' V fUr Ssle «**® poultry farm, having everything to raise ltd dress from 800 to 1,000 broilers weekly; starting and finishing batteries; automatic hot water oil heat »" r« «r®om PER FC>» MhIIIbi window*, ttbte and chairs, davenport and rocker, •full aise coilspring, lawn mower and garden tool*. Phone Johnsbu 584-M-l. »of DM gmt number of ads which appear la the sr each week, we have tt tepwrtWi to keep books accounts. TherefM, ta the future, only ads which am paid fee bedsre this section ef the paper go* te prees at 10 *ttack oa Wednesday mornings will ha printed. newly built house with two-room apartment for help; 30 miles northwest of Chicago on good road, close to town. Asking $30,000. will consider offer and aelling on contract. Address "PF," care McHenry Plaindealer. o FOR SALE ^ Ylf Biln Prr""1"'" gas stove- in good condition, $o. Phone McHenry For Bale--Spring formals, satin wedding gowns, ladies' dresses, hats, suits; children's clothes; men's and boys' suits; sport coats, shoes. This clothing in good condition. "Gone With the Wind" lamp, chinaware, glassware, gilded frames, clocks, hanging lamps; Burroughs adding machine; L. C. Smith typewriter; cuckoo clock. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra C-otta Boad, Terra Cotta Consignment k Re s%le Antique Shop, quarter mile jSFor Bala--Young ducks, all ages. | west of Terra Cotta factory. Open tall Dan Weber, phone McHenry: daily 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays. ftU-W-l *4 i 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone Crystal ! i Lake 1346 R-l 4-tf for Sale--New Cape Cod face' f>rick homes, radiant heat, full j "* BANK basement, insulated, large lots in j ; - ON BLAKTS FOB l>eautiful Mill Stream Park, Me-j - BE8T BUYS • - .Kenrv. 111. Just north of Route 120 j PBICE8 ABE DOWN BUT THE, , ^ 0 and West of Mill Stream. Bercher, ! VALUES ABE AB HIGH AS i fr^ Open Sundays^STILLMcHenry 152. 4| EVER. YOU STILL GET A and lot, MeHeriry Golf Course subdivision; year 'round home. Phone Ravenswood §-0118 or write A. Halama, 5114 N. Western ave., Chicago, 111 . For Bala -- Chehuriiua puppies," A.K.C. registered, fine specimens, champion stock. Phone Crystal Lake 92*. M HOUSE FOB SALE -- McCullom Lake--5-room furnished, , including oil stove, gas range, cabinet sink, large electric refrigerator. #4,750, terms. Call McHenry 37 or Tlumbolt 6-1633, Chicago. *4 FOB 8ALE -- For your Faller brushes call Albert Pepping. Sr» R-l, McHenry. Phone 67S-W-2. 2-tf FOR SAfjE -- Electrify yonr oil lamp in V4 minute with the new Gyro converters; it's ready to light. Also cut glass vases and china vases electrified and made into lovely lamp bases. All types o f lamps repaired. Estimates WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND A COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED VEHICLE. For Sale--Complete hardware for,. two sliding garage* doors; slides,\ hinges. , locks, etc. $5 each. Call j *41 Plymouth Sedan JieHenry 651-R-2. *4, Only 200 miles on motor t;-------r; 1 --~ i '41 Dodge Sedan (Fluid Drive) For Sale--I>inmg room set, dinette- Wlth cugtom equipment Set, other furniture, kitchen uten- ; >40 Chrysler Sedan si 1b, dishes, etc. Phone McHenry j Large car -low price C53-M. _ >**j'4C Pontlac Coach , <• 1 *39 Plymouth Conpe \ For Sale--l'»ed furnace, large fire 1,37 Plymoutij Coach rot, to be removed from building; ,35 Dod^e Sedan est offer takes it; can be seen j .45 y Toa Dodge Pickup * The Pit Tavern, ft. 120, east :,47 ^Ton £3|e Pick.! ING'S TOWN AND COUNTRY STUDIO, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 297-J. 1-8 FOR SALE--Cocker spaniels, one buff female, 8 weeks; two blacks, females, 3 years old. George Reiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-3. •52-tf CELLANEOUS river bridge. i '40 VsTon International Pickup little thing. Works, too. Price when new $55. This one, $20. Call Mc "Henry 651 R 2.. 301 E. Pearl St. S McHenry ] FW Sile--New Idea hay loader 6-room!an<* 8'^e delivery rake. Good con jbouse^best offer" qu^rtile" ' two I £•»<»»• P,0™1* Paddock, phone Mc Mocks off Lily Lake Beach. Call; Henry 61_ R _. McHenry 681-M-2. Mrs. Zaboth. 4-2 \T„. Bale-18-ft. Century utility For Bale--22cu. ft. G. E. Reach in 18P*ed ^oati 103 hp.. Gray motor; refrigerator; perfect condition; clean. Chain of Lakes Boat Suitable for restaurant or tavern. |Co. Phone McHenry 411-M. 4 Carey Electric Shop, Green St |Pot ^ _ 6 fu. ft. Frigidaire. McHenry. Phone 251. For Sale -- Two-year-old Springer good condition. Paul Brefeld, 104 Washington, McHenry. *4 Spaniel, white and liver color. Call! For Sale-Beautiful Southern Co McHenry 605-R-2. * 1 lonial home, one of the loveliest For Bale--Peterson rowboat, Or- ^ on Pistakee Bay;- 8 rooms, chard Drive and Lake Shore, Mc- j ®en' pa*°> 2 powder rooms, 3 Cuttoin Lake. Mrs. Prank Musvn- natnral burn?nK fireplaces, 7 cedar •ki. Phone McHenrv 533 W-l. * *4 e,08et8. 4 10 f*- Anderson picture * I windows. Every room has view of For Sale--Ireland double drum hay'lake; base-board radiant gas heat; hoist; new; $60. Carey Electric j kitchen equipped with ft. E. gar- Shop, Green St., McHenry, Phone i bage disposal and dish washer; 251. ,4 Bendix washer, dryer and Ken- ;r r~ ' . 4 ^ 1 more mangle; also rubber tile floor. sror Sale--Beef Stealk Ponderoso j Automatic hot water; Elgin watfer and the famous Itauan Tree Vine. softener. House -completely insu- Tomato plant* Firft house north; lated; 80 ft. water fr »t, 3-Car ?on ?nd Route garage, guest cottage, tool shed, 1-0. Phone 546-^2. Schafer. *4 . steel pier posts, 12-fruit ticts, all For Sale--Four-room cottage; vcar1 A"?®1*0.",,ca8ement wj»dows, com- 'round running water; $4,500. Call | ^ Vl 8C'e^»and, "}<>/«» «•; Wonder Lake 151 *1! dowa- Php"e Pi"takec 76o-J «4 Bale--At Wonder Lake, yeari^*^^ ground, laki-lgont home. W. H.1 , ^ands- .80 bs: -Pair matc hed spotted ands. 800 lbs. Y Haase, Cedar Road and Lake Shore ' su<rkhllg colts, j/ru-ed Drive. Deep Spring Woods sub-'X sale" Phone CrystaI • .division. Rt. 1, Ringwood, 111. *4! *4 CEMENT BUILDING N BLOCKS Available now in any quantity at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. 4-tf baru Spraying -- Carbola D.D.T., Carbola disinfectant, whitewashing. William Ahrens, 607 Front street, West McHenrv. Phone 148-J. 4-tf Piano Service--Complete piano ser- ^fce. Ralph L. Clark, piano technician. 902 Garfield Road, Harvard, HL TeL Harvard 748-R. *4 P. 4>. Rottai Volo. o j, H. vngfa Phone 80S-W ao-tt WAMtKD SO BUT--We have <Hk buyer* for reeort and farma^ JAOO r TOB, at Johnsbarg. TeL McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln IStS. 2-tf Ml Waahiagton St. OL Cemeat ia4 OmmW I*rk C«Mrt Kfawtar Par V Mm M. EmeraM Park Sab. ••1-J-l 1-tf WOBK fiMNdatlon Free Estimate ABVIXWOV BBOTKBBS TeL McHenry 958-M-2 50-tf I HAVE TO HIRE AMAN to help our District Manager handle oar increaaing business in this community. This work is in line with the program advocated by the Department of Agriculture. Must have car. Permanent work, good p&y for man who has had some farm experience. Write Box 100, care Plaindealer. SPRING GROVE (by Mrs. Charles Prasad) A day of visiting and a picnic dinner was enjoyed by a group of relatives on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn on Sunday of last week. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Fred Shotliff and family .of Woodatock. Mr. and Mail at UwY SEATTLE, WASH.--The o b I f ^rhratehr owned and operated post office in the United States began its 4Mb year oa Seattle's Srd av. with more than 700 seafarers and rolling stones of every' profession on its rolls. The proprietor, -Lew Chlarson, a retired contractor, isii't exactly Mrs. Wlllite Shotliff of Wood-j "2th stock. M- • rs. D- orothy Pester and post office.. He uses United 8tates family of Alden, 111., Mr. and Mrs Lester Stevens, Maj weod, Mr. aad Mrs. Bill Shotliff, Ben and Claude Stevens, Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. Belle Isacson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schultz and son, Chicago. Miss Kathryn Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Art Gross of Chicago, Mike Huff. : Miss iiorif? McCauley of Chicago was guest of honor at a shower given by the Fred Meyer family at St. Peter's parish hall Sunday, May c . 29. Guests were relatives and 4 friends from Waukegan, Chicago, jMcHenry, Johnsburg, Richmond, HELP WANTED--Young man for Woodstock and Spring Grove. The washing, polishing and lubrication work. Overton Motor Sales, 400 Front St., McHenry, IU. 4 HELP WANTED UNION CABPENTBBS Remodeling, Homes, Garages, etc For free estimate call J. Krettler, Fox Lake 5122. guest of honor was the happy recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. The table of gifts was attractively decorated with a yellow and green umbrella, above which was suspended a sprinkling can in the same color scheme with white streamers. A buffet lunch Help Wanted--For fountain work; steady work. Laura's Sweet Shop, 139 Riverside Drive, McHenrv. *4 4 j was served to the sixty-five guests, j'rtie evening's entertainment were Help Wanted--Combination cook and pie baker; day work. Phone 361. McHenry Country Club. 4 FLOOR COVERING Asphalt, rubber, cork, plastic and wood tile, linoleum, wall tile. Bay Irion, Phone 888, Woodstock, I1L 4»t< CHAIN OXAKES BUTLDER8 Homes-Oarages-Cabinets Bemodellng Dry Wells, Septic Tanks, Well Pitt Free plans and estimates. Phone Hebron 926 or McHenry 643-M-l. *4 Give Away -- Six-month-old male spaniel puppy to be given away to good,home. Call McHenry 605-R-2 4 PAINTING -- Exterior and interior; installation of plastic tile; insured; for estimate call Mc- Henry 552-W-l. Bert Engfltrom, Mairni ne Route, McHenry. 47-tf KfNSEY A^ENSTBN Carpenters Let us give you an estimate <m that building or remodeling Job. Phone VrHenrj 893-J *3-4 TOWIMJ -- Tractor mowing and wood sawing. Henman Dowe, phone McHenry 241. 3-tf >or Sato--High erade „partm,„t ' "0M,!8 F0* grairf, thoroughly reconditioned ^ ? r00m» »nd and refinished, like new, $785- also i,' 1 104x36°- also suitable good upright piano. Phone Lake I re®Prt cottages. Price »1«,000, Zurich 3102. 4-tf'W e reasonahle offer. for Sale--12x18 Axmihster rug, 1 Shalimar Subd. Modern 5 room Used one month; 2-pc. living room':hoine' garage, automatic oil heat, Suite; blond baby crib, innerspring 3 lots, 150x150, beautifully l&idinattress, used two weeks; stroller J 8Caped. Price $15,000.. and bassinette. Call McHenry #74-J-2. .4 Also five large rooms in Shalimar, £ -- 13 lots, 150x150, $12,500. for Sale--3V&-hp. outboard . motor, j Jim Green, .306 Court St., Mc-14 rooms and porch, in Wooded llcnry. Phone 141 R. *4! Estates Sub. Pistakee Bay. lot f OR SALE-Large lots, wi^"^ |100x200 Pri?e |7'500- l?^iir^ari»r8tak™ 4^* i}eorgelWonder •*> Blacktop road, " e Pistakee 633-J-2. 5 rooms, furnace heat, garage, . *52-tf | large lot. Price $8,500. For a point- BEER FOR SALE - If you get li Tn°»n^U;rg« J t^C0K ! "v" anything from' a 8nap7hot7o company and need a case of cold ^7 lei* Mc«enry l large murals, or free hand oil beer in a hurry, come to the • ' paintings Copying and framing. Cportsmen's Inn; also package FOB SALE--Fertilizer rotten cow CAMERAS' PROJECTORS, FILMS TUquor to take out. 513 Main street, manure; just right for your ear- AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S Henry. *3-3 den fertilizer ;^$4 per yard de- STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc- -- 4Q_tf MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SEEVICE-- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf CLOGGED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. ,, Lake County Sanitai v Co.,' Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf BRING YOFR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US--We can de Help Wanted--SALE8MEN to sell new wall painting machine in McHenry and Lake Counties. Being demonstrated at 713 Elgin Road, beginning at 7 p.m. Friday evening, June 10, to 2 p.m., Saturday afternoon July 11. Hardware men and maintenance engineers welcome. *4 HELP WANTED -- Kitchen help and waitresses for dining room, full or part time. Villa Hotel Resort. Phone McHenmrym 378. 2-tf ABE YOU LOOKlA FOE A GOOD ' POSITION At the same time learning an old reliable trade. WE WANT AMBITIOUS GIRLS WHO WISH TO MAKE SEWING < THEIR CAREER IF YOU ARE STEAD AND NOT AFRAlfltf TO WORK YOUI| EARNINGS ARE NOT LIMITED 5-day Week - 40 hours No Saturday Work Girls with home sewing experience pref erred- RIVERSIDE MFG. CO. 200 N. Riverside Drf»# McHenry, III. games of cards and bunco and prize winners were: Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Pete Freund and Mrs. Tony May in five jhundred. Prizes in pinochle went to Mrs. Alex Justen, Mrs. Henry Schmitt, Mrs. Arnold Anderson and Mrs. John Marshall. Winners in bunco were: Mrs. Marge Slocum, Mrs. Ben Blake, Mrs. John Jung and Mrs. William Freund. Miss McCauley will become the bride of Eugene Meyer in the Church of the Little Flower in Chicago on June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Brown and children and Miss Georgia May returned home on Monday from a trip to Austin, Minnesota and Stacyvllle, Iowa where they visited relatives and friends. Among those from here who en- Joyed the style show and afternoon at cards at Hunter's Club House In Richmond on Thursday aft- vnoon were: Mrs. G. H. Jones. Mr Jos. Koberstine, Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. T. Olsen, Mrs. Albert Brlti and Mrs. Charles Freund. Mrs. Peter May entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Five hundwred was played and prices winners were: Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Math Nimsgelhi, Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Ernest Peacock and Mrs. Tony May. A lovely lunch was' served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. William Britz, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz and sons. Miss Georgia May attended coinstamps and gets three deliveries a dtp from a standard mailman in his cubicle lined office at the back end of Raymer's old bookstore. 'It's a post office with a petsonsl touch," Cblarson says. The forwarding mail service for travelers was started in 1909 by Charles Raymer, who up%to that* time had made a good thing of selling books bp prospecting to miners bound for Alaska and ^manuals on fancy rope Work to sailors on shore leave. O Work Became Sideliae A friend stopped in at the store one day to ask Raymer to handle his mail while he was in Alaska during the salmon season. The word was passed along and Raymer was soon licking stamps by the gross, with book selling coming in as a sideline. Lew Chlarson bought the bookstore and post office from Raymer's heirs and put his wife in charge of the book department. With the old rate of $3 per box per year, Chlarson says he's not getting rich fast, but he maintains that there'is a certain fascination in figuring postal rates to far away places. Among other remote spots, he now has customers holed up in Wee Waa, New South Wales. Medina, Saudi Arabia and Santiago, Chile. If a box holder doesn't send in a forwarding address for a year or so, Chlarson piles this overflow accumulation in the basement. He has learned from experience not to give up any of his cuetonsers for deed. Lost Twe Get Mall * A few months after V-J day, three seamen who had been listed as missing in action by the maritime service showed up to claim their mail and got it. The trio bad been in a Japanese prison camp for most of the war. Some customers have held the same box for over SS years, but box 13 changes hands every few months, Chlarson says. Forwarding addresses are kept in strict confidence according to postal regulations, but Chlarson admits sadly that the rule has ended many a romance. "Girls come in here quite a bit to . / Namr Faile . "* Summer Boaritt1--What's leaking aO that noise? Surely you are not running a threshing machine at this time of the year. ^ . • The Farmer--No, the boys are figuring up the profits from our hoarders on our new rapid calculating, machine. OUCH! mencement exercises of Mary Ann! ou* where their sailors have Klaus at Grant High School, Fox; gone. All I can do is tell them to Lake on Thursday night. They also attended the reception at her ] home. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rauen, Mr. write him a letter in care of the wanderers' mail service." • After observing the trend back over the years, Chlarson concludes a.n d M.rs . George Kattner and ,c h,i l- tmhaa1 t "mmro.™re aa„nrai more people are dren of Chicago visited Mrs. John Kattner on Sunday Sunday gue3ts in the Math Xims- ^ gern home were: Mr. and Mrs. going farther and farther away from home today." {Mike Degen and son William of Railroad Stops Bis Traift Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tto. Givo Cna.ti Jto. Younf G«ii_r l OXFORD, LA.--A railro ad Nimsgern and Robert Nimsgern, t- Jr., of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. SITUATION WANTED I Lawrence Nimsgern of Richmond popped its passenger train at this ______ and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent, and , little Louisiana town to give a girl WANTED--Position, store, sales, __ j._ __ ia tomcat. The girl# had baked a office or what have yon. For man Charlotte Freund s name ap- for ^ raijroa<| with 26 years banking experience, Peare^ In a Hst of prize winners, near "" McHenrv, MeHeiry.-wVicn* kT/ wc,,"'" Cl.lc.go Sunday Times l„»t [ '» " f««r nrv. M«*Oui'nm I.nVo *4 Sunday. She received, a prise for i ™"®ne f?„ V J p il!g one her childcraft work, the inatruc-1 which was killed by a Texas A WANTED--00 a tiring evenings, , tions of which are in the Tiny : Pacific locomotive. Monday through Friday and all]Sunday Times section. Charlotte! The presentation was made by day Saturday. Phone McHenry !made a paper doily out of a sheet, the engineer of the train which 543-W-2 WANTUiD TO RENT BUMMER HOMES FOR SALE-- Li,^r^i in ^ or^-yard load. Rest- Henry- Phone 275. Miller's Sub., 5 rooms, inclosed ^ ?eik!o. ^ Large one.story building, 30x40, Henry. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. large porch, new foundation, suit-: *l-tf tUVk Cha^int° 6,r°°.™'„°ear F0R SALE--Johns-Manville Homt. Jonheburg Bridge, only $4,200. | Insulation, installed by The Wali- ,, „ _ • jPlll Co. For estimate call Leo J. I s""ln«. McHenry 18. 40-tt IFOR SALE--31 acres on U. S. 31, porch, near Johnsburg Price Ringwood, suitable for gas station, 97,500. For appointment call (Hank cabins, lunch room. For infor- Nell), JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, mation call JACOB FRITZ, REALin Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37. TOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry , 3-tf 37. 3-tf , tOR SALE--Generators, armatures, FOR SALE--Household furniture, . larters, fuel pumps, distributors end tables, davenport, upholstered •itage regulators and ignition parts chairs, 3-piece sectional bed, »r Ford and all other cars. Seaco lamps, etc, B. E. Hall, Fleming iles 4- Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Road. Bull"Valley, Woodstock, Tel. dvoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. Woodstock 1617-M-2. 62-tf 47-tf FOR SALE -- Two matching Ax- POR SALB--TYPEWRITERS, AD- minster rugs, 7%x5% and 9x12, DING MACHINES. 8ervice on all, complete with pads and throw makes. Also ribbons for all makes; rugs. Suitable for living and dinearbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., jette room; like new and reason- Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tfabie. Claude Nickels. Phone Mc. | Henry 259-W. 4 FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials* Call or write FRANK GANS -Riverside Drive, McHcnry Tel. 106-W Representative of Sears Roebuck & Co., Wall and floor tile, roofing, garage doors, screens, wall board, and ceiling tile, siding, gutters, r -Kwool, Iron railings. Free delivery. > 43-tf 4 of typewriter paper. -- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Felder of , Dubuque,. Iowa, Visited in the Frank May home this weekend, Tom Freund. and Walter Barber greatly enjoyed the Spring Concert given by the Vandercook School of Music Concert Band at Wilmot, Wis., on Sunday afternoon. Our baseball team traveled to Wanted to Rent--Teacher and ".family desire unfurnished four or fiveroom house in McHenry or surrounding community. Will come to McHenry between now and fall high school term. Address Carl Buckner, care of McHenry Plain-[Woodstock"Sunday afternoon and dealer. , • ' 4.3 played a very nice game inspite of the fact that the Woodstock team Wanto^-to Bent--A teacher, Wife {were the winners by a score of and son- desire a 2-bedroom home ; 4 to 1. The Spring Grove boys are or ground floor apartment by ! having a dance at the Town Hall ^ V'rK|l H. Prine; Ion Wednesday night, June IB. Let's 1001^ Madison St., Darlington, Wis-! boost their morale and turn out consin. -4-3 for this dance in large numbers. ~ ! Mr. Matt Weber and Mr. and WELLS DRILLED OB DBIVEN WATER 8YSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. L'5-tf ,,,, „ "*^1™ J" "J?'™ „„„„ ! Mrsr. Paul Weber and tamily of ."fST„.VO™Wauke»ha Wl... were ran over Marlene's dead pet. Other railroaders were present. Marlene invited the railroad men' to the store owned by her father, W. H. Wendt, to try a eake with chocolate icing she bad baked. "I like the csft," said Marlene. "He looks just like Cinder, my other cat. I'm going to name him T A P . The girl wrote the Texas & Pacific railroad saying: "Dear sir: My cat was killed by one of your engines. He was a black cat named Cinder. I would appreciate another cat." The railroad thought that one over a few days. "In the near future we will see TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl 8t. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer. m-: < IITIM HIH HI H1 IU Ml** M IH HII HI 1 Helen Weber Says: Your Clothes ; Get the Best You can't buy quality at any price. Bat people In this community will tell you that the beet quality drycleaning ie done In our plant. Bxpert cleaners and pressors, with a thorough knowledge of fabrics mad yarns, take particular pains with each garment sent to us. Tou caa •=he sure that yonr clothee are reectorfng the beat cava when ym t»mL McHenry Cleaners 1M-M 1M W«|pr. Mgr. HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cistcrns cleaned Wy Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHer.ry 290. £9-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 366. tf HOMF' HFRK'S A " ronn 7\"!wauKewi8 vv,,, • were Sunday that you have a cat to replace VESTMENT-Ml',ldlt.-^„ eed tAo pr«p- le.• |\ ««j'u'uLu ^rriomwnuwlTij eMsucaipptetud .™»e?r-:! !r..»r0'e ^ M.arl<"» mrwl*™ I™ • „,< or 6-room ,ous injury on Monday when his modern home; walking distance station; best of references DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest eash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Bendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse' charge*. * 39-tf Employes of the railroad scurcar collided with another car while j arour)^,.t° "n^ ' to 8uit can: crossiing Highway 12. He was1 *"ar'ene- «Cinder didn t have any occupy any time from now to Sept.; taken to Woodstock hospital where i white whatsoever." she had said 'Paf® .,at sensible |it was found that he had two in a Second letter. "Cinder was s lno ' , „ . j s/ want to broken ribs and lacerations about P«t. 1 ftiean you could pick Georee Kninpiv v onc®,- the forehead. Latest reports were, him up any time and pet him." Ave ChkaEo 19 in that he was not too badl^ injured1 ., cago 19, in. 2-3 and wouid recover. We all hope for a speedy recovery. Approximately sixteen ladies attended a Plastic Party at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Mon- The student of ancient {listory was telling his friends a f^w interesting facts. 'There is a case," said he. "where a Roman engraved a curse on a slab of stone and sent it to an enemy--" "Sent him^li very stiff letteV, eh?" interrupted, a wag. Tura A beat A grocer had difficulty with a doctor who was backward in paying his bills, so he put the matter In the hands of a collector. The man returned looking worried. "What's the matter?" asked the grocer. "What did the doctor say?" "Well," replied the collector, "he said I wasn't looking well, examined my tongue, and- advised me to remain indoors for a few weeks." Ne Change Watson returned to his native town after some years abroad. "Has Watson changed much In the years he has been away?" asked one who had heard of his return, but had not yet seen Mm. "No," said the man addressed, "but he thinks he has." "In what way?" "Oh, he persists in talking about what a fool he used to be!"' . TOO SOON A lead aM ehJectienaMe bare had been talking far hears abait MnwiH aai hie achievements. 'Tm a eetf-made man, that's what I am--a self mads man," 'Tfaa ka ached eff werk lee eees**' Transit a Mashed Potatoes For a change from everyday mashed potatoes, add a little chopped chives or parsley. a aqr Si teriwn Don't minimise ttut issMnjg disslnese and blame it an aa overdose at hamburgers and restaurant pte. The cause mlg^l he mora far* kins, ranging from Infection ta tpar of fte brain. " The eausas and types of diirlnsas Were dlecossed by Dr. Paul A Campbell, assistant prdeaeor at etolaryngologjrsln the Ndtth western* CTnlverstty medical sebNL He qpoke at the Veterans Administration hospital at Downey, HL "The symptom, 'dizziness,' la one of the more common human complaints. When a patient states that he is dizzy, he may refer Ik any of several subjective tessV Hons, ranging from a feeling 01 whirling to ana ef mental bewildermSent," Dr. CMnpMI said. "If the complaint is that ef • sensation of whirling, or that the environment Is whirling about the patient, the source of the disturbance usually lies in the small balance canals associated with the' ear. or with the, nerve connections of the balance canals with th^ brain. If the complainf does nc^ contain a rotational element, then the sensation is probably originating in the higher ceqters of the brain." If the dizziness of which the patient complains Is rotational in nature, the commoner causes are too much fluid or salt consumption, allergy. Infection, neurit! or tumor of the nerve which connects the balance organs with the brabft Among the commoner causes « nonrotational dizziness are blood pressure disturbances, endocrine changes such as those of the menopause, disorders of the' eye, remote infections, and brain concussion. "Because tumor of the balance nerve may be one of the commmftr types of brain tumor, all instances of dizziness in which there Is a rotational element must be very carefully studied by the phyete&an,?h Dr. Canpbell concluded. Microwave Spectroscopy Microwave technology, born of wartime radar, has given science a new technique for studying molecular structure. Molecular absorption, the most accurate method af determining dimensions and atomic constituents of molecules^ has always been limited by the r4V solving power which could be attained with infrared absorption methods. New electronic techniques In the microwave region have Increased the resolving power several hundredfold. Source of this microwave power is a tunable velocitymodulated Oscillator, generating a band of frequencies around 24,000 megacycles. VfiP CAR All Prices Slashed 1947 STl'DEBAKER £ €« 1917 KAISER 4 DR. 1947 NASH 600 4 DR. 1947 WILLYS JEEP 194(1 NASH AW. 4 DR. 1916 NASH POO 2 DR. 1946 FORD C'ONV. 1941 PLYMOUTH S. W, 1911 SASH «;»r> 2 DR. 194i STl'DElJAKEIt 4 DR. 1940 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4 DR. 1940 FORD 2 DR. 2 DR. I9?6 /CHEVROLET 4 INK. , 1934^DESOTO 4 DR. 1947 B0DGE POWERJUtCON 1936 Downs Nash Sales m Elm Street McRENRY 484 Also Towing Service 1 DEPEND On the Skill of Our Pharmacists What doos that medicine bottle contain? Years of study integrity, scientific experiment and proven ability to do the job. You can depend an the skill anJ experience af our pharmacists to give vou exactly what your doctor prescribes. Your doctor prescribed them. DRUG STORE (Walgreen Agency) Phone 86 McHenry 1 FOR RENT FOB BENT--Two-room kitchenette fo^TiTlv"a'nH "a n^ iV*i>^('^Ien.rJ.' j day night. All enjoyed the demon- *i«» nor w»»v afiHii nies Pa1^' stration and several special prizes P" !T.eek-. A_ddrees Box 1, in, A lovelv llinclr wnR The railroad finally found a suitable animal and arranged for*.a train to stop here for presentation ceremonies. v cqxe of pij»ii^oni«r RXPSKT PIAHO TUHING AND BSPA1BIH6--Work fully guaranteed. Phone McHenry 881-M-2. •1-4 t'OK K£Af'^-auuui 30 acres good the party pasture, near Burton's Bridge. $150 for whole season. Write William Dern, Lake Bluff, 111. Phone 419. 2-8 were given. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess to complete ROOMS FOE RENT--At 109 West Main street. McHenry. Tel. 100-R WANTED •*r WAT1B AH ALY8I8--Well water > I checked for fechl contamination ).and bacterial content. Specimen • must be traaaported In sterile con- ' 1 tainer. Charga $4. McHenry X- • Ray ft Clinical Laboratory, MS 8. • Oreen St, Phone Ml. S-tf WAKTBD--Stewing chickens for freezer, aot too fat. OH 6S1 ®-t. 4 Blast Furnace Slag About 30.000,000 tons of blast furnace slag is formed annually in the production of irt*». Continuing reitarch has found uses for an esti- •M SB per cent of this nonmetallic product which contains Impurities removed from ore or metal in a smelting or refining operation. The largest use of slag Is In the construction of highways, lfore than half of the marketed material goes for this purpose, acting as base or Insulation In macadam roads or as highway filL Railroads constitute the next larg- HitfHtlllfOlP LAmOAPDRMOa SUB0BKY AXDimOTAL -- DTSUKBD J. W. EATOKAR, P. O. Box^ l6S S-l -- W. McHenry, DL •45-tf WAMTBD- -W »trheii and jeweiry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Oreen street, McHenry. CFront part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 16-tt Mortgage Wanted -- Desire mortg a g e f r o m ,p r i v a t e p a r t y . H a v e _ _ _ _ _ _ good security. Address "Box 4," I*' prixnarlly for road ballast after It # " bttn air cooled, crushed and screened* Th^y purchase Vjpar cent of all K««p Wgrries ft Your*«lf; Thty'rt Catchini, Says Doe CHICAGO.--Blues are catching. That's what a Washington psychiatrist, Dr. Benjamin Karpman says. He declares that emotional tension is "something, we catch." Uke measles, from other people. Many people, he said, "are driven Into anxieties, ^depressions or other unbearable states of tanswn," by behavior In others. "That," he added, "is one of the reasons why we so readily suacumb to war propaganda.** ' f Mfa/fdn'f for $5,000 IP I COULDN'T OIT ANOTHtS 4 Whole Wheat for Cattle Whole wheat, which Is to -be coarsely ground or cracked before feeding. Is worth about as orach, . [fflyni for pound, as I est group of consumers, using slag ' cattle. iUNY OWNERS fael tfc.t way about the Carmars especially, and it's the one machine they find snore oaaful than any other. Cooae in and let as show yon hfFw the Universal **JeepM works all year .as a pid-ep, torn track, light tractor and Mobile power ssit • - • • m mnvn$M % care of Plaindealer, JleHenry. *4 Da yen Immediately give scrapes which break the Skla fhrst aid treatment by cleaning, applying u» antiseptic. Mid bandaglngT They pui slag sold. Coaiplete uae of Lee's poultry remediee at Wattles Drag Store, M*- Henry." Mf lmperttust Tears It has been estimated that ens year ef right feeding In the- Wr 0# a child Is more Important than 10 years ef right feeding after he Is McHENRY GARAGE • 604 Front * FIW