Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1949, p. 3

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n- £'• Tfaars&y JaJ» Pmr ncfvertd Cram an likely to ka carrlers ol Kwd robber stampsf ' Otderst The Plaindealer. MAWTW< 't= Unxip you* girdle and relax at McCnllom Lake Beach Saturday evening, lima 25th. |tei9eifcber i ". last ye«r? 'v-~-.".V:v4vi--a •9 • nt :• AN OBDOfAHCB MAXtiTO TBB aickual irrtonunoM Nft IBB mCAL TBAB 1949- 1960. BE IT ORDAINED•. BY TUB CITY COUNCIL of the City of McHt'nry, Illinois: SECTIOtf i That it is deemed necessary in order to defrrny the ne^ssary expenses and liabilities of said City for the current fiscal jyear, that there be ni there hereby is appropriated to provide for ] the general tax levy and other revenue for the current fiscal year, ! the aggregate sum of One Hnndre«l j Fifty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred i Thirty One Dollars and no cent* ! ($151,931.00); that the object and | purposes for which said appropria- > tion is made and the amounts | appropriated for the same are ias follows, tOrwit: Interest on bonded indebtedness- $2,010.00 | Payments *>n Maturing I Bonds 9,000.00 .srrx-* • > = • ' . / 4 n • • j.-", •>' '• >- ' • f • • ? i arm mmUm « < w > < * vtttW'" * ' t * ', i * " * ,k • •; "• 8peeial AsMMMlte li - jubtment fund 4,500.00 Public Property; Improvements to park property , 2,000.00 Materials and Supplies 1,800.00 Labor and Repairs .--. 1,650.00 Telephone - 150.00 Light and Oar 100.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 New Equipae#' #,600.00 waterworks; ' Salaries Equipment Purchases Labor and Repairs ... Power Meters Collection Pees Miscellaneous ..^Ss Harries; Police ....... MZ City Attorney ..... City Clerk . 1,500.00 ... 1,500.00 ... 3,000.00 600.00 ... 800.00 „ too.oo .. .225.00 3J&00. t*00.l 9.00 1.00 ™ 420.00 1000.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 .. 6,000.00 ..2,500.00 .. 2,250.00 60,000.00 .. 500.00 300.00 Y0UU IE SIMPLY FLOORED -- and at little , cost " • • " ' i t I' t- • .isi BUY A DELTOX RUG Mayor and Aldermen Treasurer , Collector ..„ .'_w Health Streets and Alleys; ...• Salaries Lighting Material and Supplies . Construction Miscellaneous Fire Protection Legal Fees ai|d Court eosts 900.00 Maintenance of Sewerage Disposal Plant; ; Labor and Supplies 1^500.00 Construction » 500.00 Sewer Fund Support ,.sj 300.00 lnsurance^^*...^^^;^; H30.00 Salaries 150.00 Band . .' library 900.00 Printing 375.00 Loss and Coat of Collecting Taxes .v...^.7£:.;?.i:iBOO.0O Contingent; A nrl 11 in ar '300.00 Special datpudes-afcd >\nge« f^OOO.OO Sunplien ' 125.01 flalM RCIMh vflRKCH nHQ OU to Cototerence! Tfcls year 1| iaa't so far, only to Waukegaa.« Aa the miniatera and the laymen meet to direct the business of oar church, the blessings of hundreds of former members who are now members; of the heavenly church will be with us. It la thus fitting that one of ]the first acts of Confer* ence will be to pause to. honor those who have given their Uvea in service to their Christ and His church. Dr. A. A. McCracken will lead the conference In the theme, "Walking Heavenward." The Rock River Conference was set np In 1S40. At that time it included Methodists of northern Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa. Today the Conferace consists of northern Illinois. The Rock River Confer* ence is one of the leading Conferences of Methodism. Not only does It have several of the leading educational and social service institutions of Methodism within Its bounds, including Wesley hospital, Garret Biblical Institute and the Chicago Good-will Industries,, but several of the leading ministers and laymen of the dfthpminatlon. Our Bishop J. Ralph' Magee has been elected .vice-yresldeht of the Council of Bishops and Is one of the leading men of the chiirch. This is the 110th session of our conference and we look forward to It as being one of the most inspiring that has befn held. A part of the program wfas announced in last week's account. It is sincerely hoped that many will avail themselves of the opportunity to visit and enjoy the services that will be held. Conference isn't ail bualness, it is full of many inspirational moments. If the lay members of our congregation would attend It Is entirely possible that a new spirit would prevail and we would go marching into the new year greatly enthused, encouraged and with a new purpose in ireart and mind. If you have never witnessed an ordination service yon. are cordially invited to attend the service which will be held in the Waukegan Methodist church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Bishop Magee, with the district superintendents of the Conference, will hold the ordination service. Following this seirvice there will be the reading of the appointments for the new year. Many of the miniatera Will be sent to new pastorates. Thus it is with Interest and anticipation that the ministers listen to the reading of the appointments in order to see where thair brother minister is being sent. (They know before this reading where they themselves I we going.) j Last Sunday during the morning; worship little Miss Barbara Jay Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M*fius Hansen of Wonder Lake,' received the Sacrament of Baptism. The little lady's grandparents, Mr. I and Mrs. Fred Hansen, were pres-' ent to take part in the servic«. During the week, Mrs. Erma Hunt Beam tranaferred her membership from our church to the* Mack Me-' mortal Church of the Brethren in Dayton, Ohio! j Services will be held as usual this Sunday, though it ia conference. Last year your pastor was ordained and was called on to meet with the Biahop at the early hour of 8:30. Thia year, other young men are meeting the Biahop but your pastor will be free to hold his own service. Sunday achool is a' *8:30 and morning Worship at 19|45. See you la church Sunday. Pasture lagMreswat Five steps in pasture Improvement; test and treat soil, disk well, reseed.' control grazing ah§> clip weeds • -/.tj' "Tripper** A "tripper'. in tae parlance «f j the air express division of' B1A. I has little to do with the traditional | tourist. Instead it refers to the mo- ! tor truck service that speeds air express traffic between the business districts snd the airport. In New York City, more than 70 trips a day are coordinated with scheduled airline flight arrivals and departures #t the three airports serving tiie metropolitan area. - «• -'s •>' -I1-* • Complete BM af ImtB remedies at Wattles Henry. eed f ubber rfce Plaindealer. The seeds of the apple pcint towards the stem. Sugar Beats Row fertilization of corn and sugar beets helps prevent disnsur j •nd insect daman. - I •mmsammiBSHmm^^^^^M J All roads will iwi t» McCnUam Lake Beadl Saturday evening, I 25th. Remember last year? •*- Ati * ' ***** Sugar pine trees arc the iargiM of the numerous pine family, reacihing up to a height of 250 feet and s diameter of 12 f?*t BOLGER'S DRUG STORE* PHONE-40 . McHXirar, nx. FRESH am HEADQI ARTEBS! Printing Election Insurance Sundry Official Bonds .......... Motor Fuel Tsx ..... 100.00 ... 300.00 3.}0.00 :..... 300.01 400.00 ,. ...,£5,000.00 $1.11.931.00 8ECTION~2. All' unexpended balances of any item or items of aPy gener»l appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any inanffieirticy in sny item or items in tlie same, general appropriation and for the same general' purpose or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance ah.-ill t&ke effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, ae; cording to law. Passed this 20th day of June A. D. 1949. Approved this 20th day of June A. D. 1949. OKOItOE P. FRErNB, Mayor of the City of Mo Henry. AtteBt: . KAiCL It. WALSH, Cit.y Clerk. ' Published: .Tnne 23. '* (Pub. June "3.) Weather? reef Although it has never been cleaned, the stainless steel stop the Empire State building. Mew York, still has its originirTluster after some 20 years '• ~ tJndulaat vFever • Undulant fever is a painful aB* ment which often lasts for months. It is contracted from drinking milk from cows atiiicied with Bangs dir eise. . #/ P. M. JUSTEN FURNITURE COMPANY West McHenry, T& Laequer Aids Industry Many industries have grown into mass production only because fsst drying lacquers made this possible. As most lacquers are applied by a machine that is stationary or semistationary, the lacquer and the article to be coated have to be brought to the applicator. Hard and tough, lacquers have remarkable l durability and water resistance. Phone 63 Need rubber staapef Order it ! The Plaindealer. 4 .ii*. GAMBLES SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER! ~ vt COMIini M PIICE RKmSNMENT SET INCUIDIDWnM K0 HOUYWOOD "SUPER" gdt&K#9* pIslsSsIs ladsdhg VsMtesd BsAIr- 14" -18" Oar Wiitmas's rtfriftrater lives you kitches frjsli candy all year roifld get seme today! 1 4 PtM* MialNe ImH TlM/r« Hlltar«4 t« !«.«• INCLUDED »"k Gammed XqHenry, III CHOCOLATES i • 1 ° - - .jMf- *!? :<»• ' - withamooth, full power through traffic andover the long stretches. For long mileage, get the Midwest's 2-to-l* favorite gasoline-- •- •86* ! n byhaving aid Oil you need rei he has a full line of top quality, fully warranted-- ATLAS TIRES the oil that exceeds 10 ways the American r-~T- . .... v_ _ t .... »• .> _ : •; 4 Ortvs rsiasd--after an expert lubrication job by your Standard Oil Dealer. He's trained to give your car the tention it needs for easy questions from Standard , Dealers, who supply ; Personalized >ouriat Information, every- -- '^(STANDARD trim ""I INI ribs V lCT QUICKLY--«nd In your neighbor* L hood it might be yea. , , "... ^ For there's no doubt that this exciting > new Riviera model--styled and executed by Buick--is the very last word in new body types. It has, as you see, the swift and racy lines of a Convertible, madetoven more ^distinctive by a bold new sweep of Aromium along its fenders. ' But the top is solid--a single sheet of •tout steel, neatly finished off inside . With chromium bows. And a broad rear window curves gracefully around, giving really abundant rearward vision.. Push-button controls drop all windoiW out of sight at a touch, leaving not even a doorpost to block your outlook. And the interior trim is the richest yet--a really stuuupg creation inside as well m out • ;• As pictured here the Riviera is now in production on the Btiick Roadmastek chassis--which means 150-hp Fireball power, the silken luxury of Dynaflow Drive, and the matehless levelpess of the Buick "dream ride." That means "the last word** in brilliant performance as well as in luxurious drew an4 tfyling. Production on this high-styled rokd st^t is limited, as you might expect T To be "first with the last word,** there* fore, it is wise to see your Buick dealgr soon about getting your 4wder i See j LsMnUhr on latest available state tax and Inspection data vour Tun* In HENftY J. TAYlOt, ABC Network, evary Mowtfay evening R. I. OVERT6N MOTOR SALES «B rBOHT 8TKEKT ( W H E N B E T T E R A U T O M O B I L E S A R E B U I L T B U I C K W i l l P J . L D T H E < "-v 1 v; • "• " * *.• : •> i- < . V « - k" YOt* KSY G»«ATn VKlUt ' 4 ,-vW Ma&ENEY. ILLINOIS

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