- ' 4 -v ' r/- > ' ,<r \ v~-- •;y-- '>*• First Birthday Of Linda Blake *%y • Mr. and M". Leonard liliikt* ^ --7 - tertained at their McOull(#m Lake "* Iswae^lftSt Sunday. June 19. on the • ••* ' ftrst birthday anniversary of their it. » daughter. Linda Ijwiiso,. Twenty- •t:OH guests were present at the jjr , Vrlawn party when the little tot ' ' - opened the many lovely gi/ts which were presented to her. Birthday m cake and ice cream were served during the afternoon and in • the evening a supper was enjoyed. Guests were present from Elgin. Chicago, Cary, LibertvvjUe, jl.ake Geneva and MelJenry. Included among flienn, were the baby's greatgrandfathers. Adolph Peisert of Chicago and Hftary Bepinitt of Lake Como, Wis. • dfeiii4i soring a eafeterin dinaer, to bo held on Thursday, June 30, at Muszy's hall. Serving starts at 5 p. m. The* menu will include baked ham, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, potato salad, macaroni, salad, deviled eggs, cottag^ chee3t with chives, cabbage salad as sorted fruit salads, pie, cake, coffee, milk, fruit juiees and iced tea. " . ... : Y\ •»».»«» -• a •*. 4 •«..whns « ' Bring your Honey for some sugar to McCullom Lake Beach, Saturday, June 25th. Remember last j ear?. *. i t " ' f , ~J MeHenry Couple • n Observes Anniversary : Mr. and Mm. Joseph i. Millet celebrated their thirty-scventli wed ding annivesary last week when their • children and grandchildren. ;JDonway with the celebrants, enjoyed a /pic- Sunday nic dinner at Veterans Acres ii Crystal Lake. x/:;! Hold Father's -- -3 Pay Gathering ^ Members of the MSartln Conway • family held a gathering at the SoflMf Sponxtft ari Pnnii, Irene Pectota • • •; 5* Entertain OhM^t ' ' . I Two ltnate Otnb j^f.' Mrs. C. W. Goodell was hostess to. members of District S. Federation of Music clubs, twenty mem bers of which met at her home in . West McHenrv one evening last week. A business meeting and-social hoar was eiijoyed, w'ith Warren Jones singing a group of solos. £) Served home with on the R. N. A. Members u At Friends' Night ~ Mesdames Elsie ReTtteir. TWefe^a Kreund. Louise Kramer arid Alpha Petlefsen. members of Rivervi"w i'amp. „K. X. A. attended Frieuds' Night at "Progressive camp; Waidstock, last Thursday. .Tune 10. Local guests filled various offices, receiving ' lovely handk^rcMitf pefcsageS. . .». • , '• •"•• - on John street last u.i. , dinner and supper The Alt;r a\d Rosai^ sodality aafrtteerrnnoooonn eennjjooyyeSuT. " PprreesseeSntt Tweerree ifn gS t>a Praumtrimcka>g8 er hsuarlceh, t,8o «bPe< >nhBeolrd- Mr. and Mrs Lynn Smith and son, Fliday and Saturday at the city Dennis, of Roc kton, Mrs. Celia; Han The committee includes Knox of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Ed. K|eanor Miller. Grace O'Brien. Ul- Holle of Oak Park, the Harry Con- Han Anglese. Helen Knight. Therways. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns ese Conway, Florence Doherty, OOMUfO apd son and the Earl Conway*, of Kathleen PhaUn and F] MeHenry. i * * •' Guest At Pink And Blue Shower , ' M r a f . R i c h a r d F r e i i n d 1 of honorat- a pink > Knox. orence Cafeteria Supper At Bingwood Church- Tiit liingwrood •was „gu- st and blue f-shower held at the home of Mrs.' Lflj Lake P. T, A. - • *: lElwts Offloers "Newly elected officers- of the Parent Teachers1 'Association of Lily Lake are as follows: Mrs. ' '•Rose Freund one evejiiii^ Inst wwk. (-jiiarles Gould, president;. Mrs. •.With Mrs. Carmen Antonsoh and' : v33rs. Marguerite Winkle as eo- 1"" . hostesses.. Twenty-five guests were' present from Fox 'Lake, •'•Inglesid", Wonder Ljrke-,^--McHenrv sand Johns- I r t i T g . . . 1 * • ' " pr--ovaid^ead ent*e ji-4t'a iD, men.t , 'St. Agatha C'ouirt ta, _ p, nJ V ". prires awardeil to Mr*. Rich | ; gt AgatL's Court." -fSS^n , 'D. ot A., will hold a picnic on Wed Bunco PENSTIX CONTROL MASTITIS caased by Streptococcus agatectiae Sticks o# active penicillin-- •Miy to lis*--work fast --economical Rmvolutjooory -- because so sim pie and effective. No apparatus, no solutions to prepare. Harmless to cows and milk. Get important information folder -- ask us for your free copy right away. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. John Milinae, first vice-president: Mrs. William Dick,. second vicepresident; Mrs. J. Plynn, secretary and Mrs. George Nielsen, treasurer. .'V* - <?MM ft ' Picnic For Juveniles of St. Clara'a Court--V. P. W. Grounds. Jaue 24-2Z Rummage Sale--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's church., Jaiie 98 Kindergarten Registration--Mof^ - ing, Afternoon and Evening"** 202 Waukegan Street. Jane 2» -v; St. Agatha's Court, No. 777, Picttft --Wilmot--11:30 a. m. '» July 1 Bake Sale--Sponsored by 0. E. 8. Jaly 12 Card Party--Nell's Ballroom--»1 p. m.--Sponsored by McHeni W o m a n ' s C l u b . -- . July H Joint Picnic of Lady Forester"^"; Courts--V. F. W. Grounds. Public Card Partjn--Sponsored O. E. S. July 1#-17 St Peter's Carnival. Spring Grttre. Jaly 21 C. D. of A. Picnic. - v • July 24 ; . Public Party--Sponsored- • -St. Clara's Court--Parochial School Hall--8 p. m. Atyrust 12 Woman's Cliib Flower Show. June 29, at Wilmot This a pot-luck lunch at 11:30 nesdav. will be o'clock. A joint picnic of Aurora, Elgin, MeHenry and Johnsburg courts will be held on July 14 in the V'. F. W. grounds in MeHenry. This is also a pot-luck lunch. ; • • • Announce Betrothal J Of Elaine Klemm Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemm of Vblo announce the engagement ot their! daughter. Elaine Marjory, t oJ George Cross, son of Mr. and Mrs.! In 1 Henry Cross of WonderLake. The thank , bride-to-be, a graduate of the Wau- noral conda high school in 1948, is em- pathy, underwent a tonsillectomy at the Woodstock hospital this *week. Mrs" Phyllis Nimtz underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital | last week. Joseph ^Stilling has been quita ill at his home on the, Pistakepl * - Bay biackt9p road ^ince Tuesday.' Mrs. Mabel French of McCulloih * Lake underwent major surgery at Illinois Masonic. hospital ia^ Chicago last week. ^ ^ 4 CARD OF THANKS this manner we wish to f the many friends who seat | offerings and cards of synl^ i donated cars and extended I ployed in the office of the Admiral »o many other kindnesses in our i Corporation in MeHenry. Cross, a recent bereavement. We greatly 1947 graduate of the McHehry high appreciate their thoughtfulnesa. 1 school, is employed by the ihlnois MRS. ANN FELTZ Bell Telephone company. i MR. and MRS. LOUIS BENDING No wedding plans havn been '^R. and MRS. CLAUDE NICKELS made FRED and JOHN VOELTZ 6 „ "VL " ' HE EXPER T wHBuvm to git into £wdi look the part whan you svspand bunnoss oparations for a day of * mjjjr* mfJS ralaxation. Gat ona of thosa cool, NW0M flVlfff' hondioma Skippar T-Shirts with tha 'L Nw quarter-length sleavas end atfodiad collar. Cuffs and boNooi ' ' I or* ribbad lor a trim fit Mode of i TFTWDYR marcarlzad cotton IN MTY • fcvULTLfiSS m OTHER SKIPPER McGEE'S S. GREEN ST. 0 #cHENRY Wi»" ( ^ vC ' , Ride in a taxi and relax la comfort, Yaall have aa parking worries or rnaalag to nuke a ha* when j*a travel taxl-ttylc. Call a MeHenry Gab Phone 723 Last Meeting Home Burma The MeHenry unit of the Home Burean held its last meeting of \ the season at. the home of Mrs. Rarl Krukow last w%ek> with Mrs. |A. Schaefer assisting. New officers were elected as follows: Gertrude Marsh, president Mrs. R. Cynowa, vice-president; Mrs. Earl Krukow, secretary and treasurer: Mabel French, minor project chairman; Mrs. Roy Morris, health chairman; Mrs. John Wrublewski. . clothing chairman, and Mrs. Fred Svoboda, food* chairman. ' * • • * Honored finest At Bridal Shower Miss Joan Weber "waa honored at a luncheon and miscellaneous bridal shower held on Sunday at the home of Miss Joann Young in Waukegan. Attending were Mrs. Ben J. Kennebeck, Mrs. Daniel Kennebeck, Mrs. Henry M. Weber, Miss Alvina Schumacher and Mfsa Laura Weber of MeHenry, Mrs. Earl Holms and Mrs. Ray Gaylortf of Woodstock, Miss Kay Sullfnnt ot Wonder Lake; Miss Joan Daftey, Miss Mary Ytfang hnd Mrs. L. 3. Young of Waukegan and Mfsa Marilyn Parkinson of Chicago. Prises la iraneo were swarded to Mrs. Daniel Kennebeck and Mr% Ray Gaylord. * Srarttsea Glaoiar Europe's only glacier that react es from the mountain heights directly to the sea is in far north Norway. Its name. Svartisen Glacier, means "black ice" in Norwegian. although actually its color appears as deep blue. It's fiwfys a wonderful fee your Pontine and go places! We know that you--like thousands nod thousands of other Pontiac owners will be driving a lot of miles this feel sore the economical remember for a long time. One of the things which adds greatly to the indtnat goes with Pontiac owner- Pontiac service--the kind of serrice '..mif • Pontiac deserves. The two service signs yoa see here identify more than 4,000 Pontiac dealers across this a summer, and we country--all pledged* as we are--to giva they will be enjoyable, comfortable, you the finest service, by £nctory-traine<fe» cal miles you Will be happy to perts using factory-engineerea parts anp spetial equipment. 1 V? . { • peace of mind i ' i the fact minutes or a few miles from expert' ihip is that you are never mole than 3efore you start your summer travels, bring your Pontiac in for a check-up. And if yoa ever need service on the road, look iinr that sign of the Pontiac expert--it pays! ~ OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC CO. jfl 400 FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILL. Hitch Maker h V <XV rfAi. r Its Life Span • Idmited time only! REVLOK VALUE fOSL Lastron Nail Enamel regular 60l size Adheron Base Coat regular 60< size Mutrhiig Ilipitfrk special 651 size fefe«1.85 When ever did a dollar buy more fashion-rightneas, lovelier genius colors for matching lips and fingertips? Huffy in today for Revlon*s "Match Maker." Just see what you get: • Lastron Nail Enamel. Ever-better... with easy-to-use plume applicator. ' o Adheron, the perfect base coat for a perfect manicure. • Special-size All-Plus Lipstick in smart gold-tone metal < mPtusfM . - BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Onen Street, MeHenry, 111. / -t ' % ( as ^ever • f v' :i|'- %kmh - --• • -f.V " ' * t: NOW AND THEN, a person who is about to take ddivery of a new Cadillac inquires as to the period of time he may logically ahticipate using it. . ' Our answer is that we do not know--for the life-span of a Cadillac car has neve# been accurately measured. There is evidence in abundance tint, with proper care and reasonable usage, the life of a Cadillac is far beyond all normal requirements. Recently, for instance, four Cadillacs of the 1942 series were retired from the testing fleet of one of the great tire manufacturers. The four of them had traveled a total of White "dewall tiro available at additional < 2,599,413 * miles, averaging almost 650,000 miles per car. None of them was retired for disability. Each went general service after leaving the testing fleet. Yes--you can look forward, when you buy a Cadillac, to almost any period of ownership you may eventually desire. But, of course, the endurance of a Cadillac is only half the story. The manner in which the car performs is equally vital to the owner's satisfaction. Not only can you keep a Cadillac for a long, long time--( but your enjoyment of it will endure throughout the yean. OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC CO. 400 rBONT STREET HcEENBT.B^ . . '" V -. n," ' ..