Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1949, p. 11

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mm lone 9,1940 uircs hine cost An ordinance passed by the Elgin city council will reduce the; cost of retiring the National street bridge bonds approximately 10 per cent under the original estimates ft* lv . :7 r*)j4 * .... nu.J'u, .• . • 'jiaiia I The redaction Is made possible by the fact that the bonds have been swarded to the First National Bank of Chicago at per cent interest* plus a premium of $1, 390.50,' whereas the estimate of | cost was made in expectation of and will mean the taxpayers'*>111 * P*r oent intereit. jr the Improvement vtlHw about | t less than was anticipated.;, Bead the Want Ads. ^«c;' ^mmmu • v 1 LBruinnggs& Geosothdt gRletosuolmts »* •, "**«»> **"«»« , !!» " MEMPHIS. TENN.-How to ttfve In Treatment of T-B ^ chip..tth. bridge table so the guests won't , CHICAGO.--A new lung-resting get the oards and themselves all chaftiber has produced encouraging , greasy has been announced by results in th* treatment of ad-' science. vanced tuberculosis of both, lungs, j four New York physicians report; FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone aild phosphate spreading. : Soil samples taken on request V*v Place orders early and avoid hifch. Barn Lime and Chips for Driveways m. it * 'CHARLES fBEUMti, Owner 401 *W. Waukegan Roadr / HcHEN&Y, ILUNOIS ' J '-i T*L 86-W or 412-J I in the current issue of the American Medical Association Journal. The apparatus differs from the iron lung chiefly in that the patient's head is housed in the chamber of alternating air pressures. ' The iron-lung patient's head is outside the chamber, which forces contraction and expansion of the chest wall by air-pressure variations. , However, with the bead inside the chamber, which is supplied with fresh air, the changes of pres- The scientists simply lacquered the nuts instead of dipping them in o>ji l. This lacquer was mad^ from.!.okmJ>?" pecun, found in fruit J - Pectin contains both salt and I • oil but dries into s brittle coating, j • It gives the nut a slick, attractive 1 surface. And it comes in all colors, | to match the hostess' fingernails ' or her eyes. The new nuts were passed around by scientists of the bureau of chemistry. United States department of agriculture, who thought up the idea. The greaseless nut is expected to be popular with persons who clothes and faces so Tt»k, WfcMf MTa. Simpleton was be&g treated for «ye trouble, and one day called at flu office of the optician. "Doctor," said she, "1 forgot to ask you about the eye lotion you aarit Sue." "Well, what have you done about it?" , / "Nothing yet," she replied. "Do 1 drop It in my eyes before or after • i . #-:$f at some impor- Kast, in Northad IB same central In these countries, sheep are primarily a source of meat; with wool secondary and usually ot coarse tyjjjm. .'IWy ©R. HENRY FREUND ' .OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHen^f : (Closed Thursday Afternoons) \ Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted "Visual Training -- 'Visual Rehabilitation Cenplete Visual ^Analysis/7 $ Boars Daily: • tl 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 ta 8:90 A PHONE McHENBY 4i» / sure from 55 to 65 millimeters their aboye and below atmospheric pres- greasy. •.« sure 20 to 25 times a minute cause J The new potato chip, destined i air flow into and out of the lungs for a great future at the cocktail j without any musclar effort of the party, is possible because of a dif- I patient. terent method of processing pota- "During the first week of 1-esi-,&oes. dence in the chamber, the patient ~ generally learns to renounce all voluntary respiration, and from then on resides in the chamber without conscious desire to breathe and with complete brrest of chest movement," the article says.C The physicians report that use af the chamber arrested six of 11 advanced cases of tuberculosis of both lungs and that nine of 11 patients with chronic tuberculosis showed complete healing of lung lesions. Use of the chamber was reported pore satisfactory than other common procedures, such as collapsing one lunrf. First, part oi the moisture is removed from the potato. Then it is frozen. When it is sliced and cooked, it absorbs less grease. First Packer *"*' . First meat packing house In the United States waa founded In ltti by William Pymeban, at Springfield. Mass. Pynchon's plant packed pork to salt for shipment to 4he West Indies ft#* ;i Let cooked temperature beta* you the refrigerator. iHWP : .*** ' " tl' f- "• : ' ' i 1 ^-- Grand Caayea TlHsfe *' One of the world's strangest cations for a settlement Is at bottom of Grand Canyon where the Indian community of Supai, Ariz., is located. A helicopter delivered parts for a quonset but used ss s churcj^i there. The community post office is one of the few to which United States mail is delivered by horse snd mule. Whm Paal second grade Batirl^iij* mates visited the »oe**«- recently, he wandered 'away. Irani his party and waa loet. Realistac Jiis plight, Paul bought a in| at the park and knowing the "*"Vlr the Barrington cbildrea ptaaaa# te fir Case -of Fire Always be prepared for fire. When entering buildings, chooff your nearest exit and alternate path of escape. Locked or obstructed exits or fire hazards should be reported. If burned in a fire, report for medical treatment. Many burns or smoke inhalations which do not at first seem- serious have fatal results. visit, he calmly found hie way t< the gorilla quarters, when hi caught up with Miss Mary Roil«r'i group. Being back in the' feU with the intention of following the flock', Paul sold his map to another lost visitor. He lost some time sway from his friends but he wasn't out any itioney through the incident. :/a Xesd rubber * staapsf Ordef 'at The Plaindealer. * I Toni Permanent Wave KSta. $U8 ;<and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 36-tf English map; "Is that dray horse?" c Yankee: "No, it's a brown one-- and stop that baby talk." GRAND n AT THft r Route 31, RINGWOOD, ILi SATURDAY and SUNDAY JUNE 11th & 12th Heme<?Built Autemebife * Bans Owner Frew LieensP HUSTISFORD. WIS.-E. H. Lehman ha* a brand new car on his hands but he can't drive it because it doesn't exist of- : ficially. He bought the car from a Hust- . isford handyman who bought all I the parts--some\ in Hust isford. some in Fond du Lac and some ; in Milwaukee--and pieced them : together, it is, in fact, a 1949 . Ford. But, since it was not factory I assembled, it has r i serial num- : ber on the frame. Because it> has no serial number, Lehman can't !„ get a title. And without- a title, ' he can't sell or drive it. i Lehman said that the motor ' vehicle department at Madison : at first told him that a car Just | couldn't be built at home, but finally had asked him to fill out a special title application blank for homemade vehicles.^ -T" " Barlnr Shep Beeemtt Meets Far Practical Jeke-Players STOUGHTON, WIS.-- Regular customers at Jim Simon's barber- ; shop here never ask for any pea* j nut brittle. They smoke their : own cigarets, and they don't ask | to use Jim's lighter. They examine 1 the chair carefully before they ait j down. They never pick up anything from his counter. • It Was during the depression that Jim tired of just plain barbering, and very little of thst He began whittling small wooden figures in his spare time, turned out a few with a comic twist and began playing practical jokes on his cronies. They brought in their own exploding cigsreta, itching powder and other gimmicks to get even. Jim started ordering novelties in | quantities tq keep the jokers supplied. Before long he wa: devoting I more time to demonstrating and , playing tricks than to cutting hair. | He changed his sign to read: "Jim's j Barber and Fun Shop" and now de- I votes a good part of his time to the novelty sideline. 'Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Baby's Eyes Although attending physicians will discover any eye abnormality In a baby during treatment after birth, parents should be a\prt to notice troubles that may develop thereafter. Abnormalities to m looked for include inequality in die size of pupils, cloudiness, discoloration, or deviation from the regular round shape of a pupil. - NOTICE - The RIVBR8tDB BAKE SHOP will be open every Monday daring the summer seasoa. Riverside Drivi McHenry CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens/ Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, BL Phone 583-J-l m ••'St M ' • ••>$& MOSEY INN aiNowooD TELEVISION PRAOER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. 1 Music Ifree Eats 11 iiiiitiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiniiiiiinMiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiniMidninniiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirritiinmm Jaguar's Markings Black "rosettes" on s jaguar's hide usually have a black spot in the middle at the circle, whilf those of the leopard do not 'Summer Speck/' viscount Sitting It Out I A woman approached the ticket | b o o t h o f a m o v i e h o u s e . -- i "Did my little boy come in her* at nine o'clock this morning?" sh^H asked. "He had on a little greeit { sweater, with a little green cap-* i and he's got kind of reddish nair." , "Yes. he's in the second row," 1 said the ticket seller. "Do you mind giving him#this package? It's his supper." Tarpaulins Canvas Goods Large Selection of Materials ORDER EARLY Specializing in Store and Residence Awning* McHENRY AWNING CO.. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. • • Walt and See A doctor called on a patient for five visits without giving any satis- > faction. On the fifth visit the patient r announced he'd called in another doctor. "He said your diagnosis is aU wrong." "Is thst so?" snspped the doctor, "Well, the autopsy will sbow who's right." This Summer. Put lip Hoy when Vitamin-Rich Leaves Still on the Sims! * ON Your Farm Ferecaet Farm costs in 1MI probably will be about as high as they were in IMS. Need rubber stasspaf 'Order, at i The.Plaindealer. * Umttot Tim tart ft M* T* Even Fall, we go _£ood of orders Spntafc _ to meet the fctions. Every furnace we i^stfcD mm* helpe relieve that rush later on--and we offer this discount to make it worth jour while to order now. PjyCM* W Complete CLEANING •HERE'S no shattering and loss of leaves when yog cure your hay in the mow, with an easily installed, economically operated hay drier. Get the most feed value from your hay crop. Cut hay at die proper stage of maturity and put it on the bay drier kefir* leaves are so dry they shatter during handling opentions. Hay then cures safely in the mow, away frail rain and uncertain weather conditions and retains maximum amounts of color and feed values. You'll find it simple to install a hay drying systeaa to force air through the hiy. A forced air duct system operates easily and economically--eliminates dependence on favorable weather conditions and makes maw curing a successful and profitable operation for any farmer. The agricultural engineer from your iocal electric--r company will be glad to stop at your farm te give yo« practical information and advisory help in planning m mow curing system for your barn. Contact him now, by phone or card, so he can help you get your hay drier ready in time for this~year's first cutting. 1. Cola--aw OH Fkrt4teaia««r Mwiili sit in floors, *obasement needed^SM|,%^ to 6 Rooms--90,000 and 60,000'BTU.; Hare's Aetoaetk Fsraeca H««tk|-Prkwl F* "S loloimon Dual-Wall Modol. Set under floor space. 30,000 snd 50,000 fla Work! No fires to baild or tend, no ashes to clean out. Eight youi^Coleman floor Furnace this Fall and revel ui the land of automatic warmth ydlrwant till Spring! • DirM No firti-frime, no ashes or mess! cleaning; Jess laundry -with a Coleteas Flo«r Furnace! • •. r- Warm floors! Coleman makes the Floor Furnace that keeps floors ^ warm--up to 4 or S mans. Man corafort' 4>ftt«g health. Doije in Our Own Plant I & GREEN ST. McHENRY There's IHti* rUk of a rvinmd boy crop on tie Clarence Holmes jerm, right, where a slatted-floor type bay drier eliminates weather worries, improves hay quality and reduces the dangers of spontaneous combustion. 65 tons oj hay were mow cured last year by the jay and motor which sent drytmg sir under a slutted floor, then up amd through the buy. Panels in top tf main air tunnel cum he lowered so air wilt he forced through hay placed over the tunnel. tandnocoetiyducts. Easy to install--no "tearing up you* bouse!"--Let m showyoa momt Free Pickup Delivery Service Save l 5%--Get Better Heat! Ask About Our Low Down Payment And Easy Termsl v . VYCITAL HARDWARE HARDWARE ' SHEET METAL SHOP A Abmy Mr (He dnhfc dbnro) kml* * imtrim nrffrrm "" * --' 'f" newly deoeltped buy bsmdlimg amd curing procedures Jnm the agricultural engineer of your electric rtmpuny. He'llhe gtud to give ye* complete reports on key drying nmurek in mrtkevn Illinois. There't me obligation, of comm. w PUaUC SIRVlCK COMIAMT Of HOttTHUN IUJMOM

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