Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1949, p. 4

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X ******.. daily opened, » r*M«t « Rlch- -« jtaad oenaiH SM cara-pooetaTby^ home in just an honr bttWNQ 7 Mill 8 p. in. With til® exception of the few of these which second elfcss matter at, the larger number had no alterna- (Im Yeac at McHenry, 111., nndsr jtive but to pass one or the other of Msy 8 !*?•. of the above named Intersections. - ; The entire art of living has be- •2.50 come speed-conscious and one of iVs most tragic consequences is the ^suiting high toll from auto accidents on the highway. No amount of warning will halt this highway slaughter. The only effective means of combatting it is by enforced regulations. While governing speed on the highways in rural communities demands greater vigilance on the part of law enforcement bodies, WILL WE ALLOW OUR a few stop and go lights will do MDViHTMSAavmtiTAVc iiia much to lessen the chances of aSeCTIONs TO someone being killed on our city fcSOOME DJ5ATM TKAPb? streets. * _ ] McHenry has been fortunate to f . date in having death sidestep our •Last week Tuesday night a man i jnter8ect{oi,8. Screeching brakes tilled in a htgtiway accident have untold times brought resi- . McHenry. Less than two days dents of the neighborhoods to their UD IUR JVMS 16 , # • •iiiilfitwii !•< MM LOVEEY GARDEN SERVICE MM OMBATUKDAY One of the lovlMst weddings to In a simple ceremony performed take place in McHenry this inarm |on Saturday, June 18, Miss Reiwas solemnised at St. I hansperger, daughter of Mr. and . church lasv Saturday moranS Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger of Mca nuptial* service which united Miss {when Miss Joan Andreen, niece of ^enry, became the bride of Mr. Grace Kun*, niece- of Mrs. Hue f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wohnra4 ofiE11,ott Timme, Jr., son of the St. Mary's church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, June 15, at »:30 o'clock when Eev. Magr. C. 8. Nix officiated at Bishop of McHenry, and Mr. Elmer Wonder Lake, wis united te mar- senior Timmea of Oak Park. •er, son of Mr. and1 Mrs. jrtage with Mr. James Alth^VTsM MhlB Ruth Reihansperger acted Andrew Steindoeffer of Crystal Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff as her "iater'n only attendant. Lake. The chtorch was beautifully1 of West McHenry. Rev. FT B«- while Bradley N. Nelson of Wln- Steindoerfer, decorated for the occasion with bouquets of pink peonies. Soloist was Mrs. Marguerite Adams, who aang "Ave Maria" at the offertory and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" as the bride laced her bouquet at the Blessed irgin's altar. The bride approached the altar on the arm of her brother, Robert, of McCullom Lake, lovely pli Vi gene Baumhofer read the nuptial! netka- * friend, of the bridegroom, mass at 10 a. in. served as beat man. Soloists during the service wore! T^, *** €Ulred 111 Miss Betty Long, a classmate, and Ia JT, ' JT which she wore Earl Conway ! white accessories and a corsage of _. , „ 'white baby mums and blue corn- Given in marriage by Mr. Wohn- flowers. On her head was a band rad, the radiant bride approached j 0f the same kind of lowers, the altar gowned in white eatin,: The bridesmaid chose a yellow with long train and tight-fitting suit, white accessories and a bud One of the most beautiful .wed-! dings of the early summer and the j first garden service to come to our | attention in this community IntlMS ! was solemnized on Saturdays June! < 18, at 4:30 o'clock at Plstakee Bay. i ' Exchanging nuptial vowa were I!! Miss Carol Lois Swltzer, daughter j < > of Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Swltier ! of Platakee Lake, and' Mr. Prank < Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ' Ham Blair Walter of Rlmersburg, i P®- The double ring ceremony | < waa read by Rev. Wayne Price of j * the McHenry Methodist church,;! under an arch of white flowers in ;' the garden of Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Leonard, aunt and uncle of the bride, on Bay View Lane. The attractive bride waa radiant in a gown of white silk netluid lace over taffeta. She wore an illusion veil, fingertip length, held In place by a beaded Juliet capand carried a bouquet of white or jricvuiiom ii»c, luvriv in a Ib^iUj.» If •'hull'n/h^ I °f yellow daisies and White wuBii white brocaded taffeta gown with j J" /l?* Iin her ha!r- Her corsage coo net voke and long train. Her j * *h® Jrhlt* °"hld on agisted of similar flowers. fingertip veil was held by a white prayer book. | Mrs. Reihansperger chose for small net keadpiece trimmed witli I Miss Margaret Bolger, a class- her daughter** wedding a dttsty flowers. She carried a bouquet; of the bride, acted as maid pink dtess, wllite accessories and a roses. of white gladioli, eentered with * honor, and bridesmaids were the corsage of white roses. Mrs. Tlmmel brid.'« thr«. - White orchid. Misses Marianne Rogers. Nancy was attired In an aqua dress, white ElaiS Mrs. Roy Lee, the bride's sis - Crlaty; Janet Van Kaaegan and laccesaorles and a corsage of whlte'SJ f g* ter. was matron of honor, and;Nancy Bagman. the first three;roses. J«S uX2&!SSS 'BRSSK nony, at s e clock, at the <M- bridumiida. Th*» wm« d»imj four persons were killed near windoWs. a|most afraid to view the ird - In the crash of an auto probabie outcome. aad truck. J We soon forget, however, and in «r7 w..7 ko.;,; a. u,r„ ro.„. l«Sok Be'. Lojnl 8ltl.r.>? «t» Ml- K«r> «"» clasimM*. A Wankegan pastor, dead in the de- t P. th t VBkBOWa p«r. I^reund and Miss Lucille Weber' The girls were^atUred similarly ceremony, •"""oca. Mine *«-1 brldeamalda They were aUlred bris Ofhis demolished car. To te !i„ho f. «,,!! div sure to be c,#* fri«nd«» Mrs. Margaret In gowns of white froated organdy ?"82*W ^ «hout 115 'n,Siarlyln drewes o7^TtEb Se, McHenry has its accidents, Tucky tb^" the othi4 a sister. They were over aqua, mad* bustle effect with i^^^V'^re'^ves Highlight of iiJT cff-the^ouIdi? but pictures like that-accidente {•" Jjjf1^"ired ia gowns stlyed similarly! tight fitUng bodice. They woxe,h® «ocl*l theappearance rf^,TndCaiTled ?edro«8 lfta that--are for other oomauni- llv Then a sto1p and i£ !?£.!! M>d_ c>r!**4 coloaia! JU Swltser of McHenry, bro- It Is too horrible te print- jg, be instalfed'lm thi I w^h ««y overskirt of nylon j botfquets taa borribfe to happen. # , 'Srners which, until tragedy1 But it did happen and was tol- strikes, fail to meet the authorities' in less than forty-eight Mif.gtyled hasardous qualifications »n necessary before protection is oftragic, for it claimed that fere^ more lives. j Only a miracle has saved similar tragedy from befalling the very streets of McHenry on Which we travel each day. In spite of repeated efforts on the part of the local City Council, It has been 1m- Funeral services were held teat paaalble to interest the state of week Friday for Mrs. Mary Fran- Illinois in erecting stop and go! ces Noyes, lifetime resident of Mrs. Mary Noyes I» Dead At Age of 87 ,-- -- of corn flowers marquisette. AH had matching1 stephanotls. headpieces. ^ Mrs. Lee carried or I Little Kathleen Phelan of Chichid carnations t6fttcfcd with ^ >cacd placa ot tlM brUifMAn yellow earnation and the brides- Uhe in maids carried yellow carnations U white frosted organdy drees over centered with an orchid .dower. yellow and carrying a basket from Andrew Steiadoerfer ef Crystal I which she scattered rose petala. Lake served his brother ss beet' brothers, who sang several selec-th7 bride servS aa bS tl0Mr and^Mrs*T?mme^are' now en ^maB and "hers were Jacob Walter Mr. and Mrs. Tlmme are now en- 0 f Rlmersburg, brother of the man and groomsmen were Donald and Fred Steindoerfer, also brothers. Mrs. Bishop chose for her niece's wedding a green bemberg print dress, while Mrs. Steindoerfer was Harry Conway serVedj his brother- in-law as best man and Edward were groomsmen. Jack Phelan and Richard Wohnrad acted aa ushers. on at least three of the most Richmond and well known In, this ' ti'ed in a blue dress. Both woro hazardous intersections, namely i community. She was an aunt of white accessories and white car- Riverside Drive and Rt. 120. Green Charles Ensign of this city. Mrs.1 Mtion corsages street and Rt. 120 and Main street Noyes died at the Florence Rest A breakfast ... r_. and Rt. 81. iHome. Marengo, at the age of 8?.i*«« *erved at the George Freutul Ml"®- AKhoff wore an aqua i The argument which the state fbllowing a long Illness. home oil Riverside Drive, with din- white ^accessories and a officials make to local petitioners; Surviving are four daughters, ner nt 5:30 at St. Mary's St. Pathi tbat there is not enough traffic Mrs. Fred Warne of Rockford, Mrs. j rick's school hall for eighty guests. to warrant the installation of such James Domoney of Harrington, A reception followed for 200 an argument which has been Mrs. Carl Laraen of HOtterunt, • friends and relatives in the eveof n'ng Mrs. Wohnrad; aunt of tha bride, chose for the wedding a trine and white print, with A breakfast for tHe bridal party * corsage 6f white a .< ^ *. I Mva AliknIF wKea am corsage of white gardenias. A reception for 1SS guests waa held late Both Si brnV ii 1948 graduatee o< B«lolt Mllec«. moth«r «u attired io a black and member of, white print dress and similar cor- 11 y. nn. where Delta she was a Delta Delta Buss and Gene -Wagner, friends^ Since that time she has been acting ;Mso as assistant kindergarten teacher in the local school. The bridegroom, who served as a navigator with the army air force in the European theatre during the. war, is now an accountant for the Chicago Metal Hose Co. MAY JUSTEN LOVELY ,at the Villa Club during th. afternoon. MAN LAST SATURDAY dispelled time and time again Wis., and Mrs. Gus Klahuttdf of The bride, a graduate of the lo-1 through actual figures. One Sun- Richmond; twenty grandchildren. The couple has left on a wed-|c&l school with the class of 1948, Miss Rose Huemann of MeHenry enjer ».!„ senior t»»p nt reu"uu Vl day evening early in June, even twenty - two great-grandchildren """K trip to Denver, Colo., after j has been employed in Chicago. The has sent out announcements which | engineerine cjiemica' Association. i the summer season has offi- and ten great great-grandchildren. whi«h they will return to MeHenrv'bridegroom, a 1947 graduate, is em- ite11 ot the marriage last Saturday,! Ahri„t _.11£l0>0 . t. i The calf which Mrs. Miller won to reside with Mrs. Bishop. ployed in his father's hardware'•J""6 18- of her niece. Miss May E. I , , Jj. ® ® aUe5 ®,d ,e i conies from prize Wisconsin dairy! The new Mrs. Steinsdoerfcr grad- i s t o r e in West McHenry. |Justen, daughter of tlfe late "Mrii« Srhlprfnm thl i • 8' ^ ! stock, the dam having a record unted from the Mcllenry Commun ' The newlyweds are now enjoying and Mrs- Fred Justen, and Mr. Cur-\!n' _tB ® Kran«- jof 475 pounds production of butter^, itv high school with The class of ia triP to Colorado, after which they tis J• Lenox, son of Mr. and Mrs. „,j h' . ® 95 y®®*"8! fat in 305 day?. The sire comes Soloist at the ceremony was Mrs, Harold Beu, accompanied by Mrs. William Hoeger, both'of Chicago and close friends of the Swltzer family. A reception followed the services at the Leonard home. Later, the bridal party and guests enjoyed swimming and in the evening J danced in the private pavilion on isell-MlllerMtlllng Co.. Mlna*»OU>, s)tat; Briefly stated, here ie a •emid plan: (I) I! all Incnine in a - f) txoontjff jou wfll lm»w, , _ when your doilan fo. (2) Eetimate your * > and bank it until you need it. (3) Build : > witb secular bank, tfcrifl depoefila; " ileuranoe; and U. & 8avingiBonde. (4) Spend the ieet wiedy by ebopping fcr the tttnp you need, (ft) B^yo^ thehaxgrieeyoucanaflocd. t j § w-v •, : McHENRY STATE BANK V - Federal Keeerre iysteai ^ •.• Federal II sp salt Insurance OerperaUM < 1111 n i mi 11 1H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I i i i i > i i n i m m u | » ; •» Mrs. Roy Miller Prise Winner At Feed 8how Mrs. Roy Miller of Grand avenue, McHenry, won a ten weeks' old Holateln heifer calf at the National Feed Industry Show In Milwaukee, lA'is., on June S. The calf was- awarded by the Occident Feed Division of the Rnasell- MillerMilling Co., Ml OAKS or THANKS In -Ibis manner I wish to tfc--v' the many kind friends who remembered me with cards and in other ways during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were greatly appreciated. 6 MRS. MINNIE 8CHUENEMAN. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. soutdoms Box Office Opens 7:15 Shows at Dusk THURS. - FRI. - SAT., JUNE 23 24-25 MMKV M- PeeKlM rmmm CHARLES HELEM COHIRN WAIKBR m v SUN. - MON. - TUES., JUNE 26-27-28 ^ YOUNG • O'HARA • u" ^ WEBB ) fitting J)retly _ Starting Wed. "The Stratton Story" I at the Aleniite in \Voo<istook . and ] FALVEY-MURPHY- jMary's church, Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. I^on^ltasc^N^rmal^rhl Kenol!?a' jfor % sum of $3,000. th, SW club in erv»t«l Lake. REATI • if Ch"?W0' ' -- Evanston, River BLANCHE THOMPSON AND 0. 0. KOSHLER WED ON THURSDAY NUPTIALS READ IN ; MICHIGAN JUNE 18 Dr. -L.' B" Murphy, Sr., of Mc The charming brfde was attractive in a fl6or length dreBS of white embroidered organdy over blue, __ and white organdy mitts, with cap i Henry and Mrs. Hazel Marianne of matchin8 material and shoulder {Kalvey of Bensonville exchanged 1®n^1 veil- She carried a colonidl 5.4 , " * • . i nuptial vows on Saturday at a 91 houcfriet of Pinochio roses and *\ e"™a&Y dsth,s c°mmu-«oVlock high mass solemnized at iliIies of th® valley. ® Blanche Thompson, St. Joseph's Catholic church, One-1 Mrs George Walton of Blue Isiormer music instructor in the kama, Mich. ,land. a'close friend of the bride, « . °°ls in this area- learned j The hririp w«« nttrnnti™ <r, ' Served as her only attendant. She with_ interest of her marriage last u.h„0 «horir.iri« =.,i» woi e a Printed organdy over Henry and Pistakee. Alice Barbian at t^he Hammond Organ Crystal "Y" Inn , _ W-31 • Ph^C L 899 The bride ler of Woodstock. The couple ex-j Ue? maid of h^nor^tf® », !and carried a bouquet of wellow changed nuptial vows before an al- 1 nor was her Read the Want iTJs. . . . . C_ h opped H. . a. y. . . . mapped hay weighs About ttMte! is much per cubic foot as ordinary ' iose hay. "Gravel Throat" Will greet you at McCullom La&e *Beach Saturday, June 25tth. Remember last year? • HiUiiaiMiBib Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me Henry,' • 1 •• • ' 8-tf WVVV VVVVVVv pOPULARk and white mixed flowers. tar beautifully decorated withTsuni- "nnfio °'t.uen8^nV'^e'1 AIichael Gbssett of Cicero was mer flowers, at the PresbvtPH»n-- * e an aqua 8U,t and grey best man • ^u.^h- Rev. Cecil C. Urch^otfi- For the ceremony. ^rs. Lenox elated at the noon ceremony. , Murnhv of Breth^pn mIpi? ^sifi'chos® a gr®y enseml>le and pink The bride was charming in a Q V,„ accessories and wore a corsage of natural colored Palm Beach suit lRBnri^ and matching ac- pink hue Migg Huemann was atwith green accessories and a cor- i Kr , „ Unmll„ - tired in navy, with white accessage of mixed flowers in dubonnet l sories and a red rose corsage. 1 and brown shades. Henry, sprved his father as best. \ family dinner followed the A dinner followed for tlie bridal ^ ^d &Onekama a^relaUve^1™1-'wedding at 5 o'clock at the Villa party and a few close friends at the Baptist church. f".r VILLA HOTEL RESORT I ON PISTAKEE V* SERVING LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS DAILi ,'s. ^I JBRUCE BELSHAW at the Hammond Origan nightly Monday • PHONE McHENRY 378 groomsman Wa8 Hotel Resort, after which the The brlde'ls a graduate of the'fue ge^ice^a^ ^ atrlld^Kr108 m<>°n into the&Nt^°hWeUpSonh°theIr Columbia School of Music in Chi- SLnof ^, ,1 K®"ny return they will reside in Cicero. ®nd I® now the music director 0719. View The former Miss Justen is a fbr District 10 at Woodstock. Mr. |!\° * I graduate of the McHenry high Koehler, who operates his own f« rhilf Kenny, 8Chool and of St. Mary's college at farm, is a e-raduate of the Univer-!ho?® i. J Notre Dame. She taught in the sity o' Ohio at Columbus. |h P[" ^ J*® at: public grade school .and for several Following a wedding trip east.lliJ^d MeHenrv ^aukegan .years has been the popular homereaido m. --i.w_ McHenry. making instructor at the high The bride has been employed by Lchoo| 6 the Elmhnrst bank and the bride-! Mr. Lenox Is a graduate of th* groo<m«i has been a practicing dwe!n_.- i°naakk HPoarrkk hh<ig*hh suc.ihfononil .is em- - W -- « u l | | C B I l . the couple will reside on Frankllnvlle road, Woodstock. Ensign Norman Neiss ^Wd Rhode Island Oii|^ A wedding of Interest here was >•« Saturday morning at 10 o 6lock at St. Mary's church Panntucket, Rhode Island, uniting In marriage Miss Margaret Theresa Dugdale. daughter of Mr. ftnd Mra. Fred rich Dugdale. and Ensign |Nonnan Neiss. son of Mrs. Theresa | Neiss of McHenry. The bridegroom Is stationed in Rhode Island with 'the navy. i A turkey dinner for 100 guests followed the service and in the late afternoon a reception was en- I joyed by 200 relatives and friends. | Those from here who attended the wedding were Mrs. Theresa tist in McHenry since moving here from Chicago a few years ago. ployed as an engineer by the Southern Cotton Oil Company in Chicago. t 0A1D CT THANKS -Itetbis way I wish to thank the aiad friends who sent me cards and remembered me in other ways <»f I i 11| II I I I 8 I | 111 | HI! ^ BIRTHS ii r n mi M i n i m 1 11*>> Mr. and Mrs. William Olosson of nllrina"mv'"V West McHenry are the parenU of | at home These kindnesses a daughter, born at the Woodstock were very much appreciated hospital on June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freund announce the* birth of a daughter, Mykell Elaine, at the Woodstock hospital on Saturday. The Freunds have one other child, a son, Dennis, 4% years old. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Schlmke of Wonder Lake are the parents of 6 MRS. MABEL FRENCH. ICE CREAM BRICK FLAVORS OP THE MONTH • COCOANUT * r3^TTER PECAN #RAW3ERRY MINT VANILLA v.* . TRY THE "SHMOOSDAE" A Chocolate Sunday in a Cup 18c » BOLGER'S DRUG STORE no** tt McHENKY Neiss and son. Carl (the»r if«son' Allen, born at the who served as best man) Mrs.Mike ;W®odfck 1,',0!I,ltal June 20. Freund and Peter Freund - wiLi ,au? vr 7a8 horn at the Woodstock, hospital on June 21 to Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Mr" and Mrs- Henry Woftas iMiiiiiiiiimiiiHnimiHHiimHiiiiimiiMiHuiuiiiiiiiiiiHi! MCHFTNRT, ILLINOIS KRI^ SAT^ J|*XE 24-25 FRIDAY-SATURDAY Larry Snllhan Marjorle Reynolds Broderick Crawford Qninn Williams (1) "BAD MEN OF TOMBSTONE" W. C. Fields - (2) "YOU CAN'T CHEAT All HONEST MAN" SUNDAY-MONDAY, JUNE St»S? Color by Technicolor Jack Carson Doris Day "MY DREAM IS YOURS* y World Ne>f s and Color Cartoon Co-Hit JUNE 26-27 Need rubber stamprf The Plaindealer. Order at MEN'S ^DUNGAREES Navy Type Sanforized Sizes 28 to 34 , liADIES' WASH DRESSES Values to Srinch ELECTRIC FANS -Value .59 $1 20% DISCOUNT on Entire Stock of FISHING TACKLE and SPORTING GOODS i i M H i j i i n i i n n i i i m fThe Riviera 1| Show Place of ? The Middle West Lake Geneva, Wisconsin TUESDAY* WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Strictly For Laughs Dana Aftdfews Lilli Palmer Lonls Jourdan , Jane Wyatt "NO MINOR VICES" yr WILLIfiM BENDIX w STARTS-WES* JUHE «8 "The SNAKE PIT" Last Few Days for . The Biggest Hit of the Season ^ORRIN TUCKER his Great Orchestra * featuring SHIRLEY RICHARDS < and the BODYGUARDS fea Dancing Sunday-^. •1 Afternoon • V . , Returning next Tuesday DICK HALLEMEN and his Very Fine Orchestra i with - LOVELY > HELEN HANSEN and LEE FRANCES ^ Next Hie frien4y 9hM*e To : ' ' McHenry, liHiift felNtiLES RIDERS IN THE 8Kt SOME EN CHANTED™ EVENINO BALLI HA <T» CANDY KISSES MY ONE AND ONLY HIGHLAND FLING ALWAYS TRUE TO YOU IN XT FASHION CARAVAN by Dick ConttaM WONDERFUL GUI V BED HEAD SOMEONE LIKE YOU • . r, Also alhnms from "The Seatil Pacific" and "Kiss Me Kate." * Largo selection of children's al» bnan. - Dont ferget the record clali If yen dont helonf step te and Join. 614 W. Main Street, McHenry Tel. McHenry 123-J. * MARINE SUPPLIES JT Mercury Outboard Motors it1 i Larcolpid Marine Enamel ---Synthetic Base or heats* yard farnltart, henseheld nse. valiable in colors, clear, porcelain white. Balk Your Container, $1.10 per gallon; $1 per gaL & 6-gal. quantities or non< Boat Hardware aild Accessories Large variety brass screws, gas tanks, windshields, throttle controls, boat handles, steering cable and hoat rope, life i>reserrers, life jackets, beat canvas covers, intut paddles, seam compound, plastic wood All, Viae and filler. M9a rine Plywood Beautiful mahogany and flr. Available by foot or sheet. x with Olivia DeHaviland Mark Stev ens ||ancing Every Night ^ Except Monday v SWITZER-CRAFT ^Wholesale and Retail :iuiiiiiwiHiiitiiiitiiiiiHHiHiiiiiiiiiiiuniniiuiiiiiiuiimr j iWiiiiiimiuiiiiiHiDiiiiiMiiiniHiniiMHiUfiniiiuiNliuiit J'i i ; . »t i •> i i* •<'-i --r Bntmnce Rear of Gladstone's Store, McHenry, 111. *

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