Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1949, p. 5

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ni'-T P5R - V •' --.% - i'% y Juna 23, 1949 gue leaders. This should b* of those good games children left They report that over 1,500 base? ball fans watched the Johnsbfcrg 7 7 Tigers beat Algonquin's power 'boys last Sunday 8 to T fili twelve inning battle. PBOITO wucnesoi 1 WORKER AH APPETITE R. WALSH RoVena Marshall, one of onr loyal readers down through the years, gives us this slogan: . "Drive* as though yo®r life depended on it--It does/ Johnsburg leads the Te&gue with seven wins and one loss. Algon- i quin follows with a 6-1 standing j while the Shamrocks hold third* place with a 6-1 record. * The whole league is talking f ! about a no-hit, no-run game that AT AL60NQIRN Jackson Hnrls Ball; Pitien Driven In Winner In 12th - Most people will be surprised, some may be doubtful^ but tbe followink contains an actual menu cost at Delmonico's one of New York's finest restaurants. It was being shown to patrons la the pre-Ciyil War days. Regular dinner, 12 cents; cup of tea or coffee, .01;' soup, .02; hash, PLANS •tn>s BtJiLDdte HKW OKANDSTAlkD • ' £s Plans were made recently to Ms c*pt bids for a section of a grand- Stand that will eventually be the pride of northern Illinois. This' HOT1CK y THE MATTMt OF THE PLICATION OP HAROLD K VAUPELL ANDv^ORACE * GLORNEY FOR VARIATION OP ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT-OP ZONING i Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ward drove to ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HERE-, Purdue University last Saturday •A- - , . . .steak, pork chops, pork and beans, Vern Miller pitched for RichmondV ?aid it'takes a good" team , sausages, .04 each; liver and baagainst Hebron. Vern struck out! »a v<. «i.. clone nn»> ui con. roast beef, roast mutton, veal »u.b GIVEN: |and were accompanied home by announcement was made by Earle T?1?* in compliance wlth the Pr°- their «ob. Richard, who will spend B. Johnson, Huntley, president of'?. s 01 the McHenry County the summer here. The Wards vis- McHenry County 4.H Town Inc Z5)n nK Ordinance relative to a ited her parents in Kankakee on the building corporation set up by ,n ff or variation of the toning Sunday. the McHenry county Farm and clasdflcation a public hearing will j Mr. and Mrs. George Evans of j .03; beef stew, corn beef and cab- j Home Bureaus to lease" the old before the Board of Ap- 1 Hollywood, Calif., spent last week " bage. pigs head, fried fish, beef fairgrounds from the county and ln connection with the appli- 1 visiting in the Fred Bienapfl home. develop it for fair purposes. ^ .HAROLD ^H.^ VAUPELL ^e)' a^re now on a conducted tour ones so the! con, roast beef, roast mutton, veal tin announcing the "Sixth Annual 7' wiJolmTrg Ilger* Kepi up their cutlet chicken stew and fried eggm, " ;nrst base. , reputation as strong finishers by 05; ham and egg*. ?2LE2J?,S!:3KS\!S!S !!.'?«"• Hookey Day" at the McHenry Country Club. It's Hookey Day-- jfo or shine--Thursday, July 14. Mail your reservations now to the ham! beating Algonquin last Sunday 8 steak and roast chicken,i rsr1" Spring Grove beat the Crystal j to 7 |n u innings on the loser's ] An editor's note on the bottom Lake Boosters 7 to 4. diamond. jof the above menu list, printed re- The game drew a tremendous cently in a New York financial SSittS..^ •**.»*' ua crrv SIGHTS: crowd from all parts of the county < page, read as follows: "If the • "Zimmie" Zimmermann's 10 (or to watch the teams battle for lead- guest who contemplated this Henry Schau manaaer of lb* 18 11 20 gallon hat. .ershlp in the McHenry County Lea-1 Just prior to the Civil War in what Wonder Lake A. Cr . •s»orf»tKbanliil tte.a.mmi ~ ' Igue. Algonquin went into wants to book some games. The boys use m l«-inch ball. Henry--Wonder Lake 6»1. the *M. as it still Is, one of New Edward J. Buss, prominent Mc- 'game unbeaten and with a power*- York's prime restaurants could 'Henry Ford dealer, took a ;trip to ful team on the field. jhave foreseen the prices on a. IMS Ringwood this week, driving a newt Joe Jacksrfn pitched the entire meno. he would certainty have ap- Ford. 'game and came through with a Daflv Mmt, j When the Fori refused to run. great triumph. iTVe niu«i« th» flniaW Mr- ®UM *«*rded the train tor the Algonquin tied the score in the A genius Js the finished produce. returjI trip to McHenry. ninth wheft Blacken came through wishbone1j _ It was later learned that the, with a three-bagger Ford was out of gas. tl,a plodding amateur. wRwer confuse your with your backbone. Any climate is agreeable when you have a warm heari and a cool head. Actions speak louder than words and accomplish far more. Once your thoughts escape your tongue they no longer belong to you so prepare them well for their journey. If you cannot lead the parade, ?ilt™°r nd , . . - a 1Mga willing marcher; life's parade'7 0 6 conte,t to Dundee, n&ds both. IU the' twelfth, Wally Smith started the victory run with his third hit- Ted Pltcen, who has broken up games before, furnished the hit that sent home the grinning run. Mavis started tor Algonquin, but -- {had to turn the hurling over to The Shamrocks, playing their Blenken after first "game on the new V. F. W.!4 run8 1® the SCHULDT AMD DUNliSE HATES WW 7-5 GAME I ntOM SHAMROCK HIHK Johnsburg third. proached his meal wltl accustomed relish less than a week's trip through Mr. and Mrs. Wa*.* Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.' daughter of Henry relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Miss Maude Granger' 1 the golden wedding celebration et Mr. and Mrs. Asahel 8terens i« Waukegan last Sunday. > Mrs. Peter M. Justen, Mrs. R. Iff. ***$• Fleming and the Misses structure GRACE M. GLORNEY that through the East and Canada. nave aeen raised in recent years J*1® *°n'n* classification of the fol- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund* by 4-H clubs, individuals and core- v f..$e8cr,b*d real e8tate be Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger, Mr nanies. Over 112.000 ha« h«n Ranged to a B-2 classification on and Mrs. Winfield Haxberr. Mr Stoffel/snd Mary Kinney left day for Dei Funds to build this have been Denver, Coin, remain for an panies. Over $12,000 has been .w raised, of which over $1,000 la ir the property below described: ' and Mrs. the bank to be spent when build lag conditions improved. So far | an office and service building and [ a corral for hogs and sheeit have been built in addition to Installing water and sewer service to the grounds. The McHenry County Fair Association, recently organised to conduct open class exhibits, and which will Ijie restricted to a jiinior flair this year, will co-operate with the That part of North one-half (H) and Mrs. William William Hagberg, Pries and Rothermel Mrs. J« wil| jnr dgtended vM£ Miss Marlfi of Chtaua# visited In tnendtoeN her parenSf Mr. {the Arthur Smiths, on Sunday. ' Mr! are A good spHce in a broken of the fractional Northwest one- "Pending this week at Manitowinh from 80 to 90 percent of fourth (M) of Section Twenty j Waters, Wis. full strength ot the original (20) lying Northerly of State ' Mr. and Mrs. Frits Koch and son wh,le * knot has only SO to Highway (No. 176) and Westerly Milwaukee, Wis,, spent Sunday P^^nt. of public highway. Township visiting in the home of Mr. and . ---- --~-- (44), North, Range'Mrs. Paul R. Yanda. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Back in the days of the Ibeve J Farm and Home Bureaua, who menu, an excellent wage was $6 a sponsor 4-H club exhibits In holding week. If a person with this i a joint 4-H and junior fair this come ate the regular dinner at Delmonico's seven evenings a week he would be paying eighty-four cents a week, or 14 per cent of his wages, for his nights meals. Today an equivalent meal In New York undoubtedly could not be had for less than $1.50, if that Seven acored!timM this figure is $10.50 %nd it this sum be taken as 14 per cent last Sunday, dropped a' Next Sunday, Richmond and;0' the ^weekly wage, than his cur- their no-hit artist. Vern __ Hugh Murphy twirled his first P1** at Johnsburg. The mirage of human existence 1 gR®e of the season for the Sham- NOTE: Manager Harry Freund is DAffuptiiui in ilvtnff I rocks, pitching one of the oddest jUmvmwi 'games you can imagine. Hugh be played on the Johnsburg ujrmuaB. , i c v..., ... a diamnod next Sunday. First pmf MUler.^nt ^come 1 would be $75. every seven days Thus in about 116 years, wagea double-header! have advanced from $6 to $75 per week for the same work. This Id year July 29,30 and 31. These organisations will lease the grounds from 4-H Town for this evept and In addition will have use of the county highway grounds and buildings adjacent and which used to be part of the fairgrounds. Other construction authorised was a six-foot fence along Rt. 47, more water pipe laid to include the livestock exhibit area, and painting the service building althere Forty-four . Nine (9) East of the Third Prin- Jim Martin of Los Angeles, CaltfT, cipal Meridian, McHenry County, i are spending the , week in the I n«, Illinois, described as follows: ' Yanda home. ^ \ Commencing at the intersection j Recent guests In the Fred Bleu*** * STir®,,?®? "n#i °* the said apfl home were Mr. and Mrs. Eli^° vte 17(81 aBd,mer Smalfelt, Mrs. Ann Witt, Mr.' pu!>Ilc hifhw*y: thence and Mrs. William Lewis and Mrs! northerly along the center line May Dixon of Kenosha, Wis. highway four bun- Mr. and Sirs. Carl T. Antonson dred (400) feet) thence 8outh- iof Chicago spent the weekend with westerly to a point which is four 1 McHenry relatives. hundred (400) feet west of the u. ^ wid InteriActkui nf mm luv Mr. 4nd Mm. Harry Lawrence of lnter**ct»on of said hich- Pafk Ridre nni Mrs Cecil Mlnneau of Chicago were weekend guests ln the home of Mrs. Mollie Glvens. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital Chicken-in-the-Basket Crystal "Y" Inn Routes 14-31- highways and situated on said State Highway (No. 176). hereby intending and meaning a piece, ot land forming a triangle immediately north aud west of said intersection, the two sides of which f Orders came down this week to ^• J88"e.d 8 fnf, hlt cut down on «opy. So, we will b*tte a Patched ball. have to ring in some rbports in! Schuldt was o>nn ^ihe mound this space that were markeo for!for Dundee and wa^s/plent y fast. one "tart at 1:30 p. m.--Johnsburg vs. Richmond. The Chicago Woodchucks will meet the' Tigers in the second game. L PLjCS DEDICATE v } The Antioch Lions club has been separate stories on the sports page. Th* first 9 Shamrock natters went JnllllShM__ down in order. Two errors and ,, . hits, singles by Jim Larkin Tom Bolger, produced two The McHenry American Legion'two baseball team, boys up to 17 years an^ o(Ksge. smothered Crystal Lake on rutlB 'or McHenry in the fourth " the McHenry diamond last Sunday. »»»>ng- Larkin m'as trapped off " third on McCracken's tap to With Eddie Jackson sidelined by Schuldt, thus cutting off a run. .an appendectomy, Donnie Freund Dundee scored in the first when stepped in . and hurled a 3-hitter Mu!'P"-v threw Bruhn's tap high for seven innings, allowing two over ttrst base- Putting the runner runs. Jim Kenneheck hurled the on second. Broderdorf's hit scored last two innings, allowing 3 hits the 1 un and 2 runs. - . Bruhn and Schumacher walked - . to start the third and came home . Algonquin will plav the Legion bn Paber's hit; The same Kaber j>ovj _# team here rtext Sunday. More accounted for two more runs in Moeh',_ lh " *tgut the schedule and pairings the fi,th when he Powdered a drive sill1onj;,« ov' next week. Games will be played to deeP ,eft and circled the bases, throughout the entire-summer. following Broderdorfs single. ni__i '•» I Murphy started the eighth by There is a lot -o »f spirit on the st*^ki»S out the lead-off man and M • « otirfaH (ho inninir mUk » A » N. Smith E. D. Freund. ..... A. Jackson, cf Pitzen, If R. Freund, 3b G. Jackson, c J. Jackson, p Totals Blanken, If. p Richards, ers, 88 l« ».-5 rt: 4 s . o .5 .6 .. « 6 averages\out to m JJr^T^ M- on ™«Uy. July k> decade for eleven successive decades. Interesting, isn't It? £ visited Patrick Krohn in Chicago on Tuesday afternoon. shall each be four hundred (400) | ltJU^- "d ,°' Sk K°kle v Tllh feet in length with thi terminus e W* me points of each side be!ng con-1 PMt Mr. and Mrs. MarUn J. Stoffel of Omaha. Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoffel of Milwaukee, Wis*, visited in the Louis Stoffel home on Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodsir and Ph. C L BOXING & WRESTLBiG 'connected by a straight line roonlng! southwesterly and northeasterly. I The hearing will be held at 31 SEMINAR OPENS JULY 1 and conducting the dedication ser-; 1949, In the County Court House in vice at the opening of the new Woodstock, Illinois, at which time, 1330,000 Grass Lake. Bridge July 1. and place any person or persons tchl,dren ca,,ed on McHenry friends William Brook, president, said that1 desiring to object to such applica-ISaturday- " " an invitation list to Illinois digni- tlon will be entitled to be heard. " McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, By Rojf A. Kent, ItajDhatfman. (P|tb. June 23 & 30) 49 8 16 team and many of the boys are ended the inning with a strikeout, **„. showing vast improvement. We'll '>ut things happened in between. \|avj_ ,! )r ttrryv tto egiivvee vyoouu hboox* soccoorrMes iInn tthhae BHrruuhnnn wwaass hiitt by a piittccheed baallll " future. and .Broderdorf singled. Paber's third strike got past McCulla, who AB . « . « 5 . 6 « . S . 6 . 5 H 0 6 2 3 1 ~T* f: i,' 2 taries is being1 prepared later in Approximately thirty-five foreign ]tl,e and th®t the program will students will arrive in Woodstock |*>e completed some time very soon. July 1 to participate in the annual The ®*w bridge now completes a seminar for the promotion of in-"°°P" °( Parl<s wJth Chicago, "there ternational relations among people' ,s now a d,r®ct road between of different nationalities. The semi- Dun«8 Park and the state psrk on1 I.ArNfH CA*PAI«X nar. which will be conducted at the weBt sid<> of the channel which Launching a campaign to- solicit Todd school, will last^from July%l ®8 be,nK opened to the public as a funds for redecorating the Carthrough Aug. 19 under the guid- .PlRce ot recreation. Until recently pentersville Congregational church ance of Arthur Shedlin, Woodstock, * was f ,OS('d tq all but a few se- interior, letters went out to j^dean of the course, and Dr. Ralph | ^hunWrs. nieinbei-s of the church and "ictor, director of the program. . * • • . ~~ . ' congregation asking financial'sup- - ' ..n,. ^ . IPprt of the project. Clayton vows M Kggs w Krlen, chairman of the buildinRMany yolks of hen eggs - have finance coniinittee. and Charles more thaif , one germinal disk. Mr. Goodsir has been transferred from Cleveland to Chf» i cago. _ - -- i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, Sf^ and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William, visited Patrick Krohn in Wesley | 1 Memorial hospital, Chicago, Tues-' day evening. . j Mr. and- Mrs. Carl Weber and' LAKE COUNTY ST AD Bound Lake Park, Illinoi* FRIDAY, JUHK 24th, 8:30 p. m. Boxing • ; Frank Benton ... \ • ' VS. > Roy Iiflj , ; ; j Victdr Jameson "T £ vs. Dick Hofan Ld< Totals 51 7 1! Johnsburg Algonquin 014 000 020 001--8 "Sonny" Miler has turned out to ®red the bal1 Pa8t Freund at first h_ be a handy fellow to have around |ba8e- Two more runs. wymnmpsj the Shamrocks team. Last Sunday! The home team put over a run J*rr over the shortstop job for the day. •«--*'»/ w««.u smith Dick Conway was also missing at a three-bagger, but was trapped Three;jLge BIlinh" the start of the game so Dean Mc- ap tagged out when McCulla .. li?e-8eH,-t8 BIailken » Stamps Out Grass Fires Grass fires are extinguished by a recently patented machine outfitted with flexible flaps attached at intervals on a roller As the rpller is pushed forward, the flaps stamp out the flames. - Jerry Larkin was .nnawS to *ay'*»" eighth and showed signs of Hits- it is m to a swoolen hand. Miller took,* bl« ral,>' ,n the ninth when two j p, "_J.8 r ' jver the shortstop job for the dav. runs scored. Murphy led off with ° Jackson, N.) Fer the Groom ^ A man wears his wedding ring on the third finger, right hand, as a sign of authority over his wife. 002 002 003 000 7! Worn on the traditional left hand. These show dp as round, light colored spots on the surface of the yolk. Usually only one of these disks ever develops into the embryo and ultimately produces a baby chick. Swansoti, tln> other member of the committee, together with the pastor, the Rev. Allen Irwin, have s*et a Roal !>f $2,00<) to be raised for this puriioRe. Need rubber ataalpaf The Plaindcaler. Red Cress Societies ! Sixty-five Jed Cross societies now Order--fi j are member i of the Lesgue of Red .'Cross Societies, organized in 1919 You can hold her hand at McCullcnT Lake Beach o n Saturday evening. June 25thv-Remember last year? - c Bruoe Priebe vs. Francis Holvie Bob Vagnali vs. Dor Larson tiiarl Zummalien vs. Jlarrv Shippers also Jfwo Dynamite Wrestling Bouts a token of^ioving submission. Cracken played second base. rounded out to third base. Miller's fly to right scored McCulla. Don Howard was the Announcer J^rkin singled and went home on „ the loud speaker system at. Harry Stilling s triple. McCracken winnina Pitcher- J Jirkinn F. W, park, keeping glounded out to second and the inning ritcner. J. Jackson over the new V. _ . ... the crowd posted on the progress game was over. of the game. Good idea. • „ „ ' - McHenry Next Sunday the Shamrocks ?J^u,la' c pi# the Crystal Lake V. F. W. at , ier',®8 Cr^tal Lake. *• ^r*ln' r' --- • H. Stilling, tf .....* Richmond will come to Johns-j5?c^racken, a2b c^ burg next Sunday to meet the lea-!j iB. SBc°fifggeerr', c,f Conway 2b Strike-Outs: Jackson, 11; 4: Blanken, 5. Walks: Jackson, J; Mavis, Blanken. 0. Mavis, Totals. ..... VAAVAVAWA'ArVAVAAVAVAWA Murphy, p w, Vacation Makes Iweeter Now is the time of the year when the lucky folks begin to think about vacations. It doesn't make muoh difference where it you, just a few days away from the daily grind. 4B 5 , 5 5 . 6 6 3 2 VUHWHJ, 2D 1 Freund, lb ..i, M. 4 ..W 4 " S- . ... .. i 1 " Dundee •, . Thomas, 2b g .Bruhn, ss . 2 Schumaker, Ilk & Broderdorf, cf 5 Faber, If & Eppley, rf 3 Knabhsh, c g 111 Rakow, 3b Schuldt, p 4, Totals » 1 Scere by Ianlngut tak^e you, just a few davs Hu"dee 102 020020--7 18' ; ,, * . McHenry 000 200 012--I Stolen Bases: B. Bolger. [Two-Base Hits: H. Stilling, j Three-Base Hits: Murphy, H. Stilling, Faber. ward to this yearly reprieve j strike-Outs: Murphy, is from work, is there anyone walks: Murphy. 8; Schuldt. 1. I H I I I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I But much as we look for- j who doesn't find that getting^ ome is the very best part of .that vacation? Our Fox river looks bluer, the home town stores more cheerful, but most of all the I*'ople we meet seem friendlier. JUNIOR 7 SPORTS Notice IN THE MATTER OP THE APPLICATION* OF WILLIAM 0. WRAGE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the coning classification a public hearing will be had before the. Board of Appeals in connection with the application of WILLIAM O. WRAGE that the I soiling classification of following! described real estate be varied to j allow the couatructlon of a building within two feet of the Northeasterly property line Instead of | the building requirement of three: feet from the Northeasterly property line: 1 Lot Pour (4) In Block Three (3) j in Shallmar Subdivision on Fox I River, being a subdivision of j part of the S H of fractional Section 24. Township 45 North,! Range 8 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian. j The hearing will be held at 3 j o'clock P. M. on Friday, July 8th, | in the County Court Room in the 1 Court House in Woodstock. IUi-1 nois. at which "time and place any person or persons desiring to object I Schuldt, j to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. By Roy A. Kent, • # Its Chairman. . (Pub. June 23 ft 30) X 0 1 0 s 2 0 • 2 1 i'Oli Waukegan High School Gym SATURDAY, JUNE 25 8:30 p. m. SHARPEN YOUR PENCIL... ' Last Monday's turnout at St. *Mary's-St. Patrick's Hall was I somewhat gratifying, considering A vacation i# " wortlr37 J?°y8 att®,nded- . • . . .. The opening welcoming speech hue II for llO otner rca- iwas made by Father Gene and a 'Oi^l than that .i t .®gi ves uA' 'dtirmesesly i t antudr nveedr yo umt utoc hb e". eede£l ad" a deeper appreciation of the ; A registration blank and a wonderful community in which we Jive* copy of the league's purpose and qualifications was . handed to each applicant. To expidite the program a~iist was -made of all those boys present so that they could be divided into proper groups. All hopefuls should report without fail to St. Mary's-St. Patrick's i Hall at 8:0() p. m. Friday. June 24. n . , i , !At this time we will be able to insolatiofll. q .Both household j form the bovs as to their bracket mud outdoor chores can be and T teai" assignment. .1 We are looking for a young man. lliUie much easier by the woman, boy or Kirl to handle our iso of new', q1 ualitv etpiro-!i juA° iogr o8oRd OdIle8a lc ool"f menx perience £an' ii ment.' For your kitchen be derived from it. Anyone wish-; ">r for your ^garden, we ,nK to do 80, P'eaBe contact Ewi articles- wlti^jh And after wo \ have settled down for another twelve months of ^ work, « is at least one con- Bnddy Rogers vs. Ivan "The Terrible'* Australian Ta^ Team Match Benito Gardini and Ray Ryan VS. --a^ Cyclone Anaya and Billy Ooelx Billy Hickstm vs. tick Carter ^ y DO NOT A Y M O R E THAN NATIONAL'S LOW PRICES FOR THESE FAMOUS BRANDS Ne. 2V> Subscribe for The Plaindcaler. WA*-1* f O t 3Bcl iHonte CUM PEACHES 25 Sel ittonte BARTLEn PEARS Hkeed ^nh Me.2Vi Cea 33' Se( iNonte €mmt0 FRMl COCKTAIL 29* CMiee iCe iWMtwetoyi o ' Ne. 2Va 'Cm SV4 Lb. Cea S H A R P E N Y O U R P E N C I L W I T H V A L U E S L I K E T H E S E AT N A T I O N A L ! TOJIIICI 3^29T »MS> . . AIASMKAS. 3 K-' 29* nimwam rm%Km3 2S* sNvrspaai . i? 43c tmmn . £± 29* Mm mans TR 45« ALASKA SMMIN MHIIKMS 10* BSEF GRPOIK . VT 45« TWAFTSM NATIONAL'S CNRICHI0 VrZti MIC0NU 35* MORTMX . 51* MIC9JCLUB 29* SLICED WHITf l£33* i.*r38» . ^ 19* . %? 79» VNEfK c^- NAIIUSAL CAiG* MON' _ jw |or Vise* 10 °PlSei 3** Hot w**0 THK ONE COAT FLAT WALL FA I Nit Made with OIL ^.roo-to^ cover in one coat- Walsh. i jive an't do.without. pickets Hardware. ' Phone 2 * ' Main St.. West McHenry AXDREAS FAMILY HI'RT | Word, has b^en n-ceived that Weldon Andreas family of Rftigwood. enroute to the Smoky Mountains, were injured when their car was involved in an auto crash. They are patients fn the Kankakee. 111., hospital. Better rf koaC. CO VI TOP taste fc .y. .T. .T. w/VVVVVYVVyVi Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. &tl m ONE GALLON P A I N T S THE AVERAGE ROOM BOLGER'S DRUG STORE <;REE> ST. M«HE>RY, ILL. rouijp T LAYER CAKE litre VOIM Fruit NUT FORM CAKE NstioaoTs Enriched SANDWICH RYE Evaporated • Enriched - NATC0 MILK . ^CXGL E cNnDuAHLLEt CI jLLUUOB m CHEESE f ftXC SPREAD m POUND LOAF Ury 2 Layer COM EACH Bay I . S. Sat !•§* Bonds New! 45' 35' & 17. 3-33« jr Inakfast Ceffee 3 tu . ^75- 2^29. SWNCO MMURK2 39« OAFH VD.KETA nEMOKESE . BANANAS m 2-35{ PASCAL CELERY a 25* :• lb. 29c WATKKMELON FLEECY WHITE BLEACH . 27' m WM C»mm m Toav n TWE euMtses CQ. (DK-vss~ smss 59> ouktSMP 4»>25> aSma . 2%£29< ' ~ M UnUtMnllMlMM. Ik am' Mm* T--tm 2 25» StrawNrry Prtttrm 2S1 MM M «l MM lH| iial Facial Snp . . tr 25s Natieeel'i Oer PICKLES MATitONA'L |- n 3 I • » • X m, , . 5; JU TNiMT' > £ A R S . i ITLM MP vr 3&I '3^ a

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