Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1949, p. 6

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"W- • v . . . ~S*S^ ^ :• : *kV** r>TP# ffiwSS Isriasi of «1m great number of ill ••Hii ads wfclcfc appear in the PUindsalereeoh week, wo hare fmd it Iwpwsslhla w kssp books m aoek Mill loeooBtt. Taoroffars, to tfca tstare, sfety ads which in paid foe boforo tkls action of the paper<fSes,te vnm at 10 o'clock m Wednesday awnings will bo printed. FcmaiLS Af ||,*«f j 46 Ford Sopor DeLoxe Sedan. folly equipped. liko IMW. <41 OldMobUo Coach, pramitun o*r, I minimum cost. 141 Dodge Sodas (fluid drive), I beauty and performance pita. . )4« Chrysler Boyal Sedan. 140 Mercury DoLaxo Ooach. . - 89 Plymouth DeLuxe Sodan. I 38 , Dodge Sodan. . \ I THIS WEEK'S VACATION ! SPECIALS 140 Willys Sedan--*3*6. , 40 Stndebaker (OTordriro) *528* ! 39 Plymouth Ooupo--9496. ALL OUABANTSED AND PERSONALLY ENDORSED ST A. 8. BLAKE MOTOB SALES 301 E. PEARL ST.. 6 mORtT, ILL. Sr' POB SALE -- Refrigerator, f'-5; electric washing n.r^diine, *10; boat in gtfod running condition. Tel. Pistskee 576 W l. 6 FOB BALE -- Alternate >hp. outboard motor, like new, $100;Mi-hp. electric motor, #15; motor Bteai^r, $45; '38 fi>odge, $200; welding out jplete building maintenance; sixfit, $35; large sise boy's bike, $19; jeial summer rates. Qox jm. Mc« 2-wheel' utility trailer, 4x8 bed, : Henry. Phone McHenry Kl W-1. #S0; Irish mail, like new; $9; take j *6-4 } &ome pop by the case, $1 per ow. nwr--• PAINTINO--Waltcrit Piloting k Decorating Co. Brush and * spray painting; tile floors; wiuls; com-1 \ W' Vhmday Jom 8, IMS CKTHKIK F*- BENEFIT KZ00RD8 Checking on your . old-age and rvivors' insurance account* la a rT rPcftL 8e"icee Staffon *«& •• *••• SBBVIOE -- Tw«n'..y~twi> I**'1 deal like having your bank Wankeiran Rd McHenrv. Bill,.vear* experience; general tree t are; • acc°L^ balanced and is Just as Irene Hilly tmas;, Pr6ps. Phone insured: free e9Umate Phone , food tvnsiness. This the ad- \j\fcHenry 376. * 6 Crystal • Lake 3.6-ff. J. AW +MMSAWC* Awmtm Air OBMXAHCE COMCIWDWjfe COHOLIC LIQUOB MALUM CLASSmCATION--FIE^ SECTIONS V7«. AND SM, ABTICLI SAFE, BANE fOUETH OTM*ED BY BUXTDNESS PREVENTION SOOIETT OF0mHCllt w'mIHII, People who love dogs as well as Or TmB LIT I w *« I, children have a real lntoroat 5E"IT,^AI^5D^b,,,5?,^j £,ran™siLznar. &•*; ?-«hl-t* FOR SALE -- Furniture for sum mer • home--beds, table*, lamps, dishes, etc. Tel. MeHenry 662-M-2. t> r ' FOR SALE--1942 army jeep, $330. G. Burg, block and one-half west McCullom Lake beach. Tel. McHenrv 673-M-2. *<; tafson. „ .. . - ..... safe and sane Fourth and the on. Council of tli# City of McHewry, j fAMAtMAnt Af »ka iuihaIs Anti Mrs M#>H*nrv nonstr Illlnola. ai fol- i ® P r V . i Wltl fireworks law. A giant flrtcrackor Preveating Bini-- Vndulant fever in' bmui may b« provontod by eradieat losis from all domoHtie mals; by drinking only milk; by avoiding the handling of ilhi# Pljone i sood; ivasmess. this was ine aa- mcHenry County, Illinoia, as tol W. o,18. i vlce^c!', Bernard ^rnett. rnnMger j ,OW8 to.wU; 6ff of the Waukegan, 111 , oiflce of the. geoUon I That Section 276 of -- ------fas" ' - ' 1 SOcia'1 Security Administration, in ] Article 4, Chapter 12 of the Muni- OLEANINO WCJaK--fleslre clean-1 remli ling workers of thia free ser. |cip«i ^ode of the CityW McHenry ing by the d*y. Christina Adams, Ivice ol his agency. : be. and the aatrs is hereby <101 8. Ore»». 8t., McHenry. '6; "Wt irge all workers to amended by the addition of a »v_ •_ -- I at intervals their accounta,", 1!cena„ to k! w„owtl M = pi--,, - secretary of the Illinois PFMIUTG AND SPBATIXG--Tree Mr. BKrnett explained, "so that in a4Sitton " the other Ithe Prevent,on <* Blindn tosaed at a little dog last*ypar exploded undor it and kilted it Someone, quite Peodloaaly. loat a much loved pot. Mrs. Oen. H. Gray, executive iir {fob SAXJB--BAagor nwtor seo'.ee A-l condition; l^aaonabl*. FOX SALE ette; radio, -- 1P47 Nash heater; 23,000 selanmiles. FOB SALE -- Florence gas stove, McHenry 616-R-l, 4 baraera. large eve a and broiler, j--- . •• 2 drawers for utensils. Qoofl cw" ~ 1934 dition. Excellent buy at $1CM». Phe^e'McHenry . 150. *6 Fi»one 6 ---- • ---- , .FOR SALE -- 4 lb. fryers, alive or practically new; reasonably P«ceU. | dre#8ed. Hermau Brown. Phone % Also 6 d»a»«f room McHenry 614-J 1. . *6-2 i ' French door, $8; 2 ft. 8x6 ft. 8; | J. . carpenter tool. - Call McHenry TOR SALE--Frigidaire refrigerator 634 R-2. . #® large 9 -cu, ft. >i:c, porcelain finish. • x .J. • '".-vfc:. V-8. Tudor Ford Phone McHenry 96-J. *6 FOR 8ALE OR RENT- In MeCullom Lake--Five rooms, enclosed porch, furnace 4iv ing room and dining room carpet ed; Cold Spot ana botMed gas stove, , Write- Box **C," cane of Pkiindealer. ; *0 • uutng and spraying. Frank i they may be sure of receiving! C.-M iiconaea now oxiatinc Th« tha •oc,et>' receives m P1#tlnelR«iUHni^?.CHn?r» 54J"J"1' cr*d,t for a" WM?f th*y rn: J® annual fee for said Claaa F license t io* J0V9T*J!S&0 P. O. Round Lake,. 111. Residence!take/every precaution to insure the k. th_ -nm ot jhv„ Hun<ir<Mi,conopl*ln that tnelr pets are badly Volo. 44-tf accuracy of our recoide but Unity JSJiiJi £1,, °™ of "Ve Hundre4: frightened and harraased by lndia- ' ' " ' o l rt rvmn reporting by employers Uill causes, goction II A Class F tinnasn i c,rim,nat* Fonrth of July celebratrouble. Moat errors in reports! t F Uona with dangerooa and illocal Ph^^Zw^SS£^22« a,. are du# to in t , worker's^1 iSuo? on tie p^lSse?iS,«™™rk" ^*** roporta ^ Phy gas-w^ igs^iifciiigtoa 8^ (•nnaammee oorr aaccccoouunntt nnaammbb«o)r oorr ffaati lluurree j ffnorr cmo„ns(luimmnptt|ino^n „o„n »th».e« ^pLre!- *• f0H .^ t *>-* * . _ were . so -- to show any number. Sometimes m<MB OB._ -ad niRM f HnJTro. frl*ntened by flrocraekers that •tin t-rairiB " the wrong an\t>unt of wt^;es is re- ! <ha„ ^ onl to cluU ^ j they ahivored aad wailed for honra. The best obtainable anywhere. ^^e,djB a^^®aBiona,1> \r ° re^rti»?cl»l organizations; xoaid license | "j _to, basemeat,! Wh)te-dry-fine-100 percent passinsg .. . . . 'shall authorise the heat, div- one-eighth inch mesh. Once tried, I Most mistakes are corrected In ;HqUor {Q the club licensee to aoll l huntln« one Once" i mwi Yv KZ$*Tlvu lu; liquor in quarters only ™j,ned *"***•« ®i*- alwayi used. FOX RIVER STONE :ou,r.. cenJral records offkt or hy and 8haU not b« transferable ° arouDd tbem oQUrrAipRdRYv , Bmt . 3<1itr. midway between jK«efCt,tnln*t information from the em- 1_w0n k. ..u made them gun shy. » »°rksr ^-iSSS.Jw.Ei iuSHSffl **•**» Elgin 6060. . ^ 6 Barnett continued. But unfortun-: clu5 ho,dlllg ^ licenge or to ^nt,?n urges eve^y- FOB SALE -- Pouble bed. spring and mattress, reasonable. Tet Mc- [ McHenry Cold wall-^ Excellent condition. 'gj W„nd„tul;Jtoy «. »}75:. Henrv 114-B. FOR SALE--Two Yorkshire boara, rooms; must be moved soon; $130 ready for. service. Matt'a Miuk J #8 i#> b. i. b. Cities Service Sta- Ranch, Johnsburg, Box 35, Rt. 3, tion. Phone McHenrV 376. , A' McHenry. Tel. 3W. •. <*l-- * '-- | FOR SALE --,1933 DeSoto sedan; FOB SALE' -- Year 'round house j got to see it to appreciate. For inat Wonder Lake; five rooms, bath 1 formation call McHenry 591-R-l. and enclosed porch; playroom in *6 basement; knotty, pine interior,! ' white asbestos shingles exterior; | FOR SALE storm windows; automatic hot, house; 2-car garage; corner lot; water heater; oil heat; large • two blocks from Lilv Lake beach; wooded lot a ' half block from j immediate possession: by owner; beaeh. Phone Wonder Lake 158! *'5.o00. Phone McHenry 681 M 2. any time on Sunday or after 4:30 9 *6 , -n ,fi | fair running order; $125 or best • ' -" offer. Phone 684-R-2, Call HOUSE FOB SALE -- 18x20, 3 between 4 and 6 p. m. ~ *6 FOR SALE -- brushes call Alt Six-room vear round i R-l, McHenry. 2-tf FOB SALS -- New house,- 4% rooms and bath; suitable for two rooms upstairs; all modern conveniences. Phone McHenrv 699 R-2. •6 other days. I Tor Sale--9% acre poultry farm. »rt Pepping, Sr., >hone 676-W-J FOR SALE -- Electrify your oil lamp in H minute with the new Gyro converters; it's ready to light. Also cut glass vases and are some Instances in iguegt8 of ^ club AOOOUNTINO of Information preventa Section III That ' t."'. BOOKXBEP1NO .. CONSULTATION^ in • Tax Matters ' Reliably and inexpensively«»,;performed bv former staff uSembcr of;the size of the payments a worker ately there which lack Our giving the worker credit for his wages. And the amoufit of credit is very important because we use it as the LaMIs for figuring Chicago CPA- firms. To discuss your problems with or his family ma,? \ receive. Another Important point to remember out obligation call ~ McHenry 43.'. is that under the s.«W of limitaca - .n..r i to an error in hiB iicpount within SPBAYINO--To have-your weeds, ifonr years after the wages are iawn or corn spraved, ca,ll Ehredt, Round Lake 2223. EZPEBT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING--Work fully, guaranteed. Phode McHenry 681-M 2. • 5-tf. r,-1 f 1 that we may not be able to adjust hfs records." A.M.A. fiivM Peinttrs Hr Bstttr Ttltvision Vlsios FOR SALE-All year homes, $5,000 J8™* ever^inf '° j1" "4 . --- j . • dress from 800 to 1,000 broilers and up; farrn^ large sad small. Rlv; starting and-finishing bat choice lot®; resort property; sum- . <» 9 . . . . :? , ^ »er homes; businesses Listings fries; automatic^ hot water oil heat appreciated. Kaox Real Estate. foT •«. year 'round production; ^ 405 Richmond Road. McHenry.' newI ; v h°tl* h««8e ^th two-room Phone 421 J. 6.if apartment for help; 30 miles northi west of Chicago on good road, close china vases electrified and made i CLEANING--Rugs, upholstery and i Thesa suggestions should help and Into lovely lamp ha&ee. Al types carpets cleaned and moth-proofed television fans see programs better of lamps repaired. EstinMtes in the home. Call Ehredt's Dura-! and prevent eye fatigue, The given free. Open Sundays. STILL- clean Co., Round Lake 2223 ING'S TOWN AND COUNTRY FOR SALB-VTrasse»; 18 dbubl?.*® town. Asking $30,000. will conpitch wood trusses, ringed «md J sider offer and selling on contract, bolted; 32-ft. spaa for bams, gar .Address "PF," C?re McHenry Plainages, etc.; panels 8-ft. high lrt-ft.! *«"»ler 4-4 long, with studding; Sash w indows ,1 t - and doors. Lumber. Goulds shal-j^®r Sale--Spring low well pump. Two double cots. t wedding gowns Tel. Crystal Lake 532-J. *6!hat®. suits: FOB SALE -- Chevrolet, '35 coupe; sealed beam lights; five good tires. Also steel trailer, 2- wheel, two .r4 tires. Phone McHenry 128- *6 FOB SALE -- =1949 Harley David son, 125; like new; 500 miles; reasonable. Tel. Richmond 882'. *6 formais, satin ladiea' dresses, children's clothes.; men's and boys' suits; sport coats, shoes. This clothing in good condition. "Gone With the Wind" lamp, chinaware, glassware, gilded frames, clocks, hanging lamps; burroughs .adding machine; L. C. Smith typewriter; cuckoo clock. Mra. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road, Terra Cotta Consignment k Resale Antique Shop, quarter mile STUDIO, Riverside Drive, Henry Tel. McHenry 29J-J. Mc- 1-8 MISCELLANEOUS ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE-- Four or five-piece orchestra for steady or weekend work. Call after 7 p.m., Chicago, Spring. 7-6813. *5-4 CEMENT BUILDING ^ BLOCKS Available how in any quantity at the Water Tower '* in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS OO. Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone McHenry 788-W 4-tf Barn Spraying -- Carbola D.D.T., Carbola disinfectant, whitewashing. ^ | William Ahrens, 607 Front street, west of Terra Cotta factory. Open We#t McHenrv. Phone 148-J. -4 tf FOB SALE -- 16-hp. Johnson, out daily 1_ p.m. to 10 < p.m. Sundays. board engine; Model V-45; pacing j n A. m. 'to 6 "p. m. Phone Crvstai! FLOOB COVEBINO carburetor ; owner will sacrifice. | Lake i346.R.i " 4-tf, Asphalt, rubber, cork, piastie and Call after 6 p. m. Phone Me-1 ' 1 r- - -- - •• Henry 568M1. ... „„,„ wood tile, linoleum, wall tile. 6.ALL.YEAB.HOUKD HOMES FOR ^iy Irion, Phone 888, Woodstock, l SALE--Pistakee Bay, 5 rooms and t jh 4-tf FOB SALE -- Set of Jones golf j bath, lot 104x360, also suitable clubs and bag, 6 irons, 3 woods, I for resort cottages. Price $16,000, PARTING -- putter and chipper, all $30. Phone {will take reasonable offer. 189-W, 8:00 6:00. wnw tirv v ^ . Sohu>»a>r Subd. Modern 5 room /;• v.* af w„ Jour ro®m year round j,ome garage, automatic oil heat, t wT J ' »° c®pner; 3 lots, 150x150, beautifully Iand- ^ tw° fr»™ .renter town 'ped. Price $15,000. and from lake. Call McHenry j r • 1 585-J 2- *** Also Ave large rooms in Shalimar, FOB SALE -- Furniture. TeL Mc3 lots. 150x150, $12,500. . , , ' Henry 695-M-2. *6 4 rooms and porch, in Wooded FOB SALE--Large lota, with river ®u,b ***' ,ot Exterior and interior; installation of plastic tile; Insured; for estimate call McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engetrom, Marine Route, McHenry. 47-tf KINSEf * BENSTEJf Carpenters Let ns give you an estimate On that building or remodeling Job. Phone McHenry 89S-J *3-4 rights, near Pistakee Lake. George W Relkef. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. •52-tf 100x200. Price $7,500. Wonder Lake on Blacktop, road, 5 rooms, furnace heat, garage. BUMMER HOMES FOB SALE-- large lot. Price $8,500. For apoint- Miller's Sub.. 5 rooms, inclosed IS?®?* ca" 1" J^nsburR' ,AC0* , Large one.atory building, 30x40,1* BEALT0B» Tel. McHenry large porch, new foundation, suit-,37- MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE-- Records Installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams: Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake. 111. Phone Fox Lake 5»«. 47-tf Jonhsburg Bridge, only $4,200. |I F0R SALE--Fertiliser, rotten caw mannre; ja9t Tight for your Kar. corner lot, price $2,800. |hin Far|n w Reiker. R-l, Miller's 8ub. « rooms*, enclosed! McHeDrF« Phone. Pistakee 633-J-2 porch, near Johnsbut?. Price1 •1-tf BT.BOO. For appointment call '(Hank j FOR SALE--JohnS-Manvllle Honu Nell), JACOB FBITZ, BEALTOR^ Insulation, installed by The Wallin Johnsburg, Tel. ffcHenry 37. ! Fill Co. For estimate fcall Leo J. 3-tf j Stilling, McHenry M. 40-tf CLOGGED SEWER f Have the electric rod cut ont the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mesa. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. , Competent Enidneerlng.. ' Lnkp CWwty Sanitat v C«t. , Libertyvllle Tel. 1S46. 47-tf Cement aad Carpenter Work Cement Mixer For Rent John M. Stangarone Emerald Park Sab. Phone Ml-J.l l-tf Psepaal MaaMiii Deepest man-made hole Is an oil well in Oklahoma, which is war 17,000 fe«t deep. one to protect their children and Section III That Section 280 of | °b8e.rv^.uce of Article 4, page 12 of the Municipal! , "recracker Code of the City of McH«nry b»] ^ cost your sight. and the same is hereby amended to read aa follows-: "It shall be unlawful for anyone not having a Class A. B, D, or F license to sell or offer for sale any alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises where sold, or to permit the same to be consumed onsthe premises where sold." Section IV All. Ordinances heretofore passed in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section V This Ordinance ahall, take effect from and after its pass-' age. approval and publication ac- \ cording to law. - -- j APPROVED: I GEORGE P. Soluble cotton is an Important: l»» gredient in the lacquer finish applied to auto bodies. bare h*n<isi l>y avoiding direct exposure while eartag for infected animals; by avofcMf naediets hand' ling stMnf products wben being 1st wearing atbtir iIovm «r _* m attendta anlaaals Cirrowing. AMag or cartnliBi Dana K. E. Leasure, veterinarian Kan* tas State CeSesa.- ' ^ . _ M: The university to 0' la thm aldsst stata country. McOullom Lake Bea^h ^ATUKDAT, JUNE SStb ' . ... ^emsmbeF Lasl Year? CHOOSI A CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVTDSON BBOTHERS TeL McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf hiIlp wanted . 5-tf.! Journal of the American Medical associition said in answer to •<** query. 1. In general, a large' screen Is considered better than a small one. because it allows clearer vision at a igreater distance and gives • larger visual angle. S. A distance of 10 feet or, more away from the screen would. In general, be better than a shorter distance, provided the size of the sereen and of the room would permit t. Hie nearer perpendicularly the screen is viewed, the better. Too much ot< in angle produces distortion and makes coordination of the two images received by the eyes difficult. 4. Although there Is not a definite time limit for watching television, some discretion should be used, and it should not be persisted in beyond the point of fa- 6 tigue. 5. Daylight screens, in general, are considered better than tfte or- Bn-TVTn* nnn..i.... dinary ones because they are com- 555^ , XrtW. «"h "O" light In the room, thus reducing the contrast ATTEST: EARL R FRBUND. Mayor. WAITRESS WANTED -> For Saturday and Sunday work. Apply at Art & Lee's Restaurant, 204 X. Riverside Drive, McHenrv. 6-tf WANTED -- Girl or middle-aged woman for 4»<a hours a day; desirable work. Write Box "X," McHenry Plain dealer. 6-2 HELP WANTED--^Women for telephone work in own home; $1 per booking. Call Mrs. Piatt, phone McHenrv 657-M-2. SITUATION WANTED WALSH, _ City Clerk. __ PASSED: June 20, 1MJ. APPROVED: June 20, 194i. PUBLISHED: June 23, 1940. (Pub. June 23.) Laager LMs Spaa The life span has nearly doubled fat one generation, and the death rate has declined from 17.2 persons per 1,000 of the population to 1900 to 10 per 1.000 in 1948. Flood Damage . The 1948 floods in thte CohimMt river basin caused damage esti* mated at some $6,000,000 to national- forest property and improvements. An additional $4,800,000 ; damage to intermingled and adjac- | s I^AlvnG \Jocll Qaloc •nt nriu.*. nrnn.rtv rannH»« , l/UlTll8 119311 tJOlCO USID All -Prices Slashed 1947 NASH 2 DR. 1947 NASH 4 DR. CM 1947 STCDEBAKER CC . 1946 NASH 4 DR. AMB. 1946 NASH 4 DR. 66S 194# CHEVROLET 9 DR. 1946 FORD CONY. 1941 NASH 2 DR. CM 1941 PLYMOUTH SW 1940 NASH AMB. 8 1940 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1940 FORD 8 DR. 1986 BUICK COUPE 19M CHEVROLET SEDAN 19S4 DE SOTO SEDAN 1947 POWER WAGON ° • ladies desire waitress wofk during summer months. Reply special delivery. Anita Wilkinson, Box 244, McHenry, 111., Pistakee Bay. WANTED TO RENT Wanted to Bent--Teacher and family desire unfurnished four or fiveroom house in McHenrv or surrounding community. Wiil come to McHenry between now and fall high school term. Address darl Buckner, Care of McHenry Plaindealer. • 4_3 Wanted teacher, wife arid son aekire a 2-bedroom home or ground floor apartment by August 15. Write Virgil* Tf77r^~- 1001 Madison St., Darlington1, pB SALB-Oeaerators, armatures, ;F0R SALE--31 acres on U. S. 31, rasters, fnel pumps, distributors Ringwood, suitable for gas station, bltage regulators and ignition parts cabina lunch room. For lnfor- Ford and all other cars. Seaco mation call JACOB FRITZ, BEAL- * Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. TOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenrv 183. 37 3_tf 47-tf ! i 1 FOR SALE--Household furniture; j FOR SALE--x»rBWhiTBitg, AD-1 end tables, davenport, upholstered j DXNO MACHINES. Service on all: chairs, 3-piece sectional bed, makes. Also ribbons for all makes; lamps, etc. B. E. Half, Fleming earbon paper. L. V. Kilt*, Clay St.. Road. Bull Valley, Woodstock. Tel.' Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf Woodstock 1617-M-2. 52-tf eonsin. LOST \ -- Box of fishing tackle |ind 1 mai. movie camera, near pii traaeei to Fish Lake on Route 120. X.iber«I reward. Call Chief go, Groidfrhill 6-8319. Reverse charges. •6-2 • BRING TOUB PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS *0 ITS--We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil Tfd_ ^ paintings Copying and framing. Jfi-V"L'P"ty_who P»cked up CAMERASy FBOJECTORS^ FILMS "2 ^ ^C l!ty ,°°rner, after ac AND S U T r t K S . - W O R W I C K ' S 3 ' Please le"v« g«>e STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive. Mc- w| ^lce or cal1 Mclen Henry. PHom 275. ' warj P m0ne? ^ between screen and surrounding objects. * Although television in itself docs not produce eye strain, it requires all the important "components of the visual act." and patients often complain of fatigue after relatively short periods. The Journal said. People with eye defects are especially likely to notice fatigua • j Rattler'h Enemy Ktogsnake Qghts off rattlesnakes It kg |entle in captivity. : Proper lighting ) lifM for studying and^HMdhig should be tree from glare, harsh shadows and contrasts between darkness and bright light. Complete line or L>ee'e poultr* remedies at Wattles Drug Stor»-, Mc Henrv. *»' NOW AVAILABLE CTOTISS CANDY COMPANY FARMS Improved Stud Service Top Onernsey, Holstein, Brown Swiss and Ayrshire hulls, many out of cows with complete World's and Class t^n«| Becords; Bind by National Grand Champions and many themselves Champions \ Selected Mating* and Stttd Pool Services. No Membership Fee Beqnired -- Prompt Service by a Trained Technician. Represented Bv: DANIEL A. WEBER, Kt. 1, Box 12 McHenry 664-W-l McHenry, Tllnols FREE ESTIMATES . ton all building materials. • • >, Call or write «i v FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive, McHcnry TeL 106 W. Representative of Sears Roebuck A Co., Wall and floor tile, roofing, garage doors, screens, wall board, and celling tile, siding, gutters, r *awool, iron > railings. Free delivery. 4J-tf WELLS DETT.LBP OB DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. ^ 25-tf WANTED ANTED--Watches and jewelry to •repair. Anthony Noonaa. ,200 8o. Ore'en street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty 8hoppe.) 15-tf ent private property was reported. On the national forests alone, 900 bridges were wrecked or impaired, '4,300 miles of roads were cut by wash-outs, and 980 miles of communication 'lines were, disrupted. 4* Else Street MeHENRY 48# Also Towing Servtoi Prompt Plug Service To Help Your Doctor Wh<sn your doctor recommends that you have your prescription filled promptly, he Is reminding 'you that -- medicine can only help when 1 properly and promptly used. The next time you need a prescription filled, atop in and see us! Our prompt service is the finest of its kind. NYE DRUG STORE. (Walfrsps Agency) Phone M McHenry Tlus . . . your opportunity to get this wonderful combination Hward WANTED TO BUY TBUOKXNO -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. MeHenry. TeL McHenry 60-B. 15-tf tMMOM MMI H I H I I m nu l » » M n Helen Weber Says: PROTECTION v;; HAVE TOUB CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned hy Eddie's Sanitary 8ervice. Edale Huff, Prop. Tel. McHerry 290. 29-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc Henry, Phone 365. tf WANTED TO BUT--We have cash buyera for resort properties, bosses and farntf. JACOB FBITZ, BEAlr- *©B, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 8-tf COURT RULING NOT APPLICABLE TO ALt CLAIMS OF WIDOWS *r/75e£5T. ice • fT9- • -t • with exclusive top" burner arrangement ... 3 in 1 oven with regulated heat ... handy broiler... Fiberglas-insulated^ for cool kitchen comfort... and finished inside and out in beautiful, easy to clean Pcrma-Luatt* poroelain tkat won't •T crack.., " 1 plus Httr RCA VICTOR FM with the "Golde* TArwt" wtotfli you send yonf Cleaning to us. We ! offer the safest and the very finest in cleaning at ! cash and carry pVices. 1"; •mi. McHenry Cleaners Pfcone 104-M lOt Ela |L Helen Weber, Mgr. - ^ Need rubber ~stampsT llliUMMHIH HH < 1 1IH if it 4 It 111111 U 11 * 1 iT j ?he Plaindealer. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day aitd night, Sundays and holidays. Call ^Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf WATEB ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry XRay & Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. Ofeen St., Phone 291. 3-tf The recent decision of the Illinois Supreme court in denying the Illinois bonus to a war widow who remarried in 1946 does not necesaarily settle all disputed claims of remarried widows. Remarried widowa of World War II veterans are urged by the Illinois Veterans Commission to file applications despite the ruling and permit the Service Recognition Board to make individual decisions. At the present time legislation is being considered by the General Assembly to extend the bonus deadline to July 1, 1951, but until this legislation is passed and .. , , , signed by the governor, all claim- j th,s sma". completely enclosed ants for the bonus should abide i fabje radio of gleaming plastic. ^.Jhe Dreaent deadline of June 30, | There's 3-point tone control... 2 EXPERIENCED 4- LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES 3. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 208-B -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf totCA VkforMtfery • Here is FM with a difference, because it's RCA Victor's own Jtatic-freefM plus the sdded brilliance of the exclusive "Golden Throat" tone aysteiB. Yes, both FM and AM broadcast bands arie combined in 1949. Service .officers of the Illinois Veterans Commission are in a position to assist claimants for the bonus in making application In MeHenry county the office of the Commission is located at 100Mi N. Benton street in Woodstock. tJltrasooic Sound 8sund is described as ultrasonic if the frequency^* above 10,000 vibrations per second i built-in antennas... a phonograph in-put jack for use with record player. There's fun ahead--so see and hear it now! AC operation. •CA Victor SOT AtHquu kwyAM phUk WILSON'S RADIO SHOP iirprise Tnerchandise awards. Winner will be notified. Presence not required. Everybody welcome. Come in and register on Customers* Opportunity Day only . . . and see the wonderful new Roper Range. Mrs. Mildred Goodwin, Chicago home economics expert. Will tell you all about the Roper Range ... and actually bake and coolj with Dri-Cas ... America's Finesf Cooking Service. THE BETTER COOKING FUEt • complete installation of Dti-Cas, the b e t t e r f u e l , clean, safe . modern . . . with two 60 lb. Dri-Gas cylinders . . . more t h a n t w o months* supply for the average family. ^htch Mrs. Goodwin turn out her mouth watering masterpieces. Try samples of her famous recipes. She'd be gUd to help with yoiir cooking problauia» Demonstrations at: • . ALTHOFF HARDWARE o: Order Mj Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 808 Elm Street • aird $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 15-tf - MeHenry, I1L| |>H< NE 284 WIST McHENBY, ILL. T 3-

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