Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1949, p. 5

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^Mradaftlfcgr ft Wt: p. 71: * ^4: •'. -v \* ""•' -' . j .' . *> -O ./ i Li * •*: •w-« ' * . •. -:•' , frr*.? j* r r^TijT » -p SuiMiUllB' "•.J'-.- >' ~'•" v • "j *• ~ '; v„: < . 'vr^, ^"•"^" fswwyj* '-»yUr" " '14 ^ '**! HEAR" An Old Timer comes through this week to help S. I. H. "Ye Old Timer" comments on the dedication of the Green Street Bridge. Thanks, Old Timer--and take it away: tack to tfcem. As the A hearty •ay--'"Qooi-bye YE OLD TOUR. lliWiMUIifl WATJilPM I woowtefflrg uounnt nrntrni a-2 CUKE Tkis Hut ke **H«ip 8. I. H Week." Here's another contribution to the cause. No name l»EARL R. WALSHfe* ^. *'Vj£.dwrr8 .£ cellent: DAILY PINUPS Confidence of success is not always success but it paves the way. The oil of kindness takes much friction out of life. Wisdom is the best bait to catch the biggest fish in the stream of life. Lean liberty is better than fat slavery and much easier on the digestion. A fool can teach a wise man without gaining wisdom in return. Votes On the Bridge Opening When Noah Pike, a once summer resident at Pistaqua Bay, drove into town one summer m<4ming with his horse and delivery wagon crossing Boone Creek Bridge it suddenly gave way. Pike, horse, rigging and all went down with it. Pike was a big husky fellow and It took some time to rescue him from his sad plight. Fortunately the creek was shallow at the time and the paper stated that with the exception of a good drubbing all was well. This necessitated the repairs of w^lch our esteemed ex-Mayor spose of in part in his splendid address. One of his 'main projects is to get the county-seat back to its original location. Rev. Wayne Price, of the Methodist chureh, gave the invocation. It was sublime. He is civic-minded and always in accord with movements for good in the community. We followed to the M. C. H. 8. for the choral society program and found Rev. Price very eocUlly engrossed as a member ofvS»e club. Not to contuse my notes on the dedication, it was an, event of elegance. Was glad to meet the members of the City Council. The Choice of the voters are determined to conduct the affairs of the city to the satisfaction of all. I like the new sidewalks, an improvement on the former slides. The firemen presented a fine appearance in their new uniforms--* and would the police officers pad ia#Hf»'.t!6rt! I love a policeman. Mr. Loose, president of the Business Men's Association, has all the answers. His address was most timely, pledging co-operation of the civic-minded club to the City Council for the betterment of the community interests. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix of St. Mary's blessed the splendid structure and thereafter spoke well.--To Instruct the children not to linger on the bridge and take any chances on traydies. He implored their gutffdian angels to protect them and all who crossed. By the way, have you ever seen them climb up to look over? He remarked that exploring in every direction McHenry was home to Mm and the favorite spot where he hoped to remain. All present wore in accord as he pledged allegiance to the home town. The light of my eye was Earl. May the proverbial luck of the Irigh follow him and may he be guftod by his superiors In his associations with fellow men. As stood there in the chill air of May 20th evening, I pondered if Emily Post would deem, it a violation of all rules if the men put their headgear back on, especially those with thinning locks. The M C. H. S. band, with heir leader, Paul Tanda, were oudly applauded on their entry. The grandeur of their appearance nazchlng from the cchool to the irifte presented a spectacle that ras marked indelibly on the earts of the crowd assembled. Their splendid renditions conributed much to the program. Hats off to our newly-elected Mayor with all respect to his redecessor, Irving Overton, reired, who served so faithfully for ears. May the good citisens of dcHenry see fit to lighten your 'esponsibilities. Iu his speech, the dayor gave us figures on the !<$^nt of materials used in the ionstruction of said bridge. We ere startled at the epormtty. dayor Overton united Olgetown, KiddldCBlPS and old town. Carry n without further bolstering. )on't let 22 spectators Intimidate ou. There's safety in numbers. Reverend Fathers Coakley and tegnler of St. . Patrick's were onored guests. ' They preferred eing silent listeners. Both are power for good in the church ndf community. Rev. Fr. Baumhofer, the cealus assistant at St. Mary's, gave very appropriate address. Happy o have the Improvement comleted in as much as he can now ake direct contact with the golf inks instead of via Woodstock. The charming wife of Mayor -eund holds the honor of chrisening the new bridge. She perorated graciously at the request f all present. V| J. Knox, our City Attorney, rar{teeot We missed you, Veron. I congratulate the firemen and heir contemplated home. McHenry progresses in spite of oaring prices. All the newcomrs agree that it's a friendly city nd in return have given their est where only the best will come Harry Wilson, fellow slave on the Plaindealer force, is very proud this week of press clippings that praise the play of his son, Ron "Moose" Wilson, for his part in helping Grant High defeat the MCHS baseball team. "Moose" is moving to our locality, with his folks, in the near future. May be prospect for the Shamrocks to look over. Jimmy Hayes, druggist in Bolger's tells us that he has tickets for the. C. T. O. fights June 13, at W o o d s t o c k . Tony Zale w i l l bring the boxers to Woodstock u n d e r the s p o n s o r s h i p of the Knights of Columbus. Should be worth watching. Aly blacks out any news of Rita Hayworth's wedding. Suite us. We've had enough. They are telling this one of late. Scientists have just come to the conclusion that there is no life on Mars. No request for a loan has been received. Here's the baseball picture for the week-end. On Sunday, the Shamrocks will travel to Wood? stock. Hebron will play at Johnsburg. On Monday, Memorial Day, the Johnsburg Tigers will come to McHenry to face the Shamrocks. We expect to see a record crowd turn out for the holiday game. See you there. « W turn fires Ma Flies breed In decaying organic materials, and if fly breeding materials are abundant we can not The hit parade was on again control flies satisfactorily. Manure last Sunday at Johnsburg as the *nd other rotting material should Tigers specialized in two-baggers j ^ hauled to the Held twice a in trimming the Woodstock Mer- fwoek. Old strawsteck bottoms chants 21 to 2 («d the chaff and debris under Norm Brits, Woodstock short-j stop, turned pitchier in the final ^_J?,[®T*° excessive sUble fly innings to stop the* heavy traffic j pr?du^tion on the base path*. Johnsburg E. Meyers cf R. Hiller, cf . G. Jackson, c Howie Fr«und, 2b B. Miller, rt A. Jackson, ss W. Smith, lb .. T. Pitsen, If R., Freund, Sb J. Jackson, p Klapperichg p Total* Woodstock. Brits, ss, p Jinga, 3b E. Steinwehe, rt Loescher, cf A. Steinwehe, If, • Bell. 2b Dermont, Sb . Helm, lb Hutchinson, c Corey. 2b Johnson, p Lang, p ... Eddy, If ... Tatols 31 2" * Score by Innings t Woodstock 100 000 100--2 , Johnsburg .. 336 120 OOx--H Stolen Bases: E. Meyers, 2; Howie Frepnd; A. Jackson. Two Base Hits: R. Freund, 2; W. Smith, B. Miller, Pitsen, Howie Freund. Three Base Hits: A. Jackson- Howie Freund, W. Smith; R. Freund-Howie Freund-W. Smith. Strike Outs: Johnson, 2; Brits, 2; J. Jackson, 3; Klapperich.l. Walks: Johnson, 6; Lang, 2;^ackson, 3; Klapperich, 3. . Santitation must start early and | be continued throughout the fly season. A sign of failure in sani- , tation must start early and - be continued throughout the fly season. A sign of failure in sanitation is dead flies, dying flies, and i lots of live flies. •• In all buildings but the dairy ; barn proper, apply DDT at the rate of one-half pound of actual DDT per 1,000 square feet of surface to be sprayed. One half pound of DDT is contained in one pound of 50 percent water-wettable DDT powder or in 1 quart of 25 percent emulsifiable DDT consentrate. Mix this with enough water, usually two to four gallons, to cover the 1,000 square feet. Spray the walls and ceilings of the chicken house, hog houses, cattle feeding sheds, other sheds, and the outdoor toilet at least twice during the summer, and more often if good sanitation Is not practiced. Spray outside surfaces where flies roost at least once a months, as you do the inside of buildings. In dairy barns use 50 percent water-wettable methoxychlor in place of DDT. Two or more applicatios will be necessary during the summer. Care should be taken to avoid contamination of feed, water cups, feeding troughs, and similar areas. Use methoxychlor on dairy cattle every two to three weeks to control horn flies. On beef cattle apply two quarts of a spray containing eight pounds of 50 percent water-wettable DDT powder in 100 gallons of water once a month. ioiiml Unfair To Bo Hold Agaifa At TMT* The International Seminar that has been held at Todd's school Woodstock, for two summers will again convene there. Although no definite opening has been announced it is indicated that the affair will open late in June or the first of July. The Seminars, which convene ,fh various places in the United States, are sponsored by> the Friends Society and are made up of students from various countries of the world who meet on a common ground to discuss problems of their countries and possible solutions to the world's present condition. Classes are held each day, with visiting professors of various universities and colleges as lecturers. AlftATUxm boxing akd WftlSTLUNl TO STAXT AT ROUND LAKE PARK COUNTY FARMERS BAND TOGETHER TO TIGHT FLIES ATTENTION, ALL VETERANS J The American Legion post and Veterans of Foreign Wars request your, presence in the Memorial Day parade. May 30. M. L. SCHOENHOLTZ, Legion Commander. RICHARD SMITH, V. F. W. Commander. NOTICEThe annual election of officers of the local Red Cross will be held at the City Half- on Tuesday evening, June • 14. 2-3 Amatuer boxing and wrestling 'shows will get underway Friday ' night, June 3, under the auspices 'of the Round Lake Park Men's Club at the Lake County Sodium, Round Lake Park, situated on • Round Lake Road, just off Route ' 120 at Hainseville. Fred Kohler, member of the Round Lake Park | Men's Club has been appointedj Promoter of the combination wrestling and boxing cards that! will consist of five boxing matches and two wrestling bouts. Any fighters showing possibilities will be cautiously guided by Lou Orr, • matchmaker and boxing instructor 'at .Grant High School, Fox Lake, i 111. I Every effort will be maintaihed to keep up the high caliber of boxing which has been presented in the past. The bouts will be sanctioned by the Central A. A. U. and under their supervision. All boys will be examined by a physician who will remain in attendance. The entire Lake Region will be scoured for outstanding material from which to ultimately produce some fighters that may obtain national and world acclaim. w start at 8:30 p. m. WONDER urp RIFLE. AND PISTOL CLUB GRANTED CHARTER Washington, D. C., May 24--The Wonder Lake Rifle and Pistol cjub. of Wonder Lake, has been granted a National Rifle Association charter, it was announced here today. Made up of rifle and pistol enthusiasts the club will be headed by Glenn H. Winters, R-l, West McHenry. | The new club which will con- ; duct registered NRA tournaments : on its range has dedicated itself to teach tall members of t|» Other officers of the _ John J. MeMaloa, vfce-pretttawL of Ringwood; Maltha W. Nlstaea. executive officer, of RJngwnod: Carl Clhos, chief nitrueter, of West McHenry, and Paul B. Mwrdock, Jr., secretary-treasurer, of Wonder Lake. Toe" SALE . J. ^ Ton used row boats large picnic tables. Phone R. W. DeVore, McHenry 171. 2 sp. pg. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug 8tore, Metier ry. m Subecribe, for The Plaiadealei. TRANSFER STFDEKTS Roger L. Wilbrandt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilbrandt, and Eugene Unti, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Unti, are among the more than 600 students at the Galesburg Division of the University of Illinois who are transferring Expect Juno Rush For - Social Security Numbers « * Anticipating the annual June rush for social security numbers, Bernard Barnett, manager of the Waukegan, Social Security Office, urged all high school students who do not have social security cards and are planning to work during the summer to apply for their numbers without delay. If a card has been lost it taken several days to locate the original number and this may cause inconvenience both to the student and new employer. "Your employer will demand to see your card, not just a number written on a piece of paper or given from memory. There is too much chance for error unless the number is copied directly from the card," he said- There is no age limit for the issuance of a social security card. FJLE COMPLAINT George E. and Margaret Browne filed a complaint in chancery in the circuit court last week against George Fritzel, asking for an accounting of partnership funds and dissolution of partnership, plus relief in the amount of $50,000. The plaintiffs aver • that on March 15, 1941, they entered Into a partnership with Fritsel, under the name of George Fritzel, for the purpose of running a tavern including serving of rood £nd sale of other commodities as may have agreed on by the parties and that said partnership did start on the date mentioned above. The complaint further states that this agreement was carried out monthly up until Dec. 31, 1946, at which time Fritsel refused to keep up the payments or to account to the plaintiffs for any profits* between Jan. 1, 1947, and the .present time. CINDERS FREE Cinders available free to anyone who will haul them away. Inquire at office. The Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, 111. 2sp Need rubber stamps f The Plaindealer. Order at IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII TAXI Ride In a taxi and relax In comfort. You'll have no parking worries <W running to make a has when you tifwsl taxi-style. Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 WRESTLING WaufSegan High School Gym SATURDAY, MAY 28th 8:30 P.M. Chief Don Eagle vs. 7 . Walter Palmer Australian Tag Team Match Benito Gardini and, Pete Bartu vs. Frankie Hart and Gordon Hessell Pete Schtth t. YE. Farmer Don Marlin Farmers in McHenry county tQ the maIn campus at Urbana- are banding together once again to plan and carry out a rigid flycontrol program. *' Using the slogan: "In '48 it worked out fine, let's do better in Champaign at the end of current semester, June S. CONTRACTS AWARDED Contracts in the amount of '49," farmers^ with the support I $56.019 99 were awarded by the of the Illinois Agricultural Associ- road and bridge committee of the ation, Illinois College of Agrlcul- county board on Monday afterture, Illinois Natural History Sur- ! noon. These contracts call for vey, and the state department of j the spreading of 34,827 yards of public health are gathering head- . gravel on twenty miles of roads way for the 1949 campaign. • in the county. In McHenry town- Following are the plans for ship the successful bidder wd E. keeping -barns, livestock, and ; L. Melahn, with $14,060.14. Septic Systems' Drain Tile Seepage Beds Footings and Ditches- Plumbing • *•" *1hcmcU We take the Hard Work out of Your Digging and Plumbing Problems FIRST CLASS WORK HEEDS FIRST CLASS ATTEJiEION WITH OI R >EW POWER DIGGER P. 0. Box 606 Call Ed. Seymonr 1NGLESIDE. ILL. Fox Lake S14S ktiTSRFECC TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES for new Firestones <£tnae f&77 PRODUCTS OF U.S.A. HERTS UilTtl i l k . INC., SmM M, E. H. SCHICK DISTRIBUTING COMPANY ltt 8ie?e Street - Elgin, Illinois Phone Elgin S4M SPECIAL -- r 6:00 x 16 $10.95 phis tax There is no need to take chances of accidents by driving on old worn tires when you can trade them in for theoo new standard tires. Come in and see what a good trad* can be had at this time. 25% DISCOUNT ON flrestone BATTERIES For a limited time * WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessaries Tire and Tube Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed Phono 294 ^ West MiB--j OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS A Perfect Gift for the Graduate [NATIONAL'S MEMORIAL DAY SALES! f/RSTCAU FOP PICNICS AND NATIONAL'S READY TO SERVE YOU WITH "THE BEST ALL AMERICAN PICNIC BUYS "UNDER THE SUN"! ^ ai WO AM ERlcw sandwich fmqrii[ Nq 2 rt - You can tie 'em and forget' fine-quality Wilson Brothers foulards just •lip or slide. They're hand-tailored of multiple-twist acetate yarn into a foulard fafarta that's remarkably wrinkle-resistant Smooth, subtle colons, modern panel prints. ample length for Windsor knots. You'll ~ want several at this | Other Wilson Ties $1 and up McGEE'S 117 & GREEN ST. McHENRY u < r^ORlTf No. A li SP*0 Wftd HAM - Ctta »0t #08 * m Im mtk U•L» J,* *--* WATERMELON_ ffarMa SUck OmimM F# POUND jr Brum . . *39* nStiMXEinY uxlfc SIKUa»HKS. *39* 0rw8 8 lb- ba* «»<• I--iS fmm MriMrd of ItMi . CMrisC L«--«s [IS . . IK* 19c CMrU PkMM CQsMsK MS 2*3$c PiriiM OKMXS 4 25« SWUM, . . 'IS 19> MhNb IMM •. t> N*> 1 • UM A CflM.. Fssrf N«« NMN CMUFIiVEK MTATOCS TOMATOES tr&sz* 25« HSL 10ik59c **7*7" Ul43« OSCAR MAYER WEWERS OSCAR^MAYER WEINERS . ST CHICKEN MenHi S4 (/fWM WMH tSTH (M>•| • HAZEL TU * . , 19* OEESESMKAI . 95> 45« VELVEETA OEESE 75* & 18* iffiiicNK . 33* UYEKCMUE . . 45* POTATOOTS . 25* v« POSTi BEAK 3^29< MEIIIKMS 2 %£ 29> MMKL'SSPM ^39> MMBW'i IKCT "vT 3»'S» WH . . *vr39> SHIFTS PREM 39* SMOETTl 2 'W 25* Sow Mat «r C«M _ _ BROADCAST REDI-MIAT,^35« BARBEQUE PORK 6 25 •^43- M0TTS APPLE JELLY .3£l0< PREim STlCKS^. . fSgh.u* « 27« MmMwi It J7< ""•Bin tt 25> MWIKMB •» «• Bm . ien.mvm . * National's Top tasto SANDWICH m RYE BREAD tsserted ReN V«M« . A A H SALERNO COOKIES 2-25 <sHessl MsM fWi er SUGARED DONIITS CartN \ 8 GOLD LAYER CAKE ^ 45 NstleMTs Osr BREAKFAST COFFEE 'it 1U J Mwh Peck MMSNMJUJyOVIS Pteta «r Ik OK* •mm n» TAFFY KISSES 38c IEW ERA POTATO CHIPS PICNIC SUGGESTIONS ££ 19t ^ 29« S 11* CATS* . . 2 MISTA» . SzaiuvES NATCMUVES OKI SUSS MUMMES ^ 29* w* lb T 3S> & 2ft NATIONAL * rTJ r y

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