Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1949, p. 4

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w*m ^^^^aaiiHitar «* *•• A. lnrif4 iCoeher. licit IWhM oS*?1^.' of Mr, «0T At 0«M teddtaT aanlvermry"***• *•*" liri, who formally roalded on the Phalin farm. ---- i Mrs. George Miller and Mrs! M «mm4-«Im nutter at; Hugh Murphy, accompanied by the Jlee at MeHenry, 111., under , jitter's guest. Mrs. George Oannon Iftt Mtof May s, 1879. • of Chicago, visited in Wedron, III., . ... . . STiwilMt Week Wedne8<,ay Oie Year . | ^isa gue Mmsgren of Evanston 1 ~~ ; gp«nt the weekend with MeHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Berquist and children. Jean and Charles, of Rockford spent Saturday visiting iu the Elmer Winkleman home. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Desplaines visited in the Albert Puri vey home on Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. Renard Blum and 'family of Elm wood Park spent : the weekend in McHepry. Mrs. Glen Robison of , Woodstock visited relatives he¥e one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hergott j The Donald Hayes family of and daughter, Mrs. Walter Rosing Chicago spent the weekend with and daughter, Beverly, and Mrs. his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Robert Schaefer returned home Mrs. Kathryn Schseiner was a after spending the past week in' Chicago caller on Monday. Iowa and Minnesota, where they' Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. P. visited relatives. Schultz, Mrs. Sayina Boyle and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs., Mrs. R. Rix, all of Sunrise View John Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. subdivision, were visitors in Des- Martin Stoffel of MeHenry and { plaines on Friday. Mrs. Phalin4* son, Howard, of Wil- j Rev. and Mrs. Ivan L. Wilklns •Mtte, attended open. house at the; of Columbus, Ohio, spent a few I"' Box Office Opens At 7«15 0Uf3 E A T f t E Shows At 8:36 and 10:30 THURS.- FRI. - SAT., MAY 26-27-28 SUN. - MON. - TUES., MAY 29-30-31 WARNER BROS: BIG NEW TRIUMPH OF 19491 (•"ERROL J VIVECA MUNi ROBERT DOUGLAS^VTNCENT SHERMAN- JERRV WALD ••ALAN HALE • ROMNEY BRENT > ANN RUTHERFORD Candy Special CONGRATULATE Say how proud you are! See our quality selections. SUGGESTIONS FOR GRADUATION GIFTS LIGHTERS BILL, FOLDS REVLON PERFUMES CAMERAS COLOGNES STATIONERSRAZORS £ PENS AND PENCILS* DRUG «**>••* .y«> ^ laaghtsr Mi hastaad, Mr. aad •Mi- Bwiy Marrr ~ir. • - - Saturday evoaiag callers Jn the Albert J. Adams home were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Adams of Woodstock. Those from here who attended the Richmond "commencement exercises last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Anton -J Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, Mr. fend Mrs. Joseph Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughter, Jacqueline. Charles Reed of Chicago spent the weekend in MeHenry. Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughter, Dorothy, spent Saturday in Waukegan. SUMMER CARNIVAL PLANS FORMULATED BY VTW AUXILIARY At the May meeting of the V. F. W. Auxiliary, held at the clubhouse. plans were made for the summer carniral. It was announced that Dolores Aufrecht would have charge of the booths, Louise Smith of the various rides and Pauline Pries of the refreshment stand. <' The following new members were initiated Into the Auxiliary: Betty Houck, Lenore Frisby, Ruth Martinec, Ethel Conway, Lillian Miller and Esther Smith. Yearly reports of the various committee chairmen were sent into the Illinois headquarters, showing that the following con tributions were given throughout the year: Hospital, $310; child welfare, $95; youth activities, $110 (given to, the Girl Scouts and junior athletic association). Delegates to the fifth district meeting to be held at Bensenville on June 12 are Lina Kilday, Louise Smith and Pauline Pries. Mildred Reese was presented with a pin for serving as Auxiliary treasurer for three years. Financial reports were given on the two dinners served by the Auxiliary at the clubhouse for the Boy Scouts and the Young Republican club. CROWD OF 400 HEARD SPRING CONCERT OF CHORAL CLUB FRIDAY fer. for ; Memorial Day Week-end at- Antonson's Candy Shop Our* r e g u l a r $1*10 Assortment o f But- 1 e r Creams, Caram e l s , N o u g a t s , Cocoaiiut Clusters, Chips, Brazil and Cashew Nuts, Engl i s h T o f f e e and Cherry Cordials dipped in light and dark chocolate, reduced for this special holiday. Include 'this delightful treat in your plans. • - : 1-lb. box for 85c -- 2-lb. box for $1.65 306 W. Elm Street McHi®y, Til Highways 120 and 31 More laurels were bestowed upon the MeHenry Choral Club following their annual spring concert last Friday evening in the high school auditorium, which drew a capacity crowd. The eighteen feminine members of the organization, attractively attired in floor length black skirts and white blouses, and the seventeen male members of the group presented ail hour and a half program which ran the gamut of musical style. Following three numbers in the semi-popular class, a clever arrangement of "A Little Bird Told Me", featuring Delia Cheney, met the approval of the audience. In direct contrast was the "Festival Prelude" by Wagner, in which the two pianists, Virginia Monteleone and Ida Quinlan, and the chorus gav« a thrilling rendition of this impressive work. Following were two selections for two pianos, <\hich proved the most , -popular portion of the entire pro- i gram. j Numbers by the men's chorus! and women's chorus were followed ; by six mixed chorus arrange- j ments, concluding with the stirring "Russian Sailors' Dance." | The concert, in preparation for several months, was so beautifully presented that it was enjoyed equally by those who attended merely because of a love of music and those who enjoy the finer points of harmony. Personnel of the chorus is •• Rs follows: Sopranos: Annabelle Aiclier, Ruth Barger, Delia Cheney, Clara Cristy, Ethel Hansen, Louanne Howorka, Clara Miller, Frieda Mueller, Ruth Phillips. Nancy Rudin and Myrtle Voss. Altos; Cora Duker, Lorraine Pitzen, Lillian Price, Joan Reihanspergei;, Alexis Roche, Laura Smith and Leone Tonyan. Tenors; Clifford Klehl, Norbert Mauch, Alfred Oeffling, Wayne Price, Henry Schau, Howard Stoller, PHlllp Wheelock and Kart Voss. Basses; Harry Barr, Frank Dol, Leon Grosby, J. L. Hartke, Harry Mueller, Robert Svoboda, Fred Wahl and Tim Wheelock. Mary Alice Barr is director of the chorus. HcHXNSY State Although ranking 29th in land area. New York state hat been the most populous state In the Union since 1820, and now has 10 per cent of the nation's Inhabitants. Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRI. - SAT., MAY 27-28 Ronald Regan Jack Carson Wayne Morris Edward Arnold "JOHN LOVES MARY" - Cartoon and Novelty SUN. . MON., MAI 2+M Ht; in color I. MaeDonald L. Nolan C. Jarntan, Jr. "THE SI N COMES CP" Pins--News and Cartoon TCEJir^fED. Dane Clark Alexis Smith "WHIPLASH" STARTING THCRS. FOR S DAYS In color • . Joel McCrea Alexis Smith "SOUTH 09 ST. LOUIS" Pins--News and Cartoon -"""•""""-"nnrmimnmmmmmnmmniiMiiiM Mrs. John Loose To Entertain Circle ? ' Mrs. John B. Loose will entertain Circle 3 of the W. 8. C .8. at her home at 519 Crescent Road on Wednesday, iaae >7 Kedlacek-Larsoa . "v Vows Exchanged Miss Anna Sedlacek of Fox River Grove and Mrs. Ernest Larson of Cary exchanged nuptial vows before Rev. Kauffman of Woodstock in the latter city on Saturday, May ^14. Mr. Larson is well known In this community. * * • Altar and Rosary Sponsors Food Sale v-vv>*» A food sale, sponsored fey the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church, will be held In the Justen furniture store on Green street on Saturday, May 28. Those desiring to donate food but have no way of bringing it to the store are asked to can Mrs. John Bolger. • « • Facnlty Honor* Teacher-Brides Members of the faculties of the Consolidated grade school and the high school gathered at the Villa Hotel Resort last Thursday evening to honor two members, Miss May E. Justen and Miss Joan Reihansperger, brides of next month. A delicious chicken dinner was followed by a social h o u r , d u r i n g w h i c h t i m e t h e brides-to-be were presented with lovely gifts. •- « « • «- Lily Lake Ladles Leagne Mrs. George Wagoner outer* tained the Lily Lake Ladles League at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week, with eighteen members present. Cards and bunco were enjoyed, with a prize awarded to each table. A special prise was merited by Mrs. Providis. Mrs. Wegener, treasurer of the group for the past thirteen years, long ago proved herself an efficient officer as well as a charming hostess. • • • C. D. of A. Holds * Social Meeting Court Joyce Kilmer, Catholic Daughters of America, held its social meeting last Thursday evening, with the following committee in charge: Eleanor Miller, chairman; Rita Martin, Pauline Adams, Viola Kaiser, Dorothy Miller, Ethel McGee and Isabel Thompson. Prizes In live-hundred was won by Dorothy Adams, in pinochle by Gertrude Stilling, Irene Guffy and Lena Bohr, in auction bridge by Ella Buss and in contract bridge by Marie Powers. A Day of Recollection was planned for June 16. • • • Henry Pa n ft field » Honored. On Birthday Although it was stormy Sunday afternoon. May 15, about fifty of Henry Passfield'e old friends, neighbors and relatives called to honor him at open house, held at the Lloyd Eddy home in Grayslake. Members of his family celebrating with him on^ his eightyeighth birthday anniversary, besides the Eddys, were his sons, George and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sons, Melvin and Ronald, and Mr. and Mrs. i John Passfield. Other guests were ! from Volo, MeHenry, Elgin, Waukegan, Wauconda, Grayslake and \ Woodstock. Mr. Passfipld was forced to re-1 main in bed all day but neverthe-1 less enjoyed greatly the celebra- j tion. After the last guest had ; departed, he admitted being tired but added that it was one of the happiest birthdays' he had ever experienced, a day he can think of all the year to come. • * • Miss May E. Jnsten Honored At Shower The entire class of senior girls gathered at the Clinton Martin home,' west of MeHenry, on Tuesday evening. May 17, to honor Miss May E. Justen, home economics teacher, at a surprise miscellaneous shower. Hostesses for the evening were Ferol Martin, Marita Williams and Cecile Tonyan. The evening was spent in playing appropriate games and the reading of a clever "Ode to the Groom." /' As Miss Jnsten opened her lovely gifts, Mrs. Lydla McNeill made an attractive doll memento of the occasion from the wrappings and ribbons. The %ifts had been huiig by ribbons from an attractive Bprinkling can. At the close of the evening, a tasty lunch of punch, ice cream and cake was served. Faculty members in attendance were Miss Maurie Taylor, Miss Heleni Stevens and ,Mf%,4eni»ie Mae Richardson. ' • • * * /' j Horn* Bnrean Plans • - I Events In Fntnre The MeHenry unit of the Home Bureau met with Mrs. Leo Winkel on Wednesday afternoon Of last we'ek. Mrs. Storms, assistant home adviser, gave the major l e s s o n , " S h o r t C u t s I n t h e Kitchen," and the minor lesson, "First Aid," was given by Mrs. C a r o l i n e S t r a t t o n . A s s i s t a n t hostesses were Mrs. William Meath and Mrs. Edward Thennes. The next regular meeting of the group will. be held on June 15, with Mrs. E. Knukow of West Mcflenry as hostess. Mrs. French will give the lesson" on "Flower Arrangement." Under discussion was the thirtyfirst annual Home Bureau meeting on- June 30 In Woodstock. Also discussed was the twelfth anuual Victory Luncheon, to be held at the Rolaine Grill at Wonder Lake on June 13. • • *--r -- Ringwood Sunshine Girls Met May 21 T|ie secona meeting of the Ringwood Sunshine Girls was held at the home of Charlotte and Mary Hogan on May 21. i Ferol Martin gave a talk on important sewing tools and later passed out handbook* and programs for the year. There was a discussion of important dates for this sufnmet^ after which the girls showed the patterns and material to their 'tHUM at the homo of LovIm Haat oa May 27. Fraak Wilson Weds Lake Forest Girl A lovely wedding was solemnized at Lake Forest at 3:30 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, May 21, at which time Frank V.' Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E« Wilson of Volo, took as his bride Miss Caroline Powers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powers of Lake Forest. • * * " > .:W:iSy Rfngwood Community ' Night Saaday, May M . j Ringwood Commualty Night will be observed on May 29 at the Methodist church at 8 o'clock. Rev. Wieshar of Crystal Lake will1 be the guest speaker and the men's quartet of Woodstock will present the special music. Everyone is invited to attend this program. • * ••• Sharon Sells Entertains Sharon Sells entertained a group of teenagers at her home on Sunday afternoon. Starting with horseback riding, the group also played baseball, and held a wiener-roast picnic. Present were Mary Durkee of Woodstock, Bill and Joe Schroeder of Hebron, Nancy -Siemon, Joan Krein, Donnie McCracken, and Warren Wegener, all of McHeary. i* Forty Present At 0. E. S. Meeting Forty members were present at the meeting of the Order of Eastern Star, held on Tuesday evening in Acacia Hall, with Elsie and George Reiker presiding in the East Guest for the evening was Lillian Gilbert of 'Crystal Lake, local instructress. June 14 will be observed as All „ Member Night, with Alice Lindsay and George Johnson serving in the East Other coming events Include a bake sale on July 1 and a public card party on J^ly 14, Invitations have been received by Mildred Howorka to serve as Ruth at Algonquin on June 2 Mary Mtaeafc. reporter; Darlene Andreas, rocreatlon chairman aad Naacy Bowman, music chairman. The leaders for the two clubs will be Mrs. John Hogsn, leader, Ferol Martin and Carol Harrison, assistant leaders. r) VEWLYWHKi Married in "St. Mary's church < • on Wednesday morning, May 18, were Miss Leo da McCarthy and f ••mm m 11 iff in til Hi Photo by A. Woywick. McHenrv Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Freund Mr. Leonard Freund, both of MeHenry, The couple have been enjoying a honeymoon trip in the south, after which they will reside with her parents, the John McCarthys. DISABLED VETERANS FASHION POPPIES In spite of high prices land high taxes, 2 out of 3 American families manage to save something out of th$£r incomes.* It usually eta, be done if you set your mind to it. We invite you to deposit part of your earnings here every pay day. Build for the future. fgfcol>a»acs«tysdsn>l Jte--nroBoa«4flMi»sar., McHENRY STATER Member Federal Reserve System federal Depeatt Iasnranoe OarporatiMi MeHenry folks are asked to remember that Saturday. May 28, is i i~ *v f t t r nr t i T t t * * • * * t T t i i r i i i u m t i r i i i m1 1 "• - 11 J1 •' . ' .Jiff have never seen poppies, so they WOrk does not make a candidate I work from patterns. But most of ineligible for the other scholatfel the older disabled veterans of i ships. I World War I remember the pop- I . . , . , I4, •'? pies of Flanders growing wild th " -tilt-' in the open fields of central E«- ^ are asked t«r rope And many of the young' the office of the county rope And many j superintendent of schools as sooa vets visited the American eeme- , terles in France. Belgium, Hoi- ' Jf. £>SI™ t5fl??K,Ug eXam ^ land, and Luxembourg, wheref ° 9 wtl1 *** aiailable. rH ^ V , ' « V ° " I t | V e i e S n TV ¥ o r „ V 8 " „ j J " ? I « £ » £ $ treasurer .. | No.«O0. CMHr.n fro™ both the | * «•« and as warder on June 8 *t public grade and parochial schools j, ",e """V1" Hebron ™ ' " are voluncerlng their service. I» L>' "'ih The committee In charge of|»« '» Mc"1 Sder"ot aSTjEKw e™ to Ifd Tuesday s meeting included Edith H®nry- . ... . . . .. them in other ways and for wel- Harrison, Ethel Smith. Katie Har- 1 In the ho8Pital Ward» and hobby iff riBon and Gertrude Watklns. ' iroom8 of the Veterans' hospitals in this area, men in pajamas and Many Attend bathrobes are busy making arti- Birthday Tea jflcial flowers. Working with strips The annual Birthday Tea of red crepe paper, and short BE GIVEN OK JUNE 4 the W. S. crs. of the CommunRy ! length* of wire, their nimble SCHOLARSHIPS WILL Methodist church is only a ! fln«er8 rapidly spin the inanimate memory, but the memory is such i tnaterials into the poppy which a pleasant one that it no doubt Imillions of Americans will wear in will remain long with the 1201the,r lape,s on May 28- ladies who attended last Thurs-1 801116 who8e Angers are not so day afternoon. As has been cus-' nimble--those with burned hands, mary for many years there1 with fln*er8 missing of partially wire twelve tables, each beautifully decorated to represent a month of the year. Mrs. James Gallagher, president of the society, welcomed the guests and program chairman was Mrs. Keith Foster. paralyzed--also make flowers, sitting in wheel chairs or lying in bed. They seem to get immense fare work among the widows, orphans and dependents of dead comrades. EXAMINATIONS FOR Ohr modern cooling plant Insarei. cool comfort all summer long! rti i l l c n The examinations for the 'live different scholarships- -- County, Agriculture, Home Economics, and one each for children of veterans of World War I and II--will be given in the offices of the county superintendent of schools on satisfaction from the work. The 1 Saturday, June 4, at 9 a. m. mechanical Ingenuity required by | Each candidate must be at least the work takes their minds off 16 years old and a resident of the county. lie may apply for more than one scholarship but is not eligible for the county scholartheir own pain and lonliness. Wiiinarin. r* ».r'"" „ Several of the men work at owner of fhe Woodstock Player"^ ^ncheB on an assembly line turntQ. i I ing out several flowers a minute. dualized version WP"Caernousel." But int° each rM paper P°PPy' co"6ge' TKjpular musical by Rodgers attd Hamerstein. He sang such favorites from the show as "If j I Loved You," "I'll Walk Alone," 1 "This Was a Real Fine Clambake" and "Carousel Waltz." Music throughout his interpretation was played by Mis. Loren Dirrenberger. • • * Ringwood -4H Girls Held May Meeting From Mary Hogan, cluh reporter, comes information concerning the Ringwood Sunshine Girls and the Ringwood Happy Clover 4-H clubs, which held a joint organization meeting at the home of Ferol Martin recently. The purpose was to discuss whether or not there would be two clubs. The decision was to continue both, as has been done in the past. The Happy Clover club will be a foods club, with the younger members enrolled who have only little time In club work. Those enrolled include: Marita Thomson, Annette Schmitt, Jean Mussy, Mary Hogan and Kathleen Ackerman. The Sunshine Girls 'will tako clothing. They are the girls who have completed three or more years of club work. Those enrolled and their offices are as follows: Ferol Martin, program ship if he has earned credit in any university or normal goes personal attention. . j school since graduation from high i Some of the „ younger veterans I school. However, such college j KotMene FRI.-SAT MAT 37-28 L'o-hii MM#****0* Klif *CU8R • AltXIS SMI HIMCOMU-fuflf tort mms beatty tor* mms MotStoGi PORTABLE RADIO MtOIL IHI1 -- Motorola's 59L12 gives BIO power -* full throated tooe wherever you go! Comet in smart maroon or Mack plastic case with bronse-gold grille AC/DC or betterie.' - •MkrtterlM MtiCL -- As above except battery operated only. '--•""'"$19.95 Gcutt^al The Friendly Stay* •' Next to the Bank ' MeHenry permanent... the wove Ihol give* ihol natural leqkl ... Teei Mvx* Kit *2 TwiiKaMl'l PtfcMpiwlMd BOLGER'S JPRUG STORE PHONE 40 H McHENRY, HI* SIN.-M0JT., MAY 29-80 »l|af|iifta Both days starting itfO 9. » DAVID NIVEN TERESA WRIGHT s EVELYN •KEYES > FARLEY Granger TUES^WED- MAT SI-JUNE 1 By Technicolor IBtOL fffY WORTH-FOIfl Wi IO11 ftrCHMMHSOl !1 .1 .'.I'll I'iWWI" Mercury Outboard Motors "X'SS?15 Larcoloid Marine Enamel Synthetic Base For boats, yard fnrnltnre, hoasehold a: AnHlable An colors, clear, porcelain white. HTT TT) DfXTnTTMT? YolIr °°ntainer' per gallon; X L/ JtvJL JulN X JLJlN iD ' ft per gaL in 5-gal. quantities or more Bulk Boat Hardware and Accessories " \*rg* inrlrty Vr.*, sorpws. g., tankH, wlnd.hlcMs, throttle controls, boat handles, steering cable and boat rope, life preservers, life Jackets, boat canvas covers, Yut&t paddles, seam eoaipoaad,. plastic wood ill, gloc and filler. Marine Plywood Beautiful mahogany and fir. Available by foot or sheet. T SWITZER - CRAFT Wholesale and Retail « * Entrance Rear of Gladstoae'g Stmre, IfoHenry, Hi.

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