Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1949, p. 2

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' ""'J'-".<»• MinniHiimimH* (by van Sells) . Twiy Mi Always Grieve All of Wonder Lake mourns the pMNtag of Tony Grotto, 21. only •oa fo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ovomo, 8r., of Wonder Center. Ttmy, of the smile and the dancing fWt, i* gone--but he will always N MMmbered by those who knew •aK loved him. " Hit was a stout heart. When tin loss of a leg cut off forever tlM JOf Of the games he loved aad ttie dancing with which he Mtert$litd with USO groups during tfce war, Tony grinned his triangular grin and did the next best thing. He became the coach of the baseball team and its raana- ' gar; he went along with the teenagers and gave advice and cracked Jokes about his infirmity. i When Tony's illness struck him ti the winter, it was everyone's tope that he would again be able to resume his activities this sum- Mr; but the malignacy that had attacked his leg had touched more Vital spots. Tony was tenderly Carried to grave by the hands of his young friends on Saturday mornlag from St. Patrick's church. When they ask you to contribute to the Cancer Drive--re- •fmber Tony--GIVE in his name! Bellve West At Harrison Last Thursday The old west--the wild west ttved again last Thursday night in fee fifth and sixth grade room taught by Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop. In a room completely changed to look like a saloon of the earls days, the trial of Jack McCall was heard all over again before a Jury of his "peers." Johnny Cecich was barkeep; Paul Reuter was Wild Bill; Lynn Cheney was a real two-gunner of a Jack McCall; Bobbie Cormier Was the judge; Winn Davidson jwas Itchy; S&ndi Sells was t. , - a lawyer; Martha Boldt was Babble*; and Betty Wright was Calamity Jane. The chorus at the saloon was composed of Etta Reinhard, Martha Boldt and Betty Wright and the three card players were Chuck Majercik, Jerome Reinhard and Arthur Frenssen. As the youngsters re-enacted the old trial, it was the opinion of observers that at least this part of early history|«rei|fc$ r be forgotten. * Marian Cannon New President of Legion Auxiliary ^ _ On Thursday evemlHf, %•#*»!• lowing officers were nominated to shape the destiny of the American'Xegion Auxiliary: Marian Cannon, president; Jay Hansen, first vice-president; Marian Ruzicka, second vice-president; Evelyn Gallup, treasurer; Virginia James, historian; Estelle McCoy, sgt.-atarms and Margel Troxell, chaplain. Poppies will be sold this weekend under the chairmanship of Mrs. Nancy Elbersen, who will enr jtertain the workers. Posters far Poppy Day How Being Displays# The Poppy Day Posters made by the youngsters of Harrison school are now in display in Milbrandt's store. A committee consisting of Axel Raedel and Gradelle Proper judged the posters and prises wer* awarded as follows: Billy Wright, fifth grade, $2; Shirley Howell, eigth grade, $ 1 ; T o m m y H o l o c w o s t , e i g t h grade,,; honorable mention; Virginia Audino, sixth grade, honorable mention. Others participating and having posters on ' display are: Betty Holocwost, fifth; Jean Hay. eighth; Orva Tronsen, sixth; Martha Boldt. sixth; Janice Franz, fifth; Janet Grill, seventh; Gertrude Smith, seventh; Dave Bott, seventh; Mary Ann Martin, seventh and Btta Reinhard, fifth. oat Point PiopsHj etatkm Mt at lbs and Mra. ft. elected offlests for the year. They are as follows: Peter Bendl, president; Mrs. B. Moschel, vice-president; Mrs. E. Chrlstophersen, secretary; Mrs. Gertrude Watkins, treasurer; Mr. D. Kostuch, road commissioner and Sgt. Steven Duttko, beach commissioner. There was general discussion concerning the beaches and the roads, both of which will receive attention this year. At the next meeting, plaas will be for the season. Legion Post To " Unveil XoaaaMat , ? •j-r n For Vanderstraten ^ i Memorial Day at {a monument, designed by Emil i Von Knauf, will be unveiled and ' dedicated in honor of Robert Vanj derstraten, who was shot down ;over St. Naxalne, France, on May 29, 1943, while a gunner on a bomber. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderstraten of Wonder Lake, and he is buried at Blosville, France. The ceremony will . take place at 10:30 a. m., with assembly in front of Milbrandt's store, where a parade will form and move to a point overlooking the lake, where the monument will be unveiled following the dedication. Master^of ceremonies will be M/Sgt. Carl Cihos of Wonder Lake; Fr. Coakley of St Patrick's church, McHenry, will offer a prayer; and Commander John Mc- Mahon of the post will deliver the dedication. Major Henry O. Byorum, quartermaster officer at Ft. Sheridan, will be the principal speaker. The American Legion Post will have a dance on May 28. The phblic is Invited. Oa Jaaa % inm mi wilt Hoary bigb school. Tbatw»ar* Jayne Cristy Henry Crooa. BUG TOUR PARDON Inadvertantly, the name of Lora Jean Hay w&s left off the list of those graduating, from Harrison school this year. INDIAN RIDGERS! The regular Spring meeting of the Indian Ridge Improvement Association will be Legion btgH |jaf gn of sMotrtlaf fbo «M« of ths prom, Muriel West, oa Satarday evening. The queen was gowned in an off-the-shoulder gown of white pique,- made with a fitted bodice, lace-trimmed flounce and bouffant skirt--Geraldine Cormier, Escorted by a handsome young man from Crystal lsk«, wore lavender -- Joan Blggers, Joan Heilman and Sharon Grace Sells were members of the band which played on Friday evening at the held at* the American ! dedication of the new bridge in hall on Saturday, May year's ejfnTOorr ts and resalts will be given at that time. --: 0 Delia Cheney was funnier than ever In this year's Choral Club concert held last Friday evening at McHenry high school. Delia, | Auxiliary on Tuesday evening singing "A Little Bird Told Me" when they entertained the Gold with an entire chorus of "birds" Star Mothers--Barbara Jay ,1s the was funny as only Delia can be. | name of that new little girl who Others from Wonder Lake who joined tne Marius Hansen houseparticipated in the concert were: jhold last week. She weighed 10 McHenry -- The O. F. Hennebergs (parents of Louise Dick) are still basking In Florida sunshine--Mr. and Mrs. C. Horton of Chicago were busy remodeling their Wonder Lake cottagtf last weekend-- Mrs. Rachel Vanderstraeten was a guest of the Woodstock Legion Peter Beadl New President In loekoat Point On Sunday afternoon, the LooKCURRAN'S BOARDING KENNELS Located 3 Miles South of Fox Lake, 2 Miles North of Volo op Boute 12 * Individual runs for dog*. Box 617 INGLESIDE, ILL. PHONE McHENfcY 632-M-2 Inqalry Belag Made Now About Fireworks Display There has ben some discussion about whether or not there should be another fourth of July celebration such as was put on last year on the Yacht Club island., The big fireworks display, visible for ipilee around and from every point on the lake, was put on by a popular subcription last year Those who might be Interested in such a program again this year are asked to contact Andy Kunz as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made well in advance for the fireworks. If there is enough interest, efforts will be made to secure the money. At this time, the inquiry is only whether or not folks want such a display. Drop Mr. Runs a card if you have no phone. Clara Cristy, Ethel Hansen, Louanne Howorka and Henry "Bud" Schau, with Virginia Monteleone as one of the accompanists and Joseph Monteleone- In charge of lighting arrangements. A rising vote of thanks was given to the twelve Wonder La|ce members of the Doe Club for their fine effort in serving a ham dinner at the ,Rolaine .Grill last Thursday to 204 persons for 'the benefit of the club. Grace Kuns was chairman of the fine effort. Two new members from Wonder Lake have been added lately to the club membership. There are Mrs. LaGreca and Mrs. Gerry Wiedemann. The Doe Club plans a picnic in August to be held In Wonder Lake. The date and place have not yet been established. A surprise stork shower was held at the home of Mrs. Velma Sinclair last Wednesday in'honor of Mrs. Grace Sellek. Those present, all members of a bridge group, were: Simone Fuller, Lill i a n F o r s b e r g , H e l e n L o w e l l , Louise Behrens, Gretta Weisenberger and Dell Tallman, wto was co-hostess for thfc occasion.* lb. 11 os. at birth and she has three little sisters to welcome her; Jackie, Mickey and Patty. ~ ' laboratory si non-destructive Ins in the world has been opened at White Oak. Md. The X-ray equipment acquired, and yet to be acquired, by the laboratory will have a value of close to $900,009, and will weigh approximately 30 tons, according to engineers tit the General Electric Co. a n d i t s a f f i l i a t e p e n t r a l E l e c t r i c X - R a y C o r p . , w h i c h s u p p l i e s t h e m a j o r i t y o f t h e X-ray apparatus. The laboratory building contains eight X-ray rooms. One of these--housing a 10,000,000- volt betatron and a 2,000,000-volt X-ray machine--has walls 90 inches or S feet tbWk and Is entered by a maze rather than a door, since the cost and time factors involved la opening and closing huge t-toot* thick doors would be prohibitive. AAStutixFyiiif A bataae gfcs taak la tftt baasment of a ranch-type Iwmo under construction four miles sast of Elgin on the Irving Park boulevard, exploded at 9 a. m., last Thursday, Injuring two men, one seriously, and ripping the struct was CUursneo Beid the Want Ada Fbsasaat Needs CsddMag Pheasants thrive in captivity, but axe more demanding than poultry. Gospel Center Vows The closing exercises of the Confirmation Class (Pastor's Bible Class) of 1948-49 will be at IK o'clock next Sunday, May 29. The following will at that time receive their certificates of religious instruction: Martha A. Boldt, Lora Jean Hay, Mary Ann Martin, Etta Virginia Reinhard, Gertrude Jean Smith and Helen Rose Tronsen. In the evening of the same day a group of young people from the Elgin Bible church will present a program of Gospel Music and testimonies. Those participating are a ladies trio, consisting of Lillian Bergesen, Alico Brown and Eunice Svinsen; John Feldman, trombonist, Paul Anderson, soloist and Don Olson, speaker. The daily vacation Bible Schoof will open on Monday morning, July 11, continuing for two weeks. Boys and girls from 6 to 16 years of age are invited. No tuition. Applications may be made now to Mrs. Richard Oldson or Edwin F. Dorubush. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies atf Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. l-tf THE DOME , "Tiestaurant and lounge "Food That Satisfied" *ry our new chef's famous oookinf. OomplHl dinners, starting at $1.25. CHICKEN, STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOOD and HICKORY-SMOKED MB9 r t ** Don't Forget Our Friday Special » w** Complete Dinner $1.00 1,4 Hew Hammond Organ. Will Be Installed $ - For This Weekend. JOHNNY WILSON, Mgr. Phone Wauconda 4234 ISLAND LAKE, RT.176 GIRL SCOUTS Mrs. Dell Tallman resigned this ws«k as leader of the Brownie Scouts and will take ovsr the newly formed intermediate troop of Girl Scouts. The new Brownie ««ch of his offspring he yould now • Desceadaats ef Cbarleasagas Charlemagne flourished about 800 A. D., and. assuming 20 years to « generation, there hflVC bc^n 97 since then. With an average of Iwi children per generation, through Community Interior DRAPES CURTAINS , VALANCES 0 CORNICES SLIPCOVERS BEDSPREADS WALLPAPER TABLECOVESS Phone McHenry 480 Marie Swease* Wins Honors Marie Swentttt, sophomore at St. Olaf college, recently (attended Leadership Camp Conference at Camp Iduhapi, Minn. The weekend retreat is under the sponsorship of the college. Representatives of the student body government and of the varibus campus activities are selected to attend and plan the next year's program with faculty representatives. Miss Swensen is past president of the Toastmistress club, present state college president of the Minnesota League of Women Voters and council member of the L. S. A. and political organizational board. She was also recently appointed to the staff of the school paper, The Messenger. leader, Mrs. RleteselN wll> give a party on Saturday for the Brownies and youngsters who ^would like to become Brownies. The party will be held at 2 p. m. in Mrs. Rietesel's home in Deep Spring Woods. Those needing rides are to be at Milbrandt's at 1:50 p. m. Any little girl 7 years old, can become a Brownie. When she is 10 she can become a Girl Scout. The new Girl Scout troop, formed on May 20, elected officers as follows: Virginia Audino, president ; Janet Grill, scribe; Betty Jo Wright, treasurer; Jean Selsdorf, reporter. Other members of the troop are: Sandra Sells, Nancy and Dotty Bott and Judy Bastlan. Sinoe some of the Scouts kept lnterupting during the meeting, it was decided they should pay 1 cent every time they do it and 5 cents dues. The next meeting will be held in. the Legion hall on June 1. have 144,115,188.075.S55.872 descend ants, and from all his children there might be seven times as many. This, of course, is far in excess of the total population of the Earth, so it would seem that everyone alive today, especially if he has any European ancestry, is probably a descendant of Charlemagne through several lines. is the second largest country on the face of the earth, exceeded only by Soviet Russia. Need rubber stamps! The Plaindealer. Order at X. H. a WILLIAMS QUALITY HOMIS FASM BUILDINGS COMPLETE BOMS HAIMTKHANOS ' i REMODELINQ ' Free Plans and Estimate* % BARABXS Lumber Cement Roofing Sewer Tile' Sand and Gravel Electrical Work OFFICES: SKATJMAft Phone McHenry 227-J YARD: WONDER LAKE Route 1, Ringwood, 111. Mfflwork Sheet Metal Woik Plywood Brick , Black Dirt 4 Builders' Hardware % Open Daily 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., Sunday 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. 4-H HEWS The Busy Bumble Bees 4-H Club o met on Tuesday evening at the At the recently held- Honors Day ' bome of Sharon Sells, with Helen program at St. Olaf college. North- Tronsen, Jean Hay, Jackie Dofleld. Minn., the young lady was nash, Barbara Sellek and Peggy recognized for her outstanding Selsdorf present. work. She Is majoring in pay- The next meeting will be held chology, political science and re-.®n June 7 and the girls are to ligion. < bring their patterns and to have She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L* 11,1 of the accessories they intend to wear with their garments. Jean Hay gave an interesting Wally Swensen of Indian Ridge. The annual Victory Luncheon of the McHenry County Home Bareau will be held at the Bolahie Grill on June 13. This luncheon, to which two officers from each paldap unit in the coaatr are .invited, is an outstanding social event in the Home Bureau. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Urban were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Arseaeau of' Richmond. talk on "How to Sew a Seam"; Helen Tronsen gave a talk on health and Barbara Sellek gave a demonstration on the cutting oat of a dressing table skirt. Reporter--Peggy 3elsdorf. The Handy Helpers 4-H Club met on Tuesday afternoon at the -home of Cora Jean-. Hentborne. BRIEFRg Grill, senior at Wood- 4 DODGE LONGER os ths inside ... SHORTER oxtsidt A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEAKL STREET PHONE lsT McHENKY, ILLINOIS VILLA™? HOTEL RESORT ON PISTAKEE BAY, McHENRy •r" Presents BRUCE BELSHAW at the • HAMMOND ORGAN . ' Starting SATURDAY, MAY 28th i OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE SUMMER SEASON - COCKTAIL LOUNGE and DINING ROOM Open Every Day and .Evening Con&e and See Us--Enjoy Our Carefully Prepared Food Selected Liquors For Particular People ' Parties and Group Gatherings Invited Phone Pistakee For Reservations Mrs. "Z" Invites You to the Villa, on the Bay

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