Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1949, p. 10

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i -!, t y p ' .: THI PLAINDSALtt "VP * 4 -v ^ 1: #Jf- -W-\ ' %* * *i >« f •' Thursday June 90,1MB g^, H a mortgage wtll It HilMlI <lIMB8 OF " I*8T*rCTH>N ftnrKP. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anson Weeks. Casa LNN, Ray Noble. Griff Williams, and Oriental Theatres, orpaitiu summer classes. Call NellMtr» 5S3-J-1 for appointment Hd interview. ;- ••-, ^miHn Na. m gfOFFEL * RBIHAN8PERGPR I ace agents for all claaaea nf In the beat companiaa. West McHenry, niinois UBNtrt Faroalght Adoption by the army « ** Spencer repeating rifle is nod it en to Lincoln's foresight. Death (rem Flra About 11,000 Americans lose their live* by *ire each ye*r-m^® half of them women end children. DR. H. 8. FIKB •M. Veterinarian • On Highway 31--Office and HMM TeL McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 jk to 1 p. m. Except Thuradaya Bveninga by Appointsaent DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentiaf -- .120 -Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry • H I I I H I I I I I I i m H I l M tUNGWOOti Mll(i 11 III 111111 llH H**' (by Mrs. George Shepard) daughter were riaitores at Brookfleld Zoo. Monday. Mr. and Mr* Pattl Shadla have returned to their home In Washington, D.: C., after a weeks visit here with r ESCAPES DEATH Wraye Farver, of Harvard, narrowly escaped death recently when his truck overturned two miles couple of east of Freeport on Rt. SO. Mr. jrith relathrea. IFarver climbed out of the wreak- Elaine Wledrich of Harvard is J age unhurt, but the entire cab p6r- . „ . . »• | „ visiting her grandmother, Mrs. ition of the truck was demolished. Mr. .u w Fred Wledrich, 8r. I Mrs. Farver and Che couple's two tertained the Five-Hundred cluh at • Mr an<| Mr|k Loaaie Smith and sons, Don and Robert, ware riding their home Thursday evening. ifainlly and *fr. m Mra. Wm. .Hoff- ,in an automobile behind the truck m.J m™ k»i» man and daughter, Sandra, at- when they aaw it careen off tha w 5"low tended a birhtday dinner at the pavement, roll into a ditch and neth Cristy and Ed Whiting, -Wilbur Benoy home at Elkhorn overturn, landing upside down. Community Night was held at the Sund • [Mr. Farver told deputy sheriffs 2*1 °J"i ®i"rs«iu «ive a book! MrsAitose Jepson returned home that the front aprlng broke, pulling Svllw on "Onf F^ot in Heaven " Saturday from a week's vlait with the truck to the right and he was Ethel Hwson sanT a couple of relatives at Ubertyville and Bvan- unable U> get it back under control solos accompanied on the pianoBtonby Delia Cheney. The program : Mr. and Mrs. Oonley aid Mra. was very much enjoyed. At the Se«t of Chicago vlaited Mra. Cora close lunch was served. Flanders Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas Barbara Laurence, Vivian Dietake and family left Tuesday of last and Lalda Wilson of Elgin and Mr. week for a trip to the Smoky and Mrs. Bill Brennan and children, mountains. As they neared Kan- Cf McCullom Lake spent Sunday inj kakee they were hit head-on by a'the Oliver Laurence home. SEftYED StmOXfl A summons was served teat week on Rev. William Geres, minister of LftfFREt APPEARS The sea lampreys-dreaded | commercial fishermen--has 'Moore could pull It a shore. The by jpike waa badly scarred and ruined |s the n«nm Bantiit chnrrh Iwuimwciai uuennen--naa again for eeaatuinngg "ppuurrppoosseess----tihwe u»s•u"a«l ordering him to appear in the clr-!|>®®?. de,}®d_ I.l.1,?°1". in|»*»d fate, Kyritais said, of flab »tta<Aed| cult court at Elkhorn within twenty days to defend himself in a $10,900 alander suit filed against him by Roy Wauters, owner of the Knotty Pine. Wautera chargea that several statementa by the paator lakes. Mathon Kyritsls, head of by lamprey. Kyritais said that the Illinois Commercial Fisher- the fourth report of inland laka men's Assn., said last week a 1dm- fish attacked by lampreys. He said prey* was discovered in Channel' one lamprey previously was caught lake. A northern pike, caught by , in the Fox river in McHenry Bert Moore, a fisherman. had one: county, | INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH .^Art^^a^Ufel-.-rwec driver approaching from n| Mr and M„ ^ CarlM>n * -It' ' RELIABLE COMPANIES jSfS* JESHSX side road and t^^^f ^ ^^ Woodstock spent Sunday in the When you need inaurance ^ of any kind before it want into the ditch. Bgf In a recent test, a new agg beater with stainless steel rotors whipoed a dozen eggs in only 38 seconds. Bead the Want ££s.. Phone 44 or 118-M ML Elm J nil day Wednesday. -- wAjiVkb vo BUV -- We P«? to $25 for OMHoS^ea, McHenry ^ down harsea and cattle. --fei Wonder Lake 418 7 VSL. R. H. WATKIN8 'h,--: . Dentiat *Mke, Hours-- .- - Tues^*<liurV« Sat. .4^?' '£-• % a. m. W 6 p. m. . Y evenings by Appointment twlrwit Paint MATTS MINK RANCH {iohnflbnrg - Spring Grave Road I Phone Joinnsburg S14 , CALL AT ON^B ON DEAD iocs, HORSBS AND CATTLE We pay phona chargea « ^ tii HIGHEST CASH PBICES paid far Wonder Lake, IIL j aRd Crippled Harsea, Cattle and Hogs--Sanitary Power Loading --Tankage and Meat Scraps fer " ' »n Bel M FRANK S. MAY , Trucking llaad Blarlr Dirt--Crushed Gravel Ufht Excavating -- Limaatana % Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 5W-M-1 \ R-l McHenry WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator- Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRT, ILL. sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry Reverse Charges. Palatlna Beaderlng Service. « s p FREUND SONS Excavating Contractors j Trucking. Hydraulic , and Crane Sejvie# I --ROAD BUILDING-- \ TeL 204-M McHenry, IlL fie speed. She went through a stop ciayton Bruce home. sign hitting a aeml-trailer and Mr ud Mrg Cecij porter of Elkknocking it off the pavement, then horn and A w. Smith apant the swerving and hitting the Andreas wtekeD4 wlth Mrg Porter's fMher, car head-On The Andreas suffered Wm jri8heri in Indiana. borken bone in his chest brulaea1 and shock Mra. Andreas suffered shock, bruises, cuts and the loaa of her front teeth. Audry Andreaa suffered a sprained anl(le and leg and Duene and Darlene were badly shaken up and cut. Audry, Duane and Darlene are at the home of their grandparents in Algonquin. Mr, and Mra. Andreaa will be in the hospital ten days. There will be no vacation bible school at the Methodlat church thia summer. Mr. and Mra. Dick Oldeon and family spent Wednesday at Starved Rock. Mra. Bob Lenard and daughters of Lake Geneva spent Friday in the Fred Wledrich, Jr.. home. The girls stayed over the week-end. Mrs. Ed Bauer and family attended a family reunion at Arnold Kattner home at Solon Mr. and Mra. Paul Norman and family of Evanaton apant tha weekend at their anmmer home kere. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and daughter, Sandra, attended tlM ball game at Wrigley field in Chicago Thuraday Mr. and Mra. Clayton Harriaon spent Thuraday morning with their daughter at Lake Geneva. Mr., and Mra. Clayton Harriaon were vialtora in tha Ardin FrisbM home at Greenwood Wednesday. Mr.> and Mra. J. C. Pearaon and aonu attended the Indian pagent "Hiawatha." In Elgin Wednead&y evening. Mra. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, were visitors at Woodatock Thursday afternoon. Mrs Leslie Olsen of McHenry la working in Brown'a drug atore in the i the absence of. Mra. Eugene Oxexpoaad him to contempt, ridicule i°f the,?€^.i attached to it,. Kyritand diagr&ce," and "accuaed and! t1le lamprey broke loOae! Need ruboer stamps? imputed to him crime and crimi- ian(^ e*caped in the water *before,j The Plaindealer. nal intent." The ault as a result of atatements allegedly made by Rev. Geren the afternoon of June 11, the day on which the city council revoked the liquor license of the taxi Order Viral Ufa Fetley Tha earliest known life insurance policy waa issued in England in 1588/ AM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law^7 HOVa Benton St. Phone Woodstock 18M Woodstock, IIHnoh 1 Mills Sunday. CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney I Mr and Mrsr. George Shepard (Joslyn ft Parker) I spent Sunday In the Alain Ainger • Office Hours: |home at Hebron. ^ " * Wednesday Afternoon®---1 :W Mrg Wm pagnl returned home Office--Koehr Supply Company, | sun(]ay from Shawno, Wis., where S42 Mi Street, Weat McHenry lahe spent the paat week. &one--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR <OKce Comer Green A Elm Tue«., Thurs. t Sat. L Thursdays 9:$0 .to 6:S0 Taesdayn and Saturdays to 8 TeL McHenry 4*8 WEINGART TRUCKING Trucks for Hire Free Estimating * > 655-R-2 McHenry, IIL FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE fc R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repalra more Mr. and Mr^. Dick Oldao& and | family enjoyed a trip around Lake , Michigan this week, j «Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and'Mrs. (Jack Lenard spent Thursday in the (Phelps Saunders home at Syca toby. » Hag State One out of every four hoga aold te the United States each yatt it r a i s e d in Iowa.' " '«a FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limeetone and photphate spreading Soil samjAM ttkan on requegt ; ^ Place orders early and avoid roth. ' , JPani Lime and Ohipt for Drivewaya •' CHAKLS8 FEXUHD, Owner 401 W. Wuilntan ' McBKNST, ILLINOIS Safety Shlelda Keep shields over revolving power take-off shafts. Many accidents occur at these places on machines when they are left unprotected. Rumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Blm Sts., McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and j {children of Barrington spent Sunt | dky afternoon with her toother, I i Mra. Agnes Jencks. j ' Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard! were visitors at Elgin Friday. i Miss Marian Peet of Elgin -spent! Group Meals Group meals are an axcallanft means of bringing members of a community together to discuss common problems or to simply enjoy good fellowship. Essentials of success include efficient organization. m-f V Tuesday «.d Frid., Afternoon. |!^M Wfp*of" "" n,°tlWr' j ! ' ^ Otlwr D.,« BT XplMtatant r„,n.. 1 .ttr.cti.e proc.durM to Phone.McHenry 43 VILLA HOTEL, RESORTi ON PISTAKEE BAY SSRVIHG LUNCHEONS iks INNIK8 DAIUK 3 BRUCE BELSHAW •at the Ha^imond Organ nightly f i ^xc®pt Mottda^ 1PHONE McHENRY 378 lor dozens of 'improvements around your home or place of business, no other material offers the service and economy of firesafe, permanent concrete. contractor give you a better jofi with muss • |; Iffon are planning a new walk, - driveway* foundation, porclk or garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost way witl}. Ready-Mixed Concrete. f. j :« Let us give yarn and builders vnlMMtsgtwywl Jab at a satisfactory prlcii McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. 606 Front Street ^ McHenry, III fr^: WELDING | | Maintenance and Construct ion t Portable Equipment H.E. VANCE -- McHenry 61-J I ' |Ne South Green St., McHenry, TIL.! r-l McHENRY FLORAL CO. ' Phone 404 ' / it- One Mile South of McHenrJI Oh Route 31 -- Flowers fer all occaaions! -ir-- JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-lAr }' Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) ttgpftT McHENRY, ILL. 'Hmmo McHenry 492-W Need rubber stamps? The Plaindealer. Sand ' Limaatana • VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire Tel. McHenry 588-B-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry The famed "Jacobsen" Fer free demonstration or in need of repair PHONE 413-J Hettermann Sinclair Johnaburg ^ 4 ' ' " " : ' - • ' Mrs. Mabel Collins, Mrs. Viola i - . . ... , • . Low and Mra. Louiae Winn at- "feguard health, and a "nvenisfflt, tended Rock river conference at j ^ pranged kitchen and dtltfp Wailkegan Thursday. ; room. f-., ••• ' Miss Charlotte Ba'uww^ and mothe• r ' | of Chicago spent the weekend with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. BUtler attended a picnic at Woodatock Sunday. - Barbara . Kane of Mundelien' spent the past week in the Mitchell i Kane home. L | Mrs. Fred Davia of Chicago j spent the weekend with Mrs.. FrcM Wiedrich, Jr. ~' Percy Lenard of Lake Geneva was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard -and family, Sunday, evening. Donna Kane of Mundelien is visiting in the Mitchell Kane home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelley are viaiting relatives at Eilwood, Ind. Danny Woods of Moline la visiting hir uncle and' aunt, Mr.' and Mrs. Pete Sebastian'. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montanye and family of Huntley spent Sunday afternoon in the Beattty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Granvjlle Carlson and daughter of Maywood apent the weekend in the Clayton Bruce home. George Bacoji of Antioch visited hia mother, M!ra. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Ridgefield' and Mr. and Mra. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and rouK daYs ok. tun July 1,2,3 & 4th CARNIVAL , • • • - ' . - V l . McHenry American Legion NSW rides, garnet, thrills Indoors and outdoors Fireworks See the New Clubhouse Visit the beautiful Senoritas at the Bermuda Booth* Beach and Bathing Needs SAVE MONEY ON HOME KOOLEEZ* waterit' Swim Cap , made with natural liquid Latex 9t$ed by 1948 Olympic Stemming Team * for men and women j» fits any size head ^ .. #so light--yet durable SALE STARTS BEAT THE SPRING RUSH! ORDER NOW bridge prizes, fa\ # house gifts, travdUng, favors, •M l • etc. j?** v k. COLORS fresh, enough to eat White, Navy, Dusty Pink, •H\ Red or Daffodil YdLlow Strapless style , let style with strap * •• BOLGER'S DRUG STORE #r«en Street, McHenry, Bl. H. GERTZ GENERAL CONTRACTOR R-2, McHenry, Illineis PHONE McHENRY 529-J-l or 680-J-2~~^ REPAIRS REMODELING We can arrange financing--FHA, Title 1 10% down--three years to pay ( ) Carpentry . ( ) Plumbing ( ) Dormer (0 Bath •( ) Kitchen - ( ) Attic or Basement Plat ( ) Siding ( ) House, Semifinished ( ) Porch ' „ ( ) House, Complete ( ) Addition 1 Name .. Addiasa CHy '.. "Phoite For Free Estimate Phone or Mail Coupon A genuine, full-siae Speed Queen ; . . . built by Speed Queen . . . and guaranteed by Speed Quean. It will wash your clothes dean ana serve you faithfully lor many, many years. Fast-washing DAY MAID" Clothes Serves as a hamper, cloches basket and carrier. Light and durable. Table height. Saves ^ ting when hanging up cloches. HURRY BUY NOW 4 ALL FIVE FOR ONLY If von paid $99S5 tor this Speed washer ALONE -- yoa would still be _ an outstanding value! But to get this ENTIRE outfit, imclmdimg the washer, for 199.95 .... that is something to get really excited about. So --- if you want to take advantage of this money-saving opportunity -- come in or phone just as soon as possible, today or tomorrow. We are reserving the right to reject all purchases when our allotment of outfits is sold out. CAREY ELECTRIC GREEN STREET McHENRY, IW4N0I8 PHONE 251 j. *#*• *&&&&. > • ,• 'A

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