Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1949, p. 5

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mW: k. J ImM It, 1M9 jrta will bf too bvarto orardo on yoaraalf. n Welch prayer In the • balance with fear ud prayer will wis oat. t^EARLR. WALSH • birdie! , It was ob (he mtath holf at the McHenry Country (3«b that Herb Reihaaaperger picked ap a birdie the other day. A mifhty drive and the ball smacked adiek fight-on the noggta'. Good luck-- Roast 4>ck- JKfldle. (Hi the svhiaet j& golf. Vale Adams phoned to say that the McHenry business men are invited as guests of the McHenry Country Club -- today -- Thursday afternoon. Youb won't be getting a gilt-edged special invitation so consider yourself invited. Vale would like to have you pass the word along. Notice is short so please spread the newa.fe ywt lead this in time. - • N. Smith, rf. 2b E. Meyers, cf A. Jackson, ss B. Miller, rf W. Smith, lb ... R. Freund, lb ... While critldxiag others yon lo»iPtt*fB- lf If you wait too Kmc for your ship to come in you may find y<Mrself clinging to a raft. time . for bettering yourself. they travel to tfca undented Howie Vreund. 2b, ss - 4 He Irho makes no mistakes does nothing; he who makes too many is good for nothing. Balance your good ideaa each night as you do yottr accounts and you need never fear spiritual bankruptcy. lO. Jackson, c Klappertch. j ^^^^ 4 Littlfwhite lies can grow (nto •big black ^falsehoods. , --Ananymous. SHAMROCKS DEFEAT BOTH CRYSTAL LAKE TEAMS LAST STTHDAY Totals 18 • 14 Sprfag Qrv-- • AB K • Reitz, "ss S 0 9 Lay, 3b «, .-Uu* 2,1 Oj- Chrlatenaen.1T & 1 0 H. Brltx, rf ,4 1 0 B. Britz. 2b.™™.. 4 0 1 Thomas, cf J.....?.....,..w» 2 0 1 Haider man* cf ......4.™"r* O f Winn, lb ...J..... 4 0 1 Rudolph,. C 4 0 0. Sanders, p"^a.«^A.;".::2 0 ft BALLTBAM HIBXONUTO 10 T^r ^raiPTT'1^ '" *I«V' i s . A ~ He leaves many nephews and a|pces, among them Jkmes and miMtDo«m and Mrs. Ada Dicktoon, Who ma^e their hOQie with him. •ports Calendar Totals 35 3 Scare by laalagsi Johnsburg .... 010 030 032--t Spring Grove 000 003 00ft-^S Stolen Bases: E. Meyers, 2; W The McHenry Shamrocks played I Smith. 1. and won a double-header on the,Two-Base Hits: N. Smith, 2; W. Hebron Crystal Lake dianiond last Sunday,!' Smith, 1. I P. Judson • defeating the Boosters 10 to « in; Double Plays: R. Freund, unas-1P. Judson continue tb hear high praise yje first game and hanging it on I sisted. -'v j jWidhalm . of our country club in out travels |the v F ^ 12 to i jn a Kame that Strike-Outsi' Si^ers. ' lK V Klap-1 Ray Halsted to other towns. They think we. called at the end of seven have something here. innings by mutual agreement. Nine young tallows uader the banner at the American Legion met the Hebron Legion team on the McHenry Athletic Field diamond last Sunday and pounded away to a 13 to 10 victory. Bill Green, Legion representative who has been working tof get the team rolling, called A. P. I "Tony" Freund to direct the team BASEBALL last Sunday. Tony' enjoyed- his! Sanday, Jane It. Job so mach that he is rarin' to stay with the boys and help them through the season. The Legion tesm is made up of young boys up to 17 years of age. Thursday, McHenry has some hustling young • McHenry BUsines^ Men at Moball players on the team and would j Henry Courftrv Club. like to have others come out and!All invited as guests of club. Join the squad. -- -- A schedule has been made up; with other teams in the county . **" yctur Swedish Limpa at Pan- , Dundee at McHenry. „ Johnsburg at Algonquin McHenry Legion at Crystal Lake. SHAlOMKatS MOVE I ized Jim SchuMt pitches his first [ ef __ isa w v w PiPV mBTir - 8»me of tkt saaaaia fer the Daadee' ball wuk wtB TO VJ.W. FAUK JIEXTjteague entry. Scheldt has been for crtmbT, SUNDAY, JUNK 19 I « one of the eutstaading j ball teaau ia the The McHenry ball team will Shamroeka basepack their bats ! rated high school pitchers in the state I It is hops# that Wife during his senior year at : Dun- ' fields will serve the best dee High. , i of ttyp eaauaaafhr aad will Reports on the Shamroeks-VJP.W. fit boys and gh-ls of all 'J'j, J™' ^ agreement have been flying around i who wish " to ^*~riTlssn MeHeni-y Athletic Field as ihey f0% several week.. Your ' Plain- ; the facilities offered. ^ move to the newly constructed ddeeaalleerr ft«pooorrtts« department kb.a--s not : ground*. 1 had definite word on the move S-tt "X GOLF , Jhse 1C. Business 9 diamond on the V.F.W. ; bad i Complete Hm of Lee's asnltn* The game next Sunday will be i ""til the past week aad took the ! remedies at Wattles Drag Stm^S played between the Shamrocks |rt»d j attitude that there has ru-en j Henry. Pundee and shapes np as one of J mu°h said and so well said that [• ' the hot contests of the year, /'j more would" be superfluous. ' j „ ... Hugh Murphy is home from col- j, " '8 no secret that there is a j Crystal "Y" Inn lege and will be on the mound for] down feeling existing amongRovtealirSl Ph. O L the shamrocks. Murphy has pit- ; "P^wous who donated sub- 5-4. i ed some brilliant games fori ® ant,a,'y to the fund used for ! the home team and should be *eadv . f PurP°"* °' purchaainu and d< - , to show real class this year, hav :)sof,'n^ . Pr®"^nt athletic field ,,n the- <Jity./ Some are ready to !>!}«<•* team oa the M -L_ hav- :. 8 .. rjwni a ing had the benefit o*f coaching'!". * (?1^' ®olne ai by the veteran Joe Judge, former; 'mmediate action first base star of the Washington ^ h'K" class outside t it * r "' Durocs are the leading, breed in the United Stales. A Senators ! j,.,, j. *0UM1®e 1-- • ... diamond each Sunday., , Need rqbhgr stampsf "and the boys would like to havfe tfy UslicacleB, McHenry .local fans turn out to watch them '• in action. Next Sunday the McHenry team j will . travel to Crystal Lake for a I game at 1:30 p. m. Dundee will alao^ be strengthened for this game as the much-public- However, there is another train The Plaindealer. . Order m Paul Preund, who graduated from MCH S t h i s m o n t h , p i t c h e d J . " 8 . t * 1™ the second game at CrysUl Lake tlve a" !n preT,ous games How~ last Sunday and showed that he can be a big help to the team. While Paul lacks experience, lie has natural ability that can be. developed. Naturally he has things tafearn about pitching that careperlch, 5.^- , | J. Haver Walks: Sanders, 4; Klapperlch, 4. Cliff Wieser Winning Pitcher: Jehnsbarg Howie Freund, ss ... G. Jackson, c Klapperich, AB R H ever, after a 5-hit 4-run inning in which the Boosters ef-: „ fected a 4-all tie. Miller settled ®; down to handle the last three in-' „ • jr. : .9. n^ngs in able fashion. / pit* _ ^ Miller started off the seventh for ^ Jackson 2h fuf^aching can take" care" of as McHenry with a triple. Four runs j jack8on. p he goes along I crossed the plate in the Inning to i "set up the final score. J Totals ^ And, a new second baaeman put A dazzling . force-out play by > Rlrhmoad in his appearance in that second !DicJ Conway and some, high class Katzenberg, 5 .•-'S X* •• .3 4 .4 4 .2 i 4 24 IB game. John J. Bolger, who has been the Shamrocks' bat boy since he1 learned to walk, played the last inning at second base. What's more, he showed that he knows outllelding by Bill Bolger cut down Huff, rf the Boosters' chances at times R. Miller, ss ....... when the picture appeared to be v. Miller, p ....... changing. C. Miller, 3b Paul Freund and Gene Wagner G. Miller, cf What to do as he backed up a formed the McHenry battery in the J- Miller, lb throw to the bag. The ball went j second game and had the situation Miller, lb ....... ttfc)ugh, but John was there to j-in hand all the way. [Brennan, 2b ....... nalt it. t John Bolger, a rookie from the * ' bat-rack league, made his first ^very'® When we tdld Billy Pries of our appearance In league play, filling ""®tzman, q . intention to pick cherries this in for Dick Conway at second base 4 "4 4 4 3 1 5 1 2 1 0 0 • 0 0 1 2 1 0 4 K 0 0 0 1 1 0. 0 « 1 41 i 1 w f 0 2 I ? week before the robins finish the in the last inning, job, he was quick to remark--"I McHenry konw a lot of people who would Conway, 2b 1 like to htfld the ladder for ybu.rt McCulla, c . |J. Larkin, rt We have to take Petle Schaefer's g. Larkin m ......... word tor it that the Johnsburg h. Stilling, lf .... ... Tigers are practising under lights j Freund, lb .....~ (dv lights) since that drubbing l. Bolger, 3h 35 2 at""the hands of the Shamrocks. All we know is what we hear. B. Bolger, Miller, p . ...... Totals .... C. L. Boosters Nelson, cf •The whole league will have eyes on the Johnsburg-Algonquin game next Sunday. The power-packed Algonquin team is undefeated thusjE. Krause, lb far. Johnsburg will be out to turn Lipps, 3b the trick next Sunday. Don't be J m. Krause, rf too-surprised to see a 3-way tie Lessendorf, e in the conuty league next Sunday jLegel, If .*... night. If Johnsburg beats Algon- j Leffer, 2b qyjn and if McHenry beats Dundee, Parsley, ss ...... thf three teams will be tied with; Rudsinski, p ......... Then watch the ; Fanter ....a, AB .. 5 . 4 . 5 . 5 .. 5 . 4 7 4 . 4 ... 40 AB 4 ...... 5 .... 5 ^T. 5 5 ..... 6 ...j: 4 • 3 3 ....:r 1 R 3 3 0 1 0 0- 1 0 2 10 R 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Qi 0 • 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 14 H 2 1 -I * 1 2 2 I 0 | Totals Score by Inaiagst j Johnsburg 001 000 300--4 I Richmond 010 000 001--1 I Stolen Bases: A. Jackson. I Two-Base Hits: Katzenberg. .Three-Base Hits: Pitzenr C. MHler, V. Miller. Strike-Outs: V. Miller, 8;,J. Jackson, 11. Walks: V. Miller, 3; J. JackS8i»,'§r Winning1 Pitcher•* J. Jackson. jj. Judson . D. Young . J. Smith . Schultz R. Nickels T. Kuecker .. Olson .1. Holtz Totals McHenry Chas. Hiller Don Dowell Don Freund Don Andreas Ed Jackson James Kennebeck R. Svaboda J. Wiser John Knox gtanley Aim Totals, Home Run: Don Freuntt. Two-Base Hit: J. Wiserv LAST RITES HEUt) ON SATURDAY FOR THOMAS DOWELL, 85 7-1 records. scramble Totals ... 40 6 14 DAILY PINUPS; , - [Sew* by lanlagsi' A sense of hunfor Is the safety1 Shamrocks 102 030 400--10 valve which relieves the pressure. Boosters . 011 004 000-- 6 from an explosive situation. ! Stolen Bases: McCulla, 2; L. Bolger, 2: B. Bolger, 1; Feffer, 1. ALGONQUW HOLDS LEAD, McHENRY AND JOHNSBURG IN TIE Just because you came into the Two-Base Hits: E. Krause, Feffer. Grove, then went to the Richmond Thomas Dowell. pioneer falrmer in the McHenry area, died at Condell Memorial hospital, Libertyville, on Wednesday evening, June 8. following a shoft illness. He was 85 years old. Funeral services were held from the Jacob Justen Sons funeral home in McHenry at 1 o'clock Saturday, with burial at Wauconda. The deceased was born near Volo on Feb. 18, 1864, and lived his entire lifetime Jn that area. He was a farmer and^until a short time be- , Results in the county league fore his death remained active, do- J games last Sunday ran true to jng some of the lighter chores on form as top teams turned in vie- ' the farm located on Dowell Road,. to£}?8' .. 'about five miles southeast of Mc- The Algonquin Simplex team de-, Henry. feated Woodstock 9 to 1 as Stan Mr. Dowell Mavis served up a neat 2-hitter. ' The McHenry Shamrocks defeated both Crystal: Lake teams to hold a second place tie with Johnsburg. Johnsburg defeated Spring world as a helpless being is no j Three-Base Hits: H. Stilling, Milreason for you to remain orfe. | ler, Tipps. A ------ lDouble Plays: Parsley tb Tessen- Jsep a. lively interest in others | dorf. ! Strike-Outs V7. *•* Walks: Frisch, 1; Miller, 1 You Can Dream But Not Too IW- V ! 2* McHenry Conway, 2b B. Bolger, 2b, rf McCulla, lf . ..... J. Larkin, rf .... J. Bolger, 2b .... G. Larkin, ss ...i Miller, lb McCracken, cf L. Bolger, 3b .... R. Freund, 2b ... Wagner, c P. Freund, 'p .... It isn't untU city folks iCl7gtJ°^Je;Yj^;' AB ^ ljogin crowding into our J Fe^j » ^3 } 0 community on weekends in j. Feffer, lb .-. 4 the summer and talk of tlie p"J-3 3; J approaching Water Carn^^Radavick, e 3 a^gains enthusiastic Jones | rt 3;;; ® tliat we stop to realize; Lockwood, cf, sb 2 what a wonderful resort j ToU|s .>'..3.. 26.. j territory McHenrv really is. 'srwe by innlngft c. l.. v. f. w. 000 *001 0^ 1 McHenry 211701 x--12 diamond where they won their second game of the day. Dundee showed power in " downing Richmond 11 to 3 while Hebron Radsinski, 4; Miller. handed to tail-end Crystal Lake V. F. W. a-15 to 7 trimming. The JV. F. W. boys played at Hebron, then dashed home to meet McHenry in the second game on that diamond. J All eyes are on the Johnsburg- Algonquin game to be played at 1 Algonquin next Sunday. This ~ promises to be one of the top games of the season and will no I doubt have a lot of bearing on the league race. 'McHenry Coaaty League Standings! I • W L Algonquin McHenry .A............... I Johnsburg .................. Woodstock | Richmond* ! Dundee i C . L . B o o s t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . fr:-Hebron Spring Grove C:\Lake V.F.W i Scopes Last Sanday t Algonquin 9, Woodstock 1. A# 3 . 1 4 3 0 4 ; 4 3 .X . 1 4 2 M 0 0 I 1 • r i .2 5 D* "uri n(g5- - h e• » " W-i_n t Stolen Bases: G.. L^a r.k in, Miller, Iiihtmhn^r"fr> x^a t SAa nidrnanyn:n Johnsburg 9,.Spring Grove 3. . ; "TV,« ! Mc Henry 12i Crystal Lake VIEW 1. [ - ^IVaH ine laiTlDie -- ! McHenry 10\ C. L. Boosters 6. - Crystal LakA^VFW 7, Hebron 16. I Dundee 11, Rn^limond 3. i Johnsburg 4, Richmond i. 4-Ucj i;frt mii/»li 2: McCracken, 4; Prince. iat Algonquin. » Ilionthh, With MIL niUCll a Two-Base Hits: McCulla. Freund. sPrin* Grove at Crystal Lake. ill anv inland town, we for- I Three-Base Hits: G. Larkin. ' (Boosters) the advantages Feffer, SlwchS. tl)J* year 'round rosidoill Strike-Outs: 'O^inskl, 3; Freund,j^ood8tock at Crystal Lake, V.F.W and the summer visitor 011 wfik8: osinski, 7-Freund, 7. joy by living in this "Gate-'- REMCMIIR FATMIR, •llfLPCR OF •«* NATION'S FVTVNt BOXING and WRE8TUNG Friday, Jane I7thf StSO p. BOXING 1. VICTOR JAMESON vs. BOB VAONALI 2. OSCAR SEREMIAN vs. CONIE WALKER DON HENDEE BLUE CLOUD BILL KOCH vs. BOB WILLIS BOB MILLER vs BOB BECKNER Jtanetiiber Dad with a Gift tnm> fWO DYNAMITE WRESTLING BOUTS LAKE COUNTY STADIUM ROUND LAKE PARK, ILLINOIS McHENRY N A T I O N A L S SPRING TO SUMMED; FASHIONS IN SUMMER FOOD S A Y I N G S ! BEECH NUT BABY FOOBS 34*^29« GET THESE . . NATCO QUALITY S T R A W B E R R Y P R E S E R V E S MM » POAMIM* ACTION V flFHHfflt Lomr rot commkon CtShMTV BN^Mt TOUT SOAP 3 •» 25> FULL POUND JAR NATCO JELLIES .. 10* SPAGHETTI 3 ~25* STARKIST TUNA ..SI S 35 HOLSUM FOODS 2itT25« PALMOLIVE TOM BEAUTY HOfC 3 & 25« .is* lf» B0LMM BOBBLE WHIPPEB SALAD DRESSING TsT Ms W 47s CMU CM CAW SWEETHEART TOUT SOAP 3 ft 25* WHOLE CHICKEN M *uim 3'/4-u.i1t9 CAN I 314VI>Os. OQ. CANS 4wC never married and «-as the last of a family of twelve WRESTLING Waukegan High ^ School Gym SATURDAY^ JUNE 18th 8:30 P.M. 'Two Ton" Tony Galento Tim McMillen way city to the lake JOHNSBURG BEATS oil " ^ SPRING GROVE AND * RICHMOND SUNDAY But enough of-dreaming! | . Much as ,we eiliov just i The Johnsburg Tigers kept Up af UUCII j j I fast pace last Sunday in their bid hi^klllg' ot a leisurely boat j to repeat as champions of the " 'county baseball league.' In the first game at Spring Grove Klapperich hurled a nifty 3-hitter, allowing no extra-base bits. No less than 5 errors gave encouragement to Spring Grove, but the Tigers came through with a 9 to 3 win. In a move to pick up rained out games, the Tigers toared over to Richmond to play their second game of the afternoon and emerged with another victory, 4 to 2. Joe Jackson opposed Vern Miller . on tne mound as the teams squared off at Richmond. Joe allowed 7 hits including 2 doubles ,and a triple, but issued no walks from las he kept his strikeout ball handy ... . , tin. ,M . ^ifor^use on 11 batters. >ur quality brands. We ll 1* | Hitterg of the day were Norb Smith and Ted Pitsen. Norb, who hasn't played too nSucn of late, came through with his old time punch in collecting four hits in the first game. Two of those blows were of the 2-base variety. Pitzen was in both games, geCr tiag 3 for' 5 Iff the first and 2 fo^, 4 in the second. Ted had a triple j ia the second game. The Tigers have their work cut out Car than next Sunday Complete liYie of Bee he livestock remedies at Wattles'Drug Store, Mc Ilenry. 8 tf Bernardo Pantazi Australian Tag Team Match Cyclone Anaya and Gordon Hessell Benito Gardini and' Pete Bartti t ide on a^ hot summer ai* ternoon, we must come back ;o reality long enough to mu-ture that garden, after wliiclr we may fyid % little :ime for fishing. ^ ... ' • . 'j*' ' If it's seeds or other garneeds or anj-thing in he line of equipment for laying hookey on the •iver's edge, come in and nake your selection iaj>py to serve you. lgickels Hardwate phone 2 Main Sfc West McHenry DREWRYS E. H. SCHICK DlSTIBlTIS© COMPANY lli Grave Street Phaae Ely la MM Elfia, Illiaal^ SWEETHEART SOAf WITH KA&KAMCI 2 5^ 25« STVFFEI MANZ, MJVIS . % 31« IMmi Wmi .. . .. sim muz. tuns,. *7*r 43c FILL PINT ONLY Thousand Island « 19( NtiiMi Nint _ Peanut Creno .'£*39* LUX TOUT SOAP 2 E 25* WOODBURY SfCClAL DIAL 2 £ 20. 3 r*|. b«rt Peanut Crunch 23c {wSSu...S» _ s 43c Holsun Jellies 23c •WANMat BOtOCMCKEN MT AUM% mmvmn ASMITtl rUVIM . ^ JIRKITfISZMm 3A&2* LVtmiom «(AT ^ swromM . . -'iif 39* MJUMKATO Ot wiLfn* mtisNUi . . r»uiM ELM MMAMM . MUSTS IHt MIT HTCnKlBBB . KWI VMN.( ri^WASIW HMMntFUBS , fUM fKBI iUVES CXTBA Mas FOB OTU WWfTfWni SUPER sun 28* CANE SUGAR . . 10 - 89* MMUN. nr. CACNATtOM EVAPORATED MILK 3'^ 35< ALASKA SALMON . . SS 49* NATIONAL'S ENRICHCO SLICED WNITI glassware SPABKUS VEL f. fslt' URF SS 28> BLUEB01IIET,a^^ MARSAUNE HwMn iMowpMiMNa .251 CANTALOUPE 5 "JT" 5$C KICNIMI mMS-SSat lit "Itow At IWr Bast-Meatf law WATERMELON mkoSMO 4 am 21* NATIONAL WHOll. HMNS m aw Aims car TO voaa Only • • Ip^-TVIT' rn' M * i.4( TOP taste iOAF HEW WHEAT BREAD 2 Na)wil MaU Cacaaa«|» CHOC. LAYER CAKE ^ NaHaaal's Ovr 3%r27a tVl POUND BREAKFAST COFFEE . B *1u 214k Kaf lar ar Drip Sriad VacaaM -.if * £ Vjrjta...

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