Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1949, p. 8

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r--p * - * S ? .>'*#*&!•£ ; vr^t ' *i¥v- - >•'.. • -«• , r-T> •5w r\. ^ -.. • *t- .*, 4uaktor, Barak, r. Mrs. st Elk - „. r * • = • - " , \ \ , t . . . :_ ,a •- f - V\ ' >*-• - V*'* " ' V + ;••* ';a-'" :'? T?U5», •iagy ^ |;r *«* ~ r . r r ^ - • - 4 ; * ' * fe ' -. V • ' \. V • - ' ' " " i,* • '• a*. _ ^ ,.....-> ,~-u ' - r... . v. #.. < >'. ~ » .' ttinn "Mr #ko Is claims t°be®ik- Iml >M»«t alley cat. will b» « ."I. Tka aging. y*t •c"Te kaa (Mt-ltT«i three feUne awm^aa%. His bad tectk canse riitrlrtlnfl of his 4t<t. kut as IK lite of an alley cat Is arand I Jri. so In comparison, Blkhora's oldest feline Is equal in age to a i"an who would live to see Ms lSt Wrthday. . fPWt, m we I nnnwwu *» " awm1*" 22 he Is as kealthy a "HB*ngster.M He Is young In 111, tM, and as sprightly at if Incidentally, the aver- Need robber stanpet The Plaindealer. Order at wars t. No. 9H JTTOFFEL * RBIHANSPERGER ' llMraaK areata for all elasaea #f :: pnfcrtjr in the beet coaspanlaa. West McHenry. Illinois INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH rkw, Aato, Fans* Life Insaranee eeuaSSSTO^anies When yon need toanranee of any kind Phone 43 or I18-M A Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS • Dentist --Office Hours-* •• - Turn*, Thnrs., * «•*.«: \ ••.; 9 a. m. to 5 p, m. Evenings by Appointment , LiikiBt Point Wonder Lake, 111. FRANK S. MAY : Trucking ' "•" Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 58#-M-l R-l McHenry AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 691 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 484 M'HENRY, ILL. DR. H. fi. FIKB Veterinarian ».••sMB&a- •?? Office Hears: I p. •». to 2 p. a. Except Thnradaya Erentnga by Appointawnt DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 1M Green Street Pkoao 2M-J . McHenry OMeoHoarst IS a. *. to & Pj nu except Wednesday. Offlca etos^ ill day Wednesday. X tONGWOOD- »»l »M II »•» 1111 Ml It 11 >• (by Mrs. Qeorf* Shenard) Mrs. C. L. Harrison entertained the women's five hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Geo. Shepard, high, and Mrs. Rose Jepson, low. The Ringwood baseball team played the Genoa City team at Gen o a C i t y W e d n e s d a y e v e n i n g a n d j beat them IS to 1. The W. S. C. S. met at the home end with ralattrsa atAU Wis., Sarah ranmlnai fbr a gMnth's visit On Tuesday Mr. aMi Mrs. Kslley went to Hlwocid, tM.,* for a couple of weeks' vlatt with relatives. Mrs. Mildred MuhshaW <6f Elgin spent from Wednesday till Monday with her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cannon. Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cannon and Mra. Mildred Mnashaw of Elgin were visitors la Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Wm. Pagni and Mra. Isaard spending a wweneIk"Is rv acation with friends in Shawno, Wis. Miss Frances Bt^nbracker of ol Mr. U.uU ThurwUy. A b" pot-luck dinner was Served at **' » i „ noon. After dinner the usual,bus!-, tm . ness meeting was held. Some of! hef. Miss Loaa Brever is apanding -- WANffib '«!> kUV -- We pay |« to $2S for Old Horaea, leaa for down horses aad cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH lokasbarg - Soring Grore Road ^ Phone JohMfiirf 114 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD QOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone chargea HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses Cattle and Hegs--Sanitary Power Loadlag --Tankage and Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights lit or McHenry 8W-J-8., Reverse Charges., Palatlae Rendering Service. A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic, and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Tel 204-M McHenfy, III WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law HOVt Benton St. Phone Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, Illinois DR. VARTDT R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green k Elm Tnes* Tkars. A Sat Thursdays ItN to StSO Taesdayi aad Saturdays to 8 TeL McHenry 488 WEINGART TRUCKING - Sand -- Gravel FiUiag--Black Dirt--Limestone Trucks for Hire Free TeL S55-R-2 McHenry, I1L CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joalyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--1:0»-5:00 Office--Koehr SSuanpopllvy CCoom pa» n.y . MS Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodatock 1135 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD. ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repair® Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 462 the women plan to attend the Rock | „n^ daurht^r River conference which will be. u t spent held in Waukegan June 22-26. 1151,7 Clayton Bruce The W. S. C. S. will serve a cafe- ,nometerla baked ham supper In Muxzy's I Mr. and Mra. Ralph Clay and halt June SO. Come and bring your'family, Mr. and Mra. David Porter friends and help the ladies. Don't01 R<x*ford and Mr. aad Mra. Ben forget the date, June 30. IFoute and sons of Spring Grove Sunday, June 26. will be commu-1 "BS553r J?*** parentB' nity night in the Methodist clfurch. j «r« n hm r«r nt I?o„C.m'r *!"- Clarendon H1U. ,p.«t ft.5ST.ltb KTiit 3? .^k "rU0,"4*' I"* '«"«• y-. . Eight members of the Methodist' K church choir joined a group of end with relat've« i* Chicago choirs of the conference and Bang Charlotte and Mary Hogan went 'at theh annual Rock River confer- on a 4-H tour at Urbana Tuesday, ence at the Methodist church in Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Milab. ' Waukegan Wednesday evening. jWls., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. | There will be no church services J°hn Hogan, and family. .at the Methodist church next Sun- j . Mr- **rs- Q^^dan Fossum day But Sunday school wili be at an<^ children of Richmond spent the usual time. | Sunday with her parents, Mr. and On Sunday, June 12, the Harri-jM" Ken"eV) Crlf^ son clao met at the home of Mr. i, M i r- an® ™rs- •^ohlJ Hogan and Mrs. Frank Harrison, where they and Mrs. Charles Ackerman celebrated the birthdays of Chancy, daughter, Kathleen, enjoyed a Frank and Mrs. Georgianna Har- pi^ic at Pell Lake, Sunday. rison. A very pleasant day was! * r• an" Mrs. Mitchell Kans and enjoyed. Those to make ttp the datight^r, Nancy, attended a pic- I happy erouV wi«re Mr. and Mrs. n'c at Fox River Park for the Com- | Henry Marjowe and family of "lunJty Inquires of the county on Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sunday. ] Brener of Chicago, Mrs. Georgl-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shatse and janna Harrison and daughters, Ber- i daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee, I nice and Olive, and granddaughter, J spent the weekend with her tether, Mary Ann Dahl, of Elgin, Glen Wat- I Dr. Wm. Hepburn. , ties, Howard Wattles and son and' George Adams of Elgin Was a Mrs. Etta Wattles of McHenry and I caller in the Mrs. Nellie Blackman Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and land Mrs. Jennie Bacon homes Sundaughter, Carol. ,-"-n | day afternoon. Miss Jean Muzzy entertained the Mrs. John Hogan attended a Youth Fellowship group at her [ stork shower at the homo of Lllhome Saturday evening. Games yai» Vosburg at Wonder Lake were played and a weener roast Thursday afternoon, honoring Mrs. was enjoyed. Mrs. Hedwigr Kumerlien, Miss Gertrude Kujnerlin of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Helen Boettle and son, VERNON KNOX At^orney-At-Law Oor. Orsen and Elm 8ts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phono MeHeary 43 WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment B. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J I8t 8oath Green St., McHenry, KL McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 464 ifco Mile, South of McHeat^ On Route 81 Hewers for all JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attoraey-at-law Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phono McHenry 492-W r irr ' w i r-r- itti hu r; Grace SelleVf and Mrs. Jane Selzer, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and daughter, Nancy, returned last Monday from a few days' visit with L S«to^ U «uS2rW pson, Bunda [oCaaaon mother, nday after- Andraw Hi va visiteii relatives Hawley of of Harvard vtafcod klo Fred WMaUsk, ^ -- Mr. and Mra. of Woo4i Mrs. Ross Jepaon, boon. Mr. and Mrs Fox River Grove here Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mra. B. t. Butler attended a ball ^tab picnic at Algonquin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Rosa Jo|pon Is visiting relatives at Evaaaton and Llbertyville thla weak. Mr. ind Mra. Paul Norman aad family of Evaaatoa apeat the weekend at their homo here. Mrs. Mable Colliaa, Mrs. Thomaa Kane and Mra. Agnes Jencka attended Eaatern Star at Woodstock Friday eveaiag. Mrs. C. L. Harrisoa aad daagkters, Carol aad Mra. Donald Brenner and Mrs. Clayton Harrlaon visited the latter'a daughter, Mra. Scheur, at Wankegan, Friday. Mr. and Mra. Clayton ^race visited relativaa at Belvidare Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Louis Abendroth of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antloch visited their mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Mr and Mra Perry and famlly^of Algonquin spent Snaday withTier mother, Mrs. Marie Wegner. i Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family are enjoying a trip to the Smoky Mountains. j Mr. aad Mra. Lonnie Smith and] family apent Sunday afteiraooa in the Walter horn. Mr. aad Mra. Clarence and family, Mr. aad Mrs. Irving May and family of JohnsbaUg, and Mr and Mrs. Albert Adama and son. Joha, of MeHeary enjoyed a family plcnie Sunday evpalag at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fraak Adams. Mlas Norma Wkltlng of Grayslake spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Ed Whiting. Misa Marjorle Whiting of Crystal Lake spent Snaday here. Mr. aad Mra. Panl Walkington aad family attended the Community Iaquirers picnic at Fox River Park Snaday. Mrs. B. T. Butler la attending summer school In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family want Sunday afteraooa With her parents, Mr. aad Mrs.' Arthur Dlmon, at Oatend. Mohair, which somes treat th# naora goat, is a kmg-woarln# Complete line of iwo's poaltiy remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry. S-tf Snt-rtfrlbe for The Plaindealer. .Can't find your wife? Look for her at McOullom Lake Beaoh, Saturday evening, Jnne 25th. Remember last year! EREUND-S TRUCKING • Agricultural limeetone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples takes on request - ° Place orders early and avoid rush. « Jfcurn Lime and Chipi for Drive way• r obakles nutuMD, ownw 401 W. W«okeg*n RoM - ' McHKNKT, ILLtHOIS . • • t*L 86-W or 41S-J INSECT Victor^ of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs.; her parents at Springfield. Wm. Pries and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Miss Marian Peet and Misa Janet Pties, Jr Mrs. Paul ?nd Maokenstad "of EVghi" spe'nt Sunday n p Mr MV-b I!?' w,th the former's mother. Mrs. ?;/ • "r; *J,°d and son and Mur.. Ma"n.di° jM.°r s1. WPolf »t. Bister, Allc.. Shadle enjoyed a picnic in Shadle's Grove, Friday. The Happy Clover 4-H club met Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon Sunday. Mrs. John Hogan took the Happy Limestone VERN THELEN c* Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Track for Hire TeL MeHSnry 58S-B-8 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry Power Lawnmower&- , The fiuned "Jacobsen" ,.'.V .-•••» *.•" . For free demonstration or in need of repair 10ONB413-J Hettermann Sinclair ' Johnebnrg ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich at the home of Marita Thomson Jr,over 4"H club g,rU a ,r?^®r kt McCullom's Lake Tuesday after- bating party at the roller rink in noon. Carol Harrison gave a dem- ^'wdstoolc Thursday evening, onstration on how to make ginger-1 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sebastian bread. Marita gave one of three are spending a few days With reldifferent ways to make milk drinks atives at Moline. using ice cream, Kathleen Ackerman gave a talk on pasteurizing milk. All learned the 4-H hymn. The next meeting will be at the home of Annett Schmitt on Tuesday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. James Rainy of Genoa City cafled on' friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Woodstock have moved into the Peter Sebastian flat. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Berg were visitors in the home of his brother, Cecil Berg, at Walworth Sunday. Mr and Mrs Donald Brener of Chicago spent the past week with i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, having a week's vacation. Mi$. Brener is a nurse at St. Luke's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Starved Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hamilton and son and Mrs. Charles Hamilton of Racine and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mil-! ler of Kenoaha visited Mra. Nellie Blackman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs|. Jay Cristy drove i to Madison Tuesday evening and brought Naucy, who baa been attending college, home for her summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Monday evening la the Louis Hawley home. j. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelley and* FOUR DAYS OF FUN July 1,2,3&4A CARNIVAL McHenry American LegiiU NEW rides, £ames, thiols. Indoors and outdoor# Fireworks See the New Otabhouii Visit the beautiful SenorktM at-the Bsrinmifl.. Boflth.. i n n , / . . / / /// /// // fc.; SfcdriBrilalNrtrattServices As #ectralu thai will ef year them la aa as year wtddisf m ysnr leva. t ';iP reflect ON weddiag Urn. SAVE MONEY ON HOME CARPENTRY 'THANK YOU" NHOMI lead clever (ill aekaswisd* L mems ihet asmsnsWss year \ "Ihaak yeuK wkk a mlala- WORWIGICS STUDIO 117 Riverside Drive \ McHenry Phone 27| - < BEAT THE SPRING RUSH! ORDER NOW H. GERTZ GENERAL CONTRACTOR V R-2, McHenry, Illinois PHONE McHEp^ 529-J1 or 686-J-2 - REPAIRS V REMODELING We can arrange financing--FHA, Title 1 10% down--three years to pay ( ) C a r p e n t r j F -- . C ) P l u m b i n g ( j Dormer _ ) Bath ( ) Kitchen ^ 1 ( ) Attic or Basfement Flat ( ) Siding 11 ( ) Hause, Semifinished ( ) Porch < ) House, Complete ( ) Addition Name Address For Frie Estimate Phone or Mali Coupon I BUY CONCRETE FOR FARM CONSTRUCTION DELIVERED Jfeadu-mixei Insect Repeffing-- YELLOW CLASS LAMPS tktf m taMke>M...J give ifli Kitting fsr all sotdesr needs., .yet they io> docs atlraclieo 1st insects... ma mails u.. .^ats up to 92%...Use thsm fieety an psrclwi...ia gardou... If At baiUcoepk. . .aod a# over jreut niaiprr cettags. i To Farmers: Our Reedy-; Mixed Concrete is unifbrmly dense, enduring and strong. The "mix" is made for your job. Even a small job gets the benefit of Urge-volume froftuction in our efficient eentral plant Of course, you want concrete ^iresafe, durable, moderate in first cost and requiring little maintenance. v BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Iff you Med h«lp we can put you In x touch with competent contractors. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. 606 Front Street McHenry, 111. CONTEST - JUNE 25tlf to « " Sponsored by \ tHE MCHENRY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION JicBtENSY'B ANNUAL MARINE BAY ON JULY 31 WILL BE PRESIDED OVER BY A QUEEN AND HER COURT OF H0F9R, WHO WILL BE SELECTED ACCORDINQ TO THE FOLLOWING RULES: \1. The public tfill indicate their candidates by casting votes at any place of biuiinoess in McHenry. Ballots will be given out at these places on the basis of 5 votes for each one dollar purchase with a limit of 25 ballots (125 votes) on any one purchase. •> fl. The contest is limited to women ages 17 to 60 years. » • 3. Tl:e contest opens June 24, 1949, at 7 a. m. and ends Jttly W, at 6 p. m. !« 4 The contest committee will tabulate the Votes to determine the ten contestants receiving the highest number of votes. These ten women will fcftrm the court of honor. S 5. From among the leading ten contestants a special panel of judges will select one woman as the Queen. The judges will decide which one of the ten women can best ^ represent McHenry as a Queen and Good Will Emissary, taking into consideration appearance. poise, diction, mental alertness and personality. - ' • It wilTbe a distinct hdnor to be the first Marine Day Queen or a member of her court. The Queen and her court will make personal appearances on radio programs and television shows and will be widely publicised. X.he committee therefore urges the people of this area to use good judgment in their selection of candidates. It is suggested that surrounding subdivisions §nd towns get behind their favorite lady and back her candidacy as a group. It would be interesting to hav& a Miss Wonder Lake, Miss McCullom Lake, Miss Woodlawn Park, etc., in the "«mtesfc~ ^ " r'"~ See yow detfler -- your ballots -- vote for the " F i : MARINE DAY QUEEll >

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