and Mrs. Susan Adams attended the wake of Fred Boger in Chicago on Friday evening. , ' ^ % A vary beautiful weddlhg took place at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning. May 18, when Miss Leoda McCarthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy, became the bride of Mr. Leonard Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. who reside north of McHenry. Tho nuptial service was sol%nntzed aft St. Mary's church. The charming, dark-haired bride wore a white satin dress with long train an«! hoop skirt. It was styled with cape effect around the shoulders, coming to a bow knot in the front. She wore a fingertip veil, held in place by a beaded tiara, and carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Her only Jewelry was a two-strand pearl necklace. Maid of honor was Miss Phyllis Smith, a close friend of the bride, who chos* a yellow taffeta colonial style cress with hoop skirt trimmed with four inches of wide lace. Lace also covered each shoulder and the neckline of the dress had a peter pan collar. Her long gloves were of material matching her dress. Miss Smith wore a large picture hat and carried a fan-shaped bouquet consisting of Complete line of Lee's poultrj remedies at Wattles Drug Stove, Mo . Henry. 8-tt! : - .v'-W'TCiv V | 7 Wed., Thurs., Fri, and Sat May 18-19-20-21 RotertHbung Shirley fempte • John Agar BOIL, Mon., Tnes., and Wed.. May 22-23-24-25 Frank Sinatra, Esther Williams and Gene Kelley Take Me Out To the Ball Game" Miss Margaret Mary Stone, cousin of the bride, and Miss Mary Ann Freund. sister of the groom, were bridesmaids, wearing Nile green taffeta dresses styled similar to that of the maid M honor. They wore matching picture hats with velvet bows and streamers in th* back and carried bouquets of roses. The groom was attired in a black formal suit with white bow tie. His best man. Wilfred Freund. also had a black formal suit hat with black tie. Groomsman was Gerald Touyan, eonain of the groom. Ushers were Eugene Freund and William Foley. The mother of the bride chose accessories and a corsage consist- In of a pink camellia and stephatiotls. Mrs. Freund wore a navy hlue dress and an orchid corsage. During the service, James Lennon sang "Panis Angelicas" and later, when the bride placed her bouquet on the altar of the Blessed Virgin, he sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother." Following the wedding, dinner was served at the Villa Hotel Resort at Pistakee Bay for members* of the two families. A reception was held there later for 156 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Freund left on a honeymoon trip, after N which they will be at home, for the present, with her parents. The bride is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1946 and has been employed at the McHenry telephone exchange. The groom is employed by his father in Freund's Dairy. MR. ft MRS. JAMBS McANDRBWS This happy bridal couple pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews, who were married at St. Albert's Catholic church, Rosholt, Wis., on Saturday, May 7. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Trebatoekl of Rosholt and the groom the so* of Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews of McHenry. The lovely bride was attired in a gown of white chantilly lace over satin and carried a bridal bouquet of yellow roses. Har attendants were Miss Ann Augustine of Stevens Point, Wis., a com! as maid of honor, Miss Jeanaette Trebatoekl, sister of the hrMe, of Rosholt. Mrs. W. W. Papa of Chicago, sister of the groom, ai lflss Terry Trebatoski, cousin of the brMe, of Wausau, Wl£. Music was furnished by St. Cecelia's choir, with Miss Nancy Oksluta aa soloist. A reception tor friends sad relatives In the Rosholt vicinity was held during the late afternoon and evening of tho day. The couple ea)«nd dteg trip and upon their return last weekend were honored aft a reception held at 8t Mary*e-Bt Patrick's hall on Saaday evening. Complete details coaoeralagtbo wedding appeared in last edition of the Plaindealer. -- NOTICE * The next meeting of the McHenry Business Men's Association will be held on Monday night, May 23, at the Legion Hall at 8 o'clock. •1 A. J. WIRTZ, Secretary. .Make Graduation a Time To Rememberl Mark the precious moment of your youngsters growing up with a. gift they'll cherish through the years! W On display now is a beautiful selection of wrist-watches in a wide range of Styles and prices We urge yon to choose your gift now with confidence! Def e r r e d p a y m e n t s plans if you like. '"ii' % Men's and Women's WRIST WATCHES $19,75 to $125 Buy jewelry for graduation gifts. West McHenry Phone 12W MUM Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FR. A. M. WEITERAMP TWENTY-FIVE YEARS PRIEST ON MAY 22 Friends in {his area will he happy to learn that the Rev. Ambrose M. Weitkamp, pasted of St. Mary's church, Tampico, I1L, and former pastor of St. Peter's Church Spring Grove, will celebrate a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving at 10:30 o'clock C. 8. T., Sunday, May 22, In commemoration of the silver jubUee of his ordination to the holy priesthood. His brother, the Rev. Joseph J. Weitekamp, paator of St. Joseph's church, Ausora, will assist him as arch priest, a. cousin, the Rev. Clement Weitekamp of Holy Family church. Union City, N. J., as deacon, and his brother, the Rev. Godfrey A. Weitekamp, O. F. M., of St Mary's Friary, Americus, Ga., as subdeacon. Father Weitkamp was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., and educated at Loyola Academy, Montreal, P. Q., and St. Francis College and Seminary, Loretta, Pa. On June 14, 1924, he was ordained at St. John's Baptist church, Brooklyn. It was in July of 1929 that he was appointed as pastor of Spriag* Grove church. Three years ago he became pastor at Tampico. Miscellaneous Shower Honors Brlde-To-Bride A miscellaneous shower was held at the John Freund home north of McHenry last week for Leoda McCarthy, who on lesday of this week becifrnt the bride of Leonard Freund. Forty friends and relatives were ROBERT HANPORD AND present to enjoy cards and games, W. 8. C. 8. Plannlm^ ' , ; C a f e t e r i a S a p p e r ' ' ; • > The W. B. C, 8. of tfce Grinwood Methodist church Is planning a cafeteria supper for Thursday evening, Miay 10, to be held at the church. These ladles are famous for their cooking and the menu will feature roast beef and barbeques. Serving will start at 5:30 p. m. • • • Rlngwood W. 8. C. 8. Plans 8apper May M The itlngwood, W. 3. C- €L will serve a cafeteria supper in Muzzy's Hall on Thursday evening, May 20. Serving will begin at 5 o'clock, with baked ham featured on the menu. The public is cordially Invited to attend. "Community Night" will be held In the Rlngwood Methodist church on Sunday evening, sponsored by the Round-up club. A fine program is In-the making. • • • • . ' Karen Jeanne Kellner Baptised "Karen Jeanne" was the name bestowed on the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellner of Fair Oaks subdivision when she was baptised by 1U. Rev. Msgr. C. 8. Nix at 10j46 a. m. Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. George B. Justen. aunt and uncle of the baby. Guests In the Kellner home afterward to enjoy a social day and diner and sapper were from California, Chicago, Franklin Park and McHenry. •ih Business W e m e % , * , , . . • - GeneMe Meetings The last meeting of the season of the Business and Professional Women's club was held Monday evening of this week at the Presbyterian church in Woodstock. Mary Kndres, reporting for the membership cemmMlfl, stated that there are now flfty-six members* twenty having Joined during the past year. Those from McHenry Who attended the meeting were Mrs. Peter M. Justen, Mrs. Louise Schwerman, Mrs. Herman Scholle, Mrs. Elisabeth Plch, Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones. served at IHSmi £t£i, attire, msktng a lovely picture as they enjoyed their annual spring dinner dance. -* Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Hollenback and Rev. and Mrs. Allan Watts acted as chaperons. " - • 4 OAMms-wnn •- if' ^ VOW8 EXCHANGED T LAST SATURDAY •m a> A wedding of Interest locally was solemnised at 10:30 o'clock last Saturday morning, May 14, at St. Bridget's church, Rockford. The bride was Miss Eleanor May Daniels of Belolt, Wis., formerly of Capron, and Mr. Edmund Wlrfs, son of George Wlrfs of McHenry. ^ > The attractive bride chose a white satin dress, with off-theshoulder neckline, hoop skirt and fingertip veil. Following the service, breakfast was served In St Bridget's church hall, where friends and relatives gathered for a reception during the afternoon. The couple left on a wedding trip and after their return will reeide In McCullom Lake. The groom attended the McHenry high school and until recently was employed by the Barnes Manufacturing Company In Rockford, whire the bride was also employed.] Mr. Wlrfs Is now owner of the M:cHHeein ry Auto Body Christen Sen Of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer was christened "Frederick David" at baptismal services held at TSt. Mary's church at 2:30 o'clock last Sunday afternoon, Rt Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. He was christened in the same dress which his father and brother, John wore at their baptismals. Sponsors were Miss Shirley Weber and. James Freund, cousins of the baby. Dinner guests afterward in the Meyer home were Mrs. Maud j will Rothermel, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund, Mrs. Catherine Weber, Robert -Freund, Mike Wagner, Thomas Sutton and Miss Doris F*eund. Among thostf^who attended the wedding ssreftOJIr. *nd Mrs. Clemens Wlrfs, George Wlrts, Mr. d Mrs. - Alex Wirfs, Mr. and Mrs. 8ylventer Wlrfs, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Mrs. Gertrude Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matchen and Mrs. John Matchen, Sr., all of this community, and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein of Spring Grove. We)>er-Rit*crt Wadding Solemnised At Wankegan On Saturday, May 14, Miss Oeraldiae Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weber, became the bride of Alvin Rltzert of Richmond at 3 .p m. The ceremony took place at the Congregational church at Waukegan. The bride was attired in a'pink gabardine suit with white accessories and wore a corsage of white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kautz of Genoa City were their attendants. , Mrs Kauti, a sister of the bride, wore a street length gray dress with white accessories and wore a corsage of pink carnations. The bridal party enjoyed a dinner at Waukegaa, after which the newlyweds left on their honeymoon. They will go to Texas and later visit friends in New Orleans. Upon their 'return they make their home In Twin • !o»c :<:- aJ/X! yon fire «• ft diaUnoa "from the bank, you'will find if an advantage to * bank by mail. The poet- |naii can bring our service to your door. And if Jfoa live or work nearby, use our bank-by-mail Mtiioa when you haven't time to drop in at the bank with your deposit. One word of caution: Jf you must send cash --register your letter. -McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System < THEATRE GUILD OF OOUNTY ELECTS 1948 OFFICERS* jcirieR-SEiriOK PBOX One of the most successful! Junior-senior proms* and certainly amoak the m^ft beautiful, was last I The board of directors ot the ' h!lld^i McHenry County Theatre J met this past week, |t which tlme '°**™|f" ® large room was William Tittli was elected presi- SSZSST ^ dent He s^Ued. Jack Byers, ISS" who served as head ot the group prlate for the occasion. Walls took on the appearance of lovely gar- . . . . .; dens, with a life-like rock garden * Among other officers is included in one corner and placed for two years. CARD OF. THAHKS I would like in this manner to thank the many frieads who visited me and who sent me cards and extended other kindnesses during the time I was confined to the hospital and since returning home. I greatly appreciated everything. 1 ROBERT FRISBY, SR. Mary Durland Kauss of Wonder Lake as secreatry*.- Cynthia Fike of McHenry was appointed on- the advisory comittee. , Dan Norton,, director- of .the Woodstock Players, .discussed the coming season of plays, listing the following as possibilities for the 16-play season: "Harvey," "Hand and Glove," "Our ToWn," "Born Yesterday',' "Night of Jan. 10." "Glass Menagerie," 'The Great Big Door Step," and' "Dark of the Moon." A Shakesperean play will also be included. In order to cancel a debt incurred during the first year of operation, the Theatre Guild w|U preeent "On The Zany Side" on June 18 and 19 at the Woodstock Opera House. There will be a special "short" from each city ita the county, featuring dance and song nutabers, etc. MAR*IAG\ LICENSE8 Richard P. Dehn, Chicago, and Catherine A. Nay, McHenry. Read the Waat Ad». a*#!' FRIDAY - SATURDAY George Montgomery Rod Cameron (1) "BELLE STARR'S . DAUGHTER" John Emery Tamara Geva (2) "THE CAY INTRUDERS" MICHIGAN GIRL WED SATURDAY, MAY 14 A wedding of interest to many After opening her many beautiful gifts, which were centered on an attractively decorated table, with a miniature umbrella hanging from the ceiling and leading to a took place at Big Rapids, Mich., on I flgur® of * ^ride' the. hostesses Saturday, May 14, when Miss ®e h rved ^ de"clou- T "fragments. Helen Marie Jensen, daughter of ?>ey we" M« Leo M Youn«:„^r8 Mr. and Mrs. Gara Jansen of that M" ^IIlla™ city, became the bride of Robert j™®* and M,"» ^ary Ann Freund. Hanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford SUM. - MOH„ MAY 2S-SS Gregory PMk "YELLOW 8KT World Hew* * Bunny Cartoon TUE8DAY (ONE DAY) Henry Heigan (1) THIS - Virginia Grey 18 NEW YORK" Frank Buck's Original (f) "BRING *EM BACK ALIVE" DNKSDAY . THURSDAY R«*aa Jack Carson •dtrb - Edward Arnold "JOHN LOVES MARY" Cartoon * Novelty Hanford of Spring Grove. This pretty summer wedding was solemnised at St. Mary's church at 0 a. m., with Rev. Edward Aet officiating at the ceremony. The church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers. The charming bride, who was . |t . .... m «•"" '» b" "O"" te ul Mb. A anon nee Engagement Of Carol Swltser Mr. and Mrs. Russet! Martin Swltser announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Lois, to Mr. Frank Walter of Rlmersburg, Pa. Mr. Walter, the eon of Mr. and Mrs. William Blair Walter of firil 1 L L C lit FRL • 8AT„ I4I M . if plus HQ9V ROBERT 1MUM • CUMMIN6S I LET S LIVE A LITTLE SUN. - MON., MAY M - 8S JSst TUES^ WED. k THI R.% ™ MAY 84 - 26 - 26 7 TTMirFWfltCBKTIOKT ? chose a gown of white nylon, with long train. The satin bodice and sleeves were trimmed In lace as was her fingertip veil. She carried an orchid on a Mother of Pearl prayer book. Her matron of honor, Mrs. Winifred fipley, an aunt of the bride, was dressed In blue and carried white sweet peas with pink roses. Mrs. Evelyn Thomas, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Luella Hanford, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaids. Their gowns were of yellow and apple green taffeta and they carried pink carnations. Serving the groom as best man was Mervln Schmltt, a cousin, and ushers were Thomas Ryan and Robert Thomas. Mrs. Jansen chooe for her daughter's -'wedding a gray dress and wore a>emmge of fuchsia cainatlona. Mrs. Hanford wore a black and white dress and her corsage was white carnations. A reception was held for about M0 guests at the bride's home, which was beautifully decorated for the oeoaskm. following the reception, the couple left for Canada on their honeymoon. The bride's going away costume was a beige suit with black and white accessories. Upon their return they will make their home at 600 Maple St.. Bis Rapids, Mich. * JThe bride Is a graduate of Big Rapids high school and attended Grand Rapids School of Cosmetology. She is at present employed at Conradsen's Beauty Shop at Big Rapids. The groom attended Sacred Heart Seminary at Geneva, 111. He is employed at the Roaander Chevrolet Agency at Big Rapids. Out-of-town guests were from Detroit, Mich., Toledo, Ohio Spring Grove, 111., McHenry, III., Grand Rapids, Mich., Alma, Mich Lansing, Mich., Dundee, Mich, and 1 hel* June * his home 8witser Is a telephone operator at the local office. The wedding Is planned Cor Saturday afternoon, Jane IS, at' the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. B.^B. Leonard, of Bay View Lane, Pistakee Bay. Rev. Wayae Price will officiate at the service. The 8witser family were summer residents at the Lake until two years ago, when they moved their business to McHenry and became permanently located here. The bride will so to 8tate College with the bridegroom until he graduates next year, after which they hope to Return to this area to make their home. • • » Gold Star Wives, Mothers Honored On Monday, May 1C, four Gold Star mothers and two Gold Star wives were honored at a pot-luck supper held at the Legion Hall. President Pearl Pletsch presided at the business meeting. Ilia Rol» lins, eleventh district director, was present and spoke on Auxiliary work, commending Che idea of Joint Poppy Day to be held in McHenry on May 28. This is being planned under the auspices of the Veteran's of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. Chairmen for Poppy Day are Eleanor Peterson of-the V. F. W. Auxiliary and Betty Houck of the American Legion Auxiliary. Children from the grade and parochial schools, are volunteering their help. 7 Undfr the direction of the rehabilitation chairman, Jeannette Vance; a full program has been promoted. A card party was held at Elgin veterans' hospital on April 27. A program party ^rill take place on May 25 and the monthly party at Downey will be Augusta, Mich. ^ Also Added Short Subjects 2a * CARD OF THANKS In this manner w^would like to express our heartfelt thanks for floral offerings, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and the many (other kindnesses extended in our bereavement FRED WIEDRIQH, SR., •1 ' FAMILY. WANTED--Clean wiping rags; not heavy or with lint. 10c per lb. McHenry Plaindealer. 1-S Members are asked to contact Mrs. Vance-If they are able to. accompany her. ^ ' Beta Phi Chaptef Enjoyed Oatlag . Beta Phi chapter of Delta Tan Delta of Northwestern University and their guests enjoyed an allday outing on beautiful Pistakee: Bay last Saturday. About l!k» youftg people, all seniors, made thef^ trip by Greyhound and a few prv •ate care, arriving at headquarters at the Villa Hotel Resort In the WMlM -L. jr W BOLQER'S JJRUG STORE PHONE 40 1 tUHSlOT, IU around the room. RETREAT FOUNDER DEAD A requiem mass for the Rev. James S. McGimis, 48, who! founded, Bellarmine Hall, Jesuitf retreat house on West County Llnef road, Barrtngton, two years agoj waa offered recently at Cleveland J O. Father McGinnls died, at 8t John's hospital, Cleveland,' where" he had been under treatment fori six weeks for leukemia. I The Riviera ShowPlaoe Of The Middle West ~ Lake Genev*, Wisconsin SATURDAY, MAY Sfst FREDDIE MANN and Bis Orchestral Coming for one week onlyf Tuesday, June 21 f • i . [ "The Dancinest B&qd in the Land" y-% ORRIN TUCKER ' and His Ffcauras Orchestra Watch this pspor lor ota top name attractions oondng :to the : DANCING EV*fcA SATURDAY NIGH* THROUGH MAY I? :-r Mercury Outboard Motors » £ •"Si:-!.'* iv tK M hp. avaBable aiilK Larcoloid Marine Enamel Synthetic Base For heats, yard famttars^ heaseheld asa. Available In colors, deer, porrrtsln whit* TT TD"Dt?\TTT\7r Yonr Oont»liwr, *1.10 p«r fHea-, 1 UKlXlN iiJNC tlpergaL infrfml. qautHk* Balk mfmkm Boat Hardware and Accessories Large virhty brass screws, gas tanks, windshields, throttle controls, beat haadles, steering cable and boat rope, life preservers, life Jackets, beat caavas covers, boat paddles, seam eempeaad, plastic wood All, glee and filler. Marine Plywood Beautiful mahogany and Sr. AvaBable by foot or sheet. Wholesale and Retail itrance Rear of Gladstone's Store, McHenry, HI*