may rtml ift»> Viuv patients wits negative reactions flar allergy and do not reml to allergy treatments-- feat Mmr <• ekew dedal te symptoms MrdMbgic maladjustment. Maokeeck fclaekcock ia anotber mum far the Black Grouse, Black Game or Heath Ren, the female of which la the Grey Hen. It la found In the of Scotland, north of England, in Ireland, and certain sections of Europe and Asia. cause A comman repellant sulphur. To prepare the art*4#y Mar sulphur In water to make a thin K can be applied with. a or raf «e* ew • can ha sprayed en. S-Baya ' Vint commercial use of X-rays in the Utalted States began in IMS after a long parted of da> taint uS, X-ray transformers, controls and tubes reached a degree of perfection that Mdb possible tttsusretretatlVely high voltafes. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE PIT Rt. 120 East River Bridge, McHenry NOW UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Bar open afternoon and evenings. < Serving sandwiches Loyde Barrett, owner Jim Perkins, custodian of the bar JEST jestiist For Senleee Eehiered 1 "You got a pug said on# kid to an "Yeah! And my old man's got a pug anae and my Idd slater's got a pug noae, too." "Gee, pug noaes run In your fam» ily, don't they?" "Onlyto the Wintertime." tao KNOWS? •Hi"* tbe flu of the Pleiadoalar . Yonra Ac* TWEHTT-FITl TEAIS A60 A man was relaxing In his club. "Do you think we'll have rain?" he- asked the lawyer slttlnf^aaai»f hirn. "No," said the lawyer. The next <hry the 'Man leeisUod a bill from the lawyer for advice. Some time leter they met again in the club. "bo you think we'll have inflation?" the man asked the lawyer. "It looks like it." he replied. The next day the man received a bill for advice again. He was so mad he rushed to the club. "Listen," he said to the lawyer. "You're a crook. And remember, I'm not asking you. I'm telling you!" Harry Hanly will have charge of the steamer "McHenry" of the Capt. Anderson Fox River Steamboat Line. They expect to begin running the boat next week. John Huemann, assessor tor this township, returned hla books to On i<.ran.t „ k„-- 'County Treasurer Axtell, Saturthe nreas ?f :day„ thus.closing a career of twen- Mt Jour " •»«•» «•' Mc- Plalndealer is a day late In reach- H*Bry: „ _ . w_ tag Its anbcrlbers this week L ?• j- Gartman was kept busy «s£r jrss^ns"sl^^sssssstt^srsas completed no later than the first i T11* McHenry Creamery Co.. reef next week. j celled * nearly 4«0*S» pound* «f The McHenry Artllllcal Stone! Company started thair men on " helng recelred from «<Khtyplastering job at the new com- Anna: Tm so glad you like it. dear. Mother ssys chicken salad and strawberry tarts are the only things I m'ake correctly." Alford: "Which is thi*xdarling?" , ^ !--A munlty high school building this week and will rush work with all possible speed. The drinking fountains h a ve again been erected about the city, which we trust will prove an in- S1XTT TEARS A«0 CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP -- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -- TELEPHONE 251 McHENRY, ILLINOIS THESE •APPY LANDINGS! Smart Trader Sandy: "How much to the station?" . Cabman: "Fifty cents.-' Sandy: "Does that include the charge for my bags?" Cabman: "I'll take those for nothing." •->** Scotchman: "Excellent, Then I will walk." S. S. Sbepard A Son are fixing up their Clover Dryer, 1n the village. preparatory . to receiving -- -- clover blossoms. The prospects centive for the weather man to, are good for a large crop. s e n d us some real summer j Closing exercises for the tetfmj' weather. and year will be held in the higher^ ' • department of the public school. FORTY YEARS A69 Friday afternoon. The pupils of that department will be assisted by those of the other departments. Subscribe for -The Plaiadealer Yeterlnary authorities are not In favor of giving worm medldnee «• teals at weaning tlipa. because the most dangerous species of internal parasites hive not yet reached maturity and are not eecweWe le the action of drugs in the Matter of Time "How do you spell senhe?"* "Money or brains?" V "f don't know. I want to teli my girl I've had indigestion sense- Friday." Jos. J. Mertls, the popular pro- ?y , of the other w«m*i prietor of the Oak Park summer1 u<"n* the we8t slde ®cl»ool. resort at Plstakee Bay. nbw drives1 „.HowJ?rd R Perry wiH 8tart ,or a four-passenger International ^®?4 P~nt„0!LT.UJS8day next auto. 1 Mrs. Walker, who has ret ThB ~ . , sided in Elgin for the past year, tthh»e ijnohb and4 Tfro»m ®nowa ionn tohne m0red back to this village last 1 streets of the village shoftld be kept in a dustless condition. | Dr. R. G. Chamberlin has dls- f . 8. Golf Cearooe posed of his auto to Jacob Leickem. ; If the 5,000 golf courses in the The doctor expects a new Ford United States were placed end to 1 oon- ' end they would form a 19-JtaRe 1 A night shift is now working at' •tighWay. B.000 miles lona. Do Tof Need ,, / ' R f. Trmvger WINDOW SHADES or • • VENETIAN BLINDS? >ur new line of taawnbh slat and Banflex Original Blinds and Tapes. Bondapised and galvanised Acme metal. Direct from factory. Sterling Winds* Sbfe k Vcsctiu HU Cs. 5640 W. Division Street , , Chicago. Illinois Pho^CWwbus 14748 - Phone McHenry Wi-M-1,t Tri. Eve., S*t.aniIStin. Fjree Estimates ^ -t JU1 Work Guaranteed. • ^ • • • e e o o e o o # o a • • # vr '3 "My husband's face dropped a mile when we first visited Grand Canyon." '"Disappointed?" %"No, he fell over the rim."' TRANSFERRED A burly chief bos-un's mate, introducing himself te his subordinates, boasted, "I can lick anybody on my force." A still burlier sailor stepped forward and said, "You caif't lick me." The chief eyed him up and down, then waved him aside with, "You are no longer en my force." MIXNUSTf* America's most popular food asixrr Lets her dial her favorite nape. . Mixes, mashes, whips, beat*, Kin, blends, juices, etc Saves tiaae and arm work. Includes tee , howia. A lASTfft Gifit thrill oI a Itferiaae. Perfca coffee every daae-fsseoeaatically. Sat k - locgec k. All gedk-llka (com bowl IRONMASTER Mahitaaisg eerier all year k>a§. •aajr-co-see, easy-to-set Sensitive Fish Lady: What lovely salmon! Grocer: That's not salmon; that's cod. blushing at the price they're asking for it. A Choice Old Lady (going on train): Which I platform for Chicago? Porter: Turn to the left and you'll be right. Lady:* Don't bf impertinent. Porter: All right then, lady, turn to the right and you'll be left. Facts About Lhee Animal lice are of two kinds, biting lice and sucking lice. Biting lice are sometimes called bird lice. Cattle lice are also of two , kinds, biting and sucking. I Save Ireaiag .. Save extra work in ironing by folding straight pieces of the family wash as they come from the line and placing them flat and smooth in the basket to keep them as unwrinkled as possible. Grateful '1 was real big-hearted this turning." said one lady. "I gave a Mm a dollar." "You gave a bum a dollar?" said another. "What did your husband •ay?" "He said Thanks.' •• Smooth loe Cream lee crystals in ice cream can be reduced by fast freezing, stirring or agitation, adding air by i beating or by adding whipped egg i whites, whipped cream or gelatin. , Deer Feeding Nearly 1.000 tona of alfalfa hay and concentrated deer food were distributed in Wisconsin's deer yards during 1947 to feed an estimated number of only 23.000 deer. The cost of this operation $72,000, along with the required payment of deer damage claims amounting to over 155,000 in 1M7, Ikas brought about the general concession by game biologists that deer feeding is a waste of effort and money. T O N I G H T and Thru Sunday Greater Gary CARNIVAL SPECIAL KIDDIE BIDES * GAMES -- REFRESHMENTS -- SHOWS FUN FOR EVERYONE v Sponsored by OABf ^ LIONS CLUB and AMERICAN LEGION on U.S. 14 at Cary (Rides and Concessions by Buggies Carnival Co.) Of iilifs*; Dad wilfotover sdmft In his hoait hm lovot to bo apprsci to toll him jurt how much you car* on Juno 19th. YouK find a fine qusfity card fight for your Did in our ir IN YE~iI>RUG^ 4BTORE PHONE 28 McHENRY* *"/ Am eppfftofirf 2S mikn h tkt frthm-- «n pmtm mUut 70 St. t. H.' t54I2 Fmrmmy Drive, Mmpk 1 r > . Need, rubber stamps? The Plaiadealer. , Order at Subscribe for The Piaiadealer. Limited titne only! imir "Hatch Haker r.yj"-' '41: VALUE FOR Lastron Nail Enamel regular 60* size Adkeron Base Coat regular 60< size Matching Lipstick ' special 651 rize KUuel m" When ever did a dollar buy more fashion-rightnese,lovelier genius colors for matching lips and fingertips? Hurry in today lor gevUn's ' . "Match Maker.** Just see yrhat you get: * Nail Enamel. Ever-better.. .with easy-to-use plume applicator* ( o Adheron, the perfect base coat for a perfect manicure. o Special-sixe A&PUu Lipatick in smart gold-tone metal case^ * Hut fx ; BOLGER'S DRUG STORE eH0HB% '1- ; MoHKMET, ILL Here's why Nash offers the most * in size--in style--in features--in performance--in economy! It is the first car with the Girderbuilt. Unitized Body-and-Frame-- a revolutionary developmen' that means more for your money. More « in safety, with less weight. Mdpra - in roadabilityt It is the reason a Nash only 62 inches high has more road clear* ance than before. It provides more interior room for comfort.... with seats so wide they can turn iqfo Twin Beds. It is the reason why Nash haa the ' • ^ smoothest ride known, with all y*>« four wheels cushioned by ooit\ ffitegs. * It is why a Nash has incredible • security qife curves . . . and econ- o- my never j^tore possinie--witn gas, at average highway speed, for the Naph "600."* It is' why NashK and only Nash, • has a curved, one-piece wind-. shield on all models . . . and the Unisoope ... and Cockpit Control. See* your Nash dealer--get the thrill of driving a 1949 Nash "600" or Naah Ambassador. 'Compare the size--the design-- the exclusive features--the delivered prioe. Then you'll know why Nash is the smart buy of the yaw's smartest buyers! The neat beet car Co a brilliant new Maah Airiytc Is • Select used Naah. iw'lltinrtof getting thefaaturee you want meet in an automobile . . . manythatara available ewlyiw a Ffash. You'll te mmrm of gettlaa a ear that your Naah dealer is proud to display with his famova "Solect" need car p Tew will Sad the beet-looking, (-rimates, beat nhw lb town at Nai * 1 <-• Mi" DOWNS 198 ELK ST. r ; , V, ,r ;f f "V - . . McHENRY, ILLINOIS mm. # * i •, -- •> • V