Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1949, p. 2

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Lake MH'H i M n i i n w r-^n; / -Mf . --T-,: riK V 'mtktrt" i-'V- 'v'? ' • *' V • * McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL ,49 GRADUATES {by Vmnw Sells) t||«tn > Celebrate '"^v^V BlIlM Wedding and j Hm^I WeMllf Day y ; !>; It WU a bappv silver wedding} day for Mr. and Mrs. William J. Magvlre of Wonder Lake and Chicago when their son, William B. Magalre, chose that date last weekirr.- far hla wedding day. 1 ? The bride was Miss Jeanne' - White of Chicago and the wedding - Was followed by a Wedding break* teat served at the Southmoor hotel, after which the bridal couple left for'a ten-day honeymoon in northern Wisconsin. For their silver wedding day, the; liagalres held "open house" later j .. Car their many friends and relatives who called. Mr. and Mrs. Map-ire have been, saminer residents of Deep Spring Woods No. 2 for the past twelva years and plan to move there permanently on July 1. Mrs. Magaire's mother will be remepibered as the former Lizzie Kleifgen of McHenry. Present at the "open house" of tile Maguires were Mr. and Mr* .James J, White of Wonder Lake, v Young Mr. and Mrs. James A|V WILL BE SEEING YOU at : 7 * •* ' V McCtiUom Lake Beach at 8 p. m., JUNE 25th. Remember Last Year? LEGALS "H Dairy Approximately 350,008 employed is the procckatap ariikg.^ at da'ry^ produdti. NOTICE Plaffftlihve been coiitpletedaadi will be released for figures on the Complete line of Beebe lii Johnsburg Public School, District remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mo- No. 12, by PirOla & Erbach, Ar- j Henry. Mf chitects, 221 North LaSalle street, ^ -- :--: Chicago. Construction will con-1 Subscribe for The Plaiudealtlk." sist of eight clasarooms for grade < 1JU^ru._.u-l u u _-#Wi school with gymnasium and recre- xsariT ,r«Bd«.,or"" *******+*+++ "m (Pub. June 9-l«-23) JOSLYN, PARKER AN0 VAN DOREN, Attorneys NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of CHARLES O. PUMPHREY, Deceased. p Sure to the at the Notice is hereby given to 'all | BERMUDA BOOTH persons that August 1st, 1949, Is i liUvl/il a. ll the claim date in the estate of f.. Charles O.. Pumphrey, Deceased, (,! pending in the County Court of) McHenry County, Illinois, and that;' claims may be filed against theI said estate on or before said date; without issuance of summons. MARY E. PUMPHREY, Administrator. Woodstock, Ulihois. ; (Pub June 9-l%l#f "Of McHenry American " . legion Potf July 1,2,3,&4tt Photo by A. Worwlck, McHenry Above is the graduating class of beck, Jean Milinac, Ellen Eltoft, i Jacqueline Crane, Lucille Knox, Feierelsel, Richard French, War-1 Gee, Lester Bacon, Willard itfc- 1949 of the McHenry Community i Joan Chambers, Marjorie Thomas, Ruth Ann -Johnson, Julia Foley, ren Wegener, Mark Hopkins, Culla, Peter Weingart, Bobegene - - - - - Dolores Michels, 5 Agnes Obenauf Robert Becker, Terry BaCuer and Casing Eggs $0 maintain the finest quality possible. eggs should not be cared j _ • .v i until all the body heat has been re- j Beautiful1 SeilOlltaS 1ft moved from the egg. The eggs then should be packed carefully, with large ends up; this improves the appearance of the layers and da*. creases damage to interior quality of the egg, especially the.air ceil. Up • tive costumes. - * . • J ,<r- v - . Entertainment""-, high school. They are, pictured Dorothy Justen and Patricia Gilfrom left to right, as follows: .more. Front row: Marita Williams, Second row: Marilyn Owen, Don- Ferol Martin, Ceclie Tonyan, Betty I na Freund, Betty Miller, Helen Scholt?, Jayne Cristy, Adeline Gol-, Stoffel, Joan Nett, Janice Justen, and Ann Herdrich. Joan Raycraft. Third Row: Josephine Ouercio,; Fourth Row: Paul Glauser, Eu- Nadyne Lewis, Leo Gerasch, Henry gene Freund, Robert White, Paul Ziolkowski, Henry Cross, Clarence Tonyan, Raymond Blake, John Mc-'Olsert. Peterson and John Boro. Back Row: Paul Freund* James Lindsay, Maurice Foley and Leslie V thoff will make their home in Won-! married in Mctfehry on Saturday./the weekend at the home of Mr A timvr Handkerchiefs der .L a.k e w«h en t.«h ey return f-r o- m • „' TJoiata»n- *^"K»®n u a# Mr and! Mr« ItttiA llrt Wm T* Ron) rtf WofldMl' n,^« °J MF and Mrs. Wm. T>- Born of Wooded* ^ haVy McenUy has let their honeymoon trip to Colorado. Harold Wohnrade, has been reared Shor^ps After a stay in Oak Park for 50 million eotton handker- The former Joan Andreen was Wohnrade home. She grad-i they, will return for a longer visit. . . ^ They will require 12 million uated last year from McHenry high j •--• CI J school, one of the most popular1 Brlefles girls in her class. Cristy yards of cotton cidttv l7_. Merest l a d a f c t t y ' The forest industry of the Pacific Northwest provides 60 per cent of -the payrolls of that region. £, THE DOME RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE "Food That Satisfies" Try onr chef's famous cooking. Complete dinners, starting at $1.25. ^ CHICKEN, STEAKS, CHOPS. SEA FOOD and HICKORY-SMOKED RIBS - ^ Don't Forget Our Friday Special ^ ' Complete Dinner $1.00 KAY McDONALD J At Our HAMMOND ORGAN JOHNNY WILSON, Mgr. Phone Wanconda 4234 ISLAND LAKE, RT. 176 Pat and Gail Wrede and family j * . -- f-- Nancy and Janet Van (including dogs) are on a three- . Caskets of Weed Kanegan were two of her attend- weeks camping trip to Wisconsin^ nt pnsk(,t« mad# ants and Richard Wohnrade and . . . Boyce E. King. 18, a summer ' **>® percentage of caskets made Gene Wagner were attendants far resident of Wonder Lake, was from-wood greatly the groom. !takfen to the Woodstock hospital any other material. In 1945, 99.5 per -- - o n F r i d a y f o r m e d i c a l a t t e n t i o n , cent of all caskets made were man- Members of the board of dl- • • Glad to 8ee William Born back «fartnred from wood. rectors for the Indian Ridge sub- on his feet again after having suf- ; division are reminded of the meet- fer®d a heart attack a week ago. j ing this evening, Thursday, at the • • Miss Louisa Behrens enter-*) Marx home, to start at 8:15 p. m. tained her bridge club last Wednesday, with Helen Lowell o f; One of the sweetest stories to Woodstock and Helen Thorns of reach my ears in a long time'is McHenry winning honors. . . . the fact that Mr. and Mrs. An- Geraldine Cormier New Color for Canvaa With special canvas paints that are now on the market it is possible to renew faded awnings and garden umbrellas. Such a coating keeps them from mildewing and is water repellent. farmer Ihvents Rock" Picker Anton J. Jochim, an ^ambitious : young farmer of Inverness, Mont., ' has invented a rock picker which j he ^claims will handle anything j from mere pebbles to boulders | weighing 300 pounds, according to ; National Patent council. The ma- : chine is 122 by 9 ft. gnd weighs j 2,200 pounds. Bed and dump box j are mounted on two sets of dual I wheels in the rear and a single ! • V . ^ L&H TELEVISION offers yOtt . * IEEE INSTALLATION finished the thony Grosso have adopted two year Woodstock High still on teen-aged youngsters. Bob Coder, *he honor roll where she has been 14, and his sister, Charlene, 15. 8'nc® entered high school. These children have been in a Also on the honor roll was Donald .Chicago orphangae for the past ®r'"' who was with the graduateight years. They will have a 'n8 class. ... A note from Hazel wonderful' home with a fln^couple. von Bampus spoke of the breath- wheel in front. Hitched to a tractor I 1 am sure that Tony is proud of beauty of the drive through, picker covers an eight-fot< 'his folks. - . . glacier Park but rugged giving lwath with tine# four f#et in the places where only half of- * j The Boy Scouts will meet each l^e road was clear pf snow slides^ i Monday on Lookout Point Beach1 • • • "Woody' Woodward of jNo. 1 at 1 p. m. They will be Wonder Woods is receiving train-* I taught swimming, life-saving and! Aberdeen Proving jthe use of the resuscitator. grounds. He was chosen I having taken special testa | Mrs. Viola Deckard of Wooded he Pas8ed wlth Pl«nty of points ta [Shores is a medial 'patient at the 8B®re- • • Tony Langston has a j Woodstock hospital, where she was *n California, where his family taken on Sunday. Mrs. Deckard is wil1 ^ in, the near future. jthe mother of Mrs. West. |. . . Bob Widen Is home from the j | east. The Schimkes have a son! Bofn | on June 20, at the Woodstock hos-.i pital, he weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz. Un-1 derstand A1 is FUN GALORE "at McCullom Lake Beach SATURDAY, JUNE 25th Remember Last Year ? 204 S. Green St. DRAPES CURTAINS , A VALANCE# CORNICES SLIPCOVERS BEDSPREADS WALLPAPER TABLEC0VE&8 Phone MeHenry 480 on the Model 624 Gospel Center News On Friday night this week, a giving- free oil fellowship dinner (pot-luck) will (verbal) to all of his customers at be served on the lawn of the Centhe gas station. The baby has ter. Everybody is invited. Come been named Philip Allen. His and meet friends and neighbors. lit}le sisters, Joyce, 7, and Janet,! Time 7 o'clock, or come when you 4, can hardly wait to see him. can and leave when you must. A public address system for out door use is being installed at the We expect to dedicate it Phone 403 or 653-5*8 •mm;'- 61 sq. in. Television Table Model for low $269.50 ' plus tax ' - •, • • ^ • Extra tor Autwna, MB and : - try;--: MOTOROLA 61 «!• in. • Television Table Model fpj, h>w price of , $279.95 plus tax ' Extra for Antenna, $20 ' ' 604 Front Street (McHenry Garage) • WEST McHENRY, ILL.l ~ •Father's Day Party There was a special celebration Center. for Father's sDay at the home of next Sunday evenW,"june 2s" at Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Morin in Wick-'an open air service at 7:!45 line Bay (Wooded Shores.) Pres-I The Daily Vacation Bible School eat to honor the good doctor were: will open on Tuesday morning William Bruce, Mrs. Lucy Renich, July 12, and will continue over Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pelton, Miss;Friday. July, 22. Children in the Bla&ch Cantrell and mother, all of age of 4 to 1l5 are heartily invited Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Harry \ to come and enroll. We will appre- Llndbloom, Mr. and Mrs. John Rad-relate if prospective pupils would ruck, and Marylin Lindbloom, all register from now on in their reof Chicago, and Mrs. Elly Viola of spectlve Sunday School classes Wonder Lake. jor by contacting* the superintend- „ 7 . . lent Mr. Dornhush, or Mrs. Richard Marie Swenson, daughter of Mr. Oldson, who is in charge of the and Mrs. Waldman Swensen of In-; school. We offer an Interesting 41an Ridge, has returned for a few and constructive program of daily days from 8t. Olaf college, North-. devotions, singing, Bible study and Held, Minn., where she is a junior.! handicraft. There will also be- Miss Swensen Is now at Illini Girls prizes, awards and a picnic. No State, where she will serve as a registration fee . ' counselor , | We extend a hearty Invitation This will be the third year that:to our services next Sunday June Miss Swensen has served at Girls 26. Sunday Bible School at 10 a m i State, which is sponsored by the Morning Worship Service at 11 American Legion Auxiliary for the a. m., with sermon by the pastor purpose of studying and living and the Evening Gospel Service at American government Miss Swen- 7:46, when Rev. Linn F. Loshbaugh' sen is state college president of the will bring the message. See you League of Women Voters of Min- next Sunday. Welcome! nesota, past president of Toastmis-j tress, president of S. W. A. C. C..J She is a political science and psy-1 Via la Short Sapply chology. major at college, where! The world shortage of tin is if she is an honor student.^ ! critical that it would'continue fo. T> ! at least another year even withou Mrs. Grace Sellek and Mrs. Jane, the stockpiling programs now ii* jSetzler were guests of honor at a operation in the United States ant' !stork shower on Thursday after-, ,hrnilli c a--<»k .,s« inoon, held at the home of Lillian: ^i f'i Forsberg, and with Del Tallman,' ident °f #»« * Thermit Cor- Pat Wrede and Velma Sinclair as-, New York, declared at fisting the hostess. A dessert 115th national meeting of the 1 luneh was served with two 4-layer j American Chemical society. World 'cakes as centerpieces. The cakes, j production of tin is expected to a white cake and a dark one, were i reach 170,000 tons this year and frosted in pink and white, with I 190,000 tons in 1950, while world decorations in contrasting baby demand is estimated at 190,000 • blue. i tons, ha said.' ' Other than those mentioned, the' guests included Mary Pilch, Mrs. i --^~ :Mahder, Betty Selzdorf, Ruth! _ , Woodward, Jay Hansen, Dorothy _ c»» Manufacture McEachren, all of Wonder Lake The tin plate in a beverage bottle and 11a Hogan of Ring wood. Vir- weighs an average of 0.100 ginia Grosby of Ringwood was un-1 ounce. More than 47.8 billion of able to attend but sent a gift for i those caps were made last year in each of the guests of honor. 21 plants in the United States, according to a department of ' commerce report. To maintain this large output required 163.058 tons of tin plate, about four per cent of the total tin Mead the Want Ads. Cirrtiri tti AMERICA'S No. Top-volum« top-vahM fe J G. H. Winters of Wooded Shores ' attended the annual reunion and convention of the Thirty-third Division War Veterans Association, June 17 and 18, in Chicago. New plj»te shipped from officers for the coming year were ] mills in 1948. The manufacture elected and services were held for ; °' crowns for beverage containers those of both World Wars who had j 'tarts with sheets of tin plate. The given their all. The convention i first step often consists of lithowas brought to a close with a ban- I graphing the design which wiM apbrings you . »s! mi cai nuf "ascAn**"* air |§ *own in and wed 3*00 VMVUMM9 CWmbfi TMft • M«Nr end wmM's em* sMnowkal lor HMr (isel lead-Matter >sglw» In 5000-6000 OTI1 AOVAWCf PHWW miuw... . Jhs Weal Meewled Cab e UdwiM, m$ t>»»i cob remirertisa a A* rawed vMWty wllfc reer corwr wlndowi* • NS-floating HypaM rear wda Wi Seria* '3M6 and heavier duty wodsb • Hydrevac knkw en Series 5000 and 4000 . a Wide bow wheels e MwlMpU color i ilfrfm iW fNMwaf VMHV vMb a I® •ptfoaaJ ml wta cmI. CHEVROLET ADVANOquet and floor show in the Terrace ' Casino of the Morrison hotel. It ( was attended by several, hundred members of this Division. -Hpear on the finished Cap. The sheets are then sheared square, prior to cutting them into strips of the desired width for the end product. Mary G. Born and her chum,; These striP® are fed into an auto- Carolyn. both of Tulsa and Miss > matic Press which punches out the ! i Margaret Born of Chicago spent i C*PS m the proper size and -depth. . 1 . # Your preference for Chevrolet Advance-Seals* trade* only waits on the motbent when you drivf one. Right then and there, youH know why more people inj| Chevrolet trucks than any other make. You'll like their powe% stamina and giant-size load capacity. You'll like their sturdy quality and their comfort and convenience. And youH also prefer them for their prize-winning economy, for these trucks have 3- WAY THRIFT--lower operating costs, lower tqAeep costs and -the lowest list prices in the entire truck field! r>ntr in and let m discuss your delivery and hauling needs. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 1^- I _ 277 TfeWflNRV TT ^WAfr CORNER ILL. 31 AND 120 1- ^ .^rH" M

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