Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1949, p. 10

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n, .... pilMttw with anlata at But Ugh iacjaded hta ira<- Anne Jack ion. He thai •a ambition he had since her was a boy In >'• n». m * RBIIAN8PBBGER areata far all claaeee af j i spilljr ia tha beat companies. W«at McHenry. Illlnaia a sJfcll Wlecoaeia towa that ao pahtk high echool. Thcnst . «M, however, attend a peepachool te New Englaad and reoelved a degree from Btaloit, (Wis.) college. Need rubber stamps! Oi^ at The Plain dealer. i yx/n/tjwmrrr aa ft, DB. H. S. FKBJ jnu. - . • fyj&t"-- .jfet INSURANCE * KAKLR. WALSH A Plre, Aat% Fans 6 Life Ihsaranec RELIABLE COMPANIES When yoa need insurance af any kind Phone 43 ar 118-M flww A Elai Oa Highway SI--Office aad Beuae Tot McHenry SI Office Hoars: l jp. a. to 2 p. a. Except Tharedaye Bveniaga by Appointaaent DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- » 120 Greet Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hearst 10 a. m. ta 5 p. m. except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. V WANTED TO BUT -- w« w **to w f8r o" Horace, McHenry for dawn haraea and cattle. • ---- I MATTS MINK RANCH TW. Wander Lake 418 , Jahnsbarr - Spring Grove Road DR. B. H. WATKINS - Phone Joanabarr S14 Dentist I CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD i HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE Wa pay phone chargaa • .« --Office Hoara-- 'fML, Thank, * Bat. 5; • a. wL ta 8 p. m. \ *, leanings by Appointment HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid tv? Itaakoai Point Woader Lake, IIL ^ Crippled Berses, Cattle » " • ' iaad Begs--Sfcaftary Pawer Leading FRANK S. MAY j--Tankage aid Meat Scrape far Trucking sale. Phones Arllagtoa Helghta . ' V ; - iaad--Black Dirt--Crashed Gravel Excavating -- Limestone Track far Hire Phaae McHenry 588-M-l R-l McHenry AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Mala SU McHenry Bectric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator one 815-W-l or 484 M*HENRY, ILL. lit ar"McHenry UW-8. Beverse Clarfft. Palatine Readerlng Service. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Coatractors Tracking, HydraaHc and Crane. 8ervk*?':'v' • ,, » --ROAD BUILDINGS- / ' Tet 284-M McHenry, IIL SHOD1SfoTV ByBfchard fB TBOUBLE with yon,** Barry * said, 'is that you're too analyttcaL Why don't you throw caution to the wind for once and marry the girlT" . Hugh sighed. His face took on that look of faintly aloof Indulgence that ha always |con jur ed when 3-Wait* Barry Jtecame tyu. critical. "You rwuM w o u l d n n understand,** ha said. "You're too Impulsive to see what Pm driving at Let me tell you, it pays to bo carefuL" "Sure it does. But It doeent pay to be overly carefuL How does Valeria teal about Itf" "•ewdeee aha foalt Bow ie yon thlah aha fealat Whan a , gtoPe hi lava she knows anangh •a be eataM hafaeV.** "Meaning, of course, that Vafs mad about you and das'* willing to wait unto you get through analysing and Justify ar compensate her shortcomings In your mind.** Hugh gestmod tadHferently. "Figure it that way. If you Ukai" "Wouldn't it be a shock t» yon If you discovered yourself It he wrong. I mean. If Val married •lae right fltHteyV WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law • . 110% Benton St. ; Phone Woodstock 1884 Woodstock, Illinois BB. MARTIH R. ST05E CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green A Elm Taea* Thar*. k Sat. Thursdays IM to iiN Tpeadays aad Saturdays la 8 TeL McHenry 418 WBINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel r--Black Dirt--Lit wet one IVacka far Hire Rw Bsttauttng Y*. SS6-R-S * McHenry, m. CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joelyn £ Parker) Office Hoara: Wedneaday Afternaona 1M44I Offico--Koehr Sapffty Compaay, M2 Main Street, Weat McHenry! Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 11S5 •4^ FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE li B. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. . Electric Wiring Motor Repafc* Pomps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4K WELDOfC aad ' Cenatractien Portable B*aipmeet X. VAXTOB -- McHenry 51-J Green 8L, McHenry, DL McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 4M One MBo South af McHenry <r Oa Baata SI . .. - for all occasieasl VERNON KNOX Attarney-At-Law jOer. Oreen aad Blm ate., McHenry TacMay oad Friday Afternaona Other Days By AppeintaMttt Phano McHenry 4S JOSB»H X. WAYNNB Attarney-at-law Waakagaa Baad (RFD Ba® 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. McHenry 49Z-W Limeataae VEBN THELEN Tracking Gravel ' Black Dirt Track far Hire TeL McHenry 8M-B-2 or 5W-W-1 Bos 172, Rt. 1, McHenry "She won't,** said Hugh confidently. 'tllris aren't mada that way." He stood up. "I haven't been studying psychology and human ba> havior five years tor nothing." "But if the goto tlreil of waiting and marries some one else In tha meantime, maybe you'U regret tt** "Don't be ridiculous. Val won't marry anyone dee. I hnow what I'm doing." - Baity let a fartalgM before he agala *sehject of Val. H rankled Mas, and he felt latter to got It off his ebeet. "Hate to aMnUaa tt agalai Bagh, bat Val saeaw to thlah yea*va baea aagleetiag . her lately. Cant Maase her aaaeh, either." "Cut it!" Hugh looked ugly. "I think you'd better lot mo tend to toy own affairs, Barry. The gM loves me snd when I get around to It 1*11 marry her. GooSdnen, can't you understand that a man shouldn't Jump into such thingsl" "Or a woman either," Barry offered. *1 happen to know Val was out with someone else last night" "Good. Comparing the lamioni also with me wfR be the best thhtg la the world tar her and ma tea." Sunday: 7:00, ftiMf lOiOO, ll:S0. Holy Daya: ftOO, fttOO, 10:00. , Week Due: 8:45 had 8:00, First ttB tad 8:00. Coafessiona: Saturdays: S:00p.akaad7:00p.nk Thursday before First Fridayt After S>00 Mass on Thanday; 3:00 p. a. aad 7;00 p., m, Magr. C. 6. Nix/Pador. Bt. Patrick's OathoUo Oharch " Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, 10:80 ani 11:80. Holy Days: 6:80 aad 8:00. Week Daya: 7:00 and 7:30. - First Fridays: 7:10. Commanion distributed at 6:80, 7:00, during the 7:10 maea, 7:80 aad 8. Confessions: Saturday*? 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. *n4 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., snd on lliuradaya before First Fridays: 4:00 , to 5:00 »p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. a. • Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Paator. Zlon Evangelical iistthoran Oharch (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St., % block eaat of Hwy 31 West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9 a. m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 a. m. You are eordially invited to attend our iMrvicea. For Information phone 681-R-L Clifford Kiehl, Chairman. aad fourth each awtt.) r Prayer meeting, Thursday--8:00 p. a. _ Bring the family with you to Soar day School aad Worship 8ervieea, There is a plaee and a weleotae for everyoae. < 4»*ANK W. ANDERSON, •• ^ .: Pa^er. Riagvood. Ohnrch Blagwood, 111. Sunday: PabUe Worship, Church School:40:30. . - Choir Rehearsals: Wedneaday eve- Rev. Charles Stevens, Paator. St. Joseph's Charch Rlchmoad, miaols Sunday: 7:00, 8^30, 10:00 aa 11:30.D. S. T. ' Ft. Frank J. Miller, paator. ..... New Tomato Variety > " ^oiitMand, a new tomato variety which is resistant to cottar rot and nearly immune to fusarium wilt has been developed by thO U. S. department of agriculture. "French Newton" Cnminanity Methodist Oharch Church 8chool: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Jaaior League: 7 p. ia. Official board meeting on eeeond Wedneeday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial iavitation is extended to you aad your family to come and with ua. Wayne B. Price, Paator Bhrlst For McHenry Gospel Meetings Every Sunday ' » Legion Hall, Green Stii# Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. ' 10:00 a. m.--Bible School. 11:00 a. m.--Worship Serivce. 8:00 p. m.--Evangelistic Service. Everyone welcome. For additional information, write Chriet for McHenry, P. O. Boat 232, McHenry, or phone McHenry J3-W. mmrnm L U :-V rower LawHiiiowers Tha ftBMd (<JMobM8" fior trm doMntamtioB or Sb Baad af r^Bir PIOVItiM r u ) Joimtimrf Special Briial Nrtr^ SmicMT tnNANKYOUHf>OlMI * WORWICK'S STUDIO Elvarsida Drive | Phona275 Blasl M» why Mi ha ahrfya have to loop aetijlng about Til M i plain as day that fe» dldat at. John's Catholic Chasflfc V Jahnsbarg - ,v' Masaee: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and llcOO^r Holy Daya: 7:00 and;9:00. _ . Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:35 and 1:11^ • Coafeeeions: > ' - Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 aad 2:30 to 3. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 aad 7:30. Bsv. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. at Petefs Catholic Charch, Bprlng Ofove Masses: Suaday--8:00, 10:00 aad 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 aad 9:08* Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Coafeeeioaa: Saturdays: 2:30 aad 7:15, Thursday before First Friday-r 2:30 aad 7:15. Bev. John L. Daleidea* Pastor. Christ The Xing MisHjai Wonder Lake Maaaes: bndhjr: 9:00 and 10:00. BWly Dayi: 8:30 and 8:00, Cohfessioaa: Sunday:, Before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 Bev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Go^el Center, (NoaseetariaaX Services: Suaday Bible School; 10:88 a. Laplace. 1748-1827, the sen of a Normandy cottager but who has been called the' French Hawtbnt wrote the first comprehensive treatment of statistics in his "Thaorio Analytique des Probabilltlos." It la recorded that professional gamblers used to consult with the groat mathematicians Pascal and Format an methods to detect cheating and aa, inadyertently perhaps, addad Impetus to the development af statistical analysis. an a map ef the world? 1Mb Is noticed principally on' At widely used Ifercftior projection e<-4faa of arfis as thqr geiBirthea away frMn lw aqustor. oa sndi. a av tha iBfrtHtoni ,eg-'1inf»ii8l.>^*eh actueffy oome togtMner at the poles, wa omn aa ?*raHU Hfiaa. At the aguator, a distance east and wast covering one degree ot.lw gitude, is nearly 78 miles, but at 80 degrees latitud# It is only about 38 miles. Hence, with ttie Mereator projection, the scale at 88 da* greea latitude is about twice as (nuch as ti»e equatorial scalo. llMre is a slmflar distortion north and south, so areas appear twice as big at 80 degrees as at the equator. Around 77 degrees latitude, the scale is increased about four times. Bnatr, 8sk terrier, owhsd by Mrt. RiChai^j Swope, at Blgta. obto Bhrrle atono, an ptoyae of the. Jox hotel, taking i him oat of Mrs. Swope's foprtbl floor room In the hotel last w« Catfia, particularly dairy are the only source tt hsnnan' The «6g took a ntf oat of Btone'a! mum by _ arm and tthia, ap#arenUy dived cattle acquire aad traneOir tha Ib> ^ r out ofHhn abilow. He IMMad on) IfCtloua hfent Is not yat andar- : the Division atraet pavement, j stood. ... Complete line of lien's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phoaphate spreading. Soil aamplaa takan on raqneat \ t, Place orders early aad avoid rash. • Barn Lima and Ohipg for Driveways CHARLES PREUND, Owner 401 W. Wankagan Rdid " McHENEY, ILLINOIS M. 88-W or.*m pi,' J i' " uaieiiaaaaia':if "TMaa '-- When a tire is underinflated, tha car's weight distorts tha normal contour 0 4re body. .Tka dlnb bulges, or a'1>ellios «4t" whb sajr extreme flevtng acttcn. Ibis fsn» orates excessive Internal heat weakening the cord aad resulting hi bruises or broken cords. Too, underinflatien leads to rim brulsss Insufficient resistance is provided to prevent thi tire from being Jammed against tha rim and crushed or cut when the tire strikeo a curb, rock, or rut. Peer Reagbage Cows winter-fed on brow?! roy age are likely * to run into dotrouble, the Journal of the Amvi can Veterinary Medical associate Jms warned! Those fed dried ou roughage often become deficient it. vitamins A and E, both of whicK are necessary to their own beslta and to the nutrition of their unbora calves. On farms where winter roughage Is of inferior guality, tha Journal recommends supplemental feeding of these essential vitamins, to guard against poor production records and calf loeaes. FOUR DAYS Or TON July 1,2,3 & 4th CARNIVAL McHenry American Legion NEW rides, games, thrilll. Indoors and outdoors Piraworla See the New Clubhouse Visit the beautiful Senori^s at the Bermuda Bootb. MaUceptars la Jangle Something new has been added ta the equipment by which the modern arcbeologlst hunts his clues to ancient relies. It is tha "motor* cycle at tha air," the helicopter, which has Just been tried out successfully over the Jungles of Pan* ama, where an expedition sponsored tqr the National Geographic aodety and the Smithsonian Insti* tution is digging into the eearets of remote civilisations. "Ih half a day we accomplish a^at would h^ro taken us up to twd weeks by canoe aad en laot," reports the eapadltlaa leader. Dr. Matthew W. atbilag. Tbe ma»auvarabi|tty af the aaa- Is almost Incredible. Selected WisoonsiB Fresh and Springer ' < COWS and HEIFERS alao open and hr*| . registered HOL8TE1N HEIFERS BREEDING BULLS Mayer &Eckhouse First Para Saath of Baata 198 aa 83 LIBEBTTYILLE, ILL. BARNYARD PAVEMENTS Ore' e.Sanffary o Economical • Labor Saving v •. ; • •• , •• •' ; • Feed Saving and • Last o Kfetimm mad• w1tk> READY-MIXED CONCRETE T^OR dozens of other improrematits arotuid die farm, oo * other material ofers die service and economy of fire* safe, enduring concrete. If you are planning a new rat- ' proof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy Iprn floor, s feeding floor or foundation--build i^ tha convenient, Jaw cost way ^rith Eeorfy Mind Concrete* irvil NCCa NtLP WK CAB PUT TOO IB TaucB WITH cBWPitiBT camBACToaa McHenry Saud & Gravel Co. 606 Front Street McHenry, IIL tak t» Bis Is tts Bast ttane B actaaQy has Val saw It She loved Ma and was willing ta wait ghs waa smart VAGUELY BB ifpndered who tb» other man could be she was out with, it was sort of amusing In way. Probably Val had merely told Barry that ao Barry would tell him. Childish. Why, even a first year psychology student could tell you that was nothing but a teeble attempt on the part of the female to excite Jealousy in the man she lovted. Three evenings later Hugh's phone rang. It was Barry. He sounded far away. "Can't hear you." Hagh yelled Into the meathpiece. "Talk louder." "I say," came Barrx's voice, more distinctly, "that the thing I warned you against has happened." "What thing?" said Hugh. "About VaL About her marrying someone else right under your nose. She's done it" "I don't believe it" said Hugh, feeling for the^flrst time a queer sensation of alarm. •7 saw it happen," said Barry. •? was there." "Good lord!" Hugh waa Suddenly very much excited and vaqr concerned. "You cant aay I didn't wan you," Barry's voice said, growing fainter. "Hey! Hold an a minute, Barry! Are you there! . • . Tea, yea, X -feaow yon waned me. Guess I was •cmethtng of a feoL Who was B «he married? This Is terrible!** "Me," aald Barry, va«7 faiaOy. And than the line went dead. »*anl by WHO FsasasH A fourth at the total operating revenue af rallnade oemes from tha transportation of farm goods. b the 1888s there was a type at feMlag bed sometimes known db • press bedstead or a cupbaaxd bedstead. When not in use it waa kspt fastened apright In aa sic ore ®d to fce araQ, aad whsu 9§m Ym -yit amwsttsfv im'sbr Thm Omlg Fin* far m>ith Mljh- Caaipr«>MioN Vafra>la-Meed fiaglae, sof*a 188% rsaafsr>8afaaeed 7-Mmmrimjf Craalr»heft...W»erter Mijfm Sgsieai •mCsII Sprtmgim^sa all fear Vlsslf ...IMsMps,..IMa ls<b. "• If you*4 Wtt Mora ploosuro fram o radto . fbaf parfarmanca, mora power and' keWer .tone«•, than sea this new RCA Yid§f "A"M"* fl i™l LRk^^VsWiMMnInInVl* Incorporotlng mony of tho faelvros e* i«9ar,woro eapenslva rodlos.tWs toble modal Waos you staNc^mo iCA Vktor M, ns woN os standard broadcasts, with tha omoxho Mnws and dorlty of the "Golden THroat.- Modern-styled plastic cabinet is a shidy in, boauty. Easy, accurate tuning with edge* lighted, tlkJe-rde dial. AC-DC operaflen. - SfslMs distinguishad radio lidoy WILSON'S RADIO SHOP Ehn Stxaet MoHenry, UL Nash has created an entirely new conception of luxurious motoring. In the Nash Ambassador you will discover^ handling ease, stability and performance ttt* perior to anything in your experience. -fi It is built with Unitized Body-and-Fraae, die solid, welded unit that lowers weight, in* crcaaea room, adds greatly to safety. It is magnificently qtacious and haa all the power you would dune release, yet compared with the other three fine cars, it delivers as asweh as 30% more gasoline mileage. With coal springs on all four wheels, its ride is a revelation. It ia quieter. It ia anaoothcr* ^•d you will enjoy its aerodynamic beauty. "It offers ao much more of the fine thh^s you waut, yet it is priced |875 to $2,387 Icsa^ than the other three fine cara. Discover tha difference. Your Nash dealer will gladly place an Ambassador at your command. -- --»!>•>•< hi Amaiii» Me INS * DOWNS NASH SALES 406 ELM ST . ' T1K McHENRY, njjINOIS

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