Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1949, p. 4

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tar A. Howwi ....... / it Me other. Froehlieh lr%k»xo horn* Saturday alur Mr. and Mr*. Rolaad Ekstrom and, 2£K« ffc. aSTirta ht.'touMw.aMUM, of •!» S^k.™ «rcu WW. H»m , «r «* •"* *"> **«-- i Mrs. Charles Untl and daughter,; Mr. and Mr*. Ale* Adains >tr Laura, returned recently from [tended the wake of John Meyer* Daytona Beach, Fla., where they>t Elgin on Monday evening. I had spent the winter. ; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rangeand Johnson 8008 ud M second-elan matter at | Frank Hovet of Elgin Mr aqd Mrs. George E. Johnson M^nLnr^1 rllatives fluii* Eat McHenry, Ilk, under and baby of Evanston were Sunday :£»«» on McHenry relatives Bun- «f May 8, 187». Om Tear •2.50 guests in the home of his parent* David Page has completed a course in body repair at the Chicago Trades Institute and is now employed, by Waiter Herrick in Crystal Lake. Mrs. Alida Mead of Skokie visited in the home of Mrs Nettie Weber and Miss CU^ra Schiessle last week M'HKNRY WOKXN . ATTENDED AHHTJAl. ' AUXILIAKY MfBTINa The eleventh district American Legion Auxiliary convention watf , , . . . held at Steger. 111., on Sunday, Miss Margaret Johnston of Miami. june g jna Collins, eleventh dis- > Fla.. and her mother, Mrs. Earl tfict of Sugar Grove, presided Johnston, of Wauconda^visited in tjjrougi,out the session. Guests M\i#c-H.u«ifnnrrvy oAnn TThhiuirrfstdriaayv . MMiifstfsl JJoohhnn-- ftnd gpea.k er8 were Mrs Walter • lylfMwJllfjfi" ston. a former employee of the Mc- Hoffman, president department of • •fliJt \wl M WW m mk» Henry State Bank, was called jninois; Mrs. Louis Lackey, de. home last week by the serious partment membership chairman; illness or her father, who is a Roy Hemphill, commander ele- Mr. and Mrs. John MoGlave and patient at the Woodstock hospital. venth district American Legion, Mr. autf~\Mrs. J. Goodfellow of Mrs. George Stoffel of Woodstock an(j Herman Piancentini, mayor of ot spent a few days with her mother, .steger. Mrs. Rose Miller. Mrs. Ida Mix Betty Duff of Harvard was of Chicago also spent a few days elected eleventh district director in the Miller home and Laura Steffen of Hebron trea- 5^- -3 M III111111 > 111 > »11IMIMH MIIMIMt Mi l l Ahomn BrtNtkal Of Darlene MmeMr Mr. and Mr*. Edward Schumacher announce the engagement of their daughter, Darlene to Alexander Sneddon, son of Mr. and Mr*. Pete Sneddon of Wauconda. W. S. f. S. To . - r ~:v Meet Jane 14 4 V The next meeting of Circle I of the W. S. C. S. of the Community Methodist church will be held at the home of Mrs. O. Ross of Shall- -- • WH9N9 Mfcrfe Yegge, or- Mid E1U Bum and Irene Gttffey, new trustee*. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer, court chaplain, gave a very Interesting talk, after which plan* were completed for a Day of Recollection, to be held on June 16, with Fr. Leo Kinsella of Berwyv MT charge. Clnb Enjm Anaaal Dinner Chicago srtid William Martin Sterling/were visitors In the Clarence tyjartin home on Sunday. Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Thomns\ I'halin attended a dessertbridge in Richmond last Thursday. ia8t week Richard Hayes returned to his Ben Uonslett of Chicago visited surer for the year 1949-50. his sister. Mrs. Simon Stoffel one, Those who attended as delegates from McHenry were Christine Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon of Krinn, Jeannette Vance. Loretta Crystal Lake accompanied Mrs< rVarese and Minnie Green. mNMiMtuiUMiilliiliiitilfli'tllllllllllllllllfMIIUHillilllHI Nellie Bacon to Marengo on ^ : nesday evening of last week, where f they attended graduation exercises' at the public grade school. Miss Carol Ann Courier was a member of the graduating class. Sunday visitors in^ the Lduis . Stoffel home were Mr. and Mrs. i Henrv Freund of Waukegan and f f i i LLC f t FRl. • SAT., H SK 10-11 WILD ADVENTURE I (o-Hit MV - JlXE 12-13 The *HW>ne With The Wind" of the .Southwest! "TULSA" By Technicolor with floaan Hayward Robert Preston wmimitimtmiiintiiutniiiittitmituinmfUiuiiiiitiutT Colony XrHENRY, ILLINOIS FRI. - SAT. »r by Technicolor Jane Ally son Margaret O'Brien -Elizabeth Taylor Janet Lelch "LITTLE WOMEN" x Also--News t Cartoon \ SI X. - M0N„ Jl XE 12-18 Clark Gable Walter Pidgeon Tan Johnson Brian Don levy "COMMAND DECISION" World News ft Cartoon OIRL SCOrTS On May 23, the Girl Scouts held a Rarty at which Mrs. William Green. Mrs. Robert Green, Mrs. Harold Vance, Mrs. Ralph Varese and Mrs. Frank Gans were guests. New officers were elected on June 6 as follows: Judy Freund, president: Donna Raycraft, secretary: Shirley Conway, treasurer; Joan Jeske. c^ar bearer; Marilyn Jaga. color guard"; Penny Fike, reporter. Nancy Mueller served as i reporter for the past year. Member* or the Canadian Pinochle club enjoyed their annual dinner at The Bridge on Thursday of last week. Card* were later plated at" the Clement Adams .. ... r.ii. home, with the following awarded P" Jnle* prizes: Mrs. Frank Zimiher, Mrs. Gonseth assisting. ^ George Miller, Mrs. Jack Barthel Cr, onway Sao n „W• as • y ... i and Mrs. Irvin,g ?K eck. . B*The adopted 'laf MrpjJlL ' and Mrs. LeRoy Conway was bap-! What was believed to hp a «»rtteerr 6C'roonnwwayw, 'tlhhee 'ihnSfa'nntts? uunnclrel, ^Att II Wprgiseen epra rtfyro tmo wheislc osmtued iheosm ea tG ethnpe St. Patrick s church last Saturday, j University of Tennessee Sunday nrT^nunt "and ' i eveh,n« turned out to be a surprise Robert MiHer, a for au the guests instead. At the cousin. < . 1 party, given by MisS" Janet Van • » * ^ "j Kanegan, roses given to each girl , o '• .contained a message revealing the Card Party 'engagement of Miss Van Kanegan, The Cherry Valley 4-H club is i daughter of the John Van Kan. planning a bunco and card party, |egans of Wonder Lake, to Mr. to be held Saturday evening, June j Wagner, son of Mr. ahd "Mrs Hor- j 11. at 8 p. m. at the Cherry Valley'ace Wagner, also of Wonder' Lake. school. Prizes will be given away The wedding is to take place July'!! and a lunch served. Admission is <30. fiftf cents a person and everyone The couple received a toast, is invited to attend. after which a lovely luncheon was * * * Served to the following guests: Luncheon Honors - . ILoreOa Larson, Richard Wilhelm, McHenry Brlde-To-Be ;CaFol Marticke, Leslie Kreiger, Miss Joan Reihanfsperger was Elaine Klemm. George Cross, Marhonored at a luncheoir-and mis- cella Szarek, Richard Marsh, Betcellaneous bridal Bhower held on;ty Long, Roy Noren, Jr., Marion, Saturday at the home of Mrs. Brad- Conway, Jerry Winters, Marianne I 111111111• I11'• 'I1 t i t ley M. Nelson in Winnetka. Mrs. j Rogers, Robert Popp, Margaret' . - TU18. - WED^ JUNE 14-15 aSSSSSSSS Coming Soon "Mr. Belvedere Goes Te College" TCESDAT (One Day) la'Color Randolph Scott Barbara Brittoa "ALBURtJUERQCE" And Short Subjects MAY BRIDE ^ JLc "~f- 7 •For fastest service, we suggest that you bank early in the day and early in the week. Try to avoid geak days and peak hours. For instance, the latter part of the week and around the 1st and 15th of .. each month, the noon hour and just before. I closing are the busiest periods.^ And you' can always save time by banking by mail. \ McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation CAM MARTICKB Cam Marticke. pretty daughter |of the William Martickes, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, models for recent I luncheon-fashion show given by members of Gamma Phi Beta social sorority for their mothers at Lake Forest college. Miss Marticke, who will be a junior at the college next fall, is active on the college's newspaper and in intramural sports, as well .as her activities Nelson was a classmate of Miss; Bolger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wag Reihansperger at Beloit college, j ner, Harriet Brenner, Mary Jean Twenty other classmates were | Doherty, Joan Andreen and James guests at the shower. Those from; Althoff. McHenry who attended were Mr*. C. J. Reihansporger and Mrs. Herb! Reihansperger. COMING EVENTS CRYSTAL LAKE MAN TOOK HIS LIFE IN - TEXAS HOTEL SUiN^if WED. . THURS. Tyrone Power Gene Tieraey "THAT WONDERFUL URGE" *e. Photo by A. Woiwick, McHenry MRS RICHARD DEHN On Saturday morning. May 28, he lovely bride pictured above, ho was before her marriage Miss Catherine May of Johnsburg, became the wife of the son of the John Dehns of Chicago. The ceremony; was read at St. John's church at 9 o'clock. The former Miss May is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William May. SWITDOOSS Wed-Thur-Fri-Sat June 8-9-10-11 Cl^W|wSeyTEWPLt fAr.Bebedere Ton* ORAKF- Alan YOUNG HUOTr NveWfT • ht+t* lyStMUiL MARRIED JUNE 8 In a lovely wedding service so. ' lemnized at 9 o'clock jm Wednes- ! day. June 8, at St. Thomas church, ; Crystal Lake, Mr. Robert Frett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett |of Johnsburg. claimed as his bride I Miss Joan Mayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Mayer of Crystal Lake. Complete details of the ceremony will appear in next week's issue of the Plaindealer. Catholic Daughters Plan / Day of Recollection June 16 _ Sun-Mon-fue-Wed June 12-13-14-15 William Bendix * . . James Qleason "THE LIFE OF RILEY" The annual Day of Recollection, sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America, is to be held Thursday, June 16, at St. Mary's church. It is to be conducted by Fr. Leo C. Kinsella of St. Leonard'* church, Berwyn. This year the Day of Recollection will start at 10 o'clock and continue until 3 p. m„ with one hour intermission from noon to 1 o'clock. The Cathlic Daughter* of i America wish to extend an invitation to all Catholic women and hope there will be a large group in attendence to hear Father Kinsella. - . Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. Carl J. Freunds Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Carl J JUNE 9-10 Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsored by Circle 2, W. S. .C. S. June 10 CARD OF THANKS We are grateful to all who helped us at the time of our bereavement. ssThose who sent gift*, cards and flowers. Those who j After hearing a sermon on un-, loaned cars, and those who as- 1 faithfullness in a Galveston, Texas, j *i*ted in other ways (church last Sunday, a young Cry-) THE FAMILY OP ~ ~ stal Lake man, Robert Emmettj* ANTHONY GROSSO, JR. Benjamin, 33, shot himself in a sorority ] Mary's-St The reaj WM. JAMES MYERS, JOHNSBURG NATIVE, DIED UNEXPECTEDLY Local relatives and friends thla week mourned the death of William James Myers, 79, retired restauranteur, who died unexpectedly Sunday morning at his Elgin home. The deceased was born Aug: 23, 1870, on a farm near Johnsburg, the son of John and Anna Engels ~ _ Myers. He left this community 'B,erla,n ror to reside in Elgin at the age of 21 and remained for more than fifty years. He was employed in the office of the screw room of the Elgin National Watch Co., factory until 1915, when he opened Myers. restaurant at 116 W. Chicago street. He operated this business until his retirement in 193S. Besides the widow, Mary Q'- Beirne Myers, to whom he was married in 1895 and with whom he celebrated his golden wedding anniversary in 1945, he leaves two daughters, Miss Sara (Sally) Margaret Myers of Elgin and Mrs. Raymond Frederick (Mary) Zimmers of Glendale Calif.; one son. Merlin J. Myers of Wichita, Kas., two brother^, Atty. Henry i;.* Myers and John W. Myers, both of Wichita; a sister, Miss Matilda Myers of Elgin; two grandchildren and a great .grandson. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. from St. Mary's church, Elgin, with burial in Mount Hope cemetery. their silver last Sunday. June 5. by entertain, ing 110 relatives at a buffet supper and social evening held at St. Patrick's school hall, anniversary date was June 4. * ' Girl Scouts Elect Officers . Members of one of MeHewry's Girl Scout troops elected officers last Monday. The new president is Eleanore Todd, secretary is Patricia Biggers, treasurer is Mary Freund of Court street, McHenry, observed Woman's Club"--Legion Hall--2:30 bottle-strewn apartment which he] CARD OF THANKS weddin* anniversary; o'clock. * occupied with Mrs. Martha Pfeiffer, I„ this manner I would like to Davies Circus--Matinee and Eve-!27> a Crystal Lake divorcee. Other thank all those who have sent me ning Performances -- Sponsored ! guests in the Galveston Beach \ cards and who have visited me and by St. Mary's Parish. j apartment hotel heard a shot and, remembered me in db many ways JI'NE 11 broke into the room to find Ben-1 during my illness* These kind- Bunco and Card Party--Cherry | jamin dead on the floor, shot ' Valley School - Sponsored by through the heart. j Detective Chief William J. Burns quoted Mrs. Pfeiffer as «aying Benjamin shot himself and that she Cherry Valev 4-H Club. Jane !•- ' Red Cross Election--City Hall. O. E. S. All Members Night -- Acacia Hall. Picnic at Algonquin Park for Ju- 1 venlle Foresters of St. Agatha Court. Kay Stenger, flag bearer, Kathleen j Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. G. Ross. Anglese and color guard, Kathleen! JI'NE 1« Anderson. A party and weiner i Annual. Day of Recollection -- roast will be held at the public I Sponsored by Catholic Daughters beach ^n June 21. ! of America. f JUNE SO Past Matrons Club No 547--Mrs. Mrs. Zlon Baker Mrs. James McNeil entertained friends at her hMQe west of McHenry last Friday afternoon at a farewell gathering for Mrs. Zion James T. Meeting. JUNE 81 C. D. of A. Picnic. JUNE » McNeil. -- Evening then attempted unsuccessfully to shoot herself with a Czech automatic revolver. Benjamin was a cavalry lieutenant in World War II. He was wounded four times during ser. vice in France and Italy and spent a year in hospitals. , He was awarded several decorations, Including the Silver Star. Recently he had been working as a drug store clerk in Crystal Lake. His widow, Audrey Jones Benjamin, mother of two sons, 1 and 2 years nesses have been greatly appreciated. *4 MRS. JOS. H. HUEMANN. SINGLES Baker, who has sold her McHenry i Pfcnic por Juveniles of.St. Clara's Kama <*•%«« gone to S<3u..1l1l1iv an, 1i1t,1 ., /ifCYokutlrftt-- VV. FTP WW . Grounds. I . | - Jane 84-8S Rummage Sale--Sponsored-by^AJtax and Rosary Sodality of St. I'atrick's church., , ^ , July 1 V\ Bake Sale--Sponsored by O. EL 8. Jaly 14 Public Card Party--Sponsored O. E. S. ON THE RIVER by Marie Schaettgen Cruising down the river on a Sunday afternoon you will find a dark, good looking ex-GI in a boat ringing a brass bell. This enterprising young gentleman last year instituted a novel sales idea. He will serve you with ice cream or cold drinks right on your own pier. This unique service has gained popularity since he started it. This year he has several boats on the river, all manned by good looking young fellows. SUPPLIES Mercury Outboard Motors %Vt to 10 lip. available BOW. St hp. coming soon. Larcokrid Marine Enamel Synthetic Base For boats, yard farmltare, household use. Available hi colors, clear, porcelain white. nrj ity TyriXTTTTVTT7 Contaiaer» 9lio per g&Uon f A JlvJL JC/JlN 1JJLN JC/ SI per gal iii 5-gal. quantities or more Balk Boat Hardware and Accessories Large variety brass screws, ga* tanks, windshields, throttle controls, beat handles, steering cable and boat rope, life preservers, life Jackets, beat canvas covers, beat paddles, leaai eoMpound, plastic weed All, viae and tiler, trine Plywood Beautiful mahogany and flr. Available by foot or sheet. SWITZER - CRAFT ^ Wholesale and Retail Entrance Rear of Gladstone's Store, McHenry, III "S, -*>•- -.;i "i home and to reside Present to enjoy a social afternoon were Mrs. B. Hughes of woodatock, and Mesdames Art Hppjte, William Ensweller, C. C. Hoyt, Jules Gonseth , James Lindsay, C. H. Duker, Robert Thompson, George Johnson and Arthur Dimon and Miss Marjorie Duker. • .»• Entertain For Gradaato Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso entertained at a gathering of relatives at their home in the north part of the city last Sunday in honor of Donald Kinsala, who graduated from St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school. Present at the social afternoon and evening and to enjoy a tasty supper were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Miller and Elmer Kinsala of Batavia, Miss Mina Kinsala of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. George Kinsala. Henry Kinsala and daughters, Eleanor and Mildred, and son, William, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes of McHenry^ P. T. A. Elects ' New Officers The last meeting of the season of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P. T. A. was held on Wednesday of last week, with Mrs. Carmen Antonson chairman of the committee in charge, which consisted of the mothers of first grade pupils. Vocal selections by the fifth grade and a I violin quartet, under the direction of officers' took place following selected to serve for the ensuing year: Lillian the father of this idea is young of S,,8t,er A°dreella, -made up the Maurice Leclerc. He lives on thl m"*lcaA P°rti.on th«? progarm. river near McHenry and loves the1 river. He swears he will live there I forever and he says the first quali. |*erv! .. . „ „ fication a girl must have for him I -n 861 Pre®'dent, Mary Vycital, is that she must be willing to ^ I vice-president; Leone Tonyan, in McHenry. Line forms on the18ecretary and Betty Clark, trearight bank, girls. loe|Gurer. Maurice is really ambitious fcy THANK YOU The V. F. W. and American Legion organizations wish to thank the public for its splendid response and support of Poppy Tag Day. A total of 2,500 popples were sold and $320 collected by the school children. Top salesmen were Judy Freund and Penny Fike, with Robert Stock and Robert Grandt in second place. old, is the daughter of James ». ___ ___ ___ k Jones, wealthy owner of a Chi-1 ** THE SKY cago bookbinding and printing "A" YOU'RE ADORABLE Mrs. Pfeiffer's husband, John, FOREVER AND EVER who owns a trucking and exca- HAT.T HA'I vating business is Crystal Lake,! followedthe couple as far as New} Orleans, where he lost trace of them. He has filed for divorce in the McHenry county circuit! court on grounds of adultery and [ asks custody of their child, Mari- 5- j Just received a large selection : of long playing records. Children's records 26c and up..... BAB'S , IT'S GOLD OUTSIDE ONCE IN LOVE WITH AXT _ WONDERFUL GUy I PONT SEE ME IN YOUR EYES ANYMORE IN ME.MORIAX In loving memory of our'betoved 1 Need rubber stamps! The Plaindealer. Order at husband and dad, George King, i who passed away three years ago. j Memories are treasures no one | can steal, > < Death is a heartache nothing can heal; Some may forget him now that he's gone, But we shall remember no matter how long. - LOVING WIFE and CHILDR!@f. Large selection of classical and popular albums. Sie^ani. Qimbuf. 514 W. Main Street. McHenry Tel. McHenry 123-J ear winter he attends college, Loyola and summer he spends on his beloved river. This idea of Maurice's hpq excited quite a lot of interest. Newspaper men have written little stories about it and news-reel pictures were made last summer showing Maurice serving ice cream to some one on a pier. He has become quite a familiar figure on the river and the kids watch for him and his brass bell. After this article the young girls will be watching for him too, I'm afraid. SECOND DOG SHOT A second dog was shot in the McHenry community within one week, the last reported being the pet police dog belonging to Mrs. Floyd Covalt, €r. The dog, which rarely leaves home, returned from a brief run last week with a bullet hole in its back. The owner Is desirous of learning the identity of the person who would stoop to the level of wounding a pet and leaving it to die. will offer » reward for this information. :i Corks As Hsndlea Good handles for cooking utensils may be made With corks. Since cork Is a noiyedpductor of heat you will avoid trai^Btfingers, also. WE ARE GRATEFUL We are exceedingly grateful for all the help and sympatimextended us during our recent sorrow. MR. and MRS. F. N. MUZZY. SUSAN and JEAN MUSKf, Surprise Bridal Shower Jane 9 ' A surprise bridal shower- was given at the home of Mrs. A. R. Qualntance in Johnsburg on June 2 for Margie Grens of Fox Lake, who wi.l become the bride of William Barth this weekend. Guests were served a buffet dinner and the bride-to-be presented with beautiful gifts. , Present were Bette Anne Grablowski of Pell Lake, Marge Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barth, Mrs. W. Barth and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merkels of McHenry, Petie Peterson and Rose Silk of Wonder Lake, Elsie Vanderspool of Round Lake, Mildred Olson and Lareau Jones of Lily Lake, Hasel Lass of Lake Geneva, Evie Cole, Helen Clark, Lu Hanford and Lorraine Huff of 8prtng Grove, Blaine Kleimon of Volo, June Nelson ot IngiesNe and Leo Lay of Johns burg. • * • tC. D. efA Held Installation Court Joyce Kilmer, CL D. of A^ held initiation and Installation at the . parochial school hall last Thursday evening, with a pot-luck supper served at 7 o'clock. Thlr teen new members were welcomed at this time. * Mrs. Edith Ronan, district deputy, of Elgin, served as installing officer and Bertha Jensen as installing monitor. New officers installed were Mildred Kinsala, grand regent; Christine Krinn, vice-regent; Betty Gende.. secretary; Helen Weber, propheteaa, Laura Weber, flnan- (Seeretarfi LaVemae Hobbs, GwnM^ VARIITY IS THE SPICE OF..". LOW IS THB PRICIOF... •** •SgSTigSsfc tt-iOr'-"' -- Vie Mpjy Stove Next Door To Bank McHenry,

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