«*> x^|-' .:*' twit tlw mutlii k ,»n , r • -•>- f-'--t-tj ,\r+- *"• ! Motion by American Natl. Tract Co., ItttrMt bopds Lester R. Btcoa, salary .... Elmer % Murphy, salary - John J. McCarthy, salary .. Arthur J. Smith, salary ^ Philip M. Tbennes, salary Anderson, seconded Anton H. Freund, salary ... _ . . j Jaao«, lHf T|m City Coaaeil met In regular •end-monthly meeting with Mayor Ifcoaad preiMini. - AM«nun pres- «•*: Altboff, Aaderaoa, \|Bake. Freaad, Tonyan, Vycital. Absent: .9906.0#, . SM.7P . 1MJ0 mj* . 1*5 JO 17S.lt ..17I.J© ilary eowqiuhmt v ..... Hastlafcs, and police **»*»%a»a»»0»a4%M%oa4»tab»aMi I •?$. i If by Vycital, that the minntes of the I Earl R. Walsh, office ex, laat meeting be approved jm read.' pense :...i- Motion carried. , : Motioned by Altboff. feecondad!Mmy,ne ^ by Tonyan. that tbe treasurer's'. '•port be approved as read. Motion ™*£ Ji carried. «•** 7 • Motion by Vycital, seconded by w- C. Kelts, labor on streets Anderson, that tbe collector's re-: Wm. Buchert, sharpening port be approved as read. Motion tools Weber Plumblag£ Heating, ^ .f""? ^i waterworks and sewer re- Blake, that the clerk s report be nitre approved as read, MotfcNMprrtfd.. "Z"'Z **W*y Anderson, sen--dad by4 y* Brotlwr*. crashed Taayau. that the followlaf, bills road gravel be paid as approved by thefflkaace Worts Service Station, tire committee: j repair ...» «... Motion carried. | Walter J. Freund. tire and lin, tube repair Mcllcnry Lumber Company, lumber i ,, Edward H. Nickels, supplies A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc., repairs to polce car John J. Vycital Hardware. supplies ........ Buss Motor Sales, truck Inspection and repairs ........ Al's Welding A Repair Service, welding Clark Chevrolet Sales, storage and repairs to truck W. R. Meadows. Inc., premlx and asphalt Schrelner's Standard Service, gas and oil, police car and truck Earl R. Walsh, truck insurance .. Grove Gravel.A Excavating, crushed road gravel, P. F. Pettlbone A Co., supplies McHenry Artificial Stone * Co.. street repsirs Joseph M. Schmitt, mowing 121.00 A Company, 1 street signs Ero Erickson, police radio maintaince and parts ; Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service ........ j Pttbllc Service . Company, power and light 213.54 The McHenry Plaindealer. 1 publications 131.30 j SPECIAL SEWER FUND: jFred C. Felts, salary $135.00 Mayme Buss, clerical 20.00 I Public Service Company, . ! power and light 48.75 i Motion by Althoff, seconded by Mct&wfa PORTABLE RADIO •••It IM.lt -- Motorola's S9L12 gives BIO power -- . fnU throated too* wherever yea go! Comes in smart mamen er black plastic case with bronse-gold grille AC/DC er batteries! $29.95 MML ML 11 -- As above satspt bsttery operated only, fcNtrttariM $19.95 ^ho fftoadhr Sbfs ^ Next to Bank MKHcasy, BL . / • - I park and athletic field 'W S. Darley (5.0# 90.44 09.60 24.00 4.6# 172.47 2S.50 if 1.50 8.07 12.52 87.15 40 3:ot 4.25 24.30 127.68 106.49 51.78 2.55 M7 10.50 7JNI / ' 1 18.17 8.39 SAUL R. WALSH, " V . City Clerk, GftOROB P. FRBUND, Mayor. Oa Parade IOIM IM MIII1100 MM 01| to Mr. and Mrs. Uoaard ; s family. The littlW tody •as born at, tbe Wojodstock hoefital last Thursday. We are happy to report that both mother and daughter are doifig nicely. *aMonday, June 11. weight, 5 poaada 8 ounces. Her Tto lsl While cruising dbwn Elm t street In McHenry last Saturday with a load of grade A rubbish aboard (By Yardstick) • jhls new truck, George Baumbeck Groetiagt Folks: Pr«k Rourke has Just found,was startled when he discovered At a regular monthly meeting of j out that it takes nothing more than th_. ht. m^-tooa'«•,*» the directors of the Property food old fashioned elbow grease to1 Precious cargo was oa fire. Tuesday. I •'"Pose of a o'cioek wfca wdfl gr5^.--l^^; f There are more cows thga .in the state of Wisconsin. plana were fonnulated for a big) Frank, who is batching these [control. Cause of the fire was atnow whethar a child four-day carnival to be heldat our days while his fmllv is enlovnc a Itributed to the hot lichs emitting Picture.srtth men be- beach park beginning Friday. July .visit in Adrian. Mich., is rapidly "Learning by doing" is th* tUft of the 4-H dub program, which is aow hdag feBowed by neatly two V- J»h - tn the *' the kid mUd M witness the country's lead- Mrs. Florence Hertel of Grayslake *>*Hroom at Johnsburg on Wednes- .. . .. . a«"»»w«« lng jockey, boot the thoroughbred who passed away last Saturday JuB« at 8 p. m. Dancers nts xauier s arm. horse flesh across the finish line. Mrs. Hertel "• • - -- ,A K-" - Csta Cilia Ranid cribs made of mo or wire meeh are eoe ef the mast econemiesl meant of storing ear about the'aocieat* d^T^irtiw^ttMy 0wa«r> As8*n held Isst Tuesday, jljspose sink full "of dirty111 *** a two-minute Job for the Ifiretr tlitts to the Uosi. Ha*toM ^arI ^>ner ws* *lect*d as vice-' dishes, in spite of the many claims^ McHenry Fire department who aphis wife abofa It president, to fill a vacancy created of soap powder manufacturers that peared on tbe scene soon after the •<«h« in--t -- ..... «, by the resignation of Will Hecht, their products will do anything . ^ Ton1' Jr. During this meeting, definite /Without any physical exertion. 1 w was reP°rted' to h4T« u ondcr my to see nr sne said. *1 don't know whether ifaould --e a pjcturo wtth ne- Deacn Friday, Mich.. Is rapfdly from the new born which George ing thrown la the liens snd de- 1. aad ending Monday, July 4. {developing a pair of dish pan'recently Installed on his vehicle. vuuim. | TTie McCullom Lake SwOep- hands. If you read this, Beverly, There were tears in George's eyes "H*'* to Mtiu somstfroe," stakes, which will be the biggest hurry home! , as he surveyed the damage to his ropMod his wife. event of this gay festival, will bei a beautiful floral piece was the Priie collection. to ho took his young delinquent run on 8unday afternoon, July 2. expression of sympathy from Mr.i ^ snd explained that it was Just a Chris Dvore, who ao ably managed and Mrs. Whitey Thompson and! The McCullom Lake Shamrock's picture aad not to get upeet During lMt year's doings, promises those the members of the Hickory Creek •oclal *** athletic club will hold Take eare to include an adequate the scene whero the slaves were * thrilllng afternoon Pinochle club at the funeral of £ f*11'- amount of milk in the diet ftyour .v. " - family to Insure them of having a . , , . sufBeient supply of esleium to was a Sister of Rayi*re ur**,i to bu* a ^ .fPr y! maintain strong teeth, bones aad In the evening there will be a »»d Clarence Etten of our com- r 4,1 evening they 11 never bodies. Tbe USDA tells us ~ . . 7 ' , ! • , w • * c w r « - t h e w a t e r o f o u r l a k e b y C l a r e n c e , ' ~ ^ _ H M U _ _ I h Don't be upset." _ Feiereisel aad George GorensonJ Mr and Sirs Harvey Sledge of' ^9radllls of •****"*** <ut«,»« e*ChJ'***1 "Papa, look at that little lion. Sr.. who are ia charge of this Chicago enjoyed a very nlessant '0f** the beach pbrk and that little lion." « activity. .weekend ss guests of Edward Jef- ? ,w j° a* w M repair. •"I told you, it s Just a picture," , Ken Ebey. Jr . who is la chana ^rson. i which ^Js^vSy ' Walter ArOgger graduated from ain't getting any!" '.SwmjT. "Papa, Papa, look at thst little, lion, that little Hob." ' i Jr.. chacga 'Caps, look at thst little lion. He of the construction of the maw* ] . . « a u e r / u egger graauatea irom current tasks acromDlish«d sunds and props for this four-day fchicago Tech. last Tuesday, where throuKh the efforts of thT^oDeiS ' -3- v event, spent a busy day last Sun- he completed a course In archi- Owners AMn l7you haven^ Joined TOO MUCH..'. ably assisted by president, tectural drawing and design i^ners Assn. ir you haven t Joined " Bill Creutz, Helge Davidsen, Carl Knauer, Art Nelson and others. See that each adult ia your family has at least one M»t of milk each dsy snd that children have a quart , a day. The first use Of stool as a Sural material was msde la a tka of tbe Sads bridge M!aHasippl river at St ootfU. to 1991. lower logo of lag products are as* to' the soil but may remain moist tor riods. dstertoraUoa by also develop rapidly. Oes^lsto tee ef hmfr remedies at Wattloo Dnt H*M7- ATTHTiaN -- TUN LOYKBS MeOULLOM LAXX SBAWtQOjip tad ATHLETIC CLUB'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY DANCE » • f Will Bs Held At NELL'S*BALLKOOM, JOHNSBURQ, ILL. mi i -- ON Si WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1949, 8:00 P.M J "BUD" CONWAY and HIS ORCHESTRA I 1 Admfssloa 50 cents | HHiHtiuitiiiiniiiiuiiuittHitiuiiiiiHiitiHiHiiiiuiiiiHiiimiiiiniiiitiiitniiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiiinr ft # Announcement ^, : . . - .1 > . ^ Having received my Real Estate Prokei 's I.icqusc KNOX REAL ESTATE is now ready to serve the public at .1;>;v. 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL. x MONE 421^T,"" AH Year Homes,; $5,000 and up Farms, Large and Small - " ~d)oiee Ix>ts Resort Property Sffmmer Homes Businesses LISTINGS APPRECIATED CECELIA KNOX # WITH THESE LOW-COST WOOD COMBINATION WINDOWS One miaose? Thac't ad, so quick-change these ttorm or screen panels from inside your home! Coovenience . . . ptm cninfart ... plus fatti-saving* chsc will pay for installation cost! i«* window «o fhune opening, if desired ... at no extra cost! No balky sub-frame. Quality constructed of'select, • kiln-dried wwxL Frames, joints (ctafbcced; corners Isminatedi -- \ Glass panes glssed with wood! CadmaanKoated hardware; aluminum-colored screen of fsdeproof fimaoc. Why wait? Here's 4%l*w-c*si windowjhat's smart, durable, convenient! See as today! ~ A* tarn as $» nm mptma am asowv out mommy sumit piani , ALEXANDE R LUM BER CO. " WIST KeHXHBT, ILLIIIOIS ; \ llh j yet, do it now and help make these ! j Improvements possible in the I datfrin?M^d t0 accomo. recent arrivals to our community! duty at the beach house every recora crowa. !are the proud parents of a girl, Sunday from" 10 to 12 and 1 to 4: 1 Future editions of your Plaindealer will carry advertisements which will give you readers the details of what will be the biggest four days tn McCullom Lake thus far. Two arrests for spjse several others for lesser traffic law' violations were made this week on. the McCullom^Like road by sheriff ; Fred Bau's deputfes. Patrolling of 1 the road will'continue throughtlie : summer, to prevent a repetition of the tragedies that took place on! this stretch of road in the recent | past. •; / | L Mr. and Mrs. Fred feall's nine-. teenth wedding annivesarv cele- i bration last Ssturdsy will evef re-: main a pleasant memory in their | future lives. Among their guests; who helped make the occasion a! .happy one for Mr. and Mrs. Ball • and who so thoroughly enjoyed! ]the delicious smorgasbord spread i ,were Mr. and Mrs. George Fred-: Rom where I sitJoe Marsh Don't Fenc« Yourself In "DM yea bay yaar wife aay aow cletbes fer the fall?" asked eae hillbilly ef aaathet. "No, bat she made herself a new hat. She get a brewa hat, pat a ffeathsr aa It, a eeaple ef Mve s^airrels aad seme real wahnrts." "Hew was It?" "It Was all right far awhile." She . datudiaa 'tt mad ttKhe* sMaaittrmreiis. ,e.attiin»g tteke. f^rick 9f Bensenvilule., Mr. anud. .M wrs, walants, bat whea they started te shave 'em ap her nesc fer wiater, she get mad ONE SEASON "I always vote for s man who* runs for re-election. It mesns he's honest. "Hew do you meant" ~ "He hain't been able to put his hands on the stuff the first time." Roy Schaetzlein. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Frederick and Mr. and Mrs. W. J G. Frederick of Villi' Park. Mr. | and Mrs Syd. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.! Wm. Ha'ley and Mr. and Mrs. j Richard N'imts, •>. Every spring. Handy PeteraM and Easy Roberts patch ap the stoae wall that separatee their fsrais. They walk aloag talking-- Easy en one side. Handy oa the other--picking ap the fallea stoaes aad puttiag them back. Afterwards,- - oaoa a- fnendly tiass of beer. Easy says, "You know, wall-mending is a nice neighborly custom, but we really don't need that wail. We keep it up just becsuise it happens to be there." "Yes," ssys Handy, "a lot of walls and fences- a^d bQun^arifo keep Von separating people for no good reason. Maybe wa*d all bo better off if some of them were torn down, instead of kept standing.11 From whore I sit, Haady said a •aoatkfal. Take the "walls ef ia* tolerance" that people baiM ap against each ether. I like a test* perate glass ef beer aow aad the* yoa msy prefer battens rtk bat that's aa rsassa for sm to criticise yoa, or yoa, me. Let's Uvo aad let* live fepefher--aiskiag more frioaia sad fewer "walla." •-M \":l 'P A 9 lb. baby girl Is the latest Copyright, 1949, United Stst«j Irtmri feaadstfsa court*, Dad will novtr adatK it, bmk 6--p 4cm* ^in Kit haart ht IOVM to bo appreciated, too. BP MUTO ' to toll him jurt how muck yoa cm on Padwr'i Day, ' JUM I9(K. YouH find a fin* quatty card fcKat'a jugk-vs nam tor vcmr Dm in our eniMlili «mm mhcAScmIa NYE DRUG STORE •1 Meaty 8obiect A woman went on s diet. After four weeks she snd her • friend walked into s butcher shop. "Cut me off exactly twenty-four pounds of meat, please." The butcher cut the meat. , * "Is that exactly twenty-fours pounds?" "That's exactly twenty - four." said the butcher. "Are -you going to take it with you or shall I send it?" . "No. I just want to show my friend what ldsing twenty-four j pounds looks like in one piece." 1 i" Simple Enough The truck driver, who was also the ace shot in his gun club, was passing through a small (own where he saw evidences of the most amazing ^hooting. On trees, walls and fences there were numberless bulls-eyes with the bullet nole in the absolute center. He asked to meet the person responsible for , this marksmanship. The^j m a n j turned out to be the village idiot. i "This is the most- wonderful j shooting 1 have ever seen." ssid , the driver. "How in the world do you do it?" "Easy as pie." answered the villsge lame-brain. "I shoot first and draw the circles sfterwsrd." THEN the tallf turns to cars and VV car engines these days, that's p topic you hear much about. ID it's fairly interesting to note thai* even back before the war, Buick em* Mines like this one were touring the 'testing grounds with pompressions' PS high as 10 to I. Even later than that this same big Buick power plant has been filling Our engineers' notebooks with date on 8 to 1 compression ratios. all, that high compression is only •one measurement of a good engiri£. There's the fundamental matter of engine efficiency -- power output per cubic inch of displacement, en* gineers call it. On that score, Buick stands where it always has -- just about tops in its field! "Fare"Eaoagh j A passenger/boarded a crowded 1 bus and handed the driver s $5 bill, I saying apologetically: "I'm afraid ' I haven't a nickel." I "Don't worry," tbe driver as- j sured him grimly, 'ia a minute you'll hsve W." » I FORMULA "If the Hatted States la aa tbe asrtb by Cusfe," asked Pe teacher, "aa the woat by the Pacific Oeeaa, oa the east by tbe Atlaatlc Ocean aad ea the seatb by Mexico, hew old am |?** There was a loag Alsace. Phf aBy, eae llttlo kid gotap. "Ferty-taar." he said. "That's right. M*w did yea gases It?" "Oh, It was easy. I gat a big heather haaso wha's ealy half aats aad he's twesrty-twe." Gustavus Adolphus, king at the Swedes, wss killed in bsttle in 1SSS, partly because. It Is said, bis nearsigbtodness prevented hhn from seeing an enemy patrol ia time. Which means^ kl very simple words -- better go see for ymirself, . The fun you get from your'atf -- ^ iVhat has eome Out of thi? P^asure and satisfaction it gives or three interesting points. First of all, that this big Buick Fireball valve-in-head straight-eight already has a compression ratio that gets as much out of present fuels p|| any engine on the market. Next, that these ratios, can readily be stepped up to fit higher octane gasolines as they become available. A.nd probably most important of /. mrtCK alaay hm* mtt A««f fmmtm M-tmodh DYNAHOW DtUVl' • PUU-VIIW VISION frsa sstsrfl»rf o'ltrr r-- • SWING-MAST 0OO*$ and taty ocmm to**.t -ndmff QUAMUHMX 00* MUMOMW • NIVMP INHCr IWISUOtl with P--P-Credb aufcisss • Cnimr-Um 'WWPOBW • OUUX HMWH mm ami cmmcN^ rodi Uw-pwwifi. Km on SAmr-mt mm • twr mubau snntom mm powm wth aMmiw vMVtunma piM M.poisv BKMtm rnoumwm • aoar or nmm * St»o4ord ox (OADMASTEff. op: o -at wt «*• CM oa SUPEff mo&lM. TvM MMMfr t. TAVtO*. ABC Nelwerl. •»tr, Monday tvn.ng, • f. - " ' • ' Whom *e«er aalea>eb#fe« . . . , r "• < s sV s Slfi MU mute* ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS «4lS(jw s " & you--are best measured in in^oc place--behind the wheel. So we invite ydu to see your Buick i dealer for a firsthand test of Buick, Take it in your own two hands and find out how good it feels, how full of get-up-and-go. It won't take long to make it pretty clear that the place to get your order In is the place where ydu get Buick power, r m. I. OVIETON MQXPR SALES 103 FRONT