weeks OltJahle)mttl,bHck and tlhitej wflV be given to persons who will give them a' good home Mrs. Kurt Von, 20 Orchard Beach, phone McHenry 787-R. 1 FOB SALE--Lot, 66x1*2 ft. Center street, McHenry. Bt Ton McHenry. *1-2 tend odur c ion* w I HAVE TO HIRE A MAN jfefriliili i FOR SALE--24-ln. cast iron furnace with *<lucts,/ $195; shallow well pump with check valve and reservoir, $35. ' Phon«? 205-R. *i Ikhh of the |iut number of rtr--ads which appear In the Miindialtf each week, we hare fMDdtttepooible to keep books H --^ --»» accounts. Therefore, In ft* mare, only ads which am paid for before this section •( the payor goes to press at 10 jfnlmifr on Wednesday mornings will too printed. FOR SALE--10-20 tractor; good condition. Phone Richmond. 352. •1-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Harley Davidson light-weight 125 motorcycle. Jim Glauser, Ringwood, 111. *1 FOR SALE--One 3 hp. Haske garden tractor, complete with plow* disc, harrow; 4-row calthator and 42-ln. sickle, ; used very little. Phone McHenry 546-J-2. *1 FOR SALE--Year-old rowboat and 5-hp. Mercury motor. Call 85-W after 5 o'clock. *1 FOR SALE--Spring formats, satin wedding gowns, ladies' dresses, hats, suits; childrens clothes, , eii j? All YFAR HOWES, men's and boys' suits; sport: FOR SALE--ALL lfcAK HUMES, costs; ahoes. This clothing in J5.MM and fnTS^ LIST V**, condition. "Gone With the «nd M..IK lOTS^lIST; Wind" lamps, chinaware, glassware, gilded frames, clocks, portable television set; electric fence Charger. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra ssi? ss?s a*"-™:?- Sundays 11 a m. -- « p. m. PKone livered in\i or 5-yard load. Rest- Systal Lake l?46-R-l Ttf hill Farm, Wge-W. Reiker. R-l INC.S ' APPRECIATED; STOXPO NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Wood stock. 111. Call CECELIA E. KNOX, McHENRY, Tel. 421-J. *1-3 FOB SALE -- Dumphy outboard boat and Mercury 10 hp. motor with three aluminuni folding seats, ta fine condition. Juergens, 104 Country Club Drive. McHenry. Phone 793-M. *1 FOR SALE -- Outboard motor, 3 hp. Evinrude Sportsman Model. Uke new. with waterproof carry Phone Richmond 3510. *1 FOR SALE--Small summer home, t blocks from Lake McCulIom; screened-in parch; lot 50x150; red wooden awnings. Will show May tl and 22. Good location. Backus, Vonntain Lane, drat entrance west s( main entrance. Also vacant lot right oa Wonder Lake. 1 MoHenry. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. •l-tf FOR SALE -- 1)M Mack dump track with hydraulic hoist; motor overhauled; good running condition. Phone McHenry 577-W-2. *1-2 FOR SALS--Year 'round home;, four large rooms, also closed-la porch, at West Shore Beach, Mc- Cullom Lake. Call attar 7 p. m., home on Saturday and 8unday. Phono 63S-M-3. *1 in porch, basement, garage atchdaT automatic oil heat; strict* FOR SALE--1987 Chevrolet Master Muxe coftpe, heater, sealed beams; reasonable; 7i-lb. white 1 p^ne Hebron 921 Bel Ice box, good condition, j '• FOR SALE--Five-rooms and large ana tad ly modern; 150 ft. frontage; bean tifmlly laadscaped; Cyclone fenced all aronad; reasonable terms. Owner Mrs. Eva Carroll. Cypress and Willow Drive, West Wonder •1-2 reasonable; Deming shallow well p0R SALE--Johns-Manvllle Home water system, good condition; 20- insulation, installed by The Wallin. lawn mower. Phone McHenry | roi ^ For egti^te call Leo J. 6M-R-1 Stilling, McHenry 18. 40-tf FOR SALE--1933 Chevrolet coujx*; (pQg SALE--Plain and rockface mod running order. E Weber. \ bIocks; septic, cesspool, drywell inquire at Bus Tavern, Lily ^ ^• J blocks; chimney blocks, bird ; baths, urns, ring and covers. Rich- FOR SALE - 14-ft. Lyman boat |mond Cement Products U. S. 12 and motor, Evinrude 33-h.p.„.. run .i and 173, Richmond, 111 25 hours, \Vt years old. Mineral!13P4- 8prings, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 695-M-l. *1 Phone :-2 Household furniture; end tables, davenport, upholstered -- 1947 Indian Chief j chairs, 3-piece sectional " bed, 6,300 miles; chrome ' lamps. etc. B. E. Hall, Fleming FOR SALE motorcycle; accessories; excellent condition; Road, Bull Valley, Woodstock, Tel. reasonable price; can be seen ^[Woodstock 1617-M-2. 52-tf B. W. Cooke Farm on Greenwood 1 „„„ --* ~~ : Road or Phone Hebron 755. *1-2 E0R SALE Large lots, with river . j rights, near Pistakee Lake. George FOR SALE--Norge refrigerator, 2-! W Reiker. Phone Piatakee 633-J-2. door, 10 cu. ft., suitable for res- j *52-tf taurant, farmer or large family; •-------~ ; ~-- la running condition. For quick 1 FOR SALE--Overlooking Wonder aale, price $50. Call M. G. Mil-!Lake. 4-room home, attached ter, phone McHenry 687-W-l. l-tf garage and utility; automatic oil - heat; complete bath; fruit and FOR SALE--Year-round furnished shade trees. Price $7,350. Richard - home, on Meyers Bay of Pistakee j von Bampus, Shore Hills, Wonder Lake, 2 miles south of Fox Lake, Lake. Phone Wonder Lake 451. 111., off U.;S. 12; a real buy; priced j 52-2 low; garage and boat included.; : Phone McHenry 739 for apopint- ! EOR SALE--5-ROOM • HOME at •lent to see. * 51-tf ! Gages Lake, 4 miles from Grays- ;---- ! i lake. 111., to be sold the Modern FOR SALE--A complete line of: Way, at Public Auction, Sat., May aursery stock available for your!21st, at 1:00 p. m. Neil Hilgenap ring planting. Evergreens, j berg, owner, is now living in Wisfruit and ahade trees, shrubs, consin and wishes to dispose of roees, berry plants, etc. Get our! his property at Gages Lake at prices and see our stock before J once. Here is your chance to gat you buy. WESTMAN EVERGREEN | a nice home at a low price. Lo- ItUKSERY, V4 mile west of Wood- . cation: First home on right as *tock on South St. Phone 232-R.' you pass Swan's Restaurant in *50-4 j Gages Lake. All rooms on llrst y>» SALE ln j.hn«fcnry, ,-nn. j JTS& 2do°wrCnh; ftl4o t about % orof o»* closed porch. Hot air furnace. l*»r annnintnunt ""-.ii 55x125 with garage. Investi- •PPointment call JACOB j gate now Blds considered before Johnsburg I date Your bid can buy it? | Contact Louis I. Behm, Real FRITZ, Realtor, Tel. McHenry 37 FOR INT RUTS Oar m«i can an sold with written paitntw that couats at prices that Will please. '42 Plymouth club coupe. ' Don't miss thla one. '41 Dodge sedan (fluid drive). With custom equipment. '41 Oldsmobile coach. A "must" on your list *40 Studebaker coach (overdrive). Real economy hero. - '40 Mercury coach. *29 Plymouth coupe. '3S Plymouth coach. '37 Pontlac sedan. These cars plus a wide selection of others may be seen at A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. Ml E. Pearl Street McHeary, 11L 1 FOR SALE--1940 Pontlac, Model 29, black 4-dr. sedan in good condition; radio and heater; $726. Tel. McHenry 106-J. 1 FOR SALE--Power lawnmowers, the famed "Jacobsen;" for free demonstration or if in need of repair, phone 413-J. Hettermann Sinclair, Johnsburg. 1 FOR SALE--37-80 Harley Davidson motorcycle; very best condition. Frank Mutay. Phone Richmond 793 attar 4 p. m. *•! FOR SALE -- Electrify yoor Ml lamp In % minute with the new Gyro convertera; it's randy to light. Alao cut glaaa vases and china v*aaa electrtfled and made into lovely lamp vaaoa. All types of lampa repaired. Estimates given free. Open Sandaya. STILI#- 1NG*S TOWN AND COUNTRY STUDIO. RlveraMa Drive. McHenry. Tel. McHeary 297-J HAVE TOUR OB88TOOZ4, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns'cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. £9-tf PRUNING AND SPRAYING --Tree pruning and spraying. Frank Henkel, phone McHenry 543-J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence Volo. 44-tf 0. J. H. DXEHL Woodstock Plaao Tnasr Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 86-tf Woodstock, IU. LAKDSOAPINO---TRBR SURGERY AND RBMOTAZ. -- INSURED J. W. RATORAFT, P. O. Res 163 Phone 9M-R -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf to help our District Manager handle our increasing business in this community. This work is in line with the program advocated by ,the Department of Agriculture. Must have car. Permanent work, good pay for man who has had some farm experience. Write Box 100, care Plaindealer. 1 HELP WANTED--Man or boy to care for lawn at home on Pistakee Bay for summer months. James F. Marz, phone McHenry 652-R-l or 187-R. ' 1-2 HELP WANTED -- Waitress. Mi- Place, Green St., McHenry. 1 GARBAGE OOLLBOTINO -- Let us dispose of your garbage eaeh week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf 1-S V FOR SAlil BnUdtng epot north on Route 21, Wttfcia wnlklng distance McHenry _ 8L Mary's church, Phone-McHenry TS2-W. 1-S FOR SALS -- Ooalinga, $2 Phone McHenry 6SS-R-S. FOR SALEr--Beautiful home on Lookout Point; foar rooma and enclosed porch: modern garage; 110 by 126 ft beautifully landscaped; reasonable terms if desired. Owner Mrs. Eva Carroll, Crypress and Willow Drive, West Wonder Lake. Phone Hebron 921. •1-1 FOR SALE--16-ft Thompson outboard boat, 22-hp. Johnson motor; priced reasonable. Call McHenry 598-R-2. *1 FOB SALE -- Doodle Bug, good condition. Phone Wonder Lake 221. 1 FOR SALE--Concrete block plant, Complete .with all equipment; trhek, ltfnd and building; now operating with a capacity of 1,000 blocks per day. Price right with terms if desired, von Bampus and Sons, base of water tower in McHenry. Phone Wonder Lake 451. 52-2 FOR SALE--Cocker spaniels, one buff female, 8 weeks; two blacks, females, 3 years old. George Reiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. •52-tf FOR SALE -- Year-round home, modern; four rooms and bath; enclosed porch; lot 77x140; in city limits of McHenry, Country Club Subdivision; immediate possession: can be seen anytime. Price $6,000. Frank Holt, Park Pub, corner Pearl and Green Sta., Phone McHenry 462. 51-4 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPING Tear Areand Maintenance Tree feeding, pruning, spraying, Black 'dH AIL fraveL Lei as pat la that lawa, trees* shrubs, hedges for yea. REP. WORLD'S LARGEST NURSERY FOX YALLEY LANDSCAPING HcHENRY M2-W-1 FOX LAKE S7S4 49-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. S; reverse charges. 36-tf R0CKY*» TAYERft L'ader New Maaafeafpt Elva Neea On Daan, Chef, fenMrly e# Luc Shore Clah Back ZesMia, Prop. Roate 116 at Lily Lake y Phone McHeary M7-JM Dok pi AY and YOtTR PIAlfO EASILY! -- Due to usage change in the wood a piano loses its fine regulation. Keep i t s TOOCH and EASY playing qualities by keeping it in REGULATION. ^or jl guaranteed first c l a s s P i a n o t e c h n i c i a n , w r i t e Jack V. MarMfBki, 533 State St., Burlington, Wtta., or call Burting1- ton 211. ' IHELP WANTED -- Kitchen help and waitresses for dining room; full or part time. Villa Hotel Resort, phone McHenry 378. 52-2 HELP WANTED-^-Girl to wait on trade and inapect garmenta. Local Cleaners, 206 8. Green SL, McHenry. 62-2 WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beautjgj^hoppe.) 15-tf Kiy I* PnMi SyathMl* Mtjr I* HtM ky Tost Ml The flexible digestion of the yeast cell may hold the key to protein synthesis, one of nature's most vital and most tightly locked se> etets, Prplsasor James B. Soamer of the New York State college of sgricuRure, Cornell vnhrerslty.. IMS Nobel prise winner la chemistry, declared in n report to the Central Pennsylvania section of the Amerl- Evplaialng that ensymoe are the protein chemicals which control digestion, respiration, muscular action, and In fact all living processes of plants and Animals, Dr. Sumner said: "Life can be defined as an order* ly functioning of hundreds of enzymes, and disease can be described as a disorder, lack, or inhibition of enzymes. . . . Enzymes sometimes act as poisons, or toxins. Thus, snake venom is nothing more than a concentrated solution of enzymes.. When the venom is injected into an animal's tissues, the en* zymes at once begin to digest the proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids and thus cause a disintegration which is disastrous." May 16-Jtme SO are foe opening an&doeing dates of the U.S. Treasury Barings Bonds "Opportunity*" campaign. IBinois' quota is $t9,000,000 In "E" Bonds. Here, GOT. Stevenson thsues n proclamation urging citizens to invest la U.S. Savings Bonds, and help the state make its quota. Looking on are (left) Arnold J. Rauea, State Director, U.S. Treasury Savings Bonds Division lor Illinois; Editor, Illinois State Register, volunteer Campaign Publicity Committee. Executive ite Sarins* TAX INCREASE WOtJLD NOT RAISE RETAIL OAS, SATS ASS'N, Based on gaaollne prices In other atates, a gas tax lacreaae in Illlnola would not mean n corresponding hacreaae In the retail price of gasoline. Senator Ray Paddock of Wauconda was told last week In a reply to a question asked of the Good Roads Association, Inc. SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Frennd) ' A party of friends helped Mrs. Nick Wound celebrate her eightieth birthday on Thurday afternoon. Cards were the afteraoon'a diversion and prizes went to Mrs. Senator Paddock, chairman of: Ernest Peacock, Mrs. Frank Tin- CUSTOX-XADE DRAPERIES or material by the yard; pleaters, window shades, Venetian blinds, drapery or curtain roda of all k i n d s , NIESEN'S FLOORS, l o cated at Peter M. Justeu Furniture Store, West McHenry. Phone 38 or 63. 1 the Illinois Senate Motor Vehicle and Traffic committee, said that he aought the information in connection with the recent recommendation of the Illinois Highway and Traffic Problems Commission that the gasoline tax be raised from three to five cents per gallon. In answer to the question, former Lt. Governor Hugh W. Cross, Association president, referred to a recent survey conducted by the Federal Public Roads Administration covering the two and onehalf year period between Jan. 1, 1946 and July 1, 1943. "Xhis study showed that twelve states, including the District of Columbia, increased their motor fuel tax rates while in thirtysix states it remained the same," Cross said. "In one other state, Oklahnq^a, the tax was reduced Cross Cement aad Carpeater WOrk Cemeat HJxer For lfeat Jefca M. Staagaroae - -• Emerald Park Sab. Phone f6l-J-t l-tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING---Work fully guaranteed. Phone McHenry 681-M-2. •1-4 CARE FOR CHILD--Will care for child fo working mother. Tel. McHenry 695-J-2.' •! 6LHMUOS -- Come In and see them. Recommended by Good Houaekeeplng. 9 x 12-ft.. $34.95. Also o t h e r s i z e a . NIESEN'S FLOORS, located at Peter M. Justen Furniture Store, West McHenry. Phone 38 or 63. 1 fOR SALE -- HcCnOem Lake, 5 Broker, TeL Grayslake 2181 rooms, furnished; automatic 'oil floor heat ; lot about 100x125, near j SALES CORP., Clintotaville, Wis. "West Shore Beach and U. S. 120. ________ j FOB SALE -- 40 MILES FROM V , „ f10, | HIGH PRICES--One fUghtly nsed * rooms in^Knollwood subdivision; | cable spinet. 3 Spinet* returned 100x150. • from rent. All can be bought at SaOOiTFR1tL°'BmlC' big savings. Call Elgin W. David Johns- E. stark Piano Co, 21 N. Union |arg. Tel., McHenry 37. 49-tf St., Elgin. 111. 51-4 fPOR SATiR--Generators, armatures, FOR BALE BfdM IMMHHI llbttters, fuel pumps, distributors 0B Pistakee Bay; large living and a.u 1Kn ^ dining rooms; gas heat; about 175 r°rd 0 and.a11 ?^er e*"- 8eacojfeet lake front; lot about 2% ^vlce'yJ- acres, fully landscaped; treea. Bvoboda, Prep. TeL McHeary 183. For appointment call JACOB , t f ! F R I T Z , REALTOR in J o h n s b u r g . Tel. McHenry 27 of call Tuesday BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEXS TO US--We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAXERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riveralde Drive. McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf YOB BALE--TTPBWRITER8, DINO MA0HINE8. Service o A"Dj,-lor Wednesday In Chicago, Lincoln makes. Also ribbons for all makes; 4>'tf carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., j FOR SALE--Norge refrigerator, Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf 12-door, 10 cubic ft., in running e i I B -- ;--* i c o n d i t i o n . P r i c e , < 1 0 0 . C a l l M. FOR SALE--At McHenry; im-iQ Miller. mediate possession; Fox river j frontage sea wall; 8 lots; all year Phone McHenry 687- 46-tf PLOWING--Also rotor tilling and wood sawing. Herman Dowe. Phone McHenry 241. 47-tf PAINTING -- Exterior and Interior; installation of plastic tljie; insured; for estimate call McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom, Marine Route, McHenry. 47-tf CLOGGED SEWERt Have the electric rod cut oat the obatrnction. NO digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Greaae Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanltaiv Co., Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf ^ ^ACCOUNTING ^ ; BOOKKKEPING r «f C ONSULTATION in Tax Matters Reliably and inexpensively formed by former staffmember of Chicago CPA firms. To discuss your pcoblems without obligation call per- OARPRNTBR and OBXBNT WORK Aabsstoi Shingles and Immlatlen Free Estimate ABVIDSON BROTHERS TeL McHenry 653-M-2 90-tf SPRAT TOUR LAWN FOR DANDELIONS and other weeds now. Alao barn spraying and whitewashing. Call between 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Phone McHenry 148-J. Wm. Aherna, 667 Front St., West McHenry. *51-4 WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JAOOB FRITZ, RBAXr TOE, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHeary 37, or Chicago, Lincola 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO RENT The ability of living things to adjust themselves to new and j by two" cents per gallon, strange conditions depends largely added. # upon a process known a* adapta- ] He pointed out that on July 1, tion, in which new enzymes are '1048, the retail price of gasoline created, according to Dr. Sumner. Illinois was higher than in six- Yeast. for example, ordinarily can- teftn 6tates which had a higher . . . . . M . . . • g a s o l i n e t a x . H e a l s o s a i d t h a t i n not digest a type of sugar ca led j tJie twejve 8tat.es where th# tax galactose, he points out, but if , wa8 increased, thd average retail yea:t is al\pwed to stand in a cul- price without any state taxes, was ture containing galactose the tiny {raised an average of only 4.53 organism rises to the occasion and cents gallon, while in the thirtysynthesizes an enzyme capable of seven states with no tax increase, fermenting the jmfamiliar sugar, [the price was boosted an average of 5.61 cents per gallon. "Illinois, one of the foremost oil producing state," Cross said, "pays more per gallon with only a three-cent tax than motorists in Maine, which has a six-cent tax, and more than consumers in Maryland, which has a five-cent state tax rate." Kentucky is a good example ney, Mrs. Freund. Mrs. Mark Pierce and Ifra. Sledachlag. A lovely birthday cake and refreshments were served to the guests by Mrs. Victor Blink and Mrs. Victor Freund. We extend our congratulations to Mrs. Freund Mrs. Mark Pierce and Mrs. Siedschlag. A lovely birthday cake and. refreshments were served to the guests bv Mrs. Victor Blink and Mrs. Victor Freund. We ex- Caneor-Causfnt Diseiitsod by Rosoarchors Advances in the battle tp understand cancer causes and improve treatment were described by Dr. Frances Earl Ray, associate professor of chemistry in the Universl- ! of how retail prices are adjusted ty of Cincinnati cdUege of liberal ,to gasoline taxes" Cross told Senaarts In a discussion of chemicals • *or Paddock. "In that state the knpwn to cause cancer before the' J** 8 .two cents Per Kal" "T nt 4m„.uin Ion (from five to seven cents) and scientific section °f the A.me yet the retail price was boosted Pharmaceutical society of Cine in- , onjy 8jx cents a gollon during the ! n a t i , r e c e n t l y . { p e r i o d s t u d i e d f r o m J a n . 1 9 4 6 , t o j "Almost a .century ago an ob- July, 1948. server remarked on the common j "On the other hand" Cross occurence of caneer among chimney I added, "the neighboring states of j sweeps in Europe," Dr. Ray said. ; Illinois, Indiana and Ohio did not t ••He raised the question whether 1 increase the state gas tax but the j it was not caused by the constant price jumped seven cents, contact with soot. This idea was * n^i 7 5 cent8 a, dismissed with ridicule but was ln IllInoi8 and 7 5 cent8 ln common in wwoorrkkeerrss '^inn^ 'tthhier ^ ccooa^l ^ o"" apparent from these Kureg that Increased state gasotar industry. iliac taxes do not mean higher "At first, experiments with sni- retail prices" Cross concluded, mals gave negative results because the experiments were not continued long enough. But with persistence tt was possible to cause skin cancer by painting animals with a solution of coal tar. "A long search resulted in the isolation of a pure chemical bena- > pyrene, that caused cancer not (Xilr of the skin but ln other places where it was implanted. Other related hydrocarbons also «N|#e found to cause cwtcer." ^ Preund and wish her many more happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheets and daughter, Lois Jean, from Chippewa Falls, Wis., visited his brother* John Sheets, and family Thursday evening. On Friday evening Mr. ahd Mrs. Lloyd Sheets and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Jofl Sheets and daughters, Geraldlne and Karen Jean, left for .Oblong, 111., to visit relatlvea. They returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, J Mr. and Mrs. Bill sailing and > Anton Meyer spent "an evening at cards in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller on Wed. A lovely lunch was served by the host* ess. ' A chicken dinner was enjoyed at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Walt^g Brown on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs, Prank Mlkoleit, Mr. and Mrs. George McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. At Schmeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Shirley Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch ln - Bristol. Wis., Saturday evealng. Mrs. A1 Maleckl and children o{ Berwyn spent Sunday with Mrs. Shirley Dawson. Charles Freund and Arthur Kaft Ct tner attended the county (b7 men's meeting at Crystal Lake oil < Monday night More than^StoM acres ef 'rift eras nsed to grow carrots la (Is U. #lnl»47. , . X Toal Permanent Ware Kite, (lit and $2.00. Wattlee Drug Btore. 18^ Need raooer staawsf Order || The Plaindealer. He's -Qualified Tea, every one of our experienced pharmaclata is fully qualified to undertake the Important task of filling the prescription you bring in to him. Painstaking care and dependable skill are ingredients added to every prescription we handle. Our service is prompt, too, and our prices always reasonable. NYE DRUG STORE (Walgreea Ageacy) Phone N McHeary TRUCKS or* "Job-Rated" to givm you A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. Ml E. Pearl St McHeary, QL Phone 1M FUes There Is now definite evidence that house flies are developing resistance to DDT. Wanting Sweet Potateee The fungi Which cause "black rot" and "soil rot" ln sweet potatoes live In the soil from one season to another, so It is not advisable h plant successive crops of potaon the same soil. FOR SALE ^^rtsUialkod ics route in and sxwud McHenry. McHENRY ICE CCt. "TOBOHT" K&AUSB PHONE McHENRY 379 or 406AV MOHTHLY BOOKKEEPING SEEVICE-- Records installed and main- 7-room house; insulated, 2 glazed-| FOR SALE IN McHENRY -- Statu sunrooms; 1% baths; 2-car' room house; lot 230x264; hot garage; chicken house; 30 fruit, water heat; 2-car garage; two. 25 oak, 3 hickory trees; grapes,1 chicken houses, 10x20 and 10x60; I tained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified ahrube, flowers. 923,000, half orchard with approximately 701 Tax Consultant. One mile north cash; 18 more lots and house fur- {assorted trees; also lots on Route of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; nished if desired. Call or write 31. Phone McHenry 278-J. John Ben J. Diets, phone McHenry Samec, 715 Center 8t., McHenry. •75-W-l. 1 46-tf * H 'M i+ M » » • » • • • » • • » » • :: Helen Weber If you have not tiled ; bb, you'll not k n o w •; wliat we can do for yon. We clean with care for better wear. Now Is the time for Fur Btorago,. McHenry Cleaner^, 1H-M . . m 9m ML I* • B*m W star. Mgr. ' i f l l l l l l l II l l l l i l t l l l l SII<<IIHIH< It Ml II l i f t Fox Lake, SMS. 111. Phone Fox Lake S/ 47-tf BOOMS FOR RENT--At 109 West Main street, McHenry. Tel. 100-R. *1-2 FBEE ESTIMATES ^ on all building materials. •• • Call or write FUSK 6AXS 306 Riverside Drive, McHcnry Tel. 106-W Representative of Sears Roebuck A Co., Wall and floor tile, roofing, garage doore, screens, wall board, and ceilmg tile, siding, gutters, r skwool/lron railings. Free delivery. / 43-tf WANTED TO RENT -- Modern, year 'round 3-bedroom home, unfurnished. Call McHenry 7. *1 WANTED -- Apartment or small house, furnished or unfurnished. Call George Brda. Phone McHenry 243-R. 46-tf LOST WELLS DBTT.I.ED OE DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM-- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf TBDOKDfO -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl 8t. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf MRS. CLELIA SCHIAYO Maker of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Oakharst, R. R. S McHeary, I1L Tel. McHenry 510-J-2. *52-2 KINSEY ft BENSTIN Carpenters Let as give you an .ertimate on that building or remodeling Job. Phone McHenry *62-3 LOST--White gold diamond sunburst pin, Tuesday afternoon, somewhere in McHenry or Crystal Lake. Reward. Tel. McHenry 150. I FOE RENT FOR RENT --^ Use our scrubber and polishing machine for rent at a very low coBt. We carry the best Armstrong's wax. NIESEN'S FLOORS, located at Peter M. Justen Furniture Store, West Mo- Henry. Phone 38 or 63. 1 Economy In Oil Heating To obtain the utmost economy and efficiency from oil burner Installations, buy good fuel oil of the proper grade. High efficiencies and low fuel costs can be obtained only with a clean grade fuel oil suitable for use in the burner. Do not change your oil supplier without having your burner readjusted for efficient operation with the "new" oil. Keep the burner in good running condition. Most burners need a thorough inspection, cleaning, and oiling at least once a year. Monthly inspection and adjustment during the heating season will tend to ellmlv nate emergency trouble and keep oil consumption low. A good, reliable service man or heating contractor is usually the best source of information on how to keep heating expenses down. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mellenrjr. 8-tf Salt for Swine FOR RENT -- Three-room furnished cottage (by week o r month); hot and cold water; electric refrigerator;, gas stove and shower; newly decorated; nice location (river privileges if desired). Inquire at <11 Country Club Drive, McHenry. or phone 215-M. *1 In hot weather, pigs need salt When they are fed enough ordinary salt, records show they gain up to two and one-half times faster than pigs that get no salt. Need rubber stamps? The Plalndeal|W:A;>:: Order' at Dntch Ehn Disease Dutch elm disease has killed 150,- 000 elms in the last 15 years. In many New England communities, famous for their towering elm trees, every elm has been .killed. Discovery of the disease In Denver Is the first Indication that It has crosssd the Mississippi river into Ike western United Stutea. U f i P CAR All Prices Slashed 1917 STUDEBAKER C. C. 1947 KAISER 4 DR. 1947 NASH .600 4 Dti. 1947 WILLYS JEEP • 1946 NASH VI- ^ BE. 1946 >AHH 600 4 DI*. 1946 FORD CONY? fsf «* 1941 PLYMOUTH'S. W. * 1941 PONT!AC C. C. 1941 NASH 600 2 DR. 1941 DODGE 4 DR. ~ 1940 NASH 600 « DR.~~ 1940 STUDEBAKER 4 BR. 1940 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4 DR. 1940 FORD 2 DR. 19S4 DESOTO 4 DR. 1938 PLYMOUTH C. 1017 DODGE POWER WA«ON Downs Nash Sales 4tt Elm Street HcHENRY 484 ^410 Tewlag Service MARJORIE YOUy6 •presents HER STUDENTS DANCE RECITAL "Rhythm of Youth" * McHENRY HI6tt $(5HQQL. Friday Evening, May 27 -Tickets are now on sale at tb4 TODDLER SHOf Green and Elm WATTLES DRUG STORf NYE DRUG STORE Riverside Driro