Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1949, p. 11

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16,19* nnlum 'ef hybrids to teeek opto toe sectt* gMkatton, SL'JSWL111J14" liyuiit beto * * P«r Mat nT^£%cto and «dns to de to to un only Beto *yle A n>w lit iBIgiee spray brooAw Js Wtof stimulated by Princess Xteaketh, according to leading !** ,*• Jewslsrs. Ibey trace the style tmd tack to tl>« cm ef a Boral spray «t diamonds and rubies, notable tor ItsSllgree design, which to* Jewelry Industry pnanted to tot prlaeni whan the was married to Lieut Philip lfountbatten, Duha ^.Edinburgh. ion oi did flavor ef Ska thatul Juice by pouring tht be* and torth ton «• |h»to apofeer Just bston serving. TMi puis back Into the Juice theeir which was rtmovad daring tha vie- To lava Cartoino Jagged edges on eurtaln rods tear too many curtohio. To •void ttb, try tha following plan: When curtains arc la undo rod and roady to bo put up, dip on* ond of the curtain rodo In ndtod par* aflln and allow to harden. Ifcan sUp> tha paraffin and of tha rod through tho curtain and It will prevent sharpedgea from snagging the curtain. a lover el above SB, » Cave off Mtofce Pillows should bo gently plumped up every day whoa making tha beds not pounded or beaten, as this breaks the toothers. On Unenchanglng dlgr tt tha pffl«#s without slips are placed In an open win* dew, the fresh air will fluff up toe pillows. During houserleantog time pillows can be aired outdoors, but not In the sunshine as tha> boat dries, the leathern. lnfte Deugles Streglsa tf Oreand Washington Am manufaeture off one million Hoard foot el lumber provides a living tor about 40 persons tor o year. ! ' IS - 'mm U* 'iiafev •." r* u%MltUL Don't apply liquid wax by pourtog It on the cloth you Intend to use.- Pour out the was Into a dish or pan. Ural Never pour the left* Summer conference at I. campus was held last' week the session where farm advisers brash up dm things new In farming, air gripes, get recognised, etc. Took a ride over the Campus, experimental farms and the twin cities, Champaign-Urbane, in a new fieeehcraft Bonansa Just llk« the one Col. Lacy of West McHenry has and haa extend^ the invito^ m wax back into the can, tor tion for a ride over McHenry j may cause toe wax_! ' county. I've got the bug, polonel,t f WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS •&. • •• and DRAPES MADE TO ORDKB • NIESEFTS FLOORS A-j,:';;:. . Located At PETER M. JUSTKN rTONITURE STORE MlKaiaSt., .. Wwt McHenry, 111. A " ' " ' " ' ' Phones tS or 38 , Tieetm>al fef Becommended treat /ringworm on cattle is to apply tincture of Iodine to the affeeted • parte. It should be used each day Cor several days in a row, but care mould be taken not to get toe iodine Into the eyes of too animal. The herdsman, too, needs to be on guard against infection. The best way to do tola Is to wear gloves during the treatment y Per Happy A good dinner served amid peaceful surroundings and In an atmosphere of security is no small contribution to family life. Keep toe table-talk constructive and mix with the baked beans and angel cake plenty oi love, slaughter, and understanding. •SfX' Live Timber DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 186 8. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) :-~"V --- Eye* Examined -- Glaaaee Fitted Training -- Visual RefcabiHtatien Complete Vieaal Analysis Boars Daily: • to 12 apd 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: S:00 to S:90 PHONE McHENRY 4SS Since the founding ^ the Haitian republic Ml years age, mAn boa bean the mainstay of its eooaeuay. In recent years snob products aa •agar, sisal and bananas have bean developed largely by torelgji capital and under foreign control, but too great crop upon which more than any other, Haiti's many peasants depend for too little money they must have tor their purchased so- •assltlss is coffee. Spawning habits eel are Jast too rovorefr « salmon; thk bhtMa water, but Uves to too toe eel Uyos in fresh goes to the salt tor spawning. Both males and fern alee die after spewnlng, and the little eels start back to the rivers when they are quite small. At this stage of development, they are called "elvow.". ance between growing and declining elements. In forests fully converted to intensive management, too decadent elements common in virgin forests have been eliminated. Hien all the wood vohane present functions as a base to which new . wood1 is added annually. V •FOR A CHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER ITS . - THEO. OLSEN & SON MaSOH OOMTRACTOM J MoOTTLLQM LAKE WwtKcHauy No Job Toq Big«Or Too Small For Expert Workmanship and Fast Service 0*11 McHenry 548-W-l Uncle Sam Soys so will be out soon | Plans are in the back of my mind I for every farmer in the county j who has* a conservation farm plan ' to take a ride over his farm. There | certainly is no way imaginable whereby a farmer could get a better look at the old place than from {the air. Not a wrinkle will go unj noticed. We ought to hav| some ] way that birds could be trained; {and hired as conservationists^ { The last census on alfalfa acre-j age in the county can certainly no longer be true. Last' week after ithe grass silage field .day in the timber is seldom static. R southeast part of the county, Norm k cither growing or declining to j Spe<«ht and I took off across ^ net utilizable volume. Virgin jcountry on the way back to Wood-; ects may be static because of balstock and counted the alfalfa. brotne fields. Fully one-third of all fields passed were growing such crops. Speaking of cash return from such crops, the college has four fields of ten acres each on which they have pastured sixty head 6f steers la 1947 and 1948 and are continuing this year. One is bromeladino grated continuously and produced 35l pounds of beef per acre, one with brome-ladino grazed alternately (divided in half) with 304 pounds gain, one with bluegrass- ladino continuous gracing with 309 pounds of beef, and one with bluegrass-ladlno grated alternately with 329 pounds of beef. With beef at twenty-five cents per pound, that is a cash return of $81.00 per acre for the average pounds of beef produced. Can you beat that with corn? Remember, they had only* one planting cost UftHNfo years. As I see it, a pasture should be so good a man can't run through It without gettlngj tangled up and falling down. | Many so called experts have | argued the relative merits of rock | phosphate and superphosphate and many people have the idea that 'super is beet. The agronomy department hasnt found such to be | the case. They have ah experiment where they put on rock phosphate at a recommended ra^te and on a like piece of land put the same amount of dollars worth of superphosphate. For 1945 to 1948, the gross per acre income from crops form the rock phosphate area was $78.42 and from the superphospjhate area $68.71. You just don't get as much phosphate In super as you do in rock for Of «!• Graai t ill, only lflchl* Hkan comef aatindy wttoin 0. a tontay. Superior, Huron, Erie andTtontario are divided at the cantor by a peaceful International lino which, on water or land, is one of too most eesily crossed borders on earth. - __Pv<:7rr. i i * After caMtotf Mr toaws popt toe gerden, place to wats to fho.' blossoms. - Madrid ander water and out off a small portion of the stem. Keep stoma torfar water'unto Sowors becosno torgid and stand up well for artistic arranging. It baa been claimed that toa sltni and Arabs of toahr ulsngsi In selecting end baking utensils, look tor materials sturdy enough not to warp when exposed to high oven temperature. Few seams, smooth edges, and rounded corners all make cleaning easier. Whenever possible, select utensils which can be used for boto range top and oven cookery. Best known frost protector Is toe smudge pot This oO lia alng boater has been used extensively M by West Coest citrus growers. Sot "T." " Out to an orchard. It la ligbtod on • mnmnomu m eights when freet threatens. It heats the surrounding air which, la torn, passes on the heat, by coo> .voctten, to the treea. trees + .-->•7. -?' v. *i h 'i'* ' Tini Pemtrai W«ti KHpi and $2.00. Wattleo Drag Mara. SS-|f »">i »iw • oatoar ^ Cattisy, a name occsstonslly given to China in literary use, is often mentioned in Marco Polo's writings. But, the Venetian travels er of six centuries ago explains, H should be applied only to the portion of China north of the Tangtoo fiver--the part which today to largely Communist-held. Mind is the corresponding name at Marco Polo's time for the domain to the - Yantse's south. CLARENCE'S SHOP' Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Setv Window Boxes; Trellises And Picket Ttanoes, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made t§ order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopptav and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, BpfoJdt, etc. M=^LARENC15 SMITH! Johnstrarg, QL ;":' Phone 563-J-l -"NOTICE The ElVXBSIBB BASX 8B0P wiU be open every Monday dvrinc the summer season. Riverside Drive •/ McHeury u. s. foMtoo to oe away Aa Ifcay wS bo easv^ng right lo Mar doerT •a le the U. S. Savings • Drive" Hoy It-Jas* or If selfi your money. How can we uae this information in McHenry county? Just remember that our sweet low black ground will not produce results with rock phosphate because It takes , some soil acidity to make rock available to planta and the acidity isn't there ao you might aa well use super. Another is that even though rock has been [applied, I think it will pay to use about 200 pounds of 20 per cent I super on new seeding until you jhave proved by strip test that your Tr rock has become available enough - to make the practice uneconomical. One sour note at conference. They were popping a newly developed pop corn as a demonstration and were using a new special corn popping grease made of 90 per cent cocoanut oQ. tt was yellow as butter, too. wsams^lli yea Wla OA' White tidtvalI tiro at extra oott. Try the new Ford "fed?'.. .you'll love it! You'll love the "feel" of the new "Mid Ship" Ride on "Sofa-Wide Seats . . . luxury comfort with more hip and ahoulder room than in any other car in ftord's field! You'll love the "feel" of "Hydra-Coil" Springs as they float you over the roughest roads. Youll love the "feel" of those 86% sansr-atopping f\ "Magic Action" Braksa, tha "feel" of "Finger-Tip" Stasrinf. Take the wked... try the new FORD "FEEL*9 ... at your Ford Dealer1* * * $ Fafiure to daaaantals af toe satoty easts hn» ers an astimatod M mffllsa dollars worth af psspsitl aaS kflto appraslmaMy MM paspis aa farms each year, arsasdtog to dsear^ meet ef agristMure Sn dings A Complete CLEANING MOSEY INN B1NOWOOD - TELEVISION ^BAOEK BEBft FRED BOWMAfT/Prop, k Canvas Good! Large Selection of Materials OKDZX SAXLV Specialising in 8tore and Bctidonoo Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, PropT in Our Own ' "r Free Pickup and .* Delivery Service •. ». -V * ' Tbs toodi of your toa on the gas padal puts you into tha 4th fsar pniiiillinsss ef Fori Ovsrdriva. Whfls car syaihrafnafn unchanged, liifirt «ced drops 80%. So smooth and quiet, youll feal like you're flying! Your engine lasts far longar* Your gas bills drop as much as 15%. Come in and try Ford Overdrive today*. *Opiitmai at MfrsoMl BUSS MOTOR SALES «i luur sx. ? ppoms-1 KcHXHRT, TT.T.twnm ' V Phone McHenry 20 f#V. - Why let summer beqt rt/ia your sleep? Bring "North Wands" coolness into yotr •loop in ctaforfl km oppressive summer heat of past years, and those hot, humid nights when it was almost impossible ao sleep? Sometimes it seemed as if there wasn't a breath of air stirring ... and no place was hoaer dbmm your own apartment or house. Tkb year yon can bent d* heat .<. . and slssplem •nmmer eights will be a thing of the past. Night cool* ing by means of Cans has been used for many years in the Sonth . . . and this same method is adaptable ao Northern Illinois houses and apartments. A night cooling fan is designed to give a complete change of air in a room every 2 minutes, and should not be confused with the ordinary electric fan; All day during the summer, the roof and walls 6f a building absorb heat. This heat is radiated throughout the home, raising the temperature of the air inside the building. After sunset, the temperature outside begins to lower, and often drops as much as 10° to 15° during the night. However, these lower outdoor temperayour home, unless the cooler air is . brought into the rooms. A night cooling Can pulls out the "de hot air, and k is replaced by fresfc, cool night air in A night cooling fan produces n, tie brecac through the rooms, the" walls and ceilings from your shin .. ..just lihe any 6 Don't spend another sleepless about night cooling and the com! A typ* for e very i - (mm nm lm m vmrMy tt ttyim mad $im$ .. . e wiadtw (mm MM caa km qw'cHy Htm pertmUt moW*/ ffcat com bm *mt up m freaf of thm window, or* for opmrtmtmrnh. Tha ptrmamanHy ititalM attic typm i$ .WIS heat How • Night Cooling' Fan Wertcs (1) It pmils mi mil lust*/ air frmm ymr ittvey qtutrUn. (2) Tbit sir it rtfimttd by cm! night sir iqbicb it Jrmum im tbnmgb (I) Tk* gtmtiy tmmvimi c--l mir sbtwks beat mud evsfrmim ftnfirm tbm... ym /«*/ c--ltr imtmtdimfty. * m. PUBLIC SERVICI COMPANY OF NOCTHSnN HUSMIS

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