CARNIVAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ARE CHOSEN PLANS PROGRESS -f' . V' ^ William Green General ^ Chairman of Big 4-Day v QUEEN TO PRESIDE OYER MARINE DAY! ^ /.V.-'. * i *" v .{" !» v V, . •*. ; --_ Preparations eohtinue Blade by llighliglit of Season ' ' "T"'1 V' Some lucky girl in McHenry nship will go down in history *g the first Queen of Marine Day. Henceforth, there will be a Mar-) ine Day every year (we hope ana [believe) and a queen to preside lover It. ' J The queen will b« selectead by a jnnel of judges (outside of McHenry business men) from a group of ten girls who will receive the greatest number of votes cast by the people of McHenry. WEEKLY BAND CONCERTS DRAW i Afifif" nnnmnn LARGE GfiuWDS Jane. Programs In McHenry Park ; Play At School In July FOUR DEAD IN AUTO-TRUCK CRASH ballots will be given out by all members of the MfcHenry Business Men's Association with""feach purchase of $1 or more. A $1 purchase will entitle you to fire votes for the lady that you think ought A large crowd was in attendance Voting jat the second weekly concert of the city ban®, presented in the city park last Friday ^yening. The third program will take pise* this Friday. June 24. at 8 p. m. After the July 1 concert, the band will move to the high school grounds, where the last four programs Will be presented. At the latter, location, it is planto be Richardson, c hairman: ' Jerri e Legionaires for the an-.NImtz, Mary Buss, Rosalie Willi summer carnival', which will Hams. Marita Williams, Helen Stofvbte held in the Legion lot on Green fel. Cecile Tonyan, Janice Justen, Street for four nights, Friday, Sat- Josephine Guercio, Donna Freund.!)" now. * n*r» «f h«r urdav, Sunday and Monday, July Terry Bauer, Lucille Knox, Marie Q 1 . i, 2, 3, and 4. Nickels, Nadyne Lewis. Joan Ray- Tbis week the various commit- craft and Marjorie Thomas. tees have been released as foltpws: ' Game No. 1: William H. Althoff, Committees chairman; Joseph M. Schmitt, Ben General Chairman*; William Chelini, Jr.. Henry Buch, Jr., Green. (Harry Conway. Ethel Conway, .< Fireworks: Floyd Cooley. Donald Freund, Lorraine Freund, •^'Publicity: Jos. X. lairman; Tom P. Bolger isten, C'Claude McDermott and Henry B. Tonyan, Peter A. Freundi lenry Reese. $ ' Steve N. Main Booth: C. N. Freund. .Bernard Bauer, Ralph Bennett, . Big Six: H. C. Lock, chairmanJames Althoff, Jonl Althoff, Dick Andrew Worwick. Harold Bell, Heuser, Ray Rode, Bernard N. Dick Overton. Ted Graham. John Smith, Helen Smith, Carl J., .... Rogers. Harry Fredericks. Ray Mc- Freund, Evelyn Freund. Clinton ialertne88, ^lctIon ^ tJi Gee, Elmer Jensen. Hugh Murphy, Martin, Mervin Schmitt. LeRoy coJLrse, app??ra^c* " p®rsoi?al ty; t*'The Star Spangled Banner wr.. Ctrl N.iw.1 March. "Son Ar America •_ 17T he coenn testants must be between ned, .t o present. several guest arti,s .t s 17 and 60 years of age. Residents „,»•». , ..." . t __ i_ ti,tt j ; (be builiit ft fe&ture whicn is of subdivisions in McHenry and fi. eraatlv enioved hv thoad treats. The band members and their director. Paul R. Yanda. hope that some time in the not too distant get behind one person and submit r.^rr«,n« rr.una,,^ Johnsburg, Miss Waynne, Gerald Hetterman, Gordan Schmitt, P?J0,n?er . Woodlawn\suber. Dan R- -i chard Schmitt, Helen Schmitt", I I ,n s e ;l e ec ttci"n g y o u r c a n d.i.d. a t e , r e - Schmitt, Vera Schmitt, I ,neI".ber that. ^e queen and her P..nh 'emissaHes g°fo7 McHenry. ?he Lm^UZnrind cSJS Judges will select the queen on the iA _ w° choru» basis of her charm, ji,er mental poise and of „„„„„ „ . . future a large band shell may be I available so that specialty numrfiay be offered the public. Next Friday's program will as follows: Ed. Murphy. Fred Meyer, Bob Meyers, Esther Meyers, --Jones. Krinn, Floyd Covalt. Jay Crlsty,! Dia^e Freund, Theresa Cairnsi i£ulyK the que®V and her court wilf! Waltz. "When Lights are Ldw" -- KK»ennnn»etthh CPrrUisftyv, JJoohhnn Gn«re.enn , iI MMrrss.. TThhoomma»s. KKamne.. TDvo>nnaalMd Weln busy making appearances at Dunham. Robert Justen. Bill PriM, Leojgart. Eleanor Edstrom, Harold Thurlwell and Harold Vance. | Freund, A. P. Freund, Norbert Over and Under: Nick P. Miller,1 Mauch, John Barnings, Jerry Het- •bairman; Charles Brocken, Joe j termann and Jimmy Hettermann. itroebels, A1 Hirdler, Tom Lawson, Game No. 2: Charles J. Brda, Bill Meath, Eugene Miller, Jerome ! chairman; Richard J. Weber, Miller. Bill O'Brien. Charles! Frank GenCe. George Brda. Char- AUTO-TRUCK CRASH CAUSES DEATH OF F i ,. ~ Accident Brings I VJlU-Dsy. County Toll ; xw pt P«ftd To soTfin : | ' . fourth' and most tragi*'" j highway aeoidents to take place hi' ^ I MoHonrv county in just two weeks** I? V>rinping the denlit toW to seven - oconrred on Rt. 14. north of Har- S , vard last Thursday. June 16. Three F were killed outright in the last vaccident and n fourtli died a few ^ hours later in the Harvard hos- si pitnl. The dead were Glenn Edward " || Larson, IS, who died four hotire | ! after the crash of the passenger j&| ;car in which-he was riding and a ' truck, at 12:45 p. m.V his mother, '% | Mrs. Elelyn^.A. Lrtrson, about of Minnenpolis. Minn., his aunt, ; Mrs. Mabel Buesinjr. ilso of Minae- 3 apolis, and his grindmother, Mr% ' 1 Helga Anderson, 8^, of Keokiik, 2, | Iowa. J The driver of the truck, 8ineiair ^ Morris, 25, suffered a slight coacussiOn but had no broken bones. | He is hospitalized in Harvard. ^ j| Oar Left Road „ According tb witnesses, the paaaenger car was proceeding south oa S2E c^nce?1^'^^^!0^^ "Th. CWttid.r'--B»cl, these activities will be unfolded to P__ Trnf. rpthe readers during the next four ^ S' we*"- March, During the contest, we will re- lins. m les Corso and Donald Kennebeck. Game No. 3: Ray Page, chairman; Bud Kozinski, Albert Barbian. Charles Sutton. Richard Justen, Jack Segal. Francis Wirts, i $189,551 IN FIRST Fred Rogers. Clarence Martin, I »|»ay TiTQTPTBTTTTAlt Robert L. Schaefer and Elmer G.I lilHlTJlllSU HUH P°rt 'ro_f"-!relk to the lea?' Overture. "The Elves"-Klefer. Throa wnman , , Photo Courtesy Woodstock Sentinel Rt. 14, about four miles north-of .Knl niS r:.UP8n,t8 ,° < !b! '"t T»»ur8<iay afternoon. With j 15. died later in the Harvard hos- 'Hnrverd and the truck, a se»im^ tn^ wl l-r.!-! # ^ th* of the three, I pital from injuries sustained in trailer, was traveling north. The »k and a fourth. Mrs. Helen Anderson. Mrs. Evelyn the crash of their new auto and ear left the pavement and in pnll- ?,ed a La"00 and Mrs. Mabel Buesing. a semi-trailer truck. NThe boy i»K back onto the highway crossed Seventh Regiment"--Col- 8 a highway acci- were extricated from the wreck- was thrown from the car in the ' the left lane, directly in froat dent which occurred north of Har- age. Mrs. Anderson's son. Glenn.icrash. i0f the truck. Higgins. -Sullivan. J,rfritTnfniaoft8 print photos of sommme o.Vf fttn«e?m^. 88,b,€ WaTti:'"«Aailip«i ne SunseGt"m--uKw tag McHENRY RECEIVES Rogers, Tony Varese and Howard Wattles. Arrow Game: LeRoy Conway, chairman; Leo Kerber. RobertvE. JCnox, George Kane, Charles 8ution and Henry Tonyan. Police Committee: Lester Bacon, Chairman; Fred Schoewer, Don Meyers. j , Barger. Joe Groebel, Bd. Thenncs,! Refreshment Booth: Eddie1 The first distribution of 1948 ICarl Conway and Bob Schaefer. j Meath. chairman; Members of Le-1 taxes collected this year in the •J' March. "Old Glory"--Smith Selection "Beauties of Erin? arr. byt Lake. Fox Trot, "Southern Echoes" Jones. March. "Kiefer's Special"--KJefec TWO CHICAGO YOUTHS CONFESS BAY BURGLARY tavern O^BS A suit was filed under- the dram lin. The band • ... v Watchman: B. Ahrens and FrfenkItfon Auxiliary land the following:!office of County Treasurer Henry lows: " Ipasquelette. IRo Vena Marshall, Eleanor Wtrfs : A. Nulle was being made last week. | Personnel U Finance Committee: Harold' Arleen Svoboda. Gert Barhian, be-J and PiccoUr: •ycital, chairman; M. L. Schoen- Alice Gaulke, Kate Thles, Julia holtz, Elbert 'Bach, Gerald Carey, Kralowet*. Celoha Kane. Rose ? Gene Cohrane. Gene Dobyns, Freund, Shirley Patzke, Ruth f James Larkin/La Verne Harrison, Brown, Agnes Miller, Millie Ro- Rerb Relhansperger. Charles Rei- i chelle, Phyllis Smith, Betty Lou kansperger, Gus Freund, Joseph | Weber, Louise Draper, Evelyn X. Waynne, Marlon Schoenholti,. Krukow, Florence Svoboda. Mil- Henrietta Vycltal, Ercel Lock and dred Reese. Mrs. Fred Kuns, v Mrs. Glen Welty. 4Skippy Daniels, Patrleia Whiting, Rides: Mildred Kiltsala, general Jean Green, Marge Davidson, --Chairman. ; Carol Conway. Jack Thles, Sr., . Tilt-A-Whirl: Mrs. Clarence An- J»c* Thies, Jr., Volney Brown, townships in the county are as ilese, chairman; Nellie Doherty,iJames Green, Bnd Green, Jimmie follows: personnel- Is as fol- The amount, $1,421,109.96, was be-^ Flute lieved to be the largest single dfs-, Doherty. tribution of tax money ever made; Clarinets: Joan Biggers, Harold in the county and represents al- Nye, John McGee, Donald Freund, most one-half of the total bill of Warren Wegener, Celia Page and $2,911,938.15. Charles Hiller. Schools came in for the biggest! Saxophones: Arleen Svoboda and S , ' ..n rD1 special -tvjeier, . Two Chicago boys, Carl Mlchlke, shop act in the circuit court at Finale. "God Bless America"-Ber-11 5 ; o f 5 7 1 2 M a n t o n a v e n u e andWo^ocklast w£k by^ean Oeorge J. Winikotes, 17. of 4828V4 i Marie Markovlc and son, Walter Addison st., have confessed burg-,®f McCullom Lake against the laries of a McHenry summer home operators of McDonald's tavern the *ld a 8tand in Pottawatomie park Roy-al Inn and the Lake Shore nosemary ln St Charles Eight other minor!Club, asking $50,000 from each decrimes of a similar nature havelfendant for been cleared up by their arrest, iceived personal injuries reby Walter Markovlc, 8r„ Mlchlke, wounded below the!'n a recent accident. It occurred Sart, was found In a garage lnjon June 4, when Markovlc was e rear of his home and the sec- seriously injured when the car he share, the sum being $1,008,755, Roger Svoboda. y°ath WBB wrested in the | i driving turned over on the Mc-1 ing of Maj? 11 could be' studied, leaving $312,354.96 to be dlsfri- J Cornets: Bob Freund, Richard Jiac^ke residence. Police traced i The review hoard, whose idenbuted among the other- taxing < Adams, Walter Mueller. Rttfacrd-^1* through a card found in Thomanseii, 21, of Evaoatoo, WMltity was kept secret untU the hear- bodies of the county. - * 'ma *14 c*r which they abandoned killed. ling was called to order, includtt The various amounts received in Mrs. Floyd Colley, Mrs |er, Mary Ann Bolger, Lorraine Michel s, Helen Stoffel and Terry Bauer. Rocketf 'Eleanor Kinsala, chairman ; Marie Cor^o, Mrs. Blmer Jensen. Mrs. Leonard Thennes, Marie Powers, Madeline Freund, John Bol- Oeier, Bob Svob6da, Roger Svoboda, Fred Svoboda, 8r„ Roger Svoboda, Jr., Joe Frisa, Merle Freund, Porky Wattles. John Flcken. Dan Green. Jim McCnlla, Bob McCulla, 8tanley Alms. Mark Hopkins. Dan Daniels Bill Rochelle, Fred Schaefer, Dick Garrelts, Bob French, •dele Froehllch, Frances Vycital,! George Glosson and John McGee. Beer Stand: Bab Oemfey, chairman : Dick Smith, Bob Kralowits, Gene Adams, Jim Perkins, Ed. Buchert, Ed. Conway, Glen Draper, Nick B. Freund, Frank Gende, Paul Karls. George Kinsala, > Herman Kreutcer, Leo Meyer, - Chas. J. (Chuck) Miller, Victor Miller, Aicher, Julia Reihansperfer, James McAndrews, Joseph MeAnlyn Relhansperger, Laura drew*, Herb Simon, John M. Stan- Ith, Margaret Kurlng, Dolores ! Karon*, John Zens, Bob Kllday. Art rell, Elisabeth Schoewsr, .Cath- Jalove, Dick Hester, Prank Lew, ae Bolger, Helen Stevens, Mar* j John Herdrlch, John JL Schmitt, Uuerite Johnson and Rth&i Blake. Tom 8utton. Charles Sattoo and Merry-go-round: Jennie Mat [Charles Thompson. Mrs. Bart Tegge aad Florence Lar kin. KJddy-Ride: Genevieve Knox, Helen Knox, Mrs. Charles Vyciial, Mn. Kathryn Conway? Mrs. Oeorge Kinsala and Carolyn Bauer. Ferris Wheel: Clara Stoifel, chairman; Lillian Larson, Anna- 4,7m pntsoim had CHEST X-ftAYS Of KICBMT SUEVXT • Reports on the recent cheat xnay surrey ln McHenry oounty -Conducted by the McHenry County Tuberculosis Association In co-operation with the State Department at Public Health, show that 4,750 persons had x-rays. ' Eleven towns were visited by the mobile unit in the community sur-> rxoDuoH hotkx BOUSD or KOUITD un on utonut Pri«drlek Botie, 74 years ^d. a resident of V^o for the past nine and -oa»lialf :years, died at home of his daughter, Mrs. WBUam Koeneman, in Volo, on June 16, following surgery which he underwent four weeks previous. Surviving besides Mrs. Koeneman are two sons, Fred G. Hotxe •ey and 2,881 x-rayed. In of Chicago and William Hotse of the industrial survey, 1JC9 Were Hayward, Wis., also another x-rayed. j daughter, Mary Hotse, of Chicago. Riley, $29,229.52; Marengo, $78, 521.54; Dunham, $t».C»S.M; Chemung. $129,548.88; Alden, $35, 238.68; Hartland, $41,733.12; Seneca. $?3.085.M; Coral, $34,274J8; Grafton, $71,543.46; Dorr. $Slt, 989.52; Greenwood, Hebron, $57,93144; 441.00; Burtou, H ffunry, llMjUil; 150.84; Algonquin, Marine sad WAVE Kscapsd ftarioos Injuries In Omsk A marine and a serious injury last Sunday' e*#-, nine whs® their oar left the tp*ement and struek a eulrert w BL 120, one quarter mS« weet a( Toto, about 11: SO p. Pfc. at turnincfrba had attended the roller rttk. the accident occurred. 'A ambulance carried the injured to the Great Lakes hcspltaj. McCullough suffered a hrokea flnger aad had -several teeth knocked.out, while Miss Bwartsenbur, an apprentice seatfmn, suffered a poeslble fractured arm. PLAN THUTY-riKBT ANNUAL HOME BUJtSAtJ MEETINO ON JUNE H Plan* are shaping up for a good program for the thirty-*rst annual Hiller, Henry Helse, Mary Kay Freund and James Nett. French Horn: Joan Freund, Carolyn Freund and 8ally King. Baritone: Don McCracken. Jeri Einspar aad Fred Svoboda, 3r. Trombone: Carol Harrison, Ferol Martin, Martin Klapperlch, Paul Schmitt and Clarence TMlen. Basses; Karl v Pomrening and Lester Bacon, Jr.^ ^ , Drums: Jack Thies and Sharon Sells. MoHlNKY YOUTHS i ATTENPINO BOYS AND COBL8 STATE . Rocer iyh|ils, soa of Mr. and Mra. fM SMhcda dr LUymoor, toft last fupniay morning for SpHngrteid, %fcere he to attending a rupMweatatlve of 9Mt- Wraper REVIEW BOARDS ORDER TEACHERS RETAINED A review board composed of Charles Vycital of McHenry, George Richardson . of Spring Grove and Howard Tingleff of Crystal Lake deliberated only twenty minutes last week Thursday before reversing the decision of the school board of District 162, Woodstock Community high school, to release E. E. DeCamp, history teacher. At the hearing, only the testimony given at the public hearafter Robert N. Hanford. a neigh-1 The plaintiffs charge in their bor,x flred fourteen shots at the j suit that on June 3 and 4 Markovlc boys Vhen he surprised them try- j purchased liquor in places opering to get into another residence, fated by the defendants and as a Police in Chicago said they re- result became Intoxicated and lost covered about $2,000 in loot in the control of his car. basement and garage of the the complaint further states Mlchlke home. Winikotes. a door- that as the result of the accident to-door salesman, said he and Markovlc received broken bones Mlchlke prepared a list of ten'an<l permanent injuries. He has they planned to burglarise, been confined to the hospital since The Pistakee Bay home which the accident and the plaintiffs they broke into belonged to charge that they are deprived of the family of their 4»est Trlend, support Jimmy Wells, of 5450 N. Lamoa, ' " avenue. Mlchlke was reported improved on Monday at the Juvenile Detention Home ln Chicago and phfaiclans believe he will recover. RETUKN BODY Or SAM JOSEPH FOE CHICAGO BURIAL McHenry friends will b . . .... to lean bit the death last Monday, £ - - • 1 ti. in Los Ancles, Calif., of Sam Joseph, about 70 years old. He had been In poor health for several years and for that reason moved to asaatov which opened MMay with a record attendance oT 432 girls. The* two McHsary youths, mem • * j mm upa-vw*, -- -- - -- 1 Y O * U M U l i n j * I T V l S m I K M I X 1116 body rested at the Peter M. | meeting of the McHenry .County hers a{ Mgt year's aeetor class in high adMol. were selected by the racdttMb* M* eckolarsh^ had ItiaUttog «r toadonhip. Lirs. Pkinl Wsbtr To •htor Tlower Show Auxili- j c^jifornia tour years ago. His « ^f^J laht visit to McHenry was In the summer of 1948. Mr. Joseph purchased the flusum farm .west of McHenry and moved to this community ln 1937. C. K. Petter of Lake county aana-1 Justen funeral home until Saturtorium. According to the reports, morning, when last rites were -jUbere were 127 that indicated con- j conducted from St. Joseph's Cathditions other than normal. Of, 0uc church at Round Lake, with thepe. seventy-three showed signs | burial in the church cemetery. » Of tuberculosis, and the other fifty- j * * lour showed other abnormalities. Pinal diagnosis is not mads from) W1BB1W 'JONES IE the small Alms; any persons!^wiiinin nKARlK --Whose films showed signs at tuber- UfiuftU fulosis will have further examln ation and study by their family *¥& physician or at the sanatorium. Mass x-ray surveys are valuable, Ethel Jones Vaughn Jones and in finttyng unknown casee of tuhy- Miss Maude Grdngw of McHenry, culoslu and help in rounding out!Jgr and Mra. Lon Smith of Crystal the continuous program of tuber- j Lnk«, f|oyd Poss of Richmond and culosis prevention and early dtog-imuy friends from Elgin aad ttosls which go on ltt our county, j Woodstock "were among those who Home Bureau, which Is to he hold at the Woodstock Community high school Thursday, June SO. Miss Fannie Brooks formerly health specialist with the extension service, Univereity of Illinois, now with the cancer research, is to be guest speaker. This meeting is open to the pub- He. All homemakers in the county Ure especially invited. Reservations for luncheon are durin the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Miss Home Bureau Office on or before June 24. FROM CHICAGO SCHOOL All discharged patients, all con tacts and suspects have frequent examinations and' x-rays. High school students also have tuberculin tests and posltve reactors have chest x-rays. «# During 1948, 743 students had tuberculin tests. 151 students and school personnel had x-rays and 218 suspects, contacts and former patients had x-rays. These surveys could not have been carried out successfully without splendid community' Co-operat i o n . Seventy-eight volunteer workers helped with registration . .lor the entire survey. P • • KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kindergarten registration for the ---- McHenry Community Consolidated school will take place on Tuesday, June 28, in the kindergarten room at 202 Waukegan "street, with hours . from 8:30 to 11:30 a. m., 1 to 6 in the afternoon and 7 to 8 in the evening Registration may also be made by phoning 282-M. 6-fp attended the commencement program of' the Sherwood School of Music. Commencement took place on Friday evening, June 17, in Orchestra Hall, with Warren Jones as a member of the graduating class. He was awarded the degree of bachelor of music, with a voice major. For the summer. Warren will fulfill church engagements In this area but definite plans for the future have not been made. PATRICK KROHlf IMPROVE® This week's reports on Patrick Krohn are much more favorable. He has regained consciousness and is progressing nicely at Wesley Memorial hospital^ Chicago. He enjoyed long visits with his family on Tuesday and hopes that he COLLEGE STUDENT Friends Qf Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Walklngton. who moved from McHenry to Phoenix. Arls., several, years ago, will be lntereated to know that their son, David Lee, has completed his first .year In Phoenix college. He was recently elected Associated Mens Students' president for the fall term. YOUNG ROT DROWN8 Eugene Kierna, 10 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kierna of Algonquin, was drowned last Friday in the Fox River. With a group of companions he was paddling an inner tube when the wash of a speedboat caused him to lose his grip. FUNERAL SERVICES < HELD JUNE 16 FOR , JAME8 T. SORSftSEft Funeral ssrvices were held on June 15 in Racine, Wis., for James T. Sorensen, 84, who died June 11 at a hospital in that city. He was born In Denmark on June 29, 1804, and had lived ln Racine for the past eighty-three years. He was the husband of the late Clara L. Bennett, whom, he married In 1890 in McHenry. The deceased, a painter by trads, was active In many civic eaterprises in Racine, haviag been in charfte of the Lake Park Water Department aad the Volunteer Fire Department for more than twenty years. Survivors include five daughters, Mrs: Clara Boetcher of Hickory, N. Carolina, Mrs. Hasel Slmonsen of Frankvllle. Wis. Mrs. Marion Collins, Mrs. Margie Felbob and Mrs. Frances Beth all of Racine; twenty-five grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. Until his retirement he was a partner in the Joseph Lumber company in Chicago. Survivors include the widow. Florence; a, brother. Harry, and four sisters, Tillie Lippman, Rhea Ragatz, Esther Horwitz and Kate Green. I The body arrives today (Thurs- Garfield Park Conservatory will day) from California and will be glow again with the color of thou ;at re8t at the Welnstein Brothers sands of delphiniums at the open- chapel at 1300 Devon in Chicago, ing of a two day exhibit on June where services will be held at 25 and 26. Aayone who has del-jjj o'clock Friday morning, ^vlth phiniums which might be worthy hnrt«l In Rosemont Park. ' of exhibit should plan to bring them in by Saturday, June^25 McBenry Dentist is not necessary to be a member <»r! * the. Amerieaa Delphinium society i Stabbed Dorm? Argument to enter. .. j 1 r-- Last year Mrs. Paul Weber of | Donald DeRome, 28, son of Dr. Spring Grove had the grand eham anfl Mrs. R. DeRome of McHenry pion three-spike delphinium, re j and Twin Lakes. Wis., has been a eeiving as her award a walnut sil patient in Che Woodstock hospital ver plaque. 8he is entering again ; sjnce Saturday afternoon, when he this year. j was stabbed in the left chest in an : {argument over a minor traffic ac- Jfred Ryan, second vice-president; CUfCER CHAIRMAN cident. The argument took {place Mrs. Orville Maher, secretary; Mrs. Delbert Ogle of Woodstock j near Twin Lakes, Wis. Robert Krinn, treasurer and Fred was elected chairman of the Mc- j DeRome is much Improved at, stolle, Oeorge Sunde, John War- Henry county chapter of the: this time although at first it was | ner> Oeorge Scholx aad Steve Charles Rogers New H^ad Of Lilymoor Association The Lilymoor Property Owners Association held Installation of officers at the Lilymoor Clubhouss last Saturday evening. A smorgasbord was enjoyed, with Mrs. Victor Bassi in charge. Past presidents, namely Frank Keller, Victor Bassi and lYsd Svoboda, were honored guests. Victor Bassi served as Installing officer as the following assumed their duties for the ensuing year: Charles Rogers, president; Ouy Surtees, first vice-president; Ala teacher. Mr. Tingieff, a hoard member, Mr. Richardson, and a disinterested party, Mr. Vycital. The latter served as chalrmaa of the board, which was selected by Roland McCannon, county superintendent of schools. On Friday evening, A. B. Ander-j son. principal of the Marengo high school, following a hearing of evidence concerning his H'tm'ttsl from the school administration position, was exonerated of charges that he lacked administrative ability, failed to co-operate with the rest of the faculty, caused dissension In the community and had a lack of discipline In the class rooms, as charged by the hoard'of education of Marsago. The artpeil board of three was compossd of Clarence Anglese of McHenry, member of the high school faculty; Oeorge Janak of Algonquin, hoard member, aad John Roberts of Crystal Lake a businessman. Their decision automatically ro-iaptates Anderson to his position. • Both cases caused a great dealjmaa; "U. 8 of interest throughout the county!"Nineteen due to the Teachers Tenure law. Glenn Larsoa, 8r., and two coworkers at the Chevrolet Balsa company for which he works, chartered a plane at Minneapolis aad arrived in Harvard late Thursday evening. The speeding plane, is passing over Rockford, radioed ahead for assistance,in landing st the closed Harvard airport. Mayor McCabe appealed to the public forasaistance, and was answered by. 250 drivers who surrounded the landing field and lighted the runways with their headlights. The bodies of the Minneapolis residents were returned home sad the body of Mrs. Anderaoa was sent to Keokuk. Burial for the three was in Sunnyset MeatHd Park. The accidcat occurred in froat of the John Ellsworth farm hnnSn, with Mrs. Ellsworth witaeesiag -the accident. 8he said • that the lew shoulder at this point ia the highway had caused severs! prevlsos accidents. The inquest was eeattpraed hy Coroner Ehorn until Morris han recovered sufficiently MXW BOOKS HOW ok sHiLvxs or1 PUBLIC LIBKAKV Wtw* « u. Mm Hmti llkrary lar O* tors. The library in *1 prsasht In the City open between. Mm aad S aad 7 and 8 o'clock o« nesday aad Friday aftims--s evenlags. , The following books are thooe purchased within weeks: H|Wk Through the VaRey" Iff Popkia; "Point of No ITetuin'* |p Marquaad; -The Chain" hr rtos" by tea" by "Little 8qutre Jim" by "The Rig Fisherman" by "Double Muscadine" by "The Crooked House" by "Their Flute Hour" by "Allen Land" by Sai Human Majesty" by Royto; tin Doctor Has Three Phcsa" by BsM; "The Greyhound In fee Lsndh" In Horner; "Kinfolk" by ttuck; "Tfco Husband" • by Scott; "Mathaaiel Hawthorne" by Van Dor. n; Tales of the South Pacific" by Michener; "Guard of Honor" by Cosseno; "Call It Treason" by Howe; Martells" by Nowinson. and "i One To Grow On" by Ootid. DONALD LOFTU& 1932 COUNTY BANK ROBBER, IS DENIED NEW TRAIL The United States supreme court this week backed up the Illinois high court* in 'affirming the conviction of a bank robber, Donald Loftus, who was sentenced to a life term in the McHenry county circuit court on April 22. 1932. by the late Judge Edward D. Shurtleff of Marengo on four sepsrate indictments. The ruling followed an appeal i atvt tuwmm t 1 made by Loftus. who has been con- 1 8V,UUT fined to the Illinois state peni- I CLUB WILL tentiary at Jollet for the past; ng«vi|iTirAa TO PIT T seventeen years. The new trial was asked because Loftus claimed he was not proiterly represented - The Girl Scouts Leaders' cM at the McHenry >:ounty trial. (held its last breakfast meeting Many county residents will still j'0r season recently. Plans remember Loftus. vho was hnown iwer*. inade to bold the opening throughout the country as the lone ™®*ting^ in the fall at the bank robber. It was claimed at (bome of Mrs. Howard ReiaboMt. American Cancer Society, Inc., at i (eared that his lung might have a dinner meeting at the Oakmoor been punctured by the pocket last evening. She replaces C. knife. Held without charge at Russell Allen, assistant state's attorney, who resigned due to the great amount of work which his law business entails. " VILLA MARIA OPENS Villa Maria Camp at Pistakee Bay opened Monday of this week, their possession The first group of Chicagoland children arrived by train in Mcmay be able to return home within I Henry and were taken by bus to the next two weeks. He enjoys | the camp. Every two weeks a new hearing from his many friends group of children will arriye for Kenosha is Peter Shvegel, SO, of Powers Lake, who is reported to have been responsible for the stabbing. DeRome, operator of an Ice FUTE TAVERJf KEEPERS | truck, skidded to the shoulder of Two tavern keepers, James Min-, the road and his load of ice shifted ola of the Lily Pond, near Wood-1 to otte side. A ca? of young men stock, and James Bossow of Bur-, stopped and helped him right the ton's Bridge, were fined $100 and load and get the truck back on the costs each by Judge Charles F. I highway. A short time later Shve- Hayes last Saturday. Tbey pleaded; gel also stopped and started an guilty to having slot machines |p | argument with DeRome. Wijas, directors. one time that he had taken more, w^?"1 °m,c*rf wil) be than $260,000 from banks. In 1»S2.1 Gl™ 800,11 _ln **e during the days of depression J ™un,ty J*****®1 'OI" any help Loftus said he liked to help • * '7 rece'Te fro® local citiasns and President Hoover in his plea not | ^Te .co™e to hoard money by taking money | h< r T ? *beir from the banks and epending it. *es . of, Scouts are able to win KBSIDENGE CHAHQB8 S « gardening, nature The Fred Nickels family moved;health and safety as --tti «g on Sunday from the apartment' more feminine arte of above the Sportsmen's Inn In WagUarts and crafts and aB typee «C McHenry to Barrlngton. ^ Ihomemaklng dutiea. -- w v il The leaders are not *IT*ISIIT ahlo WIK8 RED RIBBON Jto teach all tftoe vartad^ •on qpeot Wis.. who may reach >hlm by writing to him at the hospital, seventh floor. Subscribe for The Plaiadealer. vacation at this lovely spot on the bay, under the sponsorship of the Chtbollc Charities of Chicago. HERB BENWETT WRITES A short note from Herb Bennett of St. Paul. Minn., together with a WANTED--HOME FOR PUPPY A pretty, playful puppy, a Mack and white female, long haired dog, under a year old, wandered Into the yard of Mrs. Sue Boggs in West McHenry Tuesday, apparently lost. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson; and for tM» ruesnsi ask Mrs. Boggs, who resides in the and Miss Maude Granger qpeutjhelp from anyone with a Zion Baker home on Rt. 120, a (Saturday in Milwaukee. Wia.. talent who haa a desire to gtve tfco mile west of the city, is anxious i where they attended the forty-fifth: teen_age girls one more to find the owner and return the {annual exhibition of the American pastime. Sometimes this puppy. If no one claims the dog. [ Peony Society. Mr. Thomson had! be done in one meeting set she will be happy to give it to j two entries and received a second something which some very someone who will provide a good i place red ribbon for his Victory person mav not have realised home. Mrs. Boggs may be reached peony. j Mrs Jeannette Vance. HAULS BRAHMA STEERS William Peyton, who resides on the Hanley farm, west of McHenry.' request for renewal of his Plainlast week hauled forty head of dealer subcrlption, reads: "Am Brahma steers from Florida to the happy to say that we are well. Sullivan farm at Eiburn. The Have been working right along, steers will be used for rbdeos and,Give my regards to all the old carnivals. 'timers. Life begins at 74 years." by calling 563-R-2. PARENT TEACHERS l|IT A board of directors meeting of NOTICE The Ringwood W. S. C. S. fc»,ser- {concerning (Hi Girl Scouts la __ ,ving a cafeteria baked ham supper Henry. Sfce may be reSsfcsi the Parent Teachers Association of 1 in Musxy's hall on Thursday. June! 51-J Boone. Lake and McHenry counties:30. Serving will begin at S:St. comprising District 20, will be held (o'clock. Mr. and Mra. Jedin | dent of the Leaders club, | called in ragkrd to any ' at the junior high school In Crys-I ital Lake today. June St. | 'V' -V; ' • Vi--" ; - Bead the Waat J Chisago - spent last jpeefc ... kfii